Highlight the details in each excerpt that allows you to
form a new idea.
We recognize the [Kota] figure as a person, although it
doesn't look like one.
-A Short Walk Around the Pyramids and Through the
World of Art,
Philip M. Isaacson
Both [Kota figure and Figure] are powerful and abstract
and remind us of the human body.
-A Short Walk Around the Pyramids and Through the
World of Art,
Philip M. Isaacson
What new idea can you form based on information in
the two excerpts?
The sculptor of Figure met the sculptor of the Kota
O Abstract art is a new invention.
O Figure was sculpted before the Kota figure was
The human body is a common subject of art.


Answer 1

Answer:The human body is a common subject of art.

Explanation:option is c

Answer 2

Answer: D

The human body is a common subject of art.


Related Questions

After the War of 1812, the American people:


Answer:  New states north and south entered the Union. At the same time, America's economic engine was fueled by King Cotton. Alas, King Cotton could not have become the behemoth it did without the institution of race-based slavery.

Answer:were more politically unified then ever


Federal laws today set minimum blank and a maximum blank and also prohibit child labor


Federal laws today set minimum wage and a maximum age and also prohibit child labor.

How have federal labor laws changed ?

Only slightly more than a third of women worked back then, and the vast majority of them had low-status jobs. The bulk of males at work are probably "hardhats" of some description. They had jobs in the manufacturing, farming, mining, or service sectors that frequently required physical strength.

Education and skill levels played a far smaller role than they do now. Less than one worker in ten had a bachelor's degree, and only slightly more than 42% of pupils completed high school. Today's federal regulations prohibit child labor, provide a minimum wage, and set an age limit.

Find out more on federal labor laws at https://brainly.com/question/28399678


What factors caused the French colonists and Native Americans to defend their land, even if it meant war, rather than agree to share the land with British colonists?

Please please help me


What was the main cause of the French and Indian War? The French and Indian War began over the specific issue of whether the upper Ohio River valley was a part of the British Empire, and therefore open for trade and settlement by Virginians and Pennsylvanians, or part of the French Empire.

Question 5
People of Syria grew tired of the government's______
and______which led to the______
quickly spreading.


In 2011, what started out as protests against President Assad's regime quickly turned into a full-scale war between the Syrian government, which was supported by Russia and Iran, and anti-government rebel groups, which were supported by the United States, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and other countries in the region.

Which three organizations are fighting in Syria?

Extremist powers incorporate the Southern Front, the Kurdish-prevailing Syrian Vote based Powers, and an alliance of SAA deserters. Western powers like the United States and Germany have lent their support to these groups. Turkey, Jordan, Israel, and Saudi Arabia support the region.

Which city was liberated in 2001 by Syrian forces following decades of occupation?

2001 June - Syrian soldiers empty Beirut, redeploy in different pieces of Lebanon, following strain from Lebanese pundits of Syria's presence.

To learn more about Syrian here



what term describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of pangaea?


Laurasia describes the northernmost of the two large continents produced by the breakup of Pangaea.

Between approximately 335 and 175 million years ago (Mya), Laurasia and Gondwana were the two major landmasses that made up the Pangaea supercontinent. Laurasia was the more northern of the two.

It split from Gondwana at the breakup of Pangaea 215 to 175 Mya (starting in the late Triassic period), drifted more north after the split, and finally disintegrated around 56 Mya with the emergence of the North Atlantic Ocean. The name is a combination of Asia and Laurentia.

In the Caledonian orogeny, at 430–420 Mya, Baltica and Avalonia collided with Laurentia, the Palaeozoic core of North America and continental pieces that presently make up a portion of Europe, to form Laurussia. Pangaea was produced in the Late Carboniferous by Laurussia and Gondwana.

To know more about Laurasia:



A. What is the significance of each of the following numbers as pertaining to
Congress 435, 218, 290, 100, 51, 60, and 67. Please answer it for me and I will rate you it. Thanks



Hope this helps



435: The number of members in the United States House of Representatives

218: The number of votes needed to pass legislation in the House of Representatives

290: The number of members in the United States Senate

100: The number of votes needed to pass legislation in the Senate

51: The number of votes needed to pass a budget resolution in the Senate

60: The number of votes needed to end a filibuster in the Senate

67: The number of votes needed to override a presidential veto in the United States Congress

What could be a problem if the president wasn’t elected by the people but by a state or national legislature??



