How does a candidate gain and keep momentum in a state?


Answer 1


Successful candidates must both persuade voters that they deserve their individual votes and garner the critical votes of electors in the Electoral College. Persuading voters is the essence of a political campaign.


Brainliest Please! and hope it helps.

Answer 2


interpreted as evidence of momentum effects. But success in both early and late states could simply reflect underlying candidate strength.


Related Questions

Which of the following is an example of cultural relativism?
a. Andy marrying a woman who does not practice his religion, though his parents disprove.
b. Helena putting aside her vegetarianism to eat meals with the local tribe she is studying.
c. Ingrid becoming upset over the course language used in the Australian Outback.
d. Joseph protesting the Running of the Bulls while visiting Pamplona.


Option b. Helena putting aside her vegetarianism to eat meals with the local tribe she is studying is an example of cultural relativism.

So option b is the correct option of the given statement.

What is the significance of cultural relativism?

Cultural relativism is the capacity to comprehend a culture on its own terms and refrain from passing judgment based on cultural norms. Its objective is to encourage knowledge of cultural customs that aren't normally found in one's own society.

How does cultural relativism impact our society?

According to cultural relativism, a person's perspective inside a particular culture determines what is right and wrong. The false concept that there are no objective standards by which our society can be evaluated since each culture has the right to its own ideas and accepted customs is known as cultural relativism.

To know more about cultural relativism visit:


6 Imani’s blood work has come back and her doctor tells her that she is low on Vitamin A. He begins to explain what Imani needs to make so that she gets more. Taking in everything the doctor is saying, her six-year-old daughter, Leticia, asks, “Am I low on vitamin A too?” Which would MOST likely be the doctor’s reply? A. “Yes, if your mom is low, you probably are too because it is genetic.” B. “Chances are that if you like to eat cereal for breakfast, you’re fine.” C. “Only moms who are pregnant end up with low vitamin A.” D. “It couldn’t hurt to eat more potatoes just in case.


In this case Doctor most likely to reply that “Chances are that if you like to eat cereal for breakfast, you’re fine.”

Option B is correct.

According to Beaver, nutritious morning cereals have the following advantages: A wholesome, high-fiber start to your day. assist in meeting your daily vitamin and mineral requirements.

Breakfast cereal causes you to approach or exceed your daily limit. Nowadays, the majority of dietitians advise eating eggs as a fantastic morning meal. Protein keeps you full until lunch or a mid-morning snack and helps maintain blood sugar levels for the rest of the morning.

Whole grain breads give about 15% of your daily iron requirements, whereas whole grain cereals can provide up to 90% of your daily needs. Cereals usually contain less calcium and vitamin D than breads do. However, if you select enriched items, micronutrient values may differ.

To know more about cereal visit :


What information should be
provided to an IRB for review at
the initiation of a study? Choose
the best response.
O A. A synopsis of the study and an outline of
the advertisement to recruit subjects,
including how much they will be paid.
OB. The informed consent form.
OC. The study protocol (and amendments),
the information to be given to the subject
(informed consent, advertisements), the
Investigator Brochure (or drug label), any
other relevant safety information, and an
outline of the qualifications of the
OD. The study protocol (and amendments)
and the Investigator Brochure.


The study protocol (and amendments), the information to be given to the subject (informed consent, advertisements), the Investigator Brochure (or drug label), any other relevant safety information, and an outline of the qualifications of the Investigator should be provided to an IRB for review at the initiation of a study.

A committee known as an institutional review board (IRB), often referred to as an independent ethics committee (IEC), ethical review board (ERB), or research ethics board (REB), is responsible for enforcing research ethics by examining proposed research procedures to determine their propriety. These committees are formally charged for approving (or rejecting), supervising, and evaluating human subjects' biomedical and behavioral research. They frequently perform some kind of risk-benefit analysis to try and decide whether or not research should be done.

The IRB's goal is to ensure that the proper measures are taken to protect the rights and welfare of people who are participating as research subjects in a study. Many developing nations have set up national, regional, or local Institutional Review Boards in addition to wealthy nations.

Learn more about Institutional Review Board here:


how is diversity in America and civics related?​


Diversity and Civics are inter-related as it leads to an overall increase of political efficacy, creates and implements more inclusive policies.

Diversity, in its true sense means that every individual is unique having individual differences. Diversity in America, refers to the different races, ethnicity, religion, gender orientation, and age. A civic body should be diverse as it is better run when leaders from different backgrounds collectively pool in to the over-all development of the country.

