How did people in Latin America and the United States react to Roosevelt's declaration?


Answer 1

In Latin America, Roosevelt's declaration was seen as a continuation of the Monroe Doctrine, which declared that the United States would not tolerate European interference in the affairs of Latin American countries.

The Impact of Roosevelt's Declaration on Latin America and the United States

It was seen as a sign that the United States was committed to the protection of Latin American sovereignty and the promotion of democracy in the region. In the United States, Roosevelt's declaration was generally well-received, as it was seen as a way to safeguard American interests abroad and promote international peace and stability.

Learn more about Roosevelt's Declaration at:


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tamara has been worried about a crease in her neck that she feels is turning into an ugly roll of flesh. she is so concerned about how this looks that she will only wear turtle neck shirts or sweaters whenever she is out. she checks her neck in the mirror several times a day to see if the crease has gotten any larger. tamara would most likely be diagnosed with:



Body Dysmorphic Disorder.


Tamara might most probably be recognized with Body Dysmorphic Disorder because the primary signs and symptoms of this ailment are:-

Being extraordinarily preoccupied with a perceived flaw in a look that to others can not be visible or seems minor.A sturdy perception that you have a disorder to your appearance that makes you unpleasant or deformed.A perception that others take unique be aware of your look in a poor manner or mock you.

To learn more about Body Dysmorphic Disorder,

explain how immigration can be linked to fertility rates in the united states. does it help or hinder the united states?


As birth rates in the United States continue to fall, immigrants will constitute a growing source of population increase. Also, Populations gain individuals through births and immigration. They lose individuals through deaths and emigration. These factors together determine how fast a population grows.

A random sample of 18 female neurologists and 21 male neurologists at public medical schools found that the average salary for female neurologists was $175,000 with a standard deviation of $15,000, while the average salary for male neurologists was $203,000 with a standard deviation of $22,000. Find a 99% confidence interval for the difference between the average salaries of male and female neurologists. (round your answer to the nearest dollar. ) assume that both populations are normally distributed. Assume the two population variances are unequal. Which fomula should be used to compute the interval. Use subscript 1 for female and 2 for male.


The confidence interval for the difference between the average salaries of male and female neurologists is (19,131.77, 36,868.23). And the formula which should be used to compute the interval is x₁` - x₂`/ Sp √ (1/n₁ + 1/n₂).

The 99% confidence interval for the difference between the average salaries of male and female neurologists is given by:

(x₁` - x₂`) ± t∝/2(υ) * √ (Sp²/n₁ + Sp²/n₂)

= x₁` - x₂`/ Sp √ (1/n₁ + 1/n₂)

where Sp² = s₁² (n₁ - 1) + s₂² (n₂ - 1) / (n₁ - 1) + (n₂ - 1)

The sample should be normally distributed, and it is assumed that the population standard deviations are known, which is sometimes met and sometimes not known.

Now, we have H0 : μ₁ = μ₂ against the claim Ha : μ₁ ≠ μ₂.

And the test statistic is:

t = x₁` - x₂` / √ (Sp²/n₁ + Sp²/n₂)

Sp² = s₁² (n₁ - 1) + s₂² (n₂ - 1) / (n₁ - 1) + (n₂ - 1)

= 15,000² (17) + 22,000² (22) / 37

= 103,378,640

Now, degree of freedom (df):

df = n₁ + n₂ - 2 = 21 + 18 - 2 = 37

For 2-tailed-test, the critical value of t is obtained by:

t ≥ t∝/2 (df) = t ≥ t0.005 (37) = ± 2.7154 = ± 2.72

Last, insert the values to the formula:

(x₁` - x₂`) ± t∝/2(υ) * √ (Sp²/n₁ + Sp²/n₂)

= 28,000 ± (2.72 * 3,265.89)

= (19,131.77, 36,868.23)

Hence, the confidence interval is (19,131.77, 36,868.23).

