hich of the following best describes how Einstein contributed to the development of the concept of gravity?
He described the movement of balls allowed to roll down inclined planes at various angles.

He said that all bodies would fall at the same speed if they were in a vacuum.

He said that the gravitational force exerted by an object is directly related to its mass.

He described gravity as curved space-time as opposed to a force.


Answer 1

Correct answer is d. He described gravity as curved space time as opposed to force.

Einstein opposed Newton's law of motion saying, that if an object falls from a height, it doesn't experience any force. So, even though that path doesn’t look straight to us, the object experiences no force. This is what is meant by theory of relativity.

What is theory of relativity?

Einstein described thus concept in his theory of relativity, also called as a theory of gravity. The basic idea is that instead of being an invisible force that attracts objects to one another, gravity is a curving or warping of space. The more massive an object, the more it warps the space around it.

The Newton's first law of motion states an object remains in uniform motion unless acted by a force.

But einstein opposed this theory saying, that if an object falls from a height, it doesn't experience any force. Thus, einstein realized that massive things like Earth warp spacetime. A freefalling object then follows the straightest possible path in spacetime. So, even though that path doesn’t look straight to us, the object experiences no force. This is what is meant by theory of relativity.

Thus, the most famous equation in the world, E=mc², came into existence.

To know more about theory of relativity, click on https://brainly.com/question/364776


Related Questions

3.what angle (between the magnetic field and the area vector) will maximize the induced emf (voltage) for a rotating loop?


The angle (between the magnetic field and the area vector) will maximize the induced emf (voltage) for a rotating loop at 90 degree.

Consider a coil with N turns rotating with constant angular velocity θ in a magnetic field of flux density B, with its axis perpendicular to the magnetic field. If the coil normal is at an angle θ to the magnetic field, then θ = ωt, so the flux through the coil is BAN cosθ = BAN cos(ω)t.

Therefore, the electromotive force E generated across the coil is

The maximum value of the electromotive force (Eo) is for θ (= ωt) = 90o

maximum electromotive force (Eo) = BANω

Electromotive Force:

In electromagnetism and electronics, electromotive force is the transfer of energy through a circuit per unit charge, measured in volts. Devices called electrical converters provide EMF by converting other forms of energy into electrical energy.

Learn more about Electromotive Force here:



What does it mean when a dilation is centered?


Dilation is centered a point is chosen in the given figure to draw a new figure of a given scale factor.

Dilation means drawing a geometrical figure like a triangle greater or smaller in size than the given figure. Two things are required to do dilation.

1) Scale factor of dilation, if the scale factor is more than 1, it is enlargement, and we get a figure greater in size than the given figure. If the scale factor is given less than 1, it is the reduction, and we get a figure smaller in size than the given figure.

2) Center of dilation, this is the point in the given figure which is chosen to draw a new figure greater or smaller in size.

To know more about scale factor here



true or false all the frequencies that form standing waves on a string are counting number multiples of the frequency of the largest standing wave that can form on that string.


All the frequencies that form standing waves on a string are counting number multiples of the frequency of the largest standing wave that can form on that string . This statement is true

What is meant by standing wave ?

Standing waves, also known as stationary waves, are combinations of two waves with the same amplitude and frequency that are travelling in opposite directions. Interference is what causes the phenomena, which means that when waves are superimposed, their energy either add up or cancel one other out.

Two waves with the same frequency and amplitude that are travelling in opposing directions and interfere with one another create a standing wave. It has some places (referred to as nodes) where the amplitude is consistently zero and other spots (referred to as antinodes) where the amplitude fluctuates most intensely.

The pattern is frequently referred to as a standing wave pattern because the observed wave pattern is marked by points that appear to be standing still. Only certain frequencies within the medium produce such patterns.

To learn more about standing wave refer to :



Need help! Thanks lots!


Just to be sure you understand how to use and interpret the interactive figure, start with the time slider set to zero.

What Newton's second law states?

Newton's second law states that force is proportional to mass and acceleration.

F = m a

The applied force creates an acceleration in the elephant a = F / m. If the mass of the elephant increases m2> m, the expression takes the form a = F / m2. With the denominator is greater the acceleration should decrease by the same factor that increases the mass.

