How do I get my car to recognize my key?


Answer 1

Turn the ignition to the on position after inserting the key. Just the electronics, leave the engine off.

After 10 minutes and 30 seconds, switch off the light by turning the key. Restart the key, then wait another 10 minutes and 30 seconds before turning it off once more. Low batteries are the primary culprit, but shock can also make the fob forget its pairing. Check your car's user manual for the correct steps to reset most remote controls. The fob needs to be reprogrammed if resetting does not fix the issue. The ignition is the component of an automobile engine where fuel is ignited. The ignition is immediately disconnected by the gadget. single-word noun. The ignition is the area inside an automobile where you turn the key to start the engine.

Learn more about engine here-


Related Questions

which of the following are common non-silicate and building materials? group of answer choices halides fluorides carbonates sulfides


Sulfides, Carbonates and Halides are common non-silicate and building materials.

What is non-silicate minerals?

Minerals with no oxygen or silicon (Si) in their tetrahedral structure. They consist of pyrite, calcite, gypsum, flourite, hailte, and hail. Oxides, Sulfides, Halides, and Phosphates are typical mineral groups that are not silicates.

Nonsilicate minerals are those that contain additional elements in addition to silicon or oxygen, but not both. Many of these minerals are taken from the rock by miners and refined into ore minerals or minerals with high metal content.

Other nonsilicates are extracted as industrial minerals and used as crucial components in the production of products like concrete, wallboard, paper, and even some of our foods, medications, and clothing.

Learn more about nonsilicates minerals


he douglas dc-3 has a maximum velocity of 200 mi/h at an altitude of 7500 ft. each of its two engines provides a maximum of 1200 hp. its weight is 25,000 lb, aspect ratio is 9.14, and wing area is 987 ft2. assume the propeller efficiency is 0.8, and the oswald efficiency factor is 0.7. calculate the zero-lift drag coefficient for the dc-3.


The zero-lift drag coefficient for the DC-3 is 0.004.

What is coefficient?
When a variable in a single term or even the terms of the a polynomial is multiplied by a constant value, it is known as multiplying, in mathematics, as adding or multiplying by a coefficient. Normally, it is a number, but occasionally a letter inside an expression may be used in its place. X is the variable as well as 'a' and 'b' are the coefficients inside the expression: ax2 + bx + c, for instance. When a number or other quantity is combined with a variable, it is known as a coefficient. Commonly, the variable is multiplied by an integer, which is then written next to it. Without a corresponding number, a coefficient of 1 is assumed for all variables.

The zero-lift drag coefficient (Cd0) can be calculated using the following equation:
Cd0 = 0.004 + (W/qS)*(Cl^2/πAR),

where W is the aircraft weight (25,000 lb), q is the dynamic pressure at 7500 ft (33.7 lb/ft2), S is the wing area (987 ft2), Cl is the lift coefficient at zero lift (0 in this case), and AR is the aspect ratio (9.14).
The dynamic pressure can be calculated using the following equation:
q = (1/2)*ρ*V^2,
where ρ is the air density at 7500 ft (0.0022 slugs/ft3) and V is the aircraft velocity (200 mi/h, which is equivalent to 90 m/s).
Plugging the values into the equation above, the dynamic pressure at 7500 ft is q = 33.7 lb/ft2.
Plugging the values into the equation for Cd0, we get:
Cd0 = 0.004 + (25,000/33.7)*(0^2/π*9.14)
Cd0 = 0.004 + 0
Cd0 = 0.004
Therefore, the zero-lift drag coefficient for the DC-3 is 0.004.

To learn more about coefficient

g the digital input to the digital to analog converter in kl46z is 391 (in decimal). for a reference voltage of 3 volts, what is the measured voltage (at least 2 decimal places)?


The reference current in some converter architectures depends on the DAC code that has been preprogrammed.

This code-dependent reference input current, which ranges from a few microamps to about 2 mA, is frequently disregarded. In fact, a reference input may seem to the reference source as a fluctuating load. The voltage loss via the copper traces can dramatically lower a DAC's performance when an external reference is provided. The use of a 4 wire sensing circuit should thus be taken into consideration since the voltage drop is not a set voltage but instead fluctuates with code. There is a 4-wire connection option for the ATX7006 reference DAC. The reference input pins of the device should be in close proximity to the positive and negative sense lines, or, in some cases,

Learn more about voltage here-


within the reactor, the stationary rods are the fuel rods and contain the fuel. the rods that move up and down are the control rods. what do the little dots that move between the fuel rods represent?


