How did advertising change in the 1920s?


Answer 1

In the heyday of the 1920s, average Americans were spending more and more of their disposable income on major consumer durables. The consumer economy and the US stock market advertising industry grew to match.

By the late 1920s, an increasingly sophisticated advertising industry had integrated new techniques in retail, credit, sales management, and consumer research into the marketing process. Marketing efforts accelerated to match the rapid introduction of new products and services by companies to satisfy consumer markets. 43 months to March 1933. By the end of 1933, production had fallen sharply, and real GDP fell 29%. Consumer spending declined from $77.5 billion in 1929 to $45.9 billion in 1933. Purchases on credit or through payment plans became normal in the 1920s, but the market crash in October 1929 resulted in a sharp drop in the number of consumers buying on credit by 1930, as households focused on paying off their existing debts. $1.3 billion. Automobile, department store, penny store, and mail order sales declined sharply in January 1930 as the United States entered the Great Depression. radio advertising in 1930 was seven times greater than in 1927. Advertisers modified messages to focus on themes of the economy, patriotism, and fear of humiliation. They used testimonials, "hard sell," product placement, and sponsorships to convince shoppers to spend. This guide provides primary and secondary sources that examine marketing efforts, with a large focus on the advertising industry, from 1929 to 1933. The Great Depression is comprised of two economic recessions, from August 1929 to March 1933, and May 1937 to June 1938. The guide's subject pages highlight resources related to more specific areas of interest, such as race and gender in advertising, radio advertising, and consumer protection groups.

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What, to the american slave, is your fourth of july? i answer; a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross injustice and cruelty to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a sham; your boasted liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciation of tyrants, brass-fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery.


The claim that Frederick Douglass makes in the following excerpt from his speech is 'The need of abolishing slavery.'

What is Douglass main point in his speech?According to Douglass, the main topic of his speech is slavery in America. He criticizes the country for failing to adhere to its true founding principles. He exhorts the audience to carry out what the country's founding fathers advocated. He also excuses the country's cruel hypocrisy.The famous quote of Frederick Douglass is "The life of the nation is secure only while the nation is honest, truthful, and virtuous." "It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men." It infringes on both the listener's and the speaker's rights.

Learn more about Frederick Douglass here:



answers in picture


In 2019, the supreme court ordered the state of north carolina to redraw gerrymandered voting districts. Which case set a precedent for this order?citizens united v. Fecbaker v. Carrabbot v. Perezbush v. Gore.


The Baker v Carr case of 1962 set the

precedent that made the supreme court

to order the redrawing of North Carolina's

gerrymandered districts.

The Carr v Baker case reaffirmed the rights of the federal court to review issues that had to do with voting districts. At the end of the case the Supreme court ruled in favor of the plaintiffs.

The ruling was established under the fourteenth amendment of the United States constitution.The Baker v Carr case of 1962 set the precedent that made the supreme court to order the redrawing of North Carolina's gerrymandered districts. This case was what set the precedent for the 2019 case in North Carolina.

To know more about Supreme court visit:


What advantage did the geography and climate of the South give the farmers there?

A) Their crops grew faster than other crops.

B) Their crops tasted better than other places.

C) They could grow crops all year long.

D) They could grow all of the crops they could grow in Europe.


The answer is to this question is A

Answer: C) They could grow crops all year long.

Explanation: The soil was good for farming and the climate was warm, including hot summers and mild winters. The growing season here was longer than in any other region. The southern colonies' economy was based on agriculture (farming).

Write a short essay that analyzes how Spanish rule impacted the following in colonial Louisiana.

migration and settlement patterns
cooperation and conflict between different ethnic groups
major events contributing to growth and development
plss help me



Under Spanish rule, Louisiana's population began to grow, especially through renewed immigration from various directions. Acadian immigrants (whose descendants are known as Cajuns) were by far the most numerous, having been evicted from their North Atlantic homeland by the British during the French and Indian War.

