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Answer 1

I believe your answer is A.

Answer 2

Victory over Japan Day!

This holiday took place when the U. S got victory over japan.

So your answer would be, A)) Atomic bomb

I hope this is the right answer, and If im wrong I apologize

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9 Sequencing Write the following list of events in the order in which
they happened.
8. Militia and British troops fight at Concord's North
b. Colonists hide behind trees and fences along the
road to Boston.
c. Messengers
shout, "The British are coming!"
d. Joseph Warren sees troops leave Boston.
The British face Captain John Parker and
70 minutemen at Lexington.
Warren alerts Revere and Dawes.


I think it’s B not for sure.

Name one way that the national government helps state and local governments and one way that state and local governments
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Different levels of government help in the administration and mobility of finance at different levels of government.

The federal government, state governments, and municipal governments are the three tiers of governance in the United States. The Constitution, which serves as the fundamental legal framework for the American government, grants the federal government just a limited number of authorities while delegating all other powers to the state governments. Local governments are created by each state government and given specific authority inside their own borders.

Three branches make up each level of government: the judicial branch, the executive branch, and the legislative branch. The legislative branch is responsible for passing laws (which applies the laws to specific court cases, determines whether someone has broken the law, and evaluates laws to make certain that they are legitimate).

Learn more about the government here:


How did the victory at the Battle of New Orleans help Louisiana assimilate into the culture of the United States?



The American victory in the Gulf region forced the British to recognize United States claims to Louisiana and West Florida and to ratify the Treaty of Ghent, which ended the war. The Battle of New Orleans also marked the state's political incorporation into the Union. The Battle of New Orleans Eugene Louis Lami 1839 The Key Players.

As trade from Muslim kingdoms expanded to western Africa, how did the political framework of the region change?


With trade from the Muslim kingdoms being expanded to western Africa, the political framework of the region changed as Empires were formed which centralized power.

What impact did Muslim trade have on West Africa?

With the use of camels to trade, Muslim traders were able to cross the Sahara and engage in trade with West Africans. This trade was very lucrative and led to the societies there making a lot of money.

This led to a change in the political framework of the region as huge empires were founded to benefit even more from trade, and as a result of dunding from trade. They included the Ghana, Mali and Songhai empires.

Find out more on Muslim trade at


Which attitude was not associated with the counterculture of the 1960s?
A. support for the civil rights movement
B. support for foreign military involvements
C. questioning of traditional authority
D. acceptance of a diversity of family structures


The following attitude was not associated with the counterculture of the 1960s was support for foreign military involvement. Thus, option 'B' is the correct option.

What is the counterculture of the 1960s?

The counterculture of the 1960s was an anti-establishment cultural phenomenon that emerged in the 1960s and has persisted to the current day in most of the Western world. As the civil rights movement in the United States grew, the whole movement gained strength and, as the Vietnam War became more intense, it would eventually seem revolutionary to some.

Widespread societal conflicts addressing human sexuality, women's rights, conventional forms of authority, the rights of non-White people, and the end of racial segregation also emerged as the 1960s went on, and these tensions tended to flow along generational lines.

Learn more about the counterculture of the 1960, here:


Why would people
be concerned about
the president having
too much power?


Answer:because they want that power

Explanation: like people aare not happy with they have so they want more

Arrange the events from hamlet in the order in which they occur, from first to last.


1. A spirit of his father has reportedly been spotted.

2. Hamlet declares that he disagrees with his mother's second marriage.

3. Hamlet verbally slanders Ophelia.

4. Hamlet muses of killing himself.

5. Ophelia perishes.

6. Laertes perishes in a sword battle.

7. Fortinbras assumes control of the throne

What happened in Hamlet?

The spirit of King Hamlet claims to have been slain and seeks retribution from his son. Hamlet's mother Gertrude has wed Claudius, who has ascended to the throne and whom Hamlet believes murdered his father. She knows he loves her since he told her so, but Polonius won't let her speak to him. In his most famous soliloquy, he considers killing himself as a solution to get rid of his problems due to his ambivalence and bewilderment. She becomes mad, drowns in the river, and dies. He gets hurt during their combat with Hamlet. Hamlet also perishes. To conquer Denmark, he has travelled from Poland. Hamlet had expressed his desire for Fortinbras to rule before he passed away to Horatio.

