How do diet and weigh loss companies use bias to sell their products


Answer 1
Because they prolly think they would have lots of sake because of them

Related Questions

Oxygen is a product of the electron transport chain.
True or False



False :)

hope this helps m8

It’s False. I’m sure that this is the answer.

21. A soft sedimentary rock, like limestone, can change over time into a hard metamorphic rock
like marble. What processes must have acted on the limestone over the years to change this
sedimentary material into hard metamorphic material?



The heat generated by the magma chamber has changed these sedimentary rocks into the metamorphic rocks marble, quartzite, an hornfels. Regional Metamorphism occurs over a much larger area. This metamorphism produces rocks such as gneiss and schist. ... They are generally as hard and sometimes harder than igneous rocks.

If sedimentary rock, pressed inside the crust and treated with a high pressure and temperature, then it can change over time into a hard metamorphic rock.

What is a sedimentary rock?

A sedimentary rock is mad up by the decomposition of minerals and other organic matter near the water surface.

These rocks are soft, such as limestone.

These rocks can turn into hard metamorphic rocks if they came in contact with high pressure and temperature.

Thus, by high pressure and temperature, the sedimentary rock change into hard metamorphic rock.

Learn more about metamorphic rock, here:

If the mother's actual genotype is IA i and the father's blood type is IB i, what is the probability of their child having AB blood?





punnett squares!

RNA differs from DNA in that RNA
A.all of these
B.contains the nitrogenous base uracil
C.contains a different sugar molecule single-stranded



A..they are all characteristics of RNA

12 Explain How does the scientific use of the word efficiency
differ from the everyday use of the word?



Scientific: the ability to avoid wasting energy or money efforts

how we use it everyday: to to get thing done without a hitch.

I'd say we use it in a very layied back way.

5. True or false: One gene always codes for one trait.
o True
O False



The asnwer is false


I think it’s false.

Plastics are made from oil/petroleum and have both benefits for society and harmful effects on the environment


Answer: It is True I just took the test


Which of the following best represents what is displayed in the image below?
A. The differences between plant structures and the mechanism that produces them
B. The completed plant tissues and the cells that initiate their growth
C. The relationship between different structures in a plant and their functions
D. The types of plant cells and their functions within the plant


C. The relationship between different structures in a plant and their function

The given image shows the relationship between different structures in a plant and their functions.

What are the structures of plants and their functions?

There are various plant parts, each with its unique characteristics and functions to do. Each one of them plays a vital role in maintaining a healthy ecology and environment.

The parts of the plant include

Roots: The most crucial component of a plant is its roots. They are located underground and make up a plant's root system. They are responsible for holding the plant in place with the soil. They serve as an anchor that the plant uses to keep itself steady. By soaking up water, nutrients, and minerals from the soil, they also control the health of the plant. A plant can grow as a result of these. Additionally, they keep food supplies for later use.Stems: It is the second most crucial component. It rises above the ground, starts out green, and eventually turns brown as it gets older. They consist of leaves, fruits, and flowers and sustain the plant's stalk system. They support the framework and structure of the plantLeaves: Chlorophyll, which is responsible for the synthesis of plant food, can be found there. To prepare the food, it makes use of water, carbon dioxide, and sunlight. A leaf is further divided into three main parts: the petiole, leaf base, and lamina.Flowers: There are certain plants that do not have flowers. They have a vibrant, peaceful aesthetic. They are the plant's reproductive system. Petals, sepals, stamens, and pistils are its four main constituent components.Fruits: Fruit production is carried out by flowering plants. After fertilization, the fully developed ovary transforms into a fruit. They develop into a seed first, then a fruit.

Learn more about plants here:


An artist is making a circular stained glass window with a diameter of 10in. The stained glass costs$4.40 per square inch





What structures have parasite worms lost? What structures/organs are expanded?



Something that is lacking, is a circulatory system. Instead of a typical circulatory system flatworms exchange oxygen with the air outside through diffusion. This is the process by which gases will pass through a membrane from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration.

Carbon dioxide in the atmosphere flows into and out of living things.
Which type of living things take carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere?

Select one:
A. all answer choices.
B. Plants
C. Animals
D. Fungi


The part of the plant that takes in carbon dioxide from the air for photosynthesis stomata.

Pearl the whale had a horrible accident at cheerleading practice and needed a blood transfusion. So she needed to find out her possible blood type. Her dad, Mr. Krabbs is heterozygous for blood type A and her mom is heterozygous for blood type B. Make a Punnett square to show Pearl’s possible blood type(s). Mr. Krabbs genotype: ________ Mrs. Krabbs genotype: ________ What is the possibility of Pearl having blood type O? ____ What is the possibility of Pearl having blood type AB? ____ What is the possibility of Pearl having blood type A? ____ What is the possibility of Pearl having blood type B? ____ - Is this scenario an example or incomplete dominance or codominance? Explain. - How can some people receive O-type blood which is recessive?