The little dots that move between the fuel rods represent steam.

What are fuel rods?

A long, thin zirconium metal tube that holds pellets of fuel for nuclear reactors made of fissionable material. The fuel rods are bundled together into fuel assemblies, which are then put one at a time into the reactor core. The fuel rod's main functions are to maintain the fuel in a precise geometry and to act as the first line of defense between the fission products and the outside world. Therefore, maintaining its integrity is the main objective of fuel design and operating procedures for reactors. Small ceramic pellets of low-enriched uranium oxide are the fuel used in today's commercial reactors. These fuel rods are bundled into tall fuel assemblies, which are then put inside the reactor.

To learn more about fuel rods, use the link given

A 2-dimensional 3x3 array of ints, has been created and assigned to tictactoe. Write an expression whose value is true if the elements of any row or column or diagonal are equal.
This is my current java code, and I'm definitely missing something, any help would be appreciated:
tictactoe[0][0] == tictactoe[0][1] && tictactoe[0][0] == tictactoe[0][2] || tictactoe[0][0] == tictactoe[1][0] && tictactoe[1][0] == tictactoe[2][0] || tictactoe[0][2] == tictactoe[1][1] && tictactoe[0][2] == tictactoe[2][0];


Answer:it looks complete d to me


it looks like you have all of it

Water Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment
a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations.
b. before beginning operations.
c. only on a voluntary basis.
d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


b. before beginning operations.

The Clean Water Act (CWA) is the primary federal law in the United States governing water pollution. It requires the installation of certain equipment before beginning operations that involve the discharge of waste into navigable waters. This equipment is designed to reduce the amount of pollutants released into the environment, and to ensure that any discharge meets the standards established by the CWA. The CWA requires that the installation of such equipment happen before beginning operations, and that the equipment be maintained and operated according to the standards established by the CWA. This is to ensure that the discharge of pollutants into navigable waters is minimized, and that the discharge meets the required standards. The CWA also sets out requirements to ensure that any changes to the equipment or to the discharge of pollutants are regulated, and that any violations of the CWA are reported.

read more about this at


at the operating point, the duty ratio of the power converter is 50% and provides a 25v output voltage. for a sinusoidal duty ratio variation of


The output voltage ranges from 23.75V to 26.25V at its lowest and highest points, respectively.

Voltage: What is it?

When charged electrons (current) are forced through a conducting loop by the force of an electric circuit's power source, they can perform tasks like illuminating a lamp. Voltage equals pressure and is expressed in volts (V). The name celebrates Alessandro Volta (1745–1827), an Italian physicist who developed the voltaic pile, the precursor of the household battery. Early on, voltage was known to as electromotive force (emf). This is the reason why the letter E is used to denote voltage in formulas like Ohm's Law.

To know more about Voltage

if the old radiator is replaced with a new one that has longer tubes made of the same material and same thickness as those in the old unit, what should the total surface area available for heat exchange be in the new radiator to achieve the necessary heat exchange rate at the recommended temperature gradient?


Considering the facts provided Surface total = 3/2 * radiator's surface area.

What is the process of heat exchange?

The rate of heat transfer between two things is related to the temperature difference between them. Internal heat must be moved from the different organs and tissues to the colder body surface for the subsequent thermal loss. Internal heat transport describes the movement of heat from the bodily core to the shell.


we will use this relation

[tex]K=\frac{Q d}{A * c h a n g e i n T}[/tex]

change throughout T = ΔT  ,

consequently New Area (A) = 3/2 * Old Radiator Area

Considering that the heat conductivity of something like the new and old radiators is the same.