The frequency of a wave depends on the properties of medium density and the elasticity properties change the amplitude depends on the energy carried by the wave, that is, the amplitude is proportional to the height of the wave (oscillation).

Therefore, Just to be sure you understand how to use and interpret the interactive figure, start with the time slider set to zero.

Learn more about elasticity on:



How does lack of sleep affect risk of injury it interferes with motor responses?


Sleep is very important in saving the person from injuries. Proper sleep helps person to perform well during the chaos work like riding a motor, crossing the road etc.

Sleep has been found to affect sports execution and generally prosperity. Late exploration has found proof relating persistent sub-par lay down with the gamble of outer muscle torment and sports injury. How much sleep that reliably has been viewed as related with expanded chance of injury is ≤7 h of sleep, which when supported for times of something like 14 d has been related with 1.7 times more serious gamble of outer muscle injury.

Be that as it may, it is obscure assuming that sleep misfortune inclines the competitor toward explicit kinds of outer muscle wounds. The job of sleep on outer muscle torment is essential to comprehend as concentrates in the two kids and grown-ups have found that sub-par rest all the more reliably predicts following day torment as contrasted and torment foreseeing ensuing rest misfortune.

To know more about sleep, visit here:



500 j of work are done on a system in a process that decreases the system's thermal energy by 200 j . part a how much heat energy is transferred?


A total of -700 J worth of heat energy is transferred from the system.

Data provided

W = - 500 J is the amount of work the system has done. (A bad indication that the system needs work)

U = -100 J represents the reduction in thermal energy (internal energy). (A negative sign indicates a decrease)

Use the first law of thermodynamics, which states that the sum of the work done and the thermal energy is equal to the overall heat given to the system. Therefore,

Q = W + U

Q = - 500 + (-200)

Q = - 700 J.

A negative indication indicates that the system is losing heat energy.

As a result, -700 J of heat energy is transferred from the system.

Learn more about the first law of thermodynamics here:



The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3.
if transverse waves travel at in an aluminum wire of diameter what is the tension on the wire?
a) 65 N
b) 39 N
c) 52 N
d) 78 N


The tension on the aluminum wire is  52.02 N.

The speed of a wave on a string is equal to the square root of the tension divided by the mass per length. The formula used to calculate this speed of a pulse on the rope (the speed of a wave on a string under tension) is given by |v| = √(T/μ) where v is the speed of a wave, T is the tension on the wire, and μ is linear density (μ=m(mass)/L(length)).

Given the density of aluminum (ρ) is  2700 kg/m³, the diameter of the wire is 4.6-mm or 4.6 x 10⁻³ m, and the speed of the wave is 38 m/s.

First, find the area of the aluminum wire,

[tex]A = \frac{\pi d^2}{4}\\A =\frac{ \pi\times (4.6 \times 10^{-3})^2}{4}\\A = \mathrm{1.66 \times 10^{-5}\;m^2}[/tex]

Now, find the linear density of the wire,

[tex]\mu = \rho A\\\mu = \mathrm{2700\;kg/m^3 \times 1.66 \times 10^{-5} m^2}\\\mu = \mathrm{0.045\;kg/m}[/tex]

Substitute the value of linear density in the speed of wave formula to get tension.


The answer is 52.02 N and option c is correct.

The complete question is -

The density of aluminum is 2,700 kg/m3. If transverse waves propagate at 38 m/s in a 4.6 mm diameter aluminum wire, what is the tension on the wire?

a) 65 N

b) 39 N

c) 52 N

d) 78 N

To know more about the speed of waves:



a car's tires of 0.20 m radius have an angular acceleration of 10 rad/s2. assume no slippage. how many revolutions do the tires make in 1.0 s if they start from rest?


The car tires made 0.8 revolutions in 1 s from rest.

Assuming that angular acceleration is constant, the following kinematic equation is used.

