how does documentary undefeated relate to the study of civics give a extended and coherent explanation


Answer 1

Daniel Lindsay and T. J. Martin are the directors of the 2011 documentary titled Undefeated. The absence of male role models for young kids is a recurring subject that runs concurrently with the plot of this documentary film. Thus it can be related to the study of civics, U.S. government's violent persecution of Native Americans.

What is the main theme of the documentary Undefeated?

Undefeated, which won the 2011 Oscar for best documentary, is a sports film about a struggling inner-city high school football squad. The "Manassas Tigers" are a squad that wants to go from being the division's whipping boys to becoming the first team in their school's 110-year history to win a playoff game.

It takes an unflinching look at the brutal persecution of Native Americans by the American government and the school that was built with the intention of eradicating Indian cultures. Early on, we learn that every single player has at least one parent who is incarcerated; it is then revealed that Coach Courtney also lacked a male influence in his life as a child.

To learn more about Native Americans, visit:


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this map shows which of the following?

A) which country in Asia has the most people

B) which country in Asia has the hottest summers

C) which country in Asia is the largest


Answer: C
Without an answer key for the map, I would say C) which country in Asia is the largest

9 Which statement supports the idea that Americans need to eat more fruits and vegetables? A. American teens have a lower rate of type 2 diabetes. B. Most American adults do not get enough sodium. C. Potassium is under-consumed by most Americans. D. Vitamin D is primarily gained from sunlight.


Which statement supports the idea that Americans need to eat more fruits and vegetables?

A. American teens have a lower rate of type 2 diabetes.

B. Most American adults do not get enough sodium.

C. Potassium is under-consumed by most Americans.

D. Vitamin D is primarily gained from sunlight.

Answer: C. Potassium is under-consumed by most Americans.


Can you give me a real life example of Kant's theory? (Will mark brainest!)



If you hide an innocent person from violent criminals in order to protect his life, and the criminals come to your door asking if the person is with you, what should you do? Kantianism would have you tell the truth, even if it results in harm coming to an innocent person.


What kind of father do you think Washington McNeely was during his life? Explain.


McNeely starts out by detailing the incidents that have led to his depression. John, his father, was in some way disgraced and had to leave the nation. Jenny, his daughter, gave birth and passed away.

McNeely and life are the poem's central themes. Man has the option of living a steady existence and remaining in one area, or he can travel in search of his aspirations. father may take the straight way or the less-traveled route as he moves around. Man gathers trinkets and mementos on his travels. Edgar Lee Masters' Spoon River Anthology (1915) is a collection of quick free verse poems.

To learn more about McNeely, click here.


according to scholars of expertise, how long does it take to attain expertise in most fields? a.5 years b.10 years c.15 years d.20 years


According to scholars of expertise, the number of years it would take an apprentice to attain expertise in most fields 10 years. The Option B is correct.

What is the concept of expertise about?

In sociology, an expertise refers to an elite, peak or exceptionally high levels of performance on a particular task or within a given domain. The one who have achieves this status is called an expert or some related term, such as virtuoso, master, maven, prodigy, or genius.

An expert's field of expertise can anything from craftsmanship, through sports and music, to science or mathematics.

Read more about expertise


the ability for a study to reveal a statistically significant difference between the levels of an independent variable when one truly exists is known as?


The ability for a study to reveal a statistically significant difference between the levels of an independent variable when one truly exists is known as power.

Experimental research involves randomly assigning individuals to various treatment levels, manipulating one or more independent variables, and then observing how the treatments affect the outcomes. The data should be subjected to a proper statistical analysis to ascertain whether the predicted difference or association was discovered.

The entire size of the effect will depend on the number of circumstances and participants in total. One can perform a power analysis using this data. It is preferable to consider the power analysis when planning a study so that the right number of participants may be enrolled and examined.