To know more about heat exchange visit:


The complete question is-

The radiator of a car is a type of heat exchanger. Hot fluid coming from the car engine, called the coolant, flows through aluminum radiator tubes of thickness d that release heat to the outside air by conduction. The average temperature gradient between the coolant and the outside air is about 130 K/mm . The term ΔT/d  is called the temperature gradient which is the temperature difference ΔT between coolant inside and the air outside per unit thickness of tube.

consider ofdm communications through the channel shown below (the power profile is 0 db at 0, 1, 3 micosec delays, and -10 db at 2 microsec delay). (a) evaluate the rms delay spread for this channel. (b) design a cyclic prefix time cpt for protecting against multipath in the channel such that the ratio useful time of ofdm symbol ut to total time of ofdm symbol ofdmt, / 0.95u ofdmt t


Multiple orthogonal carriers are sent out simultaneously in a transmission technology called orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM).

Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT)-based OFDM is a technique for mobile and wireless communication that has high-efficient frequency utilization, high data-rate transmission, simple and efficient implementation, and reduces inter-symbol interference (ISI) by inserting cyclic prefix (CP). Channel estimation is one of the key techniques in an OFDM system. The orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system with the Rayleigh channel module is examined for various applications in this research. The suggested method transmitted the signals using a significant number of subcarriers over 64-QAM modulation with pilot add channel estimation.

Learn more about frequency here-


g create a new class clock in the same package as the driver class. a) this new class will live in a separate file. b) follow the examples in the slides in the 8a class 1 slideset, starting with slide 13


It will contain two variables: an integer hour and an integer minute.

What is variables?

Variables are symbols or names used in programming to represent data or values that may change over time. Variables can be used to store user input, the result of a calculation, or just about anything else. Variables are like containers for data and are used to store data that can be manipulated and updated as needed. Variables are particularly important in programming because they allow us to store data that can be changed and used in different ways as the program progresses. Variables are also essential to creating dynamic programs that can respond to user input and process data in different ways depending on the situation.
The Clock class is a new class created in the same package as the driver class. This class will live in a separate file and will be used to keep track of the time. It will contain two variables: an integer hour and an integer minute. The Clock class will also contain a constructor that takes two parameters, an integer hour and an integer minute, to initialize the variables. It will also have a method, tick(), that will take no parameters and will increase the time by one minute. Finally, a toString() method will be created to allow the clock to be printed in the format of hh:mm. This class will provide the necessary methods to allow the driver class to keep track of the time, and will allow for easy printing of the time.

To learn more about Variables

using the what-if function in excel to make a decision is considered a type of __________.


Using the what-if function in Excel to make a decision is considered a type of decision support system.

For, this type of system uses analytics techniques such as data mining and predictive analytics to help decision makers identify trends and correlations in their data that they can use to make better decisions.

What is the What-If function in Excel?

The What-If function in Excel is a powerful tool that lets you analyze the impact of changing variables in a formula. It allows you to input different values for variables in a formula and see the results for each different set of values.

This is useful for analyzing a variety of scenarios and predicting the effects of changes, helping them make better choices for their business.

Learn more about the What-If function in Excel:


What is the difference between an end moraine and a ground moraine, and how do they relate to the budget of a glacier?


The end moraine is a ridge till forming at the end of the glacier when the ice record is in equilibrium. The ground moraine is a layer of till that is deposited when the ice melts when the ice shear exceeds the accumulation. End moraine is a type of moraine that forms at the end (edge) of a glacier, marking its maximum stride.

What is moraine?

A moraine is an accumulation of unconsolidated debris (regolith  and rocks), sometimes referred to as glaciation, that occurs in current and former glacial regions, and has previously been covered by glaciers or ice caps. drift ice. It can consist of partially round particles ranging in size from boulders (in this case often called boulder clay) to gravel and sand, in a subdivided mass of clay material sometimes called ice powder. Lateral moraines are mounds that form on the side of the glacial flow, and end glacials that form at the foot, marking the maximum advance of the glacier. Other types of moraines include ground moraines (areas that are covered until the formation of plates over flat or irregular terrain) and intermediate moraines (the morass formed at the encounter) of two glaciers).

Learn more about moraine


1. it has been noted that heat transfer in gas-metal arc welding is higher than in shielded-metal arc welding. explain why this would be the case. which process would lead to more heat-affected zone cracking in hardened steels?


The temperatures are lower and the gas-metal arc welding method is simpler to manage than shielded-metal arc welding. Porosity that hinders heat transfer is produced by the higher heat in shielded metal arc welding.

