how do people learn differently when you have sarcoma cancer?


Answer 1


People are unique in different. They learn and develop different.


a rare type of malignant (cancerous) tumor that develops in bone and connective tissue, such as fat, muscle, blood vessels, nerves and the tissue that surrounds bones and joints.

Related Questions

Which of the following sentences includes a non-restrictive clause?

Alan discovered that chickens are able to recognize the faces and voices they see and hear often.

Giana, who collects anything relating chickens, found the perfect life-sized chicken hat to add to her collection.

Roosters have an internal clock that causes them to crow at daybreak.

The chicken gained quite the social media following after being featured in a video wearing a tutu while dancing.


The sentence that includes a non-restrictive clause is B. Giana, who collects anything relating chickens, found the perfect life-sized chicken hat to add to her collection.

What is a non-restrictive clause?

A nonrestrictive clause adds information to a sentence. It is typically a proper or common noun that refers to a distinct person, thing, or event. It employs commas to indicate that the information is additional.

A non-restrictive clause is a group of words that provides additional information about a subject or object mentioned in the text. The reader can infer additional information about Giana from the preceding sentence, which is separated by commas.

Learn more about clause on:


For how many weeks had Denise possessed keys to Elwood’s New York City apartment by the start of chapter 11?


We can see here that the number of weeks had Denise possessed keys to Elwood’s New York City apartment by the start of chapter 11 is two weeks. It is D. 2.

What is The Nickel Boys?

The Nickel Boys is actually known to be a novel that was written by Colson Whitehead, an American novelist. The story is actually based on the true story that happened in Dozier School. Dozier School is actually known to be a reform school in Florida.

In The Nickel Boys, we are told of Elwood who came to live in New York City. Where he came to live, there were garbage piled up in the streets. He went there and decided to clean up the place and live there.

Elwood asked Denise out but she declined. Denise later agreed after sometime. She was with the keys to Elwood’s New York City apartment by the start of chapter 11.

Learn more about The Nickel Boys on


The story pits prince prospero and his courtiers against the red death what do you think each side symbolizes


Most students will probably say that the revelers represent humanity in general and that the Red Death represents death.

What is "The masque of the red death" about?

"The Masque of the Red Death" is basically a short story written by Edgar Allan Poe that was first published in 1842.

The plot revolves around Prince Prospero's attempts to avoid a deadly plague known as the Red Death by hiding in his abbey.

Poe addresses a few distinct themes, or ideas meant to convey universal messages, throughout this story: humanity's desire to avoid death, madness, and human selfishness.

The majority of students will probably say that the revelers represent humanity as a whole, and the Red Death represents death.

This, this way, each side of the story symbolizes.

For more details regarding "The Masque of the Red Death", visit:


A news article on hurricane Ian


Elderly bear brunt of Hurricane Ian as Sunshine state retirement turns sour · Hurricane Ian was less a natural disaster than a human-made one.

What is hurricane Ian?

At a news conference, Republican DeSantis said, "It's something that shows a little bit of a can-do spirit," adding that bureaucracy in the government shouldn't thwart such initiatives. The governor continued, "The work that has been done to restore vehicular access to Sanibel Island has been historic." On Sanibel Island, there are around 6,300 residents. More than 100 people were killed by the storm in Florida, many of them in Lee County, home to Sanibel and its well-known seashell beaches. "Our lifeline is the causeway. To get it back means everything, said to Thompson, operations manager of the Lazy Flamingo restaurant owned by his relatives. Cecil Pendergrass, chairman of the Lee County Commission, declared that there was hope.

To know more about hurricane Ian visit:


please help me with this question i’ll give you brainlist!





According to this paragraph,
what did studies discover
about laughter's role in
healing patients?
Laughter may help people get their
doctors' attention.
Laughter may help people fight
disease and feel better.
Laughter may help peopld?vercise
and stay active.
Laughter may help people control their
own health care.



I think its the third one



Laughter affects the body in ways similar to aerobic exercise.


The population of Sighet left their town without resistance when they were told to relocate.




The population of Sighet left their town without resistance when they were told to relocate, is the true statement. Hence, option A is correct.

What happened after the Germans arrived in Sighet?

In the days following the German invasion of Hungary from April 18–20, 1944, Sighet became the site of a ghetto. Around 14,000 Jews from Sighet and the surrounding villages lived in the ghetto. The whole Jewish population of Sighet was transported from there to Auschwitz.

