How does tan build a central idea of her story in the excerpt? tan discusses the form of language she uses with her family to support the idea that nonstandard english is only appropriate at home. tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of english are important forms of communication. tan compares the english of her childhood with the english of her adulthood to support the idea that adults should use standard english with children. tan relates a story about her husband to support the idea that people do not always understand each other, even when they speak the same language.


Answer 1

In the given excerpt from Mother Tongue, Tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication. (Option B)

Mother Tongue is nonfiction narrative essay by Amy Tan. It was originally delivered as a talk by Tan during the 1989 State of the Language Symposium. It was published by The Threepenny Review in 1990. The essay explores Tan relationship with the English language, her mother, and writing. In the given excerpt from the essay, Tan builds a central idea of her story through a realization that as she switches her English, her husband does not notice as it has become language of intimacy over their twenty years relationship, a different sort of English that relates to family talk. Hence, she realizes the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication.

Note: The question is incomplete. The complete question probably is: Read the excerpt from Mother Tongue. “Just last week, I was walking down the street with my mother, and I again found myself conscious of the English I was using, the English I do use with her. We were talking about the price of new and used furniture and I heard myself saying this: “Not waste money that way.” My husband was with us as well, and he didn’t notice any switch in my English. And then I realized why. It’s because over the twenty years we’ve been together I’ve often used that same kind of English with him, and sometimes he even uses it with me. It has become our language of intimacy, a different sort of English that relates to family talk, the language I grew up with”. How does Tan build a central idea of her story in the excerpt? A) Tan discusses the form of language she uses with her family to support the idea that nonstandard English is only appropriate at home. B) Tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication. C) Tan compares the English of her childhood with the English of her adulthood to support the idea that adults should use standard English with children. D) Tan relates a story about her husband to support the idea that people do not always understand each other, even when they speak the same language.

Learn more about Mother Tongue:


Answer 2


its B


Tan describes a realization she makes while with her husband to support the idea that nonstandard forms of English are important forms of communication

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This may help to explain why they appeal to a younger audience, who are more susceptible to being moved by emotive words. The distinctiveness of BTS' lyrics within the K-pop genre is one of the greatest selling aspects of their songs. What's truly intriguing is how the vocabulary employed in their songs contrasts with the surrounding environment.

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B. You will have to really watch the children at the beach because the current is very strong.

Water Safety

This refers to the safety measures that individuals must take when near water to prevent injury.

Split Infinitive

This describes when an adverb appears in between two infinitives. For instance, if the adverb "quietly" were to be inserted in the middle of the verb "to go," the result would be "to go quietly".

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Answer: Because they are

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Stan bts

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7. JIMIN. His dance teacher suggested JIMIN for the Big Hit audition. In 2012, he joined Big Hit (he was 18 years old).

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Are open relationships toxic?


Open partnerships are simply unhealthy. They are harmful to our emotional, bodily, and spiritual wellbeing, and they are especially harmful to women who desire to have children one day.

An open relationship is a sexually non-monogamous personal connection. The word differs from polyamory in that it often refers to a relationship in which two partners have a main emotional and personal relationship and agree to at least the potential of sexual or emotional closeness with other persons.

Any sort of romantic connection (dating, marriage, etc.) that is open is considered a "open" relationship. An "open" relationship is one in which one or more sides have permission to be romantically or sexually connected with persons outside of the partnership.

This is in contrast to the usual "closed" relationship, in which both individuals agree to be solely with one another.[citation needed] The notion of an open relationship has been acknowledged since the 1970s.

Learn more about  open relationships to visit this link


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Meiosis is not gene-tically identical because of the recombi-nation of genes that occurred during pro-phase 1. Each daughter cell has half the num-ber of chromo-somes as compared to their parents (one copy of each chromo-some).

What is meiosis?

Meiosis is a pro-cess where a single cell divides twice to pro-duce four cells containing half the origi-nal amount of genetic inform-ation. These cells are our se-x cells – spe-rm in males, eggs in females.

During meiosis one cell div-ides twice to form four dau-ghter cells. These four daug-hter cells only have half the number of chromo-somes of the pa-rent cell – they are haploid.

To know more about meiosis click below:


How BTS influence your life?



It gave me a very strange K-pop obsession during Middle School, lol.


What are the 8 genres of fiction?


Drama, Fable, Fairy Tale, Fantasy, Fiction, and Science Fiction are the first sixof 8 genres of fiction. others include 7. Folklore; and 8. Historical fiction.