With an externally supplied gaseous shield of inert gas such as argon and/or helium, gas metal arc welding (GMAW) creates an arc between a consumable metal electrode and the work piece as the source of heat. In the shielded metal arc welding (SMAW) process, heat from an electric arc that is maintained between the tip of a consumable electrode and the surface of the base material in the joint being welded results in the coalescence of metals.

Learn more about heat here-


technician a says higher aspect ratios provide a softer ride because they will deflect more over irregular surfaces and under heavy loads. technician b says shorter sidewall heights demand stiffer sidewalls. therefore, tires with a low aspect ratio have a harsher ride. who is correct?


Both technicians gave the correct statement. The higher aspect ratio provides a smoother ride as it will turn more on uneven surfaces and under heavy loads and the shorter sidewall height demands stiffer sidewalls.

Technician is someone who masters and understands a certain field of technology. A mechanic is the first person to contact when a breakdown occurs to be analyzed and repaired. Not only that, but he is also responsible for carrying out routine inspections and maintenance. Literally technicians or technicians are "oil" that keeps technological systems, such as machines, running.

One of the professions related to the field of technicians is machine alias engineering. This type of work is commonly found in the fields of transportation, industry, electricity, and factory machinery. Based on its diversity, mechanical work has a wide scope in many industrial fields. In general, this profession is in an entry-level position. There are many specialization options in this job, ranging from mechanical mechanics, electrical mechanics, to industrial mechanics.

You can learn more about Technician here


the douglas dc-3 has a maximum velocity of 250 mi/h at an altitude of 7500 ft. each of its two engines provides a maximum of 1200 hp. its weight is 25,000 lb, aspect ratio is 9.14, and wing area is 987 ft2. assume the propeller efficiency is 0.8, and the oswald efficiency factor is 0.7. calculate the zero-lift drag coefficient for the dc-3. the zero-lift drag coefficient for the dc-3 is


The zero-lift drag coefficient for the dc-3 is approximately 0.037.

What is velocity ?

Velocity is the direction at which an object is moving and serves as a measure of the rate at which its position is changing as seen from a specific point of view and as measured by a specific unit of time (for example, 60 km/h northbound). In kinematics, the area of classical mechanics that deals with the motion of bodies, velocity is a fundamental idea.
A physical scalar quantity called velocity must have both a magnitude and a direction in order to be defined. Speed is the scalar absolute value (magnitude) of velocity; it is a coherence derived unit which quantity is measured in metres per second (m/s or m/s1) inside the SI (metric system). In opposed to "5 metres per second east," which is a vector, "5 metres per second," for example, is a scalar.

To know more about velocity

Using the what-if function in excel to make a decicion is considered a type of __________.


Using the what-if function in Excel to make a decision is considered a type of forecast and scenario model

What is excel?

Excel is Microsoft's spreadsheet program and is part of the Office family of business application products. Microsoft Excel allows users to format, organize, and calculate data in spreadsheets.

Using software such as Excel to organize data makes it easier for data analysts and other users to view information when data is added or changed. Excel contains numerous fields called cells arranged in rows and columns. Data is placed in these cells. Excel is part of the Microsoft Office and Office 365 suites and is compatible with other applications in the Office suite. Spreadsheet software is available for Windows, macOS, Android, and iOS platforms.

Learn more about excel


How many wires can be broken in a wire rope sling?


Five broken wires in one strand or ten broken wires spread at random were laid in a rope.

If the total number of visible broken wires in any length of eight diameters exceeds 10% of the total number of wires, or if the rope exhibits other symptoms of excessive wear, corrosion, or defect, the rope may not be utilised for the vessel's cargo gear. Special attention must be paid to the condition of wire rope portions that are close to terminal connections, are subject to anomalous wear, and are not typically exposed for inspection.

Any eye splice in a wire rope must have two tucks with one-half of the wires cut out of each strand and at least three tucks with the whole strand of rope.

Learn more about Rope here:


A process that exhibits random variability would be judged to be out of control. True or false?


A process that exhibits random variability would be judged to be out of control; it reflects a false statement.

