How do paragraphs 10 and 11 reveal the climax of the story?


Answer 1


add an image



Answer 2




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Type each word showing how it is split into syllable parts using the / symbol. Remember, word endings are usually their own syllable.

Word Bank:

please help asap PLEASEEEEE


Disturbance: Dis-turb-ance
Reassurance: Re-as-sur-ance
Inheritance: In-her-it-ance
Maintenance: Main-ten-ance
Resemblance: Re-sem-blance
Appearance: Ap-pear-ance
Performance: Per-for-mance
Attendance: At-tend-ance
Abundance: A-bun-dance
Endurance: En-dur-ance

In chapters 20 and 21 of To Kill a Mockingbird, the author's point becomes very clear. Please list a piece of explicit textual evidence, and a piece of implicit textual evidence and explain how the author's purpose is revealed.






in the sentence below , the word escalating means



The word escalating means increasing rapidly.


Other ways to describe this word is to increase in extent, volume, number, amount, intensity, or scope.

What is the primary purpose of the couplet in this sonnet? The purpose is to show the poet’s belief in a grim reaper who wields a scythe. The purpose is to complete the 14 lines required to make the poem a sonnet. The purpose is to add a twist to the ideas about time described in the three quatrains. The purpose is to inspire a poem that will help the speaker’s beloved become famous and live forever.


In this sonnet, the couplet's main goal is to:

"The purpose is to inspire a poem" that will help "the speaker’s beloved become famous and live forever".

Shakespeare's Sonnet 18 is the one in which he talks about his sweetheart and how much he loves her, albeit you don't mention it by name in your inquiry.

In addition, he extols her, wishes she were rich and immortal since he cannot picture life without his love.

The couplet's main goal is to serve as an inspiration for a poetry where love endures forever because of the theme of this sonnet.

Consequently, choice D is the appropriate response.

To learn more about Sonnet here:


Read this sentence from paragraph 5 of the passage.
Starting in 2007, a dramatic drop in demand sent the USPS over a
financial cliff.

Although the sentence appears to be a fact, it also expresses the authors opinion. What is the author's opinion?

A. The USPS could become stable if Congress were to make changes.

B. It will take many years for the USPS to bounce back.

C. The USPS will probably never recover from this loss.

D. Federal agencies go though many period of ups and downs.


Answer: (A) It will take many years for the USPS to bounce back.

Explanation: the explanation to this question would be, it would take many years for them to bounce back because of the dramatic drop.

A speaker asks Who knows? several times during a presentation. What type of rhetorical device is the speaker using? A. figurative language B. false analogy C. ad hominem D. rhetorical question


A. figurative language.

A word's strict or practical meaning is not used while expressing oneself through the use of figurative language. Figurative language is frequently employed to add artistic flourish to written or spoken language or to convey a difficult concept.

What is the purpose of rhetorical questions?Rhetorical questions are used to emphasize a point when it is clear from the question's language what the response is. They are inquiries that do not demand an answer but instead elicit a response from the reader on an internal level, such as empathy in the case of inquiries like "How would you feel?"The literary tactic known as "overstatement" is when an author makes an overstated claim about a subject or idea. This is generally used by the author to draw attention to or evoke laughter.Parallelism in grammar will typically seem the same as it does in rhetoric. Give a man a fish, and you can feed him for a day; teach a man how fish, and you can feed him, for instance.

To learn more about Figurative language refer to:


Which statement describes how the narrator tells the story?



I believe the answer is D!


A definition of the narrator is a person telling a story, D). is a person who provides details without taking anyone's side because narrators are not characters but just simply telling the story!

Hope this helps!

Read the following thesis for a compare and contrast essay:

The choice between gas and wood fireplaces comes down to whether you value efficiency or ambiance more.

Which points of comparison below would most effectively support the thesis?

A. Sounds and smells of burning, realism, tradition
B. Fuel costs, ease of use, sound, aroma
C. Building codes, environment impacts, installation costs
D. Fire safety, emissions, BTUs



B. Fuel costs, ease of use, sound, aroma

Explanation: Sounds and smells of burning, do not make it more efficient, realism and tradition neither make it more efficient or ambient. The other answers also don't make a lot of good points so i'd say your best answer is OPTION B.

whay are three ways in which the dagger appears to maceth?



