How can students in the photograph use the net to sample the invertebrates in the river.

How Can Students In The Photograph Use The Net To Sample The Invertebrates In The River.


Answer 1

Answer and Explanation:

Macroinvertebrate communities show spatial and temporal variability. Many taxons have more affinity for one specific type of habitat.

There are two principal sampling techniques. Qualitative and cuantitave. Qualitative techniques provide data about the river richness and the relationship between the different taxonomic group's abundance. They allow the obtention of the most representative and abundant taxons, estimates their densities, biomass, and calculates the diversity indexes for each sampling site by period. Nets are needed to sample.

Every possible microhabitat must be sampled. The use of the different sampling elements depends on the substrate.

Hard-substrated sites, such as rocks or wood and organic matter, are sampled using a Surber net. The net is placed counter-current. The substrate must be moved and removed up to 10-15 cm deep, checking that animals and the thin sediment lie on the net. Samplings must be done from downstream to the upstream direction, taking replicates per substrate. Invertebrates must be washed on a strainer. Finally, place each of the samples in a plastic bottle, fixate the material with formaldehyde 4% and take it to the lab for its taxonomic identification.  

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Which of the following is the best solution to meet energy demands while protecting the environment?
A grow more corn to produce ethanol
B. build more nuclear power plants
C. find and burn new sources of oil and coal
D. improve energy efficiency and reduce energy waste


Answer: D

Explanation: just took the quiz

The best solution that meets the energy demands while protecting the environment is to improve energy efficiency and reduce energy waste. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

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The environment may be defined as a sum total of all forms of living and non-living elements and their consequences that significantly influence human life. It includes biotic and abiotic factors. The term environment is first given by Carlyle.

The protection of the environment requires a lot of actions by humans and the cooperation of other living organisms as well. All these actions impact the protection of the environment and improve energy efficiency along with the reduction in energy waste.

Therefore, improving energy efficiency and reducing energy waste is the best solution that meets energy demands while protecting the environment. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

To learn more about the Protection of the environment, refer to the link:


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Group of answer choices







Carbon and hydrogen


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While Copernicus rightly observed that the planets revolve around the Sun, it was Kepler who correctly defined their orbits. At the age of 27, Kepler became the assistant of a wealthy astronomer, Tycho Brahe, who asked him to define the orbit of Mars. Brahe had collected a lifetime of astronomical observations, which, on his death, passed into Kepler’s hands. (Brahe, who had his own Earth-centered model of the Universe, withheld the bulk of his observations from Kepler at least in part because he did not want Kepler to use them to prove Copernican theory correct.) Using these observations, Kepler found that the orbits of the planets followed three laws.

Where do marine creatures store carbon in their bodies? What form is it in?


the tissues other than blood contain most of the CO2 stored in the body. Over 90 % of this tissue CO2 is stored in bone as carbonate (65, 155).

When they die, their carcasses sink to the seafloor, bringing a lifetime of trapped carbon with them. This is called Deadfall Carbon. On the deep seafloor, it eventually can be buried in sediments and potentially locked away from the atmosphere for millions of years.

What occurs during glycolysis?



Glycolysis is the process in which one glucose molecule is broken down to form two molecules of pyruvic acid science my fav class btw thats how i know it


Glycolysis is the process in which one glucose molecule is broken down to form two molecules of pyruvic acid (also called pyruvate). ... Thus, four ATP molecules are synthesized and two ATP molecules are used during glycolysis, for a net gain of two ATP molecules.

Why do nervous system
responses tend to be more rapid
than endocrine system responses


The endocrine and nervous system are similar in that both involve the transmission of a message that is triggered by stimulus and produces a response. But because nerve impulses can travel much faster than blood-borne substances, nervous system responses are more rapid

In one of the first steps in Prophase I of meiosis,
A) the cell divides into four daughter cells.
B) the chromatids separate and move to opposite ends of
the cell.
C) half of the chromosomes are made inactive.
D) homologous pairs of chromosomes form tetrads



D) homologous pairs of chromosomes form tetrads


During prophase I, the homologous chromosomes condense and become visible as the x shape we know, pair up to form a tetrad, and exchange genetic material by crossing over.

In dense forests, obtaining sunlight for plants can be tricky. Growing on the ground is not always effective for plants because there is not much sunlight hitting the ground. Orchids are epiphytes, or plants that grow on other plants. They grow on branches of trees high up in the canopy. They get more sunlight and have more access to pollinators up in the high branches. Orchids lay their roots on the bark of a tree and obtain nutrients and water from their surrounding environment.

In a short answer, identify and describe the type of symbiotic relationship between orchids and the forest trees, and explain the effect of this interaction on each species involved.



The symbiotic relationship between orchids and trees is called commensalism, which means the orchid and tree host depend on eachother to survive.. The orchid provides the tree with sunlight, (nutrients created by sun- exposure).

the tree provides a solid base for the orchid to climb up the tree, they are dependent on eachother for survival...