When the German SS, the Hungarian gendarmerie, and the police transport Elie Wiesel and his family from Sighet to Auschwitz in May 1944, he is fifteen years old. His mother and youngest sister fall away, but his two older sisters continue to live.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about Germans arrived in Sighet, click here:


How is the world IBO symbolic of colonization


The Ibo culture is symbolic of colonization as the colonizers were smarter in altering the Igbo traditions

What was the impact of colonization on the culture of the Ibos?

Colonialism brought about various forms of cultural alienation, invasion, and disorientation in addition to disrupting the political structure and economic output of the numerous African political entities. The main objectives of colonialism were the control of wealth, natural resources, and cultural goods.

The Igbo traditions were changed more intelligently by the colonizers. As an illustration, the worship and sacrifice to unknown gods have been discontinued, and they have been replaced by the Christian religion.

Learn more about colonialism on:


Xolotl explains a lot of things to carol and Johnny on page 104 why did he not tell them all of this information before


Carol & Johnny, the astonishing, ten-year, and surprisingly heartwarming true story of two of America's most successful bank robbers, gives the genuine Bonnie and Clyde the chance to consider and document their special love story in their own words.

Who are Carol & Johnny?

Twins Carolina and Juan ngel "Johnny" Garza reside in a small Texas town on the border with Mexico. Their mother vanishes not long after they turn twelve. She allegedly abandoned him, according to their father, Dr. Oscar Garza, a history professor, while the twins believe there was some type of foul play. The unusual dreams and conduct that Carol and Johnny start to exhibit only serve to increase this suspicion. Their father sends them off to Monterrey, Mexico when school lets out for the summer so they can stay with their mother's family while he gets medical attention for his worsening depression. When the twins' grandmother delivers them their mother's journal in the family's ancestral home, they discover the truth about themselves: they are naguales, or shapeshifters.

They are in the early phases of nagualism and were sleeping when they accidently moved. As they alternate nighttime watch duties, they learn that Johnny transforms into a jaguar and Carol into a Mexican wolf.

To learn more about Bonnie and Clyde visit:


Choose the progressive form of the verb [in brackets].
Amit [to resist] the urge to eat that cookie.
Choose 1 answer:

is resisting
has resisted



"Is resisting" is the progressive form of the word "resist"


A progressive verb tense is more specific and denotes a continuous or ongoing action. The verb adds "-ing" to the end.

The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as he was asked in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein. How will he know?
A. The monster plans on living with Victor until Victor finishes.
B. The monster will have someone check on Victor every day.
C. Victor must keep a log the monster will read.
D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress.


The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as (D.) The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress.

What is Frankenstein?

English novelist Mary Shelley published her novel Frankenstein; or, The Modern Prometheus in 1818. In the novel Frankenstein, Victor Frankenstein, a young scientist, produces a sentient being through an unconventional scientific experiment. At the age of 18, Shelley began writing the story, and at the age of 20, when she was 20 years old, the first edition was published anonymously in London on January 1, 1818. In the second edition, which was released in Paris in 1821, her name first appeared.

While traveling through Europe in 1815, Shelley stopped in Gernsheim, which is 17 kilometers (11 mi) from Frankenstein Castle, where an alchemist had conducted experiments two centuries earlier.

To know more about Frankenstein visit:


4. Rewrite this weak thesis statement into a strong thesis statement, using the “1, 2, 3” method. (10 points)
“We need to study climate change because it is important.”
Studying climate change makes a difference

What three reasons support your claim? The purpose of the 1, 2, 3 method is to make an argument and preview three reasons that support it. See the "Thesis 1, 2, 3 Method" handout for examples.


"Climate change is vital, so we should research it."

What does thesis mean?

One of the key ideas in collegiate expository writing is the thesis. A thesis statement concentrates your ideas for the work; it is your position, insight, or argument condensed into one sentence that tells the reader what your major point is. Understanding the essay's objective is helpful for both the reader and you as the writer because it outlines the type of evidence that will be used to support your points and may even suggest a logical progression or sequence. As a result, in order to move forward, you must understand the concept of a thesis well. The thesis establishes two fundamentals: the subject of your ideas and the nature of your ideas

"Climate change is vital, so we should research it."

To know about thesis, visit:


How does this quotation from MLK demonstrate the power that social narratives of identity have on a sense of self? A sense, that is, of who we are? Answer, cite examples, and explain. Write at least a paragraph .