To learn more about Hamlet from the given link


Arrange the events from hamlet in the order in which they occur, from first to last.

What other skill helped humans survive and advance as a species?




With the advent of language, knowledge about the natural world and new technologies could be shared between neighboring bands of humans, and also passed down from generation to generation via storytellers

1.What was manifest destiny?

2. Based on this source, why did the United States take over new territories in the 1840s?

Giving out brainliest and be detailed and specific.



1. Manifest Destiny, a phrase coined in 1845, is the idea that the United States is destined—by God, its advocates believed—to expand its dominion and spread democracy and capitalism across the entire North American continent

2.A complex mix of political, social, and economic factors fueled American expansionist sentiment in the 1840s. Many Americans subscribed to the concept of "Manifest Destiny," the belief that Providence preordained the United States to occupy as much land on the continent as possible.


What was the major reason why the French to join the American



Motivated by their desire to humiliate the British



To put it simply, the French had a very sore relationship with the English that had been fostered since the end of the French and Indian War (aka the Seven Year's War). They viewed the American Revolution as a way to 'get back' at their European rivals. After the American forces proved themselves capable to potentially destroy the English, France pledged full allegiance to the colonists and recognized the United States as independent from the United Kingdom.

What are two of the reasons certain parts of the earth have cold and warm seasons?



Earth's tilted axis causes the seasons. Throughout the year, different parts of Earth receive the Sun's most direct rays. So, when the North Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's summer in the Northern Hemisphere. And when the South Pole tilts toward the Sun, it's winter in the Northern Hemisphere.

and it plants axis orbits around the sun

Which is a result of island-hopping?
Islands were bombed from the air without the use of land troops.
The end of the war was faster and fewer lives were lost.
Islands that were once held by the US are now held by Japan.
The axis powers gained additional power in the Pacific.


Leapfrogging was a result of Island-Hopping, The axis powers gained additional power in the Pacific.

This was a military tactic used by the Allies during the Civil War against the Emperor of Japan and the Axis forces in World War II. , which disrupted the garrison and depleted Japan's resource and reinforcement capabilities. For example, soldiers on bypassed islands such as Rabaul's stronghold were not needed in the Japanese battle to repel Wein.

General Douglas MacArthur was very supportive of this policy in his attempts to recover the Philippines from the Japanese invasion.  island-hopping, also known as leapfrogging, was an Allied military strategy used in the Pacific War against Japan. Island hopping was an expensive strategy, but it worked.

Learn about island hopping:





How did the Golden Age of Athens impact Greece, other regions, and later periods in history?



The Golden Age of Athens was perhaps one of the most influential time periods in Greek antiquity. The Golden Age began with an unsuspected victory during the Peloponnesian Wars, ridding the Greeks from their greatest threat: the Persians. Even though it lasted a little longer than a century (around 400 BCE), the foundations of Western medicine, philosophy, and history were laid. Greek theater, art, sports (most importantly, the Olympic games), and the very concept of Athenian democracy came into being through this age. The findings in the Golden Age were especially spread by Alexander the Great, whose conquests led to a Hellenistic age throughout Europe and in some regions of Asia. The Golden Age did not only impact societies at the time. Many revolutionary thinkers of the modern period, including the American Founding Fathers, viewed the Golden Age as a period of great success, creativity, and intelligence. Part of the models of society that we see in the Western World are all due to the incredible intellectual, architectural, philosophical, and artistic advances that the Greeks made.

Which of the following cultures was one of the earliest civilizations from Mesoamerica for which we have significant archaeological evidence?


Maya because they were the predecessor of the Inca and are also in mesoamerica

One of the first Mesoamerican civilizations for which we have a large amount of archaeological evidence is the Maya civilization. Option B is correct.

