How are the high islands of the Pacific formed?
by connected coral reefs called atolls
by lagoons
by moving glaciers
by underwater volcanoes

Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer 1
D. Underwater Volcanoes I remember learning this

Related Questions

Study the graph of changes in the cost of living between 1970 and 1973.

A line graph titled Changes in U S Cost of Living from 1970 to 1973. The x-axis is labeled Date of Measurement from January 1970 to September 1973. The y-axis is labeled Rate of Inflation (percent) from 0 to 6. In January 1970 the rate of inflation was over 6 percent. In May 1971 the rate of inflation was 5 percent. In May 1972 the rate of inflation was 3 percent. In January 1973 the rate of inflation was under 3 percent. In September 1973 the rate of inflation was almost 5 percent.

Which statement best describes what caused this change?



I think C





Good luck <3

This painting of a Missouri scene was completed in 1852. Such scenes would look dramatically different after the-


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

Unfortunately, you forgot to attach the painting. Without the painting, we do not what it is describing.

Where is the painting?

However, trying to help you, we did some deep research and can comment on the following.

The painting of a Missouri scene was completed in 1852. Such scenes would look dramatically different after the ratification of the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

The painting depicts a normal day in the life of white people in Missouri. White people are talking in the streets and children are playing.

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution was primarily meant to allow former male slaves the right to vote.

The 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution was ratified on February 3, 1870. This Amendment was so important because it prohibits the states or the federal government to deny the right to vote to any citizen of the US-based on its race or the fact that it was a slave in the past. This amendment was applauded by the people in the North, but it was not well received in the southern states.

please help giving brainless <3



During the pandemic school year 2020-2021, Ive been trying to be resilient. Ive been strong for myself & family. I wake up early every day and study. Although, its been hard for me. Teachers require us to finish homework on time, I have no inspiration, and I just feel like I have a big gray cloud following me. I surprisingly manage to do it slowly time to time. I hope others can do it too!

totally didnt call out your teacher.  <33 hope this helps. I had to change some words because it was some how inappropriate.

The government can take private property for public use as long as they


Answer: Eminent domain is the power of the government to take private land for public use. This power is limited by the federal Constitution and by state Constitutions. When the government does take private property for a public purpose, it must fairly compensate the owner for the loss


Find out who your state senators are and who represents you in your congressional district (House of Representatives member). Pick one of the topics you studied today and write them a letter requesting information about where they stand on that topic. help meeeee



it could be HRM essay for the answer

One problem with expanded use of coal may be a reduction in the level of...
A. Pollution
B. Rail service
C. Environmental damage
D. Mine safety





Needeeeeed help from tbt



O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.  

║This image showcases an image of a biography about Dred Scott V. ║Sandford.

T⇒ What is the title of the image?  

║The title of this image is 'Dred Scott V. Sandford: A Slave's Case for ║Freedom and Citizenship'  

P⇒ List three details of the image.  

Illustration of Dred Scott V. SandfordScott is wearing a suitScott looks well groomed

I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?

║The illustration provided correlates with the title of the biography, ║because it shows the basic appearance of Scott, which is who the ║biography is written about.  

C⇒ How did the _____ affect the _____?  

║The U.S. Supreme Court affected the American people by stating that ║black people were not considered U.S. citizens, in an attempt to shut ║down the debate and controversy about slavery. It had the opposite ║effect, and was a factor that led to the Civil War.


O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.  

║The image shows a pile of dead bodies, consisting of both slaves and ║armed white men. Whether they fought against or with each other is ║unclear, but their fate is the same.  

T⇒ What is the title of the image?  

║The title of this image is 'Civil War Aftermath'  

P⇒ List three details of the image.  

The image is oldThere is a pile of dead bodiesThere is a wagon, a white house, and a field

I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?

║The bodies shown in the image were people killed due to the Civil War. ║Slaves and armed white men both lie side-by-side on the ground, all ║meeting the same fate.  