Hanging in the air, with drops of blood all over it, and

pointing to Duncan's room.

Hope this helps :)

Answer:The answer is C Because the quote sys that he has no dagger yet there is a dagger right in front of him


These lines come from Macbeth's soliloquy (a speech given when a character shares his thoughts alone on stage) in Act 2, Scene 1.

At this point in the play, Macbeth is preparing to kill Duncan. Not surprisingly, Macbeth's nerves are starting to get to him a bit. At this point, Macbeth still has the ability to turn back and refuse to commit this awful deed.

The speech begins "Is this a dagger which I see before me, The handle toward my hand?" At this point, Macbeth may have just happened upon a dagger and is surprised to see one in his path. These lines do not make it explicitly clear that Macbeth is imagining things, although they do begin to pave the way for the idea.

A few lines later, however, the idea that Macbeth is seeing things becomes clearer. He says "I have thee not, and yet I see thee still." At this point, Macbeth says, "I am not holding you, but I can still see you." It appears that a dagger is just floating in front of him, since even Macbeth admits he is not holding it.

Macbeth then goes on to say that this is a "fatal vision," "A dagger of the mind, a false creation." He now seems to be aware that this dagger is not physically present and is instead just a creation of his mind.

Therefore, the best answer (and the one that provides evidence that the dagger Macbeth sees is an illusion) is C. "I have thee not, and yet I see thee still."

How does Haidri see the revision of poetry


Haidri contends that revision is essential Before a text is published. This assessment might irritate young writers, she says, especially those who write poetry. Poetry greatly benefits from a poet's passion and tenderness.

What is the importance of Revising poetry?

Revision is the process of looking at your work from a new angle. Editing can help your poem's concept become more captivating, convincing, precise, and unforgettable.

Before a text is released, revision is crucial. She claims that young writers can find this criticism irritating, especially poets. When editing a poem, originality and emotion must be sacrificed by beginning poets because they are temporary.

Learn more about Revising Poetry, here:


which of the following demonstrates a critical thinker?​



analysis, creativity, problem-solving and empathy.


Abigail Williams's accusations of witchcraft against Elizabeth Proctor are an
example of a(n)
OA. internal conflict
OB. tragic flaw
O C. character arc
O D. external conflict


Abigail Williams accuses Elizabeth Proctor of witchcraft because she wishes to wed John, Elizabeth's husband, with whom she had an affair while working in the Proctor household. Hence option A is correct .

What was the intention of Abigail Williams ?

A crucible is a container, frequently made of ceramic or porcelain, used for melting and purifying metal, according to one definition. A period or trial is another way to define a crucible.

Elizabeth claims of Abigail, "She wants me dead," and it is true that Abigail wants Elizabeth to perish. Abigail achieves this by alleging that Elizabeth inserted needles into the poppet Mary Warren gave Elizabeth in order to hurt Abigail, giving the impression that Elizabeth is engaging in witchcraft. However, readers are aware that Abigail uses needles to stab herself as proof of Elizabeth's "crime."

Learn more about The Crucible here

# SPJ 1

Select the best answer for the question.
6. Deciding on the narrative point of view means that an author must choose
O A. how long the story is going to be.
O B. who is telling the story.
C. where the main character is from.
O D. when the story is taking place.


The answer is B. The narrator is the person telling the story
The answer would be B.

Read this passage from Alan Weisman's "The City Without Us":
As [New York City] already had sewer lines, the only place
for subways to go was below them. "So," explains Schuber,
"we have to pump uphill." In this, New York is not alone:
cities like London, Moscow, and Washington built their
subways far deeper, often to double as bomb shelters.
Therein lies much potential disaster.
Now read this passage from Jared Diamond's "The Ends of the World as We
Know Them":
There is a similar story from Iceland. When the island was
first settled by the Norse around 870, its light volcanic soils
presented colonists with unfamiliar challenges. They
proceeded to cut down trees and stock sheep as if they
were still in Norway, with its robust soils. Significant
erosion ensued, carrying half of Iceland's topsoil into the
ocean within a century or two.
What common theme of green literature is most strongly evident in both
A. Working against the natural tendencies of the environment leads
to long-term consequences.
OB. In order meet their goals, environmentalists must help people
develop a personal desire to protect nature.
OC. Of all the myriad impressive forces of nature, water and gravity
may be the most destructive.
D. In order to thrive in coming centuries, people must find viable
alternatives to fossil fuels, such as coal.


