How did the views that oralists held about deaf education differ from modern linguists?.


Answer 1

The views held by the oralists about deaf education differ from those held by modern linguists in the following way;

According to oralists, deaf children would struggle to learn languages (both spoken and written) using sign language and they would be secluded from the rest of the hearing community.  However modern linguists are of the idea that sign language improves deaf people's ability to learn languages.

Several studies carried out in the late 190s by modern linguists revealed that sign language is one of the best ways to improve the learning ability of languages for both hearing and deaf children and that the deaf community includes those close to the deaf in our society.

This is clearly different from what the oralists believed since their views were against sign language. They further believed that signing would separate them from the rest of the community and sabotage their ability of learning spoken and written languages.

Learn more about oralists and modern linguists at


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7. if unsure about a person's disability accommodation or access and functional needs, the best approach is to:


If unsure about a person's disability accommodation or access and functional needs, the best approach is to ask them.

A long-term physical, hearing, vision, cognitive, mental, or emotional impairment that significantly restricts one or more major living activities is referred to as a handicap. However, because disability is a continuum, it is impossible to draw a sharp distinction between people who have one and those who do not. According to the "social model," a person's ability to participate in society is limited by social constraints as well as their physical impairment. These obstacles may be structural, programmatic, or psychological. Our responsibility is to change the financial landscape to accommodate everyone's requirements. In terms of life experience and disability characteristics, the population with disabilities is diverse.

To know more about disability characteristics:


ap psychology training that attempts to override biological constraints will not endure because animals will revert to predisposed patterns, true or false


True: We now understand that biological predispositions limit the use of classical conditioning methods, making some connections simpler to acquire than others. Learning is adaptive: Every species picks up survival-oriented behaviour.

Populations can be resistant to evolutionary change due to biological constraints. "A quality of a trait that, although presumably adaptive in the environment in which it initially originated, works to establish constraints on the creation of new phenotypic variations," is one definition of constraint that has been put forth. Ideas like homology and body designs have developed significantly as a result of constraints. Any characteristic of an organism that has remained the same over time may be used as proof of a "constraint" of some kind. Therefore, it is important to break the notion down into more manageable pieces in order to make it more helpful.

learn more about biological constraints here:


Why did the Kulak class oppose collectivization?


Stalin had several kulaks transferred to distant collective farms to work in agricultural labor camps. As a result, many farmers began to resist, often arming themselves against activists dispatched from the towns. Those who were wealthier than the other peasants and thus stood to lose the most.

In Russian and Soviet history, the Kulaks were wealthy peasants who possessed relatively large farms and livestock and could afford to hire labor and lease land. Because they are wealthier than other peasants, the Kulak class opposes collectivization. They will lose more in this case.

Learn more on collectivization


Of these influences, which appears to be the initial source of gender segregation?A)establishment of gender constancyB)peer pressureC)differences in behavioral styles and interestsD)parent and teacher efforts


Of these influences, parent and teacher efforts appear to be the initial source of gender segregation.

The physical, criminal, or cultural separation of persons based totally on their biological sex is known as intercourse segregation, sex separation, gender segregation, or gender separation. without any implication of unlawful discrimination, "intercourse segregation" can in reality refer to the bodily and spatial separation of humans based totally on their gender. Male and lady future managers can advantage from mentoring and coaching this is especially tailor-made to their wishes. Managers need to be held responsible for promoting gender range. Introduce measures to promote work-life stability for each women and men, such as bendy paintings schedules.

Learn more about segregation here


amnesty international is an example of a. a human rights interest group. b. a green interest group. c. a national-origin interest group. d. an economic interest group.


amnesty international is an example a human rights interest group.

Amnesty International, which is commonly known as Amnesty or AI, is a global non-governmental organization based in the UK that promotes human rights. According to the organization, it has more than 10 million supporters and members worldwide. Campaigning for "a society in which every individual enjoys all of the human rights recognized in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other international human rights instruments" is the organization's stated aim. Due to numerous mentions in the media and by world leaders, the group has made a significant contribution to human rights concerns.