C⇒ How did the _____ affect the _____?  

║After the American Civil War, the national political power of the ║slaveowners and rich Southerners ended, and slavery was abolished. It ║affected America by reforming it's political values, and economic state.


O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.  

║The Articles of Confederation are being written in an illustration shown on ║a stamp.

T⇒ What is the title of the image?  

║The title of this image is 'Drafting the Articles of Confederation'  

P⇒ List three details of the image.  

The image appears to be a stampIt shows a group of 5 men The men seem to be working on creating a document

I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?

║The men shown in the image appear to be drafting the Articles of ║Confederation. This correlates with the text above the illustration, ║"Drafting the Articles of Confederation".  

C⇒ How did the _____ affect the _____?  

║The Articles of Confederation affected America by unifying the states ║after the American Revolution, and providing the first written constitution ║for America.


O⇒ Write a brief overview of the image.  

║Colonists are dumping large shipments of tea into the ocean.

T⇒ What is the title of the image?  

║The title of this image is 'Boston Tea Party'  

P⇒ List three details of the image.  

Colonists are dumping teaThe colonists are English shipsColonists are using an axe to force open the chests of tea

I⇒ What are the relationships between the various parts of the image?

║The colonists dumping England's shipment of tea is shown by the English ║flag on the ship. There is a large crowd of colonists gathered at the shore ║onlooking the event taking place. These parts of the image relate to each ║other because it visually represents the events of the Boston Tea Party.  

C⇒ How did the _____ affect the _____?  

║The Boston Tea Party affected the colonists by leading towards the war ║with Great Britain, referred to as The American Revolution.

can some one help me stat



What did Lee say after the disaster at Cemetery ridge?


Hopes this helps:

Answer: It is all my fault.
^^ that answer is correct

5 characteristics samurai should have


Bushido mentions the eight virtues of a Samurai being: Morality, courage, compassion, politeness, honesty/sincerity, respect, loyalty, character plus self-cControl. For a detailed explanation on each virtue visit our Web site at

how was george washington's second term different from his first term



President Washington chose to make his Second inauguration far less public than his first. President Washington chose to make his Second inauguration far less public than his first.


~Hope this helps

4. Integration of the U.S. military was
O in 1948
O in 1954
immediately before World War I
O immediately before World War II



the answer is LAST one

hope it is helpful

How was the Soviet Union able to defeat Nazi Germany during World War II?​



More than 16,000 troops will participate, as well 140 aircraft and 190 armored vehicles, including the debut of Russia's brand new next-generation tank.


illustrate the views of liberals, radicals and conservatives

please help me fast


Liberals are the groups who wanted to change the society that tolerated all the religions. Liberals opposed the uncontrolled power of monarchy. They did not believe in Universal Adult Franchise too.. Radicals are those who wanted a nation which was based on majority of country's population.

The Liberals, Radicals and Conservatives were totally opposed in their views.

The Liberals wanted individual rights for the citizens, religious tolerance, and an elected parliament. They were not in favour of giving women the right to vote and they wanted only men with property to vote.

In contrast to the Liberals the Radicals were opposed to only wealthy men having the right to vote. They were in favour of women’s rights and wanted a Government that represented the majority of the population.

The Conservatives were truly conservative in their views . They wanted changes for the better, but wanted the changes to take place slowly, giving due respect to the past .

Name three Allied victories against Japan​


Three Allied victories were the Battle of the Coral Sea (saved Australia), the Battle of Midway (Japan lost it's most important naval weapon), and the Battle of Guadalcanal (drove Japanese off the land).

The Battle of the Coral Sea (which saved Australia), the Battle of Midway (in which Japan lost her most significant naval weapon), and the Battle of Guadalcanal (which drove the Japanese off the island) were three Allied wins.