θ = θ₀ + ω₀* t + 1/2* α* t²


θ is final angular position in radians

θ₀ is initial angular position in radians

ω₀ is initial angular speed in rad/sec

α is angular acceleration

t is the time measured in seconds

Given that,

Radius = 0.2 m

Angular acceleration α = 10 rad/s²

Time t = 1 sec

If θ₀ = 0, ω₀ = 0, α = 10 rad/s², θ is

θ = 0 + 0* 1 + 1/2* 10 * 1² = 5 rad

Let us convert radians into revolutions:

We know that, 2π radians = 1 revolution

1 radian = 1/(2π) revolutions

5 radian = 5/(2π) revolutions = 5/6.28 = 0.8 revolutions

The tires did 0.8 revolutions in 1 second from rest.

To know more about angular position:



Radio waves travel at a speed of 1.7 times 10^8 m/s through ice. A radio wave pulse sent into the Antarctic ice reflects off the rock at the bottom and returns to the surface in 32.9 times 10^-6 s. Part A How deep is the ice? Express your answer to two significant figures and include the appropriate units.


The values with (1/2)(9.8 m/s2) (4 - X)^2 = (1.7 × 10^8 m/s) (X) —> We discover with the calculator X = 4.40 × 10^-7. The depth of the ice is then calculated by multiplying by the speed 74.8 m. Through ice, radio waves move at a speed of 1.7 x 108 m/s.

What is radio waves?

A radio wave pulse that is delivered into the Antarctic ice returns after reflecting off the bottom rock. A radio wave pulse that is transmitted into the Antarctic ice bounces off the subsurface rock and resurfaces. ice in Antarctica Through ice, radio waves move at a speed of 1.7 108 m/s. The rock reflects the radio wave pulse that was transmitted into the Antarctic ice. The amount of time that passed between the signal being sent and being received by the earth station.

To learn more about Antarctic from given link



A 710 kg car drives at a constant speed of 23 m/s. It is subject to a drag force of 500 n.


a) The car's engine needs 11500 W of power to move the vehicle on level terrain.

b) A car's engine needs 17,084 W of power to move the vehicle up a hill with a 2.0° grade.

a) The energy needed to run the car's engine is provided by

P = Fv


The force which the engine needs to exert is F.

The car's velocity is v = 23 m/s.

Since the automobile is driving at a constant speed and hence experiencing no acceleration, the net force acting on it must also be zero. Since there is a 500 N drag force against the car's velocity, this implies that the engine's force applied forward must likewise be 500 N:

F = 500 N

Consequently, the power lost by the engine is

P = (500 N)(23 m/s)= 11500 W.

b) Both the drag force and the weight component that is parallel to the gradient are working against the motion of the automobile in this scenario.

This element is provided by

[tex]W_p[/tex] = mgsin∅


m = 710 kg, g = 9.8 m/s2, and ∅ = 2°, respectively, are the mass, acceleration of gravity, and slope of the hill, respectively.

[tex]W_p[/tex] = 710 × 9.8 m/s² × sin2° = 242.8 N

The drag force (500 N) and so this force is now added to determine the total rearward force acting against the velocity of the car:

F = 500 N + 242.8 N = 742.8 N

Because the force the engine applies must be equal, the power that is revoked will also be equal.

P = (742.8 N)(23 m/s) = 17,084 W

Learn more about the force at



The question is -

A 710kg car drives at a constant speed of 23m/s. It is subject to a drag force of 500 N. What power is required from the car's engine to drive the car (a) on level ground? (b) up a hill with a slope of 2.0∘ ?

Do sedimentary rocks form from heat and pressure at depths?


The answer is "No", sedimentary rocks do not form from heat and pressure at depths. They are formed by compression of ocean sediments.

What are Sedimentary rocks?

Detritus rock is a type of sedimentary rock that forms at or near the Earth's surface as a result of the buildup and lithification of sand or as a result of rainfall to form solution at typical surface temps (chemical rock). The majority of rocks exposed on the surface of the Earth are sediment in nature, yet these rocks make up a very small portion of the crust overall, which is primarily composed of metamorphic and igneous rocks.

The weathering of previous rocks, followed by the transit and deposit of the weathered byproducts, produces sedimentary rocks.