To know more about non-governmental organization :


norms are typically explicit and are often discussed openly. group startstrue or falsetrue, unselectedfalse, unselected


The statement is False. Norms are typically explicit and are often discussed openly.

Norms are a fundamental concept in the social sciences. they're most normally described as regulations or expectancies which can be socially enforced. Norms can be prescriptive (encouraging high-quality conduct; for instance, “be sincere”) or proscriptive (discouraging negative behavior; for example, “do not cheat”).

Social norms talk about values, ideals, attitudes, and/or behaviors shared through a group of humans. they're frequently based on what humans agree with to be ordinary, common, or suitable. Social norms can feature unspoken regulations or hints about the way human beings behave, and for the way people are predicted to behave.

Learn more about Norms here


which branch of the u.s. government declared some new deal legislation unconstitutional?


The 1934 Municipal Bankruptcy Act, commonly known as the Summers-Wilcox Bill, was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court on May 25, 1936, in a 5-4 ruling.

What division of the executive declares a statute unconstitutional?

The United States Supreme Court found in 2012 that the Act was unconstitutional because it violated the First Amendment's guarantee of the freedom of speech.

The New Deal was deemed unlawful at what point?

A statutory plan to regulate and control agricultural production, according to the Supreme Court, "is a matter beyond the authority entrusted to the federal government," which is why it was found unconstitutional in 1936. A comparable program that did receive court approval replaced the AAA.

To Know more about Supreme Court


Explain how attitudes about tobacco use from friends and parents influence rates of tobacco use.



If you are around people who use it a lot you are most likely to start to use it to


Hope this helps

a juvenile who has been found to have engaged in behavior deemed unacceptable for those under a certain statutorily determined age is referred to as a . a. juvenile delinquent b. status offender c. troubled minor d. wayward youth


A juvenile who has been found to have engaged in behavior deemed unacceptable for those under a certain statutorily determined age is referred to as a juvenile delinquent.

In 1643, close to the start of the English Civil struggle, Parliament installation two committees the Sequestration Committee which confiscated the estates of the Royalists who fought towards Parliament, and the Committee for Compounding with Delinquents which allowed Royalists whose estates have been sequestrated, to compound for his or her estates – pay a first-rate and get better their estates – if they pledged now not to take up arms towards Parliament once more. the dimensions of the pleasant they needed to pay trusted the really worth of the estate and how excellent their assist for the Royalist reason have been. to manage the technique of sequestration, a sequestration committee become installed in every county.

Learn more about delinquent here


true or false: in a causal argument, generally speaking relevant difference evidence is preferable to common thread evidence.


False By and large, misleading in a causal contention pertinent contrast proof is desirable over repeating theme proof.

Causal Argument. concentrate solely on the manner in which a particular issue has arisen or resulted from something. -answers a question about how or why. -You have the opportunity to clarify these points.

How accurate is inductive argument?

A true-or-false conclusion cannot be reached with an inductive argument. This is due to the fact that arguments of this kind frequently rest on circumstantial evidence and a small number of samples. A single negative or weak sample can disprove an inductive argument due to this limitation.

To learn more about Causal Argument here


samantha an olympian runner has a dream that she fumbles in her next big race. according to sigmund freud's analysis of dream content this represents the content of her dream. samantha an olympian runner has a dream that she fumbles in her next big race. according to sigmund freud's analysis of dream content this represents the content of her dream. latent delusional dissociated paradoxical manifest


Samantha an Olympian runner has a dream that she fumbles in her next is race. The manifest content is the actual literal subject matter of the dream while the latent content is the underlying meaning of these symbols.

What is a dream?

A dream is a succession of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that usually occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep.

The content and function of dreams have been topics of scientific, philosophical and religious interest throughout recorded history.

The scientific study of dreams is called oneirology.

Learn more about dreams here:


What is the major problem with Social Security?


The major problem with Social Security is the increasing rates of Unemployment.