As the greatest Asian conflict of the 20th century, the Second Sino-Japanese War has been referred to as "the Asian holocaust." The war was amalgamated with other wars that are often included under the China Burma India Theatre of World War II after the Japanese attacks on Malaya and Pearl Harbour in 1941.

Their opposing interests in Chinese markets and Asian natural resources contributed to the tension between the United States and Japan to some extent. For many years, Japan and the United States peacefully competed for influence in eastern Asia.

Learn more about Sino-Japanese War here:


Which industry experienced major growth in the South after the Civil War?
O weapons manufacturing at military plants
O textile production in mills
O oil production at refineries
O automobile manufacturing in factories





How do most people in Monsoon Asia still work to feed themselves?​



-economy of Monsoon Asia is a mix of old and new

-Most people still work to feed themselves by farming and fishing

-Commercial fishing has become a big business in Asia

-Monsoon Asia is rich in resources

--Northern China has large coal deposits. It produces more coal than any other country on Earth.

-- Southeast Asia has much of the world's tin.

-- Petroleum reserves lie beneath Indonesia.

--many rivers are well suited for hydroelectric power.



Others are commercial farmers.They grow crops for export, including tea, cotton, spices, and tobacco Rice is the staple Nomadic herders live in some remote parts of Monsoon Asia

Other parts of Monsoon Asia, however, have booming modern economies. International trade is strong in Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea. China is a major producer of consumer goods, as well as machinery. Japan is a world leader in the production of cars and electronics.



Why is it important to understand the author's point of view in a text?



It's important because it can help the reader understand what the text is about. You can also understand the authors opinions, or experiences they've had through the point of view.


Which of the following rights are protected by the Constitution?

the survival of the fittest
equality of all citizens under the law
public opinion decides elections
freedom of the press
freedom to peacefully assemble



I believe it's the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, & 5th answers.

reflection of selma movie (2014). give paragraph



this movie was acted in2014 about voting rights

Can someone help...:(



In the'' mystery of the old sea chest'' a girl named Gloria she finds this mysterious chest just siting up there in her attic so of curse she had to ask about it. So she asks she uncle Rogers he just figured that it was sewing stuff. And so Gloria was frustrated,but her determination was so powerful that she didn't wan't to give up!

''mile-high mystery ''My sister and I hear this eerie wail coming from outside. So they find this alone,sad,homeless dog and so they instead of them saying ''whatever'' and just shut the door on the little guy they acted to help him and find the owner and get him a better life then on in the ''Bitterly cold snow''. So they tried and tried,but even it got hard or it didn't work out ''I sigh,but I just couldn't give up. and the tried so hard they tried phone books, they tried asking so many animal clinics, and then..... THEY FOUND HIM A HOME!!!!! So the theme of the two stories are ''dig a little deeper and you will find the solution''

Organize these events of the French Revolution from first to last.

storming of the Bastille

Reign of Terror

Napoleon's coup d'état

establishment of the Directory


Storming of the Bastille
Reign of Terror
Establishment of the Directory
Napoleon’s coup d’état

pls make brainliest if this helped

Write the number of the state on the map next to its name below. Each correct answer is worth 1 point. Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana North Carolina North Dakota Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming



you need to show me the map so I can answer it.


The answer your looking for is:

Alabama (18)

Alaska (49)

Arizona (42)

Arkansas (30)

California (48)

Colorado (40)

Connecticut (6)

Delaware (10)

Florida (17)

Georgia (16)

Hawaii (50)

Idaho (44)

Illinois (25)

Indiana (23)

Iowa (28)

Kansas (34)

Kentucky (21)

Louisiana (31)

Maine (1)

Maryland (11)

Massachusetts (4)

Michigan (24)

Minnesota (27)

Mississippi (19)

Missouri (29)

Montana (38)

North Carolina (14)

North Dakota (37)

Nebraska (35)

Nevada (47)

New Hampshire (2)

New Jersey (9)

New Mexico (41)

New York (7)

Ohio (22)

Oklahoma (33)

Oregon (46)

Pennsylvania (8)

Rhode Island (5)

South Carolina (15)

South Dakota (36)

Tennessee (20)

Texas (32)

Utah (43)

Vermont (3)

Virginia (12)

Washington (45)

West Virginia (13)

Wisconsin (26)

Wyoming (39)

Your welcome.

