How do we learn about the character of Huckleberry Finn?
(A) actions and behavior
(B) thoughts and feelings
(C) dialogue
(D) all of the above


Answer 1


all of the above


Huck, as he is best known, is an uneducated, superstitious boy, the son of the town drunkard. Although he sometimes is deceived by tall tales, Huck is a shrewd judge of character. He has a sunny disposition and a well-developed, if naively natural, sense of morality

Related Questions

Why is Jessica going there



she came here to take his pen

who’s jessica and where is she going????

Pls help I’ll brainlest ASAP


The answer is Abundant
yes i believe it’s “abundant”

Do similes ever start with the word I?



Yes, similes can begin with the word I.


A figurative language also known as figures of speech can be defined as a deliberate and specific construction or use of language by authors, writers or speakers to create a special effect in their speech or write-up.

The main purpose of a figurative language is to convey more information and enable the readers or listeners have a deeper understanding of the piece.

Some examples of figurative language used in a literary work are oxymoron, paradox, metaphor, apostrophe, hyperbole, personification, simile, etc.

Simile has to do with comparison of two things by using the word, as or like.

Consider the following examples;

1. I am as hungry as a bear.

2. I am as tall as an iroko tree.

3. I like to sing like a hummingbird.

4. I am as anxious as a bridegroom.





it destroys the white blood cells


HIV attacks a specific type of immune system cell in the body. It's known as the CD4 helper cell or T cell. When HIV destroys this cell, it becomes harder for the body to fight off other infections. When HIV is left untreated, even a minor infection such as a cold can be much more severe.

Hope This Helps


What can the average citizen do to help your organizations cause? Also farmland protection is my organization


You can donate to them or perhaps help them yourself in any way they want (sorry if it’s not much)

List three concrete actions you can take in a essay


Facts, examples, illustrations, evidence, support, plot references, paraphrases, citations, quotations, and plot summaries.


I hope I'm not late!! (Choose 3 of the examples I listed and you should get it correct!!)

Facts, evidence, and support i believe. I apologize if wrong!

Which metaphor compares something concrete to something abstract?
A. His fear was a lush clinging vine around his spine.
B. Her feet were wide shovels in her shoes.
C. The flour was snow falling on a chocolate city.
O D. Your hat was a snug sock on your head.





His fear was a lush clinging vine around his spine.

The  metaphor compares something concrete to something abstract is A. His fear was a lush clinging vine around his spine.

What do you understand by Metaphor?

A metaphor is a saying that, for expository impact, straightforwardly alludes to one thing by referencing another. It might give clearness or recognize stowed away likenesses between two distinct thoughts.

A metaphor is an interesting expression where there is a correlation of one thing with something else without the words 'like or as'. The likeness is inferred. Ex: The camel is the boat of the desert. Her eyes are pearls.

For more information about metaphor, refer the following link:


Theme of “To Kill A Mockingbird”



appearance vs reality


the whole story is about this.

Help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee



The answer is B :)


2nd one is the right answer

“Ulysses is not a hero?”
"As for myself I kept on puzzling to think how I could best save my own life and those of my companions; I schemed and schemed, as one who knows that his life depends upon it, for the danger was very great.”

It would have been indeed better if we had done so but I would not listen to them, for I wanted to see the owner himself, in the hope that he might give me a present.

"'Stay here, my brave fellows,' said I, 'all the rest of you, while I go with my ship and exploit these people myself:”

The goddess Calypso kept me with her in her cave, and wanted me to marry her, as did also the cunning Aeaean goddess Circe; but they could neither of them persuade me, for there is nothing dearer to a man than his own country and his parents…


B- it would have been indeed better...

Got it right



it is B!


Is that you up there, laughing like a loon?"

Lizzie. Lizzie Bright.

He put his head out the window. "What are you doing here?" he called down.

"Well, I've missed you, too. I'm stealing chickens."

"We don't have any chickens."

"Your dog, then."

"We don't have a dog."

"I figured you didn't have a dog—or he was deaf as a post. What does a minister have to steal?"

"Books. Preaching books."

She paused. "I guess you can keep those. I'll try somewhere else."

In this excerpt, a reader can conclude that Lizzie is playful based primarily on her






Look above.




Read this excerpt from "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling. Rikki-tikki knew better than to waste time in staring. He jumped up in the air as high as he could go, and just under him whizzed by the head of Nagaina, Nag's wicked wife. She had crept up behind him as he was talking, to make an end of him; and he heard her savage hiss as the stroke missed. What is the best way to paraphrase this section of the story? She had crept up behind him as he was talking, to make an end of him; and he heard her savage hiss as the stroke missed. x Darzee tried to warn Rikki-tikki, but he was too late. The cobras crept up behind him and waited for him to let down his guard. Now that Rikki-tikki had defeated the cobras yet again, they were really angry. Rikki-tikki knew he was in for some trouble. Rikki-tikki leapt over the head of Nag's evil wife, who had snuck up behind him to try to kill him.