Regarding Fiction

Fiction would be any creative work, primarily any narrative work, that depicts imagined people, events, or locations in imaginative ways.   Thus, fictional representations are at odds with reality, history, or believability. Traditionally, the term "fiction" has been used to refer narrowly to written tales in prose, frequently referring only to novels, novellas, & short stories.  However, fiction is more widely defined as imagined stories that are presented in any form, including literature, live theatre, movies, television shows, radio dramas, comic books, role-playing games, & video games.

To know more about fiction:


-HELP- Which excerpt from “Rip Van Winkle” best shows that Washington Irving finds humor in the Van Winkles’ relationship?

“…in a word, Rip was ready to attend to any body’s business but his own; but as to doing family duty, and keeping his farm in order, it was impossible.”
“…in a word, Rip was ready to attend to any body’s business but his own; but as to doing family duty, and keeping his farm in order, it was impossible.”

“Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was incessantly going, and every thing he said or did was sure to produce a torrent of household eloquence.”
“Morning, noon, and night, her tongue was incessantly going, and every thing he said or did was sure to produce a torrent of household eloquence.”

“But it would have been worth any statesman’s money to have heard the profound discussions that sometimes took place…”
“But it would have been worth any statesman’s money to have heard the profound discussions that sometimes took place…”

“For a long while he used to console himself, when driven from home, by frequenting a kind of perpetual club of the sages, philosophers, and other idle personages of the village


Answer: The excerpt from “Rip Van Winkle” that best shows that Washington Irving finds humor in the Van Winkles’ relationship is - “A termagant wife may, therefore, in some respects, be considered a tolerable blessing; and if so, Rip Van Winkle was thrice blessed.” Therefore option D  is the correct response.

Explanation: Who is Washington Irving?

Washington Irving was an early 19th-century American short-story writer, essayist, biographer, historian, and diplomat. Rip Van Winkle and The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, both of which may be found in his book The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon, Gent, are his two best-known short stories.

Despite drawing inspiration from European authors, particularly German mythology and tales, he developed a distinctively American accent that was both lofty and sarcastic. He made use of pictures to give his readers a sense of the Hudson Valley's scenery.

When Irving was 19 years old, he started writing as a journalist under the alias Jonathan Oldstyle. He covered Aaron Burr's treason trial as a reporter for his brother Peter's newspaper The Morning Chronicle. From 1804 to 1806, Irving had a "great tour" of Europe, which his family funded him.

read the e-mail. in the interest of public safety, griffin avenue should have a traffic light installed. there have been many traffic accidents recently at griffin avenue and 32nd street. statistics show that overall traffic in the area has also increased. installing a traffic signal at roman avenue reduced accidents by ten percent, so it is likely that installing one at griffin avenue, which has similar conditions, will also result in fewer accidents. at your next council meeting, please consider my suggestion for making this intersection safer. what viewpoint is being expressed in the e-mail?


Due to the number of accidents, the writer feels that Griffin Avenue needs a traffic light. viewpoint is being expressed in the e-mail

What is the Avenue?

A street, especially one that is broad and tree-lined, is an avenue. Any method of doing something is an avenue. For instance, you might have just discovered this website as a new resource for word learning. The French verb Avenir, which means "to come to, or arrive," is where the word avenue originates. Simple street width is the first interpretation.

The term "viewpoint" refers to the author's position or stance on the subject or issue that they are explaining, debating, or fighting about. According to the author of the sample, a traffic signal on Griffin Avenue is

A must to prevent accidents. This is demonstrated by the supporting details the author offers to support this assertion and convince the readers of its veracity.

Therefore,  Thus option (A) is correct

Learn more about Avenue here:





Due to the number of accidents, the writer feels that Griffin Avenue needs a traffic light.

What is the beauty of an open mind?


Being pragmatic and keeping an open mind go hand in hand. should internalize the notion that your position in the discussion is not decided until it is properly completed.

An open-minded individual perceives their world without a lens, being receptive to the thoughts and ideas of others while remaining impervious. In other words, they accept every situation, every person they encounter, every condition, and every experience for what it is, without adding their own bias or spin to it. No filters, no preconceived notions, no judgments. They typically investigate and enjoy those distinctions because they understand that they are a really good thing rather than a cause for hatred.

To know more about Open mind, refer to this link:


Suppose the writer's goal had been to provide a guide to interpreting religious symbols created by Puebloan peoples. Would this essay accomplish that purpose?
Yes, because it states that the orientation of a petroglyph symbol has meaning.
Yes, because it indicates that ancient petroglyphs have significance for modern-day Puebloan peoples.
No, because it explains that petroglyphs can be damaged or destroyed if they are examined too closely.
No, because it does not explain what specific petroglyph images represent.


i’m thinking A, you can express a lot through an essay if you know how to

How old is Farquhar?


