how did the cold war establish the parameters for economic, social, and political life in the united states in the immediate postwar years from 1945 to 1960?


Answer 1

The Cold War affected domestic policy socially and economically, by increasing industries.

Socially, the intensive rule of the American people led to a retreat of social reforms. Economically, there was an increase in industries related to war which was aided by heavy government expansion. Americans supported capitalist economics, while the Soviets supported communist economics. . The cold war brought about anti-communism within the USA. There was a lingering wave of hatred towards Communism which led to McCarthyism.  Americans became obsessed with identifying communists and chasing them away from America. There were tensions between the two nations at the end of World War II, the United States and the Soviet Union had a conflict due to ideological differences, and the emergence of nuclear weapons also came about.

To read more about the effects of the cold war visit:


Related Questions

Which united states document contained the teller amendment guaranteeing cuban independence?.


In April 1898, Colorado senator Henry M. Teller presented an amendment to the American declaration of war against Spain that said that the United States would not take over Cuba permanently.

What is the Teller and Platt amendments?

In April 1898, Colorado senator Henry M. Teller presented an amendment to the American declaration of war against Spain that said that the United States would not take over Cuba permanently. The United States "hereby disclaims any disposition of intention to exercise sovereignty, jurisdiction, or control over said island except for its pacification" and "asserts its determination, when that is accomplished, to leave the government and control of the island to its people," according to the document. The amendment was approved by the Senate on April 19. The United States held Cuba until 1902 in accordance with the text of the Teller Amendment after Spanish soldiers fled the island in 1898.

The Orville Platt (R-Connecticut) Amendment, which was put out in February 1901, replaced the Teller Amendment. It gave the US "the right to interfere for the preservation of Cuban independence, the maintenance of a government sufficient for the protection of life, property, and individual liberty." It took until May 29, 1934, before the Platt Amendment was eventually repealed.

To learn more about amendments from the given link


Which united states document contained the teller amendment guaranteeing cuban independence?.

Which of the following is an example of de facto segregation?


letter b is the best example

Do you think it is a problem that our ideas about the world don't affect the way we interpret
history? Is it even possible for that to happen?


Answer:perceive the world?The dynamics of psychology — cognition, perception, learning, emotion, attitudes and relationships — all play a significant role in how humans see themselves and the many elements in their environment. Psychologists study how human behavior — from interpersonal relationships to recycling — affects our world.


Describe the factors that led to the collapse of the Ottoman Empire


Political corruption made them vulnerable to the ascendant European power; economic problems were caused by internal and external sources; the empire's Islamic character was lost, and nationalism dealt the empire its fatal blow. These elements contributed to the Ottoman Empire's demise.

Supporting Germany in World War I may have played a major role in the Ottoman Empire's downfall. Prior to the conflict, the Ottoman Empire made a terrible choice by covertly negotiating a deal with Germany.

Over time, local pashas gained control of corrupt Islamic courts, Europeans started to view Ottoman authority as being too Islamic, while Muslims started to view it as being too European. Madrassahs started to revolt. The military became more disorganized. Due to competition from Europe, trade dropped.

To learn more about Ottoman Empire


Which of these describes how the people of ancient Inca civilization modified their environment?

A. They mastered ship building to make use of the waterways.
B. They built irrigation canals on flooded land.
C. They created an extensive network of roads.
D. They used wind and solar power.


Answer:  The correct answer is B. They built irrigation canals on flooded land.


The Incas farmed resilient crops of corn, potatoes, and quinoa. To address issues with limited farmland, they cut terraces into the mountainside slopes to grow their crops. To solve issues associated with mountain flooding and irrigation, they built cisterns and canals that traversed and angled down the mountain to the valleys below.

Answer:B. They built irrigation canals on flooded land.


Use the photo below of an ancient Aztec calendar to answer the following question:

This circular calendar is carved in stone. It has a face in the center and is intricately decorated with details and Aztec symbols.
Public Domain

What does the image above indicate about Aztec culture?