Hold on a paragraph about the reading?
If so, Sure will. Just need to make sure.

In “ Tintern Abbey , how has the speaker's relationship with nature changed over time ?


A actor admits that he is not old guy he once was, even since he was a child who "limited o'er th hills" and along the river. It says as back then, the nature was everything to him; falls, as trees shaped his wants, tastes.

What does "actor" mean?

one who performs: one who performs: Actor: A person who takes on a role in a play, film, tv show, etc. Doer: A person who acts in character. 3. a client is someone who participates in an activity.

Which acting types are there?

Screens acting, is all about appearing in films and on tv, theatrical acting, which is acting onstage in front of a huge crowd, and story telling, which is starting to act in which you simply use yourself voice and the viewers cannot see you, are the three major genres of acting.

To know more about actor visit:


Instructions – In Their Shoes

It’s easy for us to get stuck in our own minds and own worlds. This causes us to not see the perspectives of others. Take a moment to consider the perspectives of the people in the following prompt. Choose the perspective of one person for your focus. Write a short paragraph that shows you understand the person’s perspective as you try to put yourself “in their shoes.”

Consider these questions:

What might be this person’s struggles?
How does the person see the world around him or her?
What decisions would you make if you were in this person’s place?
Where appropriate, use specific examples or textual evidence from the readings, or your own experiences and knowledge.


Perspective 1: Jamie Oliver’s feelings about schoolchildren not having access to healthy foods in “Teach Every Child About Food”

Perspective 2: Any member of the Edwards family (discussed by Jamie Oliver in “Teach Every Child About Food”)


Consider the perspectives of the archetypal English butler. They are typically portrayed as somber, incredibly loyal, and having a dry sense of humor.

What did Oscar Wilde say about The Importance of Being Earnest ?

The play The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde inverts common ideals, which gives it much of its humorous and thematic weight. The play frequently makes light of traditional serious subjects like love, death, and religion while also taking really little matters (like what teatime snacks are in this season) quite seriously. The numerous epigrams and witticisms that make up a large portion of the conversation throughout the play are where this irreverence finds its most perfect expression.

You will get the chance to evaluate the language, characters, and organization of The Importance of Being Earnest in this Launchpad. Links to a few extra resources are provided so you can continue researching Wilde and learn more about the play's characters.

To learn more about Oscar Wilde checkout the link below :


Following interest inventory steps, create a list of topics and select the one that is most interesting to you. Remember to get your teacher's approval for the topic you choose.


I have selected the topic Amnesia which i found interesting for inventory steps. Amnesia has been frequently showed in moviesas losing the identity. I have selected Topic 1.

What is amnesia?

The term amnesia has been defined as the loss of the memory in the person with the dissociative amnesia which can be attributed to the organic problems such as the blow to the head or alcoholic intoxication.

Those who have the problem of amnesia, they are known as the amnestic syndrome, often they are aware of who they are.In fact they can have the problems establishing new memories and learning new information.

Therefore, I have selected the topic Amnesia which i found interesting for inventory steps. Amnesia has been frequently showed in moviesas losing the identity. I have selected Topic 1.

Learn more about  Amnesia on:


I'LL GIVE THE BEST ANSWER BRAINLIEST 1. Draw a graphic organizer or chart that compares and contrasts Romanticism and Realism as
those movements influenced American poetry. Include the following categories in your
chart: rhyme, rhythm, word choice, form, and line length.


Romanticism is a form of art and literature that doesn't happen in real life. On the other hand, Realism is a form art and literature that tries to mimic real life.

What is Romanticism and Realism about?

Romanticism was an artistic, literary, musical, and intellectual movement that began in Europe near the end of the 18th century and peaked in most areas between 1800 and 1850. The individual, the subjective, the irrational, the imaginative, the personal, the spontaneous, the emotional, the visionary, and the transcendental were all emphasized in Romanticism. Travel back in time to the turn of the nineteenth century to witness the Romantic musical, literary, and artistic movement.

In the arts, realism is generally defined as the attempt to represent subject matter truthfully, without artificiality, and without speculative or supernatural elements. Although these terms are not synonymous, they are frequently used interchangeably. Realism is the belief that things that are known or perceived have an existence or nature that is independent of whether anyone is thinking about or perceiving them.

Learn more Romanticism on:


Read the following passage from "The War Prayer":
[I]n every breast burned the holy fire of patriotism; the
drums were beating, the bands playing, the toy pistols
popping, the bunched firecrackers hissing and spluttering.
Which of the following words best describes the mood of the passage?
O A. Pensive
OB. Indifferent
OC. Content
D. Excited


The word that best describes the mood of the passage is indifferent. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

What is the mood of the passage?