Social Security is referred to as the additional benefits that are given to any individual by the state such as health benefits, guaranteed employment, and other social benefits. Social security benefits are very important for any individual as it provides additional benefits and improves the overall status of any individual. These benefits help any individual to secure the future of the individual by providing them additional benefits to improve living standard. There are many problems that are faced by Social Security which includes the increasing rates of interest on any loan by banks, increasing unemployment rates, increasing population, increasing poverty and so on.

Learn more about Social Security at:


ben is incredibly friendly and outgoing. bettina is the most reliable person you know. which are ben's and bettina's big five traits in order?


Extraversion (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina) five traits in order. Thus correct option (a).

Across nations, Emotional Stability, Extraversion, Openness, Agreeableness, and Conscientiousness tended to increase from early to middle adulthood.

A proposed taxonomy, or grouping, for personality traits called the Big Five has been around since the 1980s in psychological trait theory.

The theory first emerged in the 1990s and labeled five factors for the US English-speaking population. These five factors are typically referred to as:

openness to experience (inventive/curious vs. consistent/cautious)conscientiousness (efficient/organized vs. extravagant/careless)extraversion (outgoing/energetic vs. solitary/reserved)agreeableness (friendly/compassionate vs. critical/rational)neuroticism (sensitive/nervous vs. resilient/confident)

Learn more about five traits to visit this link


Full Question:Ben is incredibly friendly and outgoing. Bettina is the most reliable person you know. Which are Ben's and Bettina's Big Five traits in order?

A)extraversion (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina)

B)agreeableness (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina)

C)neuroticism (Ben); conscientiousness (Bettina)

D)extraversion (Ben); agreeableness (Bettina)

What are 4 services provided by local government?


The four services provided by local government are healthcare facilities, better housing, sanitation and sewage disposal system, connectivity with cities and educational institutions.

Local government is the part of government in its third tier, wherein its main functionality is to provide all the facilities and policies of state government for the people standing last in the queue. They ensure that all the steps taken by government are accessible to the people to whom government cannot reach directly. These people are chosen mainly from the locality itself so that they can better understand the requirements of the local people. Construction of parks, efficient police and fire departments, housing services, emergency medical services, municipal courts, transportation services etc. are the main aims of the local government.

Learn more about local government at:


from 2006 to 2008, how much did patrick j. leahy, d-vt, receive in donations from the american crystal sugar pac?


From 2006 to 2008 Patrick j. Leahy, d-vt  received $6,000 in donations from the American crystal sugar pac.

A contribution is a gift given to a cause, humanitarian organisation, or charity. A donation can come in many different ways, such as cash, alms, services, or tangible objects like furniture, toys, food, or automobiles. A donation could meet a demand for transplantable organs or blood. Donations are made without expectation of compensation. Due to the absence of return consideration, a donation agreement is, according to common law, a "imperfect contract void for want of consideration." The donation does not become a transfer or property until it is actually made. Some nations' laws may forbid or restrict how much money politicians can collect in gifts or donations in the political sphere.

Learn more about donations here:


what needs to be known to determine the critical values for an independent-samples t test?


Decide the critical value through locating the price of the recognised distribution of the test statistic such that the opportunity of making a type I mistakes — which is denoted (greek letter "alpha") and is called the "significance stage of the test" — is small (generally zero.01, 0.05, or zero.10).

In fashionable, 3 or 4 factors should be regarded or estimated to calculate pattern size: (1) the impact size (commonly the distinction between 2 businesses); (2) the population preferred deviation (for continuous information); (three) the desired strength of the experiment to locate the postulated impact; and (4) the importance level.

The impartial pattern t-test is a useful statistical method of hypothesis trying out whilst an agency desires to determine whether there is a statistical distinction among two categories, companies, or objects and, furthermore, if there is a statistical distinction, whether that distinction is massive.

Learn more about critical value  here


which mountains form a natural boundary between european russia and siberian russia?


The Ural Mountains form the boundary between European Russia and Siberian Russia.

The Ural Mountains or simply Urals runs approximately from north to south through western Russia, from the coast of the Arctic Ocean to the river Ural and northwestern Kazakhstan. Urals are 2,500 km (1,600 mi) in length and 150 km (93 mi) in width. The highest peak of the Ural Mountains is Mount Narodnaya.

