how does biodiversity help with farming


Answer 1


biodiversity is the basis of agriculture and our food systems. agricultural biodiversity also performs ecosystem services such as soil and water conservation, maintenance of soil fertility, conservation of biota and pollination of plants, all of which are essential for food production and for human survival.

good luck :)

hopefully, this helps

have a great day !!

Related Questions

Earth’s rotation caused surface currents in the Northern Hemisphere to

A. Curve Clockwise

B. Move in straight lines

C. Curve Counterclockwise

D. Move in diagonal lines


Answer: A or C

Hope it helps
the answer is A because earth rotates on its axis, circulating air deflecting towards the right in the northern hemisphere so if it is going right it is clockwise:)

1. According to Keller Larry it is the process by which governance is done.
B. Governance
C. Government

2. Politics refers to the study of state and government in the other hand, political science describes the
processes by which people and institutions exercise and exist.
A.Both statements are TRUE
C Only the first statement is TRUE
B. Only the first statement is FALSE
C.only the first statement is true
D. Both statementare FALSE

3. Defines as the execution of power, in whatever forms, policies, laws, decisions it chooses.
B. Government

4. It is the set-up that governs managing the country, the economy, the main social institutions -
B. Governance

5. According to Keller Larry it is the process by which governance is done.
A Politics
B. Governance
C. Government
D.all of the above

6. Which of the following is a CORRECT understanding of ideology?
B. Values
C. Beliefs
D.all of the above

7. What can'we infer from the phrase, Men by nature is a political animal!
A. Everyone is subject to politics
C. Only politicians exercise Politics
B.Politics is portrayed by animals
D. C only

8. In general this means organizing human activities.
A. Politics
B. Government
C. Social
D. all of the above

9. Which of the following is an INCORRECT understanding of Politics?
A. It deals with theories
C. Understanding social groups
B. Making non government policies
D. A and B

10. Which of the following is associated with Political Science?
A. Political Theory
B. Public Law
C. Public Administration
D.all of the above

11. Which of the following facilitates change in Politics?
C.b only
D. a and b

12. Which of the following is the elements of politics
B. Rule
C. Authority
D.all of the above

13. How do society regard politics as a desirable practices ?
A.Do the right thing
B. Being a law breaker
C. Being neutral
D all of the above

14. Which one is not an ill-effect of Politics?
A. Corruption
B. Discrimination
C. Equalities
D. Deviance

15. What is regarded as a means of organizing human activities
B. Political science
C. Politics
D. All of the above

16.It is the right and obligation of qualified Filipino citizen to vote in the national and local election
B. Impeachment
C. Retirement
D. All of the above

17. Which of the following exercise legitimate power in government
B. Bureaucracy
C. Citizen
D. All of the above

18. Which of the following is the means by which the peope choose their official for definite and fixed
periods being as their representatives in the government.
B Governing
C. Policies
D. All of the above

19. The power of the people to propose amendments to the constitution to propose and enact legislation
B. Initiative
C. Impeachment
D. All of the above

_20. The study of politics is
also known as
A. Social Science
B. Natural Science
C. Political Science
D. All of the above

21.Its an ideology that have an idea of an organically unified national community and individual identi
must be entirely absorbed into the community or social group.
A. Liberalism
B. Fascism
C. Conservatism
D.All of the above


politics because politics is one of the major things

which of the following does not affect the rate of photosynthesis a) temperature b) light intensity c) soil d ) water intake



a) temperature


took test and got right

light intensity does not affect the rate of photosynthesis .

what is photosynthesis ?

The process in which plants, algae and certain bacteria use light energy of sunlight, water, carbon dioxide and convert light them into chemical energy and starch. called as photosynthesis.

Photosynthesis occur in special organelles named chloroplast which has its own DNA, genes and hence can synthesize their own proteins.

Chloroplasts have stroma, fluid, and stack of thylakoids known as grana, three types of chlorophyll such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and carotenoids.

Oxygenic photosynthesis is  commonly observed in plants, algae and cyanobacteria where electrons are transferred from water to carbon dioxide by using light energy, to produce energy,  oxygen is produced along with carbohydrates.

For more details regarding photosynthesis, visit


What most likely caused a rock formation?

A. Wind erosion over many years

B. Erosion by waves over many years

C. The rock was chipped away by animals

D. High temperatures that melted the rock


i believe that it is D
B. Erosion by waves over many years

Charles Darwin observed a unique beak size
and shape in the finch population of each of the Galapagos Islands
Which is the most likely cause of the observed variation?



The Islands had different biomes


They had began to adapt to their surroundings.