According to the common theme of green literature, working against the natural tendencies of the environment has long-term consequences. Thus, Option A is correct.

What is environment?

Environment refers to the surrounding in which we live. It is very important part of the human life to keep the surrounding clean as it may impact the life of everyone, even the animals. It includes all type of living sand nonliving elements.

Working against the natural impulses of the environment has long-term effects, which is a recurrent topic in green literature. Therefore, it can be concluded that Option A is correct.

Learn more about Environment here:


Purple hibiscus

Chapter 16

When Kambili tells Jaja that God works in “mysterious ways,” what is Jaja’s response?


She gradually begins to talk and open up more after visiting Nsukka, and she develops feelings for the young priest, Father Amadi. In the end, she stays Catholic, albeit with a more liberal outlook influenced by Father Amadi and her aunt Ifeoma.

What Kambili tells Jaja that God works in mysterious ways?

Kambili continues, thinking that her father would have liked her to claim that God “works in mysterious ways.”

In Nsukka, Jaja discovered his independence, but he also started to regret not challenging Papa earlier.

Therefore, The wife of Eugene, Beatrice, was found to have been poisoning her husband's tea and slowly dying him for years, according to Chapter 16 of Adichie's Purple Hibiscus.

Learn more about Kambili here:


In these ten sentences, identify the verbal as a noun or adjective. Determine whether it is an infinitive, participle, or gerund.

1. To love animals is a very human trait.
2. Loving the races, she decided to move up to the rail.
3. Freezing to death is not my plan.
4. I don't want to put my feet on the freezing floor.
5. 1 hated to leave, but I had no choice.
6. Saddened by the story, I decided not to go out that night.
7. Hoping for a different answer, I called to check again.
8. I love singing in the shower.
9. Her manners were charming,
10. Charming, she always knew how to put her guests at ease.


An adjective is a word that typically modifies a noun or noun word or describes its referent. Its semantic role is to alternate information given by means of the noun.

1. To love animals is a very human trait. Noun

2. Loving the races, she decided to move up to the rail. adjective

3. Freezing to death is not my plan. Noun

4. I don't want to put my feet on the freezing floor. adjective

5. 1 hated to leave, but I had no choice. noun

6. Saddened by the story, I decided not to go out that night. noun

7. Hoping for a different answer, I called to check again. noun

8. I love singing in the shower. noun

9. Her manners were charming, noun

10. Charming, she always knew how to put her guests at ease. adjective

A noun is a phrase that typically features the call of a specific object or set of objects, which include living creatures, places, movements, characteristics, states of existence, or ideas. Lexical categories are described in phrases of the approaches wherein their members integrate with other forms of expressions.

Learn more about adjectives here:-



Read the passage and then answer the question:

A gang of misfits on horseback rides into a frontier town in Wyoming and causes nothing but trouble. They steal people's horses, demand payments from the mayor as "protection" money, and drive business away from the saloons and stores. Then one day, a mysterious U.S. marshal, whose nickname is Horseshoe Bill, comes to town.

To create the most fitting climax, which event should happen next in the story?

A. Horseshoe Bill foils a train robbery, saving thousands of dollars' worth of gold.

B. Horseshoe Bill, noticing that the town is doomed, rides off into the

C. Horseshoe Bill unites the townsfolk and helps them drive away the gang.

D. Horseshoe Bill has his horse stolen almost as soon as he reaches the stables.





A climax is a dramatic turning point in a narrative—a pivotal moment at the peak of the story arc that pits the protagonist against an opposing force in order to resolve the main conflict once and for all. The climax is one of the most important literary devices in plot structure; it’s the moment when the story arc bends and begins its descent

What are some strategies you can use to improve your rhetoric in the future?


