how do economic factors most influence internet use in the untied states?


Answer 1

Economic factors most influence internet use in the United States as higher earners are more likely to utilise the internet.

What is the Internet's impact on the economy?

Significant increase in GDP. The Internet has a significant impact on economic growth rates in a variety of large, industrialised economies. According to our analysis, the average GDP share of the Internet across the major economies—which together account for 70% of the global GDP—is 3.4%.

What effects does the Internet have on our socioeconomic lives?

The population's economic situation improves as a result of increased access to technology, which also lowers the rate of poverty and raises the quality of education and healthcare.

To know more about economic factors, click here-


Answer 2

Economic factors most influence internet use in the United States as higher earners are more likely to utilise the internet.

What is the economic impact of the Internet?

a substantial rise in GDP. In a number of large, industrialized economies, the Internet has a considerable impact on economic growth rates. Our data shows that the largest economies, which together account for 70% of the global GDP, have an average Internet GDP contribution of 3.4%.

Which socioeconomic effects does the Internet have on us?

Increased access to technology enhances the economic standing of the populace, lowers the rate of poverty, and boosts the standard of healthcare and education. The population's economic situation improves as a result of increased access to technology, which also lowers the rate of poverty and raises the quality of education and healthcare.

To know more about economic factors, click here-


Related Questions

5. who was appointed to head the committee to work on the articles of confederation? a. alexander hamilton b. john dickenson c. benjamin franklin d. john adams


Who was appointed to head the committee to work on the articles of confederation - B, John Dickenson.

An American founding father named John Dickinso (1732) was a lawyer and politician from Wilmington, Delaware, and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. For his twelve Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania, which were published separately in 1767 and 1768, Dickinson earned the nickname "Penman of the Revolution." In addition, in 1768, he also authored "The Liberty Song."

John Dickinson, a descendant of the landed nobility in Colonial America, received the education and training that were once only available to a select few in the 1700s. He gained notoriety as a result for his roles as a plantation owner, farmer, slave owner, Quaker by birthright, family man, businessman, politician, patriot, and founding father.

For more info about 'John Dickenson' click on below link -


The "Dust Bowl" had the greatest impact on - (12A)

Question 5 options:

Residents in urban areas

Citizens of Alaska

Farmers in the Great Plains states

Workers in Northern factories


The immediate impact of the drought is most commonly recognized as agricultural. Many crops were harmed as a result of little rainfall, high temperatures, and strong winds, as well as bug infestations and dust storms that followed these circumstances. Hence, the correct option is Farmers in the Great Plains states.

What happened in the dust bowl?

Dust bowl winds swept into Nebraska and other portions of Texas. These strangling winds had such a devastating influence that crops failed altogether, as well as the loss of a few lives and cattle. Dust Bowl, both the drought era in the Great Plains that lasted from 1930 to 1936 and the region of the United States Great Plains that spanned southeastern Colorado, southern Kansas, the Texas and Oklahoma panhandles, and northern New Mexico.

To learn more about the dust bowl, click


Which concern resulted in the U.S. congress rejecting membership in the league of nations?
a. Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.
b. Conflicts in other countries would lead to U.S. involvement in another war.
c. Dictatorial governments would have increased influence on U.S. politics.
d. U.S. companies would hurt the economy by outsourcing labor.



Economic depression in other nations would threaten the U.S. economy.


How could sharecroppers still be in debt even after the
crop was sold?



Charges for the land, supplies, and housing were deducted from the sharecroppers' portion of the harvest, often leaving them with substantial debt to the landowners in bad years.


Answer:Landowners provided sharecroppers with land, seeds, tools, clothing, and food. Charges for the supplies were deducted from the sharecroppers' portion of the harvest, leaving them with substantial debt to landowners in bad years.


Which of these region's physical features attracted german settlers to texas during the early 1800s?.


Many people fled their country as a result of the German war of 1848. While some German immigrants sought better lives in Texas, others wished to escape the stifling ideologies of the ruling class.

Where in Texas did the German immigrants settle?

The majority of them resided in urban areas as opposed to rural ones, and towns like Fredericksburg and New Braunfels were strongly influenced by German colonists. By 1880, one-third of people in San Antonio were German.

How did immigrants from Germany reach Texas?

In the 1840s, when the Adelsverein (The Society for the Protection of German Immigrants in Texas) was founded in Biebrich on the Rhine near Mainz, the largest German immigration occurred. It aided countless individuals in settling in Central Texas.

