How can i solve this formula

How Can I Solve This Formula


Answer 1


K2 Cr2 O7 is the empirical formula


Assume we have 100 g of the compound, because it makes the number of grams equal to the percentage.

Then convert grams of each element into moles

Then divide the moles of each element by the smallest number of moles attained to get the whole number mole ratios of the empirical formula

However, if you don't get whole numbers when you divide by the smallest number of moles, then multiply all moles by one common factor that  makes them all whole numbers.

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i really need help, this is important to me, if not i get my harry styles tickets taken away and if that happens my life is over lol, i’m not saying it for sympathy i just REALLY need help



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Group 18 elements. This is because the noble elements do not conduct electricity.

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Chewing in the mouth breaks food into small pieces

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How many atoms of each element are present in the molecule?

7 carbon atoms, 14 Hydrogen atoms and 1 oxygen atom

Electron dot diagrams
Use your periodic table to write the electron dot diagrams for the following atoms.
1. Calcium (Ca)
2. Polonium (Po)
3. Moscovium (Mc)
4. Boron (B)
5. Fluorine (F)


I believe it should look something like this :) hope it helps

How many moles of carbon dioxide are produced when 5.12 moles of glucose undergoes a combustion reaction?


Answer: 30.72 moles of [tex]CO_2[/tex] will be produced from 5.12 moles of glucose.


The balanced chemical equation for combustion of glucose is:

[tex]C_6H_{12}O_6+6O_2\rightarrow 6CO_2+6H_2O[/tex]  

According to stoichiometry :

1 moles of glucose produce =  6 moles of [tex]CO_2[/tex]

Thus 5.12 moles of glucose produce =[tex]\frac{6}{1}\times 5.12=30.72moles[/tex]  of [tex]CO_2[/tex]

Thus 30.72 moles of [tex]CO_2[/tex] will be produced from 5.12 moles of glucose.

A tank 20.0cm by 50.0cm by 30.0cm will hold how many liters of water?



30,000 cm^3


volume for rectangular prism is v=l×w×h

plug in known values and solve.


Which condition would cause an increase in the salinity of ocean water?

thawing of glaciers

high rates of evaporation

cold weather

a river flowing into the sea


high rates of evaporation


high rates of evaporation

A 35.5 g cube of aluminum initially at 48.5° C is submerged into 105.3 g of water at 15.4
What is the final temperature of both substances at thermal equilibrium?



The final temperature of both substances at thermal equilibrium is 17.3°C


To calculate the final temperature of both substances at thermal equilibrium -:

First , we calculate the heat of A1  cube as follows -

            q= mSΔT

(where q = heat of the cube , m = mass of cube , S= specific heat of cube  {0.902j/g°C}, T = Temperature )

Putting the values given in the question ,

        [tex]q= 32.5g\times0.902\j/g[/tex]°[tex]C[/tex][tex]\times(T_f-45.8[/tex]°[tex]C)[/tex]


Now , calculate the heat of water -


Putting values from the question ,

           [tex]q=105.3g\times4.18j/g[/tex]°[tex]C[/tex][tex]\times (T_f-15.4[/tex]°[tex]C)[/tex]


          Now ,

Heat lost by water A1= Heat gained by water [negative sign about heat lost]

         [tex]-29.315\times(T_f-45.8)J[/tex] [tex]=440.154\times(T_f-15.4)J[/tex]

            [tex]\frac{-(T_f-45.8)J}{T_f-15.4)J} =\frac{440.154}{29.315}=15.0[/tex]




       [tex]T_f=\frac{277.03}{16}[/tex] = 17.3°C

Therefore , the final temperature of both substances at thermal equilibrium is 17.3°C


When 10 grams of water completely evaporate into water vapor, the volume of the water vapor is greater than the volume of the original liquid water, but the mass remains the same. Why does the mass stay the same? Which answer is correct?

The temperature of the liquid water and water vapor is the same.

The temperature of the liquid water and water vapor is the same.

The density of the liquid water is the same as the density of the water vapor.

The density of the liquid water is the same as the density of the water vapor.

The number of atoms in the water vapor is equal to the number of atoms in the liquid water.

The number of atoms in the water vapor is equal to the number of atoms in the liquid water.

The distance between the water molecules is the same in the liquid and the vapor.

The distance between the water molecules is the same in the liquid and the vapor.


Answer: I think the answer is B or C, its kind of hard.

As the number of atoms in the water vapor is equal to the number of atoms in the liquid water. Therefore, the mass of the water remains the same.

What is evaporation?

Evaporation is a process that usually happens on the surface of water or liquid and it involves the conversion of the liquid phase into the gaseous phase. This process involves a change in the state of matter of water or liquids.

When the water is completely evaporated into water vapor the density of the water vapor is less than the density of the liquid water as the vapors occupy a large volume in comparison to liquid water.