Hope this helps


A problem with the president not being elected by the people is that it would lead to a lack of accountability for the president. The president would not be accountable to the people, but only to the legislature that elected them. Without the people's input, it could be easier for the president to make decisions that aren't in the best interest of the citizens of the country. This could lead to corruption and a lack of trust in the government.

if the aztec people did not make sacrifices similar to the blood sacrifice their sun god had given, then what would happen?


The Aztecs believed that if sacrifices were not supplied for Tlaloc whom is the God of Rain, water, and earthly fertility, they believed rain would not come, their crops would not flourish, and leprosy and rheumatism, diseases caused by Tlaloc, would infest the village.


Is war inevitable when people are revolting or do you believe issues of
oppressions and unfair practices can be solved without war. Please
explain your answers in 4 or sentences.


War is not inevitable when people are revolting because oppressions and unfair practices can be solved through peaceful protests.

Are wars inevitable ?

It is not true that there is always a need for people to fight a way when they are revolting against oppression and unfair practices. Yes , war is used sometimes due to the stubbornness of the government in power to give way to another government . We saw this with the American Revolution and the events leading to the Syrian Civil War .

However, war is actually the lesser thought about option which is why people attempt revolts and protests, before they try to go to war with their oppressors . There are several instances of where peaceful protests brought down the government such as in the case of Egypt in Arab Spring, and the Communist nations in the 1980s and 1990s .

Find out more on wars at https://brainly.com/question/12250589


Pardons can do which of the following?
O Release somene from jail
O restore their previous job
O Erase guilt
•All of the above



Erase guilt


Erase guilt

That’s all I have

What famous explorer spent 17 years living with the mongols and wrote about their society? a. Zhang qian b. Marco polo c. Kublai khan d. Ferdinand magellan please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d.



Marco Polo


I looked it up

why was the embargo act passed.?


The Embargo Act closed U.S. ports to ships inbound from Britain.  

This was President Thomas Jeffersons reaction to British and French interference with U.S. merchant ships during the Napoleonic wars.  

Answer:The act was Pres. Thomas Jefferson's response to British and French interference with neutral U.S. merchant ships during the Napoleonic Wars.


What is one way the Pampas region has contributed to
Argentina's economy?


The Pampas region has contributed to Argentina's economy as the nation's most valued export good, beef cattle, is traditionally sourced from the Pampas.

What do you mean by Region?

A region is a piece of territory with similar characteristics. Natural or man-made elements might serve to identify a region. A region may be defined by its language, governance, or religion, as well as by its woods, wildlife, or climate. The basic units of geography are regions, no matter how big or tiny.

In addition to meat, Argentina is a significant exporter of wheat and soybeans. It is also one of the major wine and wool producers, however the most of its wine is consumed domestically. Despite being a significant source of export revenue, agriculture only makes up a small amount of the country's GDP and employs a very small portion of the workforce.

The principal crop in the southern Pampas of the provinces of Buenos Aires and La Pampa, where cattle are raised, is wheat, which is Argentina's largest crop by harvested land area. The main crops in the north are wheat and corn (maize). Wheat and corn were planted at the same time in the northern Pampas.

Therefore, The Pampas region has contributed to Argentina's economy as the Pampas are the traditional source of beef cattle.

Learn more about Region, here;



What was life like for farmers before the Industrial Revolution?


Before the Industrial Revolution, agricultural labourers had to work from sunrise to sunset six days a week just to maintain the growth of their crops.

Before the Industrial Revolution, agricultural labourers had to work from sunrise to sunset six days a week just to maintain the growth of their crops. 1 The harvesting and plowing seasons in particular were more taxing than others. 2 Agriculture was the main source of employment in Europe because of its importance and rigor. 3 To feed the nation, men, women, and children all toiled side by side. If the father was a farmer and employee, his entire family would frequently work with him. For many families, working in agriculture was more than a job; it was a way of life. 4

Despite the challenging job, agriculture became the main source of employment due to the advantages of "self-supply."

learn more about agricultural here



During the 1920’s more women were elected to political in large numbers.

True or false





The amount of women that were voted to be in a political stance was only 37% and a large number is 50% or more so this means it is false.

The first successful airplane was invented in 1903. The first successful airplane stayed in flight for a few seconds. Directions icon combine the sentences into one sentence. Do not change any words or add any new words.



the first successful airplane wad invented in 1903 however it stayed in flight for a few seconds


not possible to add no new words. btw its aeroplane depending on where your from.

Which of the following happened during Jefferson’s presidency?
a. The Texas Revolution c. Bacon’s Rebellion
b. The Louisiana Purchase d. The War of 1812


Answer: the Louisiana purchase


Current events
Research 1 local (DMV) one national and one international event.