Below, we list 6 strategies that you can use to improve your rhetoric, which is the use of language, spoken or written, to persuade an audience:

Improve vocabulary by reading more and listening to speeches.Practice intonation.Use gestures mindfully.Structure the speech or text in a way that flows easily, to enhance comprehension by the audience.Find solid evidence to back up the claim and arguments.Avoid fallacies.

What is rhetoric?

Rhetoric is the use of written or spoken language with the purpose of convincing people of something. Rhetoric is a powerful tool to have in life, from being able to convince your parents to let you go to your friend's house to being able to persuade your boss to give you a raise or promotion.

For good rhetoric, one must use strategies and techniques. It is crucial to speak well and clearly, to move and gesticulate in a way that is not aggressive or invasive, to provide strong evidence to support one's arguments, and so on. That is why we believe the list of strategies provided as an answer above to be correct.

Learn more about rhetoric here:


hoose a Twentieth Century work by an American composer. The work may be classical or popular in nature, but must have been composed before 1970. Listen to the music you chose while carefully using engaged listening techniques.

You may use any piece, composer, or performer suggested in this chapter or choose a different one so long as the music was composed before 1970.

Some American composers/performers mentioned in this chapter
Amy Cheney Beach Ray Charles
Charles Ives Aretha Franklin
Aaron Copland Stevie Wonder
Milton Babbit Diana Ross
John Cage Victor Herbert
George Gershwin George Cohan
Scott Joplin Jerome Kern
Louis Armstrong Cole Porter
Duke Ellington Rodgers and Hammerstein
Benny Goodman Lerner and Loewe
Miles Davis Leonard Bernstein
Bill Haley and the Comets John Williams
Elvis Presley The Beatles
Some American Twentieth century styles
jazz bebop
blues early rock and roll
ragtime impressionism, minimalism, chance music
swing Broadway musical
boogie-woogie film music

Using the techniques you've learned and the word prompts on the worksheet, analyze the musical elements and record your personal responses to the piece you listened to. Analyze the work carefully and be thoughtful in your analysis and response to this music.

Write a prompt of 200 words or more


Based on the different options, the one chosen is Elvis Presley The Beatles. The musical elements  used is given below.

What is element of Elvis Presley The Beatles about?

The Beatles, then the Quarrymen, which included John Lennon, George Harrison, and Paul McCartney in 1957, were assimilating the popular style, which was reflected by such contemporaries as Elvis Presley, the Everly Brothers, and Chuck Berry.

It  became the foundation of their own musical output. These groups were among the countless ones displaying the rock-and-roll style, both in America and England. As they gained recognition on a global scale, the Beatles began writing songs in a polished manner with more intricate melodies and harmonies than was common in the rock scene. Their work exemplifies the main influences present in popular music from 1962 to 1970.

The goal of this work is to analyze the Beatles' instrumentation, harmony, form, and album unity in order to gain a better knowledge of some of the key 1960s rock and roll style elements and a respect for their artistic integrity.

In general, the technique entails identifying the manner in which each particular parameter was used during the early years of the quartet and conducting a longitudinal analysis of their characteristics over the course of the remaining entire works by the Beatles.

Learn more about musical elements from

18. Which one of the following words or phrases may be a clue that a sentence is inferring cause and effect?
O A. Instead of
O B. On the other hand
O C. Before
O D. Consequently
Mark for review (Will be highlighted on the review page)
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The correct answer choice is the last option. The word that may be a clue that a sentence is inferring cause and effect is consequently.

Inferring cause and effect is necessary when a writer wants to show that a certain action resulted in another. To give this clue, the word, consequently can be used at the beginning of the sentence. This word is a pointer that the following sentence is a result of an action that was previously mentioned.

Clue words are the words which signify causal relationships. These clue words include such as, because, so, consequently, therefore, thus, and since. Cause and effect is a relationship which combines action and reaction.