The answer is the last option: "Rikki-tikki leapt over the head of Nag's evil wife, who had snuck up behind him to try to kill him".​



pretty sure its d sorry if wrong



Read this excerpt from "Rikki-Tikki-Tavi" by Rudyard Kipling. Rikki-tikki knew better than to waste time in staring. He jumped up in the air as high as he could go, and just under him whizzed by the head of Nagaina, Nag's wicked wife. She had crept up behind him as he was talking, to make an end of him; and he heard her savage hiss as the stroke missed. What is the best way to paraphrase this section of the story? She had crept up behind him as he was talking, to make an end of him; and he heard her savage hiss as the stroke missed. x Darzee tried to warn Rikki-tikki, but he was too late. The cobras crept up behind him and waited for him to let down his guard. Now that Rikki-tikki had defeated the cobras yet again, they were really angry. Rikki-tikki knew he was in for some trouble. Rikki-tikki leapt over the head of Nag's evil wife, who had snuck up behind him to try to kill him.


What slide lists your research material?
O A. Key point
B. Works cited
OC. Title slide
OD. Introduction
Reset Selection



it would be your key point or A


because your material is the subject of focus

100 POINTS HELP PLEASE Write an argumentative essay in which you state and defend a claim about whether it is ethical to target uninformed consumers.




It is unethical for companies to target uninformed consumers. People inherently trust what they hear and see from mass media.  So when a company makes claims in a commercial, people tend to believe what it says. It would be better if consumers are more critical of what they are told and collect more info on a product they want to buy. Product info should be available and accessible to consumers but some companies try to hide. That makes it unethical.



it is right to target uninformed consumers. in a free market, consumers have access to all product info. so it is up to individual consumer to decide whether to become informed. producers do not make that decision for consumers even if they target those consumers. so there is nothing unethical. its the Darwinian principle applies to market economy.

what are kinds of aid




Type I Intended to be stationary or mounted For general indoor use, office settings, ...

Type II Portable and should have a carrying hand ... For indoor use such as office settings o ...

Type III Portable with a mounting option For mobile, indoor, and sheltered outdoo ...

Type IV Portable but must have a mounting option For mobile industries, indoor, and outdo ...

Brainiest please



like aids as in decises if so there is hiv theres cdc

4. How does reading an online article differ from watching an online video? *
A) An online article often takes time to watch and listen to.
B) An online article is usually easier to understand than an online video,
C) An online video provides visual and auditory interactions for the viewer.
D) An online video is often much more boring than an online article about the same subject.



C: An online video provides visual and auditory interactions for the viewer.


This one make the most sense to me, sorry if its wrong

From the poem 5 P.M., Tuesday August 23, 2005

Details in the poem


they went at 5pm tuesday

What does Rip Van Winkle suggest about the American Dream?


Tear, as it were, accomplishes his fantasy when he rests for a very long time. At the point when he awakens, the world has changed. The new country has invigorated the residents, who are presently residents of their own republic, ready to cast a ballot in decisions and steer their own fates.

Lord of the flies Jack called some of the boys names like "fatty", "sissy", and "crybaby”. Why does Jack do this? Why does it seem that boys are mean to each other? What purpose does it serve?​



To make them tougher so they will do things and not be afraid of the " monster".  The boys don't really care for each other they just wanted to survive. But they know that they have to do things to survive like make sure the fire is still burning and such


In the story the "Lord of the flies", Jack called some of the boys names like "fatty", "sissy", and "crybaby”. So,  to make them tougher so they will do things and not be afraid of the " monster".

What is a story?

A story is a depiction of a journey. In a story we follow a character or a series of characters on a journey as they pursue something up against certain obstacles.

A story is the telling of an event, either true or fictional, in such a way that the listener experiences or learns something just by the fact that he heard the story.

A story or narrative is a connected series of events told through words (written or spoken), imagery (still and moving), body language, performance, music, or any other form of communication.

In the story the "Lord of the flies", Jack called some of the boys names like "fatty", "sissy", and "crybaby”. So,  to make them tougher so they will do things and not be afraid of the " monster".

Learn more about a story here:


How are the testes and the ovaries similar?

They are part of the human skeleton.
They are reproductive organs.
They are sensory organs.
They produce sperm.

