How did African Americans in the post-Civil War era respond to the hostile environment of the South? A. They confiscated land on abandoned plantations. B. They disenfranchised voters who did not have residency. C. They supported legislation to bring industry to the South. D. They migrated to the northeast and Midwest to work in factories.


Answer 1

Answer: D (They migrated to the northeast and Midwest to work in factories.)


Related Questions

How did King Ashoka influence the society of the Mauryan Empire?

A. He spread Buddhism and ideas of nonviolence by having his ideas written in public places.
B.He set Hinduism as the state religion of the empire and ordered the construction of temples.
C. He ordered scholars to collect the religious traditions of the Aryan people and write them in the Vedas.
D. He placed priests as the ruling class and constructed cities that divided the social classes.



A. He spread Buddhism and ideas of nonviolence by having his ideas written in public places.


King Ashoka was the most famous ruler of the Mauryan Empire, which was the first large-scale empire in India. He ruled from 268 to 232 BCE. After a bloody war that killed many people, he converted to Buddhism and became a promoter of peace and tolerance. He had his edicts, or official orders, carved on pillars, rocks, and caves throughout his empire. These edicts expressed his moral and religious values, such as respect for all living beings, kindness, honesty, and justice. He also supported the spread of Buddhism to other regions, such as Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. He is considered one of the most influential and benevolent rulers in history.

Both Moctezuma II and Huayna Capac faced major crises in their reigns due to

a rival claim to the throne
Spanish conquistadors


Answer: Spanish Conquistadors

Explanation: the spanish are evil


Imagine you are a member of the Continental Congress for the new government. What are the 3 most important laws, policies, or standards that you would add to the Constitution of the United States?


I would amend the US Constitution to allow immigrants to run for president, ensure the right to vote at the federal level, balance the budget, and eliminate lifetime appointments to the Supreme Court.

To propose an amendment, either a convention must be called or, if two-thirds of the states request one, both Houses of Congress must vote on the proposal. The amendment must then be approved by three-fourths of the State legislatures or three-fourths of the ratification conventions held in each State.

There are two procedures to suggest modifications to the Constitution, under Article V. A convention may be called by Congress in response to requests from two-thirds of state legislatures, or it may be suggested by Congress through a joint resolution approved by a two-thirds vote.

To learn more about US Constitution


Describe whether or not you feel Taft was an effective leader.


Taft was a warmhearted and kind man who wanted to be loved as a person and to be respected for his judicial temperament. It was his temperament, moreover, that caused most of his problems as a political leader. Taft seldom took any initiative in legislative matters, and he had little talent for leadership. He tended to ponder at great length all sides of a question. In essence, he was not decisive. He sat by quietly, for example, as the Republican-dominated Congress added 847 amendments to his tariff reform package, dashing any hope for real reform. Additionally, he was inactive. He typically ate a dozen eggs, a pound of bacon, and mounds of pancakes for breakfast, leaving him sluggish for most of the morning.

Was the Compromise of 1850 good for America? Be Detailed!


The Compromise of 1850 was bad for America because it did not provide a solution to the problem of the spread of slavery.

What was the compromise of 1850?

The Fugitive Slave Act was modified as part of the Compromise of 1850, which also saw the abolition of the slave trade in Washington, D.C. Additionally, Utah was given a territorial government, and California joined the union as a free state. The settlement stipulated that California would be accepted as a free state in order to appease the North. The agreement suggested a new, more effective runaway slave legislation in order to appease the South. The heated rhetoric that surrounded the compromise instead served to further polarize the North and the South, rather than resolving the issue of slavery's growth. It compelled residents to aid in the capture of slaves who had escaped. It disallowed the right to a jury trial for a runaway.

To learn more about the Compromise of 1850 refer to:


Question 4 of 20
Freedom of religion
Compulsory education
First Amendment
Which of the following cases best fits the graphic organizer?
A. Roe v. Wade
B. Korematsu v. United States
C. Brown v. Board of Education
D. Wisconsin v. Yoder





I got it right

To refuse to purchase a good is also called a ?


Answer: Boycott


Don't forget to give brainliest :)

Which group of women was allowed to own land in texas? question 3 options: married women native american women single women that were head of the family only wealthy women


Married Women were allowed  to own land in Texas.

What are the roles of women in Native American tribes?

The women were considered as  leaders in Native American tribes. Cherokee women worked in treaty negotiations with the United States, and women in the Iroquoi confederacy of tribes acted as political leaders. Certain women were delegated the task of caring for children and preparing meals; their other roles varied between tribal groups.