It was not interested in astronomy.
It had no symbolic system of language.
Its religion was less violent than others'.
It considered measuring time very important.


It’s D) because they considered time very religiously significant




took the test

What religious freedoms were in Muslim empire?



All religions can practice their beliefs.  


For example Christians and the Jews could practice their beliefs with no problem even though it is a Muslim empire.  

What was an effect of the French and Indian war? (Choose all that apply.)


French influence in the New World was essentially eliminated as a result of Britain's victory in the French and Indian War.

How did the French and Indian War benefit France?

The port of New Orleans and the French colonies west of the Mississippi would be annexed by Spain. The Caribbean islands that British soldiers had taken during the war would be returned to France in exchange for these cessions, as well as territory in India, Africa, and Minorca, an island in the Mediterranean.

What bonds the colonies shared during the French and Indian War?

Fighting alongside one another against the French and American Indians during the French and Indian War were the American colonists acting under British military leadership. As of late, the colonists had gathered to express their displeasure towards.

TO know more about  French and Indian war visit:-


Select all that apply that led to the passage of the Pure Food and Drug Act (FDA).



c an e


what made the presidential election of 1800 between John Adams and Thomas Jefferson so controversial


The American people did not support John Adams enough for him to be reelected as President in 1800. During his administration, there were a number of significant issues, including the XYZ Affair and the passing of the Sedition and Alien Acts. We are all Republicans, we are all Federalists, Jefferson said in his inaugural address, recognizing the historic change and calling for reconciliation.

One of the most heated discussions at the federal Constitutional Convention was on how to choose a president for the country. The convention rejected the direct popular election of the president in favor of a system of electors selected by the states that would have been equivalent to the number of senators and representatives. A system of electors chosen by the states and equal in number to the number of senators and representatives was adopted by the convention in place of the direct election of the president by "the people."

Learn more about the Presidential election of 1800 here:


Fun facts about Cabbage white buterfly fun facts


The butterfly has a blackish body and white wings with black tips and black dots on the wing. Males have one spot on each wing and females have two spots on each wing. They live in open spaces, such as fields and parks, and are common in gardens.Nov 3, 2018



*So basically research tells that cabbage is the national food of Russia

*It has been cultivated for over 4,000 years

* Word cabbage derives from the word caboche ("head"), from the Picard dialect of Old French. This in turn is a variant of the Old French caboce. Through the centuries, "cabbage" and its derivatives have been used as slang for numerous items, occupations and activities.

*cabbage is a type of herb.

the two proposed plans for the constitution aggreed on


The two proposed plans for the constitution agreed on having three branches of government. The Virginia plan and New Jersey plan proposed in this system.

What do you understand by the two proposed plan?

The delegates' encounter with the King of England and his potent Parliament was a major cause of anxiety. The bigger States favored the New Jersey proposal, while the smaller ones chose the Virginia option.

The Virginia Plan, which distributed representation according to each State's population, and the New Jersey Plan, which granted each State an equal vote in Congress, were the two proposals that vied to become the new system of government.

Therefore, the  two proposed plans for the constitution agreed on having three branches of government. The Virginia plan and New Jersey plan proposed in this system.

To know more about the two proposed plan, visit:


Which political, cultural, and economic characteristics of fascism which helped make it authoritarian system?


Fascism had only one idea politically that there will be a country with one leader, and one party, there will be one society with one Culture based on also the important things like cultural rise, and only one economic characteristic which implies only solely gaining the most powerful of the economic status. This will make the way for the formation of the Authoritarian system or authoritarianism to thrive.

What is the Authoritarianism?

Authoritarianism has been present in the whole world since the time of the second world war. Authoritarianism was one of the causes of the start of the Second World War. Authoritarianism is a set of principles whereby there are no other political parties to govern or cause opposition to the rule.