Learn more about confidence interval at:


kara has her lawyer draft a will for her. kara signs the will and has it witnessed. in this situation, the testator of the will is:


Kara herself will be the testator of the will

Kara has her lawyer draft a will for her. Kara signs the will and has it witnessed. In this situation, the testator of the will is: KARA

Testator is one who makes and executes a last will and testament, for example, if Charlie has a will drafted and she executes the will, then Charlie is referred to as the Testator. When Charlie subsequently passes away, she is said to have died “testate”, or with a will.

To know more about testator visit


Could anyone help me for the last part pretty pls the cause and effect part at the bottom


Answer:Sir John A.R. Marriott was a renowned British historian born in the year 1859 and died in the year 1945.  For 4 decades he was a professor of modern history at Oxford, the high important university in Europe. He also entered politics, accessing various positions as a member of the Conservative Party. As his contributions to education and politics, he was appointed as Sir in the year 1924.

The lines from the text for the British imperialism in india:

From the text added to the question, its political belonging to the Conservative Party can be seen.

Marriott defended the British position against its different colonies, enhancing the Empire's role as a developer of infrastructure, and

living conditions within its colonies, and putting these characteristics ahead of the right to freedom and the self-determination of peoples.

To know more about British imperialism in India, refer to the link below:


# 9. Many governments today were influenced by the Greek and Roman


The democratic form of government that the ancient Greeks created is still in use today.  In a democracy, voters have the ability to select the representatives they want to represent them.

What do you mean by democracy?

Demokratie, which can be translated as "power of the people," is a form of government that is based on popular will.

The Greek terms "demos," which means "people," and "kratos," which means "power," are the roots of the English word democracy.

Republic: "A state where the people and their elected representatives hold ultimate power and where the president is chosen or elected by the people rather than by a monarch."

Democracy is defined as "a system of government by the entire population or all eligible citizens of a state, usually through elected representatives."

The likelihood that a country is democratically managed is higher. Democratically governed countries are also more likely to defend American citizens, maintain human and labor rights, expand free markets, prevent aggression, and encourage economic progress.

Learn more about democracy, here


Based on the encyclopedia information, is climate. Gov a good source for tam to use? yes, because it is a government agency that deals with climate science. No, because the encyclopedia article does not say it is staffed by experts. Yes, because the agency’s goal is to create a climate-smart nation. No, because the agency is posting its information on social media


Encyclopedia informations are brief and should not be used as a referenced source in a research paper; however, they may help people get started on their research by providing a quick summary of a subject. Entries in encyclopedias sometimes provide references to other publications, journals, or webpages for extra information on the subject.

Answering this question is challenging since sentences are written in an unorganized manner. However, it is hoped that the questions will be easier to answer if one is knowledgeable of how the encyclopedia's character of information is arranged.

Encyclopedias are generally regarded as academic sources since their content is typically prepared by subject-matter experts. The entries, however, are written for a broad readership rather than fellow researchers. An editorial board reviews the entries, but they are not "peer-reviewed."

Is an encyclopedia a valuable source of information?

Background material can be found in encyclopedias. As a result, they are wonderful locations to start your study on a certain topic, but they are far from the only source you would go to for information.

Learn more about encyclopedia here:


Answer: so what is the answer


What is area-wide pest management, and how is it achieved?


Areawide Pest Management (AWPM) is the systematic reduction of one or more target pests to a predetermined level through pest control measures uniformly applied in well-defined geographical areas by biologically-based criteria

What are the three approaches to pest control?

There are three main ways to use biological control in the field. conservation of existing natural enemies,  introduction of new natural enemies and establishment of persistent populations (termed 'classical biological control'), and  seasonal-based or flood-based mass-rearing and periodic release. .

What is area management?

AWM is a pest control strategy deployed in a well-defined area or region, consisting of a set of management tools that target all fly habitats in that area to reduce the overall Qfly population. It has been.

Learn more about Area pest management:


people who are lactose intolerant suffer uncomfortable symptoms (including bloating, diarrhea and dehydration) if they continue to eat milk products into adulthood. what might explain these symptoms? check all that apply.