Continental collisions gave rise to the Urals between 250 and 300 million years ago, making them among the oldest mountains on Earth.

Urals contain more than 1000 varieties of valuable minerals, they have rich resources, including metal ores, coal, and precious and semi-precious stones that's why Urals are one of the richest mineral regions in the world. The type of rocks mainly found there are Metamorphic, igneous and sedimentary with Carboniferous as the age of rock.

To learn more about the Ural Mountains,

Answer: TRUE


I took the test and checked several other sites too.

Decide whether the sentence is correct or incorrect as written. ellos vivió en el sótano. correct incorrect


Ellos vivió en el sótano is incorrect, the correct statement would be Ellos vivieron en el sotano. It is written in Spanish language.

What is Spanish language?

A billion people, mostly in the Americas and Spain, speak Spanish, a Romance language. Spanish is one of the six official languages of the United Nations and is also used as an official language by the European Union, the Organization of American States, the Union of South American Nations, the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States, the African Union, and numerous other international organisations. It has official status in 20 countries and is the second most widely spoken native language in the world after Mandarin Chinese.

To know more about Spanish, click here-


Answer:Ellos vivió en el sótano is incorrect


What is a deficit in government spending?


When the federal government's spending on various fields exceeds its receipts, a deficit occurs.

Deficit spending is, to put it simply, when a government runs a budget deficit as a result of spending more than it receives in a given fiscal period. The term "deficit spending" frequently conjures up a Keynesian theory of economic stimulus, in which the state incurs debt while leveraging its purchasing power to boost demand and the economy. John Maynard Keynes, a liberal British economist, is usually given credit for the idea of deficit spending as an economic boost. Keynes claimed that a decrease in consumer expenditure during a recession or depression might be offset by an increase in government spending.

Learn more about deficit here:


why do house members and senators tend to be less active on foreign policy matters than domestic ones?


House members and senators are generally less active on foreign policy matters than domestic ones due to their lack of expertise, resources, and time, as well as the complexity of many foreign policy issues.

Why are house members and senators less active on foreign policy than domestic policy?

House members and senators tend to be less active on foreign policy matters because they lack the expertise, resources, and time necessary to become knowledgeable on foreign policy issues.

Foreign policy decisions are often made by the executive branch and the president, so individual members of the legislative branch have limited ability to influence them. In addition, foreign policy issues may be complex and far-reaching, making it difficult for individual members to truly understand their implications. Domestic policy issues, on the other hand, are typically handled by the legislative branch and are often easier to understand and navigate.

Learn more about Policy:


compulsions are a. feelings of jumpy anxiety. b. responses to unwanted and seemingly unending thoughts. c. symptoms that take a bodily form without apparent physical cause. d. persistent, irrational fears of specific objects, activities, or situations.


(B). responses to unwanted and seemingly unending thoughts. Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) features a pattern of unwanted thoughts and fears (obsessions) that lead you to do repetitive compulsions.

Compulsions are recurrent activities that you feel compelled to carry out if you have OCD. These recurrent actions, whether physical or mental, are intended to ease tension brought on by your obsessions or avert negative outcomes. However, participating in the compulsions is unpleasant and may only provide a short-term reduction in anxiety. When you are experiencing obsessive thoughts, you can create rules or routines that you must adhere to in order to manage your anxiety. These obsessions are excessive and frequently have no connection to the issue they are meant to solve.

learn more about compulsions here:


women are considered deep - why? because one can never discover any bottom to them. women are not even shallow.


In the given case, women are not even shallow.

Hence, Option B is correct.

Although Nietzsche seems to hold women in high regard in Section VII of Human, All Too Human, his general attitude toward women is equivocal given some of his other statements.\ Woman's love implies injustice and blindness against anything that she does not love.If masculine attributes were seriousness, rationalism, orderliness, desensualization, and a "career," then feminine traits would be playfulness, ornamentation, instinctiveness, unpredictability, sensuality, and nurturing.

