Houa and her children went into a grocery store and she bought $9
worth of bananas and peaches. Each banana costs $0.50 and each
peach costs $1.50. She bought a total of 10 bananas and peaches
altogether. Graphically solve a system of equations in order to
determine the number of bananas, x, and the number of peaches, y,
that Houa bought.


Answer 1

The number of bananas are 6 and the number of peaches are 4.

What is system of equations?

A finite set of equations for which common solutions are sought is referred to in mathematics as a set of simultaneous equations, also known as a system of equations or an equation system.


Hua and her children went into a grocery store and she bought $9

worth of bananas and peaches.

Each banana costs $0.50 and each

peach costs $1.50. She bought a total of 10 bananas and peaches altogether.


B = number of bananas

P = number of peaches

0.5 * B = cost of number of bananas purchased

1.5 * P = cost of number of peaches purchased


B + P = 10                 ..(1)

0.5B + 1.5P = 9         ..(2)

From equation (1),

B = 10 - P        ..(3)

Plug value of B in equation (2),

0.5(10 - P) + 1.5P = 9

5 - 0.5P + 1.5P = 9

5 + P = 9

P = 4

Plug P = 4 in equation (3)

B = 10 - 4

B = 6

Hence, the number of bananas are 6 and the number of peaches are 4.

To know more about system of equations, click on the link



Related Questions

752 dividido por 16 cuanto da? ayudenme pliss



Cuando dividas 752 por 16 obtendrias 47.

twenty-five engine mounts are sampled each day and found to have an average width of 2 inches, with a standard deviation of 0.1 inches. what are the control limits that include 90% of the sample means?


The control limits that include 90% of the sample means be,

(24.9671 , 25.0329).

Given, twenty-five engine mounts are sampled each day and found to have an average width of 2 inches, with a standard deviation of 0.1 inches.

we have to find the confidence interval under confidence of 90%.

As, Mean = 2 and Standard Deviation = 0.1

Subtract 1 from your sample size. 25 – 1 = 24. This gives you degrees of freedom.

Subtract the confidence level from 1, then divide by two.

(1 – 0.9) / 2 = 0.05

For 24 degrees of freedom (df) and α = 0.05, the result is 1.645.

Divide your sample standard deviation by the square root of your sample size.

0.1 / √(25) = 0.02

Now, 0.02 × 1.645 = 0.0329

The lower end of the range

25 – 0.0329 = 24.9671

The upper end of the range

25 + 0.0329 = 25.0329

Hence, the confidence interval be, (24.9671 , 25.0329)

Learn more about Confidence Interval here https://brainly.com/question/26658887


How Do I Simplify: 5/3+i


Assuming the 3 and the i are both in the denominator the
answer is
(3/2)-(i/2) or 3/2 - 1/2 i

To simplify 5/3+i
multiply the numerator and the denominator by the complex conjugate of the denominator.
The complex conjugate of a denominator is 3-i. So it would look like this 5(3-i)/(3+i)(3-i)

For the numerator
Distribute 5 through the parentheses and that equals 15-i. For the denominator multiply/simplify (3+i)•(3-i)=9-1^2. So the expression would look like this 15-5i/9-i^2.

Factor out five from the numerator: 15-5i= 5(3-i). For the denominator, 9-i^2, rewrite it as 9-(-1). (That is because i^2 by definition is equal to -1.) and 9-(-1)=9+1. So all that will look like 5(3-i)/9+1


5(3-i)/9+1 is equal to 5(3-i)/10. After cancel out the common factor of the numerator and denominator which is 5 because 5 goes into 5 once and into 10 twice. So you’re left with the numerator being 3-i and the denominator being 2: 3-i/2.


With 3-i/2 left, just separate the real and the imaginary parts of the expression. 3/2 - 1/2 i

In march 2015, the public policy institute of california (ppic) surveyed 7525 likely voters living in california. Ppic researchers find that 68 out of 200 central valley residents approve of the california legislature and that 156 out of 300 bay area residents approve of the california legislature. Ppic is interested in the difference between the proportion of central valley and bay area residents who approve of the california legislature. Ppic researchers calculate that the standard error for the proportion of central valley residents who approve of the california legislature minus bay area residents who approve of the california legislature is about 0. 44. Find the 95% confidence interval to estimate the difference between the proportion of central valley and bay area residents who approve of the california legislature. Responses


The null hypothesis get rejected comparing the 95% confidence interval to the proportion of the given central valley residents and bay area residents .