ANSWER - he is thirty five years old southern planter




1. no change change change


thats all i got

this type of bias occurs when researchers fail to choose a representative sample of potential respondents.


Selection bias occurs when researchers fail to select a representative sample of potential respondents.

What is selection bias?Sampling bias or coverage error is the term for sampling. When a researcher collects data from the population and that data has no meaning or value, selection bias occurs. This occurred because the participants chosen for the sampling were not chosen fairly for both groups. Both the experimental and control groups are representative of the sampling or general population. These groups also represented one another. Both groups are the same. No one group should be given a higher ranking than another because this will distort the findings.Selection bias occurs when an error is made when the individuals or groups that participate in a study do not represent the entire group.

To learn more about selection bias refer to :


What is the main message according to Marshall McLuhan?


Marshall McLuhan coined the expression "The medium is the message," which means that a medium's form becomes ingrained in the message, forming a mutually beneficial relationship in which the medium shapes how the message is understood.

The expression "the medium is the message," which is developed throughout the book, refers to how content and medium are entwined; as a result, the primary message or effect of something lies not in the information it conveys but in the manner in which it is presented. McLuhan asserts that the message of the medium is the "change of scale or pace or pattern that it introduces into human affairs" in his source text, applying the statement to a variety of technologies, mediums, and social and historical contexts.

To know more about Marshall McLuhan, refer to this link:


When I was a kid, I took great pleasure in jumping on my bike and riding to the corner candy store about half a mile away. Although I had no knowledge of the part the bicycle had played as a vehicle of change for turn-of-the-20th-century women, I was acutely aware that it allowed this 1960s girl a unique measure of independence. On my bike, I could break free of the bonds that held me in my neighborhood to go buy Necco Wafers and candy necklaces and Atomic FireBalls. If I felt particularly adventurous, I could even ride a bit farther for a fresh ice-cream cone at Applegate Farm.

—Introduction to Wheels of Change,
Sue Macy

What is the central idea of this passage?

The bicycle provided a way for Sue Macy to buy candy from the local store.
The bicycle provided joy and independence for Sue Macy at a young age.
The bicycle provided a vehicle of change for the twentieth-century woman.
The bicycle provided exercise for young children in the writer’s neighborhood.



The central idea of this passage is that the bicycle provided joy and independence for Sue Macy at a young age.

What are two themes of Douglass's Narrative?


Douglass acknowledges that the actual focus of his lecture is American slavery. He criticises America for straying from its history, present, and foundational ideals.

The nation's founders' ideals must be upheld by the audience. He acknowledges that the actual focus of his lecture is American slavery. He criticises America for straying from its history, present, and foundational ideals. The nation's founders' ideals must be upheld by the audience.

Douglass's advocacy for racial amalgamation was influenced by his convictions about the evils of slavery, the universal brotherhood of all people, and the inevitable progress of humanity, as well as his observations of the mingling of the so-called races in the United States.

To know more about Douglass:


I need help asap please!


The syllables that are highlighted to create an iambic meter in the line are "not," "thy," "pen," "but" and "lieve," which come after each unstressed syllable.

What is iambic meter?

To understand an iambic meter, we must first know what an iamb is. An iamb is a pair of syllables, consisting of an unstressed syllable followed by a stressed one. An iambic meter is the repetition of iambs in a line. For example, if one line has four iambs, we have what is called an iambic tetrameter.

The line under analysis here is an iambic pentameter, which means it has five iambs. Let's underline the stressed syllables below to better visualize it:

Prate not of thy repentance. But believe

If you read the line out loud emphasizing the stressed syllables, you will notice that such a sequence of iambs gives the line a rhythm and musicality, as if we are singing it.

Learn more about iambic meter here:


The ________ effect describes the enhancement of long-term memory that comes from relating information to the self
a. self-consistency
b. self-enhancement
c. self-justification
d. self-reference


Answer: D, self-reference


The self-reference effect is a tendency for people to encode information differently depending on whether they are implicated in the information. When people are asked to remember information when it is related in some way to themselves, the recall rate can be improved.

mark henry had many challenges in his young life. which of these are not one of his challenges


In his early years, Mark Henry faced several difficulties. When Henry was 12 years old, his father had complications from diabetes and died. Ernest was Henry's father. When Henry was 14 years old, he was diagnosed with dyslexia.

When he was little, he enjoyed wrestling a lot, and André the Giant continued to be his favourite wrestler. At a wrestling match in Beaumont, Texas, little Henry tried to grab André as he was walking down the aisle, but he fell over the barrier. André removed him from the crowd and then slid him back behind the barrier.

