how did the environments in north america affect the earliest civilizations there?

How Did The Environments In North America Affect The Earliest Civilizations There?


Answer 1




Answer 2

The environment in North America affects the earliest civilization as low rainfall levels led to the decline of the civilization.

What is Civilization?

Civilization refers to the complex human society that is made up of different cities.

Low rainfall levels led to the decline of the civilization in North America affecting the environment.

Therefore, B is the correct option.

Learn more about Civilization here:


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A provision of the US Neutrality Act of 1935
encouraged the sale of arms to neutral countries.
prohibited the sale of arms to any belligerent nations.
prohibited trade of any kind with other nations.
encouraged trade only with Europe.





Your Welcome

The provision of the US Neutrality Act of 1935 prohibited the sale of arms to any belligerent nations.

What does the US Neutrality Act entails?

The Neutrality Act was a legislation that aims to keep U.S. out of War among other countries in the world.

Hence, the provision of the US Neutrality Act of 1935 prohibited the sale of arms to any belligerent nations.

Therefore, the Option B is correct

Read more about Neutrality Act

What is popular sovereignty? a.Where sovereignty is left to the government to decide
b.Where sovereignty is left to the people to decide by voting


Answer: b


i learned this like last quarter

Who is your favourite celebrity?
Mine is Doja Cat!∵



Nicki Minaj


Oooo I love doja cat but mines got to be Ariana Grande

How did the Spartan government work? THESE TOO
How did Athenian society differ from Spartan society?
What prompted Darius I of the Persian Empire to attack Greece?
What event brought Athens and Sparta together?
What was significant about the Battle of Thermopylae?



i hope these help!


1. How did the Spartan government work? Two kings ruled the city, but a 28-member 'council of elders' limited their powers.2. How did Athenian society differ from Spartan society? Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office. Athens was ruled by archons, who were elected annually.3. What prompted Darius I of the Persian Empire to attack Greece? Darius embarked on a scheme to conquer Greece and to punish Athens and Eretria for the burning of Sardis.4. What event brought Athens and Sparta together? The Persian invasion of Greece.5. What was significant about the Battle of Thermopylae? It marked the beginning of several important Greek victories against the Persians and represented a morale shift among the Greeks.

Directions: Use the information as well as the information to create your movie proposal in paragraph form, no less than 6 sentences. Please use your best writing/typing skills. Consider spelling, punctuation, and grammar while completing your paragraph.

1 image that would be used as your potential movie poster.

Role - A movie producer
Audience - Head of marketing at a film company
Format - A business proposal to convince them that the next Hollywood action movie should be about Lewis and Clark
Topic - The epic expedition taken by Lewis and Clark and the challenges they faced during the journey.

please actually use the directions if you are going to answer this. thank you! <3



I can proof read yours



1)Imagery should be the actors and capture either artistic photo direction or look of the characters and in glance what makes them who they are, what do they wear? What is their profession? What is their common interest in the film or opposite etc.

2) Business proposal can be done in a very direct and interesting way

a) we set out a descript that captures them and makes them interesting and speak of the plot and theme separately, the descript is how or what they do, the plot is what makes everything so together and interesting. Aside from this an extra proposal must be the selling point and bold words to start paragraph may help, but also an example to the essence could work and sound less complex, For further selling points to the film that makes the production quality stand out as a producer, we call this 'projection format in casting and script' and speak of an idea that parallel's the plot ie) names and what they mean what era and back in time concepts to enhance the film. and potential scenes that identifies unique experiences. Then there is production format for stunts, where potentially a stunt that could be done from close up and in budget ie) like a car crash from inside the car instead of outside etc. etc. so for LEwis and Clerk you would need to write out all the highlights of experiences in their journey and work with them at end but introduce an epic scene that shows potentially a unique experience that shocks the audience and engages them half way through etc.


Which steps are most helpful in forming a claim for an argumentative essay? Check all that apply.

discussing the topic with other people
reading about the topic online or in books
understanding different viewpoints on the topic
focusing only on one point of view on the topic
organizing information about the topic into categories





d because I got it right



Explanation:i would that

(Slogans Part 2)

“Reduce your carbon footprint in style.”
“That was easy.”
“Rewards reimagined.”
“Snap! Crackle! Pop!”
“Is it in you?”
“Finger lickin’ good.”
“Let us guide you home.”
“Belong anywhere.”
“Can you hear me now? Good.”
“America runs on dunkin.”
“Breakfast of champions.”
“Betcha can’t eat just one.”
“Think outside the bun.”
“Don’t crack under pressure.”
“Save money. Live better.”
“Let’s go places.”
“Double your pleasure, double your fun."
“Have it your way.”
“Don’t live life without it.”



badabababa im lovin it


Yeah I know right haha! Shakespeare

What was the effect of England’s defeat of the Spanish armada?

It established England as a world power.
It increased Spain’s influence in European lands.
It caused England to stop funding global expeditions.
It forced Spain to refocus on dominating the Mediterranean.