The finches variations in the founders finches beaks allowed them adapted to the different niche in their environment. Natural selection allowed those with long, pointy beaks to be able to utilize them to feed on insects. Those with shorter, more powerful beaks were able to feed off of nuts. Over time, the selection forces allowed these traits to become predominant in small groups eventually resulting in speciation. Also, behavioral changes (sleep/wake cycles, nesting patterns, the island the lived on, etc.) contributed to the various species of finches.

living in an unhealthy community will lead to. ​



if you mean dirty or not cleaned in a while then you can get sick from the lingering germs, and you can get sick or die if something like a gas pipe has rusted open from not being cleaned. there are many other examples.

Living in an unhealthy community will lead to sicknesses and diseases, and it would spread way easier too, if there are no healthcare professionals around the area.

Which symbol represents a hybrid?







I think its Aa


Not very good at biology :/

Sally, 9-year-old girl, just did an awesome backflip on her trampoline. Instead of landing in a similarly awesome manner, she miscalculated and landed on her neck. Sally stood up with pain in her neck and does not appear to be able to extend her left arm very well. An x-ray shows a fracture of her C6 vertebrae that is compressing down on her C7 vertebrae impacting the spinal nerve located between C6 and C7 vertebrae. Which spinal nerve did Sally likely injure



The C7 spinal nerve


The C7 spinal nerve exits on each side through the intervertebral foramen between the C6 and C7 vertebrae. The C7 spinal nerve has both a sensory root which is composed of sensory fibers and a motor root. This nerve is required to control motor functions including shoulder movement (i.e., adduction, abduction and rotation). The C7 dermatome is a region of skin that receives sensory inputs from the C7 spinal nerve.

In one of these systems, the prey are very large animals and the predators are verysmall animals, such as elephants and mosquitoes. Thus it takes many predators toeat one prey, but each prey eaten is a tremendous benefit for the predator population.The other system has very large predators and very small prey. Determine whichsystem is which and provide a justification for your answer.



Due to its size and feeding requirement.


In the forest ecosystem, many lions feeds on one deer or buffalo because the food is in large amount and this food is enough to fulfill the requirements of that lions so we can say that many predators eats one prey while  on the other hand, there are some predators that feeds on many prey at one because they are small in size and one prey did not fulfill their requirement so that's why the predator feeds on many preys. Fox feeds on many mice is the example of one predators feed on many prey.

12. Identify the stage of mitosis shown here. Describe
the events that occur in this stage.



Mitosis consists of four basic phases: prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase. Some textbooks list five, breaking prophase into an early phase (called prophase) and a late phase (called prometaphase). ... Cytokinesis typically overlaps with anaphase and/or telophase.

The chromatids are arranged at the center, with a joined spindle at the metaphase of mitosis.

Mitosis is the type of cell division in which the parent cell divides into two daughter cells.

What are the phases of Mitosis?

The mitosis is divided into four phases, namely,


The arrangement of the duplicated chromatids at the center plate with the binding with spindle fiber is represented in the metaphase of the mitosis cycle.

Learn more about mitosis, here:

7. Apply: Look carefully at the picture below and you will see an insect called a
katydid. Katydids evolved from grasshoppers through natural selection. Use
what you have learned to explain how this could have happened.


Answer: This description is an example of camouflage adaptations.


The grasshoppers are the insects which feed on plant parts and they are able to change their color with respect to their surrounding environment. For example, if they are living on the brown tree trunk they change their color to brown and on the green grass or green leaves they change to green to remain undetected by the predators. This way they are able to camouflage their predators this adaptation allows their survival in their environment with due course of natural selection. The phenotypic trait that is grasshopper is able to change its color increases the chances of survival of the grasshopper. Kaytids have evolved from grasshoppers means they have camouflage traits as that in parent grasshopper species. They have structure which blends with surrounding environment, that is they have wings that mimic that of pattern of leaf venation, also when they change the color to brown the shape of the body appears to be as that of stem. This structural adaptation help them to camouflage their predators.

What is exine is made up of????

what's wrong in asking these types to Question.. it's based on studies​




While the exine is composed of sporopollenin, a complex and highly resistant biopolymer containing fatty acids, phenylpropanoids, phenolics and carotenoids, the intine is largely composed of pectin and cellulose.


Given a DNA sequence of ACG, what would be the corresponding RNA sequence? Once you determine the RNA sequence, what would be the corresponding amino acid for the RNA codon? Would a change in one nucleotide of the DNA alter the corresponding amino acid? Explain.



- RNA sequence: UGC

- Amino acid sequence: Cysteine

- Yes, a change in nucleotide will alter the amino acid.


According to this question, a DNA sequence was given as follows: ACG. The process of transcription will produce a RNA sequence from this DNA sequence using complementary base pairing i.e. A-U, G-C etc. Based on this, the mRNA sequence that will result of the DNA sequence above is UGC.

