hii! i’ll give brainliest pls help

Hii! Ill Give Brainliest Pls Help


Answer 1


This looks like an earthquake


There doesn’t seem to be very much water present in the image which would be the cause for the rest of them

Hope this helps

Answer 2




First off I wouldn't say landslide because if it was a landslide in more than likely would have cracked the concrete on the floor that the people are standing on and there would be more of a mess than what is show in the picture. Next I wouldn't say tsunami depending on how frequent this disaster was, if it was a tsunami more than likely most of that rubbish would have been soaked with water in other things that were in the water as well and I wouldn't say flood either because once again nothing is soaked with water with in that picture not even the concrete that the people are standing on so I say that the most reasonable answer would be earthquake due to them being know for destroying buildings alot.

Related Questions

1- Which of the following is the best evidence that two birds belong to the same species?
A. The two birds eat the same food.
B. The two birds have common behaviors.
C. The two birds are the same size and color.
D. The two birds mate and produce fertile offspring.


I think it is B let me know if I’m wrong

What natural object inspired the structure of a road reflector? O A Aball-and-socket joint B. A fish's swim bladder O c. A burr D. A cat's eye



Answer: a cats eye


name the nitrogenous Waste excreted by the following organisms;desert mole marine fish and tilapia ​



Answer: Desert mole excretes concentrated urine with urea. Marine fish excretes urine with uric acid. Tilapia excretes dilute urine with amino acids.

[tex]\huge{\textbf{\textsf{{\color{navy}{An}}{\purple{sw}}{\pink{er}} {\color{pink}{:}}}}}[/tex]

Desert mole excretes concentrated urine with urea. Marine fish excretes urine with uric acid. Tilapia excretes dilute urine with amino acids.

ThanksHope it helps

A person sees a ball and kicks it, in part because of actions of the nervous system. Using the parts of the nervous system listed, describe the path of nerve impulses that cause the person to (1) see the ball and (2) kick the ball.



In the case of seeing a ball and kicking it can be expressed in the actions of the nervous system as follows:

Part 1. Eyes see the ball and send signals with the help of sensory neurons that carry this message to the spinal cord.

PArt 2. The spinal cord processes the information and sends an "impulse" of kicking the ball that will transfer to motor neurons that transfer it to the brain and then muscles.

Sensory neurons --> spinal cord --> motor neurons --> brain---->leg muscles

Which describes an atom that has fewer neutrons than protons and more electrons than protons?



An atom that has fewer neutrons than protons and more electrons than protons is an anion.

Which conclusion BEST describes the data in this table in reference to all life on Earth?
O Organisms have different proportions of bases in their DNA.
O Plants are least related genetically to other organisms on this table.
0 Animals have similar amounts of bases in their cells.
O The genetic code is exactly the same among all living organisms.
• Previous


The area is 705.86 ok ok cool lols big Pisa

Brainliest involved:)) help pls


The answer is Amino acids

Farley often treats patients with medical products that come from nature. He also performs acupuncture, the art of using needles to restore the flow of energy.

Which career would Farley most likely have?

A: Naturopathic Physician
B: Nurse Practitioner
C: Home Health Aide
D: Pediatrician
Please Help!!





search up what a is, trust me, it will make sense for you to click A after this.

The career would Farley most likely have Naturopathic Physician. Therefore, option A is correct.

What is Naturopathic Physician ?

The same fundamental sciences that are taught to conventional medical doctors' students are also taught to naturopathic physician who attend naturopathic medical colleges. In order to get licensed, they must also pass a professional board exam, however they are not regarded as medical doctors.

Natural remedies are used in naturopathic medicine to support the body's ability to cure itself. Herbs, massage, acupuncture, exercise, and dietary advice are just a few of the techniques it embraces. Even though naturopathy was introduced to the United States from Germany in the 1800s, some of its practices date back hundreds of years.

Alternative medicine includes naturopathy, sometimes known as naturopathic medicine. Its physician, known as naturopaths, use a wide range of pseudoscientific techniques that are marketed as "natural," "non-invasive," or encouraging "self-healing."

Thus, option A is correct.