Authoritarianism in simple terms is the centralized system of administration that reduces the political rights and also the democratic right of the individual. In the true sense of Authoritarianism, there is no opposition, full power is present in the hands of the centralized power or one leadenly. All these lead to the formation of dictators as well.

Authoritarianism had inspired the forms of government which were being run by Italian President Benito Mussolini, the other was being followed hugely by Germany under the leadership of leader Adolf Hitler.

Learn more about authoritarianism here:


whoever completes this, thank you sm!


Based on a historical record and perspective, the statement that expresses the main point of the 3rd paragraph of Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural address is that "The abolishing slavery was the main reason for Civil War."

Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address

Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address was conducted on March 4, 1865, which was only 41 days before his cruel assassination, after he took the oath of office for the second time.

During his second inaugural address, he made many salient points, some of which were related to the effects and causes of the American civil war.

However, the main point or purpose of Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural address is considered to be based on his willingness "to prove that there is an even greater need to take up arms to free slaves in the US."

This is evident when in the 3rd paragraph of Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural address he stated that "The abolishing slavery was the main reason for Civil War."

Hence, in this case, it is concluded that the correct answer is Option C for Question 1, and Option A for Question 2.

Learn more about the Cause of the American Civil War here:


What were some of the military innovations of the Ottoman Empire?


Answer: Cannons

Explanation: Ottoman artillery includes a lot of cannons specifically made by Turkish engineers. I hope that answers your question :)

Place the following events in chronological order.


Sequential request implies that occasions are organized in the request for event, laying out an order. One method for showing occasions outwardly in sequential request is with a course of events.

What do you mean by ordered occasions?

Sequential request is a plan of occasions in the request for their occurrence or in view of the time they have happened. Years and dates are a portion of the signifiers utilized in sequential request.

What are the 5 stages in sequential request?

This strategy expects you to utilize words like first, second, then, from that point forward, later, lastly.

Newspapers often provide examples of chronological reports by describing events as they unfold and listing them in the order in which they occurred. Sports reports are an excellent illustration of this; They frequently describe a game or match chronologically from start to finish.

Learn more about Sequential request here:


defination of divide and rule



To make a group of people disagree and fight with one another so that they will not join together against one

His military strategy is to divide and conquer.


3) Analysis: How did Jim crow laws impact African Americans in the 1880s-1960s?


Answer: Jim Crow laws were state and local statutes that legalized racial segregation. Enacted after the Civil War. Also known as 'neo-slavery' or 'Slavery by another name', these laws imposed racial discrimination and the ability to prosecute black people over small inconvenient matters, this also was responsible for many false convictions against black people, many would be unlawfully sent to prison and be used once again as slaves. During this time white people still held a huge monopoly over black people.

Explain how the U.S. motives for imperialism were applied
to the acquisition of Alaska and Hawaii.
Be sure to address each of three major motivations for

the belief in cultural superiority
the desire for military strength
the desire for new markets and natural resources


When the United States annexed Hawaii, the American Navy was able to access Hawaii's naval base, Pearl Harbor, and during the acquisition of Alaska, they were able to grow, acquire vital resources, and increase their dominance on the global stage.

William Seward favoured moving forward with plans to acquire Alaska and supported territorial expansion. Because of its economic woes and expectation that the United States would counter Great Britain's ambitions as its main opponent, Russia agreed to the Alaska Purchase. As Alaska was obtained by diplomatic means, this was advantageous for the United States.

The United States annexed the Hawaiian Islands due to its need for naval bases, territorial expansion, and the necessity to remain competitive internationally. In addition, as was already indicated, by capturing Hawaii, the United States was able to strengthen its position as a global superpower.

Know more about Alaska acquisition here


who was greeted at kennedy international airport in new york by a mob of thousands of screaming teenage girls in february 1964?


The Beatles were greeted at Kennedy international airport in new york by a mob of thousands of screaming teenage girls in February 1964.