The desire for access to natural and mineral resources and the hope of many settlers for economic opportunities or religious refuge led to an increased migration to and settlement in the West.
(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)


Following the California Gold Rush of 1849 and the cultivation of the fur industry and other opportunities arising in the west, people began to move that way, shifting the center of the U.S. population. Joseph Smith and the Mormons went west to establish a religious community, while others were motivated by  Lincoln's Homestead Act.

An industry is a collection of businesses that might be associated based on their primary commercial enterprise activities. In current economies, there are dozens of industry classifications. Enterprise classifications are normally grouped into larger classes called sectors.

Number one enterprise involves getting uncooked materials e.g. mining, farming, and fishing. Secondary enterprise includes production e.g. making vehicles and steel. Tertiary industries provide a carrier e.g. coaching and nursing.

Learn more about Industry


who were two of nahum's contemporaries from the prophets? in other words, what two prophets also lived at the same time as nahum?


The two prophets also lived at the same time as Nahum are -Jeremiah and  Zephaniah.

The Tanakh, commonly known as the Hebrew Bible and The Old Testament, contains a prophecy made by a minor prophet by the name of Nahum. His book appears in the Bible's chronological order between Micah and Habakkuk.

The poems in Nahum proclaim the overthrow of some of Israel's harshest oppressors. Nahum demonstrates how the fall of Nineveh and Assyria are illustrations of how God works in history in every era by using Daniel, Exodus, and Isaiah.

For more info about ' Nahum' click on below link -


Which of the following are not a true statement about Immediatists



They were in favor of compensating slave owners for their property in the event of emancipation.


Social contract is best defined as which of the following?
Choose 1 answer:
The agreement between people and the government defining the rights and duties
of eac
The system in which the interests of the people are represented through elected
The belief that the government's right to rule comes from the people
The belief that government should only have powers granted under the


The best way to characterize the social contract is as an agreement outlining each party's obligations and rights between the people and the government. The correct answer is option (A).

What is social contract?

The social contract is a theory or paradigm in moral and political philosophy that dates back to the Age of Enlightenment. It typically, but not always, addresses the validity of the power of the state over the individual.

A social contract is an agreement that governs conduct of people and organizations in a particular setting, such as a workplace, a culture, a country, or a social media platform. This agreement may be implicit or explicit. The idea that people's moral and/or political duties depend on a contract or agreement among them to create the society in which they live is known as social contract theory, which is almost as ancient as philosophy itself.

To know more about social contract, visit:


which culture group spread across eurasia in the 13th century and became the world’s largest empire?


At its peak, the Mongol Empire covered the most contiguous territory in history. Led at first by Genghis Khan, the empire lasted from 1206 until 1368. During that time, it expanded to cover most of Eurasia, thanks to advanced technology and a massive horde of nomadic warriors.

The Mongol Empire of the 13th and 14th centuries turned into the most important contiguous land empire in records.[5] Originating in gift-day Mongolia in East Asia, the Mongol Empire at its height stretched from the sea of Japan to parts of jap Europe, extending northward into elements of the Arctic;[6] eastward and southward into components of the Indian subcontinent, attempted invasions of Southeast Asia and conquered the Iranian Plateau; and westward as some distance as the Levant and the Carpathian Mountains.

Learn more about Mongol Empire here


What were the effects of the transatlantic slave trade on africa?


The impact of the Atlantic slave trade on Africa may have displaced 12.5 million people from Africa and killed millions more. This violence and forced migration has caused long-lasting suffering at the individual and societal level.

What is Transatlantic Slave Trade?

The Atlantic slave trade began in the 16th century when European interest in Africa shifted from gold to labor. With expansion into the New World, Europeans needed a reliable workforce accustomed to tropical climates without suffering from serious illness. After it was found out, Africans proved to be excellent workers, as they were accustomed to the climate, were resistant to tropical diseases, and worked hard even on plantations.

The Atlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic from the west coast of Europe, bringing goods to the west of Africa. The slaves were then sent to the New World via the Middle Sea Route and traded in goods brought to Europe. The so-called triangular trade ended with the abolition of slavery in the 19th century.