In the production process, random variability refers to the variations in the output of a process, generated by countless factors such as slight variations in raw materials, vibration in machines, and variability in taking measurements. When a production process seems to exhibit random variability it is not judged to be out of control.

Therefore in concluding remarks, a production process that shows random variability would not be considered out of control".

You can learn more about variability at


which of the following is a good example of unbiased evidence that supports the use of wind power?(1 point) responses i believe that wind power will help stop our reliance on fossil fuels. i believe that wind power will help stop our reliance on fossil fuels. the average wind turbine can power more than 1,500 homes. the average wind turbine can power more than 1,500 homes. wind power is the best choice for creating natural energy. wind power is the best choice for creating natural energy. wind turbines takes away from the beauty of natural landscapes.


The best option for generating natural energy is wind power, which is a fantastic example.

What is wind power?

Wind power creates high-paying jobs. More than 120,000 people are employed by the US wind industry throughout all 50 states, and that number is growing. according to the U.S.

Wind turbine service technicians are the second U.S. occupation with the fastest growth rate over the previous ten years, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The number of jobs in the wind industry, which includes positions ranging from asset manager to blade fabricator, might increase by hundreds of thousands by the year 2050.

Wind electricity is a homegrown resource that helps U.S. economic growth. Wind turbines operating in all 50 states generated more than 9% of the net energy produced in the country in 2021.

Hence windpower is a good choice for unbiased natural energy

To know more on windpower follow this link:


A quality control manager has used algorithm C4.5 to come up with rules that classify items based on several input factors. The output has two classes -- Accept and Reject. Test results with the rule set indicate that 5% of the good items are classified as Reject and 2% of the bad items classified as Accept. Historical data suggests that two percent of the items are bad. Based on this information, what is the conditional probability that: (i) An item classified as Reject is actually good? (ii) An item classified as Accept is actually bad? Please show detailed process how you obtain the solutions.


The conditional probability that:

(i) An item classified as Reject is actually good is 2.5%

(ii) An item classified as Accept is actually bad 50%

What is conditional probability?

In probability theory, conditional probability is a measure of the likelihood that an event will occur given that another event has already occurred (by assumption, presumption, assertion, or evidence).

This particular approach is predicated on event B occurring in some way connected to event A. A conditional probability analysis with respect to event B in this scenario can be performed.

The "conditional probability of A given B" or "the probability of A under the condition B" is typically written as P(A|B) or sporadically PB(A) if the event of interest is A and the event B is known or presumed to have occurred.

Learn more about conditional probability


water power corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. under the clean water act, the company must install certain equipmentWater Power Corporation wants to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters. Under the Clean Water Act, the company must install certain equipment
a. with all deliberate speed after beginning operations.
b. before beginning operations.
c. only on a voluntary basis.
d. only if a regulatory agency challenges the discharge.


The correct answer is: B. before beginning operations.

The Clean Water Act requires that the company install certain equipment before beginning operations in order to ensure that the discharge of waste into navigable waters is done in an environmentally responsible manner. This requirement must be met before operations can begin, meaning that option B is the correct answer.

Option A implies that the company can delay the installation of the necessary equipment, which is not allowed under the Clean Water Act. Option C implies that the company can choose not to install the equipment at all, which is also not allowed. Option D implies that the company can wait until it is challenged by a regulatory agency before installing the equipment, which is also not allowed under the Clean Water Act.

The Importance of Complying with the Clean Water Act When Discharging Waste into Navigable Waters

The Clean Water Act is a set of laws in the United States designed to protect the nation’s navigable waters from pollution. It is essential that companies comply with the regulations of the Clean Water Act when discharging waste into navigable waters, as failing to do so can result in serious environmental and health consequences.

When a company wishes to begin operations that include the discharge of waste into navigable waters, it must install certain equipment before beginning operations. This is to ensure that waste is discharged in an environmentally responsible manner. Failing to install the necessary equipment can lead to the contamination of drinking water, the destruction of aquatic wildlife, and other negative environmental effects. Additionally, not installing the necessary equipment can lead to the company being fined, or even facing criminal penalties.

It is also important to note that the Clean Water Act is not a static set of regulations. It is regularly updated to ensure that companies are complying with the latest standards in order to protect the environment. Companies must be aware of any changes to the Clean Water Act and ensure that they are in compliance with the latest regulations.