As given in the question,

Total number of voters in California = 7525

x₁ = Number of voters of central valley residents approved California legislature

   = 68

n₁ = Total number of voters of central valley residents

   = 200

x₂ = Number of voters of bay area residents approved California legislature

   = 156

n₂= Total number of voters of bay area residents

   = 300

p₁ = proportion of voters of central valley

p₂= proportion of voters of bay area

p₁ = x₁/ n₁

   = 68/200

   = 0.34

p₂ = x₂/n₂

    = 156/300

    = 0.52

Standard error = √p₁(1 -p₁) / n₁ + p₂( 1- p₂)/n₂

                        = √0.34(1-0.34) / 200 + 0.52(1-0.52)/ 300

                        = √0.001122 + 0.000832

                        = 0.044

[tex]p_{w}[/tex] = (68 + 156 )/ (200 + 300)

   = 0.448

[tex]q_{w} = 1- p_{w}[/tex]

    = 1 - 0.448

    = 0.552

null hypothesis p₁ - p₂ = 0

z = ( 0.52 - 0.34 ) - 0/ √(0.448)(0.552)( 1/200 + 1/300)

  = 4

Tabular value for confidence interval 95% = 1.96

4 > 1.96

We reject the null hypothesis.

Therefore, the difference of proportion of central valley residents and the bay area residents rejection of null hypothesis as per given 95% confidence interval.

Learn more about confidence interval here



ia began filling the bathtub at a constant rate.
She then turned off the water for a while and some of the water drained out of the bathtub.
Tia turned the water back on at the same rate as before until the bathtub was full.
Which graph best represents Tia filling the bathtub?


The graph that represents the given situation is graph (A). (Refer to the graph attached below)

What is a graph?

The set of ordered pairs is the graph of a function f in mathematics, where these pairs are Cartesian coordinates of points in two-dimensional space and so form a subset of this plane in the typical case when x and f(x) are real numbers.

To create a graph is to make a diagram that shows the relationship between two or more things.

So, we know that:

The bathtub is filling at a constant rate.

When the tap was closed, the water drained out.

Then again, the tap was open for the water to come out at a constant rate.

So, the correct graph that resembles these lines is a graph (A).

Therefore, the graph that represents the given situation is a graph (A). (Refer to the graph attached below)

Know more about graphs here:



a rectangular box with a volume of 480 cubic feet is to be constructed with a square base on top. the cost per square ft for the bottom is 30 cents, for the top is 20 cents, and for the sides is 5 cents. determine the dimensions of the box to be minimize cost. what is the length of one side of the base of the box?


So, when the box has a square base with 4.8 feet on each side and a height of 40.41 feet, then cost will be at its lowest.

What in mathematics is a base?

When referring to a specific mathematical item that serves as a building block, the word "basis" in mathematics is employed. The notions of a number system in which numbers are represented by digits and a numerical system in which logarithms were defined are the ones that are most frequently utilized.


Given that the square foot price for the bottom is 15 cents, the top is 10 cents, and the sides are 1.5 cents

Therefore, total cost



Upon separating it from x, we obtain,


We obtain 50x5586x2=0x3=5586 when equating with zero.


To know more about  square base visit:



What is another word of split?


Another word for the word split is given by many other words like crack, to divide, tear, to break apart,  bisect  it into parts and so.


Another word of the given word split is given by:

Different words represents the meaning of the word split.Crack , separating, Tear, fragment , cleave are few words representing the another word of the given word splitting.Meaning or the another used instead of word split in two is given by dividing it into two equal parts, break one part into two equal parts.Bisecting a diagram or a line segment into parts is also done by splitting.Separation is also consider as another word for splitting which basically divides one species( living or non living ) from another.For example split number 24 is equal to 3 × 2 × 2 × 2.

Therefore, the another word used  for the given word split is given by crack , cleave, tear, divide it into two equal parts.

Learn more about split here







Step-by-step explanation:

After adding a tip, the total lunch cost was $32. 24. What percentage tip did they give? write your answer to the nearest percentage.



what was the original cost of the lunch before they added the tip?

A line passes through the point (-6, 8) and has a slope of 4.
Write an equation in point-slope form for this line.