Lactose-intolerant people are unable to adequately digest the sugar (lactose) in milk. As a result, individuals have diarrhea, gas, and bloating after consuming dairy products.

The illness, also known as lactose malabsorption, is normally innocuous, although its symptoms can be unpleasant.

Lactose intolerance in adults is caused by a decrease in lactase synthesis beyond infancy (lactase nonpersistence).

Individuals with lactose intolerance may feel stomach discomfort, bloating, gas, nausea, and diarrhea 30 minutes to 2 hours after consuming lactose-containing dairy products.

This can lead to harmful weight loss and raise your chance of getting the following conditions: osteopenia (extremely low bone-mineral density); if left untreated, it can progress to osteoporosis. osteoporosis

Learn more about to lactose intolerant visit here;


which of the following bits of evidence fits with the idea that humans have a need to belong? question 30 options: increased mental distress because of social isolation. ignoring social distancing because of an urge to be with people. increased mental distress due to increased interpersonal conflict. all of the above.


A portion of this research supports the notion that people ignore social distance in order to be around others, which is consistent with the need to belong. Here option B is the correct answer.

People require social distance, and since man is a social animals, they need to belong to a group. Social contact is therefore required there. It does not cause any anxiety or mental health issues. On the other hand, it relieves mental stress and offers beneficial social support.

Social distance is the degree to which individuals feel a sense of familiarity or unfamiliarity with those who are members of social, ethnic, occupational, and religious groups that are dissimilar to their own.

The findings demonstrate that people regard messages encouraging social isolation as more persuasive when they make prosocial claims.

To learn more about social distancing


An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.a. Trueb. False


True, An agency relationship can arise by ratification, which involves a determination of intent expressed by words or conduct.

A modification may be proposed by way of a -thirds vote of each home of Congress, or, if two-thirds of the States request one, by means of a convention called for that purpose. The modification has to then be ratified by three-fourths of the country legislatures or 3-fourths of conventions referred to as in every country for ratification.

The adoption of a conference and its ratification by a nation only goes a part of the way in countering corruption. due to this ratification constraint, veto gamers have an effect on worldwide trade agreements. however, the ratification of these treaties has not caused immediate enforcement powers in national regulation.

Learn more rectification here:-


is a common pr activity targeting legislators to influence the content or course of legislation or institutional practices. is a common pr activity targeting legislators to influence the content or course of legislation or institutional practices. is a common pr activity targeting legislators to influence the content or course of legislation or institutional practices. is a common pr activity targeting legislators to influence the content or course of legislation or institutional practices. is a common pr activity targeting legislators to influence the content or course of legislation or institutional practices. is a common pr activity targeting legislators to influence the content or course of legislation or institutional practices.


Lobbying is a frequent public relations activity that aims to influence the substance or direction of legislation or institutional policies.

What is the role of public relations?

Public relations is the practice of regulating and disseminating information from a person or organization to the public in order to influence their perception. The difference between public relations and publicity is that public relations are handled internally, whereas publicity is not regulated and is given by outside parties. It is the process of establishing and sustaining a positive public image for a business or organization. They create communications, ranging from press releases to social media messages, that influence public opinion of the company or organization and increase brand awareness.

To learn more about public relations, click


The people who are most likely to have adjustment difficulties and health problems after a death are those who __________.


Those who are most probable to have adjustment problems and health problems after dying are individuals who display the most intense distress after death.

A Swiss American psychiatrist and pioneer of studies on loss of life in humans, okübler-Ross wrote “On dying and loss of life,” the 1969 e-book in which she proposed the affected person-centered, loss of life-adjustment sample, the “5 levels of Grief.” the one's tiers are denial, anger, bargaining, depression and recognition.

A trouble list is a report that states the most critical health problem dealing with a patient including nontransitive illnesses or illnesses, injuries suffered by using the affected person, and something else that has affected the affected person or is presently ongoing with the patient.

Learn more about health problems  here


evaluate the extent to which the methods used by rulers to legitimize their authority were similar in the period 1450-1750 ce.


In sociology and political science, authority refers to a person or group's rightful control over others.