To know more about German settlers visit:-


Which of the following is not one of the seven principles of the Constitution
Group of answer choices

A. Republicanism

B. Separation of Powers

C. Individual Rights

D. Presidential Authority



I would say A republicanism


Because it doesn't sound like a real thing but if A is not correct then it would be D

The united states responded to the launch of sputnik by the soviet union in 1957 by.


US responded to the launch of Sputnik by the Soviet Union in 1957 by increasing spending on missile development.

What was the US response to Sputnik in 1957?The successful launch came as a shock to experts and citizens in the United States, who had hoped that the United States would accomplish this scientific advancement first. The fact that the Soviets were successful fed fears that the U.S. military had generally fallen behind in developing new technology.The launch of Sputnik increased the Soviet Union's global respect and influence significantly. Politicians and ordinary Americans were shocked, and they demanded increased military and science education spending.

Learn more about Sputnik in 1957 here:


What caused the women's suffrage movement?


Women’s suffrage, also called woman suffrage, the right of women by law to vote in national or local elections.

Ancient Greece, republican Rome, and the limited democracies that had developed in Europe by the end of the 18th century all forbade women from voting. Women remained to be denied all voting rights even when the voting age was raised, as it was in the United Kingdom in 1832. In the nineteenth century, the topic of women's voting rights finally arose, and the battle was particularly fierce in Great Britain and the United States. However, those nations were not the first to give women the right to vote, at least not on a national level. Women had gained the right to vote in national elections by the early 20th century in New Zealand (1893), Australia (1902), Finland, and other countries.

To learn more about women's suffrage movement, refer:


What opportunities did woman and African Americans have during the wartime business boom ?



Below explanation


During the wartime business boom, women and African Americans were able to find new opportunities in the workforce.

Many women entered the workforce for the first time to fill jobs that had been previously held by men who were serving in the military.

African Americans also found new opportunities, particularly in industries that were involved in the war effort.

However, discrimination and segregation still limited the opportunities available to both groups, and they often faced challenges in the workplace.

Is the Taj Mahal a symbol of eternal love?


The Taj Mahal is one of the most beautiful buildings in the world. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is also a World Heritage Site. For foreigners India means the country of the Taj Mahal. Every year, thousands of tourists from all corners of the world come to visit this architectural marvel. The Taj Mahal can be visited in all seasons and throughout the year. However, a visit to the Taj on full moon nights is an unforgettable experience in itself.

he Taj Mahal, a symbol of eternal love and passion, is located in the Indian city of Agra in Uttar Pradesh. It is one of the Seven Wonders of the World and is perhaps one of the best examples of splendor and architectural grandeur. The Taj Mahal, built by the Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan in memory of his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal, is situated on the bank of the Yamuna River, one of the largest rivers flowing through the state. The reflection of the Taj in the river water adds to the beauty of the total setting. It is believed that on her deathbed, Mumtaz Mahal asked her husband to build a monument for her that would be unmatched in the whole world. It was his promise to his beloved wife on her deathbed that inspired Shah Jahan to build the peerless monument. He appointed the best architects and artists from India and abroad to build this brilliant marble monument. According to research, the construction of the Taj Mahal began in 1631 AD. C. and was completed in 1648 d. C. Twenty thousand workers worked hard day and night. to build this great and incomparable monument. The best of craftsmen, artists and designers from far and wide were appointed to work on the site. You can see various structures located around the Taj Mahal. These include the domes of Shah Jahan's other wives, the 'chattris', the dome of Mumtaz Mahal's favorite servant, viewing areas and arcades. Most of these structures are built with red sandstone. The buildings are also famous for their architecture and designs.

To learn more about peerless please click on below link


What did the 1787 Northwest ordinances prohibit ?


The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 clearly prohibited slavery. These would not be slave states was abundantly clear. In the context of American history, the fact that the ordinance of 1787 outlawed slavery and involuntary servitude.

Slavery and indentured servitude were outlawed in the territory under the sixth article of the Ordinance. At the point when Congress considered the Statute in July 1787, Massachusetts delegate Nathan Dane, the writer of the Mandate, eliminated article six on the grounds that a greater part of the states going to Congress were from the South. Dane, on the other hand, was urged to reinstate the prohibition by delegates from the South because Southerners did not want a rival slave economy north of the Ohio River.

Additionally, it was anticipated that the majority of immigrants to the territory would originate from Northern States and would likely oppose slavery.

