help pleaseeee???????

Help Pleaseeee???????


Answer 1


Written below.


5. During meiosis, a reproductive cell and its nucleus divide twice and produce four cells––two pairs of identical haploid cells.

6. Homologous chromosomes are two pieces of DNA within a diploid organism that carry the same genes, one from each parental source. In simpler terms, both of your parents provide a complete genome. Each parent provides the same 23 chromosomes, which encode the same genes.

Answer 2
1. Meiosis during meiosis, a reproductive cell and its nucleus divide twice and produce four cells two pairs of identical haploid cells

Related Questions

I need help with the explanation of what happens with the molecules and also the temperature​





100 + 100+ 100+100+100+62

the answer is 562 hope this helps

What happens to the trait when proteins connect in different ways?


I think it changes the physical appearance of that certain trait. For example, eye color. If the proteins are set up a certain way for brown eyes, then changed, there would be blue eyes.
The physical appearance of the trait changes

how does the immume system defend your body?


Protecting from antigens using white blood cells. I’m not good at this stuff so maybe you should follow another comment


With three lines of defense

(your teacher may be looking for the answer white blood cells please read bellow just in case)


It could also use to types of defense specific and non specific non specific being things like your skin specific being your white blood cells their are 3 lines of defense skin, then macrophages includes phagocytic white blood cells) and then the third includes B and T specif types of white blood cells

What is the water cycle? Describe what happens.



Evaporation, Condensation, Precipitation, Surface Runoff


Evaporation: Water turns into gas and goes into the clouds.

Condensation: Water vapor in the air is changed into liquid water.

Precipitation: Water leaves the cloud as rain, hail, or snow.

Surface Runoff: Water left on land after it rains.

You work out and build large muscles, but your baby is not born with large muscles. That’s because big muscles are an __________ trait.
Group of answer choices

A. inherited

B. evolutionary

C. acquired

D. embryonic


B is the answer I think don’t be mad if it’s not
A. Inherited I know because I did this on a test before

Try To Answer This! Good Luck To You! :)


i think it’s the fact that each type uses different ways to breath

help causeee i stoopid #square brain and im not good at cells and reproduction of organisms so please help the words at the top is the word bank some of the words are used more than once please help tho i will mark as brainliest



1. diploid, haploid

2. sister chromatids, diploid

3. diploid

4. homologous chromosomes

5. diploid

6. homologous chromosomes

I haven't learnt this yet but I did my best.

hope this helps<3

Why does Anne wish Peter had a religion?



Anne admires that Peter is willing to humble himself for the sake of peace, even when he knows he's right. In Anne's mind, 'Peter Schiff and Peter van Daan have melted into one Peter, who's good and kind and whom I long for desperately.  Explanation: GETBACKGANG STRETCHGANG O.T.F O BLOCK?600

Where does the energy stored in fossil fuels come from?

sedimentary rocks are mined and processed to make it
stored solar energy in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and other organic material
the stored energy in fossils
petroleum and natural gas



stored solar energy in phytoplankton, zooplankton, and other organic material


The energy in fossil fuels comes from the sun, which drives photosynthesis to change carbon dioxide and water into the molecular building blocks of ancient plants and animals.



reflecting i believe:)

If the yellow allele is dominant (Y) and the green allele is recessive (y), what are the possible genotypes of a green offspring?





it can only be yy because you need 2 recessive genes to show a recessive trait.

A plant with Yy genes could pass the recessive genes on, but would still show the dominant trait.

YY(both parents dominant), Yy (one dominant parent, one recessive parent), yy (both parents recessive)

Idc if you guys answer im just trying to prove someone something



The energy will be increased


When rubbing a balloon with a wool cloth, it puts negative charges on the balloon. Negative charges attract to positive charges. If a balloon is not rubbed with the wool cloth, it has an equal amount of negative to positive charges, so it will attract to a rubbed balloon

Someone please help me!


The answer is D because it’s the safest and faster

Answer: I would choose b


I’m not so sure if I’m right but I hope this helps

Please help!! Questions In Picture, giving brainiest to best answer!


1. contracts 2. increase 3. move apart 4. density 5. cool down 6. decrease 7. move closer sorry if there not correct







im prety sure its(T,T,F)

Heat always moves __________.

from a warmer object to a colder object
in a straight line
from a colder object to a warmer object.



hot to cold


it moves from a warmer to a colder object, as explained by the second law of thermodynamics

heat — naturally flows in one direction only: from hot toward cold.

Very hot magma rises toward the surface because it is less dense. The magma
as it cools, and it
back toward the
form in the mantle where hot magma keeps rising
then cools and sinks again.
The movement of magma under the crust applies
to tectonic
Rising hot magma pushes up on the crust, causing it to break and allowing
to form
happens where magma moving sideways and lava
forming new crust pushes plates in opposite directions.
Oceanic trenches form where denser oceanic crust is pushed under lighter
crust. The subducted plate begins to melt as it moves
Into the mantie.


What is the question though
What’s the question?? :))

Please help! Questions in the picture, giving brainiest to the best answer!



This makes them move faster and further apart and the substance expands. This makes the object's volume increase which changes causes the density to decrease.

When a substance is cooled, the particles lose energy. This makes them move slower and closer together and the substance contracts. This makes the object's volume decrease which changes causes the density to increase.


When an object is heating up its molecules will move faster and expand the object, this means the volume is increasing. Density is equal to mass over volume meaning if the volume is increasing the density will decrease. The opposite is true for when the substance is cooled. Molecules will move slower and the object will contract. The volume will decrease and the density will increase.


