How can Christians overcome the world?


Answer 1


They can probably try to spread more of their beliefs, when they gain more followers they gain more power.

A huge number of followers can perhaps overcome the world.

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I dont have time but this may help

A factual essay is an informative piece of academic writing that aims at providing facts and solid pieces of evidence on the matter. Based on researched data, the writer develops an original argument. As the text consists mainly of hard facts, it is referred to as a factual essay


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Hehcejd fisticuffs iconic

Why does Bedford consider returning “in a bigger sphere with guns?” He wants to drive out the Selenites. He wants to return for gold. He wants to explore the cave again. He wants to get revenge.


Answer:  He wants to return for gold


i need ur help thanksss





Because all the other ones have s as the third letter but this one has a

meaning it would not be between absence and accept.

It would be before them!

hope this helps

please mark me brainliets!

abandon will not be in the page

Please do this asap! Its due to in 1 hour!


Proper disposal of human byproduct is yet to be resolved, but without an efficient way to dispose of trash can lead to massive consequences such as pollution in oceans and atmosphere, ruining natural ground water and habitats that may slowly lead to endangered or extinct species
You would dispose of plastic and we would stop using so much fossil fuil that you burn and put in the air witch that causes plants to die and causes cancer hood luck gif bless you

In one sentence, how would you describe ''The Tyger?'' On the surface level, what is this poem about? How is that topic established?


Answer: I Don't know


What inference can be made about the Constitution?


I will need mor information
With the information provided, all that can be inferred about the Constitution is that it was truly a product of its time. It reflects the values and beliefs of those at the time it was first made.



The Answer is d. Give brainliest plz


I think it is D


Hope I helped! : D

Read the passage below. And it is strange that we men, to whom this very vegetation had seemed so weird and horrible a little time ago, should now behold it with the emotion a home-coming exile might feel at sight of his native land. What is the author’s purpose in using a metaphor in the description above? The author is conveying the relief that the men feel at having escaped. The author is presenting the similarities between the natural landscape on earth and that on the moon. The author is portraying the transformation that the men have undergone as they learn to appreciate the moon’s beauty. The author is depicting the men’s return to earth after they have lived with the Selenites.



The author is portraying the transformation that the men have undergone as they learn to appreciate the moon’s beauty.



a. The author is conveying the relief that the men feel at having escaped.


In the book, The witch of blackbird pond, how does kit respond when she is forced to attend church with family


Having just lost her grandfather, Katherine “Kit” Tyler leaves her home in tropical Barbados on a ship (the Dolphin) bound for Connecticut. There she is determined to find her Aunt Rachel Wood, her only remaining family.

On the ship, she flirts occasionally with the mocking but otherwise good-natured captain’s son, Nat Eaton. She also causes a scene when she jumps overboard to rescue a young girl’s doll. The passengers – especially the girl’s mother, the nosy Goodwife Cruff – are suspicious of any woman who can swim. After the swimming incident, Kit's only companion on the boat is the Puritan John Holbrook, a studious man sailing to Wethersfield to study with the Reverend Gersholm Bulkeley.

Once the ship arrives in Wethersfield, Kit must fess up: her aunt’s family doesn’t actually know she’s coming. Nevertheless, the captain and Nat escort her to the Wood family’s house where she meets her Aunt Rachel, her Uncle Matthew, and her two cousins, Judith and Mercy. Kit’s uncle is a stern man, though once he learns of her orphan status, he begrudgingly allows Kit to stay. What other choice does he have?

Kit is introduced to the laboring life of Puritan New England and all of its tedium. There are chores to attend to and loads of wool to card. Having only worn fancy dresses in the past, Kit must find clothing appropriate to her new station.

Kit also gets to know the Wood family. Uncle Matthew is sometimes harsh, though he is also solid and dependable. He does not agree, we should note, with the King of England’s politics, which is kind of a problem, since it's the 1680s and Connecticut is one of England's colonies. Aunt Rachel was once a beauty, but, as we find out, has lost two sons – a situation that has taken its toll. As for the two daughters, Mercy is kind and patient and suffered from a fever as a child that has left her lame in one leg. Judith is a pretty, prissy flirt, though generally nice.

Below are some details from the transcript "American Indian Boarding Schools Haunt Many." :
"Wright says matrons bathed him in kerosene and shaved his head."

"Students at federal boarding schools were forbidden to express their culture - everything from wearing long hair to speaking a single Indian word."

In the space below, write 1-2 more details from the transcript that are similar to, or in the same category, as these details.



One detail from the transcript tat is similar is catholic people are not allowed to practice religion in different countries.Another detail that is similar to ´´Students at federal boarding schools were forbidden to express their culture - everything from wearing long hair to speaking a single Indian word" is people that are jews that go to school with catholic people are not allowed to speak of neither culture because this would cause a conflict.


I dont really have one I just went off the top of my head

Read each task statement, then decide whether you should use a dictionary or a thesaurus to accomplish each task.

Find an antonym for the word "diminish."

Get several detailed definitions for the word "lounge."

Find multiple synonyms for the word "garbage."


