Help with question 13

Help With Question 13


Answer 1

The amount of stock that is wasted is given as follows:

1 - 21/64 inches.

How to obtain the amount of stock wasted?

The total amount of stock is given as follows:

9 - 7/16 inches long = 144/16 - 7/16 = 137/16 inches long.

The total amount of stock used for the two punches is given by the sum of the two amounts, as follows:

4 - 1/64 + 4 - 3/32 = 8 - 7/64 = 505/64

Then the amount wasted is given by the subtraction of the total amount by the amount used, as follows:

137/16 - 505/64 =  548/64 - 505/64 = 43/64.

The decimal of this is of:

43/64 = 0.671875.

Hence the amount wasted is of:

1 - 43/64 = 64/64 - 43/64 = 21/64

Meaning that the third option is correct.

More can be learned about operations with fractions at


Related Questions

Given that about 25% of the mammalian genome is associated with genes, including introns and regulatory sequence, what would be the approximate average length of dna per gene if the genome contained 20,000 genes?


The average length of DNA per gene would be 40,000 base pairs if the genome had 20,000 genes.

Average gene length: just 2.5% of the human genome codes for proteins. The remaining 97.5% are introns. The male nuclear diploid genome measures 205.00 centimeters (cm), is 6.27 Gigabase pairs (Gbp), and weighs 6.41 picograms (pg). 208.23 cm, 6.51 pg, and 6.37 Gbp are the female measurements. "The overall number of base pairs, which is the length of DNA per gene, will be roughly twice the number of genes present in the genome, in this example 40,000, for a 25% mammalian genome with 20,000 genes".

A DNA region from which an mRNA is transcribed is the de facto definition of a "gene" in mammalian genome annotation. Because one cannot deduce function from a genome sequence alone, the correct functional genetic definition of a gene—a segment of DNA that can complement a mutant phenotype—is lost.

Learn more about mammalian genome visit here:


Systems of Equation Task



Priya:  S=20w+50

Vanessa:  S=25w+20

6 weeks

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\boxed{\begin{minipage}{6.3 cm}\underline{Slope-intercept form of a linear equation}\\\\$y=mx+b$\\\\where:\\ \phantom{ww}$\bullet$ $m$ is the slope. \\ \phantom{ww}$\bullet$ $b$ is the $y$-intercept.\\\end{minipage}}[/tex]

Part a

Define the variables:

Let w be the number of weeks.Let S be the total savings (in dollars).

Given that Priya starts with $50 in her bank account, the y-intercept of the linear equation modelling her savings will be 50.

If she then deposits $20 each week for 12 weeks, the slope will be 20.

Therefore, the linear equation that models Priya's savings is:


Given that Vanessa starts with $20 in her bank account, the y-intercept of the linear equation modelling her savings will be 20.

If she then deposits $25 each week for 12 weeks, the slope will be 25.

Therefore, the linear equation that models Vanessa's savings is:


Part b

Create a table for each linear equation from part a.

Priya                       Vanessa

[tex]\begin{array}{|c|c|}\cline{1-2} w & S \\\cline{1-2} 1&70 \\\cline{1-2} 2& 90\\\cline{1-2} 3&110 \\\cline{1-2} 4&130 \\\cline{1-2} 5& 150\\\cline{1-2} 6&170 \\\cline{1-2} 7&190 \\\cline{1-2} 8&210 \\\cline{1-2} 9&230 \\\cline{1-2} 10&250 \\\cline{1-2} 11& 270\\\cline{1-2} 12& 290\\\cline{1-2} \end{aligned}[/tex]               [tex]\begin{array}{|c|c|}\cline{1-2} w & S \\\cline{1-2} 1&45 \\\cline{1-2} 2& 70\\\cline{1-2} 3& 95\\\cline{1-2} 4& 120\\\cline{1-2} 5& 145\\\cline{1-2} 6& 170\\\cline{1-2} 7& 195\\\cline{1-2} 8& 220\\\cline{1-2} 9& 245\\\cline{1-2} 10& 270\\\cline{1-2} 11& 295\\\cline{1-2} 12&320 \\\cline{1-2} \end{aligned}[/tex]

Create a graph for each linear equation (see attachment).