To know more about Sedimentary Rocks:



From what height should the car be dropped to have this same amount of kinetic energy just before impact?.


a) The kinetic energy of the car will be = 675000 J

b) The car should be dropped from a height of = 45 m, to have the same amount of kinetic energy just before impact.

c) No, the answer to part b does not depend on the car's mass.

a) To calculate the kinetic energy of the car,

Given, the mass of the car = 1500 kg

The velocity of the car = 30 m/s

The Kinetic energy is represented by - [tex]E_{k}[/tex] ,

[tex]E_{k}[/tex] = [tex]\frac{mv^{2} }{2}[/tex]

= [tex]\frac{1500 * 30^{2} }{2}[/tex]

= 675000 J

b) To have the same kinetic energy just before impact, the potential energy must be equal to the kinetic energy,

[tex]E_{p} = E_{k}[/tex] = 675000 J

mgh = 675000

1500 x 10 x h = 675000

h = 675000 / 15000

h = 45 m

c) Conservation of energy says that,

[tex]E_{p} = E_{k}[/tex]

mgh = [tex]\frac{mv^{2} }{2}[/tex]

h = [tex]\frac{v^{2} }{2g}[/tex]

Because of the cancellation of masses, the height is independent of mass.

Therefore, the height does not depend on the car's mass.

To learn more about kinetic energy and masses,



a) What is the kinetic energy of a 1500 kg car traveling at a speed of 30 m/s (65mph)? b) From what height should the car be dropped to have this same amount of kinetic energy just before impact? c) Does your answer to part b depend on the car's mass?

what is the x position of the center of mass for the bowman arrow system at the time when the arrow strikes the ground? set the positive direction to be the direction the arrow flies in.


The arrow is propelled forward by muscular force. The arrow ultimately hits the ground due to the weight of gravity and air resistance.

This explains the reason the arrow was shot: Gravity's downward pull and air resistance have an effect on the arrow, causing it to eventually sink to the ground.

The arrow first moves forward in a straight line, but as gravity pulls it downward, it eventually collapses and comes to rest.

The constant force of attraction that holds everything in mechanics together is gravity, often known as gravitation. It has little impact on defining the intrinsic qualities of everyday items because it is the weakest known force in nature.

To know more about  muscular force, click the below link



If the polar ice caps melt due to global warming, water now locked up near the earth’s rotation axis will spread out around the surface of the globe. Why? Will the length of the day increase or decrease?


With polar ice caps melting due to global warming, there will be enhancement of earth's rotation rate, thus resulting in decrease in the lengths of the day.

This fact is known to us that -

The polar ice caps will melt due to global warming

Water now locked up near the earth’s rotation axis will spread out around the surface of the globe

We have to determine why this will happen and if the length of the day will increase or decrease.

Firstly, let us understand what does rotation mean. Rotation of earth can be described as a phenomenon through which earth can keep on turning on its axis.

Due to global warming, snow glaciers will start melting, especially those present in the earth's rotation axis.

This, in turn, will lead the melted water into different surfaces around the globe.

As a result of global warming followed by increasing temperature and melting of water, the rotation of earth will be more than the current rate of rotation of the earth.

This implies that with increase in rotation of earth, there will be decrease in the length of the day. This is because the days will pass by soon with increased rate of rotation of earth.

Therefore, with polar ice caps melting due to global warming, there will be enhancement of earth's rotation rate, thus resulting in decrease in the lengths of the day.

To learn more about global warming visit https://brainly.com/question/12908180


a 0.00120-nm photon scatters from a free electron. for what (photon) scattering angle does the recoiling electron have kinetic energy equal to the energy of the scattered photon?


a 0.00120-nm photon scatters from a free electron -

a) λ₁ = 5.27 × 10⁻³  nm

b) E = 30 KeV

What is free electron?

Free electrons are those that are not constrained by the atom and are hence free to travel. Since we now know that an electric current is just an electron moving, The ability to conduct electricity results from the free electrons' propensity for free motion. Because they are efficient electrical conductors, metals have free electrons.


λ is the wavelength of the photon before scattering,

λ₁ is the wavelength of the photon after scattering,

m(e) is the mass of the electron,

θ is the angle by which the photon's heading changes,

h is Planck's constant, and

c is the speed of light

λ₁ - λ = [h/m(e)c] × [1 - cos θ]

Since we have energy for the incoming x-ray, we need to solve for frequency (f) and then for wavelength (λ) using the following two equations.