If the governor vetoes a bill, how can it still become a law?

if the bill sits for a set period of time
if a federal court rules the bill is constitutional
if two-thirds of both houses override the veto
if a conference committee decides to approve it


Answer:   if two-thirds of both houses override the veto

Explanation:    Once the governor receives a bill, he can sign it, veto it, or do nothing. ... If he vetoes the bill, and the Senate and House of Representatives do nothing, the bill “dies. “ If he vetoes the bill and the Senate and the House of Representatives attempt to over-ride the veto, the bill may still become law.




makes the most sense

how did the allied forces liberate France from the Nazis


German resistance melted away during the night. Most of the 20,000 troops surrendered or fled, and those that fought were quickly overcome. On the morning of August 25, the 2nd Armored Division swept clear the western half of Paris while the 4th Infantry Division cleared the eastern part. Paris was liberated.


Finally a history question, something I can work with, The Liberation of France in the Second World War was accomplished through diplomacy, politics, and the combined military efforts of the Allied Powers, Free French forces in London and Africa, and the French Resistance. Nazi Germany invaded France in May 1940.

Which area have most recent immigrants come to the United States from?
A. Southwestern Asia
B. Europe
C. Australia
D. Central/South America



Central/South America


Latin America



a p e x

The majority of recent immigrants to the United States have come from Central and South America. So, the correct option is D.

What is an Immigration?

Immigration is the global movement of individuals to a country of destination where they're not natives or citizens in order to establish themselves as long-term residents or naturalised citizens.

Moving to an unfamiliar area with the purpose of settling down and residing there is known as immigration. Many other causes might influence a person's decision to immigrate, including career possibilities, the need to flee a dangerous situation, environmental considerations, a desire for education, or the desire to be near family. Recent immigrants to the country have mostly been from Central and South America.

Therefore, the correct option is D.

Learn more about Immigration, here:


How were the economic ideologies of the United States and the Soviet Union different during the Cold War?

The United States’ economy was based on the idea of collectivism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on laissez-faire philosophy.

The United States’ economic ideology was a command economy, while the Soviet Union’s economic ideology was capitalism.

The United States’ economy was based on private ownership of property, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on government ownership of property.

The United States’ economic system was based on socialism, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on the commune system.



The United States’ economy was based on private ownership of property, while the Soviet Union’s economy was based on government ownership of property.

The invention of the ____ and ____ by the Arabs and Chinese made European exploration possible.
astrolabe, compass
rudder, sail
telescope, compass
astrolabe, sail



A. Astrolabe, compass



A, the astrolabe by the arabs and the compass by the  chinese


As a result of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia: Group of answer choices Russia renewed its war effort against Germany. the United States loaned Russia millions of dollars. Lenin concluded a separate peace with Germany. Russia got its first democratic government. the United States put thousands of Russian Communist labor activists in jail in 1918.


Answer: Lenin concluded a separate peace with Germany.


The Russians had been involved in the first World War as part of the Allies but were suffering heavy defeats at the hands of the Germans. A Revolution in 1917 ended the Tsarist government but the new government made the mistake of continuing the war.

This led to more defeats and the Bolsheviks came to power. Lenin knew that he simply had to end the war and after attempting to make the Germans negotiate with less harsh terms, eventually accepted and signed the humiliating treaty of Brest-Litovsk thereby concluding a separate peace with Germany.

What are 3 things Hilter and the Nazis did to punish the Jews?​


Moved them out of there homes. Destroyed businesses. Made them wear Star of David
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