Learn more about transatlantic slave trade


What is the history of the Department of Homeland Security?


The Department of Homeland Security officially became a Cabinet-level department on March 1, 2003, after Congress passed the Homeland Security Act in November 2002. Its purpose was to further coordinate and unify national homeland security efforts.

The executive branch of the United States federal government known as the Department of Homeland Security is in charge of protecting the nation from terrorist attacks and ensuring that it is prepared for natural disasters and other emergencies. Following the attacks of September 11, 2001, President The Office of Homeland Security was established by George W. Bush to coordinate federal, state, and local counterterrorism efforts; and the Homeland Security Council, which provides the president with advice regarding homeland security issues.

Learn more about homeland Security here:


according to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door?


As per the standardizing perspective on science, researchers ought to leave their qualities at the lab entryway.

Data that is made, introduced, or deciphered in light of an expected, regularly implicit, inclination for a particular strategy decision is portrayed as a standardizing science.

Regularizing science is a kind of exploration that endeavors to distinguish powerful methodologies for arriving at recognized points, closes, objectives, goals, or purposes. It frequently includes a local area of request and its gathered corpus of temporary information.

Realities and probabilities are the general population's and chiefs' expectations for researchers when they weigh different arrangement choices. They don't expect researchers to shroud their own or their bosses' predispositions and strategy inclinations in the appearance of unprejudiced logical data.

Learn more about laboratory door:


Explain the major differences between how roosevelt and wilson thought about regulation.


Theodore Roosevelt was a Republican, and Woodrow Wilson was a Democrat. Because they were both progressives, they supported a bigger federal government engagement in the social and economic spheres of American society.

What kind of foreign policy did Wilson believe in?

Wilson's most significant suggestion was to create a new international organization that would be available to membership by all democratic states in order to avert future wars. The disarmament and decolonization of colonial territories would fall under the purview of this new global organization.

What was the foreign policy of Theodore Roosevelt?

He started building the Panama Canal while focusing on Central America in terms of foreign policy. He increased the Navy and modernized the American Army. To showcase American naval power, he embarked on a global tour with the Great White Fleet.

To know more about Wilson visit:-


What is the pacific front?


Answer: Hope this helps <3


The Pacific Front is the most recent member of the Allied forces, who hastily joined when the threat of China began to loom on the horizon.

This was a federally sponsored corporation which insures deposits in national banks and certain other qualifying financial institutions up to a stated amount.


Deposits at national banks and other eligible financial institutions are insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) up to a predetermined limit.

The FDIC oversees receivership, makes big and complicated financial institutions resolvable, guarantees deposits inspects, and regulates financial institutions for safety, soundness, and consumer protection.

In the unusual event that an insured bank fails, the FDIC will protect the funds that depositors place there. Depositors are covered up to a minimum of $250,000 per insured bank. The FDIC provides deposit protection for all types of deposits held at insured banks.

For 50 years, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation has been a crucial component of the country's financial system. Its immediate impact was the restoration of public faith in banks. The Banking Act of 1933 was passed at the height of the nation's worst banking crisis.

To learn more about FDIC


The time for the new election of a citizen to be president of the United States is coming soon. I should now tell you of my decision: I will not be among the candidates considered for the position."Read the paraphrase of a text written by George Washington. What does this text represent?

Precedent of term limits, because he is threatening to resign if members of Congress run for office a third time

Precedent of term limits, because he is declining consideration for leader of the United States


The text represents precedent of term limits, because he is declining consideration for leader of the United States (The correct answer is B).

This happened because the president had the opportunity to run for president again but he did not take it. The president has promised not to use his power for self-interest and is not ambitious for that. He just wanted to serve his country. He had proven this during the Revolutionary War as General of the Continental Army.

Your question is incomplete, but most probably you full question was:

The time for the new election of a citizen to be president of the United States is coming soon. I should now tell you of my decision: I will not be among the candidates considered for the position. Read the paraphrase of a text written by George Washington. What does this text represent?