E = (h)×(nu),

where E is energy of the x-ray (265KeV),

h is planck's constant (4.14×10⁻¹⁵eV.s) and

nu = f (frequency).

Solving for freqency,

we get f = 6.408 × 10¹⁹ (1/s)

Frequency = c / λ,

and solving for λ,

we get the initial wavelength of the incoming x-ray to be:

λ = c/f

or, λ = [299792458 m/s] / [6.408 × 10¹⁹ 1/s]

or, λ = 4.68× 10⁻¹² m

or, λ = 4.68 × 10⁻³ nm

Going back to the Compton Scatter equation of:

λ₁ - λ = [h/m(e)c] × [1-cos θ]

we need to solve for λ₁:

λ₁  = [h/m(e)c] × [1-cos θ]  + λ

or, λ₁ = [2.43 × 10⁻¹² m][1-cos 41°] +  4.68× 10⁻¹² m

or, λ₁ = 5.27 × 10⁻¹² m

or,  λ₁ = 5.27 × 10⁻³  nm


Going back, we can solve for the energy of the x-ray using the same two equations:

Frequency = c /  λ₁

or, f = 299792458 / 5.27 ×10 ⁻¹²

or, f = 5.68 × 10¹⁹ 1/s

Plugging that into the 2nd equation:


= [4.14×10⁻¹⁵eV.s] × [5.68 × 10¹⁹ 1/s]

= 235KeV

and with the conservation of energy

E = 265 KeV - 235 KeV

E = 30 KeV

To know more about photon refer to:



a type e0 galaxy would be select an answer and submit. for keyboard navigation, use the up/down arrow keys to select an answer. a an extra large elliptical. b a spherical galaxy. c a galaxy with a disk but no spiral arms. d an extremely flattened elliptical galaxy. e a spiral galaxy with a large central bulge.


A type E0 galaxy would be a spherical galaxy. Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

Galaxies can be categorized by their shape. They can range from almost spherical to almost flat or even spiral. Here are each class's characteristics:

Spiral galaxy is classified as an "S" galaxy with subclassification a, b, or c based on the size of the bulge. Sa galaxy has a bigger bulge than Sc galaxy.Barred spiral galaxy is classified as "SB" with subclassification a, b, or c.Elliptical galaxy is classified as "E" with subclassification using numbers 0 to 7. E0 galaxy is the roundest elliptical galaxy class, while E7 is the most elliptical-shaped galaxy class.Irregular galaxy is classified into two classes: Irregular I (have some spiral structure that seems disrupted) and Irregular II (much more disturbed).

Attached below is a graph of how galaxies are classified by their shape made by Dr. T.H. Jarrett.

Learn more about galaxies at https://brainly.com/question/24836631


a 2.00 m long guitar wire with a linear mass density of 12 g/m is under a tension of 8000 n. what is the fundamental frequency of the resonant vibration of this wire?


A 2.00 m long guitar wire with a linear mass density of 12 g/m is under a strain of 8000 n, and the fundamental frequency of the resonant vibration of this wire is 204.1 Hz.

The frequency of an event is its repetitions per unit of time. As a contrast to spatial frequency, it is also sometimes referred to as temporal frequency, and as a contrast to angular frequency, it is sometimes referred to as ordinary frequency. A physical body's mass is its total amount of matter. Inertia, or the body's resistance to acceleration (change of velocity) when a net force is applied, is also measured by this property.

The formula for a string's fundamental frequency is f = 1/2*L(T/M)^1/2.

where L is the string's length and T is its tension.

M is the string's linear mass density, which is equal to 204.1Hz at f = 1/2*200(8000/0.012)^1/2.

Learn more about frequency here



What is the velocity of the cart at the bottom of the track just before it hits the stop, if the mass of the cart is 0.250 kg and the work done is 5.00 joules?


The velocity of the cart at the bottom of the track is equal to 6.32 m/s.

What is kinetic energy?

Kinetic energy can be described as the energy exhibited by a moving body due to its motion. Work will be done by an object in order to change its kinetic energy.