Step-by-step explanation:

Slope-Point form : (y-y1) = m(x-x1)


The equation is 4x -y +32 = 0

solve the system below using elimination method

-4x2y= -12



Answer/Step-by-step explanation:

The first equation is confusing so I'll solve both ways:


1. -4x + 2y = -12

   4x + 8y = -24


            10y = -36

          ÷10      ÷10


              y = -3.6

4x + 8y = -24

4x + 8(-3.6) = -24

4x - 28.8 = -24

     +28.8    +28.8


      4x = 4.8

    ÷4     ÷4


   x = 1.2

If the first equation is subtraction this is the solution:

2. -4x - 2y = -12

   4x + 8y = -24


            6y = -36

           ÷6      ÷6


                y = -6

4x + 8y = -24

4x + 8(-6) = -24

4x - 48 = -24

     +48    +48


4x = 24

÷4   ÷4


x = 6

(6, -6)

I hope this helps!

Simplify 5(k + 4) - 2k


5(k+4) - 2k



Adding/Subtracting Like terms


Simplified 3k+20

Select all expressions are equivalent to - 1/2 ( 8 - 2+ 6/7x)



- 1/2 × 8 = -4

-1/2 × -2 = 1

- 1/2 × 6/7 = - 3/7

-4 + 1 - 3/7x


What are the four values that would complete the function table?


The required f(x) values are  5, 1 , -1 , -3

What is the solution to an equation?

In order to make the equation's equality true, the unknown variables must be given values as a solution. In other words, the definition of a solution is a value or set of values (one for each unknown) that, when used as a replacement for the unknowns, transforms the equation into equality.

f(x)= -2x+1

Substitute the values for x and find the value of f(x)

For x= -2:

f(x)= -2(-2)+1

    = 5

For x= 0:

f(x)= -2(0)+1

    = 1

For x= 1:

f(x)= -2(1)+1

    = -1

For x= -2:

f(x)= -2(2)+1

    = -3

The required f(x) values are  5, 1 , -1 , -3

To learn more about the solution of an equation from the given link



6 cm 6 cm 6 cm Find the surface area of the cube. Surface Area = [?] cm2


Answer: 216 cm^2

Step-by-step explanation:

The equation finds the area of the cube is

6 * S^2

6 (6^2) = 216 cm^2

Given mn, find the value of x.



Step-by-step explanation:We move all terms to the left:


We get rid of parentheses


We add all the numbers together, and all the variables


We move all terms containing x to the left, all other terms to the right




I need help please! It’s hard for me lol



Step-by-step explanation:

I'm sorry if I'm wrong I think its 0.62 or 30.

the grades in an exam were normally distributed with a mean of 80 and standard deviation of 4 . what is the probability that a randomly selected student scored between 70 and 84 ? ( round to 4 decimal places)


The probability that a randomly selected student scored between 70 and 84 is 0.8351


Probability is simply how likely something is to happen.

Whenever we’re unsure about the outcome of an event, we can talk about the probabilities of certain outcomes—how likely they are. The analysis of events governed by probability is called statistics.

given that:

mean = 80

standard deviation = 4

now we need to find the probability of students scored between 70 and 84

P(70<X<84) = P(X<84) - P(X>70)

                   = P(Z<(84-80)/4)-P(Z>(70-80)/4)

                   =P(Z<1) - P(Z>-2.5)

                   = 0.8413-0.0062

                   = 0.8351

the probability that a randomly selected student scored between 70 and 84 is 0.8351

To learn more about mean:



If elizabeth randomly chooses her ride in the morning and in the evening, what is the probability that she'll use a cab exactly one time?.


The required probability that she'll use a cab exactly one time is  4/9.

What is the probability ?

probability is a part of math that arrangements with figuring out the probability of the event of an occasion.

According to question:

Elizabeth lives in San Francisco and works in Mountain View.

In the first part of the day she has 3 transportation choices  (bus, cab, train) to work, and at night she has similar 3 options for her outing home.

All transportation  (bus, cab, train) are comparably liable to be chosen, and 1 of them should be chosen in the first part of the day and night, so we get:

P (bus) = P (taxi) = P (train) = 1/3.

We additionally have P(no taxi in night) = P(no taxi at morning) = 2/3

Presently, P(using taxi precisely once) = P(cab at morning and no taxi at night) + P(no taxi at morning and taxi at night)

= P(cab, no taxi) + P(no taxi, taxi)

= 1/3 × 2/3 + 2/3 × 1/3

= 2/9 + 2/9

= 4/9

Consequently, the probability that Elizabeth utilizes a taxi just once is 4/9.

To know more about Probability visit:



if you get this right i will cash-app 5$.