To know more about Women here


americans spend approximately 90 percent of their day communicating. of that 90 percent, 50 percent of the time they spend listening. group of answer choices true


Americans spend approximately 90 percent of their day communicating. of that 90 percent, 50 percent of the time they spend listening. FALSE

Communication is usually defined because the transmission of information. The time period may additionally seek advice from the message communicated thru such transmissions or the sphere of inquiry studying them. there are numerous disagreements about its particular definition.

Effective communication as it applies to media means that information is passed across successfully to the receiver and it's understood by the receiver.

Learn more about communication here:

with respect to the six stages of a quality life cycle, the implementation stage of a new quality initiative is called: adoption. regeneration. maturation. energizing.


The implementation stage of a new quality initiative is called: adoption.

Hence, Option A is correct.

The Quality Initiative is designed to provide institutions the freedom to take chances, set ambitious goals, and learn from limited or even complete failure.Initiatives to promote or implement quality, continuous improvement, performance excellence, and other associated activities were identified by the poll as quality initiatives.Decrease in adverse medication-related incidents.Improvement in sepsis care.Decreased incidence of infections in urinary catheters.Lower hospital readmission rates

To know more about Initiative here


in a ________ question, respondents are asked about more than one issue but are only allowed to give one answer.


Respondents are questioned about multiple topics in a double-barreled question, but they are only permitted to provide one response.

What exactly is a survey question with two barrels?

The inquiry with two barrels, commonly referred to as a double-direct question, is essentially a trick question. (Or an informal fallacy, if you're feeling fancy.) It occurs when a single question asks respondents for their opinions on two distinct problems or subjects.

What does a research double negative question entail?

A double-negative inquiry has two negative words, which may entirely mislead or confuse the participant. Of course, if a participant cannot understand the question, their response will be meaningless, and the collected data will be of no use.

To learn more about double-barreled questions here:


the authors of our text differentiate four periods of development: beginnings, early childhood, middle childhood, and adolescence. these time period segments are commonly used to organize discussions of child development because they tend to be characterized by:


They tend to be characterized by: Particular patterns of limitations and growing capabilities.

There are four stages of life: infancy, youth, middle age, and old age. Each stage is a significant and lovely period of development, learning, compassion, and sharing in a particular and special way.

Or maybe there are four: childhood, adolescence, adulthood, and infancy. Prenatal Development is the first stage in the lifespan's eight stages, according to developmentalists. Early life and toddlerhood.

Developmental milestones are predetermined patterns in a child's growth. Four domains of a child's development—cognitive, communication and linguistic, social and emotional, and motor—are covered by milestones.

To know more Childhood here


which enlightenment philosopher influenced the ideas in the declaration of independence?


John Locke was the enlightenment philosopher who influenced the ideas in the declaration of independence.

The majority of academics currently agree that Thomas Jefferson drew inspiration for many of the most well-known themes in the Declaration of Independence from the works of English philosopher John Locke. During the Glorious Revolution in England, which ended James II's reign, Locke penned his Second Treatise on Government in 1689.

According to John Locke, everyone has some imperative natural rights from birth, which makes everyone equal un his view. In other words, rights that are unalienable and were bestowed by God. "Life, liberty, and property" are three of these essential natural rights, according to Locke. The preservation of humanity, according to Locke, is the fundamental human law of nature.

Learn more about Declaration of Independence here:


The majority of community-based mental health centers today would best be described as.


The majority of community-based mental health centers today would best be described as well-staffed but underfunded.

What is community-based mental health centers?

According to the American Psychological Association, a community mental health center is a facility or facilities which are community-based and obtain mental health services, sometimes as an alternative to the care that mental hospitals provide.

Being part of a community can have a positive impact on mental health and emotional wellbeing. Community involvement provides a sense of belonging and social connectedness. It can also give extra meaning and purpose to everyday life.

Community-based treatment facilitates people with mental disorders to manage family relationships, friendships and jobs when receiving treatment, that facilitates early treatment and rehabilitation.

Learn more about community-based mental health at:


which sociological perspective could argue that traditional gendered household responsibilities reflect an equitable, functional, interdependent division of labor?


Functionalist perspective could argue that traditional gendered household responsibilities reflect an equitable, functional, interdependent division of labor.