As the question is incomplete, I have answered it in a general sense.

To know more about dyslexia:


What is an example of satire in a sentence?


Thus the squire learns to be a good landlord and becomes popular with his tenants, while the mother has a nice profit of eight shillings and is fit for work until she has another child. This is an example of irony.

A Modest Proposal' uses the technique of irony to make its point, which is the use of irony, humor, or exaggeration to criticize the ideas of others. Swift obviously doesn't sincerely want the people of Ireland to sell their children as food, but he's using an outrageous concept to convey a message.

A Modest Proposal" is an example of

Juvenalian satire. On the other hand,

Menippean satire is an ancient form of

satire. It was named after Menippus. It is a multifaceted, chaotic and often shapeless form of satire.

To know more about Irony visit:


Complete question: Which sentence from A Modest Proposal is the best example of satire Brainly?

Aesop's Fable: "The Belly and the Members"
One fine day it occurred to the Members of the Body that they were doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food. So, they held a meeting, and after a long discussion, decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work. So, for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it, and the Teeth had no work to do. But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition. The Hands could hardly move, and the Mouth was all parched and dry, while the Legs were unable to support the rest. So thus, they found that even the Belly in its dull quiet way was doing necessary work for the Body, and that all must work together or the Body will go to pieces.
What is the theme of this fable?
A. The smallest among us has the greatest role.
B. When we target and victimize one individual, we weaken the group, and all its members.
C. Groups are destined to fail.
D. Everyone must do the same work in order for everyone to succeed.
What evidence supports your answer in question 1?
A. “The body was doing all the work and the Belly was having all the food.”
B. “But after a day or two the Members began to find that they themselves were not in a very active condition.
C. “(they) decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work.”
D. "for a day or two, the Hands refused to take the food, the Mouth refused to receive it"


Answer: B and C

Explanation: Like our digestive system, we need everything to function in a group. Take a football team, for example. If the quarterback is ill, should you replace him with a kicker, and expect the game to run smoothly? That would not work at all.

As I said before, the connection is key! The belly is doing its share of work, the others just aren't seeing it, so “(they) decided to strike work till the Belly consented to take its proper share of the work.”

Respond to this with a minimum of 75 words. Please help. ASAP!!!

Having goals is important for many reasons. If you don't set goals and continuously work towards them, you can end up just existing and never really growing in life or your career. Goals give us something to look forward to and strive for, they give us hope and determination to thrive. As mentioned in the video, goals should be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time bound. (Decision Skills, 2014) It also talks about how these goals require action, evaluation and revision. For example, before I went on a trip to Puerto Rico, I set a goal to lose 10 pounds in a month. Originally, I had set a goal months in advance to lose some weight before the trip, since I didn't make it specific and assign a time limit to it I just kept eating whatever and living my normal lifestyle. Once I set a "SMART Goal" I really put it into action and achieved my goal! Personally, I can use this concept to achieve any goal I set whether it be career focused or personal. It's important that I continue to evaluate my status and make adjustments as time goes on. As we all know, life can be unpredictable and this can affect our progress. I find it important to focus on one thing at a time, write everything down in order of priority, and relax from time to time. Achieving a goal is one of the most satisfying feelings ever! When all of your effort yields results, it does wonders for your self confidence.


We can see here that responding to this essay, we can say that truly "If you don't set goals and continuously work towards them, you can end up just existing and never really growing in life or your career." Goals are very important in life as they help to make our lives to become meaningful. When one achieves his or her goals, there is satisfaction and a sense of progress and fulfilment. It should be noted that goals should be smart, measurable, actionable, relevant and time bound.

What is a goal?

A goal is actually known to be a desired result or objective which one envisions and plans towards achieving. Goals are known to be important in order to help one live a meaningful life. When goals are not set, one can be seen to be wasting time.

We see that the above piece of writing on goals is a response to the given essay above.

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The Arrival

The plane finally descends beneath a large cloud; I see an island coastline clearly defined. As the waves hit the shore, my heart beats aloud.

This tropical destination was merely a dream;
But now that the isle lies just ahead,
I wonder if things really are as they seem.

I blink several times and look anew;
The incredible mirage hasn’t faded away.
What I had once only dreamed about is true!

The plane glides through the sky, like a skater on ice,
Toward the runway’s glittering lights
That are pointing the way to my paradise.

How does the third stanza help develop the poem’s central theme?
• It provides an example of how traveling to an unfamiliar place can often be frightening.
• It supports the idea that something can be just as good as you imagined.
• It challenges the idea that if you want something very much, you can achieve it.
• It reinforces the idea that dreams come true only if you believe in yourself.

