how do we defind the united satates
plez answer ASAP


Answer 1
federation of states especially when forming a nation in a usually specified territory advocating a United States of Europe.

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How did military preparedness affect Europe?



Some nations began arms build-ups


What does it mean to be a hero to you? Write your opinion in complete sentences and give an example.


i think being a “hero” is someone who is admired or idealized for courage, and outstanding achievements. a “hero” is someone who does things we couldn’t do, or don’t want to do, or possibly don’t think we could do.

When a governor meets with other government officials,
he or she is acting as____



She or he serves as the cheif?


I  don't really know so.. you should do more research towards it to get it correct.




Explain How the Enlightenment Affects Revolutions in North America, Latin America and the Caribbean.


It was driven by skepticism about traditional ideas and beliefs

It’s also affected North America by giving an idea to change the colonies to its own nation.

Gave the ideas of (freedom of speech, equality, freedom)

Why do you think Lenin's NEP was criticized by the supporters of Communism?​


Bc it was a bad thing for the economy

How did Mohandas Gandhi use nonviolence to protest British control? What is the
benefit of non violence over violence?


He would have rallies and unviolent protest against the British. Non violence means that no one would get hurt or in trouble for what they are doing to get what they want, and violence can get you killed and anybody involved killed as well. Hope this helps.

Growing up, Hitler dreamed of becoming a(n) _. However, he later discovered a talent for _ that helped him rally support for him and his causes.

Answer: artist, public speaking


He dreamed of becoming an artist in his youth however discovered a talent for public speaking that helped him rally support for his causes

Why did Japan work to modernize Korea between 1910 and 1945?
O Japan hoped to benefit itself.
O Japan hoped to restore democratic ideals.
O Japan hoped to assist the regional economy.
O Japan hoped to end its colonization of the peninsula.


Answer:I believe it’s B


Bonus Question : "There are two kinds of evil people in this world: those that commit evil and those that witness and do nothing" Which is worse in your opinion and what can be done to eliminate the violence against one another?​


The one that commits the evil is definitely worse in my opinion but we can speak up or try to intervene to try to eliminate violence against one another

Who influenced the way Martin Luther King conducted his protests?


I believe Martin Luther King was influenced by Mahatma Gandhi.

What information in the speech clearly supports Patrick Henry's belief that war with Great Britain is inevitable?
A) No man thinks more highly than I do of the patriotism, as well as abilities, of the very worthy gentlemen who have just addressed the
B) For my part, whatever anguish of spirit it may cost, I am willing to know the whole truth, to know the worst, and to provide for it.
C) I have but one lamp by which my feet are guided, and that is the lamp of experience.
D) I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, it its purpose be not to force us to submission?



D) I ask gentlemen, sir, what means this martial array, it its purpose be not to force us to submission?


How does the court of appeals reach its decisions? cases are decided by a panel of three judges cases are decided by a panel of 15 judges cases are decided by a single judge who is elected cases are decided by a single judge who is appointed



its A



Answer:  A. Cases are decided by a panel of three judges.



Example #1 of a "gap" or problem a dictator could step in to fill/fix (2-3

(for history)



An example of a problem or situation for which dictators appear to provide "solutions" to their country (although in reality they end up establishing authoritarian and violent governments) is, for example, a social or political conflict within the nation's society.

Thus, for example, after the conflict between the monarchy and the republicans in Spain in the 1930s, the dictator Francisco Franco entered the scene, establishing a dictatorship that lasted 36 years.

Which statements describe capital expenditure ? 1 It is for an item which will last more than a year . 2 It is recorded in the income statement . 3 It is recorded in the statement of financial position


Answer:  3. It is recorded in the statement of financial position


Capital expenditure can be defined as the expense that the organization or individual spend to purchase, and maintain the assets, goods, and services like buildings, land, vehicles, and others. It is collectively indicating towards the financial position of a person or organization. It is mentioned in the balance sheet but not in the income statement. It is important for companies to maintain assets for growth.

According to this passage, what is the main duty of the Secretary at War?



The main duty of the Secretary at War was to handle all of the U.S. militaries affairs.