The battle for women’s property rights and ownership was one of the longest and most significant, stretching from the 1700s to the beginning of the 20th century. Only few women were allowed to own and take care of property.

To know more about Women from the given link


Why was it so hard for the Indians to adjust to the new British way if life?


Reasons for Indians not being able to adjust to the new Bristish way of life:

The Anglo-Hindu Law was evolved from the classical Hindu law during the British rule in India. The British adopted the modern law or the English legal system and replaced the existing Indian laws except for family or personal laws in matters such as marriage, inheritance and succession of property.They only squandered, exploited, slaughtered Indians in every possible opportunity they got. Britishers were no different apart from the fact they were more civilized and sophisticated in their outlook but equally ugly and autocratic. The Indians lost their wealth, their lands and everything they held dear under them.

What was British India?

British India is used to refer to the regions under the rule of the British East India Company in India from 1600 to 1858. The term has also been used to refer to the British who captured India.

The monarch was officially known as Empress or Emperor of India and the term was often used in Queen Victoria's speeches and prorogation speeches.

Learn more about British India here:


What title did Mitchell Palmer hold during the 1920s


He was certain that there would soon be a Communist revolution in the United States, and he needed a platform on which to run for the Democratic presidential nomination in 1920.

What position held Mitchell Palmer in the 1920s?

The Palmer Raids, also known as Palmer Red Raids, were raids carried out by the US Department of Justice in 1919 and 1920 in an effort to apprehend foreign anarchists, communists, and extreme leftists; many of these suspects were later deported.

The 50th Attorney General of the United States, Alexander Mitchell Palmer (May 4, 1872 – May 11, 1936), was an American lawyer and politician. He held the position from 1919 to 1921.

Therefore, His management of the Palmer Raids during the Red Scare of 1919–20 is what made him most famous.

Learn more about Mitchell Palmer here:


What did Confederate General Robert E. Lee hope to accomplish at the Battle of Gettysburg?
He intended to gain control of waterways to allow reinforcements to reach the North.

He sought to weaken Northern support for the war by invading Union territory.

He hoped to limit Union access to the ports it relied on for receiving supplies.

He wanted to prevent Union soldiers from retreating toward the American West.


In the context Lee wanted to win a battle north of the Mason-Dixon line in order to force a negotiated end to the fighting after a year of defensive victories in Virginia.

In the Battle of Gettysburg, what did Robert E. Lee hope to gain?

Lee hoped to gain recognition of the Confederacy from Britain and France and to bolster the cause of northern "Copperheads" who supported peace by bringing the conflict out of Virginia and transferring northern troops away from Vicksburg, where the Confederates were being held hostage.

What did Robert E. Lee have to say about the Gettysburg Battle?

These latter were inevitably left in the hands of the adversary because many of them were killed or wounded in the various assaults at Gettysburg.I cannot speak highly enough of these brave men for their accomplishments and merits.

Learn more about Gettysburg here:


Which phrase completes this diagram showing the weaknesses of the cen
government caused by the Articles of Confederation?
Weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
Trouble dealing with foreign countries
Inability to enforce laws
No power to collect taxes
OA. Excessive federal taxes charged
B. Three branches of government
OC. Trouble defending states
D. Only one branch of government


D) only 1 branch of government because A and B do not exist and C is mentioned because the only people threatening states are foreign nations


D) only 1 branch of government because A and B do not exist and C is mentioned because the only people threatening states are foreign nations


How does culture affect the development of civilization


Answer: The process of civilization brings a place and people to a phase where they can be developed socially and culturally to realize a more advanced stage of human existence.


The successful espionage of the Culper Ring helped the Americans get much-needed information. (Select 5 examples of espionage used in the American Revolution below)

A. The Culper Ring kept track of ships coming into and out of New York City

B. It was revealed through the spy network that American major general Benedict Arnold was a traitor

C. Benjamin Tallmadge used Morse code to encrypt messages sent within the spy network

D. The spies passed along sketches of British fortifications

E. Washington received intelligence that a British fleet was preparing to attack America's French allies

F. Washington planted a false message to throw off the British

G. Anna Smith Strong was a spy for the Washington, and worked as a servant for British General Cornwallis




The successful espionage of the Culper Ring helped the Americans get much-needed information. According to the question A, C, E, F, and G are correct.

What was espionage in American Revolution?

During the Revolutionary War, information was distributed via handwritten letters. Spies utilized a variety of techniques to secure their communications in case the enemy intercepted them. These techniques included the use of mask letters, invisible ink, and secret codes.