A: It established England as a world power.


In the late 1500s, Spain was the dominant world power, especially in naval power.

England was raiding Spanish ships, and supporting rebellion in Spanish territories.

Spain decided to retaliate, and attempted to invade England, in part due to the disputes over trade in the new world.

Spain prepared a huge armada, or fleet, of 130 ships and 28,000 soldiers.

Though outnumbered, English forces ddefeated the armada by using better guns that could fire long distances.

The English victory is portrayed in this painting.

The defeat of the Spanish Armada happened on July 29, 1588.

The victory established England as a major world power.

It also made long-range guns important in naval warfare.

Defeating the Spanish Armada made England the dominant world power as the 16th century came to close.

The  effect of England’s defeat of the Spanish armada was it established England as a world power. The correct option is (A).

What is the outcome of defeating the Spanish Armada?

The Armada's loss prevented an invasion of England and prevented the collapse of the Dutch Republic, but it also dealt a severe blow to the reputation of the biggest European force at the time.

The Invincible Armada was decisively defeated by Queen Elizabeth, establishing England as a superpower and ushering in a new age of naval warfare marked by the introduction of efficient long-range weapons that put an end to the practise of boarding and close-quarter combat.

Elizabeth entered the world stage once Spain was defeated, which established Protestant control in England.

Therefore, the effect of England’s defeat of the Spanish armada was it established England as a world power.

To know more about the Spanish Armada, visit:


Which state elected Hiram Rhodes Revels to the U.S. Senate? Mississippi Minnesota Missouri Montana





mark me brainy


Which state elected Hiram Rhodes Revels to the U.S. Senate?

Mississippi is the answer.


The map shows German aggression in the late 1930s.

What were the main reasons German forces aggressively expanded into neighboring countries in the late 1930s? Check all that apply.

to unite German-speaking peoples
to gain access to natural resources
to stop Polish expansion into the Sudetenland
to reclaim lands lost after World War I
to bring European Jews to Germany





The reasons that German forces aggressively expanded into neighboring countries in the late 1930s includes:

to unite German-speaking peoplesto stop Polish expansion into the Sudetenlandto reclaim lands lost after World War Ito bring European Jews to Germany

Some of the aggressive action includes Germany's militarization of the Rhineland, annexation of Austria, and aggression against Czechoslovakia, the Stalin-Hitler Pact of 1939, and the German attack on Poland.

Hence, the Option 1, 3,4 and 5 is correct.

Read more about German forces


Why did the war between France and Britain put the U.S. in a difficult position?

How did Jefferson, Hamilton, and Washington think the U.S. should react to the war?

What problems did Jay’s Treaty and Pinckney’s Treaty solve for the U.S.?



The "us" tried to stay netural



ok here ya go


1. it put President Washington in a difficult position because the French helped Americans win the Revolutionary War, but the United States was dependent on trade with Britain, which provided nearly 90 percent of what America needed to survive.

2. they talked about a 'British Constitution', and decided to set aside their differences and let Washington lead in the war.

3. it resolved territorial disputes, granted American ships the right to free navigation of the Mississippi River, as well as duty-free transport through the port of New Orleans.

What was the outcome of the Third Crusade?
The Crusaders made a treaty with the Muslims
The Crusaders looted Constantinople and never arrived in the Holy Land.
The Crusaders were defeated by the Muslims.
The Crusaders retook most of the Holy Land.


The crusaders were defeated by the muslims

The ability of each branch of government to limit the power of the other branches is called
OA. executive privilege
OB. checks and balances
C. constitutional rights
D. separation of powers


Checks and balances I think
Either D, separation of powers or B, checks and balances !

Which of the following numbers did ancient people not have a word or symbol for? A. one B. six C. zero D. seven Please select the best answer from the choices provided ​This is timed so please hurry!



C) zero


If this helped please like and rate :D have a wonderful day!

The answer is C hope this helps!!

Similar to the Maya civilization, the Aztec had temples for religious worship. True or False


this statement is true

This statement is true

Read each statement. Then, decide if it CORRECTLY describes an aspect of the removal of Native Americans from the southeastern United States in the early 1800s.

a.Cherokee lived in great numbers in and around the Appalachian Mountains.

b.President Andrew Jackson was against the removal of the Creek from the South.

c.President Andrew Jackson disagreed with Chief Justice John Marshall regarding the removal of Native Americans from the South.

d.The case of Worcester v. Georgia successfully stopped the removal of Native Americans from the South.

e.The "Trail of Tears" began in the early 1830s.


The answer is E most likely

Trial of tears was one of the main ways which correctly describes an aspect of the removal of Native Americans from the southeastern United States in the early 1800s. Hence, option E is appropriate.

What is the Trial of Tears?

The trial of Tears was one of the harshest measures which were ever put to use by the United States of America. The tribals or the indigenous people were being misled from their original place in which they used to reside.