Know more about power analysis here


Suppose you are working as a data analyst for one of the two major parties during a presidential election. Which approach should you use to micro-target independent voters over the age of 65 who live in suburban areas and regularly shop at Target?
Question 32 options:


send mail to registered voters all over the United States


use patronage to encourage potential voters to support your candidate


use voter registration file data in combination with Census and commercial data


exclusively use voter registration file data in your analysis


As a data analyst for one of the two major parties during the  presidential election is used use use voter registration file data in combination with Census and commercial data

The most common method of U.S. elections is to go first, in which the candidate with the most votes wins the election. In this system, all a candidate needs to win is a large number of votes, not an absolute majority. Although the terms "research analyst" and "data analyst" are similar, they describe two different phases of research. Research is about designing meaningful experiments and gathering relevant information to understand the results, while analysis is about examining collections of data to draw a set of conclusions.

To know more about U.S. elections visit:


how did the White Primary violated the rights of the blacks



Following Reconstruction (1865–1877), white southerners employed various tactics to minimize the economic, political, and social opportunities of former slaves and their descendents. The white primary, which limited blacks’ political influence, was one. A primary is an election within a political party to select the party’s nominees for public offices. Late in the 1800s states began to replace party conventions with primaries as nominating devices. The primary became a “white” primary as participation in it was denied to voters of color. Along with poll taxes and literacy tests, white primaries were “Jim Crow” laws, practices used in the South in the late 1800s and early 1900s to marginalize African Americans politically.


Using critical thought and not party talking points, analyze the “good and bad” of each republican and democratic policy positions?


Democratic-Republicans were fiercely devoted to the republican ideals, which they saw the Federalists' alleged aristocratic tendencies to be endangering. The party vehemently opposed Federalist policies in the 1790s, particularly the national bank.

What each republican and democratic policy positions?

In American politics, a conservative Democrat is a Democratic Party member who holds conservative political views or views that are more conservative than those of other Democratic Party members.

The Democratic Party, which has a donkey as its symbol, is often associated with left-leaning, liberal, and progressive ideological ideas. As such, it supports strong government regulation of business and support for American residents.

Learn more about Republic and Democrat here:


Why did some colonists choose to be Loyalists instead of fighting for independence with the Patriots? (cite a
reason from the reading) Do you agree with their choice? Why?


Answer: The colonists were afraid to go up against the british army


When the colonists heard the news about the war, some were scared. But, others were loyal.

perceptions of gender are affected by all of these attributes except


The perceptions of gender are affected by all of these attributes except none of the answers. The Option E is correct.

What do perceptions of gender means?

Basically, all gender serves as an important consideration in development. The perception means a way of looking at how social norms and power structures impact on the lives and opportunities available to different groups of men and women.

Record states that more women than men live in poverty and women are also less likely than men to receive basic education and to be appointed to a political position nationally and internationally. That means that men and women, boys and girls experiences poverty differently for instance, and they face different barriers in accessing services, economic resources and political opportunities helps to target interventions.

Missing options "social. psychological.behavioral.cultural, none of the answer."

Read more about gender


how did the soviet union come to dominate eastern europe after ww2


Answer: the soviet union wanted to take over half of Germany and make sure the Nazi party never arose again


Select the correct answer from each drop-down menu.
The United Nations promotes
nuclear weapons lasts
long after its use. Nuclear bombs release in an effort to maintain world peace and protect future generations. The toxic impact of
Modern nuclear weapons are
v that poisons the environment and endangers lives
so powerful that they have the capacity to wipe out large cities i
minutes and perhaps cause the end of human


The United Nations promotes nuclear arms control in an effort to maintain world peace and protect future generations. The toxic impact of nuclear weapons lasts long after its use. Nuclear bombs release radioactive material that poisons the environment and endangers lives. Modern nuclear weapons are so powerful that they have the capacity to wipe out large cities in minutes and perhaps cause the end of human civilization.

Nuclear weapons are the most destructive and toxic weapons in the world. They have the power to destroy entire cities and kill millions of people.

Nuclear weapons are also a major threat to the environment and the planet. They can cause widespread pollution and contamination.

To know more about nuclear weapons, click here.


How is public health policy created?


Before implementing public health policies, policymakers and officials will conduct extensive research to determine which public health issues must be addressed and the best subsequent solutions.

The term "healthcare policy" refers to the decisions, objectives, and actions that govern how care is delivered and accessed. Policies can include, for example, state legal and safety regulations or protocols governing how care and medicine are delivered to patients at a specific hospital.

Health policy is defined as "decisions, plans, and actions taken to achieve specific healthcare goals in a society."