Diversifying the civic body will allow unique experiences, opinions and perspectives on critical issues and thereby enhancing the efficiency of the system.

you can know more about civics here:

One analysis revealed that pitchers were more likely to hit batters when the previous batter had hit a home run. this best illustrates_________


One analysis revealed that pitchers were more likely to hit batters when the previous batter had hit a home run. this best illustrates the frustration-aggression principle

Aggression is a hostile action or attitude against someone or something that is typically motivated by annoyance. When something prevents you from reaching a goal, you experience frustration, which is a sensation of irritability and annoyance. The malfunctioning printer in the preceding example prevented you from submitting your research paper on time. You throw your backpack on the ground and kick it repeatedly in frustration. This is an illustration of how annoyance may escalate to hostility.

To learn about frustration click here:


Based on the graph, what conclusion can be drawn about lobbying spending?



what qualties do people develop while playing games?

religion has the function of uniting a society by ensuring that people meet regularly to affirm common beliefs and values. this idea is most closely connected to the work of?


Religion has the function of uniting a society by making sure that people meet to affirm common beliefs and values.This idea is most closely connected to the work of Émile Durkheim.

Émile Durkheim was a French social scientist who created a robust approach fusing sociological theory and empirical study. The idea that social phenomena and institutions make up an independent reality that cannot be boiled down to the psychological or biological characteristics of people and their interactions is one of his most well-known and enduring concepts.

Despite being an atheist himself, the author demonstrated a compassionate knowledge of religion in all its forms, but he ultimately came to the conclusion that religion's principal purpose was to uphold social order.

Know more about Émile Durkheim here


according to evans-pritchard, when azande community members encounter instances of witchcraft, the emotion they are most likely to express is _______


Evans-Pritchard illustrates how witchcraft beliefs work with Sudanese society by examining the circumstances in which they emerge.

As the most significant British anthropologist of the 20th century, Sir Edward Evan Evans-Pritchard (1902-1973) is revered by scholars for his key books on South Sudanese ethnography, The Nuer and Witchcraft, Oracles and Magic Among the Azande (OUP 1937). (OUP 1940). Witchcraft is the use of magic to hurt someone who is a member of the Azande tribal peoples by the Zande people of North Central Africa. Every part of Zande society is permeated with the notion of witchcraft. They think that a parent can only impart this power to their child.

To learn about witchcraft visit here;


Explain the most direct cause of the war & who is to blame. World war 1


Immediate cause of WORLD WAR 1 was the assassination of ruler of Austria by Serbian nationalist group.

Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was killed by a Serbian nationalist terrorist group also known as black hand and this incident cause the starting of a disastrous war and divided the world in two parts.

World war was begun when Serbian asked help from Russia and Austria attacked on Serbia and collapsed the peace and stability of Europe and make it vulnerable for further such incident.

One is to be blame for World War 1 is a debatable topic and critical point turn out when Russia and Germany were rigidly helped their respective allies, and no one was able to resolve the issue of murder of a Ferdinand.

So, one country cannot blame because every other party was not able to resolve the issue and reaches its zenith and cause World War 1.

To know more about WORLD WAR, click below



The immediate cause of World War I that made the aforementioned items come into play was the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary. In June 1914, a Serbian-nationalist terrorist group called the Black Hand sent groups to assassinate the Archduke.

Their first

the attempt failed when a driver avoided a grenade thrown at

their car. However, later that day a Serbian nationalist

named Gavrilo Princip assassinated him and his wife while

they were in Sarajevo, Bosnia which was part of Austria-Hungary. This was in protest to Austria-Hungary having

control of this region. Serbia wanted to take over Bosnia

and Herzegovina. This assassination led to Austria-Hungary

declaring war on Serbia. When Russia began to mobilize

due to its alliance with Serbia, Germany declared war on

Russia. Thus began the expansion of the war to include all

those involved in the mutual defense alliances.

The assassination of Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand (June 28, 1914) was the main catalyst for the start of

the Great War (World War I). After the assassination, the following series of events took place:

July 28 - Austria declared war on Serbia.