Part c

The week in which Priya and Vanessa will have the same amount of savings is the week where the S-values in the tables are the same, and the point of intersection of the graphed lines.

Therefore, from inspection of the tables and graphs from part b, Priya and Vanessa will have the same amount of savings in week 6.

Given: triangle ABC is congruent to triangle ADC
Prove: AC bisects angle BAD and AC bisects angle BCD

Please help and thanks if you do


AC bisects angle BAD and AC bisects angle BCD is proved using CPCT rule.

What is the congruence theorem?

Triangle congruence theorem or triangle congruence criteria help in proving if a triangle is congruent or not. The word congruent means exactly equal in shape and size no matter if we turn it, flip it or rotate it.

Given that, ΔABC≅ΔADC.

We know that, corresponding parts of congruent triangle are equal.




⇒ ∠BAD=2∠BAC

⇒ ∠BAC=∠BAD/2

So, AC bisects ∠BAD


⇒ ∠BCD=2∠BCA

⇒ ∠BCD/2=∠BCA

So, AC bisects ∠BCD

Hence, proved AC bisects ∠BAD and AC bisects ∠BCD.

To learn more about the congruent theorem visit:


A publisher needs to send many books to a local book retailer and will send the books in a combination of small and large boxes. Each small box can hold 20 books and each large box can hold 45 books. There were twice as many large boxes sent as small boxes, which altogether can hold 440 books. Write a system of equations that could be used to determine the number of small boxes sent and the number of large boxes sent. Define the variables that you use to write the system.


The equations that could be used to determine the number of small boxes sent and the number of large boxes sent is 85b = 440.

What is the system of equations that could be used to determine the number of small boxes sent and the number of large boxes?

From the information, each small box can hold 20 books and each large box can hold 45 books.

There was also twice as many large boxes sent as small boxes, which altogether can hold 440 books.

This will be:

2(20b) + 45b = 440

where b = number of books

40b + 45b = 440

85b = 440

The equation is 85b = 440

Learn more about equations on:


Which is a graph of the following?


The graph of the function f(x) = [x² if x ≤ 2] [x + 4 if x > 2]

How to determine the graph of the function?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

f(x) = [x² if x ≤ 2] [x + 4 if x > 2]

The above function is a piecewise function, and it can be split as follows:

f(x) = [x² if x ≤ 2]

f(x) = [x + 4 if x > 2]

The domain x ≤ 2 in f(x) = [x² if x ≤ 2]  means that:

The x values stop at 2 (i.e. 2 inclusive)

The domain x > 2 in f(x) = [x + 4 if x > 2] means that:

The x values starts at a value greater than 2 (i.e. 2 exclusive)

This is represented by the graph (d) with the open and closed circles

Hence, the graph is graph d

Read more about piecewise function at


A man starts walking north at 2 feet per second from a point p. A minute later a woman starts walking south at 1 foot per second from a point 800 feet due east of p. At what rate are the people moving apart 3 minutes after the woman starts walking?.


The required rate are the people moving apart 3 minutes after the woman starts walking is 2.36 ft/S.

Explain the rate of change of distance.

The  rate of change of distance is speed ( not uprooting). Similar distance in different headings is alluded to as a similar distance.

According to question:

Let x and y be the distance of the man and woman respectively.

We have,

dx/dt = 2 ft/s, dy/dt = 1 ft/s

Then, x = 2×6×60 = 720 ft

y = 1×5×60 = 300 ft

And in triangle which make by the locus of man and woman.  