To learn more about  Naturopathic Physician, follow the link;



2 differences between animal and plant cells



Plants cells have cell walls and they also have chloroplasts (animal cells don’t have either of these)


The cell wall helps to maintain a rigid structure

The chloroplasts helps in the process of photosynthesis

10 points each answer plus brainliest
A student explains the Nebular theory of formation of planets as follows.

"A cloud of gas and dust in space, called nebula, began to rotate and condensed into a flattened disk. Gravitational force pulled the gas and dust closer together. This resulted in the nuclear fusion of gases and dust to create the sun and planets at the outer flattened portion of the disk."

What is the flaw in the student's explanation? (1 point)
A. nuclear fission created the sun and planets
B. the nebula evaporated instead of condensing
C. the sun was formed at the center of the nebula
D. gravitational forces kept the gases well separated





nuclear fission created the sun and planets the nebula evaporated instead of condensing the sun was formed at the center of the nebula gravitational forces kept the gases well separated.

How do the organ systems function together in the human body?


Answer: organ system work together to accomplish their task so the diffrerent organ systems also cooperate to keep the body runing


I need Help with this.
Answer it for me plz


It’s D (example a turtle draws its head back into its shell when it’s shell is touched) I’d say it’s kinda of the same as odor (if u already answered it then dang)

Elements of xylem in a vascular bundle are lesser than those of phloem؟​





No, elements of xylem in a vascular bundle are not lesser than those of phloem because of the division of xylem progenitor cells that increases the xylem concentration in vascular bundle. The vascular cambium forms more xylem tissue than phloem due to more division of the xylem progenitor cells. so in the light of this discussion we can say that xylem is more in concentration than phloem in a vascular bundle.

- Recently living organisms have been reclassified into three domains. A new living
object has been found. It is multicellular, and can make its own food by using the sun.
The cells have a cell wall, and they have a nucleus.
Which of the following could it be classified as?






I would Try D if not try B

The graph below shows the averaged sunspots from 1610 to 2007. The graph shows sunspot number on the y axis and years 1600, 1650, 1700, 1750, 1800, 1850, 1900, 1950, and 2000 on the x axis. The graph rises and falls in a cyclic order in gaps of approximately 10 years. The number of sunspots observed in 1610 was 40, in 1650 it was 5, in 1700 it was 10, in 1750 it was 90 and the number of sunspots in 1800 was 50. The number of sunspots observed in 1850 was 130 and the number of sunspots in 1900 was 10. The number of sunspots observed in 1950 was 150 and the number of sunspots observed in 2000 was 30. Based on the graph, which of these conclusions is correct? Some of the previously warm regions became colder from 1650 to 1700. Some of the previously cold regions became warmer from 1600 to 1700. Some of the previously warm regions became warmer from 1610 to 1700. Some of the previously cold regions became colder from 1900 to 1950.


Answer: Some of the previously warm regions became colder from 1650 to 1700

Explanation: I got it right on the test

According to the graph, the number of sunspots decreased from 1650 to 1700. That means the correct option is A.

What is a sunspot?

The areas of the sun where the magnetic field of the sun is 2500 times more than the Earth. In these areas, the magnetic field is more than anywhere else on the surface of the sun.

Near the area of a sunspot, there is a small amount of energy output from the sun. UV rays from the sun also increase at a high sunspot activity. This increase in UV radiation causes dramatic effects on the atmosphere of the Earth.

The more number sunspots are observed, the more energy will be delivered to the earth. This increase in the energy delivered to the earth would result in an increase in the overall global temperature.

According to the graph, the number of sunspots observed decreased from 40 to 5 and increased slightly from 5 to 10 from 1610 to 1700. So, the statement says that some of the warm regions would become colder from 1650 to 1700.

Therefore, the correct option is A.

Read more about sunspots, here



Help on any of these would be very much appreciated

1. Circle the clade that includes both
amphibians and snakes.

2. What is something that all organisms in that
clade have in common?

3. What kingdom does this cladogram fit into?

4. Who are the lizards most closely related to
on this cladogram?

5. On the cladogram, star the organism that
has wings as a derived character.​


Based on the given cladogram:

the clade that includes both amphibians and snakes is; turtles, snakes, lizard and crocodileall the organisms lay eggsthe cladogram belongs to kingdom animalializards are most closely related to snakesbirds have wings as a derived character

What is a cladogram?