August 1 – As Austria’s ally, Germany declares war on Russia, an ally of Serbia

August 3 – Germany declares war on France, an ally of Russia and immediately begins an invasion of

neutral Belgium

August 4 – Great Britain, an ally of France, declares war against Germany

 The United States (President Wilson) declares that the United States will remain neutral

To know about world war-1:

Question 3 of 20
What did nativists use falsely scientific ideas to argue?
A. They argued that whites were superior to other races.
B. They argued in favor of the theory of evolution.
OC. They argued for more aid to the poor.
D. They argued for equality for all races.


Answer:D. They argued for equality for all races



A. They argued that whites were superior to other races.


building bridges to connect remote villages
Is an example of humans modifying because?


Building bridges to connect remote villages is a human modification as it is  an effort made to modify the surroundings in order to meet their needs.

Humans have been altering the physical environment for thousands of years, whether it be through clearing land for agriculture or constructing dams to divert and store water. We constructed factories and power plants as we industrialized. Human modification means to modify the environment  and change the way of world to meet the needs.

Humans also built bridges as a part of modifying process, so as to make travelling from one place to another easy.

To know more about human modification and limiting factors, refer this:

Question Which Central America Countries are NOT a Presidential Republic? Jamaica Belize El Salvador Cuba Panama Brazil​


Jamaica and Cuba are the Central America Countries that are not a Presidential Republic. Options A and D are correct.

What is the Presidential Republic?

A presidential republic is one in which the president is also the head of state, but he does not participate in legislative proceedings and has his own executive department.

The government of the United States of America is an example of this. A separation of powers would mean that a president would not also be the head of the government. Belize, Rica, El Salvador, Costa, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Panama make up Central America.

Therefore, options A and D are correct.

Learn more about the Presidential Republic, refer to:


Why should students not be paid for performance in school?



1: Because studying at school helps the students with their future, not the school's.

2: That would drain the money from the school for paying for the teacher's jobs and for paying for things like sport and clubs.

3: It could give the students the idea that because they got good grades in school, they should be paid for good grades in collage. This could result in students getting kicked out from collage.


Pls mark Brainliest with the crown


because I said so


because i said so

What was one of the outcomes of the Great Compromise?


"The Great Compromise was forged in a heated dispute during the 1787 Constitutional Convention: States with larger populations wanted congressional representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation.

                            The agreement, which created today’s system of congressional representation, now influences everything from “pork barrel” legislation to the way votes are counted in the electoral college during presidential elections.

The debate almost destroyed the U.S. Constitution.

At the Constitutional Convention of 1787, delegates from larger states believed each state’s representation in the newly proposed Senate should be proportionate to population.

The disagreement over representation threatened to derail the ratification of the U.S. Constitution since delegates from both sides of the dispute vowed to reject the document if they didn’t get their way. The solution came in the form of a compromise proposed by statesmen Roger Sherman and Oliver Ellsworth of Connecticut".

Learn to know more about Great Compromise at:


What is the purpose of government? Select a quotation from a US leader on the subject of government. Then, write an argumentative essay that explains why you agree or disagree with the leader’s views. In the conclusion to your essay, present your own views on the purpose of government based on the statement you evaluated and discussed.


From the perspective of the President of the United States, the purpose of government is to protect the citizens of the United States and to provide suitable political and economic conditions for growth and development.

I agree with this statement. Because the federal government must create the necessary conditions so that Americans can be confident that they can be safe, go to good schools, and raise families in a friendly environment.

Americans should know that in a capitalist economic model based on free markets, with perseverance, skill and hard work, everyone can earn the income they want.

And finally, an important aspect of all this is the fact that governments must set an example in terms of ethics and moral practice. Corruption was unacceptable because American citizens trusted the President and his representatives through high standards of performance and conduct.

To learn more about government here


Pick a topic either from another class you’re taking or another relevant academic topic that interests you. Which did you pick and why?
Discuss the impact of growing into the image of Christ as it relates to your choice of a research topic. How does your topic fit into the Gospel’s mandate to improve the world?


According to the Gospel mission, a Christian's responsibility to geopolitics is to love his enemies, do good to those he dislikes, and build peace.

The complexity of a Christian's geopolitical imperatives varies among Christian organizations and is often influenced by nationalism and political ideology, but should not be. Christian ideas. First, Christianity is based on the idea of ​​the inner transformation of the individual.

Christianity holds the view that people must first undergo transformation, unlike other religions that believe that following a set of external laws created by God will solve a person's inner problems. This position on grace sees the empowering work of the Holy Spirit that accompanies the preaching of the Gospel and believes that this work is accomplished by the Spirit of Jesus Christ in all believers. The main purpose of Sovereign Grace Church is to spread the gospel of Jesus.

