How did the creation of state parks, national parks, national forests, and historical sites by the civilian conservation corps (ccc) impact the American economy, and where DO YOU THINK (just take a wild guess) America would be if the CCC never existed?
Please no links, please no random gibberish. Just answer the question as best you can-- revel in that 5 star review, and gloat to your friends about how you proudly earned that trophy that dubbed your answer as brainiest! Your family and friends will all be so proud!!


Answer 1

The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The creation of state parks, national parks, national forests, and historical sites by the Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) impacted the American economy in that it mainly provided work for jobless young people.

The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) was one of the most successful programs of the New Deal that implemented President Franklin D. Roosevelt as a way to help people in need after the Great Depression. As part of his New Deal Legislation, CCC hired young people to plant trees and refurbished some infrastructure in the Recreational Parks of America. It lasted for 8 years. The Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC) provided relief and help to many American citizens in that it created jobs that sheltered young people and some food.

Where do you think America would be if the CCC never existed?

I think that American citizens had spent a more difficult time without the opportunities CCC provided, and the country could have not had that ecological awareness that invites us to take care of the environment, our forests, and nature in general.

Related Questions

Look at the graph below.

A graph titled Deaths during Vietnam Year shows countries on the horizontal axis and the Estimated number of deaths (thousands) on the vertical axis. The graph shows the following numbers by country: 100 American; 300 South Vietnamese; and 1,100 Communist.

Which conclusion would make the most sense after looking at the graph?
The infliction of heavy casualties upon the communists did not bring about a US victory in Vietnam.
The relatively low number of American casualties led a majority of Americans to support the Vietnam War.
The infliction of heavy casualties upon the communists led to a US victory in Vietnam.
Faced with heavy casualties, North Vietnam eventually gave up its attempt to control South Vietnam.



The infliction of heavy casualties upon the communists led to a US victory in Vietnam.



A. The infliction of heavy casualties upon the communists did not bring about a US victory in Vietnam.


A soccer team consists of a minimum of 13 players. True or false ?


Consist of a minimum of 11 players

was the policy of appeasement justified
( Germany World War 2 )



Overall however, appeasement was not justified as both countries helped to assist Germany into a stronger and more powerful nation permitting them to invade any country as they wish. This had an international impact and gave Stalin the impression of the true meaning of an agreement to allies.


Hopes this helps. Mark as brainlest plz!

Which statement about the administrations of President Lyndon Johnson and President Richard Nixon
is accurate?
Johnson supported reforms to end poverty; Nixon supported reforms to help the
Johnson pushed for ideas that were popular among conservatives; Nixon pushed for ideas
that were popular among liberals.
O Johnson visited China to negotiate a trade deal; Nixon ended the Vietnam War.
Johnson backed policies that were popular in the South; Nixon inspired southerners to join
the Democratic Party.



I think that it could possibly

Johnson pushed for ideas that were popular among conservatives; Nixon pushed for ideas

that were popular among liberals.

O Johnson visited China to negotiate a trade deal; Nixon ended the Vietnam War.

im very sorry if its wrong...

The statement which is accurate is - "Johnson visited China to negotiate a trade deal; Nixon ended the Vietnam War." Thus, option third is correct.

Who was Nixon?

Richard Nixon was the president of America who served the people of the United States in the year 1969 to 1974 and was the 37th president of US. He was a Republican who had previously represented and represented California in the Senate. He also served as the vice president of America.

The statement that is true regarding the administration of  President Lyndon Johnson and President Richard Nixon is that Nixon ceased the Vietnam War after Johnson visited the China to discuss a commercial agreement.

Therefore, it can be concluded that both the presidents of the United States of America were dealing with the significant issues.  Hence, option third is correct.

Learn more about Richard Nixon here:


Another type of law was created by judges known as ____________________________ which based current court rulings based on past decisions.


The answer to this question is Twelve Tables

What do political parties want to do?
A. Stall government
B. Pass a platform
C. Rig elections



B. Pass a platform


In Response to Executive Order 9066

"I saw Denise today in Geography class.
She was sitting on the other side of the room.
“You’re trying to start a war,” she said, “giving secrets
away to the Enemy. Why can’t you keep your big
mouth shut?”"