(x +y)^2 + (800)^2 = z^2

z = √(1020)^2+(800)^2

z = 1296.3 ft

So, people are 1296.3 ft apart,

Rate change

[tex]\frac{d}{dt}[/tex](x+y)^2 = [tex]\frac{d}{dt}[/tex]z^2

2(x+y)(dx/dt+dy/dt) = (2z)dz/dt

(720+300)+(2+1) = (1296.3)dz/dt

dz/dt = 3060/1296.3 = 2.36 ft/s

Thus, their moving rate is 2.36 ft/s

To know more about rate change in distance visit:


The table below shows the number of students gaining certificates for outstanding achievements:

What is the modal number of certificates?







Examining the table showing number of students gaining certificates for outstanding achievements the modal number is 4

What is modal number in math?

The most frequent number, or the one that appears the most frequently.

In a frequency table the frequency shows the number of times a the data measured appears

Looking at the table the number that has most frequency is 4. This means that the people that collected 4 certificates are more than any other set of people.

The next is two which have a frequency of two while the least the people that collected 6 certificates. they have a frequency of 2 which means they are only tow people

Learn more about modal number at:


Which is the graph of y = [x] -2?


Left bottom corner graph

a domino is a rectangular tile composed of two squares. an integer is represented on both squares, and each integer 0-9 is paired with every integer 0-9 exactly once to form a complete set. a double is a domino that has the same integer on both of its squares. what is the probability that a domino randomly selected from a set will be a double? express your answer as a common fraction.


The probability that a domino randomly selected from a set will be a double =  2  / 11

what is probability?

A thing's probability indicates how probable it is to happen. When we are uncertain about the result of a given event, we can talk about the probabilities of several outcomes—how likely they are. Statistics refers to the study of events that have a probability component.

When 'n' is the largest integer in the set, the total number of dominoes in the set is given by the following formula:

(n + 1) (n + 2) / 2

This means that (9 + 1) (9 + 2) / 2 =

(10)(11)/ 2  =    

110/2 =55

10 of these dominoes will be "doubles"

So....the probability that a domino randomly selected from a set will be a double =   10 / 55    =    2  / 11

To know more about probability visit:-


XYZX, Y, Z is similar to triangle


Slice for n



Step-by-step explanation:

arc ABC=___ for number 2 witch is actually labeled number 3


A circle is 360 and if you know the amount of the rest of the circle is 220 you have to do 360-220 and that would equal 140.

For the one below you you know the number 40 is taking up a part of the total of 360 so you have to do 360-40 and that would be 320

Answer for top is 140

Answer to the bottom one is 320

conduct the appropriate hypothesis test and compute the p-value. sunshine air has determined that their no-show rate for passengers booked on a flight is 6%. the airline has recently increased the cost of its travel insurance and and suspects the no-show rate for passengers will decrease. a random sample of 380 reservations resulted in 18 no-shows. at the 0.10 significance level, is there strong enough sample evidence to suggest that the no-show rate in less than 6%?


The p-value is 0.15 which is greater than the significance value 0.10 so null hypothesis cannot be rejected at 10% significance level , we do not have enough evidences to state that no- show rate is less than 6%.

As given in the question,

Null hypothesis : No show rate for passengers booked on given flight is 6%

Alternative hypothesis: No show rate  for passengers booked on given flight  is less than the 6%

P = 6%

  = 0.06

1 -  P = 1 - 0.06

       = 0.94

random sample size 'n' = 380

no shows = 18

Sample proportion 'p' = 18/ 380

                                    = 0.047

Now , z test statistic value :

z = (p - P)/ √P (1- P)/n

 = (0.047 - 0.06)/√0.06( 0.94)/380

 = -0.013 /0.012

 = -1.083

p-value = 0.2788 ( using table)

0.2788 > 0.10

p-value is greater than significance value 0.10

Do not reject null hypothesis at 10% level of significance.

Therefore, as p-value is greater than significance value do not have enough evidences to state that no- show rate is less than 6%.