What is the Maya civilizations?

The Mesoamerican Maya culture is noted for its ancient structures and glyphs. Its Maya script is the most advanced and complex writing system in the pre-Columbian Americas.

The Maya civilization, who were the Inca's forefathers and lived in Mesoamerica, was one of the first Mesoamerican civilizations for which we have a large amount of archaeological evidence.

It is also known for its art, architecture, mathematics, calendar, and astronomical system. The Maya are the most well-known of Mesoamerica's classical civilizations. Originating circa 2600 B.C. in the Yucatán.

Therefore, option C is correct.

Learn more about the Maya, refer to:


Select three education policies from the articles above under the control of federal, state, and local government (one federal, one state, one local) . Write a paragraph for each policy explaining why it should, or should not, be controlled at that level. Be sure to explain your reasoning. Use evidence from your lesson and the two articles to support your position.



Response 1

Thomas Jefferson made the Louisiana purchase. What now? After President jefferson

made the Louisiana Purchase, the U.S Congress " divides the Louisiana Purchase

into the Territory of Orleans and the district of Louisisana," as states Source 1. But

becoming a state is not easy. Louisiana must overcome many hardships before

becoming a state.

The first problem that Louisiana must resolve is the border dispution in between

Spanish Texas. Spain and the United States both border an area in between texas

and Louisiana. Tensions run high until they agree that the land will be neutral;

belonging to neither one of them. As states passage 1,"U.S and Spanish officers

agree that the disputed area between the Territory of Orleans and Spanish Texas is a

neutral ground and neither group would control it." This was the first hardship that

Louisiana overcame.

The last difficulty that Louisiana faced was Congress aproval to become a state.

This was important because with out Congressional approval, Louisianians would not

have the same rights and protection as citizens in the states. After petitions from the

inhabitants of Louisiana, Congress approves Louisiana Statehood. "Congress

approves the Statehood petition from the Territory of Orleans. This was a great

success for he Territory of Orleans and ended their quest for statehood.

In conclusion, Louisiana statehood was a proccess and a struggle that was

overcome. Although it faced Congressional dispute and high tensions from Spanish

Texas, Louisiana was a state in the end.

Score: 2

The response earns a score of 2. It accurately identifies two different challenges faced

by Louisiana as it became a state: “The first problem that Louisiana must resolve is the

border dispution in between Spanish Texas” and “The last difficulty that Louisiana faced

was Congress aproval to become a state.” The response provides complete and correct

explanations of why each challenge had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to be

admitted to the Union as a state.


Grade 8 Social Studies Practice Test

Answer Key

Response 2

As Louisiana became a state, it had to face numerous challenges in order to be

admitted to the Union as a state. Initially, Louisiana had to overcome the opposition of

Congress and people in the House of Representatives. Numerous debates over

Louisiana Statehood arose over accepting Louisiana as a state. They worried that the

United States would become too large, and weaken the power of the original states.

Fearing that by accepting too many states, there would be no limit to the boundaries

of the United States, many people opposed the acceptance of Louisiana. This

opposition had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to become a state, as Congress,

the House of Representatives, and the Senate all had to approve of Louisiana's

statehood petition for it to become a state. Finally, Congress approved Louisiana's

statehood petition in 1811. In addition, Louisiana still had another challenge to face.

Even though its petition had been approved by Congress, Lousiana still needed a

state constitution to become an official state. Each state in the United State needed

its own state constitution. Therefore, Louisama delegates wrote a state constitution

and sent it to Congress to be approved. Finally, in 1812, Congress and President

Madision approved Lousiana's constitution and Lousiana officially became a state.

Score: 2

The response earns a score of 2. It fully and accurately identifies two different

challenges faced by Louisiana as it became a state: “Louisiana had to overcome the

opposition of Congress and people in the House of Representatives” and “Even though

its petition had been approved by Congress, Lousiana still needed a state constitution to

become an official state.” The response includes accurate explanations of why each

challenge had to be overcome in order for Louisiana to be admitted to the Union as a



Which of the following is NOT part of the president's responsibilities as party leader?
raise money for the party
represent the interests of the party
support other party members up for election
D. removing members of opposing parties from Congress
Please select the best answer from the choices provided




Place the following events in chronological order.
The storming of the Bastille signaled the
beginning of Revolution.