But the number of atoms in the water vapor is the same as the number of atoms in the liquid water. The mass of the water is due to the mass of the atoms.

Therefore, the mass of the water remains the same during the phase transition from liquid water to water vapors. Therefore, option (C) is correct.

Learn more about evaporation, here:


Which salt is the most common found in ocean water?


calcium carbonate


sodium chloride



Sodium chloride


There are several salts in seawater, but the most abundant is ordinary table salt or sodium chloride (NaCl). Sodium chloride, like other salts, dissolves in water into its ions, so this is really a question about which ions are present in the greatest concentration. Sodium chloride dissociates into Na+ and Cl- ions.

D sodium chloride sodium is salt

which of the following has more particles
6.02x10(small numbers)23 molecules CO2
9 moles PF2
10 mole NaCI
18 g H2O



A mole is Avogadro's number of items: 6.022 × 1023.


How many grams of Sulfur are there in 2.05 x 10^25 molecules of Calcium Sulfate?



1090 grams Sulfur (3 sig-figs)


Given 2.05 x 10²⁵ molecules CaSO₄ => 2.05 x 10²⁵ Sulfur atoms (subscript = 1 mole).

Converting 2.05 x 10²⁵ sulfur atoms to moles, divide by Avogadro's Number

(= 6.023 x 10²³ sulfur atoms / mole sulfur) => 2.05 x 10²⁵ sulfur atoms/6.023 x 10²³ sulfur atoms/mole sulfur atoms = 34.036 moles sulfur atoms.

Converting 34.036 moles sulfur to grams sulfur multiply by formula wt. of sulfur (=32g/mole S)

=> 34.036moles S x 32g/mole S = 1089.158 grams S ≅ 1090 g S (3 sig-figs)

Please help pretty please


Answer: Its is a field generated by any two objects touching each other.


Answer: Its is a field generated by any object with any mass.

Explanation: I AM SOOOO SORRY if i get it wrong i pretty sure the first one is right i mean like My first ansewr i typed in......... :/ :/

The answer is B it has to be !

Is the reaction above a replacement reaction? Explain.


Replacement I don't see anything

Please help me on this.


Answer is Scandium hope this helps!

how many liters are in 4x10^23 atoms of CO





Hope this helps

There right but make sure

Can you bond 2 silicon atoms (Si) together to form a complete (real) molecule? Explain your reasoning


Answer: no

Explanation: because silicon cannot share over 3 bonds

100 grams of liquid iron is put in liquid water when is equilibrium reached



when the water heats up i believe



Calculate the number of moles of NaOH contained in 250. mL of a 0.05M solution.





Molarity (M) = number of moles (n) ÷ volume (V)

n = Molarity × Volume

According to this question, a 0.05M solution contains 250 mL of NaOH. The volume in litres is as follows:

1000mL = 1L

250mL = 250/1000

= 0.250L

n = 0.05 × 0.250

n = 0.0125

The number of moles of NaOH is 0.0125mol.

High-speed winds transfer more energy to the ocean’s surface, creating bigger waves.

Question 10 options:



I think that would be true. The faster the wind, the longer it blows, or the farther it can blow uninterrupted, the bigger the waves. Therefore, a wave's size depends on wind speed, wind duration, and the area over which the wind is blowing

Answer: True.

Explanation: Yes, waves get energy from the wind through friction, so you see those waves get bigger each time. The longer the winds blows, the more friction, and energy it's getting, meaning better, and deadly waves. The wind can sometimes cause tsunamis if the its blowing too hard.

in____particles are in contact with each other.




The particles in a liquid usually are still touching but there are some spaces between them. The gas particles have big distances between them.

NH₄NO₃ → N₂O + 2H₂O When 45.70 g of NH₄NO₃ decomposes, what mass of each product is formed?


Answer: 25.13 g of [tex]N_2O[/tex]  and 20.56 g of [tex]H_2O[/tex] will be produced from 45.70 g of [tex]NH_4NO_3[/tex]


To calculate the moles :

[tex]\text{Moles of solute}=\frac{\text{given mass}}{\text{Molar Mass}}[/tex]    

[tex]\text{Moles of} NH_4NO_3=\frac{45.70g}{80.04g/mol}=0.571moles[/tex]

The balanced chemical equation is:

[tex]NH_4NO_3\rightarrow N_2O+2H_2O[/tex]  

According to stoichiometry :

1 mole of [tex]NH_4NO_3[/tex] produce = 1 mole of [tex]N_2O[/tex]

Thus 0.571 moles of [tex]NH_4NO_3[/tex] will require=[tex]\frac{1}{1}\times 0.571=0.571moles[/tex]  of [tex]N_2O[/tex]  

Mass of [tex]N_2O=moles\times {\text {Molar mass}}=0.571moles\times 44.01g/mol=25.13g[/tex]

1 mole of [tex]NH_4NO_3[/tex] produce = 2 moles of [tex]H_2O[/tex]

Thus 0.571 moles of [tex]NH_4NO_3[/tex] will require=[tex]\frac{2}{1}\times 0.571=1.142moles[/tex]  of [tex]H_2O[/tex]  

Mass of [tex]H_2O=moles\times {\text {Molar mass}}=1.142moles\times 18g/mol=20.56g[/tex]

Thus 25.13 g of [tex]N_2O[/tex]  and 20.56 g of [tex]H_2O[/tex] will be produced from 45.70 g of [tex]NH_4NO_3[/tex]

what the steps of Cellular Respiration in the correct order?