Learn more about slavery here:


Who paid for the Brooklyn Bridge?


The New York and Brooklyn Bridge Company first provided private funding for the construction of the bridge. But because of overruns, the state had to bail out the investors, spending more than $2.5 billion in today's currency to fund the remaining $15 million of the project.

The bridge took 14 years to build and cost $15 million. Although John Roebling planned the bridge, he passed away before it could be built. Washington Roebling, who had been named chief engineer at that point, fell ill while the project was being built, thus Emily Roebling assumed some of his responsibilities.

The woman who inspired the Brooklyn Bridge builder was Emily Warren Roebling. She didn't study engineering. But she played a crucial role in the development of the impressive engineering achievement.

To learn more about Brooklyn Bridge


what is the trans-atlantic slave trade? how did it impact the culture of the us?


Enslaved Africans left their cultural stamp on different aspects of yank culture. Southern yank speech patterns, for example, square measure heavily influenced by the language patterns fictitious by enthralled Africans.

Southern culinary art and "soul food" square measure nearly substitutable. Greed was one supply, the European people wished to use the territory that they had taken from the native peoples, however there was nobody to try to to the work, in order that they scarf employees from Africa.

Different Culture was another supply. The Europeans created a class, "race", that they may use to classify those that weren't European as "beneath God's notice", and so eligible for exploitation as if they were animals.

To learn more about European, visit here


When nixon ran for office, he used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over which group of voters?


Nixon used appeals to law and order and the silent majority to try to win over group of voters  which was the rising middle-class & Vietnam war veterans sons.

About Nixon

From 1969 to 1974, Richard Milhous Nixon presided as 37th president of the U.S. He was a Republican who had previously represented and represented California in the Senate. From 1953 to 1961, he served as President Dwight D. Eisenhower's 36th vice president. During his five years in office, the United States' involvement in the Vietnam War was reduced, relations with the Soviet Union and China were normalised, the first manned Moon landings took place, and the Environmental Protection Agency & Occupational Safety & Health Administration were established. Nixon's second term came to an early end when the Watergate scandal forced him to quit from office, making him the first president to do so.

To know more about Nixon:


The "final solution" was an effort by the germans to:_______.



the Jews


The final solution was akmed at the jews, but also outcasts such as homeless people and prostitutes.

during the history of the universe, what important event occurred about 380,000 years after the big bang?


The stage after big bang is known as recombination

The Big Bang theory, according to which the universe started as an extremely hot, dense point around 13.7 billion years ago, describes the history of the universe and how it evolved. This theory is widely accepted.

After the Big Bang, the matter cooled to a point where electrons could unite with nuclei to form neutral atoms, around 380,000 years later. The universe turned translucent as a result of the absorption of free electrons during this phase, which is referred to as "recombination." The cosmic microwave background radiation, which is produced as a result of the light that was released at this time, may still be seen today. But before stars and other luminous objects were created, a time of darkness came after the recombination phase.

Know more about the recombination at:


Which adaptation of this excerpt best indicates a change in time period look at this computer tablet to highlight that you are all alone if you read?


It is A. I just bought it from Edgnuity. It is A because it requests a change in time period, which is why. It denotes a shift in time because computer tablets weren't commonplace back then.

It is obvious from the provided excerpts that the answer choice A, Look at this computer tablet to emphasize that you are alone, denotes a shift in time.

Therefore, the computer tablet was not a thing back then. It is now accessible. As a result, it denotes a recurring change. Other alternatives reference a book that is available both now and in the past. It is A. I just bought it from Edgnuity. It is A because it requests a change in time period, which is why. It denotes a shift in time because computer tablets weren't commonplace back then.

learn more about computer here


What was an economic purpose of the medieval manorial system in Europe? (7.30)
A. To ensure revenue for the church
B. To provide wealth for the nobles
C. To supple dowries for serfs
D. To provide taxes for monarchs


The economic purpose of the medieval manorial system in Europe was to ensure revenue for the church. The correct option is A.

What was the purpose of a medieval manor?

A large estate given by the king to a lord in medieval times was called a manor. The lord and his family lived in the manor house, which doubled as the community hub of the estate. In return for working the demesne, or lord's land reserve, peasants were permitted to live in the manor.

The manor system was designed to give landowners a way to manage their property so that they could produce the goods they needed for both their own needs and the needs of the people who worked the land.

Thus, the ideal selection is option A.

Learn more about a medieval manor here:


why would clement vii not permit king henry viii of england to annul his marriage to catherine of aragon and marry anne boleyn?