A cladogram is a treelike diagram used to shoe relationship between organisms.

A cladogram is shown above.

Based on the given cladogram;

Turtles, snakes, lizard and crocodile are the amphibians and reptiles in the same cladeThe amphibians and reptiles reproduce by laying eggsthe cladogram contains organisms belonging to the kingdom animalializards and snakes are both reptiles, thus, are most closely-relatedbirds belong to the class aves and possess wings as a derived character

Therefore, the cladogram is of organisms that belong to kingdom animalia.

Learn more about cladograms at: https://brainly.com/question/1477703

Which of the following is NOT an example of a chemical reaction?
C) O Combustion





Sublimation is a physical change, not a reaction. There are five main types of chemical reactions: combination, decomposition, single-replacement, double-replacement, and combustion.

State the two reactants needed for photosynthesis


carbon dioxide and water 6CO2 + 6H2O

b. Earth's thermohaline circulation moves heat around the planet, as can be seen by the warmer
climate in England due to the Gulf Stream. (2 points)
True or false ?


The answer is to that question is false

.ما مصدر الأكسجين المتفاعل مع سكر الجلوكوز


يأتي الأكسجين الذي تستخدمه الحيوانات للتنفس الخلوي من النباتات وكائنات التمثيل الضوئي الأخرى. متفاعلات التنفس الخلوي في الحيوانات هي نتاج تلك الموجودة في النباتات ، لذلك كل شيء يعمل بشكل جيد.

(أنا لا أتحدث العربية ، لقد استخدمت ترجمة جوجل لذلك أعتذر عن أي أخطاء)

BIOLOGY HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NO LINKS OR FILES>>>





I will just answer this.


1. A. radial symmtery

2 A. completely lined with mesoderm

3 C. varying shapes of forelimbs

4. B. enables the members of the phylum to survive and reproduce.

5 B. deuterostome development


I hope this helped ;)

Which of the following is made of cells?

1. ocean water

2. glass bowl

3.oak tree

4. cement sidewalk



oak tree are plants and made up of plant cells.

How does the integumentary and immune systems work together?
*summary and not too detailed*


They both work by being an immune system

BIOLOGY QUESTIONS PLEASE HELP!!!!!!! Brainliest to whoever answers all of them





trust me. thank me later


pretty sure you have the answer by now so thanks for the Points



Two plants with an inated seed shape produced 340ospring. Of those 340, six ospring had a constricted pod shape. What are the genotypes of the parents?



The genotype of both parents will be heterozygous for the trait, Ii.


Let us assume that the shape of the seeds is controlled by a single diallelic gene.

Dominant allele I expresses the inflated phenotypeRecessive allele i expresses the constricted phenotypeThe dominant phenotype is inflated seeds, expresses by genotype II and Ii. The dominant allele hides the expression of the recessive allele, so if the genotype has at least one dominant allele, the phenotype will be inflated. The recessive phenotype is constricted seeds, expressed by the genotype ii. In this genotype there is no dominant allele, so the recessive allele can be expressed.

The individual with constricted seeds must have two recessive alleles i in its genotype ⇒ ii.

One of the i alleles was inherited from one of the parental plants, while the other parental plant provided the other i allele. So both parental plants must carry the recessive allele in their genotype.

We know that both parental plants have inflated seeds, which is the dominant phenotype.  

So, if both parental plants have inflated seeds and also carry the recessive allele, then the parentals´ genotype must be heterozygous, Ii.

Both plants exhibit the dominant inflated phenotype but carry a recessive allele which will be provided to some of the descendants. These last individuals will have constricted seeds.

Variation in great horned owl body size due to food supply can / cannot be acted on by

natural selection.



Variation can be acted on by natural selection.


Variation are the difference that exist in the organism in terms of the body size and can be acted upon by natural selection.

Natural selection could act on the owl body size, favor the selection of owl with small body size especially when resources available are limited and can only sustain small number of individuals leading to availability of owl with small body size in such area and a gradual reduction in the number of owl with large body size.

What is a nerve impulse?



A nerve impulse is the way nerve cells (neurons) communicate with one another.


Choose the items that complete the sentence about the key features of f(x) = 8x. The y-intercept is Choose... , the asymptote is y = Choose... , and the range is y > Choose... .