Cellular respiration uses energy in glucose to make ATP. Aerobic (''oxygen-using”) respiration occurs in three stages: glycolysis, the Krebs cycle, and electron transport. In glycolysis, glucose is split into two molecules of pyruvate. This results in a net gain of two ATP molecules.

what is a salient factor?



technology is a silent factor


learned about it in computer class.

What is the correct formula for sodium carbonate?
a. Na(CO3)2
b. Na,(CO3)2
C. Na2CO3
e. NaCO3



na2 co3


sodium carbonate formula


your answer is C.


this is what it would be like




Na+ C Na+

/ \

/ \

O- O-

word equation for HgO → Hg +O2


I hope this one is helping you

The Moon is always half lit and half dark.
True or
(i know this isn’t chemistry theres no science one.)





Just like the Earth, half of the Moon is lit by the Sun while the other half is in darkness.


Pretty sure it's true.

On Earth, we only see part of the moon that is illuminated or not, since it revolves around the Earth. However, the sun is stationary and doesn't move, meaning that one side of the moon is always lit by the sun as it revolves around the Earth.

If ONE mole of rocket fuel, ammonium perchlorate, NH4ClO4, is allowed to react with excess Al so that all of the NH4ClO4 is consumed, how many molecules of water will be produced? (All reactants & products are present in a 1:1 ratio.)



9.03×10²³ molecules of H₂O


To solve this, we need to propose the reaction

NH₄ClO₄  →  ammonium perchlorate

Al → Aluminum

Those are the reactants; the reaction is:

6NH₄ClO₄  +  10Al →  5Al₂O₃ + 3N₂ + 6HCl + 9H₂O

Then, water is one of the products. If we see the reaction, is a redox type.

Ratio is 6:9. In conclussion:

6 moles of ammonium perchlorate can produce 9 moles of H₂O

Then 1 mol of salt, may produce (1 . 9)/6 = 1.5 moles of water

Let's count the molecules:

1.5 mol . 6.02×10²³ molecules /mol = 9.03×10²³ molecules of H₂O

word equation for Na2O+H2O → NaOH



Sodium oxide + Water - - - > Sodium Hydroxide.

How many significant digits are in this number?


3. There are 4 significant digits. The significant digits are 7428.

2. Hydrocarbons consist of carbon and hydrogen. 5.7 g of a hydrocarbon contains 4.8 g of carbon.
If the relative molecular mass of the hydrocarbon is 114, determine its molecular formula.​



The molecular formula of the hydrocarbon compound is C₈H₁₈


The type of chemical substance in the question = Hydrocarbon

The mass of the hydrocarbon = 5.7 g

The mass of carbon in the given hydrocarbon (sample) = 4.8 g

The relative molecular mas of the hydrocarbon = 114 g

Therefore, the mass of hydrogen in the sample, H = 5.7 g - 4.8 g = 0.9 g

The ratio of the mass of carbon in the sample = 4.8/5.7

The ratio of the mass of hydrogen in the sample = 0.9/5.7

By the law of constant composition, we have;

The mass of carbon in a mole of the hydrocarbon = (4.8/5.7) × 114 g = 96 g

The molar mass of carbon, C = 12 g/mol

The number of moles of carbon in a mole of the hydrocarbon, 'n₁', is given as follows;

n₁ = 96 g/12 g = 8 moles

The mass of hydrogen in a mole of the hydrocarbon = (0.9/5.7) × 114 g = 18 g

The molar mass of hydrogen, H ≈ 1 g/mol

The number of moles of hydrogen in a mole of the hydrocarbon, 'n₂', is given as follows;

n₂ = 48 g/1 g = 18 moles

Therefore, in each each molecule of the compound, we have have 8 atoms of carbon, 'C', and 18 atoms of hydrogen, 'H'

Therefore, we get;

The molecular formula of the hydrocarbon compound is C₈H₁₈ which is the chemical formula for the hydrocarbon also known as octane

PLEASE HELP!! Is this an element or compound?
copper (ll). oxide (CuO)
Please hurry!!


Answer: Compound


Copper(II) oxide or cupric oxide is the inorganic compound with the formula CuO. A black solid, it is one of the two stable oxides of copper, the other being Cu₂O or copper(I) oxide. As a mineral, it is known as tenorite.

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