1. Thesaurus
2. Dictionary

Well, son, I’ll tell you:
Life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.
It’s had tacks in it,
And splinters,
And boards torn up,
And places with no carpet on the floor

But all the time
I’se been a-climbin’ on,
And reachin’ landin’s,
And turnin’ corners,
And sometimes goin’ in the dark
Where there ain’t been no light.
So boy, don’t you turn back.
Don’t you set down on the steps
‘Cause you finds it’s kinder hard.
Don’t you fall now —
For I’se still goin’, honey,
I’se still climbin’,
And life for me ain’t been no crystal stair.

Thank you!



The answer is D because she is telling her son not to give up and that is the whole main idea of the story.


the first one because that's the first sentence of the poem


i think it's the first one bc that's was the poem is about

HURRY TIMED!!!!!!!!!!!! 50 POINTS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oamara is researching the effects of screen time on children’s ability to pay attention. Which resources would be the most likely to have useful information? an encyclopedia entry about the history of television the blog of a middle-school student who loves video games an interview with someone who has taught fourth grade for 27 years a periodical describing recent research regarding TV time and school performance


Answer: I think it might be D

Explanation: seems like the right one

Answer:  D


I took the test

What does Leslie do during class when shes looking so angelic (Bridge to Terabithia)


Answer: because she is in a new class


T chart for my recent post!





how exactly can we help? more information please?

Help me please please help me



1.) composite number

2.)prime number


4.) division

who/what does persephone protect and feel for? i need this for an assignment lol.


Answer:Persephone (aka Kore) was the Greek goddess of vegetation, especially grain, and the wife of Hades, with whom she rules the Underworld. An important element of the Eleusinian Mysteries and the Thesmophoria festival, the goddess was worshipped throughout the Greek world and frequently appeared in all forms of Greek art.Mar 24, 2016


persephone is the greek goddess of vegetation.

How did you get your powers (accident, animal, other planet)? Describe.
It all started in 2010 on a Friday, at exactly 10 o’clock pm. My family and I went to go have dinner at a new restaurant. After we finally finished eating dinner, we were on the way home. We stopped driving in the middle of nowhere and realized we were lost. As we tried to look for directions, we suddenly heard the sound of howls coming closer and closer to the car. We realized that wolves were haunting the premises, and my Dad quickly started to drive faster and faster and faster until the engine gave out. We called 911 and then I saw something that I would never forget: a group of wolves slowly approaching the car. My Dad and Mom reaized what was happening and before their death, they both said to me, “If anything happens, I love y-” and as they were talking with tears running down their cheek,the wolves attacked them and saw one wolf with a everything was black. When I woke up, I got told that both my parents died and I was the sole survior for this unfortunate incident. The doctors told me it was a mircale that I survived while I looked at all the wolf bite marks around my body. Ever since that day, ever full moon, I secretly transform into a werewolf and break every bone in my body and will have had to put up with this terror for 5 years..
Question: Make up a reason why she did not die and why she become a werewolf but why did the parents die and not her? Please make it make sense!


Answer: Well In my opinion there were probably a mix of wolves. Some were werewolves and the others were normal. If she were bitten by a werewolf then she would have been transformed automatically. While her parents were bitten by real wolves and died. I'm sorry if this doesn't make sense I don't have the biggest logic on werewolves but it was probably the pack leader for it to have been able to turn her into a werewolf. So the werewolf was either a alpha or just a regular werewolf who transmitted their DNA into her. Hope that makes sense!

Please help me and make sure to cite your sources.

Your assignment for this mini-research project is to gather information on the White Man’s Burden. What was it? Who was a part of it? What were their motivations?

Write a paragraph of at least 150 words comparing the motives of those involved to the motives of Mr. Bedford as he imagines himself starting a business on the moon. All of your sources should be correctly cited, using the MLA format for in-text citations and providing a Works Cited page.

(If u do not cite your sources in the answer pls do in a comment below that or your answer will probably be taken off.)

(Btw do not use anyone else answer from another question, do not get the answer from a website that people ask questons and other people answer, please do all these things right and you will get brainlyest.)



Kipling believed the "White Man's burden" was the duty of white men to bring education and salvation to people around the world that he deemed uncivilized. Many people, including people of color and anti-imperialists, have called this concept racist.In "The White Man's Burden", Kipling encouraged American colonization and annexation of the Philippine Islands, a Pacific Ocean archipelago conquered in the three-month Spanish–American War (1898).[1] As a poet of imperialism, Kipling exhorts the American reader and listener to take up the enterprise of empire, yet warns about the personal costs faced, endured, and paid in building an empire;[1] nonetheless, American imperialists understood the phrase "the white man’s burden" to justify imperial conquest as a mission-of-civilisation that is ideologically related to the continental-expansion philosophy of manifest destiny of the early 19th century.As though coming at the most opportune time possible, you might say just before the treaty reached the Senate, or about the time it was sent to us, there appeared in one of our magazines a poem by Rudyard Kipling, the greatest poet of England at this time. This poem, unique, and in some places too deep for me, is a prophecy. I do not imagine that in the history of human events any poet has ever felt inspired so clearly to portray our danger and our duty. It is called "The White Man’s Burden." With the permission of Senators I will read a stanza, and I beg Senators to listen to it, for it is well worth their attention. This man has lived in the Indies. In fact, he is a citizen of the world, and has been all over it, and knows whereof he speaks.Senator Tillman's eloquence was unpersuasive, and the US Congress ratified the Treaty of Paris on 11 February 1899, formally ending the Spanish–American War. After paying a post-war indemnification of twenty million dollars to the Kingdom of Spain, on 11 April 1899, the US established geopolitical hegemony upon islands and peoples in two oceans and in two hemispheres: the Philippine Islands and Guam in the Pacific Ocean,[9][6] and Cuba and Puerto Rico in the Atlantic Ocean.[10]