Will give branlist is in 5th grade



That are reproductive organs for male and female


B is the answer


im from flvs

2. Does a topic sentence need to be
related to the information that will be
discussed in the paragraph?
O yes





What does the figurative language in the following sentence most clearly
The sky turned dark gray, and the waves crashed against
the beach like a wild beast.
A. That a wild beast was in the ocean
B. That the beach was crowded with people
C. That the waves were dangerous
D. That it was a cold day at the beach





There was no wild beast in the ocean, so it cant be A.

The text never stated that the beach was crowded.

It never explained the temp.

C is the only appropriate answer.




11 is the 3rd choice and 12 is the 2nd choice


11: Keep/retain

12: Lore/wisdom

what does the third level refer to?​


What does the third level refer to?​ The third level refers to the subway of the Grand Central Station that takes passengers to Galesburg, Illinois. The third level on the station was a medium of escape for Charley, the narrator from the harsh realities of modern life. It provided him a base where he could interweave fantasy and reality.

Which statement best evaluates whether the narrative has a clearly defined
One of the uniformed soldiers stood up and began barking orders.
Although Timothy couldn't understand the unfamiliar language, he
could tell that this man must be the leader. His crisp uniform held
more shiny metal pins than anyone else's. He seemed to be making
decisions and giving directions, which the other soldiers all jumped to
obey. The stern look on his face was warning enough not to displease
A. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on the description of the
head soldier
B. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on solving the problem
that faced the army.
C. The narrative does not have a clearly defined focus.
OD. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on Timothy's first day on
an army base



OD. The narrative has a clearly defined focus on Timothy's first day on an army base


A narration that has a clearly defined focus talks about a particular thing and how it affects the characters surrounding it.

Therefore, from the given narration, the statement that best evaluates whether the narrative has a clearly defined focus is that the narrative has a clearly defined focus on Timothy's first day on an army base.

Answer: B. The narrative had a clearly defined focus on the description of the head soldier.

Explanation: Got it right on my test.

explaination of metabolic response to exercise influence of duration and intensity​



With a growing length of workout, glucose uptake by using muscle starts off evolved to say no, and there's an increased dependency on free fatty acids for strength metabolism. Unfastened fatty acid uptake turns into regularly more, so that when 3–4 h of moderate workout, loose fatty acids are the main fuel being utilized.


When it comes to word choice, unfamiliarity can be seen as suspicious.


The word unfamiliarity can be suspiciues  is True.

The kingdom of being unaware or uninformed. some excessive reading rapidly remedied my unfamiliarity with the situation in time for the exam.

Some not unusual synonyms of specific are circumstantial, minute, and particular. while these kinds of words imply "managing a count absolutely and generally factor with the aid of factor," targeted stresses abundance or completeness of element.

Synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and associated phrases for unfamiliarity, like: lack of knowledge, obliviousness, innocence, nescience, unawareness, unconsciousness, understanding, strangeness, familiarity, pre-occupation and slowness.

Synonyms for suspicious







Learn morea about unfamilirity here:-


19. Which of the following statements about varying your sentence structure is true?

A. Use a similar structure at the beginning of several sentences in a row for consistency.

B. Pick one type of sentence (simple, compound, complex, or compound-complex) and stick with it.

C. Keep your sentence structure formal to avoid sounding too conversational.

D. Alternate short sentences with longer sentences.


Answer: the answer is D. Alternate short sentences with longer sentences.


The statement 'alternate short sentences with longer sentences' about varying a sentence structure is True (Option D).

What is sentence structure?

The expression 'sentence structure' makes reference to the grammar and composition of a particular phrase or sentence.

Sentence structure is a fundamental issue to reach to a wide audience and narrate in a better way a given situation.

In conclusion, 'alternate short sentences with longer sentences' about varying a sentence structure is True (Option D).

Learn more about sentence structure here:



What is Douglass appealing to when he uses the phrase
"deprives itself of one-half of all that is wisest and best
for its usefulness"?
Read the excerpt from Frederick Douglass's speech on
the emancipation of women.
If the sense and sum of human goodness in man and
woman combined is greater than in that of either alone
and separate, then the government that excludes
women from all participation in its creation, admiration,
and perpetuation, maims itself, deprives itself of one-half
of all that is wisest and best for its usefulness, success
and perfection.
O authority
O credibility
O emotions
o evidence


I think the answer is credibility

Douglass appeals to this when he uses the phrase "deprives itself of one-half of all that is wisest and best for its usefulness" as credibility. Thus the correct answer is B.

What was the aim of Douglass's speech?

Douglass campaigned for black citizens to have the same rights and justice as whites. While admitting that he has made considerable progress since his escape from enslavement, he sincerely apologizes for being uncomfortable in front of the audience before starting his speech.