In the fourth stanza, the author uses a simile to describe the plane. What is the purpose of this simile?
• It provides a contrast between the narrator’s sadness and the serenity of the island.
• It suggests that the narrator feels peaceful while traveling to the island.
• It calls attention to the turbulence that the narrator is experiencing on the plane.
• It helps to set a detached tone about the narrator’s expectations.


third stanza help develop the poems central theme by 3 point. and in fourth stanza the purpose of using the smile is 2 point.

What is the poem's main idea in a nutshell?

Complete response:

The subject of a poem, or 'what it's about,' is the core concept of the poem. While many people object to poetry being 'about' something, the poet had something in mind when it was written, and that something, whatever it was or may have been, is the central concept.

What is the central theme of the poem Song?

The main theme of T.S Eliot's poem "Song" is love and optimism. The poem's upbeat tone complements the theme of love because, realistically, optimism is required to even believe in, let alone enjoy, the concept of love.

What's an example of a central idea?

Central idea can most often be stated in one sentence. Julia's report card reflected poor grades. She felt she would get in trouble, so she hid her report card from her parents. When her parents discovered what her grades were, they grounded her for trying to hide the truth.

learn more about central theme of poem visit:


What is the purpose of Benjamin Franklin's "Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness"?
O To give women advice about how to be good wives
O To give men advice about how to be good husbands
O To teach men how to take care of their homes
O To teach women how to behave properly in public


We can see here that the purpose of Benjamin Franklin's "Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness" is:  A. To give women advice about how to be good wives.

Who is Benjamin Franklin?

Benjamin Franklin was actually known to be an American inventor, statesman, writer, scientist, printer, publisher and a political philosopher. He was known to be one of the Founding Fathers of the United States. He was among those who drafted and signed the United States of America's Declaration of Independence.

Benjamin Franklin was known to be a scientist who was a major figure during the American Enlightenment. He was an inventor who invented lightning rod, bifocals, etc. He was also writer who wrote the book,  "Rules and Maxims for Promoting Matrimonial Happiness". He wrote to give advice to women.

Learn more about Benjamin Franklin on


How does the narrator contribute to her mother's decision to return to puerto rico?.


The narrator in the story “How My Mother Gave Me the World” by Julia Alvarez plays a major role in her mother’s decision to return to Puerto Rico. The narrator is a daughter who has grown up in the United States, but she still has a strong connection to her Puerto Rican heritage.

She is determined to reconnect with her mother’s homeland and find a way to bridge the gap between her American and Puerto Rican identities.The narrator’s desire to learn more about her roots causes her to push her mother to return to Puerto Rico. She makes several attempts to persuade her mother to take a trip back to Puerto Rico, including offering to go with her and do all the research for the trip. She does her best to make the trip a reality, but her mother is hesitant to go.

She is afraid of what she might find when she returns and doesn’t want to confront the memories of her past.The narrator’s persistence eventually pays off, and her mother decides to return to Puerto Rico after all. The narrator’s enthusiasm and dedication to learning more about her heritage provide the push that her mother needs to make the journey. The narrator’s willingness to stand by her mother’s side throughout the trip is also a major factor in her mother’s decision to return.

Learn more about Puerto Rico at :


Why is it important to learn about Filipino culture and tradition?


Filipino values tell and affect how we work and stay. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits.

Studying and studying approximately exceptional cultures allows us apprehend why sure organizations of human beings see the arena the manner they do. If you are analyzing the Filipino language, it makes experience to benefit a deeper knowledge of the Filipino culture, as well. Filipino values tell and affect how we work and stay. Discover who we definitely are and discover possibilities to stay and work with us. If you need Filipinos to emerge as effective, there's no want to supplant Filipino values with western values. In addition to its intrinsic value, culture provides important social and economic benefits.

To learn more about language check the link below:


Is it normal to engage in premarital sex?


According to the analysis, by age 44, 99% of respondents had sex, and 95% had done so before marriage. Even those who abstained from sex until age 20 or older, 81% had had premarital sex by age 44.

Premarital intercourse is an interest that is practiced with the aid of people earlier than they're married. It is considered a sin via a number of religions and is likewise considered an ethical difficulty that is taboo in many cultures.

Pre-marital intercourse among adults is not illegal in India. Our charter has no such provision or clause which mentions that Premarital intercourse among two adults (above the age of 18 years) is illegal. The consent for pre-marital intercourse needs to be mutual and needs to no longer were obtained through any hazard or pressure.

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