What does "Wired Generation" mean? And what are some examples of Wired Generation?



It's a phrase from MTV to describe current 16-24 year old as they are permanently plugged into a network of digital devices.

E.g phone addicted kids

Help me please please help me






probably c. loves I don't know sorry if it's wrong

As you search for the best focus and scope for an essay, you zoom in and out of an imaginary map of a topic. Choose a general topic and describe the “map” as it would look from a zoomed out and zoomed in perspective.



From a zoomed out perspective the map would look smalle and the lines on it but look skinny but when you zoom in the lines will be more detailed in you can this see the detail on the map better.


The topic i decided on was “success”  

Zoomed out : the first thing you think of when you think of success if usually money and/or fame

Zoomed in : you realize that the popular idea of success is just surface level. No one thinks about the struggles you go through to get there. No one thinks about the different types of success. For example, you can be poor but successful just as several Nobel Peace prize winners.

if when you okay so he said yes would go?



[tex]When $a \ne 0$, there are two solutions to \(ax^2 + bx + c = 0\) and they are$$x = {-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac} \over 2a}.$$[/tex]



Read this excerpt The First Men in the Moon. For my own part a vivid dream has come to my help, and I see, almost as plainly as though I had seen it in actual fact, a blue-lit shadowy disheveled Cavor struggling in the grip of these insect Selenites, struggling ever more desperately and hopelessly as they press upon him, shouting, expostulating, perhaps even at last fighting, and being forced backwards step by step out of all speech or sign of his fellows, for evermore into the Unknown—into the dark, into that silence that has no end…. What is the meaning of the bold word, expostulating, as it is used above? examining something arguing against something shouting with joy surrendering to someone



helpp pleaseee it would mean alots



I would say A


Answer and Explanation:

A is the correct answers, because the two things the girls talks about is said to help something about herself.

Playing the piano lessens her worries, and singing allows her to express herself.

#teamtrees #PAW (Plant And Water)

The Giver by Lois Lowry
What point of view does the author use in the novel that you chose to read? How does this point of view affect what you know about the characters and the setting(s) in the novel? Is the narration reliable? Use examples from the novel to support your answer.


Lois Lowry's The Giver is a dystopian novel for young adults published in 1993. It is set in a world that at first seems to be utopian, but as the story progresses, it is revealed to be dystopian. Jonas, a 12-year-old boy, is the protagonist of the book. lol i how this helped?



The Giver is a dystopian novel for young adults written by Lois Lowry and released in 1993. It is set in what seems to be a futuristic future at first, but as the plot continues, it is discovered to be dystopian. Jonas, a 12-year-old boy, is the book's protagonist.

How do I hide apps on my MacBook or disguse it as other apps?



Go to App Store and select your profile icon. Next, click "Purchased" > "My Purchases". You will see all the apps you've purchased, and select the one you want to hide and swipe left to hide it. In the end, don't forget to hit "Done" to save your changes.


ANSWERS SOON PLS! Analyze the elements of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech and discuss the elements that best express his stand on Civil Rights. In two paragraphs, be sure to discuss both Dr. King's stand on Civil Rights and the elements of the speech that best support his position.




ANSWERS SOON PLS! Analyze the elements of Dr. King's "I Have a Dream" speech and discuss the elements that best express his stand on Civil Rights. In two paragraphs, be sure to discuss both Dr. King's stand on Civil Rights and the elements of the speech that best support his position.

Please help!! I will mark Brainliest
(All u got to do is write a story that matches the pic )
(Please help make it a little bit longer so it fits in the box and it doesn't have to be perfect) Please help I really needed it!!!!!!! :(



It can be anything?

Or what??

It was Saturday morning. It had just passed dawn and my parents finally finished packing the car. My mom handed me a map and said that it would be very important later on in our trip. We were headed to my mom’s home town, but she’s never told my dad and I where she’s from. We got in the car about fifteen minutes later and began driving. I was silent the entire time thinking about the strange object that had fallen out of the map. Finally we stopped at a checkpoint in the express lane and my mom asks me for the map. I handed it to her, but suddenly her face went blank.

Rewrite the following fragment to make it a complete sentence.

Fragment: At the drive-in on Friday nights during the summer.




I am sorry I do not know this article or the assignment because I am not in your class sorry if I could not help you.

I enjoy going to the drive-in on Friday nights during the summer.
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