Learn more about p-value here


How many solutions does the following equation have?
8.5m +8 = 8.5m
infinitely many solutions
O exactly one solution
Ono solutions
O exactly two solutions


The given equation has no solution. Option B is correct.

As mentioned, the solution of the equation 8.5m +8 = 8.5m is to be determined.

What are equations?

The equation is the relationship between variables and represented as y = ax + b is an example of a polynomial equation.

Given expression,
8.5m + 8 = 8.5m
8.5m - 8.5m = 8
0 ≠ 8

Thus, the given equation has no solution. Option B is correct.

Learn more about equations here:


Is 250% of 44 less than 100, greater than 100 but less than 150, or greater than 150? Explain your reasonine.


The required value is evaluated as 110. The correct option is (B).

How to find percent value of a number?

The percent value can be found by multiplying the given number with the percent divide by 100.

For example, 10% of 20 is 20 × 10/100 = 2.

The given expression for percentage is found as follows,

250% of 44

= 250/100 × 44

= 2.5 × 44

= 110

It can be written as 100 < 110 < 150.

Hence, the value of the given expression is 110 which is greater than 100 but less than 150 as 110 lies between the two numbers.

To know more about percentage click on,


100 points crown if you answer all of these and explain your answer

The angles of a triangle are equal to 5x + 10, 8x − 20 and 3x + 30. Find the value of x

The acute angles of a right triangle measure (48 − x ) and (3x − 10). What is the value of

Triangle ABC is a right scalene triangle. If ∠ = 72°, what is the measure of ∠A?

An obtuse isosceles triangle contains an angle that measures 162°. What is the measure of another interior angle within this triangle?

The angles of a triangle are equal to 5x, 2x + 8, and 3x + 12. What is the measure of the smallest angle of the triangle?

The angles of a triangle are equal to x, x + 4 and 20. What is the measure of the largest angle of the triangle?



Step-by-step explanation:

Answer: He will need 49 tiles.

Step-by-step explanation:

Given: The patio will measure 13.5 feet by 43 feet.

Area of patio = 13.5 feet x 43 feet [Area = length x width]

= 580.5 sq. feet

Since area of each concrete tile = 12 sq. inch

Number of concrete tiles required to cover patio = (Area of patio) ÷ (area of each concrete tile)

= 580.5 ÷ 12

= 48.375 sq. inch ≈49

Which action by x develops the theme of the struggle between self-identity and perception by others?.


The action by X that develops the theme of the struggle between self-identity and perception by others is: He wears special clothing to show people that he has superpowers.

Self-identity: It defines the combining of the various roles individuals fulfill throughout their lives. It also tells about awareness and beliefs about the self as an object or being.

The second is people are viewed that the individual as internalized roles, also called role identity.

Today, our identities encompass memories, experiences, relationships, and values, these components, help to create our identities and the sense of ourselves.

There are some aspects that will contribute to the development of different types of identities. They are race/ethnicity, gender, age, and class.

Social identity can be represented in terms of three factors:

centrality ingroup affecting group ties.

To know more about Self-identity:


Determine the domain of the following graph


(-10, 10)
parentheses because open circles
goes from -10 to 10

circle $c$ has radius 10 cm. how many square centimeters are in the area of the largest possible inscribed triangle having one side as a diameter of circle $c$?


100 square centimeters are in the area of the largest possible inscribed triangle having one side as a diameter of circle.

What is the area?

A two-dimensional figure's area is the amount of space it takes up. In other terms, it is the amount that counts the number of unit squares that span a closed figure's surface. In general, square units such as square inches, square feet, etc. are used as the standard unit of area.

Base = 2r = 2*10 = 20 cm


Height = r=  10 cm

Area =  1/2 * base * height

        =   1/2 * 20 * 10

        =   100 square centimeters

To learn more about the area from the given link


abc has vertices A (0,0) B (3,3) C (-3,3) classify the triangle by its sides


The triangle is isosceles as the two side AB = AC are equal in a triangle ABC has vertices A (0,0), B (3,3), and C (-3,3).