The Beatles are an English rock band, formed in Liverpool in 1960, consisting of John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Ringo Starr.

They are considered the most influential band of all time and were an integral part of the growth of the counterculture movement of the 1960s and the recognition of popular music as an art form. British rock band The Beatles auditioned for Decca Records at Decca Studios in West Hampstead, North London on January 1, 1962. They were turned down by the label, instead choosing to sign Brian Poole and Tremeloes. Ringo Starr, the oldest of The Beatles, was born in July 1940. When The Beatles came to America, he was 23 years old.

Learn more about Beatles here:


Why do you think it was a wise economic decision for the king to collect taxes on people and goods moving throughout at the country ?


Yes, it was a wise economic decision for the king to collect taxes on people and goods moving throughout the country.

Why did King increase taxes?

The state treasury became empty due to various expenses as the state was facing financial problems due to frequent wars, so taxes were imposed to meet the expenses of the royal treasury. Clergy and nobles enjoyed certain privileges, which resulted in the third estate demanding taxes.

He wanted to make the tax code more equitable, but he was repeatedly thwarted by greedy nobles and clergy. The nobles and clergy opposed changing the tax code because, under the current tax policy, the nobles and clergy were not required to pay taxes, whereas peasants were.

Learn more about Taxes here:


Some schools work to reduce the use of paper. Some communities have organic waste treatment programs. Are these examples of sustainable approaches to the environment? Explain your thinking.


In  case whereby some schools work to reduce the use of paper. Some communities have organic waste treatment programs and they are seen as  examples of sustainable approaches to the environment because it helps to reduce the pollution of the environment.

What is sustainable approaches?

Sustainable approaches  be described as the approach which helps to carry out activities without interupting or affecting the future or the surrounding environment.

It should be noted that the reduction of the waste paper as well as the organic treatment will help to preserve the environment.

Find out more on sustainable approaches at


Which scientist proposed the idea of studying humans as groups rather than as individuals
O Lamarck
X Darwin.
O Malthus
O Linnaeus​


Your answer is indeed Darwin.

Read the excerpt from "Homesick Blues."

Now I'm looking at the numbers 7-9-5-3. According to my computer, they are the balance in my checking account. $79.53. Also according to the computer, a plane ticket home costs $387.00. I can't even get a bus ticket with the money I have. And the rent is due next week, and we still have six months on our lease, and I can't leave Alyssa hanging like that. Every time I mention going home, she sinks into a state of depression and starts acting aloof and nervous. But she doesn’t realize that I am just as depressed when I think about staying here.

Which best states how Alyssa's reaction to the idea of the narrator going home compares to the narrator's reaction?

Alyssa encourages the narrator to move home, but the narrator is determined to stay.
Alyssa is anxious that the narrator might move home, but the narrator is too depressed to stay.
Alyssa ignores whether the narrator might move home, and the narrator is too depressed to stay.
What is the answer.


The answer is option [C]. The narrator is too depressed to stay, and Alyssa disregards whether or not she might return home. The answer that most accurately contrasts how the narrator feels about returning home with how Alyssa feels.

Alyssa's reaction:

Alyssa worries that the narrator will return home, but he or she is too miserable to do so. The narrator is persuaded to stay even if Alyssa urges them to return home. Alyssa worries that the narrator will return home, but he or she is too miserable to do so. The narrator is too depressed to stay, and Alyssa doesn't even consider the possibility of him returning home. The idea that the narrator could return to his or her home infuriates Alyssa, but the narrator is resolved to do so.

A literary work's narrator is the individual from whose viewpoint or paradigm the story is being recounted. The best statement to describe Alyssa's reaction in this scenario is the sixth sentence, which demonstrates that she is unaware of the narrator's desperate need to escape.

Learn more about Homesick Blues:


Please help me It would mean all lot to me :(


Personification is objects or animals dong human like things.
If it says the stats were dancing, then that means it’s personification.
And it just means that the stars were twinkling.