The Culper Spy Ring was one of the biggest spy operations during the Revolutionary War. Benjamin Tallmadge, George Washington's spymaster, put together the ring. The ring's objective was to inform Washington of the British army's presence in New York City. Abraham Woodhull and Robert Townshend served as the ring's two principal undercover agents.

To learn more about espionage in American Revolution follow the link.


How did Linnaeus improve the classification of organisms?

He created a way of naming organisms based on genus and species.
He began grouping animals based on the places they live.
He suggested a third domain to classify new types of organisms.
He introduced a new kingdom to include different kinds of bacteria.


Answer: He created a way of naming organisms based on genus and species.

Explanation: this means naming that you give them a 2 worded latin name based  on the name of the type of species.

How did Islam and Muslim rule spread


Answer: Islam spread through military conquest, trade, pilgrimage, and missionaries.

(if you want points) How old are trees and plants on earth today?


Answer: About 500 million years ago.


All the analyses indicate that land plants first appeared about 500 million years ago, during the Cambrian period, when the development of multicellular animal species took off.


Which statement best compares the sides taken by free and enslaved African Americans during the Revolution? Question 5 options: All enslaved African Americans supported the British, while free African Americans joined the Patriots. Free African Americans were divided in their support for the Patriots and the British, as were the enslaved. Free and enslaved African Americans supported the British to punish the colonies for their reliance on slavery. Free African Americans supported the British, while the enslaved supported the Patriots out of fear.


Answer: Free African Americans were divided in their support


The British guaranteed enslaved African-Americans that they would be liberated if they fought on the side of the British during the Revolution.


During the American Revolution, why did many African-Americans who were enslaved fight for the British and against the colonists?

how was the outcome of tinker v. des similar to zenger's trial


The outcome of tinker v. des states that According to the majority opinion of the Supreme Court, neither teachers nor students "drop their fundamental right to freedom of speech or expression at the classroom gate."

What is Outcome?

Any topic's conclusion gives information about the subject, including the major point, which aids the reader in evaluating the topic's advantages and disadvantages and formulating a conclusion as a result.

In terms of press freedom, the Zenger case did not set any legal precedents. It shaped how respondents viewed these issues and helped pave the way for the protections included in the United States Constitution, and the Sedition Act of 1798 many years later.

Learn more about tinker v. des, here:


Which description applies to Zoroastrianism?


What description applies to Zoroastrianism?

The descriptions of Zoroastrianism are: monotheism, messianism, belief in free will and judgement after death, conception of heaven, hell, angels, and demons, among other concepts, may have influenced other religious and philosophical systems.

What has been the development and expansion of presidential power since the Constitution was ratified


Following the Watergate scandal, Congress asserted its authority by passing the War Powers Act of 1973 (by overriding Nixon's veto), Ethics in Government Act, which established Special Prosecutors to look into allegations of illegal activity in the executive branch, and the Church Committee investigations.

Unfortunately, these steps failed to have the impact that many in Congress had hoped for: the Church Committee investigations had no significant long-term influence, and successive Presidents repeatedly acted without giving notice as required by the War Powers Act.

Presidents kept extending their executive authority. Despite his support for conservatism and desire to reduce the size of the federal government, Republican President Ronald Reagan expanded the power of the presidency through precedent rather than through the passage of new legislation.

Because his significant unilateral actions were upheld, he established a standard for future presidents. The Iran Contra Affair was a prime example of this in foreign policy.

Learn more about presidential powers here:


which was a major achivment of early egyptian civilization


From what I found possibly architecture

Read the passage below. Then answer the question that follows using information and evidence from the text.

May 28, 1830


An Act to provide for an exchange of lands with the Indians residing in any of the states or territories, and for their removal west of the river Mississippi.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That it shall and may be lawful for the President of the United States to cause so much of any territory belonging to the United States, west of the river Mississippi, not included in any state or organized territory, and to which the Indian title has been extinguished, as he may judge necessary, to be divided into a suitable number of districts, for the reception of such tribes or nations of Indians as may choose to exchange the lands where they now reside, and remove there; and to cause each of said districts to be so described by natural or artificial marks, as to be easily distinguished from every other ...

Explain what this document tells you about life in the United States during the early 1800s. (10 points)



In the 1800s, America grew very fast.

In 1803, the United States bought the

Louisiana Territory from France.

From 1800 to 1860, there were

17 new states.

In the 1800s, millions of immigrants

came from other countries.

The country had two main parts—

the North and the South.

They had different cultures.

They had different economies.