What is the triangle?

One of the fundamental shapes in geometry is represented by the symbol Δ and consists of three connected vertices.


ABC has vertices A (0,0), B (3,3), and C (-3,3),

Calculate the distance of the side as shown below,

[tex]AB = \sqrt{(3-0)^2 + (3 - 0)^2}[/tex]

AB = [tex]\sqrt{9 + 9}[/tex]

AB = √18

AB = 3√2

Similarly, calculate BC and AC,

[tex]AC = \sqrt{(-3-0)^2 + (3 - 0)^2}[/tex]

AC = [tex]\sqrt{9 + 9}[/tex]

AC = √18

AC = 3√2

[tex]BC = \sqrt{(-3-3)^2 + (3 - 3)^2}[/tex]

[tex]BC = \sqrt{36 +0}[/tex]

BC = 6

Here, two sides AB = AC of a triangle are equal, so it is an isosceles triangle.

To know more about Triangles:


nora invests $800 that pays simple interest at a rate of 6% per annum. what is her total annual interest on this investment?
Please solve with steps​



To calculate Nora's total annual interest on her $800 investment, we can use the following formula:

Interest = Principal x Rate x Time

In this case, the principal is $800, the rate is 6% per annum, and the time is 1 year. Plugging these values into the formula, we get:

Interest = $800 x 0.06 x 1

To convert the 6% rate to a decimal, we divide 6 by 100. This gives us 0.06. We then multiply the principal by the rate and the time to get the total annual interest. So the total annual interest on Nora's $800 investment is:

Interest = $800 x 0.06 x 1 = $48

Therefore, Nora will earn a total of $48 in interest on her $800 investment over the course of one year at a rate of 6% per annum.

Step-by-step explanation:

Find the 64th tent of the arithmetic sequence -3, -14 -25.


The 64th term of the arithmetic sequence -3, -14 -25, will be - 696.

What is Arithmetic sequence?

An arithmetic sequence is the sequence of numbers where each consecutive numbers have same difference.

Given that;

The arithmetic sequence is,

⇒ -3, -14 -25.


Since, We know that;

⇒ nth term = a + (n - 1)d

Where, 'a' is first term, 'd' is common difference.

Here, The arithmetic sequence is,

⇒ -3, -14 -25.

First term (a) = - 3

Common difference (d) = - 14 - (-3)

                                    = - 14 + 3

                                    = - 11

So, We get;

⇒ 64th term = - 3 + (64 - 1) (-11)

                    = - 3 + 63 × - 11

                    = - 3 - 693

                    = - 696

Thus, 64th term = - 696

Learn more about the arithmetic sequence visit:


Find all real zeros of the function


That’s what it gave me

(6+3) to the power of 2 + (10-15 divide by 3 )


The value of the numerical expression (6 + 3)² + [10 - (15/3)] will be 86.

What is Algebra?

Algebra is the study of abstract symbols, while logic is the manipulation of all those ideas.

The acronym PEMDAS stands for Parenthesis, Exponent, Multiplication, Division, Addition, and Subtraction. This approach is used to answer the problem correctly and completely.

The expression is given below.

⇒ (6 + 3)² + [10 - (15/3)]

Simplify the expression, then we have

⇒ (6 + 3)² + [10 - (15/3)]

⇒ (9)² + [10 - 5]

⇒ 81 + 5

⇒ 86

The value of the numerical expression (6 + 3)² + [10 - (15/3)] will be 86.

More about the Algebra link is given below.


