how are electromagnetic waves produced


Answer 1


Electromagnetic waves are created by oscillating charges (which radiate whenever accelerated) and have the same frequency as the oscillation. Since the electric and magnetic fields in most electromagnetic waves are perpendicular to the direction in which the wave moves, it is ordinarily a transverse wave.

Answer 2

Answer: Electromagnetic waves are the combination of electric and magnetic field waves produced by moving charges.

The creation of all electromagnetic waves begins with a charged particle. This charged particle creates an electric field (which can exert a force on other nearby charged particles). When it accelerates as part of an oscillatory motion, the charged particle creates ripples, or oscillations, in its electric field, and also produces a magnetic field (as predicted by Maxwell’s equations).

Once in motion, the electric and magnetic fields created by a charged particle are self-perpetuating—time-dependent changes in one field (electric or magnetic) produce the other. Both electric and magnetic fields in an electromagnetic wave will fluctuate in time, one causing the other to change.

Electromagnetic waves (photons) are produced anytime a charged particle experiences a change in velocity.. The electromagnetic wave (radiation) that is produced when the charge particle changes it’s velocity is how energy is conserved. This energy is light.

Hope this helps have a awesome day/night❤️✨


How Are Electromagnetic Waves Produced

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Hey guys I need help please help me what do y’all think it is I need help And I’m struggling


Solar Energy, yeah thats it

How long will it take for a basketball spinning on someone’s finger to stop if it undergoes and angular acceleration of -0.15 rad/s and is traveling at 27 rad/s initially? How many revolutions will it make?


The basketball's angular velocity ω at time t is

ω = 27 rad/s + (-0.15 rad/s²) t

It comes to a stop when ω = 0, which happens for

0 = 27 rad/s - (0.15 rad/s²) t

t = (27 rad/s) / (0.15 rad/s²)

t = 180 s

In this time, the ball would undergoes an angular displacement θ of

θ = (27 rad/s) t + 1/2 (-0.15 rad/s²) t ²

Plug in t = 180 s and solve for θ :

θ = (27 rad/s) (180 s) - 1/2 (0.15 rad/s²) (180 s)² = 2430 rad

One complete revolution corresponds to a turn of 2π rad, so the ball makes

(2430 rad) / (2π rad/rev) ≈ 386.747 rev

or about 387 revolutions as it slows down.

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I thinks it repetitions.

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7.5 kph



What is the study of economics?​



Economics is the study of how societies use scarce resources to produce valuable commodities and distribute them among different people.


The ultimate goal of economic science is to improve the living conditions of people in their everyday lives.

Hope this helps!


the branch of knowledge concerned with the production, consumption, and transfer of wealth. (basically the study of money and not just banks but how it effects the world)



44. Two wave pulses are traveling along a string
toward each other as represented in the diagram

(D is interference)


The phenomenon of interference occurs when two wave pulses are traveling along a string toward each other. Option D is correct.

What is the interference of waves?

The result of two or more wave trains flowing in opposite directions on a crossing or coinciding pathways. This phenomenon is known as the interference of waves.

The effect is the sum of the individual wave amplitudes at each site where more than one wave is present.

When two wave pulses are traveling along a string toward each other. They meet and the phenomenon is occur known as interference.

Hence the phenomenon of interference occurs when two wave pulses are traveling along a string toward each other.

To learn more about the interference of waves refer to the link;

The kinetic energy of a body moving at a speed of 10 m / s is equal to 1000 J. What is the body mass



m = 20 kg


Given that,

The speed of a body, v = 10 m/s

Kinetic energy of the body, K = 1000 J

We need to find the mass of the body. The formula for the kinetic energy of a body is given by :

[tex]K=\dfrac{1}{2}mv^2\\\\m=\dfrac{2K}{v^2}\\\\m=\dfrac{2\times 1000}{(10)^2}\\\\m=20\ kg[/tex]

So, the mass of the body is equal to 20 kg.

Which type of earthquake waves are responsible for most of the damage caused by an earthquake? Why?
please helppppp its due tomorrow



Surface waves travel along the surface. There are two types of body waves: P-waves travel fastest and through solids, liquids, and gases; S-waves only travel through solids. Surface waves are the slowest, but they do the most damage in an earthquake.


surface waves


they have the strongest vibration and can cause the most damage

is boiling water in a kettle on a stove kinetic or potential energy?