During the Trial of Tears of the 1930s, some 60,000 American Indians were forced to relocate. The United States government used brute force to throw all the Souther native Americans from their homeland to the territories of India. There was huge bloodshed that followed the Trial of Tears.

The most important thing regarding the Trial of tears was that many people died due to the unhygienic conditions prevalent in the campsite. Hence, option E is correct.

Learn more about the Trial of Tears here:


plz plz hury Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition believed that the human mind could understand everything will give brainlyest if right


The answer is Sophist


yes I agree with the girl above


list 5 differences between capitalism and communism



1. In capitalism Property belongs to private owner but with communism the community or society solely owns the resources or the means of production.

2. While the private party controls the resources in capitalism, it is the society that controls the whole means of production in communism.

3. For Communists, the society is above individuals. But for capitalists, individual freedom is above the state or society.

4. While Communism stands for abolishing private property, Capitalism stands for private property.

5. In a capitalist economy, successes and failures (profits) of individuals and companies determine the allocation of resources. In a communist command economy, the government determines resource allocation. These decisions are typically made based on macro-economic and/or political considerations.


Hope this helps you!

plz plz plz hury plz hury plz



ɴᴏᴡ ᴘʟᴀʏɪɴɢ: Who asked (Feat: No one) ───────────⚪────── ◄◄⠀▐▐ ⠀►► 5:12/ 7: ───○ ⠀ ᴴᴰ ⚙️


jk its the Byzantine Empire

Hmm I’d say byzantine empire !

The House of Representatives shall be composed of Members chosen every second Year by the People of the several States, and the Electors in each State shall have the Qualifications requisite for Electors of the most numerous Branch of the State Legislature.
–U.S. Constitution
What is the purpose of this section of the US Constitution?
to limit the powers of the representatives
to establish rules for electing representatives to Congress
to explain how the representatives of government will make laws
to show how the three branches of representatives will work together



did it on edge guy above me is right


BRAINLY Directions: write a two paragraph letter urging President Jackson to stop the Indian Removal Act.
Site examples as how the Native way of life has been disrupted by war, disease, and manipulation.





help, please I'll give brainiest.


B the importance of federalism

Answer: D.


What kind of art did Russia ban, and why?



The birth of Soviet Art was preceded throughout the 1920s by an era of intense ideological competition between different artistic groupings each striving to ensure their own views would have priority in determining the forms and directions in which Soviet Art was to develop, seeking to occupy key posts in cultural institutions and to win the favour and support of the authorities.

that's what i found i hope it helps you

and if it's okay I accept breinlies

During what became known as the _____________________ the Palestinians made a second attempt to destroy the Jewish state.
don't answer if you don't know because it may call lie thanks ( I want a correct answer..)



I think it's: Jewish revolt.

God bless!

it was the jewish revolting against the palestinians

'' The Confedrate forces win the battle bull run''


I think it’s C. But I’m not sure
It’s D the union realizes it will not be able to easily defeat the confederacy

After _____________became emperor, he ushered in _____________an era of peace that lasted 200 years. *
Octavian, The Republic
Julius Caesar, The Empire
Augustus, Pax Romana
Constantine, Byzantium


Agustus, Pax Romana
Julius Caesar,the Empire I Believer

In three to five sentences, compare two of the following political ideologies that were popular before WWII: totalitarianism, communism, and fascism.

help pls



Communism and Fascism are often lumped together, and some people don't know the difference. Communism was practiced by the Soveit Union, while Fascim was practiced by Germany and Italy during WW2. Simpliy, communism is wanting everyone to be equal in every way - everyone gets paid the same, everyone gets the same amount of schooling, etc. Fascim is very nationalistic in a sense, they have national pride and glory and are very supportive of private companies. Somthing that they both share is that they are anti-democratic, and when you look at the countries that practiced these ideologies you can obviouly point out these traits. Although communism and fascism are very differnt, they share a hatred of democractic socitey. These ideologies that were popular before WW2 eventually lead to one of the biggest and deadlist wars in history.


I may have spelled some of that wrong, and I went over 5 sentences - sometimes I just go on a rant. Sorry!

Please help the question is on the picture



B. mosses was called "father of judism"


i’m pretty sure B. Mosses was considered the father of Judaism.

Why did some people believe lack of competition would hurt consumers?



Without competition, corporations had no reason to keep their prices low or to improve their goods & services.


People believed this because with lack of competition consumers would have no guarantee that their products they are buying are good or even effective with nothing to compare it to, the companies also wouldn’t be insuring successful products if their is no other business to compete with

In what two ways were the Crusades considered successful?
They reopened trade with the Middle East during the fourteenth century.
They permanently reclaimed the Holy Land for the Catholic Church.
They allowed the exchange of ideas and learning with the Arabs.
They united all of Europe as the Holy Roman Empire.
(look for my other 5 questions!!!)


The first one and the third one
Other Questions
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