A rectangular sheet of material has a width that is 6 cm less than its length. The area of the sheet of material is 72 cm². What must be the width of the rectangular sheet?
O 6 cm
O 8 cm
O 12 cm
O 16 cm​



width = 6 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

Area = width x length

let x = length

width = x - 6

A = 72 cm² = x(x-6) =  x² - 2x

rewrite the equation:

x² - 2x - 72 = 0

solve for x by factoring or the quadratic equation:

(x-12)(x+6) = 0

x = 12, -6

therefore x = length = 12

Width = 12 - 6 = 6

Prove: ABD is congruent to CBD


The Proof for ABD is congruent to CBD is shown below.

What is Congruence Rule?

The triangles are said to be congruent when two angles and a non-included side of one triangle match the corresponding angles and sides of another triangle.

Two triangles are congruent by side-side-side (SSS), side-angle-side (SAS), angle-side-angle (ASA), angle-angle-side (AAS) and right angle-hypotenuse-side (RHS).


AB || CD, <CBD = <ADB


<CBD = <ADB {Given}

BD= BD {Common}

<ABD = <CDB {Alternate Interior Angle}

So, By ASA Congruence Rule  ΔABD ≅ ΔCDB

Learn more about Congruence Rule here:


which type of rigid transformation is the equivalent of two reflections across intersecting lines?


Rotation is the type of rigid transformation which is equivalent of two reflections across intersecting lines.

Define rigid transformation

A rigid  transformation is a transformation that persists the original size or shape of a given figure. Examples of rigid transformations are rotation, reflection etc;  

In mathematics a rigid transformation is also known as Euclidean Isometry or Euclidean transformation. Euclidean Isometry deals mainly with transformation of any figure. But, doesn't changes the length, shape or size of a given figure.

The concept of of two reflections across intersecting lines is equivalent to single rotation transformation of the original figure.  

Therefore the rigid transformation or Euclidean  isometry which is similar to two reflections across intersecting lines is rotation.  

To know more about rigid transformation visit:


pleassee I need this as soooonnn as possible

At the grand opening of a store, the first 18 customers will randomly draw a gift certificate from a box which contains twelve $10 coupons, two $50 coupons, and four $20 coupons. How many $20 coupons would need to be added so that the probability of drawing a $20 coupon is 1/3 ????​




Step-by-step explanation:


what is the slope of this line



y = 300x + 100

Step-by-step explanation:

y = mx + c

the line intersects the y axis at 100, so c = 100

m = difference between y-coordinates / difference between x-coordinates

m = (400-100)/(1-0) = 300/1 = 300

y = 300x + 100

The booster club at NHS sells hot chocolate and coffee at high school football games. At the last game, they had sales of $182.50. They need to keep track of how many of each type drink was sold so that they can make predictions for future sales. Bruce knows that they used 275 cups that night. If the hot chocolate sells for 75 cents and coffee sells for 50 cents, how much of each type of drink was sold?



180 cups of hot chocolate and 95 cups of coffee

Step-by-step explanation:

multiply the cups by the price and add them together and it adds up to the total sales they got

A man of height 1.8 m observes the angle of elevation of the top of a building of height 107 m from the roof of a house and it is found to be 30°. If the distance between the house and the building is 25√3 m, find the height of the house..​




Step-by-step explanation:


The height of the house is approximately 29.43 meters.

What is the right triangle?

A right triangle is defined as a triangle in which one angle is a right angle or two sides are perpendicular.

We can use the tangent function to solve this problem.

The tangent of an angle is equal to the opposite side (the height of the house) divided by the adjacent side (the distance between the house and the building). In this case, the angle is 30 degrees and the opposite side is the height of the house, so we can write the following equation:

tan(30°) = height of house / 25√3

We can use a calculator or look up the value of tangent 30° to find that tangent 30 is approximately 0.577. Therefore, the equation becomes:

0.577 = height of house / 25√3

Multiplying both sides of the equation by 25√3 gives us:

height of house = 0.577 × 25√3

Plugging in the values and simplifying, we get:

height of house = 29.43 m

Therefore, the house's height is approximately 29.43 meters.

Learn more about the right triangle here:


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