In 1798 the position Secretary of Navy was introduced thus reducing the duties of Secretary of War to only the affairs of the U.S. armies.

The role of the Secretary of War was a position in the United States government that was established in 1789 and lasted until 1947. The primary duty of the Secretary of War was to oversee the operations of the United States Army.

Who was the secretary of war in 1789?

Knox joined the Articles of Confederation as a secretary at war in 1785 and held the position through 1789. Knox joined George Washington's cabinet as secretary of war, serving from 1789 to 1794, after the ratification of the federal constitution and the inauguration of Washington as the country's first president.

The position was responsible for organizing and maintaining the army, as well as overseeing its recruitment, training, and deployment. The Secretary of War also advised the President on military matters and served as a liaison between the military and civilian leadership. The position was abolished in 1947 when the War Department was reorganized and replaced by the Department of Defense, which is led by the Secretary of Defense.

Learn more about the secretary of war here:


In every village, Askia had an officer that worked for him. Why do you think that was important?


To make him more powerful

Which groups of people was Jackson most concerned with during his life and presidency?



His early life was colorful and filled with adventure. Born in 1767 in the Carolinas to a Scots-Irish immigrant family of modest means, Jackson became involved in politics as a child during the

The group of people was Jackson most concerned with during his life and presidency is Native Americans.

What is a group?

A group is referred to as a collection of poele come together to form a relationship or connection with each other. These groups mainly form to perform collaborative activities to achieve something.

Jackson quickly made a name for himself as a supporter of white settlers over Native Americans. Jackson's pro-white initiatives as president concluded in the relocation of Native Americans from their ancestral territories.

Probably his treatment of Native Americans throughout his presidency will be most sadly remembered. Native Americans resided there so that European settlers might claim the area and its natural resources as their own.  

Learn more about Jackson's presidency, here:


Which factors led to the French Revolution?
English invasion
France on the verge of bankruptcy
Feudalistic society
Unjust tax system



pretty sure it was the unjust tax system


there were several factors that caused the revolution. high taxes, low profit, and decreasing food supply is some of those though.

1. Write a short note on secular literature of Ancient India?



The law books of ancient India was known as 'Dharmasutras' and 'Smritis'. These literary books were known as secular literature. Secular literature is one which comprises of worldly things and not pertaining to religious rituals or beliefs. This literature is rather more rational, scientific in its approach.

Compare and contrast the basic elements of European architecture, with and without religious influence, during the
Renaissance. Use examples where possible. At least four sentences thank you!



Square - Many buildings were built as square or rectangle symmetrical shapes. Front - The front or "façade" of the buildings were generally symmetrical around the vertical axis. Columns - They used Roman type columns. Arches and Domes - Arches and domes were popular.

Renaissance architecture is the European architecture of the period between the early 14th and early 16th centuries in different regions, demonstrating a conscious revival and development of certain elements of ancient Greek and Roman thought and material culture. Stylistically, Renaissance architecture followed Gothic architecture and was succeeded by Baroque architecture. Developed first in Florence, with Filippo Brunelleschi as one of its innovators, the Renaissance style quickly spread to other Italian cities. The style was carried to France, Germany, England, Russia and other parts of Europe at different dates and with varying degrees of impact.


how does air pressure affect weather


I think it’s d not for sure

Question how to get a girl frend



bee kool



give her lots of food she likes and just be nice : D


chocolate and if it works, get her a pet like a kitten or a puppy (probably not a fish unless she loves fish) and just try to be as nice as possible

Tommy’s statement:Georgia’s only Mayor contribution to World War I was growing victory gardens.


I believe the answer is C

Using an analogy of a water balloon, describe the function of the bladder.


It explodes and that could happpen


A bladder is like a balloon, because it holds urine, just like a balloon holds air. The bladder holds urine that travels from the kidneys into the bladder.

Why is a world response against China described as difficult?


China’s government sees human rights as an existential threat. Its reaction could pose an existential threat to the rights of people worldwide.