The Talcott Parsons nuclear family model played a major role in the development of the functionalist perspective on gender inequality in the 1940s and 1950s. According to this idea, gender disparities exist as a social system in which some groups are unmistakably in charge of carrying out particular, assigned tasks of work.

According to the functionalist viewpoint, society is a complex system whose components interact to foster cooperation and stability. This method examines social structures that shape society as a whole from a macro-level perspective, taking into account both social structure and social functions. Functionalism examines society as a whole in terms of how each of its members performs.

To know more about Functionalist perspective visit:


Who implements and enforces a policy?


After development of a policy, the government agencies and law enforcement bodies such as police force help implement and enforce it.

What determines and enforcing public policy?

The executive branch of the United States is in charge of enacting and enforcing the legislative branch's policy. It also has an impact on the legislative process, as the president is involved in policy advocacy and often has the final say on whether a bill is vetoed.

Who enforces policy?

The Executive Branch of the United States Government. The executive branch is in charge of carrying out and enforcing laws. The president, vice president, Cabinet, executive departments, independent agencies, and other boards, commissions, and committees are all part of it.

Learn more about enforces policy to visit this link


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The ratio of three numbers 2:3:4. The greatest number is 10 more than the least number. What is the middle number? Suppose the writer's goal had been to provide a guide to interpreting religious symbols created by Puebloan peoples. Would this essay accomplish that purpose? A. Yes, because it states that the orientation of a petroglyph symbol has meaning. B. Yes, because it indicates that ancient petroglyphs have significance for modern-day Puebloan peoples. C. No, because it explains that petroglyphs can be damaged or destroyed if they are examined too closely. D. No, because it does not explain what specific petroglyph images represent. a slab of insulating material has thickness 2d and is oriented so that its faces are parallel to the yz-plane and given by the planes x Help !! Pls :3:dnmdnsnms Respond to this with a minimum of 75 words. Please help. ASAP!!!Having goals is important for many reasons. If you don't set goals and continuously work towards them, you can end up just existing and never really growing in life or your career. Goals give us something to look forward to and strive for, they give us hope and determination to thrive. As mentioned in the video, goals should be specific, measurable, actionable, relevant and time bound. (Decision Skills, 2014) It also talks about how these goals require action, evaluation and revision. For example, before I went on a trip to Puerto Rico, I set a goal to lose 10 pounds in a month. Originally, I had set a goal months in advance to lose some weight before the trip, since I didn't make it specific and assign a time limit to it I just kept eating whatever and living my normal lifestyle. Once I set a "SMART Goal" I really put it into action and achieved my goal! Personally, I can use this concept to achieve any goal I set whether it be career focused or personal. It's important that I continue to evaluate my status and make adjustments as time goes on. As we all know, life can be unpredictable and this can affect our progress. I find it important to focus on one thing at a time, write everything down in order of priority, and relax from time to time. Achieving a goal is one of the most satisfying feelings ever! When all of your effort yields results, it does wonders for your self confidence. ms. ruang, a single taxpayer, purchased her principal residence on august 19, 2022 and financed the purchase with a mortgage secured by the residence. in 2022, the average balance of the mortgage was $817,000, and ms. ruang paid $35,000 of mortgage interest. how much of this interest is an itemized deduction? The Arrival The plane finally descends beneath a large cloud; I see an island coastline clearly defined. As the waves hit the shore, my heart beats aloud. This tropical destination was merely a dream; But now that the isle lies just ahead, I wonder if things really are as they seem. I blink several times and look anew; The incredible mirage hasnt faded away. What I had once only dreamed about is true! The plane glides through the sky, like a skater on ice, Toward the runways glittering lights That are pointing the way to my paradise.How does the third stanza help develop the poems central theme? It provides an example of how traveling to an unfamiliar place can often be frightening. It supports the idea that something can be just as good as you imagined. It challenges the idea that if you want something very much, you can achieve it. It reinforces the idea that dreams come true only if