The resulting mRNA transcript is a codon (three nucleotides) that will be used in the process of translation to yield an amino acid. The mRNA sequence: UGC codes for amino acid Cysteine.

- A change in one nucleotide of the DNA will alter the corresponding amino acid because DNA sequence in a particular reading frame is responsible for the production of amino acid. Hence, a slight change in nucleotide might change the reading frame of the sequence and hence give rise to a different amino acid.

Please anyone ASAP help


If I’m correct, it’s c


C. There is a 25% chance of short offspring.


In the simplified genotypes of a Punnett square cross, we deal with two genotypes. In this case, we are looking at a cross between Tt and Tt. T is dominant and t is recessive, meaning that someone with any genotype with T in it will be tall.

TT, Tt, and Tt will all produce tall offspring, while tt will produce short offspring.

This means there is a 75% chance of tall offspring, or 3:4.

50% or 2:4 are expected to have the Tt genotype.

Only 1 of the 4 will produce short offspring, which is 25%.

Select all that apply.
Which of the following qualities do responsible adults possess?


reliability, punctuality, patience
the answer is all of them.

Why are most systems in the human body negative feedback systems?


Negative feedback systems allow humans to regulate and stabilize their systems.

Most systems in the human body are negative feedback systems because negative feedback systems allow humans to regulate and stabilize their systems, which is the first option as a negative feedback system regulates the body's functioning.

What is the negative feedback system?

Negative feedback is a regulatory mechanism in which a change in a physiological variable triggers a response that opposes the initial change, for example, in the regulation of body temperature, when the body becomes too hot, thermoreceptors in the skin and other tissues detect the change in temperature and send signals to the hypothalamus, which acts as the body's thermostat and as a feedback mechanism, hypothalamus triggers responses that cool the body, such as vasodilation to increase blood flow to the skin, sweating to release heat, etc.

Hence, most systems in the human body are negative feedback systems because negative feedback systems allow humans to regulate and stabilize their systems, which is the first option.

Learn more about the negative feedback system here.


True or False: There are no shortcuts in
dichotomous keys!



You can’t skip any step; you need to do each step in order.




No need to skip

which is false?

- digestion begins in the mouth
- The small intestine digest carbohydrates
- The large intestine absorbs amino acids
- the stomach involves mechanical digestion





The large intestine absorbs amino acids

The phase of mitosis that is characterized by the formation of chromatids is



The phase of mitosis where chromatids are formed is Metaphase

Phenylketonuria (PKU) is a genetic disease caused by the inability to break down the amino acid phenylalanine. If untreated it leads to severe mental disabilities. PKU is due to a recessive allele. Assume that the US population is in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium with respect to this gene. In the US the PKU rate is 1 out of every 10,000 babies born. What percent of the US population have no alleles for PKU



Therefore, 98% of the US population have no alleles for PKU


The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium states that the amount of genetic variation in a population will remain constant from one generation to the next in the absence of disturbing factors.

The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium is expressed quantitatively using a mathematical equation known as the Hardy-Weinberg equation. the equation is given below:

p² + 2pq + q² = 1

also, p + q = 1

Given a pair of alleles, S and s with A dominant and a recessive

where p is the frequency of the dominant allele in the population,

q is the frequency of the recessive allele in the population,

p² represents the frequency of the (SS)  dominant genotype,

q² represents the frequency of the (ss) recessive genotype,

2pq represents the frequency of the heterozygous genotype

From the given question,

q² = 1/10000 = 0.0001

q = 0.01

from p + q = 1

p = 1 - 0.01 = 0.99

p² = 0.98

Therefore, 98% of the US population have no alleles for PKU

Which of the following best describes how independent assortment results in inherited variations within a species and how it contributes to evolution?

A Independent assortment results from the copying of DNA during cell division and causes variations that are sometimes beneficial to a species

B Independent assortment results from the binary fission of a single cell and causes mutations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species

C Independent assortment occurs during mitosis and causes uncontrolled cell division which is harmful to a species

D Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes separate during meiosis and causes variations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species



D Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes separate during meiosis and causes variations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species


During meiosis, the homologous chromosomes separate and segregate independently of each other. This process is referred to as 'independent assortment'. In consequence, different gene variants or 'alleles' localized in homologous chromosomes segregate independently of each other during gamete formation, thereby one particular gamete has an equal probability to carry either of these segregating alleles. Independent assortment generates genetic variation in the gametes, which can be beneficial or deleterious in a given environment.

The option that best describes how independent assortment results is D Independent assortment occurs when chromosomes separate during meiosis and causes variations that can be beneficial or harmful to a species

What is independent assortment ?

Independent assortment is a phenomenon that occurs during meiosis, which is the process of cell division that produces gametes (sex cells). During meiosis, the chromosomes are randomly sorted into the gametes. This means that the alleles (different forms of a gene) on different chromosomes can be inherited together or separately.