Which is represented within these lines?
a) imprisonment of the innocent
b) misrepresentation of foreigners
c) loss of friendship
d) death of childhood innocence



Loss of Friendship


I just had this question

The statement that represents the lines quoted which was a Response to Executive Order 9066 is a loss of friendship.

What is the Executive Order 9066?

The Executive Order 9066 was given by Roosevelt to command the evacuation of all persons that serve as a threat to national security from the West Coast to internment camps.

Hence, the statement that represents the lines within the quoted In Response to Executive Order 9066 is loss of friendship because a friend is part of threat to national security.

Therefore, the Option C is correct.

Read more about Executive Order 9066

How did people help out the marchers on the route between Selma and Montgomery?





when Britain kept allowing Hitler to take more and more land from other countries so Britain could avoid war this was called​


Instituted in the hope of avoiding war, appeasement was the name given to Britain's policy in the 1930s of allowing Hitler to expand German territory unchecked

The major types of industry both manufacturing and agricultural in your region of the United States.


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

The major types of industry both manufacturing and agricultural in Texas are the following.

In the state of Texas, we have many industries in the fields of manufacturing and agriculture.

We have major industries in energy, automotive, aerospace, and technology. We have the biggest names in the industry in companies such as ATT, NEC Corporation, Dell computers, and Sysco.

In agriculture, we have Livestock Investors, Dean Foods, Rothsay, Darling Ingredients, Stoller enterprises, Border Diary, and Lala US.

There are also major oil companies such as Texaco and Mobil. Oil is an important industry in Texas, especially in the Houston-Galveston area.

Why do you think the leaders of the newly independent "Gold Coast" changed the



In 1957, when the leaders of the former British colony of the Gold Coast sought an appropriate name for their newly independent state—the first black African nation to gain its independence from colonial rule—they named their new country after ancient Ghana.

do reparations for slavery make sense even though more the 150 years have passed ?



Personally, I believe they do not make sense. Slavery was something that happened so long ago, and although it was an awful and crucial time, the people today should not have reparations for something they were not apart of.


Briefly give a historical account on the euphoria and events that occurred in Nigeria's Independence Day 1st October 1960.

Thank you and have a nice day

PS If you answer this question just to get points, imma...



Nigeria's Independence


Nigeria got its independence in 1960 from Britain. British colonists began to take an interest in the late 1800s because of the emergence of palm oil industries in the Niger Delta of Nigeria. After the Second World War,  there was an emergence of a movement of independence and toward a self-governance model in Nigeria. Abubakar Tafawa Balewa became the first Prime Minister of Nigeria leading a coalition government of parliamentary system.  On this historic day, the British Union Jack flag was lowered and replaced by the new nation’s flag. Many Nigerians popped champagne with the freedom. With the independence, a new constitution, a new prime minister was elected. From then, Nigerians took over the controls of leadership from the British.

why are many americians non-voters?






because they are too lazy to get out of their house to do it

In what way was the Peace of Augsburg important?

A. It ended the Great Schism.
B. It was a serious setback for Protestantism.
C. It ended Christian unity in much of Europe.
D. It divided Italy into a number of separate states.




Christianity is a religion frayed over the centuries into many denominations. On Sunday, Pope Francis and the head of a major one vowed to heal one of the church’s oldest splits.

The Great Schism of 1054 separated the Catholic and Eastern Orthodox churches. Both profess similar doctrine and worship in similar ways, but a millennium ago, Eastern Orthodoxy rejected the ultimate authority of the Pope.

Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew I – the spiritual leader of some 300 million Orthodox Christians worldwide – signed a declaration on Sunday committing to unity between the two churches.

Together, they celebrated a divine liturgy at the Patriarchal Church of St. George in Istanbul on Francis’ last day in the predominantly Muslim nation – his first trip there.


I’ll Mark you Brainiest only if your answer is correct & accurate,



The Renaissance.

thenks and pls mark me brainliestt (im sure of the answer btw)

Matching one word to each



Germany's promise to support Austria-Hungary: Blank Check

The desire to expand and build an empire: Imperialism

Feeling of extreme pride in one's country: Nationalism

Please give me brainliest if I helped!

