apothem = 15
side = 17.3
Find the area of this regular polygon. (Round to one decimal spot if necessary)


Answer 1



Step-by-step explanation:

Area of any regular polygon = ( apothem * side length * number of sides ) divided by 2

Given information:

Apothem = 15

Side length = 17.3

Polygon Type = Hexagon ( its important to note that a hexagon has 6 sides )

* Plug in the given values into the formula *

Area = [tex]\frac{15*17.3*6}{2}[/tex]

15 * 17 = 259.5


[tex]\frac{1557}{2} =778.5[/tex]

Hence, area = 778.5 square units

Answer 2



Step-by-step explanation:

Related Questions

SARAH makes $43,000 per year, is single, and lives in Connecticut. She has $19,000 in subsidized loans and $8000 in unsubsidized loans.



The standard repayment plan.

Step-by-step explanation:

Here is the complete question :

SARAH makes $43,000 per year, is single, and lives in Connecticut. She has $19,000 in subsidized loans and $8000 in unsubsidized loans. Which repayment plan will be the cheapest for her in total?

The standard repayment plan is a repayment plan where a fixed sum is paid monthly for 10 years. This makes a total of 120 payments. The advantage of the standard repayment plan over the federal repayment plan is that less interest is paid and payment is made over a shorter period

Because unsubsidized loans accrue a higher interest expense when compared to subsidized loans, Sarah should pay off her unsubsidized loan first. This would minimise interest payment

4N + 10H - 3H + 2N (simplify each expression




Step-by-step explanation:




Step-by-step explanation:

Combine like terms(h)-



Combine like terms(n)-



Rearrange terms-



Please help me with this math problem. Brainlist to the brainiest answer!
Reporting answers that don’t answer my question


B) the price of the shirt is the original $8.95 and the sales tax is 4.5% of the $8.95, so you would add it onto the original price


The first one is B and the 2nd one is C

Step-by-step explanation:

I can barely see it BUT times the numbers them posibly divide then you will gte the answers

Sorr haven't done this in a very lonf time!




D. 19.5 Ft.

Step-by-step explanation:

Formula: B · H = A

Substitution: 3.25 · 2 = 6.5

6.5 · 3 ( 3 Windows ) = 19.5 Ft.

No le quites puntos gratis a las personas que necesitan ayuda, gracias, Me hiciste eso a mi y a algunas atras personas y no es muy amable...

11 is 10% more than ?


Answer: 21

Step-by-step explanation:

Jose is baking cakes. He needs 3/4 of butter for each cake. One stick of butter is a 1/2 of a cup. How many sticks do he need to bake 8 cakes?


Answer: 6 sticks

Step-by-step explanation:


Joe needs [tex]\frac{3}{4}[/tex] butter for each cake

One stick of butter is equivalent to 0.5 cup

So, joe need

[tex]\dfrac{3}{4}\times \dfrac{1}{2}=\dfrac{3}{8}\ \text{cup}[/tex]

for each cake

To bake 8 cakes, it is

[tex]\Rightarrow \dfrac{3}{4}\times 8=6\ \text{sticks}[/tex]

what is the area in square centimeters, of the trapezoid below?​



Area of the trapezoid = 82.24 cm²

Step-by-step explanation:

Area of a trapezoid = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(b_1+b_2)h[/tex]

Here, [tex]b_1[/tex] and [tex]b_2[/tex] = Bases of the trapezoid

[tex]h[/tex] = Vertical distance between the parallel sides

Length of bases [tex]b_1=6.7[/tex] cm

[tex]b_2=12.5+6.5[/tex] = [tex]19[/tex] cm

[tex]h=6.4[/tex] cm

Area of the given trapezoid = [tex]\frac{1}{2}(6.7+19)\times 6.4[/tex]

                                              = [tex]82.24[/tex] cm²

Calebs puppy weighs 2250 grams. If the puppy weighed 600 grams at his last visit to the vet, what is the percent increase in the puppies weight




Step-by-step explanation:

Given that,

Initial weight of the puppy = 600 grams

Final weight of the puppy = 2250 gram

We need to find the percent increase in the puppy's weight.

Increase in weight = 2250 gram - 600 grams

= 1650 grams

The percentage of increase in weight,

[tex]\%=\dfrac{1650}{600}\times 100\\\\=275\%[/tex]

So, the required increase in puppy's weight is equal to 275%.

Find the length of the rectangle.

A. 10 in.
B. 20 in.
C. 27 in.
D 70 in.


10 in

This is a answer


length = 10 inches

Step-by-step explanation:

We know that the perimeter of a rectangle:

P = 2(L + W), where p= perimeter, L = length, W= width, so:

34 = 2(L + 7)

=> 34 = 2L + 14

=> 20 = 2L

=> 20/2 = L

=> 10 = L

Hope this helps!

A company sells widgets. The amount of profit, y, made by the company, is related to the selling price of each widget, x, by the given equation. Using this equation, find out what price the widgets should be sold for, to the nearest cent, for the company to make the maximum profit.

y = -x^2 + 99x - 932




Step-by-step explanation:

y = -x^2 + 99x - 932

The maximum point is :

dy/dx = 0

Take the first derivative of y

dy/dx = - 2x + 99

Put - 2x + 99 = 0

-2x = - 99

x = 99 / 2

x = 49.5

Hence, To make maximum profit, widget should be sold at $49.5 per widget.

- 7th Grade Work -

A bagel shop offers a mug filled with coffee for $7.75, with each refill costing $1.25. Kendra spent $31.50 on the mug and refills last month. How many refills did Kendra buy?