To finance state authority and expansion, rulers used the collection of tributes, tax farming, and inventive tax collection methods.Asian land-based empires between 1450 and 1750 made public spectacles to demonstrate their legitimacy. Many of the burgeoning empires were searching for centralized unifying tactics. The empires used a variety of military strategies, including the employment of gunpowder, to spread out and conquer new territory.Religious concepts, artistic creations, and opulent architecture were still used by rulers to justify their reign.

To know more about Authority here


What design was traditionally used when doing research into middle age that limited the usefulness of the research?


The design that was traditionally used when doing research into middle age that limited the usefulness of the research is cross sectional.

What is Research?

Research  can be described s the creative and systematic work undertaken to increase the stock of knowledge however it can entails collection as well as organization.

It should be noted that this involves the analysis of evidence to increase understanding of a topic, hence design that was traditionally used when doing research into middle age  is cross sectional.

Learn more about research at:


what is it called when individuals must care for both their own children and their elderly parents?


The sandwich generation refers to individuals who must care for both their own children and their elderly parents.

The sandwich generation is the term used for middle-aged individuals (usually in their 40s and 50s) who are obligated to care for and support their aging parents and growing children. The sandwich generation is named as these individuals are effectively "sandwiched" between the obligation to care for their aging parents, who may be ill, unable to perform various tasks, or in need of financial support and their children, who require financial, physical, and emotional support. The patterns of increasing lifespans and having children at an older age have promoted the sandwich generation phenomenon.

Learn more about Sandwich generation:


The agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the:_______.


The agency that operates the u.s. military and addresses the role of military power in foreign policy is the: Department of Defense.

The executive branch department of the federal government known as the United States Department of Defense is in charge of organizing and managing all government departments and agencies that are directly involved with national security and the American armed forces.The Department of the Army, Department of the Navy, and Department of the Air Force are the three military departments that make up the Department of Defense (DOD), which was established by the National Security Act of 1947.  

To know more about Defense here


research evaluating the effectiveness of various approaches to treating postpartum psychosis is lacking. all of these are potential reasons for this except:


Research evaluating the effectiveness of various approaches to treating postpartum psychosis is lacking. all of these are potential reasons for this except Nicola finds contact with body fluids and odors unpleasant.

Postpartum psychosis (PPP) is a mental fitness emergency. This situation influences someone's experience of fact, causing hallucinations, delusions, paranoia, or different behavior modifications. In intense cases, human beings with PPP may also try and damage themselves or their new child.

Postpartum psychosis (or puerperal psychosis) is a severe intellectual illness. It starts off evolving all of sudden within the days, or weeks, after having an infant. signs vary and can trade hastily. they can include high temper (mania), despair, confusion, hallucinations, and delusions.

There's no personal reason for postpartum anxiety. Healthcare vendors suppose numerous elements can cause it: alternate in hormones: the pointy lower in hormones after shipping can motive adjustments in mood or motive you to overreact to pressure. loss of sleep: worrying for newborns may be a 24-hour task and the purpose of sleep deprivation.

Learn more about Postpartum psychosis  here


This line graph shows the spread of railroads in four countries in the 1800s.
Spread of Railways in Selected Countries
Kilometers of Rail Lines

Which country built the most railroad lines during this period?
Great Britain


Answer: I believe the correct answer is C.


in 1931, anthropologist audrey richards documented the chisungu ritual, performed by the bemba people in zambia. what is this women-only ritual that centers on menstruation and marriage an example of in anthropology?


Anthropologist Audrey Richards observed and recorded the bemba people of Zambia's chisungu rite in 1931. This women-only ritual focused on menstruation and marriage is an illustration of a rite of passage in anthropology.

Our idea of when our ancestors began using drawings to express themselves has been altered by a discovery uncovered by researchers working in Blombos Cave in South Africa's southern Cape region. On a silcrete (stone) flake, they discovered a cross-hatched drawing that dates back 73 000 years. With an ochre crayon, it was created.