Why would competition among the colonies keep them from supporting a central governing body?


Due to competition among the colonies, they refrained from supporting a centralized government since they didn't think it would safeguard their respective interests.

What are colonies?

A colony is a territory under the complete or partial governmental administration of another nation, usually a far-off one, and populated by immigrants from that nation. As a result, the English colonies in North America were primarily commercial endeavors. They gave England's excess population a somewhere to go and, in certain circumstances, allowed for more religious freedom than England did, but its main objective was to generate income for their sponsors. Among the first Europeans to explore the New World and establish themselves in what is now the United States were the Spaniards. But by 1650, England had consolidated its power throughout the Atlantic coast. The first colony was established in 1607 in Jamestown, Virginia.

To learn more about Colonies refer to:





Economic opportunity and religious freedom

it is a myth that children in the 1950s and 1960s were trained to hide under their desks in the event of an atomic attack. group of answer choices true false


False. Because it is a fact in 1950s.

Why were children taught to hide under desks in case of a nuclear attack ?Children were placed under desks because no one knew where the explosion would occur. Obviously, if the bomb was dropped directly on the school it would not matter, however, if the bomb was dropped several miles away, being under a stable desk could make a significant difference in protecting the students from falling materials and blast effect, depending on the distance.When an explosion occurs, the upper floors of most buildings near the explosion will be pushed in. This means that the basement is most likely the safest place to be. If you have a basement and the time, lie flat along the outer wall or near the base of a heavy supporting column. You'd be even safer under a heavy table or cellar workbench. Avoid the center of the floor, where failing beams and other objects are most likely to hit you.

Learn more about atomic attack here :


What were the primary causes of the French Revolution? select four options.

1.lack of representation for the lower classes.

2.the establishment of a state religion.

3.oppressive leadership.

4.high taxes on the lower class.

5.high rates of poverty.


Answer:  1 or 4


not sure which one but it might help : )


SSUSH20 The student will analyze the domestic and international impact of the Cold War on the United States.

How did Americans feel about the Vietnam War? Why was it called the War fought in our living rooms?

What happened at Kent State and Jackson State in opposition to the War?

Explain the role of Geography in the following:

U.S containment policy

The Korean War

The Bay of Pigs

The Cuban Missile Crisis


1. Most were probably weary of a war that had become increasingly costly and controversial and had no end in sight. A Gallup Poll in June showed that half of the American people did not understand the purpose of the war.

2. On May 4, 1970, members of the Ohio National Guard fired into a crowd of Kent State University demonstrators, killing four and wounding nine Kent State students. The impact of the shootings was dramatic. The event triggered a nationwide student strike that forced hundreds of colleges and universities to close. H. R. Haldeman, a top aide to President Richard Nixon, suggests the shootings had a direct impact on national politics. In The Ends of Power, Haldeman (1978) states that the shootings at Kent State began the slide into Watergate, eventually destroying the Nixon administration. Beyond the direct effects of the May 4, the shootings have certainly come to symbolize the deep political and social divisions that so sharply divided the country during the Vietnam War era

- Containment was patently defensive in nature, giving up the initiative to an aggressive adversary. Truman's political opponents would call for a more aggressive “rollback” of the communist advance with a more proactive posture.

-the Korean War established the demilitarized zone at the 38th parallel that exists today.

-The disaster at the Bay of Pigs had a lasting impact on the Kennedy administration. Determined to make up for the failed invasion, the administration initiated Operation Mongoose—a plan to sabotage and destabilize the Cuban government and economy, which included the possibility of assassinating Castro.

-It played an important part in Nikita Khrushchev's fall from power and the Soviet Union's determination to achieve nuclear parity with the United States. The crisis also marked the closest point that the world had ever come to global nuclear war.

i hope that somewhat helps lol
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