Learn about Gospel:


challenges facing east asia



deforestation and air pollution


Hope it helps and have a nice day!!! :)

Hope it helps and have a nice day!!! :)BRAINIEST is appreciated

The electoral system of Australia enforces "compulsory voting," which means that
A citizens can only vote for one of two parties.citizens can only vote for one of two parties.
B voting for President is not for President is not allowed.
C all citizens are required to vote.all citizens are required to vote.
D citizens may choose whether or not to vote.


The electoral system of Australia enforces "compulsory voting," which means that all citizens are required to vote.

Election and referendum procedures are governed by a set of laws known as an electoral system, also referred to as a voting system.

Austria is a parliamentary (or representative) democracy. This means that lawmakers make laws as representatives of the people. Unlike in a direct democracy, political decisions are delegated to parliament rather than the people. Democracy is defined by free elections.

Hence, the correct answer is option "C".

To know more about the electoral system, click here.


What is a key artifact relating to David or Solomon?


The  key artifact relating to David or Solomon was 100 seals and signet rings.

David was King of Israel, successor to Saul, and the second legitimate monarch of the Kingdom of Israel. He unified and expanded the territory of Israel. He is important as the ancestor of the Messiah, as many Old Testament prophecies indicated that the Messiah would descend from the lineage of David.-Solomon was his third and last monarch of the United Kingdom of Israel, ruled over a vast area for about 40 years, from about 965 BC to 928 years.

During the reign of Solomon the first Temple in Jerusalem was built and he is the author of the biblical texts Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and Songs of Songs. He inherited a sizeable empire conquered by his father King David, and also possessed great wealth and wisdom.

Learn about David:


The power of the president to give a pardon is found in...
O Article I Section 3
O Article II Section 2
O Article IV Section 2
O Article III Seciton 3
2 pts


The pardon energy of the President is primarily based totally on Article II, Section 2, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution, which provides: The President shall have Power to supply Reprieves and Pardons for Offenses towards the United States, besides in Cases of impeachment.

The required details for President in given paragraph

President is a not name for the head of kingdom in maximum republics. The president of a state is, typically speaking, the top of the authorities and the essential chief of the usa or the ceremonial head of kingdom. Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser creating a speech in 1960. The capabilities exercised with the aid of using a president range consistent with the shape of authorities. In parliamentary republics, they're usually, however now no longer always, restricted to the ones of the top of kingdom and are hence in large part ceremonial. In presidential, decided on parliamentary and semi-presidential republics, the position of the president is greater prominent, encompassing additionally (in maximum cases) the capabilities of the head of authorities. In authoritarian regimes, a dictator or chief of a one-birthday birthday celebration kingdom will also be referred to as a president.

The titles "Mr. President" and Madam President can also additionally practice to someone preserving the name of president or presiding over sure different governmental bodies. "Mr. President" has sooner or later been utilized by governments to consult their heads of kingdom.

To know about President click here


What does the octet rule state that explains why atoms bond?

A. An atom bonds to have eight valence electrons to become stable.
B. An atom bonds to lose eight valence electrons to become stable.
C. An atom bonds to have eight valence electrons to become unstable.
D. An atom bonds to lose eight valence electrons to become unstable.


The octet rule states that an atom bonds to have eight valence electrons to become stable which explains why atoms bond.

The octet rule is a chemical rule of thumb that states that atoms tend to bond in such a way that they each have eight electrons in their valence shells.

The octet rule can be used to predict the general structure of a molecule, but it has some limitations. For example, it does not always predict the correct structure for molecules with more than one central atom, or for molecules with odd numbers of electrons.

Hence, the correct option is "A".

To know more about Octet rule, click here.


Identify both the simplest and the best expression of love, and explain its effect on the relationship. You may also use symbols to elaborate your answers.


Based on sociocultural and psychological impacts, the simplest and the best expression of love is through the act of giving.

Expression of Love.

Love is a term that is used to describe an intense feeling of affection or deep likeness for something that interests individuals.

Expression of love can be done in many ways, however, the simplest and the best method of love expression include the following:The act of giving gifts to loved ones.The act of doing something kind or helpful for another person.The act of spending quality time together is also considered to be an expression of love.The act of extending physical touch to people, such as holding hands, giving a back rub, embracing, or kissing amongst others.The act of giving compliments and words of encouragement, such as “I lóve you,” and leaving notes of affection and appreciation.