The kinetic energy of a moving body can be determined from the mathematical formula mentioned below:

K.E. = ½mv²     where  ‘v’ and 'm' are the velocity and mass of the object.

Potential Energy can be defined as the stored energy due to its position and is given by P.E = m×g×h where g, m, and h are the gravitational acceleration, mass, and height.

Given, the mass of the cart =, m= 0.250 Kg

The final velocity of the cart, v = 0

The work done = Change in KE =  5.00 J

½mv² -  ½mu² = 5.00

½mu² = 5

(1/2)× 0.25 ×(u)² = 5

u² = 40

u = 6.32 m/s

Learn more about kinetic energy, here:



In LASIK surgery, a laser is used to reshape the cornea of the eye to improve vision. The laser produces extremely short pulses of light, each containing 1.0 mJ of energy.A) In each pulse there are 9.7?1014 photons. What is the wavelength of the laser?B) Each pulse lasts only 20 ns. What is the average power delivered to the eye during a pulse?


The wavelength of the laser (λ) = 192.4 nm

The energy of a laser pulse in terms of number of photons is

E = N*hc/λ


λ = wavelength

N = Number of photons in each laser pulse

h = Planck constant

c = Speed of light

λ = n*hc/E

= (9.7*10^14 )(4.136*10^(-15) )(3*10^8 )/6.25*10^16

= 192.4 nm

The wavelength of the laser (λ) = 192.4 nm

Wavelength :

Wavelength is the distance between identical points (adjacent crests) in successive cycles of a waveform signal traveling through space or over a wire. In wireless systems, this length is typically expressed in meters (m), centimeters (cm), or millimeters (mm).

To learn more about wavelength visit: https://brainly.com/question/4112024


(A) The wavelength of the laser is λ = 19.4 nm

(B) Average power delivered is 50000 W



Energy by laser pulse = 1 mJ

Time each pulse lasts = 20 ns

Photons in each pulse = 9.7*10¹⁴

Converting the unit the energy from J to eV, we have,

= E = 1 X 10⁻³ [ 1 eV / 1.6 X 10⁻¹⁹ ]

= E = 6.25 X 10¹⁵ eV

The energy of a laser pulse in terms of number of photons is

E = N*hc/λ


λ = wavelength

N = Number of photons in each laser pulse

h = Planck constant

c = Speed of light

Now substituting the values in the formula, we get

wavelength = n*hc/E

λ = [ ( 9.7 X 10¹⁴ X 4.136 X 10⁻¹⁵ X 3 X 10⁸ ) /  6.25 X 10¹⁵ ]

λ = 19.4 nm

The wavelength of the laser (λ) comes out to be 192.4 nm.


To find average power we will use the formula:

average power = p = E/t

p = 1 X 10⁻³ / 20 X 10⁻⁹

p = 0.05 X 10⁶

p = 50000 W

The average power delivered to the eye is 50000 W.

Therefore, the wavelength of the laser is 19.4 nm and the average power of the laser is 50000 W.

To know more about laser, refer: https://brainly.com/question/14253845


a supernova explosion of a 2 x 1031 kg star produces 1.00 x 1044 joules of energy. (a) how many kilograms of mass are converted to energy in the explosion? (b) what is the ratio of mass destroyed to the original mass of the star?


a. The kilograms of mass that are converted to energy in the explosion is 1.1 × 10^27kg.

b. The ratio of mass destroyed to the original mass of the star is 5.55 × 10^-5.

How many kilograms of mass are converted to energy in the explosion?

It should be noted that the total energy is calculated as:

E = Ymc²

where m = mass

c = speed

y = relativistic factor

This will be illustrated as:

1 × 10^44J = 1 × 3.00 × 10^8 m/s

m = 1.11 × 20^27 kg

The mass is 1.1 × 10^27kg.

The ratio of mass destroyed to the original mass of the star will be:

= mass destroyed / original mass

= (1.1 × 10^27) / (2.0 × 10^31)

= 5.55 × 10^-5

Learn more about ratio on:



a flat coil of wire consisting of 200 turns, each with an area of 15 cm, is positioned perpendicularly to a uniform magnetic field that increases its magnitude at a constant rate from -0.24 t to 0.19 t in 6.0 s. if the coil has a total resistance of 54 , what is the magnitude of the induced current when the field is -0.024999999999999994 t


The size of the eddy emf because when field is I = 0.5 A when a flat coil of wire with 200 turns and an area of 15 cm each is placed perpendicular to a consistent magnetic field and increases in strength at a rate of

What would a magnetic field do, simply put?