A. Precedent of term limits, because he is threatening to resign if members of Congress run for office a third time.

B. Precedent of term limits, because he is declining consideration for leader of the United States.

C. Sense of the ceremony of monarchy, because he is making a formal address to the United States.

Learn more about a glimpse of American history


what does richard henry lee fear may happen if the current plan of government is adopted?


What type of subject is this

What was the main failure of Prohibition?


To shield people and families from the evil of intoxication, prohibition was put into place.

But it also had unforeseen effects, such as an increase in organized crime linked to the illicit manufacturing and sale of alcohol, a rise in smuggling, and a decrease in tax revenue.

The reasons why prohibition failed:

1. The general populace was unsupportive.

2. It was easy to find alcohol.

3. Government officials had relatively little success enforcing prohibition.

Gangsters like Al Capone and organized crime organizations like the Mafia expanded as a result of prohibition. Due to the fact that at least half of adults desired to continue drinking, the Volstead Act's enforcement was fraught with inconsistencies, biases, and corruption, and the absence of a clear prohibition on consumption, prohibition finally failed.

To learn more about prohibition failure, refer:


how did leopold ii convince the other nations to allow him control of the congo?


Leopold ii convince the other nations to allow him control of the congo because he was involved in humanitarian and philanthropic work and would not tax trade.

Leopold was able to take control of the area by persuading other European nations to join him in his humanitarian and philanthropic endeavors and refrain from levying trade taxes at the Berlin Conference on Africa. He was able to assert his ownership over the majority of the Congo Basin through the International Association of the Congo.

Belgian King Leopold II violently took control of the African continent and declared it his personal property on February 5, 1885, creating the Congo Free State as a result. Leopold privately owned the Congo, as opposed to exercising colonial rule over it as other European nations did elsewhere in Africa.

To learn more about Leopold ii visit:


During the Middle Ages in Western Europe, the land was divided up and given to the people on the manor in return for service. The political system that describes the relationship between the king and his nobles is known as blank

The economic system that describes the land distribution and rural economic organization that supported this political structure is know as blank





Feudalism was the medieval model of government predating the birth of the modern nation-state. Feudal society is a military hierarchy in which a ruler or lord offers mounted fighters a fief (medieval beneficium), a unit of land to control in exchange for a military service.

hoped this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)

Place the following events in the life of Osama bin Laden into chronological order.fights against the Soviet occupation of Afghanistandeclares "war" on the United Statesterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africaterrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit the attacks of September 11, 2001


Fight against the soviet invasion of Afghanistan, declare war against the United States, terrorists associated with Al Qaeda commit attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, and Al Qaeda with terrorists commit the attacks of September 11, 2001 are the life of Osama Bin Laden on chronological order.

Osama Bin Laden was born into Saudi affluence and went on to become the head of one of the most brutal, global terrorist networks in history, declaring a self-declared holy war against the United States.

In 1979, he involved himself in fighting against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.

In 1996,  He relocates to the Afghan city of Jalalabad and declares war against the United States (U.S.)

In late 1998, Osama struck U.S. embassies in Nairobi, Kenya, and Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, killing 224 people and injuring many.

On Sept 11, 2001, he along with his association with Al Qaeda, hijacked planes and targeted New York's world trade center leading to 3k death and thousands of injured.

To learn more about Osama Bin Laden, follow the below link:


What was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?


The disruption of the trade and economic activities in the European region defines the relationship between the Black Death and the Great Western Schism of 1378-1417.

The Black Death is highly remembers and historically revered as an event during the fourteenth century that brought depression and misery into the European society throughout the period of its existence. The event of the Great Western Schism was also similar in its effects. As a result of these events, the entire economic and trading activities in the European society were largely and negatively affected.

Learn more about the Black Death here:


cherokee leader wilma pearl mankiller reminded us that when making decisions that affect the people, iroquois leaders are encouraged to remember what?


Wilma Mankiller is venerated and recognized as the Cherokee Country's most memorable female Head Boss. She is likewise the principal female head of a critical Local clan to be picked. She gave her surprising life to guarding Native Americans' freedoms.