The mood of the passage may be defined as the atmosphere of the story, and the tone is the author's attitude toward the topic. We can identify both by looking at the setting, characters, details, and word choices.

According to the question, the word indifferent represents the synonym for a nostalgic situation created during the time of death of any individual. But when it comes to patriotism, the pain and sadness double with extreme pride toward your nation.

Therefore, indifferent is the word that best describes the mood of the passage. Thus, the correct option for this question is B.

To learn more about the war prayer, refer to the link:


What is an adage or proverb? (passed down, a word to the


An adage is a short, common saying or phrase that tends to be old, known for decades or centuries.

What is proverb?

An English proverb is a succinct, one-sentence saying that typically imparts wisdom, knowledge, or a universal truth. Since proverbs are so prevalent, it's possible for native English speakers to use them in speech without realizing it. A proverb is a brief statement that offers guidance or teaches you something about life. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, for instance. According to an old adage, "My adversary is my friend." They differ stylistically from ordinary speech and are frequently metaphorical or symbolic in nature. Proverbs can be used by speakers to convey wisdom, provide counsel, instill or reinforce moral principles, present an argument, defuse conflict between individuals, promote understanding, or comfort or uplift listeners.

To know more about proverb visit:


Answer: An adage is a short, common saying or phrase that tends to be old, known for decades or centuries.What is proverb?An English proverb is a succinct, one-sentence saying that typically imparts wisdom, knowledge, or a universal truth. Since proverbs are so prevalent, it's possible for native English speakers to use them in speech without realizing it. A proverb is a brief statement that offers guidance or teaches you something about life. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush, for instance. According to an old adage, "My adversary is my friend." They differ stylistically from ordinary speech and are frequently metaphorical or symbolic in nature. Proverbs can be used by speakers to convey wisdom, provide counsel, instill or reinforce moral principles, present an argument, defuse conflict between individuals, promote understanding, or comfort or uplift listeners.


I've been sensed that you like pets.


Answer: How did you know?


God (might/ may/ can/ should) protect you from pain and agony.

please what would be the correct modal for the sentence​



God may protect you from pain and agony.


May is the better option because it is a prayer, unlike the rest that enforce action or add opinions.

John proctor the crucible
What ideas does he push away?


John rejects the widespread witch hunts that took place in Salem at the time. He therefore rejected these concepts.

What held true for John Proctor?

Being a devout man, John Proctor was tormented by his illicit relationship with Abigail. John Proctor suffers from mental suffering. He feels that his relationship with Abigail has permanently harmed his reputation with God, his wife Elizabeth, and with himself. It is true that Proctor did cave in to sin and commit adultery, but he is unable to forgive himself. John Proctor is a firm believer in telling the truth, but he feared hurting his reputation as a respectable member of society if he made a public admission of guilt.

John Proctor attempted to protect his wife Elizabeth as she was suspected of being a witch since he did not support the Salem witch trials and hunt.

John rejects the widespread witch hunts that took place in Salem at the time. He therefore rejected these concepts.

To know more about John Proctor, visit;


Shakespeare's comedies usually end happily with the main characters getting married. Aside from marriage being the conclusion of the love plot, what other consequences does this ending have for the play? Using David Ball's concept of the final stasis, describe what state the world of Twelfth Night is in at the end. How is it different from Illyria at the beginning of the play?


On the twelfth night of the Twelve Days of Christmas, Christians celebrate Twelfth Night to herald the arrival of the Epiphany.

What is epiphany?

Epiphany is defined as a holiday celebrated by Christians on January 6th that commemorates the wise men's visit to Jesus Christ shortly after his birth. It commemorates both the birth of Jesus and the baptism of Jesus by John the Baptist.

Depending on whether the counting starts on Christmas Day or December 26th, several traditions place Twelfth Night on either January 5th or January 6th. The investigation of gender that Twelfth Night centers on contends that it is performative and flexible rather than predetermined and permanent.

Thus, on the twelfth night of the Twelve Days of Christmas, Christians celebrate Twelfth Night to herald the arrival of the Epiphany.

To learn more about Epiphany, refer to the link below:


Forced separation of people based on racial, ethnic or other differences


Where do they still do that. That’s been outdated for years

What three-word term refers to an author’s arrangement of reasons in a logical order, designed to lead the reader to the desired conclusion.