you believe in yourself. In the fourth stanza, the author uses a simile to describe the plane. What is the purpose of this simile? It provides a contrast between the narrators sadness and the serenity of the island. It suggests that the narrator feels peaceful while traveling to the island. It calls attention to the turbulence that the narrator is experiencing on the plane. It helps to set a detached tone about the narrators expectations. As robo advisors matured, it became clear that sometimes they could do an effective job by themselves. Group of answer choices true false a number of techniques have been developed that allow us to examine the moment-by-moment activity levels of specifically defined brain areas. these techniques are called What Swift criticizes about society? Henry walks to and from school each day. after 100 days of school, he has walked 125 miles. How many miles does Henry walk to and from school? 1. What is a nonrenewable resource?A. a resource that is used for energyB. a resource that is in limited supplyC. a resource that harms the environment when it is usedD. a resource that can replace itself quickly2. Are all rocks made up of one mineral?A. No. Some rocks may contain several minerals.B. Yes. If it contains more minerals, then it is an oreC. No. If it contains more minerals, however, then it is not useful to people.D. Yes. If it contains more minerals, then it would lose its orderly internal structure.3. Coal is a very useful rock that formed over millions of years from the remains of plants. Is coal a mineral?A. No, coal is not a mineral because coal is made of dead plants.B. No, coal is not a mineral because coal can be burned to produce electricity and heat.C. Yes, coal is a mineral because all rocks that are useful to people are minerals.D. Yes, coal is a mineral because all rocks are nonliving solid minerals.4. Which is a positive aspect of fossil fuels?A. They do not need processing to produce energy.B. They provide energy for cars, trains, and heat.C. They are ecologically friendly.D. They can be recycled and reused.5. Which is a negative aspect of fossil fuels?A. They are difficult to transport.B. They cause pollution on Earth.C. They take a long time to produce energy.D. They are difficult to find.6. Which is a disadvantage of solar power?A. It requires turbines.B. It can be harmful to wildlife.C. It requires burning fuel, which causes air pollution.D. It can only be used where there is lots of sunlight.7. Which is a thick, sticky, tar-like deposit of bitumen mixed into sandy sediment?A. coalB. sandstoneC. oil sandD. shale8. Which statement best explains an environmental outcome of using fossil fuels for energy?A. Fossil fuels release carbon dioxide which plants use to make food.B. When fossil fuels are burned, they release toxic gases into the air that cause pollution and increase global warming.C. When fossil fuels are burned, hazardous ash is created and carried through the environment by wind and dropped into nearby lakes and ponds.D. Fossils fuels produce waste that exposes humans to dangerous levels of radiation.9. Why is soil considered a vital resource?A. It plays a variety of roles for plants and animals.B. It is the place where all nutrients on Earth are stored.C. It provides the source of material for different landforms.D. It is hard to destroy and easy to make.10. Which describes a renewable energy resource?A. It is more prone to serious accidents.B. It produces less pollutants than fossil fuels.C. It consists of carbon and hydrogen molecules.D. It is less expensive than fossil fuels.11. Use the scenario to answer the question: Edwin buys a water bottle, reuses it twice, and then recycles it. Eleanor buys a water bottle, reuses it twelve times, and then throws it away. Which energy cost would apply to Edwin, but not to Eleanor?A. the cost of producing the original bottleB. the cost of processing the bottle after it was no longer usedC. the cost of transporting the bottle to the storeD. the cost of transporting the bottle away from the house12. Your class goes on a field trip to observe drilling machinery. The geologists at the drill site show you displays of drilled rocks to compare different types of drills and methods. The drilled holes in one rock display are significantly larger than the holes drilled in the display next to it. Given this information, which statement is correct?A. The rock display with smaller holes shows copper drilling, which is deep underground.B. The rock display with smaller holes shows petroleum drilling, which is closer to the surface.C. The rock display with larger holes shows copper drilling, which is closer to the surface.D. The rock display with larger holes shows petroleum drilling, which is deep underground. Does a genuine free market require restrictions on the ability of predator multinationals to create monopolies? Helpppppppppppppppppp The table shows the proportional relationship between the number of tickets required per game at a carnival.Games 3 9 15Tickets 12 36 60Determine the constant of proportionality. When Mt. 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