The magnetic field is the area in which a magnet experience the effects of magnetism. The magnetic field is an effective tool for describing how the magnetic force is distributed within and around a magnet object in nature.

E=−NAd BdtE=−(50×10−4m2)×20××4.0T2.0sE=−0.2 VNow; Magnitude of the induced current

I=Induced emf ResistanceI=ERI=0.2V0.40ΩI=0.5A

How are magnetic fields used?

The same poles were drawn from one another while the opposite poles were drawn toward one another. When brushed against a magnet, the north-seeking poles of the iron atoms align in the same direction. The force created by the aligned atoms results in the creation of a magnetic field.

To know more about  magnetic field visit:



the density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. if transverse waves travel at in an aluminum wire of diameter what is the tension on the wire?


If transverse waves travel at  38 m/s in an aluminum wire of 4.6 mm diameter, the tension on the wire is 64.72 N

The speed or the velocity of a transverse waves in a wire id given by:

v = sqrt ( T / μ)


T = Tension on the wire

μ = mass per unit length

In the given problem:

v = 38 m/s

d = diameter of the wire = 4.6 mm

Area of wire's cross section:

A = π x (2.3)²

   = 16.6 mm² = 16.6 x 10⁻⁶ m

μ = density x A

  = 2700 x 16.6 x 10⁻⁶  = 0.045 kg/m

Take the square of the equation:

v² = T / μ

T = μ x v² = 0.045 x 38² = 64.72 N

Your question is incomplete, but most probably your question was:

The density of aluminum is 2700 kg/m3. If transverse waves travel at  38 m/s in an aluminum wire of 4.6 mm diameter. What is the tension on the wire?

Learn more about transverse wave here:



Astrology, that unlikely and vague pseudoscience, makes much of the position of the planets at the moment of one’s birth. The only known force that a planet could exerts on us is gravitational, so if there is anything to astrology we should expect this force to be significant.
Calculate the gravitational force, in newtons, exerted on a 4.1 kg baby by a 75 kg father who is a distance of 0.16 m away at the time of its birth.
Calculate the force on the baby, in newtons, due to Jupiter (the largest planet, which has a mass of 1.90 × 1027 kg) if it is at its closest distance to Earth, 6.29 × 1011 m away.
What is the ratio of the force of the father on the baby to the force of Jupiter on the baby?


The magnitude of the gravitational force is 7×10⁻⁷ N and the magnitude of the gravitational force due to Jupiter is 1.35×10⁻6 N.

Gravitational potential energy is the energy which a body posses because of its position.

The gravitational potential energy of a body is given as,

= G = Fr²/Mm

Here, (m) is the mass of the body, (F) is the gravitational force and (r) is the height of the body.

The mass of baby is 4.20 kg and mass of father is 100 kg. The distance between them is 0.200 m. Put the values in the above formula as:

= 6.67 X 10⁻¹¹ =  F (0.200)² / 100 X 4.20

= F = 7 X 10⁻⁷ N

The magnitude of the force on the baby due to Jupiter if it is at its closest distance to Earth, some 6.29×1011 m.

Put the values in the above formula again as:

= 6.67 X 10⁻¹¹ =  F (6.29 X 10¹¹)² / 1.9 X 10²⁷ X 4.20

= F = 1.35 X 10⁻⁶ N

Thus, the magnitude of the gravitational force is 7×10⁻⁷ N and the magnitude of the gravitational force due to Jupiter is 1.35×10⁻6 N.

To know more about Gravitational Potential Energy:



What kind of evidence concerning radioactivity informed sweden’s nuclear power policy?


The kind of evidence concerning radioactivity informed sweden’s nuclear power policy is Contaminated crops and cow's milk.

Almost 30% of Sweden's entire national electricity supply is currently generated using nuclear energy. The three nuclear power plants in the country currently have a total of six reactors in operation. The three NPPs in dispute are Forsmark, Oskarshamn, and Ringhals.