This random assortment of alleles can lead to new combinations of traits, which can be beneficial or harmful to a species.

Find out more on independent assortment at


4. PLEASE HELP!! 25 points!!! (((Timed!!)))


Your correct answer is c
I think the answer would be option C.

What is true of all body cells except sex cells?

Each cell type carries chromosomes and genes that identify it as that specific type of cell. For example, skin cells have different chromosomes and genes than muscle cells.

While each cell in the body contains the same number of chromosomes, each cell type has different genes along those chromosomes.

While each cell type in the body contains the same kinds of genes, they are organized on different chromosomes depending on the cell type.

Each body cell contains the same number and kinds of chromosomes for that organism. The chromosomes contain the same number and kinds of genes for that individual.



Each cell type carries chromosomes and genes that identify it as that specific type of cell. For example, skin cells have different chromosomes and genes than muscle cells.

During transcription, an RNA molecule is formed
a. that is complementary to both strands of DNA.
b. that is complementary to neither strand of DNA.
c. that is double-stranded.
d. inside the nucleus.



c. that is double stranded

Which environmental change occurs most rapidly?


"The environmental change that occurs faster is definitely volcanic eruption. It may happen in an instant and destroy everything in its way, whereas the process of regrowth of forest after volcanic eruption is a slow one."





just finished the test

Wrong answers only!! What are 3 sustainable tourism takes into account



• robing

• playing h&s

• Hw


How did Burger King get Dairy Queen pregnant?


they where like McDonald's they broke the icecream maker


What is the relationship between mutation, the cell cycle, and cancer? Select all statements that apply.
A. Mutated genes typically allow cells to respond to checkpoint proteins that halt the cell cycle, thus avoiding formation of tumors.

B. As a result of unregulated cell cycles, cells may become cancerous, meaning that the cells grow and divide uncontrollably
Cancerous cells may form malignant tumors that invade and destroy surrounding healthy tissue.
D. Mutated, defective genes may cause cells to become unable to respond to signals that regulate the cell cycle.



B and D



B, C, D


just took it right now and it was correct :))

HELP ILL GIVE BRAINLIEST!! A scientist discovered a new species living in the deep ocean. This organism is prokaryotic, unicellular, has a cell wall, and is a heterotroph. What kingdom does this organism belong to?



Kingdom Eubacteria

Why aren't there many large carnivores?



Technically, the largest ever marine predator known thus far - the blue whale - is, for now, alive and well, but I know what you mean. You’re not talking about filter-feeders, or fish-eaters, you mean macropredators.

The last truly enormous macropredator in our oceans was probably Carcharocles megalodon, which went extinct about 3.6 million years ago. Other recent examples include the terrifying sperm whale Livyatan melvillei (which disappeared 8.9 mya) and other megatoothed sharks like C. chubutensis.

So, why did the giants go away? The answer, in truth, is likely multi-faceted. Here are some major promising hypotheses, or at least contributing factors:

Whales have declined. Giant sea carnivores like C. megalodon and Livyatan relied on marine mammals - specifically baleen whales. During the Pliocene, the Americas connected and the Central American Seaway was closed. This seems to have triggered a significant decline in the diversity of tropical whales, and would thus limit food availability for huge, energy-hungry predators.

Things got too cold. The extinction of megalodon and other giant ocean predators roughly coincides with the trend of decreasing temperatures the Pliocene brought. Giant sharks in particular, not being fully warm-blooded, would suffer from this, and it would also mean a decline in food supply. You can even see a sudden cold snap just about when Carcharocles went extinct, 3.6 mya.

Smaller predators outcompeted them. The niche of Carcharocles and the macroraptorial sperm whales is arguably still filled today - by the killer whale. Many orca pods specialize in hunting whales or other marine mammals. However, killer whales and their ancestors were perhaps more opportunistic, fast, intelligent and indeed adaptable than the massive, solitary hunters.

Ironically, the largest ever marine predator owes its existence to the demise of the largest ever marine macropredators. Since the extinction of macroraptorial sperm whales and Carcharocles megalodon, baleen whales have been gradually increasing in size, for they no longer need to be as fast and agile. Because of this, we have the privilege of sharing our world with the largest animal known to have ever lived - the blue whale.

What is the central dogma, essential truth, of biology?



The correct answer is - C.


The central dogma the two-process system that is an essential truth of biology as it is the basis of complete living organisms. It is a particular pattern of information that takes place in our cells by the process known as transcription and translation.

During Transcription DNA forms the basis of RNA and then in translation, the sequence of RNA forms the amino acids and the proteins are forms by these amino acids. Proteins is the structural part of the living organism.

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