To know more about cause and effect here


How does Milk's personal experience contribute to the power of his thesis?
dentify an instance when he uses personal experience as evidence. How does
this evidence strengthen his argument?


A statewide initiative to severely restrict gays' job rights was defeated as a consequence of Milk's ability to rally both gay people and heterosexual people.

What a celebrity was Harvey Milk?

Early in the 1970s, Milk made a move to San Francisco and quickly rose to prominence as a prominent political advocate for the LGBT community. He became one of the foremost out homosexual political figures in the nation after being elected to the city's Board of Supervisors and leading the charge for a significant anti-discrimination ordinance.

What was once Harvey Milk Street?

Late in 2017, proponents of homosexual rights suggested renaming Southwest Stark Street in honour of Harvey Milk, noting that Stark was an outspoken bigot who supported slavery. This 13-block section of Stark, which is wholly located in downtown, was renamed SW Harvey Milk Street by the city council in June 2018.

To know more about Harvey Milk, checkout this link:


Think about the novel you are currently reading. Identify one type of irony from your novel, and explain how it is an example of irony. How does it affect the mood or tone of the novel?

My novel is Simon vs the homo saplens agenda could anyone help me please


Irony used in Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda

Martin uses Simon's assistance to win Abby over, portraying Simon as a loyal buddy in the process. Martin, however, behaves abhorrently throughout these exchanges, first using Simon as a sexual pawn before revealing him to the entire school. Although Martin claims to be forming a friendship with Simon, the word "friendship" couldn't be used to describe their relationship better.

What is Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda about ?

Simon vs the Home Sapiens Agenda is a sweet, tender and heartwarming coming-of-age story about friendship, first love, coming out and the power of friendship and family that has an appeal to everyone, both teens, and adults.

Young adult novel Simon vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda, written by American author Becky Albert Alli in 2015[1], is the author's first book. [2] Simon Spier, the coming-of-age tale's central character, is a closeted gay teenager in high school who is compelled to come out after a blackmailer finds e-mails he sent to a fellow closeted classmate with whom he has fallen in love.

To know about Simon Vs. the Homo Sapiens Agenda from the link


What is the best definition of an argumentative text?
O a text that uses vivid language to engage the audience in the topic
a text that supports a claim about a debatable topic using evidence as support
O a text that presents evidence to inform the audience about a specific topic
O a text that uses rhetorical devices to support a particular perspective


Answer: What is the best definition of an argumentative text? O a text that supports a claim about a debatable topic using evidence as support.


Which of these is the most important effect of the business dress used by
OA. It helps them appeal to the business audience.
B. It gives them an air of wisdom and authority.
OC. It makes them stand out from other entertainers.
D. It provides teenagers with good role models.


The answer is B. It gives them an air of wisdom and authority.

Dressing sense is something that has a strong influence on others. Our sense of clothing, among other things, indicates our character and behavior. To feel confident, you have to look confident, and to look confident, you have to dress confidently.

The first thing people notice about you is your appearance. Professional attire helps you make a good impression on people you meet at work. This is especially important during interviews and when meeting with senior management who make hiring and promotion decisions.

To know more about Dressing sense


When characteristics of ourselves,typically negative ones, aren't recognized as something we do, but rather what other people do.


I believe this would be projection.

How does the creature's characterization change throughout the story?
The character is defiant in the beginning, but becomes complacent at the end
The creature is hateful in the meginning, but learns compassion in the end
The creature loves humans in the beginning, but becomes indifferent to them at
the end
The creature is naive in the beginning, but becomes wise at the end


We can say here that the creature's characterization change throughout the story in the following way: B. The creature is hateful in the beginning, but learns compassion in the end.

What is characterization?

Characterization is actually known to be a tool in literature which writers use to show us who a person (character) is. Writers use characterization to teach the readers who a character is and how a character behaves in a story. Writers/authors can use two types of characterization. They are either:

Direct characterization orIndirect characterization.

Characterization is known to be a literary device that is used to give readers the details of a character.

This question is related to Frankenstein which was written by Mary Shelley. The creature in question was created by Victor Frankenstein. At the beginning, the creature shows hate but at the end he regrets, shows remorse and compassion for his actions.