Boiling a kettle is an example of both thermal and kinetic energy. Thermal energy comes from a substance whose molecules and atoms are vibrating faster due to a rise in temperature. Heat energy is another name for thermal energy. Kinetic energy is the energy of a moving object.

it's kinetic!

A 540 kg satellite moves through deep space with a speed of 27 m/s. A booster rocket on the satellite fires for 1.4 s, giving a force to the satellite. The speed of the rocket increases to 31 m/s. Calculate the force given by the booster rocket to the satellite. (Assume that the mass of the satellite remains constant.)
A)1543 N
B)2160 N
C)11,957 N
D)3024 N


Answer: a

Explanation: because the answer is 1.4444444 and that's the closest

Answer: A. Hope this helped you

A box weighs 25N. How much mass does it have?



If box weight 25N on ground




What type of Circuit do they use in a home? WHY ? (Simple circuit / Parallel circuit / Series circuit)



Parallel Circuits


Loads can be operated on their own. If you had a series circuit, adding another light would dim the rest!

Why are images reflected from a rough surface not as clear as those reflected from a smooth



Just as images are reflected from the surface of a mirror, light reflected from a smooth water surface also produced a clear image. ... Consequently, the outgoing rays are reflected at many different angles and the image is disrupted. Reflection from such a rough surface is called diffuse reflection and appears matte.


hi po I hope it's help you

If the frequency of a wave is 0.25 Hz, what is its period?

A) 0.25 s
B) 2 s
C) 4 s
D) 4 HZ





frequency = 1 / period


frequency = 0.25

0.25 = 1 / period

1 / 0.25 = period

4 s = period

it is not 4 Hz because period is the time taken

so the answer is C

hope this helps ,please mark it

Elements with positive valences usually ______ electrons
A. Donate
B. Accept
C. Have no
D. Create


The answer is donate, therefore elements with positive valences usually donate electrons

Law of superstition which was deposited first



E is the answer.


4. Where would a tsunami be most likely to occur?
a. Cuba
coast of Ireland
b. New York City
d. Indonesia



D. Indonesia


Indonesia's high frequency of tsunamis, due to its location along the Pacific Ring if Fire

32. Increasing the amplitude of a sound wave produces a
sound with
1. lower speed
2. higher pitch
3: shorter wavelength
4. greater loudness





because amplitude of a sound wave is related to loudness of the sound, so the higher the amplitude, the louder the sound

hope this helps

A body vibrates 100 times in 20 seconds. Find its frequency and time period.
plz answer this its urgent



Vibrates 5 times  a / every second


Think of one obstacle that you know YOU CAN, YOU WILL, & YOU MUST overcome.



myself tbh


hope this helps

Answer: Depression and myself, love life

Hope this helps have a awesome day❤️✨


Examine the table provided.
0.45 kg
5 m/s2
0.30 kg
100 m/s2
0.01 kg
50 m/s2
Golf Ball
0.02 kg
10 m/s2
Which of the objects is producing the greatest force?
Golf ball


Answer:B ,football Explain ;basketball M =0.45kg A =5m/s² F =ma F=2.25N Football M=0.30kg A=100m/ś² F=ma F=30N Racquetball M=0.01kg A= 50m/s² F=ma F=0.5N Golf ball M =0.02kg A =10m/s² F=ma F=0.2N

What do the arrows in this photograph represent?
A. Gravity and air resistance
B. An action-reaction force pair
C. A pair of unbalanced forces at work
D. Friction and air resistance


Answer: B An action-reaction force pair

Explanation: Took the exam

The arrows in this photograph represent: An action-reaction force pair. Hence, option (B) is correct.

What is  action-reaction force pair?

When two bodies interact, they exert an equal and opposite force on one another in accordance with Newton's third law of motion. Action-reaction forces are made up of these forces.

"When one body exerts a force on the other body, the first body experiences a force that is equal in magnitude in the opposite direction of the force which is exerted," according to Newton's third law of motion.

According to the above assertion, there are always two forces operating on the objects involved in an interaction. The forces are of identical magnitude, but the direction of the force acting on the first object is different from the direction acting on the second.

Learn more about force here:


A wave frequency of 440 Hz travels through a medium at 343 m/s. Calculate the wavelength
for this wave.
150,920 m
1.28 m
97 m
0.078 m



0.78 m


us the formula

speed = frequency x wavelength

343 = 440 x wavelength

343 / 440 = wavelength

wavelength = 0.78 m

I think the last option, you wrote wrongly, it is supposed to be 0.78 not 0.078 .

if you think I am wrong please do tell me, I will redo this.

hope this helps

As Clinton walks he pushes his shoe against the track.
Which of the following best describes the reaction force to Clinton's shoe pushing against the track?
OA. The track pushes back on Clinton's shoe with the same force.
The track pushes in the same direction as Clinton's shoe with the same force.
OC. The track pushes against gravity with the same force.