Learn more about the company:


Petra is working on a project with a team of engineers. She checks in with each team member and discusses what progress they are making, talks about challenges they face, and helps resolve any conflict issues that arise. What role is Petra playing on this team?


Petra is working on a project with a team of engineers. She checks in with each team member and discusses what progress they are making, talks about challenges they face, and helps resolve any conflict issues that arise.

The role Petra is playing in the team is of a Head manager.

Who are engineers?

A professional involved in the creation, design, and upkeep of numerous devices, buildings, and information systems is known as an engineer. Observing the budget and timeline requirements set forth by their employer is another duty of engineers. Continually innovating and creating, engineers are experts in their fields.

For the creation of novel goods, services, technologies, and procedures, engineers are in charge. This is a broad career that prospective engineers can explore because they can work in a variety of fields. Choosing whether engineering is a good fit for your interests and abilities can be aided by being aware of the scope of the field.

Learn more about engineers


machine learning is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. which of the following are categories of machine learning? check all that apply


The categories of machine learning include the following:

A. supervised

B. unsupervised

C. reinforced

What is machine learning (ML)?

In Computer technology, machine learning (ML) is also referred to as deep learning or artificial intelligence (AI) and it can be defined as a subfield in computer science which is typically focused on the use of data-driven techniques (methods), computer algorithms, and technologies to develop a smart computer-controlled robot with an ability to automatically perform and manage tasks that are exclusively meant for humans or solved by using human intelligence.

Generally speaking, machine learning models are designed and developed to accept numerical data (numbers) or collections of numerical data (numbers) as an input, which may either be supervised or unsupervised.

Read more on machine learning here:


Complete Question:

Machine learning is the field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed. Which of the following are categories of machine learning?





a bus travels at 85 km/hr in standard air. the frontal area of the vehicle is 7.2 m2, and the drag coefficient is 0.95. calculate the drag force on the vehicle. how much power is required to overcome the aerodynamic drag?


Frontal region A may be calculated by multiplying the width and height of a rectangle that encircles the front of an automobile by 0.85 to get a rough idea of the frontal projection of the area of the car.

When looking at the car from a direction normal to the front grills, you will see this area. The coefficient used to calculate resistance as an object moves through a fluid is called the drag coefficient and is represented by the letter Cd. Because the coefficient of drag has no dimensions, it can be used to calculate aerodynamic drag as well as the effects of form, tilt, and flow conditions. A drag coefficient can be used to express how the drag force and an object's motion are related.

Learn more about resistance here-


technician a says if caster at both wheels is not equal, the vehicle will tend to drift toward the side with the most positive caster. technician b says if camber is not the same on both wheels, the vehicle will pull toward the side with the most positive camber. who is correct?


Technician B says if the camber is unequal on the two wheels, the vehicle will tow to the side with the most positive camber. the statement expressed by the technician is true.

Camber is an automotive term for the slope of a car tire. protruding tires; when it comes out at the bottom it is called negative camber while for the protruding part of the top it is called positive camber. So what is often found on the streets is negative camber modification.

There are various purposes for camber modifications in cars, including racing cars such as the Naskar which use turning and tilting tracks at high speed. The use of negative camber in this racing event to get stability. Meanwhile, in touring cars, positive camber is used to lighten the steering load. What is clear is that this modification is not arbitrary.

However, currently the application of camber modifications does not pay attention to functional purposes but rather to trends or appearances. Because of that, it is better if you are going to make changes to a vehicle so that it becomes non-standard, you should pay attention to various factors including comfort and safety.

You can learn more about Camber here


What particles carry electric current in metal wires?
A. amperes
B. protons
C. electrons
D. neutrons


Electric current in metal wires is carried by free electrons. due to any variations.

Electrical charge travels through a conductor when a potential difference is put across it, and electrical current is a measure of how much electrical charge passes through a conductor in a given amount of time.

Electrons and protons are both present in an atom in equal numbers. So, in general, atoms are electrically neutral. There will be an attractive force acting between the electrons and protons because they are attracted to one another due to the positive charges of the core nucleus's protons and the negative charges of the circling electrons. A variety of electrons organise themselves in distinct circling shells that are spaced apart from the nucleus in an atom.