Learn more about characterization on


Christopher ran for his life and came to a clearing just outside his house He and the dragon had run around in complete circles! He slumped on a rock and thought about his own family. All of a sudden,________________________________________
Find a logical ending to this story


At the end of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time', Christopher lives with his mother in Swindon and reconciles with his father. Christopher passes his A-level mathematics exams and his score helps him feel confident about his future.

What is the story of 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time'?

It is a murder mystery and features Christopher Boone, a 15 year-old who suffers from Asperger's syndrome. When he finds a neighbor's dog has been murdered, he sets out on a journey turns his whole world upside down. Christopher's goal in the novel is to become independent and find his role in the world like any other teenager of that age. Because of his medical condition, Christopher cannot be as independent as he would like.

Christopher concludes at the end that sometimes complex problems follow very simple rules. And also that whole populations can die out for no reason other than the way the numbers work. The main themes of The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time are family, honesty, trust and being strong.

To know more about 'The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time', refer


The main character felt confident that the Arabs would not try to
steal the water he carried in his... *


Answer: skin !


ur question is from the book "The Oasis"

Your question ask what the main character felt confident that the Arabs would not try to the water.

The main character in the story;

Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival

Wade Owen Watts a.k.a. Parzival: The viewpoint character, an orphan living with his aunt in the "stacks" surrounding metropolitan Oklahoma City. Wade names his OASIS character Parzival after the Arthurian knight involved in the quest for the holy grail.

About the book;

Quick Info. - McCarthy describes this, her second novel, as a "conte philosophique". It tells the story of a group of embattled intellectuals, their quest to establish a Utopian community in the mountains of New England, and their failure to surmount ideological and personal differences for the greater good of the commune.

Book Summary- The oasis saved them. But who will save them from the oasis?

Alif had exciting summer plans: working on her father’s archaeological dig site in the desert with four close friends . . . and a very cute research assistant. Then the sandstorm hit.

With their camp wiped away, Alif and the others find themselves lost on the sands, seemingly doomed . . . until they find the oasis. It has everything they need: food, water, shade—and mysterious ruins that hide a deadly secret. As reality begins to shift around them, they question what’s real and what’s a mirage.

The answers turn Alif and her friends against one another, and they begin to wonder if they’ve truly been saved. And while it was easy to walk into the oasis, it may be impossible to leave . . .

Katya de Becerra’s new supernatural thriller hides a mystery in plain sight, and will keep you guessing right up to its terrifying conclusion.

what do The Cherry Orchard and "punishment" say about the roles of women during this time?


The thing that the Cherry Orchard and "punishment" say about the roles of women during this time is that women usually played domestic roles and had to abide to the rules of the men in the society.

What was the story about?

Anton Chekhov depicts a population divided by a desire to cling to the Tsar's final vestiges of power and a desire to see social orders reformed to accommodate the emergence of a new middle class in his work "The Cherry Orchard."

The cherry orchard also represents their family's membership in the aristocratic class. In many cases, it is the older characters, rather than the younger ones, who have the most positive feelings about the orchard. However, the cherry orchard also represents historical oppression brought about by the aristocratic ruling class.

The theme of social change is central to The Cherry Orchard. The play is about an aristocratic Russian landowner who goes back to her family estate which includes a large and well-known cherry orchard just before it is auctioned off to pay off the mortgage.

Learn more about the cherry orchard on:


description of 2 learners ( age, reason,experience) which method to use to teach them? why?


Suppose we chose to describe two 16-year-old students enrolled in high school, with one of them having autism spectrum disorder. The teaching method for each one must be aligned with the needs of the student.

What is the ideal teaching method for each student?

The student with autism spectrum disorder, for example, has specific learning needs, and the TEACCH approach was created for this purpose, with the organization of work systems, groups and routines adapted to the student.

As for the other 16-year-old student without any physical or mental disorder, the teaching method should be based on active learning, with group interaction, institution of critical and analytical thinking.

Therefore, each teaching method must understand the student as a being with particularities, aligning with their needs and helping in their holistic development.

Find out more about teaching method on:


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