Henry's request was resisted by Pope Clement VII. Since Catherine was a Spanish princess and Charles V's aunt, the Holy Roman Emperor, dissolving her marriage would have grave political repercussions.

In England, an ecclesiastical court was called to hear the case, but after months of discussion, the annulment request was rejected. Henry's main minister, Cardinal Wolsey, had led his unsuccessful efforts to have the annulment granted. He was promptly and dramatically ousted, making room for the nimble-minded, legal-minded Thomas Cromwell to succeed him.

Henry was urged to disregard the Pope by Cromwell and Anne, but a gathering of lawyers and clerics warned against it. Thus began a progression that resulted in Henry's elevation to the position of Supreme Head of the Church in England and his complete break with Rome.

To learn more about Pope Clement please click on below link


The Works Progress Administration was created in 1935, as a part of the New Deal. The effectiveness of the WPA was in the -A. regulations it imposed on farm production B. protection of a minimum wageC. infrastructure it built throughout the countryD. building of homes for the unemployed


On public works projects, the Works Progress Administration (WPA) created millions of jobs. Workers promoted soil and water conservation, dredged rivers and harbors, constructed highways and public buildings, and Public spaces were made better by hiring artists.

What was the Works Progress Administration's main goal?

By providing jobs and income to millions of Americans, the WPA aimed to alleviate unemployment. More than 3.3 million Americans worked for the WPA at its height toward the end of 1938.

What did the Works Progress Administration accomplish?

The WPA's infrastructure projects included 40,000 brand-new and 85,000 improved structures. 5,900 brand-new schools were among these new structures; 9,300 brand-new gyms, recreation centers, and auditoriums; a new 1,000 libraries; 7,000 brand-new dorms; 900 brand-new armories.

To learn more about Works Progress Administration here


How were the maya and inca economies similar to earlier latin american civilizations?


The Maya and Inca economies were similar to earlier Latin American civilizations in that they relied heavily on agriculture and had complex trading networks.

The Economic Similarities Between the Maya and Inca Civilizations and Earlier Latin American CulturesThey both relied heavily on the production of maize, beans, and squash and traded in goods such as cotton, cocoa, and feathers.They also used a form of currency in the form of cacao beans and cotton mantles.Both civilizations also developed intricate irrigation systems to ensure a steady supply of water for their crops.Finally, both civilizations also had complex systems of taxation and tribute.

Learn more about Maya and Inca economies at:


Opening trade between a nation that has "cheap labor" and one that has "expensive labor" will a. lower the standard of living in both countries.b. raise the standard of living in both countries.c. make some workers less efficient.d. lead to an inappropriate allocation of resources.


Opening trade between a nation that has "cheap labor" and one that has "expensive labor" will b. raise the standard of living in both countries.

As any enterprise chief knows, one of the most important charges of doing business is hard work. hard work, which may account for as plenty as 70% of general business costs, includes employee wages, advantages, payroll, and different related taxes. labor costs must be around 20 to 35% of gross income. cutting hard work prices is a balancing act. locating ways to streamline labor prices is rooted in lowering fees without sacrificing team workers' morale or productivity.

Complete-time enterprise worker fees also can consist of unwell leave, bereavement goes away, maternity leave, vacations, persevering with schooling credits, bonuses, incentives, and increases. those are all additional fees that upload to the labor costs you pay on the display ground for services.

Learn more about labor here:


Which features of these historical documents likely appealed to the colonists and why?.



limited the government's power while granting more rights to the people.


hope it helps:)

Two basic assumptions trait theorists make about traits is that every trait is _____, it applies to all people , and that they can be ______, or measured


Answer: The traits exist along a continuum,


the ideology of separate spheres caused women in the 1950s and 1960s more strain than it had in earlier decades. how would this increase in strain be best explained?


Men were supposed to be the head of the home and the primary provider during the 1950s, while women were expected to be the homemaker and the children's caregivers.

Women in politics challenge inequality in two ways: first, they challenge androcentrism, but not sexism. It eliminates androcentrism, sexism, and subordination.

For American women, the 1950s marked a new era. After World War II, men took up the roles that women had held during the conflict. Many women made the move to the position of homemaker, or someone who runs and maintains a home. For the majority of families, wealth and disposable income increased in the 1950s.

To know more about inequality , click here:


What was life before the Agricultural Revolution How did farming change people's lives?