Nationalism = Feeling an extreme pride of ones country.

Imperialism = The desire of a nation to expand and build an empire.

Blank Check = Germany’s promise to support Austria-Hungary

Which of the following is a valid conclusion that can be drawn from the statement, “Resources like time, money, and energy are scarce”?
Since time is endless, it cannot be a scarce resource.
Time and money are more important resources than energy.
If resources are scarce, everyone cannot have everything they want.
If resources are scarce, a person should always choose money because money can buy energy.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided




its c


trust me doe!!!

What was the main cause of the May 4th Movement?



A group of Chinese students started the May Fourth Movement as a student patriotic movement on May 4, 1919, in response to the contents of the Paris Peace Conference. The Chinese delegation declined to sign the Versailles Treaty under the pressure of the May Fourth Movement.


What the person above me said it correct :) good luck

Can someone name three elements of mass production and their definitions?


Mass production methods are based on two general principles: (1) the division and specialization of human labour and (2) the use of tools, machinery, and other equipment, usually automated, in the production of standard, interchangeable parts and products.

Please help asap will mark brainliest!





Select the correct answer.
What makes the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) unique?
A. The CIA was created by Congress unlike most of the other independent agencies.
B. The CIA is an independent agency yet its director is part of the president's cabinet.
C. The CIA was part of the Department of Defense before it became independent.
D. The CIA is responsible for providing national security without any political interests.



It is the only agency authorized by law to carry out and oversee covert action at the behest of the President. It exerts foreign political influence through its tactical divisions, such as the Special Activities Center. ... The CIA has increasingly expanded its role, including covert paramilitary operations.


Briefly explain how ONE of the following movements sought to change the federal
government's role in the social and economic life of the nation:
• The New Deal
• The Fair Deal
• The Great Society



The New Deal was a set of domestic policies enacted under President Franklin D.


IT is the NEW DEAL




The probability of getting tails and spinning on a red is [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex].


Since you can flip either heads or tails with the coin and there are 8 different spinner possibilities, that means there are a total of 16 individual possibilities. Out of the 16 different outcomes, 3 of them match the requirement of flipping tails and spinning on a red, so the fraction to represent the situation would be  [tex]\frac{3}{16}[/tex].

What are five of the presidents main jobs



The presidents main jobs are to

Pardon someoneMake treatiesAppoint cabinet membersCommand the armed forcesEnforce laws

Chief executive , Commander in Chief , Chief legislature , Chief administrator and Chief of citizens.

How would you modify this portion of the Treaty of Versaillies


Answer: Modify what in this question

Marking brainliest pls help



C will be your answer for this question.


Which department provides funds and guidance for ports, rail lines, and airports? public safety economic development transportation natural resources


Answer: A


Public safety




resumen de las invasiones inglesas



so what do you in english XD



Heyaa!!! I'm ✧༺♥༻∞Pinky∞༺♥༻✧ I'm here to help with your question!


' , . ?

Anyways Toodles!!

   Have A great Day (◠‿◠✿)

~ ~

please select the word from the list that best fits the definition number of deaths within a society​



✔ mortality Edge 2023-2024


Please select the word from the list that best fits the definition

Number of deaths within a society.

✔ mortality

A measure of the number of fatalities (generally speaking, or those caused by a particular cause) in a given population, scaled to the size of that population, per unit of time, is called the mortality rate, or death rate,: 189, 69.

What is mortality rate ?

A mortality rate of 9.5 (out of 1,000) in a population of 1,000 would represent 9.5 deaths per year in that entire population, or 0.95% of the total. Mortality rates are commonly reported in units of deaths per 1,000 people per year.

It is different from "morbidity," which refers to a disease's prevalence or incidence, as well as the incidence rate (the number of newly appearing cases of the disease per unit of time). 189

An essential indicator of the particular fatality rate is the overall mortality rate, which considers mortality from all causes for a specific population during a specified period of time. For instance, according to CIA predictions, the worldwide crude death rate will be 7.7 per 1,000 individuals in a population per year by 2020. According to a general formula: 189 mortality rates are determined .

Learn more about mortality rate here


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