To know more about health policies, click here.


A distinguishing feature of american society in the early nineteenth century was the _________


A distinguishing feature of american society in the early nineteenth century was the increasing readership of newspapers.

The nineteenth century saw enormous expansion and change in the United States. The new country went through a transition from a farming economy to an industrial one, a significant westward expansion, the displacing of native peoples, quick technological and transportation advancements, and a civil war. In these courses, nineteenth-century artworks are coupled with written texts that serve as primary sources for students to reconstruct how geography, politics, economics, and technology affected day-to-day life. Between 1880 and 1890, almost 40 percent of the townships in the United States lost population because of migration. Industrial expansion and population growth radically changed the face of the nation's cities. Noise, traffic jams, slums, air pollution, and sanitation and health problems became commonplace in the nineteenth century.

To learn more about nineteenth century visit here;


what is the negative impact of traditional gender roles




What is the negative impact of traditional gender roles ?

Ans :-   A gender stereotype is harmful when it limits women's and men's capacity to develop their personal abilities, pursue their professional careers and/or make choices about their lives.


It effects people and harm their self confidence and it effects mental health and its also not fair

Which accurately describes the rise of the Byzantine Empire?​


The Moors conquered Spain from the Visigoths, effectively expanding the Islamic Empire

The Moors were a group of people that were part of the Islamic (Arab) Empire.

The term itself didn't had any ethnic significance. Initially, the term Moors was used for the indigenous people of Northern Africa, the Berbers. Later, as the Islamic Empire was established properly, the term was used for the Muslims in Sicily, Malta, and the Iberian Peninsula, big portion of which were of Arab ancestry.

The Moors played a very important role when it came to the expansion of the Islamic Empire. They were the consisting the majority of the military personnel that attacked the Visigoths on the Iberian Peninsula. The attacks were a success, and the Moors managed to push back the Visigoths, thus managing to expand the the Islamic Empire on European soil.

At its peak, the Islamic Empire occupied the next territories:

Arab PeninsulaLevantNorthern AfricaIberian PeninsulaPersia

Learn more about the Islamic Empire


In one to two sentences, explain why the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution.


"The Founding Fathers, the framers of the Constitution, wanted to form

a government that did not allow one person to have too much authority

or control.

While under the rule of the British king they learned that

this could be a bad system. Yet government under the Articles of

Confederation taught them that there was a need for a strong

centralized government.

With this in mind, the framers wrote the Constitution to provide for a

separation of powers or three separate branches of government. Each

has its responsibilities and at the same time, they work together to

make the country run smoothly and to assure that the rights of citizens

are not ignored or disallowed. This is done through checks and

balances. A branch may use its powers to check the powers of the other

two to maintain a balance of power among the three branches

of government".

Learn to know more about Founding Fathers who wrote the Constitution on:

of _______________________ or of the ministry that might relate to the
American colonies, and to maintain correspondence with the other colonies


Committees of Correspondence or of the ministry that might relate to the American colonies, and to maintain correspondence with the other colonies.

Between 1714 and 1739, 29 Acts regulating colonial trade, customs, and piracy were passed by Parliament, which continued to place a priority on America and India. The establishment of regal authority in the Carolina colonies in 1729 and the founding of the colony of Georgia in 1733 both depended on it.

France was the main ally of the American colonies. When the conflict first broke out, France sent the Continental Army with supplies like gunpowder, artillery, clothing, and shoes.

To know more about American colonies. visit :


I need this answer quick!

Lee (left) surrendered April 9, 1865. After all the bloodshed and destruction, how would the country heal?



They became prisoners of the war so they did not have no time to heal


The official surrender ceremony occurred a few days later, on the 12th. Though Lee’s army had surrendered, the war wasn’t over. There were still other Confederate troops in the field. But the Army of Northern Virginia had not only been the most successful of the Confederate armies, it—and Lee—had also taken on a symbolic power. So as other Confederate generals heard of Lee’s surrender, they too began to capitulate over the next month. President Andrew Johnson officially declared an end to hostilities on May 9.

The existence of BET, Telemundo and Lifetime prove media segmentation.

The existence of BET, Telemundo and Lifetime prove media segmentation.