Sweden's nuclear power policy was influenced by radioactivity evidence found in contaminated crops and cow's milk.

Sweden is a non-nuclear state and a signatory to the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). The country stopped conducting nuclear weapons research after the Second World War when it ratified the Treaty in 1968.

To know more about radioactivity visit :



You have an initial velocity of 5.0 m/s. You then experience an acceleration * 1 point
of 1.5 m/s^2 for 4.0 s; what is your final velocity?
Make sure to include your units.
Your answer



11.0 m/s


a = (Vf - Vi) / t

Vf = at + Vi = (1.5 m/s²)(4.0 s) + 5.0 m/s = 11.0 m/s

How much work must be done to stop a car with a mass of 1500kg moving at 12m s?


The amount of work done in stopping a car with a mass of 1500 kg moving at 12m/s is 108000 j.

Work done is same as the change in kinetic energy of the moving car.

We will first calculate the initial kinetic energy of the car

Kinetic energy is due to motion and is equal to half the product of mass and square of velocity.

K.E. = 1/2× mass× [tex](velocity)^{2}[/tex]

Initial K.E. = 1/2 × 1500× 12×12

               = 108000 j

As the car finally stops, the final kinetic energy is zero.

Final K.E. = 0

So, work done = change in K.E. = 108000-0 j

= 108000j

To know more about work here



how do p waves and s waves from an earthquake reach new, distant locations around earths surface


Every earthquake creates P waves and S waves. P waves travel away from the focus of an earthquake where the rocks first fractured by compressing and expanding the rocks as they travel through solids, liquids and gases. P waves travel through all parts of the Earth.




True/False A guitar string is fixed at both ends. If you tighten it to increase its tension, the frequencies of its normal modes will increase but its wavelengths will not be affected


A guitar string does indeed have permanent ends. Its usual modes' frequencies will rise if you tighten it up to make it more tensional, but its wavelengths won't be impacted.

The statement is true

what is The meaning of wavelength?

A wave's wavelength gives information about its length. The wavelength is the distance between the "crest" (top) with one wave and the crest of the following wave. The wavelength can also be determined by measuring from one wave's "trough" (bottom) to the following wave's "trough," with the same results.

A wavelength's frequency is what?

The wavelength is the distance that separates two wave crests, while troughs have the same wavelength. The number of waves that pass over a specific place in a second is known as the frequency and is expressed in cycles per second.

To know more about wavelengths  visit:



find the ratio of the electrostatic to gravitational force between two electrons. (b) what is this ratio for two protons? (c) why is the ratio different for electrons and protons?


The ratio of the electrostatic to gravitational force between two electrons 4.17×10 42

What is gravitational force?The force of attraction between any two objects in the universe is known as gravitational force. Universal gravitational forces exist. The gravitational force is calculated as the product of the masses of the two objects divided by the square of their distance from each other. Our environment is surrounded by gravity. It determines how much we weigh and how far a basketball will fly before hitting the ground when it is launched. The force the Earth applies to you is equal to the gravitational force on Earth. In everyday life, the gravitational pull of the Earth causes an object tossed into the air to return to the surface as an illustration of the force of gravity.

To learn more about gravitational force refer to:



a certain heat engine operates between temperatures of -10 oc and 180 oc. what is the maximum possible efficiency this engine can achieve? express your answer as a percentage.


The maximum possible efficiency this engine can achieve is 41.9%.

What is efficiency of an engine?

The ratio between the total quantity of energy in the fuel and the amount of energy used to carry out productive work is known as the engine efficiency of thermal engines. Thermal engines may be divided into two categories:

Engines that burn fuel internally (such as gasoline, diesel, and gas turbines with Brayton cycles) and externally (steam piston, steam turbine, and the Stirling cycle engine). These engines each have distinct thermal efficiency characteristics.

here ,

T1 = -10 C = 263.15 K

T2 = 180 C = 453.15 K

Maximum efficiency of heat engine,

η = T2−T1 / T2

  = (453.15 − 263.15) / 453.15

  = 0.419 = 41.9 % ≈ 50%

To know more about engine efficiency refer;



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