Research 1 local (DMV) one national current event was the based on the enforcing vehicle performance standards and the international event are the camping of the speed control system.

What is event?

The term “event” refers to something that happens in the location. The event is planned and arranged for the occasion. The event is planned to fulfill the mission. The event is managed properly because it could create unexpected issues.

Department of Motor Vehicles on national and one international event are the national current event are the based on the performance standards vehicle the police are the enforcing. The international event was the based on the speed control on the Highway.

Learn more about on event, here:



How did Plessy v. Ferguson affect segregation in the United States?


Answer: The U.S. Supreme Court changes history on May 18, 1896! The Court's “separate but equal” decision in Plessy v. Ferguson on that date upheld state-imposed Jim Crow laws. It became the legal basis for racial segregation in the United States for the next fifty years.

The U.S. Supreme Court changes history on May 18, 1896! The Court's “separate but equal” decision in Plessy v. Ferguson on that date upheld state-imposed Jim Crow laws. It became the legal basis for racial segregation in the United States for the next fifty years.

Which statement best describes the first half of Mary "Mother" Jones′ life?
A: She was an orphan who lived on the streets and struggled to find food.
B: Mother Jones adopted five children after their parents were sent to jail.
C: She lived through tremendous heartache due to numerous deaths in her family.
D: Mother Jones got her nickname because she fostered hundreds of cats and dogs.


She lived through tremendous heartache due to numerous deaths in her family, best describes the first half of Mary "Mother" Jones′ life.

Who was Mary Mother Jones and what did she do?

The creation of Mother Jones may have been Mary Jones' greatest success. During the first two decades of the 20th century, Mary Harris "Mother" Jones gained notoriety as a fiery speaker and fierce organizer for the Mine Workers.

Mother Jones had a powerful voice. She campaigned for child labor regulations as a labor activist. Her enthusiasm and energy propelled men half her age into action and moved their wives and daughters to join the fight. Mary Harris Jones endured a great deal of misfortune, such as starvation, diseases, fire, and poverty, yet she only grew stronger and more self-reliant.

To learn more about Mother Jones, visit:



Comparing Federalist and Anti-Federalist Positions
Complete the table with statements about the Federalist and the Anti-Federalist positions on each issue (one to three statements for each issue). Use the websites listed to find information, or look for your own sources. You might also want to go back and refer to the lessons in this unit for additional information.

The Federalist Papers
The Debate between the Federalists and the Antifederalists
Federalist-Antifederalist Debates
Constitution of the United States

The table
Debated Issue: Bill of Rights
Federalists: They opposed a bill of rights in the Constitution because they thought the state constitutions guaranteed individual rights. They agreed to add the Bill of Rights as a condition of ratification.
Anti-Federalists: They believed that a bill of rights needed to be in the Constitution to guarantee that the new federal government would not take away those rights. They successfully campaigned to have the Bill of Rights added to the Constitution after ratification.
(From here down you need to answer Anti-Federalists and Federalists for each one)
Debated Issue: state sovereignty:
Debated Issue: presidential power:
Debated Issue: political corruption:
Debated Issue: taxation:


The interest group that voiced opinions on ratifying the constitution and establishing a more powerful central government was known as the Federalists and Anti-Federalists.

Who are the Federalists and Anti-Federalists?

A conflict arose over ratification, with the Federalists supporting a strong union and the Constitution's adoption and the Anti-Federalists opposing the establishment of a powerful national government and rejecting ratification.

In contrast to the Anti-Federalists, who opposed the ratification of the U.S. Constitution in 1787, the Federalists stood for those who favored the establishment of a more powerful federal government.

Because they believed that state constitutions already protected individual rights, the Anti-Federalists opposed a bill of rights in the Constitution.

In exchange for their approval, the Federalists agreed to include the Bill of Rights.

To ensure that the rights would not be revoked by the new federal government, the Anti-Federalists insisted that a bill of rights be included in the Constitution.

To learn more about Anti-Federalists, visit:



What was life like in China under the Ming and Qing?

pls help me



It is said that the Ming & Qing dynasty was China's gifted age and produced enough food to keep a large country afloat. The dynasties were so famous that their culture and items are still to b seen today.


I took a class last year:)

How did the United States benefit socially from imperializing Hawaii?



A key provisioning spot for American whaling ships, fertile ground for American protestant missionaries, and a new source of sugar cane production, Hawaii's economy became increasingly integrated with the United States


have a good day Mrs./Mr. :D

U have magical answers btw !

developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8


A strengths-based, play-based approach to happy, engaged learning is what the NAEYC refers to as "developmentally appropriate practice," which is defined as techniques that support each child's

What does an early childhood program entail?