Answer: A

Step-by-step explanation:

I graphed it using my graphing calculator. the maximum point is -2, 9. f(x) means y so graphing just requires you to type the equation into a calculator and replace the f(x) with y. sorry if that doesnt make sense. no money

a couple plans to have three children. find the probability of having all boys. find the probability of having two boys or two girls.


the find the probability of having two boys or two girls will be 50%

What is probability ?

The probability formula can be used to calculate the likelihood of an event by simply dividing the favorable number of possibilities by the total number of options. The likelihood of an occurrence might vary from 0 to 1 because the favourable number of outcomes can never be greater than all possible outcomes.

For two genders and three children, there are a total of 2³=8 potential combinations.

There are (GGG, GGB, BGG, GBG) = 4 pairs where at least two of the children are female.

As a result, there is a 4/8 = 1/2 chance that the family of three children will include at least two girls.

Hence the find the probability of having two boys or two girls will be 50%.

Learn more about probability, by the following link.



Use substitution to solve the system of equations.
y = 5x + 1
4x + y = 10



(1, 6 )

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 5x + 1 → (1)

4x + y = 10 → (2)

substitute y = 5x + 1 into (2)

4x + 5x + 1 = 10

9x + 1 = 10 ( subtract 1 from both sides )

9x = 9 ( divide both sides by 9 )

x = 1

substitute x = 1 into (1)

y = 5(1) + 1 = 5 + 1 = 6

solution is (1, 6 )

Answer: x = 1, y = 6

Step-by-step explanation:

y = 5x + 1

4x + y = 10

substitute y into the second equation

4x + 5x + 1 = 10

9x + 1 = 10

9x = 10 - 1

9x = 9

x = 9/9

x = 1

Now you have the x value substitute it in one of the equations above to get the y value

y = 5(1) + 1

y = 5 + 1

y = 6

so your x value is 1 and your y value is 6

In geometry, we have rules, definitions, postulates, theorem, etc. that help with problem-solving, deductive reasoning, spatial, reasoning, and relationships of shapes and solids just to name a few. Please explain in a minimum of five sentences has a Bible provides a similar guide to living a Christian life.



Just as geometry has rules, definitions, postulates, and theorems that help with problem-solving and understanding the relationships of shapes and solids, the Bible provides a similar guide for living a Christian life. The Bible contains a set of principles and teachings that serve as a foundation for Christian beliefs and values. These principles and teachings help Christians to understand the nature of God and their relationship with him, as well as the principles for living a moral and virtuous life.

In the same way that geometry relies on deductive reasoning to draw conclusions and make predictions, Christians use their knowledge of the Bible to make decisions and navigate the challenges of daily life. The Bible provides guidance on a wide range of topics, including relationships, work, ethics, and personal growth, helping Christians to make wise choices and avoid pitfalls.

Additionally, just as geometry helps us to understand the spatial relationships of objects, the Bible helps us to understand our place in the world and our relationship with others. The Bible teaches us about the importance of love, compassion, and forgiveness, and helps us to see the value and worth of every human being.

Overall, the Bible serves as a guide for living a Christian life, providing principles, teachings, and guidance that help us to understand God, ourselves, and our relationships with others.

Step-by-step explanation:



An artist makes a profit of (500p-p au carre) dollars from selling p paintings. what is the fewest number of paintings the artist can sell to make a profit of at least $60.000?


The artist should sell at least 200 paintings for the profit of $60,000.

What is profit?

Profit is the money you have left after paying for business expenses.

Given that, An artist makes a profit of (500p-p²) dollars from selling p paintings.

Establishing the equation, we have,

500p-p² = 60,000

p²-500p+60,000 = 0

Factorizing to find p,

p²-200p-300p+60,000 = 0

p(p-200)-300(p-200) = 0

(p-200)(p-300) = 0

p = 200 or p = 300

Since, the question is asking for least number of paintings so, we'll consider 200 paintings.

Hence, The artist should sell at least 200 paintings for the profit of $60,000.

For more references on profit, click;



How do you determine the end behavior of the graph of a polynomial function?


We can determine the end behavior of the graph of a polynomial function if we look at the x-right axis's end (as x approaches +) and left end (as x approaches ), respectively.


End behavior of polynomial function;

A polynomial function's final behavior is how its graph behaves as x gets closer to positive or negative infinity. The graph's final behavior is determined by a polynomial function's degree and leading coefficient.