The track pushes in a different direction with a different force.


Answer:A:The track pushes back on Clinton's shoe with the same force.

Explanation:According to Newton's third law of motion, for every action force there is an equal and opposite reaction force. In this case, the action force is Clinton's shoe pushing on the track. As this happens, there is an equal and opposite reaction force in which the track pushes back on Clinton's shoe with the same force.

How do you get on the cheer squad?!



you don't cuz cheerleaders only get in the way of the football game

Felix has a bucket of golf balls. The table shows the number of golf balls of each color in the
Golf Balls in a Bucket
Felix selects a golf ball at random. Based on the information in the table, which statement is
A The golf ball is more likely to be green than all other colors combined.
B The golf ball is equally likely to be pink, white, orange, or green.
C The golf ball is 2 times as likely to be orange as it is to be pink.
D The golf ball is 7 times as likely to be green as it is to be white.


The golf ball is two times as likely to be orange as it is to be pink. Therefore, option C is correct.

What is probability?

Probability can be described as the branch of mathematics of numerical descriptions of how likely an event is to take place. The probability of an event can be a number between 0 and 1, where 0 indicates the impossibility of the event and 1 shows certainty.

Given, the number of pink balls = 4

The number of white balls = 11

The number of orange balls = 8

The number of green balls = 18

The total number of balls = 4 + 11 + 8 + 18 = 41

When Felix picks a golf ball at random. The golf ball is more likely to be pink = 4/41

The probability golf ball is more likely to be white = 11/41

The probability  golf ball is more likely to be orange = 8/41

The probability golf ball is more likely to be green = 18/41

Therefore, the golf ball is two times as likely to be orange as it is to be pink.

Learn more about probability, here:


Why does the first row in our periodic table
only have two elements?

A) because each orbital in every sub-level only holds
two electrons

B) because Bohr only knew about two elements

C) because the first energy level only holds two
electrons total
Help me plssss





♡ ∩_∩

(„• ֊ •„)♡


   Hopes this helps

 ♡ good luck 。 ♡



C option is correct


C) because the first energy level only holds two electrons.


50 Newtons
40 Newtons
What is the net force on the box?
10 Newtons West
10 Newtons East
90 Newtons West
90 Newtons East


The answer is A, 10 newton's west

A . 10 Newton West

that's my Answer


In order for a roller coaster to work, why does the hill the cart climbs need to be higher than the top of the loop?



The concept of potential energy, often referred to as energy of position, is very simple: As the coaster gets higher in the air, gravity can pull it down a greater distance. ... The potential energy you build going up the hill can be released as kinetic energy — the energy of motion that takes you down the hill.

Potential energy, also known as energy of position, is a pretty straightforward idea. As the roller coaster rises in the air, gravity has a greater ability to pull it down.

What does the hill the cart climbs need?

An easy illustration involves a stopped car at the summit of a hill. The car drives faster as it goes down the hill, which results in an increase in kinetic energy and a decrease in potential energy. The vehicle changes kinetic energy into potential energy as it ascends the hill.

They are higher up at the top of the hill, thus they have more potential energy. Moving down a slope transforms potential energy into kinetic energy, while moving up a hill transforms kinetic energy into potential energy.

Therefore, You can release the potential energy you accumulate while climbing a hill as kinetic energy, which is the energy of motion that propels you down the hill.

Learn more about cart here:


Which of the following choices is NOT a common injury in sports?
concussion and muscle strains
hemorrhage and arthritis
ligament sprains and tears
bone fractures and ankle sprains


B isn’t arthritis is caused when you get older but in this case it’s not b and hemorrhage is possible but not arthritis

The choice that is not a common injury in sports is hemorrhage and arthritis. Details about injuries can be found below.

What is sport?

Sport is any activity that uses physical exertion or skills competitively under a set of rules that is not based on aesthetics.

Injuries are bound to occur during sporting activities and they are as follows:

ConcussionFracturesLigament sprainsankle sprainsmuscle strains

Hemorrhage, which refers to the heavy release of blood within or from the body and arthritis, which is an inflammation of a joint or joints are not common injuries involved in sports.

Learn more about injuries at:


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