The phrase used by Douglass "deprives itself of one-half of all that is wisest and best for its usefulness", it appeals to the audience for credibility as it makes trustworthy statement and indicates a belief that inspires people.

He emphasizes that women had faced suffering but they should believe in themselves for the time when things will be changed.

Therefore, option B credibility is appropriate.

Learn more about  Douglass speech, here:


The following question references the novel The House of Seven Gables by Nathaniel Hawthorne.
Why has Hepzibah opened a penny store in one of the gables of the house and why is this significant?


Why has Hepzibah opened a penny store in one of the gables of the house and why is this significant? She had to open the store to make money to support her brother, herself and the house. It is significant because it reinforces the theme of appearance 

I got the answer from quizlet dot com

Other Questions
Adjectives An adjective is a word that describes a noun. example: Mr. Johnson has a long beard. The word long is an adjective. It describes the noun, beard. In each sentence, circle the adjective that describes the underlined noun. 1. Leroy and Jenna walked up to an old castle. 2. Maddie put the golden key in the lock. 3. Today is the fifth day of January. 4. The baby birds flew from the nest. 5. Joe's truck has a flat tire. 6. I am holding a marker in my left hand. 7. Patricia played beautiful music on her guitar. 8. Has anyone read Caitlyn's latest story HELPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!!!! THE FIR TREEOn a separate sheet of paper, answer the following question using at least two quotes. What lesson does this text teach readers and how does it teach the lesson? The perimeter of a square is 20 ft. if you increase the length of the square by two feet what is the area, in square feet, of the new figure?a. 35b. 28c. 22d. 40 Shayanne bought a bag of chips and a burger for $4. Griff bought 2 bags of chips and 3 burgers for $10.50. How much does a bag of chips cost? Question 40 of 43Researchers conduct a study to evaluate the level ofpollution present in a river. They select several locationsalong the river and then take a sample of water from eachlocation.What is the population under study?ILL GIVE BRANLIEST OR HOWEVER YOU SPELL IT what are chromosomes? how are they different between eukaryotes and prokaryotes? PLEASE HELP 40 POINTSFind the value of x in the triangle shown below. One of the following statements was given in the film as the best way to understand genetic differences in human populations. Choose the correct statement that also offers the correct explanation. a. Populations differ by distanceIf we were to walk from the tropics to Norway, what we would see is a continuous change in skin tone. And at no point along that trip would we be able to say this is the place in which we go from the dark race to the light race. b. For race to be more than skin deep, one has to have concordance. In other words, skin color needs to reflect things that are deeper in the body under the skin. But most of human variation is non-concordant. Skin coloris not correlated with height or weight and definitely not correlated with more complex traits like intelligence or athletic performance. c. Its one of the misconceptions that sickle cell disease is an African American or an African disease. Sickle cell trait is not uncommon in people from the Mediterranean regionWhere malaria was common the sickling gene was selectedin Arabia, South Asia, Central and Western, but not Southern Africa. d. If one were to walk across the globe, you would find that in colder climates, people are lighter in skin color due to less melanin production. In warmer climates, you would find people are darker in skin color due to more melanin production. This is a survival mechanism. Suppose you have a 1 x 1 x 1 mm cube. Which statement about thesurface area-to-volume ratio of this cube is correct? Under the good neighbor rule, a buyer of consumer goods, who gives value and does not haveactual or constructive knowledge of the security interest, acquires clear title if there has been no filinga. Trueb. False Dixie cookie company randomly selected 11 people for a taste test of its cookies and 4 of its competitors cookies the graph shows how many people prefer each of the 5 cookies based on the results Dixie cookie company claims that most people prefer to cookies to competitors cookies which to statements identify the flaw in the company's claima.the sample size was too smallb. the sample population was not a representative samplec. there were too many competitor cookies in the taste testd. most of the sample population did not choose the Dixie cookie Find the value of x in the triangle shown below WILL GIVE BRAINLIST PLEASE HELP value of 2x when x = 5 Find the missing length indicated. Leave your answer as radicals in simplest formPlease help, no links Seven students each picked 88 flowers. How many flowers did they pick altogether? Which of the following determined who would be president of the UnitedStates in the election of 1800? I really need help I'm giving a lot of pintsWhich source is the most credible for researching supplies needed for a wagon train journey from St. Louis, Missouri, to Salt Lake City, Utah? A supply list for traveling the Oregon Trail in 1845, published in USA Today A PBS documentary about daily life on a wagon train A photo essay of wagon trains leaving St. Louis, Missouri, 1846-1860 A diary of a teacher who traveled on a wagon train to Salt Lake City please help me!!! im terrible at math. ill mark you brainlist