The type of symbiotic relationship between orchids and forest trees is commensalism.

What is commensalism?

Commensalism is a relationship in which one species benefits while the other is neither helped nor harmed. In this case, orchids benefit from the elevated position and access to sunlight provided by the trees, while the trees are neither helped nor harmed.

The effect of this interaction on orchids is that they are able to thrive in a challenging environment where they would not otherwise survive. The effect on forest trees is neutral, as the orchids do not harm or compete with them for resources. However, the presence of orchids on the tree bark may attract pollinators or other organisms, which could potentially benefit the trees indirectly.

Learn more about commensalism, here:


hii pls help i’ll give brainliest if you give a correct answer


I’m pretty sure it’s A north to south I’m sorry if I’m wrong


East to West


A.)During cellular respiration, energy is stored in carbon dioxide and
water molecules. The energy is released during photosynthesis.
B.)During cellular respiration, energy is stored in large molecules in food. The
energy is released during photosynthesis.
C.)During photosynthesis, energy is stored in oxygen molecules. The energy is
released during cellular respiration.
D.)During photosynthesis, energy is stored in large molecules that contain carbon. The energy is released during cellular respiration
contain carbon. The energy is released during cellular respiration.



I really think it is c during photosynthesis energy is stored in oxygen..........

What characteristic makes marine mammals different from other marine animals?
They all give birth on land.
They live only in the ocean and cannot leave the water.
They are carnivores that eat mainly fish.
They breathe air through lungs.





bc its d

The characteristic that makes marine mammals different from other marine animals is that they breathe air through their lungs. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

What are the characteristics of marine mammals?

The characteristics of marine mammals may significantly include they breathe air through the lungs, being warm-blooded, having hair (at some point during life), and producing milk to nurse their young — while also living most or all of their lives in or very near the ocean.

Marine mammals have the same characteristics as all other mammals, but they have adapted to living all or part of their life in the ocean. Many have streamlined bodies to help them swim faster. With similar to the Fishes and other animals that have gills so they can breathe underwater. Marine mammals do not have gills. They have to come to the surface to breathe.

Therefore, the characteristic that makes marine mammals different from other marine animals is that they breathe air through their lungs. Thus, the correct option for this question is D.

To learn more about Marine mammals, refer to the link:


Which enzyme breaks down cannabis?








I believe it is either CYP2C9 or CYP2D6 that breaks down cannabis.

ill give brain thing to first answer

Speciation, which leads to diversity among species through natural
selection, occurs when
Once similar species are no longer able to mate and produce fertile
Organisms develop characteristics that mimic traits of a completely
different species.
Species experience change within their lineage and develop new
Species interact with other species in an ecosystem and develop
similar traits to each other.



Natural selection and speciation: 'Ecological speciation'. ... Natural selection is generally recognized as a central mechanism of evolutionary change within species. Thus, natural selection plays a major role in generating the array of phenotypic and genetic diversity observed in nature.

Water, carbon dioxide, oxygen and some other substances can pass through the cell membrane because?



Water, carbon dioxide,oxygen and some other substances can pass through the cell membrane because oxygen and carbon dioxide moves across the cell membranes from a simple diffusion a process that does not require any energy input and is driven by differences in concentration on the other side of the cell membrane.

People who have leukemia, a cancer that affects white blood cells, are often given Cytarabine. This drug inhibits the synthesis of DNA. Which phase of the cell cycle is most affected by Cytarabine?



I think interphase because fna synthesis happens within the s-phase of the cell cylce and 5he s phase is suring interphase and not mitosis

The phase of the cell cycle which is most affected by Cytarabine is the Interphase. Thus, the correct option is A.

What is the cell cycle?

The cell cycle may be defined as the entire sequence of events happening from the end of one nuclear division to the beginning of the next. The entire cell cycle can be divided into two phases.

The InterphaseThe M-phase (division phase).

As per the question, the drug Cytarabine inhibits the synthesis of DNA, it definitely inhibits the interphase of the cell cycle. This is because the synthesis of DNA occurs in the S-phase of the cell cycle which is a substage of the interphase.

Therefore, the interphase of the cell cycle must be affected by the drug Cytarabine. Thus, the correct option for this question is A.

To learn more about the Cell cycle, refer to the link:


True or False. If the air pressure is high, the weather is usually stormy.





What is a molecule in your own words?



A molecule is two or more atoms bonded together to form a single chemical entity.




keeping useful recources safe ??



Conservation is conserving nature, plants, and animals. Such as preventing an unnecessary use of a resource. It also includes protecting animals and their habitats (including humans).