This makes them move faster and further apart and the substance expands. This makes the object's volume increase which changes causes the density to decrease.  

When a substance is cooled, the particles lose energy. This makes them move slower and closer together and the substance contracts. This makes the object's volume decrease which changes causes the density to increase.



When an object is heating up its molecules will move faster and expand the object, this means the volume is increasing. Density is equal to mass over volume meaning if the volume is increasing the density will decrease. The opposite is true for when the substance is cooled. Molecules will move slower and the object will contract. The volume will decrease and the density will increase.

What is a trade-off to using a microscope?


A microscope lets the user see the tiniest parts of our world: microbes, small structures within larger objects and even the molecules that are the building blocks of all matter. The ability to see otherwise invisible things enriches our lives on many levels.

Answer: I need more explination to answer



What is the dewpoint if the dry-bulb temperature is 18 degrees C and the relative humidity is 64%?


Answer and Explanation:

I think the dewpoint is 11.09°C or 11.1°C. I'm not sure though..

let me know if I'm wrong..

The dew point temperature is at 11.62°C for a relative humidity of 64%

Dew point

The dew point is the temperature the air needs to be cooled to (at constant pressure)

Given that:

Relative humidity (R) = 64%, Dry-bulb temperature(T) = 18 °C.

[tex]B=\frac{ln(\frac{R}{100} )+\frac{17.27*T}{237.3+T} }{17.27} =\frac{ln(\frac{64}{100} )+\frac{17.27*18}{237.3+18} }{17.27} =0.0447[/tex]

The dew point (D) is:

[tex]D=\frac{237.3*B}{1-B} =\frac{237.4*0.0467}{1-0.0467} =11.62[/tex]

The dew point temperature is at 11.62°C for a relative humidity of 64%

Find out more on dew point at:

What are phytoplankton and zooplankton?

microscopic plants and animals
fossils of plants and animals
types of fossils fuels
stored solar energy



microscopic plants and animals

microscopic plants and animals

Can someone please help me with this?



Todd : will be circled

Because he had said the correct statement

cell is the basic structural and functional unit of life..

group of cells make tissues, group of tissue make organs and group of organs make organs system......


Todd. cells are what humans are made of and make up tissues make up organs, organs make the body, and then the body system is you. Cells turn on  genes that are specific for the tissue and turn off genes that are not responsible for that tissue.

I need this asap UvU

A water feature that could be a source of groundwater for humans is found at a location on a hillside where Earth’s surface is lower than the water table.

What type of feature might be observed at this location?

artesian well
unsaturated zone



artesian well i think


yeah what they said

Which two organelles are not found in an animal cell but are found in a plant cell?



cell wall and chloroplasts

chloroplasts & cell wall

5. What school was Virchow founder of? So what types of organisms was he observing the most?


Answer: Last Answer.


He founded Frederick William University.
He agreed that all cells are produced from other cells.

6. Using the diagram to the left,
which cities have the same seasons at
about the same time? Why do you say
(Hint: There are two sets of cities).


NY & Tokyo, Buenos aires,& sydney.
Northern hemisphere (top half) shares seasons and southern hemisphere (bottom half) will always be the opposite season of northern hemisphere

Which of the following about the food chain is CORRECT:

A) A food chain always contains three trophic levels.

B) Lions are on the first trophic level in their food chain.

C )Usually, the higher an animal is in it's food chain, the bigger and more powerful it is.

D) A food chain is also known as a food web.



D is the answer


i think- lol


C) Usually an animal which is more powerful or larger is higher up on the food chain. I hope I helped and Im so so sorry if not. Have a wonderful day and remember your worth!

I could not find any subject that was close to forensics, so I chose a random one. PLEASE HELP

A person who has never been arrested commits a crime. An eyewitness sees a person running from the crime scene. What method could investigators use to help locate the person?



with the eye witness they could locate which direction the person ran off to. depending on which crime they commited they could have left valubal pieces of evidence that could help the investigators find out who the person is. with the eye witness they could tell teh investigators exactly where the crime was comitted, with that piece of evidence they could seach around the area for clues of who the person was. if they find out who the person was they could locate where the person lives.


Investigators can investigate the eye witness, asking questions about what the criminal looked like. They can also go off of footprints is the criminal tracked anything and try to find the shoe size to identify the criminal even further. Investigators can also locate the person if they left behind any DNA such as hair or anything that has their fingerprints on it.


True or False: Disease in the circulatory system does not affect other organ systems, such as the muscular system.



(This is 7th grade science)




Disease in the circulatory would affect other organ system


Is False......

Write a non-fiction newspaper article to protect the green sea turtle.



               Saving the Green Sea Turtle                               Cheyanne Faith Ybarra

       The green sea turtle, also known as the green turtle, black turtle, or Pacific green turtle, is a species of large sea turtle found in warm subtropical and tropical ocean waters.  The green sea turtle is an endangered species and its population number decreases every year.  Recent estimates show us that there are 1.5 million green sea turtles worldwide, and only 300,000 remaining in the Caribbean.  Researchers estimate that 4,600 green sea turtles perish each year because of fishing gear, poachers, vessel strikes, loss of foraging habitat, entanglement in or ingestion of marine debris, and the harvesting of their eggs.  We can stop the green sea turtles from going extinct by making fishing gear safe for the turtles, staying away from their nesting areas, protect them from poachers, stop the harvesting of their eggs, and keeping the oceans and beaches clean so there is nothing to strangle or poison them.  These are just a few ways people can help save the green sea turtles from going extinct.

(I hope this helps you!)

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