Step-by-step explanation:

hope this helps with the problem

How to find length of major arc



Arc= 1/4 of a cricle

Step-by-step explanation:

hi! please help. thank you!



Step 6 is done by Additive Property of Equality, also known as Compatibility of Equality with Addition, which is defined by the following expression:

[tex]a = b \to a + c = b + c[/tex], [tex]\forall\,a,b, c\,\in \,\mathbb{R}[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Step 6 is done by Additive Property of Equality, also known as Compatibility of Equality with Addition, which is defined by the following expression:

[tex]a = b \to a + c = b + c[/tex], [tex]\forall\,a,b, c\,\in \,\mathbb{R}[/tex]

1) [tex](7\cdot x - 3) + 3 = (2\cdot x + 7) + 3[/tex] Associative property/Compatibility with addition

2) [tex]7\cdot x + [3 + (-3)] = 2\cdot x + (7 + 3)[/tex] Associative and commutative properties/Definition of subtraction

3) [tex]7\cdot x + 0 = 2\cdot x + 10[/tex] Existence of the additive inverse/Definition of addition

4) [tex]7\cdot x = 2\cdot x + 10[/tex] Modulative property/Result

The radius of a cylindrical water tank is 6.5 ft, and its height is 17 ft. What is the volume of the tank?
Use the value 3.14 for it, and round your answer to the nearest whole number.
Be sure to include the correct unit in your answer.
6.5 ft
17 ft



pi*36*10 = 1131 cubic feet

Step-by-step explanation:


Step-by-step explanation:

pi*36*10= 1131 cubic feet

What is the volume of a giant cube that measures 10,000 km on each side




Step-by-step explanation:

The formula for finding the volume of a cube is x³. 10,000³ would be 1,000,000,000,000. (10,000 * 10,000 * 10,000).

Find the range of this data set:225, 342, 288,552, 263.




Step-by-step explanation:


–(–12) = ? can someone help me please?


Answer: +12

Step-by-step explanation:

- and - makes positive

How do I solve this problem?


Step-by-step explanation:

6 is the difference between the numbers

Use this Formula to solve your every arithmetic problem..

hope it helps

Write an equation to the model above



0 ≤ x ≤ 2 (i assumed that the arrows included 0 and 2).

Step-by-step explanation:

One arrow shows 0 and greater (as it is pointing right) and the other shows 2 and smaller (as it is pointing left). The arrow pointing right has the equation of:

x ≥ 0 (where x is a random number)

The arrow pointing left has the equation of:

x ≤ 2 (where x is a random number)

Assuming that you need to find an equation so that x fits both inequalities, we combine them into one inequality and get:

0 ≤ x ≤ 2

Volume (look at the picture) no links plz


The answer is 108 it was calculated by using geometric solid trapezoid formula

Hannah ordered books for her son from an online retailer. Each book costs $7.25 and there is a shipping fee of $6.75 for the entire order.
Part A
What is the cost of Hannah's order if she buys 9 books?
Part B
Write a sentence to describe how you calculate the cost of Hannah's order.



Part A:

1 book -- $7.25

9 books -- (9 * 7.25) = $65.25

And shipping fee -- (65.25 + 6.75) = $ 72

Part B

9 multiplied by the cost and added with the shipping fee to get Hannah's total cost.

Thenks and mark me brainliest :))

help im confused reading this problem makes me dizzy


Answer: G

Step-by-step explanation:

because I would be 15 and not 20

The oblique circular cone has an altitude (height) and a diameter of base that are each of length 6 cm. What is the volume of the oblique cone?
72pi in³
54pi in³
216pi in³
18pi in³


The answer is 18pi in^3

Enlarge the triangle by scale factor - 2​ with centre of enlargement (6,7)







Step-by-step explanation:

draw a line from each point of the triangle, making sure you cross the point (6,7) and then join them up

i don't know if this makes sense haha but i tried explaining it :))))))    

Hi, thank you for helping people, have a good day/evening/night.



thx you too

Step-by-step explanation:

Thank you and you’re welcome

1. What is the absolute value of -45?




Step-by-step explanation:



Step-by-step explanation:

G'day m8!

help please wil give brainely


false :) The sum of the lengths of any two sides of a triangle must be greater than the length of the third side. Since, , you can not form a triangle with side lengths 4 ft, 9 ft, 15 ft.

The perimeter of a square is 54 cm.Find the length of a diagonal, rounding to the nearest tenth



19.09 = 19.1

Step-by-step explanation:

we can split the square into two right triangles. Becasue the perimeter of the square is 54cm, we know the each side is 13.5 cm (54cm / 4). Using the pythagoras theorem, the diagonal is 19.1 cm.

Which value of x is the solution to the equation 4(-3x+8)= -16?

answer choices:
1. -4

2. -2

3. 2

4. 4




x = 4

Step-by-step explanation:

4(-3x + 8) = -16

Divide both sides by 4

-3x + 8 = -4

Subtract 8 from both sides

-3x = -12

Divide both sides by -3

x = 4

Answer: X=4
. 4(-3x+8)=-16
-12x+32= -16


Jane wants to pick out an outfit for the school dance . She can choose from 3 pairs of pants 5 shirts and 2 pairs of shoes . How many different outfits dose Jane have to choose from?




Step-by-step explanation:

we multiply each number. There are 3 pairs of pants 5 shirts and 2 pairs of shoes, so we multiply 3x5x2 to get 30

She should pick out this outfit...

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