I suppose that the equation is:

f(x) = 8/x

(You wrote 8x, this is a linear function, so it has no asymptotes, then I assume that the actual function was 8/x)

The y-intercept is the value such that  f(x) = 0

Notice that there is no value of x such that 8/x = 0  (if the numerator is never zero, then the quotient can't be zero)

So we do not have an y-intercept.

The asymptote:

Here we have four:

if x tends to zero from the negative side, then:

8/x tends to negative infinity.

if x tends to zero from the positive side, then:

8/x tends to positive infinity.

These two asymptotes can be written as:

[tex]\lim_{n \to \_-0} \frac{8}{x} = -\infty\\ \lim_{n \to \_+0} \frac{8}{x} = +\infty[/tex]

We also have two when x tends to plus infinity (and 8/x goes to zero) and when x tends to negative infinity, such that the function tends to zero again, these two can be written as:

[tex]\lim_{n \to \infty} \frac{8}{x} = 0\\ \lim_{n \to -\infty} \frac{8}{x} = 0[/tex]

Finally, the range:

The only value that y never reaches (only on limits) is:

y = 0

Then the range is the set of all real numbers except the zero, or:

R :  { x ∈ R / {0} }

Pesticide resistance is increasing, Farmers in the US tost 7% of their crops to pests in the 1940s, over the 1980s and 1990s, the loss
was 13%, despite more pesticides being used. It is estimated that 500-1000 pests have developed a resistance to pesticides. Consider
the diagram showing the evolution of pesticide resistance. Select ALL of the statements that do NOT accurately describe the
mechanisms of pesticide resistance shown in the graphic.
A)Insects that are sensitive to the pesticide all die out after the first
application, leaving only the resistant insects in the population,
B)When insects are exposed to the pesticide, some will develop a mutationmaking it resistant. Only these insects survive in the next generation
C)The first generation has an insect with a gene responsible for resistance toa pesticide. This allows it to survive the pesticide application and reproduce
D)The insect with the pesticide resistance gene reproduces. Because these insects are more likely to survive pesticide application, insects with this
trait become more prominent in the population
E)As a population of insects is exposed to a pesticide, those susceptible to
the pesticide will die out of the population, leaving those with a resistance
to survive and reproduce, becoming more common in the population


The insect with the pesticide resistance gene reproduces, these insects are more likely to survive pesticide application  hence insects with this trait become more prominent in the population

What is a pesticide?

A pesticide refers to a chemical that is used to control the spread of pests in the farm.

The question is incomplete but I will help you the much I can. We know that organisms that have favorable traits live long enough to reproduce and pass on these favorable traits to the next generation. Therefore, the insect with the pesticide resistance gene reproduces. Because these insects are more likely to survive pesticide application, insects with this trait become more prominent in the population

Learn more about pesticide: https://brainly.com/question/1388366

A population of large predators in an ecosystem has been trapped and removed from the area. How would this event most likely change the food web in this ecosystem?


When a top predator is removed from an ecosystem, a series knock-on effects are felt throughout all the levels in a food web, as each level is regulated by the one above it. This is known as a trophic cascade. The results of these trophic cascades can lead to an ecosystem being completely transformed. The impacts trickle down through each level, upsetting the ecological balance by altering numbers of different animal species, until the effects are finally felt by the vegetation.

As per the given scenario, the number of small predators will decrease and the number of herbivores will increase. The correct option is C.

A reduction in the pressure of large predators on herbivores would follow from their disappearance.

Since there would be less threats to them from predators, the population of herbivores would probably rise.

The effect would be a reduction in the population of tiny predators, which may have previously depended on the huge predators as a food source.

As a result of this adjustment, the ecosystem's small predator population would decline while the population of herbivores would expand.

Thus, the correct option is C.

For more details regarding ecosystem, visit:



Your question seems incomplete, the probable complete question is:

A population of large predators in an ecosystem has been trapped and removed from the area. How would this event most likely change the food web in this ecosystem?


The number of herbivores will decrease and the number of producers will increase.


The number of herbivores will increase and the number of producers will decrease.


The number of small predators will decrease and the number of herbivores will increase.


The number of small predators will decrease and the number of omnivores will decrease.

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