At the point when Wilma Mankiller got back to Oklahoma in the fall of 1976, the Cherokee Country selected him as an organizer of monetary improvement. She made progress as an award essayist because of her chief expertise in report planning, and by the mid-1980s she was responsible for the Cherokee Country's recently settled Local area Improvement Division. As Chief, she made and supervised imaginative local area programs that enabled provincial inhabitants to perceive their concerns and add to their answers through their work.

Learn more about Cherokee:


What was the relationship between the black death and the great/western schism of 1378–1417?


The Black Death, otherwise called the Incomparable Mortality, the Plague, and the Dark Plague was a pandemic that desolated Europe from 1347 to 1351 and brought about the passing of roughly 25 million individuals during this period.


The Incomparable Split happened in the Catholic Church from 1378 until 1417. The Dark Demise (1347-1351) disturbed a large part of the economy and exchange happening in Europe and individuals went into a time of despondency, disarray, and hopelessness. The Avignon Papacy from 1309 to 1376 decreased the power of the Catholic Church in Europe as did the extravagant way of life the ecclesiastical court lived during the Dark Demise while millions endured and passed on. Individuals lost confidence in the Congregation and the Incomparable Split inside the Congregation.

Learn more about great/western schism:


the pharaohs had a canal built connecting the nile to the red sea, opening up trade routes to arabia. t or f


Answer: True

Explanation: The pharaohs had a canal built connecting the Nile to the Red Sea, opening up trade routes to Arabia.

How might the economy of the Kingdom of Ghana have been different if it did not have fertile soil?


Ghana's economic development and eventual affluence were connected to the establishment of regular and increased trans-Saharan commerce in gold, salt, and ivory, which enabled the formation of bigger urban centers and fostered territorial expansion to obtain control over various trade routes.

What kind of economy does Ghana have?

Ghana's economy is a hybrid one, with some private freedom mixed in with centralized economic planning and government control. Ghana belongs to the West African Economic Community.

A mixed economy is an economic system that mixes market economy components with planned economy components, markets with state interventionism, or private industry with public business. All mixed economies feature a combination of free-market and socialist ideas.

To learn more about the mixed economy, click


Who brought a significant Norman French influence to England in the eleventh century?

Alfred the Great
Henry I
William the Conqueror


William the conqueror

According to the normative view of science, what should scientists leave at the laboratory door?
a. historical forces
b. life stresses
c. personal values
d. social structures


The scientists leave them at the laboratory door is personal values. Option C.

Genetic modification creates genetically modified animals plants and organisms. When they enter the environment, they can affect biodiversity. For example, an existing species can be overrun by a new, more dominant species. These and other possible ramifications will be considered in the approval process.

One of the concerns about the Human Genome Project is that the disclosure of genetic structure could flag self-fulfilling prophecies. Genetic and genomic research has traditionally been associated with concerns about informed consent, the right not to know about genetic discrimination eugenics social stigma return of private research, and handling of accidental discoveries.

Learn more about The laboratory door here:-


Describe the character of king arthur. What character traits does he show in this selection.


As a child, Arthur was honest, trustworthy, humble, and kind-hearted, and retains these traits even after becoming king. A new philosophy would shape his reign, but the idea came from Merlyn not Arthur.

What is the story of King Arthur?

The son of King Uther Pendragon, but raised by a different family, Arthur takes his rightful place as king when as a boy he was able to pull a sword called Excalibur out of stone. Although Arthur rules wisely and is counseled by Merlin the Mage, he makes enemies of other kings and often goes to war.

How is King Arthur portrayed in Sir Gawain?

At the beginning of the poem, he is compared to the noble and mythical founder of the British Trojan horse, and is described as the youngest, fittest and most daring. A firm believer in chivalry, he loves his nephew Gawain, who risks his own life to save the king.

To learn more about King Arthur story visit:


all persons born or naturalized in the united states and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the united states and of the state wherein they reside.
no state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the united states.
nor shall any state deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.






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