According to Kinsey's research, both sexes engage in more premarital sex than was previously thought. The revelation that some women had pre-marital sex drew harsher criticism, but Kinsey's findings revealed that men engaged in more extensive pre-marital conduct. the customs and rituals of local residents' daily religions. Based on their religious beliefs, people organize their lives, make decisions, and attempt to make sense of the universe. both sacred and profane, as well as the practical implications of religious practice.

Learn more about anthropologist visit:


which character in angels in america can trace their family line back very far into the past of europe and england?


"Louis Angels" can trace their family line back very far into the past of Europe and England?

globalization is about culture change. discuss popular culture and indigenization, where some idea, behavior, or object from western european or american culture moved to non-western or indigenous societies and culture. provide one example you learned from your textbook or class lecture of how this phenomenon operates in the world


The process of "indigenization" involves bringing Indigenous knowledge systems into the open and making them visible in order to change attitudes, environments, and even hearts.

This entails fusing Indigenous knowledge and methodologies with Western knowledge systems in the context of postsecondary education. All students, instructors, and community members who are involved in or affected by indigenization would benefit from this, not only indigenous pupils. Indigenous knowledge systems are intertwined with a particular community, culture, and lands.

Indigenization does not entail converting anything Western into Indigenous, it is vital to remember this. Indigenous knowledge is not intended to take the place of Western knowledge, and the two are not intended to be combined. Instead, it is possible to think of indigenous education as combining two different knowledge systems in a way that helps learners comprehend and value them both.

Learn more about Knowledge here:


Psychologist b. f. skinner believed that superstitions were caused by __________ reinforcement of __________ behavior.
a. continuous . . . intentional
b. continuous . . . accidental
c. intermittent . . . accidental
d. intermittent . . . intentional
please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d


Psychologist b. f. skinner believed that superstitions were caused by continuous reinforcement of intentional behavior.

What is intentional and accidental Behaviour?

Behavior: Intentional vs. Accidental Intentional conduct is likely to be linked to a person's personality, whereas accidental behavior is probably related to the environment or other external factors. As a first approximation, a "intentional activity" is a conduct that is motivated by either an intention, that is, one that is intentionally directed toward a goal. Our purpose is to specifically contest this description.

What refers to intentional behavior?

Main objective conduct in which a person use tactics to accomplish a range of objectives or outcomes. In accordance with the Piagetian theory of development, human newborns begin to engage in purposeful action between the ages of 8 and 12 months.

To know more about Intentional behavior visit:


john turns down an excellent job offer because he would have an office on the 35th floor of the building. his fear of heights is too just too intense for him to function knowing that he is that high off the ground. he knows this is problematic and it really bothers him that he just can't seem to get over his fear. john's fear of heights can be classified as


A severe fear of heights known as acrophobia can be extremely anxious and panicky. Some analysis One of the most prevalent phobias, according to Trusted Source, may be acrophobia.

Acrophobia is characterized by a severe fear of heights that is accompanied by panic and anxiety. Extreme heights might cause this phobia to manifest in some people. Others could be afraid of any height, even a simple stool or stepladder.

Among the physical signs of acrophobia are:

At the sight or concept of high areas, you may have heightened sweating, tightness in your chest, and tachycardia.quivering and trembling when confronted with heights feeling queasy or lightheaded when you view or think about heights

To know more about fear of heights click here,


Who is a likely voter?


The likelihood of wealthy persons being overrepresented among voters who participate in the election is higher.The likelihood of wealthy persons being overrepresented among voters who participate in the election is higher.

National elections are held every other even-numbered year. Elections for the president, vice president, a third of the Senate, and the full House are conducted every four years (on-year elections). In even-numbered years when there isn't a presidential election, one-third of the Senate and the full House are up for election (off-year elections). One federal statute that has been utilized to attempt and enhance voter turnout is the National Voter Registration Act of 1993. Elections are held in the US to choose representatives for the federal, state, and municipal governments. The residents of each state elect the president at the federal level. are held every other even-numbered year.

learn more about voters here:


although there was violence in a number of cities, primarily in the south, one of the worst incidents took place in , where a greyhound bus of freedom riders was firebombed?