Early childhood programs include support services like child health and development screenings, early education and care, referrals to community resources, and more with the goal of improving outcomes for young children and their families.

What characteristics define a successful early childhood program?

What characteristics do high-quality early childhood programs have? A top-notch early childhood program offers young children a secure and nurturing environment while supporting their physical, social, emotional, and intellectual growth.

To know more about childhood programs visit:



the republican party dominated the presidency from (a) 1932-1968. (b) 1860-1932. (c) 1800-1860. (d) 1783-1800.


The Republican party dominated the presidency from - 1860-1932.

One of the two main modern political parties in the US is the Republican Party, sometimes known as the GOP or the "Grand Old Party". The GOP was established in 1854 by abolitionists who opposed the Kansas-Nebraska Act, which could have permitted chattel slavery to spread into the western territories. The GOP's guiding philosophy has been conservatism ever since Ronald Reagan took office in the 1980s. Since the middle of the 1850s, it has been the Democratic Party's principal political adversary.

For more info about 'Republican party' click on below link - https://brainly.com/question/710925


PLS Help ASAP In which two ways did the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) help low-income students?
Group of answer choices

It focused on awarding college scholarships for top-performing but impoverished students in any district through Title V.

It focused on providing additional funding to build more schools in densely populated urban areas through Title IV.

It focused on helping adults without high school diplomas to work towards alternative diplomas through Title III.

It focused on improving reading, writing, and mathematics education in under-funded districts through Title I.


It focused on awarding college scholarships for top-performing but impoverished students in any district through Title V and It focused on improving reading, writing, and mathematics education in under-funded districts through Title I. Therefore options A and D are correct.

What is the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA)?

The nation's national education law, the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA), was adopted by the federal government in 1965 and demonstrates a long-standing commitment to equal opportunity for all children.

For eligible schools and districts eager to improve the academic performance of underachieving students and address the complex issues that arise for students who live with a disability, mobility issues, learning difficulties, poverty, transience, or who need to learn English, ESEA authorizes state-run programs.

To learn more about the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) follow the link.



What is Jeremys distance?



500 miles


You just add 50 as you go up

Some americans were against the involvement of the united states in world war i. Which best describes the purpose of the sedition act?.


Some Americans were against the

involvement of the United States in World

War I. The purpose of the sedition act is to

seize absolute power from the government.

War refers to the conflict between governments, states, or countries characterized by huge violence and destruction. The sedition act was used for suppressing dissent and imprisoning the patriots due to the criticism made them on the policies made by the colonial government. This sedition law is actually a threat to democracy as a matter of fact that it reduces government accountability.

War is an intense armed conflict between states, governments, societies, or paramilitary groups such as mercenaries, insurgents, and militias. It is generally characterized by extreme violence, destruction, and mortality, using regular or irregular military forces. Warfare refers to the common activities and characteristics of types of war, or of wars in general. Total war is warfare that is not restricted to purely legitimate military targets, and can result in massive civilian or other non-combatant suffering and casualties.

To know more about World War I visit:



nazi germany, stalin's soviet union, and mao's people's republic of china are examples of what type of authoritarian regime?


The Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and North Korea under the Kim family are some instances of totalitarian nations

Totalitarianism is defined as a strong central government that uses coercion and repression to try and direct and control every aspect of a person's life. The Mauryan dynasty of India (c. 321–c. 185 BCE), the Qin dynasty of China (221-207 BCE), and the rule of Zulu chief Shaka are historical examples of such centralized totalitarian rule (c. 1816–28). The Soviet Union under Stalin (1924–23) and Nazi Germany (1933–45) were the first instances of decentralized or popular totalitarianism, in which the state attracted resounding popular support for its leadership.

learn more about Totalitarianism here:



Totalitarian countries include the Soviet Union under Joseph Stalin, Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler, the People's Republic of China under Mao Zedong, and North Korea under the Kim dynasty.

Totalitarianism is characterized by a powerful central authority that tries to command and control every area of a person's life through coercion and repression. Historical instances of such centralized totalitarian authority include the Qin dynasty of China (221-207 BCE), the Mauryan dynasty of India (c. 321-c. 185 BCE), and the power of Zulu ruler Shaka (c. 1816–28). The first examples of decentralized or popular totalitarianism, in which the state acquired resounding popular support for its leadership, may be seen in the Soviet Union under Stalin (1924–1923) and Nazi.