Learn more about Electrons here:


A storage tank for concentrated nitric acid will be constructed from aluminum to resist corrosion. The tank is to have an inside diameter of 6 m and a height of 17 m. The maximum liquid level in the tank will be at 16 m. Estimate the plate thickness required at the base of the tank. Take the allowable design stress for aluminum as 90 /^2.


Answer: P = ρ x g x H


ρ = density of water = 1000kg/m³

H = Height of the tank = 10m

g = acceleration due to gravity = 9.81m/s²

Substituting these values into   -----     Eqn 1    gives  

P = 9.81 x 10⁴Pa

Now for cylindrical shaped vessel,

The Longitudinal stress σ1 = P x r / 2 x t

where t= tank thickness = 10mm = 0.01m

r = tank radius = 2m

substituting these values into eqn2 gives

σ1 = 9.8 x 10⁶Pa

But from the mohr's circle stress analysis, we have

The maximum normal stress σm = σ1m = 2 x 9.8 x 10⁶Pa = 19.6MPa

The maximum shear stress σ1s = 9.8 x 10⁶Pa = 9.8Mpa

the __________ method is a framework for operationalizing a firm’s strategic plan by focusing on measurable outcomes based on dimensions of a firm’s performance.


By concentrating on quantifiable results based on aspects of a firm's performance, the balanced scorecard technique offers a framework for integrating a firm's strategic strategy.

A framework and an example are what?

Therefore, a framework is a collection of resources and pieces that may be applied to several applications. The Microsoft. NET Framework is one of the more very well popular frameworks for websites.

What is the framework concept?

One or maybe more formal theories, in whole or in part, along with additional ideas and actual data from the literature are all included in a conceptual framework. It is employed to demonstrate the connections between these concepts and how their relate towards the research topic.

To know more about Framework visit:


For a list of numbers entered by the user and terminated by 0, find the sum of the positive number and the sum of the negative numbers. C++ language only. No points will be given if other languages are used.


The sum of the negative numbers. C++ language only:

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

using namespace std;

int main()


int positiveSum =0;  //this will hold sum of positive nums

int negativeSum =0; // this will hold sum of negative nums

int number=0; // user input for number

for (int i = 1; i <=10; i++)  // loop from 1 to 10 times


 cout << " Enter a number: ";

 cin >> number;

 // now check if number is positive or negative

   if (number >=0)


       positiveSum += number;    // adds this number to positiveSum


   else if (number < 0)


      negativeSum += number;   // adds this number to negativeSum



cout << endl;

cout << " Total of Positive numbers is: " << positiveSum << endl;

cout << " Total of Negative numbers is: " << negativeSum << endl;

cout << " Total of all numbers is: " << totalSum << endl;

return 0;


What is an increment operator in C++?

Increment Operator is used to increasing the value of the operand by 1 whereas the Decrement Operator is used to decrease the value of the operand by 1. In C++, the value of the variable is increased or decreased by 1 with the help of the Increment operator and the Decrement Operator.

How to use i ++ in C++?

In C/C++, Increment operators are used to increasing the value of a variable by 1. This operator is represented by the ++ symbol. The increment operator can either increase the value of the variable by 1 before assigning it to the variable or can increase the value of the variable by 1 after assigning the variable.

To know more about increment operators:

although not limited by the nec®, if a 15-amp residential circuit is to be loaded only up to its rating, how many outlets can be put on the 120-volt circuit if the outlets are rated at 120 va per outlet?


A 20-ampere branch circuit cannot be used to power 20-ampere outlets, only 15-ampere outlets. Either 15- or 20-amp receptacles can be powered by a 20-amp circuit. Receptacles connected to a branch circuit with a 30 amp rating must have a 30 amp rating.

What outlets can be put on the 120-volt circuit?

On a 20-ampere, 120-volt breaker, a maximum of 13 outlets are permitted. These outlets can be 15-ampere, 20-ampere, or any combination of the two in accordance with Tables 210.21(B)(3) and 210.24.

Therefore, Either 40- or 50-amp receptacles can be powered by a 40-amp branch circuit.

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