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that there are various ways in which individuals can show the simplest and the best expression of love.

Learn more about Love Expression here:


Why did United States forces invade Afghanistan in 2001?

Question 5 options:

1. Afghanistan's Taliban government was supporting al-Qaeda and sheltering its leaders.

2. Communist rebels threatened to overthrow Afghanistan's government.

3. Taliban leaders announced plans to develop weapons of mass destruction.

4. Afghanistan invaded and occupied oil-rich Kuwait.




i belive it was 4 i could be wrong but im pretty sure its right

Answer: it was 1, Afghanistan's Taliban government was supporting al-Qaeda.

Explanation: took the test and that was revealed as the right answer.

What was the purpose of the articles of confederation



What was the purpose of the articles of confederation?


After the United States formally proclaimed its independence from Great Britain, the Articles of Confederation served as the written constitution that set forth the duties of the country's national government.

Out of the 27 amendments, which do you think is the most vital for democracy? Provide your answer
with historical evidence.


Out of the 27 amendments the First Amendment is the most vital for Democracy.

What are the historical facts behind this ?

That statement's first line indicates the founders' knowledge of the lengthy history of religious conflict in Europe. They understood that religious conflict may erupt violently and significantly affect politics. If one particular religious sect were preferred over all others, this would be double true.

Citizens are able to express their opinions freely through speech and the press, and through public expression of a shared interest through freedom of assembly.

Of course, these liberties have their limitations. One cannot push their religious ideas on someone who do not adhere to them. Additionally, events must be calm. The First Amendment does not provide protection against the destruction of others' property.

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, prohibiting the free exercise thereof, abridging the Freedom of Speech, or of the press; or abridging the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."

To more about amendments, visit:


A democracy in which one party wins all elections and competing parties have little chance to win


broadens the scope of political conflict.


lacks responsible political parties.


is electorally competitive.


activates citizens that otherwise would not vote.


A democracy in which one party wins all elections and competing parties have little chance to win lacks responsible political parties.

The election is a process by which people choose representatives to hold public office. The election process usually involves campaigning by political parties, as well as media coverage and public discussion.

In a democracy, elections are a vital part of the political process. Elections are typically held periodically, and they may be held at different levels, such as local, state, or national. Elections also help to ensure that the government is accountable to the people it governs.

Hence, the correct option is "B".

To know more about Elections, click here.


7 Megumi goes to the doctor, complaining of fatigue. The doctor examines her and asks if she has experienced heart palpitations, muscle cramps, or tingling in her hands and feet. She denies any of these symptoms. A blood test determines that Megumi’s magnesium reading is not right. Considering her symptoms, which is MOST likely true of Megumi? A. Megumi has a magnesium inadequacy. B. Megumi has a magnesium deficiency. C. Megumi has a magnesium excess. D. Megumi has a magnesium balance.


Megumi goes to the doctor, complaining of fatigue. The doctor examines her and asks if she has experienced heart palpitations, muscle cramps, or tingling in her hands and feet. She denies any of these symptoms. A blood test determines that Megumi’s magnesium reading is not right. Considering her symptoms, Megumi has a magnesium deficiency.

Magnesium deficit is a condition in which the blood level of magnesium is lower than usual. Hypomagnesemia is the medical term for this disorder. The mineral magnesium is required by every organ in the body, including the heart, muscles, and kidneys. It also plays a role in the formation of teeth and bones. This encompasses the bodily physical and chemical processes that transform or utilise energy (metabolism).

Magnesium shortage is an electrolyte disruption caused by a low magnesium content in the body. It can cause a variety of symptoms. Tremor, palpitations, poor coordination, muscular spasms, lack of appetite, personality changes, and nystagmus are some of the symptoms. Seizures or cardiac arrest from torsade de pointes can be complications. Those with low magnesium levels frequently have low potassium levels.

Learn more about Magnesium Deficiency here:


Which term describes a person who traveled to new lands with the goal of converting people to Christianity?



A missionary. Although a proselytizer carries basically the same meaning

Notes of photosynthesis​



The process of making food by the using water air and sunlight in the presence of chrollophyll is called photosynthesis


Photosynthesis is mainly practised by the green plant because green plant have chrollophyll

Removing an apron before using the restroom is an example of_________


Answer: Practicing Good & personal hygiene


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