Before agriculture, people lived by hunting wild animals and gathering wild plants.When supplies ran out, these hunter-gatherers moved on. Agriculture meant that people did not need to travel to they food.

Instead, they began to live in settled communities and farmed or raised animals on nearby land. Often nomadic, this was the only way of life for humans until about 12,000 years ago, when archaeological studies show evidence of the rise of agriculture.Human lifestyles began to change as groups formed permanent settlements and tended crops.There are still some hunter-gatherer peoples today. When the first humans started farming, they were able to produce enough food that they did not have to migrate to their food source.This meant that they could build permanent structures and develop villages, towns, and eventually even cities.Closely related to the rise of sedentary societies was the increase in population.

To learn more about hunter-gatherer please click on below link.


What bridge is the 8th wonder of the world?


The Brooklyn Bridge has been tagged as the 8th wonder of the world.

Downtown Manhattan and Brooklyn Heights are connected by the famous Brooklyn Bridge. The Brooklyn Bridge, which is famous for its stone arches, has six lanes of traffic and a shared route for pedestrians and bicycles. Over 116,000 cars, 30,000 pedestrians and 3,000 cyclists cross the Brooklyn Bridge each day on average as of 2018.

John A. Roebling was the architect of the Brooklyn Bridge. It was the world's longest suspension bridge at the time. By crossing the East River, the Brooklyn Bridge links the boroughs of Manhattan and Brooklyn. In 1964 and 1972, respectively, the Brooklyn Bridge received the designations of National Historic Landmark and National Historic Civil Engineering Landmark. Recent decades have seen the structure undergo upgradation to suit traffic demands.

To learn more about Wonders of the World refer:


Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs were all exponents of this school of painting. Precisionism. Duchamps' ______ were ordinary manufactured


Precisionism- This school of painting was practiced by Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs, among others. Charles Sheeler created Precisionism.

The works of Lewis Hine and Charles Sheeler are illustrations of precisionism or documentary photography. It has the ability to portray American industrial locations and robust machinery. B and C are therefore true.

The 19th century's social reformers and photographers were Lewis Hine and Charles Sheeler. The paintings and images contain the artwork.

Lewis Hine has been working to make children's living and working conditions better. He has been depicting images of youngsters employed in factories and mills.

The photographer and painter Charles Sheeler has been concentrating on the smokestacks from factories and the turbine engines. Sheeler's discovery of an art form is precisionism. The creative process has enabled  to bring modernization to the US.

To know more about precisionism:


Correct question:

Charles Demuth, Charles Sheeler, and Elsie Driggs were all exponents of this school of painting.

In 1980 mount st. helens in washington state erupted. what were some of the destructive forces that occurred? a. over a billion feet of the top of this mountain blew off, and toxic gas killed everyone in the state of washington along with plants and animals. b. a tsunami wiped out san francisco. c. a nearby glacier melted and flooded the area, killing additional humans and animals. d. over a thousand feet of the top of the mountain was obliterated.


Mount St. Helen's eruption in Washington state in 1980. These devastating forces also caused a nearby glacier to melt, flooding the area, and killing more people and animals. Here option C is the correct answer.

Large stones and logs that were carried by lahars obliterated woods, bridges, roads, and structures. The biggest volcanic disaster in the history of the contiguous United States was caused by these tragic occurrences, which claimed the lives of 57 people, among them David Johnston, a dedicated USGS scientist.

Hundreds of houses, buildings, and other structures were destroyed, and 57 people lost their lives. Following the eruption, rivers took on new courses, forests were destroyed, and Mount St. Helens' summit disappeared. More than 150 new lakes and ponds were created, and the banks of already-existing lakes were flooded by the addition of silt.

To learn more about Mount St. Helen


What evidence did the historian William H. McNeill use to support the claim that “the potato led to empire?” QUICK PLEASE


The historian William H. McNeill use to support the claim that “the potato led to empire satisfaction of the hunger that was caused because of the population growth.

Who is H. McNeill?

The idea that interaction and exchange between civilizations is just what propels recorded civilization onward was first put forth by American scientist and novelist Hardy McNeill . 

The potato "led to imperial satisfying of the starvation that was generated by the rising population," according to historian William H. McNeill. Potatoes are seen with a mixture of mistrust, dislike, and horror.

They were mostly used as animal feed and food for the hungry as they were typically assumed to be inappropriate for personal food. Potatoes were originally predominantly grown in northwestern European nature reserves as an exotic curiosity.

Learn more about H. McNeill, here:


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