At home, the Chinese Communist Party, worried that permitting political freedom would jeopardize its grasp on power, has constructed an Orwellian high-tech surveillance state and a sophisticated internet censorship system to monitor and suppress public criticism. Abroad, it uses its growing economic clout to silence critics and to carry out the most intense attack on the global system for enforcing human rights since that system began to emerge in the mid-20th century.

Beijing was long focused on building a “Great Firewall” to prevent the people of China from being exposed to any criticism of the government from abroad. Now the government is increasingly attacking the critics themselves, whether they represent a foreign government, are part of an overseas company or university, or join real or virtual avenues of public protest.

No other government is simultaneously detaining a million members of an ethnic minority for forced indoctrination and attacking anyone who dares to challenge its repression. And while other governments commit serious human rights violations, no other government flexes its political muscles with such vigor and determination to undermine the international human rights standards and institutions that could hold it to account.

If not challenged, Beijing’s actions portend a dystopian future in which no one is beyond the reach of Chinese censors, and an international human rights system so weakened that it no longer serves as a check on government repression.

To be sure, the Chinese government and Communist Party are not today’s only threats to human rights, as the Human Rights Watch World Report shows. In many armed conflicts, such as in Syria and Yemen, warring parties blatantly disregard the international rules designed to spare civilians the hazards of war, from the ban on chemical weapons to the prohibition against bombing hospitals.

Elsewhere, autocratic populists gain office by demonizing minorities, and then retain power by attacking the checks and balances on their rule, such as independent journalists, judges, and activists. Some leaders, such as US President Donald Trump, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, bridle at the same body of international human rights law that China undermines, galvanizing their publics by shadow boxing with the “globalists” who dare suggest that governments everywhere should be bound by the same standards.

Several governments that in their foreign policies once could be depended upon to defend human rights at least some of the time have largely abandoned the cause. Others, faced with their own domestic challenges, mount a haphazard defense.

Yet even against this disturbing backdrop, the Chinese government stands out for the reach and influence of its anti-rights efforts. The result for the human rights cause is a “perfect storm”—a powerful centralized state, a coterie of like-minded rulers, a void of leadership among countries that might have stood for human rights, and a disappointing collection of democracies willing to sell the rope that is strangling the system of rights that they purport to uphold.

QUESTIONS some records indicate that Kankan's uncle "or at least some of the men who sailed with him, did, in fact, reach the Americas long before Christopher Columbus arrived in 1492." What does this information suggest? (Why are we being told this information?) The reason why the author mentioned this information was becaus SAVE DRAFT SUBMIT​



The reason why the author mentioned this information was because he/she wanted to acknowledge that Christopher Columbus was in fact not the first person to reach the Americas. The text states that some of the men that sailed with Kankan's Uncle reached the Americas before 1492, which is the year Christopher Columbus supposedly arrived to the Americas. This is why the author decided to mention this information in the text.


Match the names with the events. Drag the items on the left to the correct location on the right.
Clarence Darrow
received a harsh court verdict because of anti-
immigration sentiments
revealed corruption in the KKK
William Jennings Bryan
David Stephenson
supported the anti-immigration movement
D. W. Griffith
was the defendant's lawyer in the Scopes trial
made a movie that depicted the KKK as heroes
Nicola Sacco
led the prosecution in the Scopes trial
Calvin Coolidge
Try Again



It wont let me


Which phrase best completes the diagram?
Physical geography of
southern Africa
Few remaining
rain forests
Rich in mineral





Taken the test

can someone pls do this essay for me


Athenian society was composed of four main social classes - slaves, metics (non-citizen freepersons), women, and citizens, but within each of these broad classes were several sub-classes (such as the difference between common citizens and aristocratic citizens). Meanwhile, The population of Sparta consisted of three main groups: the Spartans, or Spartiates, who were full citizens; the Helots, or serfs/slaves; and the Perioeci, who were neither slaves nor citizens. Spartan men devoted their lives to military service, and lived communally well into adulthood.

How were African Americans used in the south prior to the civil war



some enslaved people worked on large cotton plantations, others worked in other types of agriculture, including tobacco, hemp (for rope-making), corn, and livestock. In Southern cities, many worked at a variety of skilled trades as well as common laborers.

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