The behavior of the function graph at the "ends" of the x-axis is known as the end behavior of a function, or f. In other words, if we look at the right end of the x-axis (as x approaches +) and the left end of the x-axis (as x approaches ), the end behavior of a function represents the trend of the graph.

That is,

If we examine the ends of the x-right and left axes (as x approaches +) in turn, we can ascertain the end behavior of the graph of a polynomial function.

Learn more about end behavior of polynomial function here;



two boxes of Apples the sum of their weight is 54 kilograms the first has 12kg more than the second so the number of kilograms in the second box is....... kg.​



The weight of the second box is 42 kilograms, since 54 - 12 = <<54-12=42>>42.

What is the slope of the line that passes through 1/4 and 1 − 3 )?


The Slope of the line that passes through the points (1, 4) and (1, -3) is Undefined.

If we are provided with two points (x₁, y₁) and (x₂, y₂) then the formula of finding the slope between these points is expressed as

m = (y₂ - y₁)/(x₂ - x₁)

where m is the slope between the points, y₂ - y₁ is difference between the y coordinates and x₂ - x₁ is the difference between the x coordinates.

Now the points are (1, 4) and (1, -3), so the difference between the coordinates is expressed as

y₂ - y₁ = -3 - 4

y₂ - y₁ = -7

x₂ - x₁ = 1 -1

x₂ - x₁ = 0

Now the slope will be

m = -7/0

Since, we have zero in the denominator and any number divided by zero is undefined so the slope is undefined.

Learn more about Slope at:



Complete Question:

What is the slope of the line that passes through (1, 4) and (1, -3)?

Which statements are true about the functions y sin (c), y D sin (c) and y sin(2), y sin (z), y = sin (c), y = sin (2) and y = The graphs of y The domains of y = The amplitudes of y The periodela v Both y sin (2) and y on that interval. decreasing cos (x), and y tan (z)? cos (z) do not have midlines. cos (2), and y = tan (2) are all real numbers. cos(x), and y tan (z) are 1. cos (2) are 27, and the period of y – tan (I) is T. cos (x) is tan (x) are increasing on the interval (0,), and y​


The true statements regarding the trigonometric functions are given as follows:

The periods of y = sin(x) and y = cos(x) are of 2π, while the period of y = tan(x) is of π.Both y = sin(x) and y = tan(x) are increasing on the interval (0, π/2), while y = cos(x) is decreasing on the same interval.

What are the correct statements?

The three trigonometric functions are defined as follows:

y = sin(x).y = cos(x).y = tan(x).

The statements are described as follows:

Statement 1 is false, as tan(x) = sin(x)/cos(x), hence the tangent function is not defined when cos(x) = 0 at x = kπ/2, k = ± 1, ±3, ..., and it's domain is not all real values.Statement 2 is false, as the tangent function does not have an amplitude, as close to the vertical asymptotes it assumes values close to infinity.Statement 3 is false, as the sine function and the cosine function have a midline.

The remaining statements are true.

Missing Information

The statements are given by the image shown at the end of the answer.

More can be learned about trigonometric functions at https://brainly.com/question/24349828


The mean of the quantitative variable of interest in the population is called the?


The mean of the quantitative variable of interest in the population is called the mean.

What is meant by population?

For the purposes of data collection and analysis in statistics and other fields of mathematics, a population is a distinct group of people, animals, or things that can be recognized from one another. In order to learn more about a large population, data is often gathered from a sample.

As an example, inquire about the primary occupation of 100 people chosen at random during a football game. All 100 members of your sample make up the population at that match. The population will always equal the larger of the sample size and the total population. The population is used to refer to the overall population being studied. The illustration's population is representative of the student body at the high school under examination.

Therefore, the mean of the quantitative variable of interest in the population is called the mean.

To know more about mean, visit:



Solve 4x + 3 = 9 for x using the change of base formula log base b of y equals log y over log b.


The value of x for a given expression 4x + 3 = 9 is equal to -1.415.

What is an expression?

The mathematical expression combines numerical variables and operations denoted by addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division signs.

Mathematical symbols can be used to represent numbers (constants), variables, operations, functions, brackets, punctuation, and grouping. They can also denote the logical syntax's operation order and other properties.

Given that the expression is 4x + 3 = 9. The value of x will be calculated as,

log(4)⁹= x + 3

log9 / log4 = x + 3

0.95424425 / 0.6020599 = x + 3

1.584962725 -3 = x + 3 - 3

x = -1.415037275

To know more about an expression follow



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