Although there was violence in a number of cities, primarily in the south, one of the worst incidents took place in, a greyhound bus of freedom riders was firebombed in Anniston.

Violence is described by way of the world fitness enterprise in the WRVH as “the intentional use of bodily pressure or strength, threatened or actual, in opposition to oneself, some other character, or towards a collection or community, that both effects in or has a excessive probability of ensuing in injury, dying, psychological harm, maldevelopment

Violence is the intentional use of physical force or strength, inclined or actual, against oneself, every other character, or in opposition to a group or community, that either finally ends up in or includes a high hazard of main to harm, dying, mental hurt, and deprivation.

Learn more about violence here:

your brother is in a serious auto accident and has become incapacitated. in order for you to be able to make decisions for his medical care, he would need to have created a


Your brother was injured severely in an automobile accident and is now unable to move. A durable power of attorney for health care would be necessary for him to be able to act in your brother's best interests.

Using a power of attorney, you can give someone the legal authority to act on your behalf. You'll need "durable" powers of attorney for your financial and medical care in the event that you ever lose mental capacity. A durable power of attorney is one that continues to be in effect even if you become incapable of managing your affairs on your own. A proper power of attorney will give the dependable individual you designate the authority to handle crucial matters.

learn more about power of attorney here:


those who know her describe matilda as a kind, helpful, and easygoing person. she is high on which of the big five traits?


Those who know her describe matilda as a kind, helpful, and easygoing person. she is high on agreeableness of the big five traits.

There are 5 fundamental personality aspects, according to numerous classical and modern psychological studies. Since the principal idea was introduced in 1949, the evidence for this theory has accumulated throughout time. The theory identifies extraversion (also known as extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism as the five major personality traits.

The big five personality traits are:

Openness: Openness is a quality that involves insight and imagination.Conscientiousness: High levels of contemplation, effective impulse control, and goal-directed behavior are all characteristics of being conscientious.Extraversion: Many people will have encountered extraversion in their own lives, which is often referred to as extroversion.Agreeableness: High agreeableness individuals will demonstrate signs of trust, altruism, kindness, and affection.Neuroticism: Sadness, moodiness, and emotional instability are traits of neuroticism.

To know more about agreeableness:


roger screams for help as he is being beaten up by a goon on a street. there are about 15 people standing nearby. however, none of the bystanders comes forward to help roger. this scenario representing lack of help illustrates group of answer choices altruism. catharsis. diffusion of responsibility. frustration.


c) Absence of accountability: It is simply illustrated as a diffusion of responsibility due to lack of help. It refers to a psychological phenomenon in which a person is not interested in or less likely to do anything to help someone who is in need or seeking help while others are present at the same situation.

Dissemination of obligation happens when individuals who need to go with a choice sit tight for another person to act all things considered. Each person's likelihood of doing nothing increases with the number of people involved, as they believe others in the group will likely respond.

Witnessing racist, sexist, or other inappropriate behavior from one employee toward another and not reporting it because you believe it is not your place to speak up is an example of diffusion of responsibility in the workplace.

To learn more about diffusion of responsibility here


With respect to expanding opportunities for ict environmental contributions, what term is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots?


In respect to expanding opportunities for ICT environmental contributions, the "Green Growth" is associated with the issues such as leed certified buildings, smart motors, and industrial robots.

What is the impact of Green Growth?

Generally, a green growth means the process of fostering economic growth and development while ensuring that the natural assets continue to provide the resources and environmental services on which our well-being relies. To do this, the growth must catalyse an investment and innovation which will underpin sustained growth and give rise to new economic opportunities.

However, the green growth is not a replacement for sustainable development, rather, it provides a practical and flexible approach for achieving concrete and measurable progress across its economic and environmental pillars while taking full account of the social consequences of greening the growth dynamic of economies.

In conclusion, the focus of green growth strategies is ensuring that natural assets can deliver their full economic potential on a sustainable basis.

Read more about green growth


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