To learn more about Kim dynasty please visit here:



Why does Wilson eventually ask Congress to declare war?


Wilson highlighted Mexico's attempts to form an alliance against the United States as well as Germany's breach of its agreement to halt unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean as justifications for declare war.

In front of a joint meeting of Congress, President Woodrow Wilson asked for a declaration of war against Germany. Wilson's decision to take the United States into World War I was primarily motivated by Germany's resumption of submarine attacks on passenger and commerce ships in 1917. Wilson had threatened to break off diplomatic ties with Germany if the German government did not stop attacking all passenger ships and permit the crews of enemy merchant vessels to flee their ships prior to any attack after the unarmed French boat, the Sussex, was sunk in the English Channel in March 1916. The German government agreed to these requirements on May 4, 1916, in what became known as the "Sussex commitment."

learn more about war declare here:



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The competing visions of reconstruction between president johnson and the radical republicans brought forth the nations first impeachment charges. place the following events in chronological order. note that not all options must be used.a. Congress authorized the Tenure of Office Act in March 1867.b. Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin Stanton.c. The House of Representatives initiated impeachment charges. A plant grown from a [round, yellow] seed is crossed with a plant grown from a [wrinkled, yellow] seed. This cross produces four progeny types in the F1:[round, yellow], [wrinkled, yellow], [round, green], and [wrinkled, green].Use this information to deduce the genotypes of the parent plants.Here is what the question looks like if that helps: All it is asking for is the 2 parent genotypes but I'm not sure of the answer... if someone can explain and help me out I would appreciate it! I don't understand this tbh and I have been stuck on it foreverr bert is a manager for a small firm that was recently acquired by a larger company. in recent performance evaluations, employees from his previous firm were given higher ratings than employees from the new firm. which leadership theory best explains why this occurred? mary has been at high altitude for seven hours and is experiencing nausea, rapid breathing, and headaches. what common issue is she likely experiencing? 2. the carbohydrate recommendation for people who have diabetes is the same as for people without diabetes: 45 to 65 percent of total kcalories should come from carbohydrates. approximately what percent of kcalories in this menu come from carbohydrate? according to humanistic therapist carl rogers, which quality of effective therapy requires the therapist to share with the client how they are feeling instead of distorting or concealing their own feelings? I need this answer asap Mr. Swanson's science class used a thermometer to measure the outside temperature each day throughout the school year. They used their results to make the graph below. Which month had an average daily temperature of around 41 degrees? A. May B. March C. April D. December the potential money multiplier is equal to a. m1 divided by m2. b. the reserve ratio multiplied by the actual money multiplier. c. 1 divided by the reserve ratio. d. required reserves divided by excess reserves. The monster tells Victor that he will know if Victor is doing as he was asked in chapters 17-20 of Frankenstein. How will he know?A. The monster plans on living with Victor until Victor finishes.B. The monster will have someone check on Victor every day.C. Victor must keep a log the monster will read.D. The monster will be watching and monitoring Victor's progress. 2)Earings (in dollars)SALESPERSON'S EARNINGS500400300200100y0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8Sales (Thousands of dollars)2a) Explain what x represents. Sales2 b) Explain what y represents earnings2 c) Find the slope of the line. Make sure to include units2 d) Explain what the slope represents for this example.Use the numbers in your explanation. In contrast to the congressional reconstruction plan, what was the focus of president andrew johnsons plan? The chemical equation above represents the combustion of glucose, and the table provides the approximate standard absolute entropies, S, for some substances. Based on the information given, which of these equations can be used to calculate an approximation of S for H2O(g) ? Cassie is at a company event out of town, where she doesn't know anyone very well. She looks around for an available person to network with, but everyone seems engaged in conversation and no one notices her. What would be an appropriate action for her to take next: a. Approach a group and say, "Hi, I'm Cassie from the Seattle office. May I get your name?" b. Go to the buffet and make herself a plate, while waiting for people to approach her. c. Walk around the room appearing to be engaged by the art, and hope someone comes and talks to her. The carrying value of bonds issued at a discount or at a premium will be different from their face amount at maturity.a. trueb. false Xolotl explains a lot of things to carol and Johnny on page 104 why did he not tell them all of this information before find the binding energy of carbon-12 per nucleon. the mass of a proton is 1.007276 u, of a neutron 1.008665 u, and of carbon 11.996706 u. When chief justice Earl Warren stated A sense of inferiority affects the motivation of a child to learn Brainly? FEEDING THE ANIMALS AREN'T ALLOWED