The existence of BET, Telemundo and Lifetime prove media segmentation is True.

NBC Universal Telemundo Enterprises, a division of NBCUniversal, which is in turn owned by Comcast, is the organization that controls Telemundo. An American Spanish-language terrestrial television network is called Telemundo. It provides material at the national level with programs syndicated globally to more than 100 countries in more than 35 languages.

The channel airs telenovelas, sports, reality TV, news programming, and films that are either imported or dub in Spanish for Latin American audiences in the United States and around the world. Additionally, Telemundo runs the websites for Universal and Telemundo, a distinct channel geared for young Hispanic viewers, and Telemundo Digital Media, which distributes original programs throughout mass media.

To know more about  Telemundo visit :


What was Georgia's role in the Civil War?


Answer: almost 100,000 Georgians served in the Confederate armed forces, mostly serving in the armies in Virginia

Explanation: most of the battles were fought in 1864 and 1865, as General Sherman's army marched to the sea.

Situation in which the quality demanded is greater than the quantity supplied


Situation in which the quatity demanded is greater than the quantity supplied is; Excess demand or shortage.

What is demand?

Demand can be defined as the amount of goods or product a person is willing or ready to buy at a particular period of time.

On the other hand supply can be defined as the amount of goods that are produced and made available to the market.

When quantity demanded is higher than quantity supplied this tend to lead to shortage is supply or excess demand.

Therefore when demand is higher than supply it is called excess demand.

Learn more about demand here:


4. SOCIETY AND SOCIAL INTERACTION - Each answer should be a minimum of 7 sentences
Interpret the sociological concept of reality as a social construct
Define roles and describe their places in people's daily interactions


Most sociologists concur that everyone experiences reality differently.

The idea that our interactions with others and our life experiences both have an impact on how we show ourselves to others is known as the "social construction of reality." Our upbringing and the beliefs we were taught have an impact on how we present ourselves, how we view other people, and how other people view us. In other words, our backgrounds and beliefs influence how we perceive the world.

Our world is a nuanced negotiation as well. What is socially acceptable determines what is true. Most social interactions entail some level of acceptance of the situation. Even if we play a part in creating reality, it is not totally our creation.

Learn more about the Social Construct of Reality here:


Tom commonly asserts his dominance to his peers by picking fights or showing off how much weight he can lift at the gym. What kind of overcompensating behavior is Tom displaying, according to Adler?



Study of Organ Inferiority and Its Physical Compensation


According to Alfred Adler, the propagator of this theory, compensation, and by extension, overcompensation find its roots in childhood. Psychologically, a person cannot deal with the feelings of being inferior or inadequate, and therefore he needs to feel good about himself to redeem himself in his own eyes and that of the world.

What was the goal of the Anti-Federalist Papers?


D. To criticize the features of the government proposed by the constitution.

How we have been influenced by our encounters with other cultures and particularly with regard to eating and how we think of food?


Food plays an important role in helping recent immigrants feel connected to their cultural background, and as a group, they tend to be more ...


4. A really impressive baseball team
a. use extra players.
b. lack the proper equipment.
c. lead the league.
d. play only night games.



correct answer is

c.led the legue

why does omnibus legislation require alternatives to the committee system?


They are employed to secure support for side projects that would not succeed on their own. Committees frequently find them to be too lengthy and complicated to handle.

Committee system means, the Legislative Assembly appoints parliamentary committees to do business on the Assembly's behalf. Small groups of Members that have been appointed by the Legislative Assembly make up committees. The Assembly, also known as the "House," grants committees their authority. Committees are required to report their findings to the House.Unlike what is available in the bigger House, parliamentary committees allow for a more thorough investigation of policy and other issues. Parliamentary committees may arrange public hearings to give people and organisations the chance to directly influence the legislative process.

To learn more about Committee system visit here;


Which event involves a function of the Federal Reserve System? (5 points)
To increase employment, the Fed channels currency into an ambitious space-exploration program.
To increase national security, the Fed extends loans to technology development companies.
To promote economic growth, the Fed lifts home-loan restrictions on people with student-loan debt.
To promote price stability, the Fed breaks up a monopolistic international corporation.



the Fed lifts home-loan restrictions on people with student-loan debt.


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