Which of the following is a possible consequence associated with prolonged exposure to lead?
A) increased occurrence of delinquent behavior
B) increased occurrence of ADHD
C) increased occurrence of depression
D increased occurrence of obesity



The answer is A. increased occurrence of delinquent behavior


edge 2021

A possible consequence associated with prolonged exposure to lead is the increased occurrence of delinquent behavior.

What are the effects of prolonged exposure to lead?

Prolonged exposure to lead causes various severe diseases like reduced fertility, high blood pressure, heart diseases, kidney diseases, etc.

Lead is considered heavy metal which affects the health and psychology of humans to a large extent.

It increases the occurrence of delinquent behavior which means an act of criminal cases mostly carried out by adult people.

These delinquent behaviors are rapidly increasing due to the intake of drugs that contains a high amount of lead in it.

Therefore, a possible consequence associated with prolonged exposure to lead is the increased occurrence of delinquent behavior.

To learn more about the effects of lead, refer to the link:



Which of the following is common between mitosis and
a. Interphase land Interphase ||
b. S Phase of Interphase
C. Crossing Over
d. Tetrad Formation in Prophase


Answer: i think its B

Deforestation leads to environmental imbalance. Give reason.


Answer: Well, deforestation is cutting down trees, and many arboreal animals live in those trees. So if they have no proper shelter, they would have no place for personal activities such as breeding, feeding etc. And without those important activities that they have to do everyday, the population of arboreal animals will keep on decreasing until they go extinct. Though that's not the only problem. The herbivores won't get anything to eat, hence not letting the omnivores or carnivores get their food. As you can see, deforestation can create a huge environmental imbalance.

What does it mean when we say that DNA replication is semiconservative ?



Basically, when people say that DNA replication is semi-conservative they are saying that two identical copies are being made from the original DNA strand.


The two new strands contain one side of the original DNA and another side of  synthesized pair.

Which of the following represents a path that a nerve impulse could travel in the nervous system?



motor neuron-spinal cord- brain

what is the four chambers for the heart?​



The heart has four chambers: two atria and two ventricles.


The right atrium receives oxygen-poor blood from the body and pumps it to the right ventricle. The right ventricle pumps the oxygen-poor blood to the lungs. The left atrium receives oxygen-rich blood from the lungs and pumps it to the left ventricle.


The four chambers of the heart are the Right atrium,Left atrium,Right ventricle and Left ventricle.


Have a great day♡

Both parents in the example carry the dominant and the
recessive alleles for a trait (heterozygous). What is the
probability of the offspring expressing the dominant



The answer is 75%


The answer is 75%


Whenever there is a capital letter, it means the dominant is there. Whenever the dominant is there, it shows. There are 3/4 (75%) sections that have a capital letter (dominant). Therefore, 75% of those will carry out the dominant

If two brown eyed people had a blue eyed child, what is the genotype of the parents? ​


Answer:the blue eyes people in the family long before them could have skipped generations



Because the two genes depend on each other, it is possible for someone to actually be a carrier of a dominant trait like brown eyes. And if two blue eyed parents are carriers, then they can have a brown eyed child.


How do you think the Law of Universal Gravitation State connects why apples fall down and planets circle in orbit?


Apples are drawn to a massive object, like the earth, and fall down under a gravitational constant. On the other hand, planets revolve around a more massive object under the same premise. It’s the same idea, just one follows a linear path, and the other has a uniform circular motion path because other forces are acting on it. In other words, the planets ARE still falling, but the sun is also pulled by them so they just keep dancing.

A currently popular diet is the Keto Diet in which followers attempt to eat a diet high in protein and fats (lipids), and low in carbohydrates.

1. Identify 3 foods on the list that do not contain any carbohydrates.

2. Explain how you know these foods do not contain any carbohydrates. what test would u use?


Eat all the proteins no processed foods
All the green vegetables
Strawberries And Blueberries but watch how much you eat
Sugar free drinks
Ice sparkling water ready good
You can go on carb manager app and look it up or you can buy a ketosis book full of recipes and you can get a urine test for ketosis to see if your in ketosis it will change color if your in or not in ketosis
You can also get a glucose meter to see if your in ketosis as well hope this help have a wonderful day!

Which is primary Pollinator of conifers?
A.birds B. Insects C.Wind D. Water​





All conifers are pollinated by wind. 




yan po ang sagot sana makatulong

Which of the following statements about nucleic acids is true?
A. Nucleotides are made of a 5-carbon sugar, a nitrogen base, and a lipid.
B. DNA and RNA are examples of nucleic acids that are rarely seen in living things.
O C. Nucleic acids are made of repeating units called lipids.
O D. Nucleic acids store important information about cell division and the manufacturing of proteins and genetic information.





nucleic acids( DNA &RNA). the DNA contains the genetic information of an organism while some RNA are used as messager within the cell. mRNA is usually sent to the nuclueoi to synthesis ribosomes, and ribosomes is the site of protein production in the cell.

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