Alliteration: The repetition of the same sound in successive words, usually, but not necessarily, at the beginning of words: Blown buds of barren flowers...

Apostrophe: A figure of speech in which the absent is addressed as if present, the dead as if alive, or the inanimate and abstract as if animate and concrete: Come, Sleep; O Sleep!

Argumentation: Writing or speaking in which reasons or arguments are presented in a logical way.

The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as he was asked in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein. How will he know?
A. The monster plans on living with Victor until Victor finishes.
B. The monster will have someone check on Victor every day.
C. Victor must keep a log the monster will read.
D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress.



D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress.


I have not read the book but I think that is the correct answer

After the operation on his foot, Elie and his father decide to follow the evacuation of the camp rather than stay in the infirmary. What does he later learn happened to the sick who stayed behind?

The camp was mined and exploded after evacuation.

They were shot.

They were liberated two days later.

They were starved for weeks before finally being liberated.


After the operation on his foot, Elie and his father decide to follow the evacuation of the camp rather than stay in the infirmary he later learn happened to the sick who stayed behind is that They were liberated two days later.

What was the fate of the people that was left behind?

It shopuld be noted that those that were lefte behind were liberated two days later.

It should be noted that the camp evacuated  and in this case Fearing that those left in the hospital would be killed, Elie  as well as his father decided to evacuate in the night with the rest of the camp but they later heard that after the two days thos that were left ther were liberated as oppose the expectation of some people that they will be  starved for weeks before finally being liberated.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about Elie at:


Alicia has always wanted to climb Mount Everest. She has been researching information about people who have completed the climb in the past and their techniques. Alicia is also interested in investigating the Himalayas Mountains.

Where should she look for reliable information?
a travel guide that includes information on sites to see in The Himalayas
a Web site run by someone who has visited the Himalayas several times
an article about the latest GPS technology available to mountain climbers
a book about traveling safely through the Himalayas and climbing Everest


answer : d.


explanation : her interest is in investigating the himilaya mountains for reliable information so we have to look for the option that is most reliable.


a. a travel guide that includes information on sites to see in the himalayas

(a guide, not very reliable and doesn't show any methods for safely climbing the mountain)

b. a website run by someone who has visited the himalayas several times

(again doesn't show any methods for safely climbing the mountain)

c. an article about the latest gps technology available to mountain climbers

(not really relevant to techniques or safe ways to climb a mountain)


therefore, d. is the correct answer, since it is reliable and helpful for learning which technique and what's the safest way to climb the himilayan mountains.


hope this helps !

- audrey ♡

What does the statue of Hachiko symbolize, or represent, to the people of Japan?


Hachiko has become a symbol of faithfulness and family love across Japan. Hachiko's significance as a national emblem and two characteristics that are crucial to Japanese society cannot be overstated.

Who is Hachiko?

An Akita dog from Japan named Hachiko is famous for his extraordinary devotion to his late owner Hidesabur Ueno, for whom he remained to wait for more than nine years after Ueno's passing. On November 10, 1923, Hachiko was born on a farm close to the city of Date in the Akita Prefecture. The devoted companion was buried next to his cherished master Professor Ueno. In order to be shown permanently at the National Science Museum of Japan in Ueno, Tokyo, the dog's fur was preserved and stuffed.

Hachiko has become a symbol of faithfulness and family love across Japan. Hachiko's significance as a national emblem and two characteristics that are crucial to Japanese society cannot be overstated.

To find out more about Hachiko, check out:


annotate mark the idioms used by the author in paragraph 1


To write down idioms, you will have to identify the clauses that present expressions that cannot be translated into another language because they are a linguistic variability of a specific people.

Examples of idiomsGiving the cold shoulder.Take two to tangoIt is my cup of tea.Kill two birds with one stone.Going to go blow off some steam.

Idioms are small sentences that have meanings that are easily recognizable by native speakers of a language but cannot be translated, as they did not make sense in another culture and another language.

According to linguistic studies, idioms are a type of regionalism, as it is a variation of the language that often exists even within the same language.

These idioms carry the cultural traits of the people who transmit them and have a high degree of informality, which makes it impossible for them to be inserted in a formal conversation and during the use of standardized language.

You have not shown the text your question refers to. That means that your question is incomplete. This prevents me from being able to answer it exactly, but I hope this answer helps you.

Learn more about idioms:


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