There were many new problems.Africans were taken to America and sold

as slaves.

In 1860, 4 million slaves lived in the

United States.

Americans did not agree about slavery.

The North wanted to free the slaves.

The South wanted slaves to work on


Most slaves lived in the South.

The slaves had no freedom.

They had no formal schools.

They had no right to vote.


what cause do you think was the most responsible for the outbreak of the french revolution


The most responsible cause for the outbreak of the French revolution, Not only had the royal coffers been depleted, but several years of poor harvests, drought, cattle disease, and skyrocketing bread prices had instilled fear among peasants and the urban poor.

The French Revolution, with Napoleon Bonaparte's ascension, was a watershed moment in world history. During this time, French citizens uprooted centuries-old institutions such as the monarchy and the feudal system. 26

From 1789 to 1799, the French Revolution lasted ten years. The Parisian prison known as the Bastille was stormed by revolutionaries on July 14, 1789.

To know more about the French Revolution, click here.





Milosz writes poems about death during his time in times of the threat of fascism. In his poem, 'Song of a Citizen', the first verse is:A stone from the bottom, who has seen the seas dry upAnd a million white fish leaping in torture,I – poor man, see swarms of white denuded peopleWithout freedom, I see the crab which feeds on their flesh.He portrayed the destruction of human beings, races and nations.with the literary death of fish, insects, crabs and reptiles. This was his attack on the inherent fascism which brings brutality to humanity during war.On the other hand, Szymborska writes about death in a more personal way. On her poem entitled “On Death, without Exaggeration", Deathalways arrives by that very moment too late.In vain it tugs at the knobof the invisible door.As far as you've comecan't be undone.She grew up in Poland during the World War. She has seen a lot of deaths and is likely very afraid of it. But over time, she learned to conquer her fears and she showed us that death has its weakness, too.


have a great day, hope this helps

On what axis is the dependent variable placed?kjiii


The independent variable should be plotted on the graph's x-axis (horizontal line), and the dependent variable should be plotted on the y-axis (vertical line).

What are Independent variables?

Characteristics known as dependent variables change when another attribute does.Researchers look at whether changing one property causes a predictable change in another.These different quantities are the variables.The independent variables are those that are examined to determine if they are the cause.The dependent variables are the traits that change when the independent factors do.Consider the question of whether you can determine a person's arm span from their height.Obtain a sample of people and measure the heights (the independent variable). then measure the length of their arms (the dependent variable).

To know more about Independent variables visit:


Based on these two maps, the Appalachian Mountains are located in which of the following Native American cultural regions?
please help and fast!



length of side. area



why did the US get involved in the Vietnam war and did it succeed in it goal essay​


Eisenhower’s domino theory that if one nation fell to communism the surrounding nations would as well.

The US didn’t stop the control of communism in Vietnam.

Explain the pros and the cons of the impact of the Mongolians on Asia and Europe.


The Mongol conquest had the following effects on conquered peoples: However, it also included: Devastation, destruction, extortion of wealth, disease, and displacement. the increase in activity on the trade routes that connect East Asia, Europe, and the Mediterranean region.

How did the Mongols affect Asia?

They claimed that the Mongols helped important cultural, social, and economic exchanges between civilizations. Trade was supported by Chinggis Khan, Khubilai Khan, and other rulers. They also supported the arts, architecture, and theater as well as policies that tolerated foreign religions.

How did the Mongols influence Europe?

Guns and gunpowder, two lethal Chinese inventions, were brought to the West by the Mongols. The numerous warring states of Europe all worked over the subsequent centuries to enhance the technology of their firearms as a result of the new weapons' revolutionary effects on European combat strategies.

Learn more about Mongols here:


When the German empire was formed when what territories were mereged


There were 26 separate countries that made up the German Empire, most of which were ruled by royal families. This contained three free Hanseatic cities, four kingdoms, six grand duchies, five duchies (six before 1876), seven principalities, and one imperial region.

Parts of the present-day Burundi, Rwanda, Tanzania, Namibia, Cameroon, Gabon, Congo, Central African Republic, Chad, Nigeria, Togo, Ghana, as well as northern New Guinea, Samoa, and numerous Micronesian islands were included in the German Colonial Empire.The first series focuses on the three German empires: the First Reich was the Holy Roman Empire of the German People, which had a formal existence until 1806, the Second Reich was the German Empire, which had a formal existence from 1871 to 1918, and the Third Reich was the empire that the Nazis sought to establish.

Thus the territories that were merged in German empire was 26.

To learn more about German empire, refer:


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