Mr Krabs genotype: A0

Mrs K= B0

Possible genotypes: AB, B0, A0, 00

The possibility that pearl has blood type O is 25%, type A 25%, type B 25%

this scenario is an example of codominance

B. Exercises
Exercise 1 True or False
Directions: Write Tif the statement is TRUE and Fif the statement is FALSE in your
1. T The installation of pipe is plumbing.
Steel piping is designed for a long list of applications.
3. Cutting Tools used in measuring number relating the item under study and the referenced
unit of measurement.
Measuring tools help hand tools and power tools work together, especially important for the
variety of drilling tasks that get done in woodworking.
5. Holding Tools used for holding firmly any material that has to be cut.
6. Indicates the quantity and unit of materials still available in the stockroom is the Balance on
7. Unit writes the unit of measuring quantity.
8. A price of material per piece or per unit is Unit Price.
9. The one who signed a signature in a borrower's slip is a borrower.
10. Job Order is not workings sheet that server as a complete guide of the student to a certain
task to be done.
11. Materials and tools are not in accordance with specifications.
12. Check the tools with accessories. See to it that nothing is missing.
13. Check if the materials and tools are of correct specifications,
14. Get replacements for those unreturned materials or tools.
15. Take the issued materials and tools to the workplace.​





exercise can out use food is bad thing in body work smell feeling bad out anut

2. Calculate the kinetic energy of a dodgeball that has a mass of 2 kg and velocity of 4 m/s after being thrown.
a. 32J
b. 64 J
c. 16 J
d. 8J





because kinetic energy =1/2mv²

1/2 ×2×4²=16J

What was going on in the last 250 years that is thought to have a significant impact
on the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere

A. Industrial revolution
B. Forest fires
C. humans evolved
D. Middle Ages





Were there any extinction events that occurred during the Cambrian period?? Help !!!


Yes. Oxygen crash led to Cambrian mass extinction

K12 ELA 7th grade science interim

answers are labeled as numbers and letters a b c and d (1c 2d 7a 9b etc)



wait what grade are u in?

Help please !!!!!! Need the answer asap



i think the answer is c


Please help me.!!!
Lol you’ll get 100 points



Arteries carry blood away from the heart and veins carry blood back to the heart. The circulatory system carries oxygen, nutrients, and hormones to cells, and removes waste products, like carbon dioxide. These roadways travel in one direction only, to keep things going where they should.

Explanation: dont be men to me i have autism and savant syndrom

a = lil b = p c = a  d = pi add it up lil papi


which statement best describes metals



... There is no answer options


metals are conductors and there are also plenty of different types of metals but yea they’re conductors and heat transfers from an object or something like that, to the metal

Created from the
- of
in ______ over time.

Help me pls



Sedimentary Rock:

Created from the deposition of sediment

in layers over time.


With the pressure that is created from the layers of rock, this causes the creation of Sedimentary rock.

Hope this helps :)

What is the amino acid sequence that results from the original DNA sequence?




Use the chart. The first amino acid is AUG

AUG is found in the row A, column U, and AUG is the 4th letter in the box, the sequence for it is met.

Looking at the next 3, UGG

The code for that is trap sk it has to be d.

Wrong answers only! What is the purpose of sampling water at the water treatment plant. PS IT HAS TO BE ABOUT THE TOPIC


the purpose is to taste test it obviously

DeShawn wants to conduct a scientific study on how land-clearing in his city may have affected the quality of the water. Which source of information would be most valuable to his research? A. a survey given to the people of the city ten years ago on the possible effects of land-clearing on water B. the opinion of a neighbor who has some knowledge on how to test city water for impurities C. a recent city government report with data regarding how clean the water supply is D. a recent political article stating that the water of the city should be filtered and cleaned Reset Next Question


Answer: i think that the answer is C


The source of the information that should be most valuable to the research should be option C.

What is research?

It means that the development of the new knowledge should be done or there is the usage of the existing knowledge for generating the new conceptsm methods, and understanding. It involved the synthesis and the analysis of last research for resulting the new or the creative outcomes.

So based on this, the option c should be correct.

Learn more about research here:

How many electrons are transferred in one ionic bond between sodium and chlorine?
a. 3
b. 2
c. 4
d. 1



c i think so if is not correct i am sorry

B or 2 I’m not really sure

A fruit fly has a recessive allele for no eyes (e). Two heterozygous fruit flies with eyes are crossed. What is the total number of different genotypes possible among their offspring?
A. 1





Define bisexual flower



The flowers which contain both male and female reproductive organs are known as full or bi flowers. They will self-pollinate themselves. Examples: Tulip, Sunflowers and Lily

Explanation: did it awhile ago hope this helps you pass!


Like they said, bisexual flowers hold both female and male reproductive parts of a flower meaning they can pollinate other flowers and themselves.


Which of the following would be affected when a protein is denatured?
a.) amino groups
b.) primary structure
c.) side chains
d.) tertiary structure


"b" why because primary structure needs protein and if protein denatured,primary structure will affected instantly!


When a protein is denatured by chemical, heat or other substances, the primary structure remains intact. Hence, the correct answer would be the tertiary structure.

Denaturation of proteins generally causes the breakage of weak bonds on which the folding and the entire protein structure is built. When this happens:

the peptide bonds between the component amino acids remain intact. Hence, the primary structure is conservedthe destruction of other bonds means that the secondary and tertiary structures are affected.

Agents that are capable of denaturing proteins include high temperature, changes in acidity/basicity, UV radiation, high concentration of salts, and so on.

The correct answer as to which would be affected when a protein is denatured in this case would, therefore, be the tertiary structure.

More on protein denaturation can be found here:

Which of the following is not a function of the bacterial cell wall?

A. Provide the cell with shape and rigidity
B. Prevent the cell from lysing
C. Protect the cell
D. Provide the cell with locomotion





I believe locomotion would be the job of the flagellum

The correct option that is not a function of the bacterial cell wall is : ( D ) Provide the cell with locomotion

The Bacterial cell wall acts mainly as a protective cover to the cell of the bacterium, protecting the cell from lysing ( preventing the breakdown of the cell via osmotic pressure ). The cell wall also provides the cell with shape a and rigidity.

While The locomotion of the cell is not the responsibility of the cell wall but it is made possible by the flagellum.

Hence the non - function of a bacterial cell wall is providing the cell with locomotion.

Learn more :

The genootype for a pea plant that is hom0zygous recessive for both height and pea color

b. ttyy
d. ttYY


Answer: b ttyy
Explanation I hope this helps
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