= King Louis XVI was executed.

France was in debt because of wars in Europe.

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen was signed.

Louis XVI called the Estates General to solve the financial crisis.


Due to European conflicts, France was in debt.In order to resolve the financial situation, Louis XVI contacted the Estates General.The Bastille's assault marked the start of the Revolution.The Declaration of Human and Citizen Rights was ratified.Louis XVI was put to death.

What is the significance of the French Revolution?

A significant turning point in global history was the French Revolution, which started in 1789 and ended with Napoleon Bonaparte's ascent to power during the late 1790s. During this period, French citizens dramatically altered the political landscape of their nation by overthrowing venerable institutions like the monarchy and the feudal system.

Learn more about the French Revolution, from:


Someone help me & use this words for a paragraph pls


i had a bill for the house today

Which of the following is NOT the way German immigrants were treated in the United States during the war?


All the following is NOT the way German immigrants were treated in the United States during the war. Thus option D all of the above is correct.

What was the Immigration?

When people from home locations move or transferred to foreign locations in search of livelihood and seek better opportunities for the future to have financial stability in life along with security is considered Immigration.

German immigrants were treated unfairly in the United States during the war because many lost their employment, frequently experienced physical assault, and the German language was no longer taught in schools.

Therefore, option D is appropriate.

Learn more about Immigration, here:


complete options of the question is probably

-They lost their jobs

-They were often physically attacked

-Schools stopped teaching the German language

-All of the above are true

Which two terms best complete this diagram?


The two terms best complete this diagram is (1) Patriots and (2) Loyalists.

Patriots and loyalists were pitted against each other, and the country was divided. The Patriot cause was championed by men like George Washington and Abigail Adams, who believed in independence from Britain. The conflict between these two groups led to the American Revolution, which resulted in the formation of the United States of America.

The Patriots advocated for independence from Britain, and their efforts ultimately led to the American Revolution. The Loyalists movement, on the other hand, was a group of Americans who remained loyal to the British Crown during the Revolution.

Hence, the correct option is "D"

To know more about Patriots, click here.


How did the explosion of the battleship uss maine hasten the united states going to war?.


266 of the 354 crew members aboard the battleship U.S.S. Maine perished when it was sunk in the harbour of Havana, Cuba, on February 15, 1898, by an explosion of unknown origin. U.S.S.Maine's sinking inflamed American feelings toward Spain, which eventually resulted in a naval blockade of Cuba and a declaration of war.

Spain was mostly to blame in the United States (Today, however, many historians believe a malfunction in the ship caused the explosion). Spain and the United States' relationship deteriorated to the point where they were unable to communicate about the matter. The Spanish-American War had started by April's end.

To learn more about U.S.S. Maine, tap here:


In the 1950s us government enacted termination and relocation policies that affected the rights of American. What was the main goal


TERMINATION AND RELOCATION PROGRAMS. A mid-twentieth-century U.S. government policy toward American Indians, termination of Indian tribes was enacted to facilitate the long-standing goals of assimilation and self-determination and government programs supporting tribes.

Which was the least common form of resistance used by enslaved people?\
A. violent armed rebellions
B. sabotage of tools or crops
C. escaping to free areas


Answer: B.


American society transformed from farming to factories and industry due to new machines and energy sources.
O True
O False





Which of the following is a true statement?
© A political party is more likely than an intercst group to support an extreme policy position.
• An interest group is more likely than a political party to support an extreme policy position.
• A political party is more likely than an interest group to support a change in public policy.
• An interest group is more likely than a political party to support a change in public policy.


D) because an interest group does not need to worry about elections and being unpopular

A_ ______ is a small ship that is ideal for exploration


Answer: caravel


Explain why Pope Gregory IX originally established inquisitions. Who conducted the inquisitions?

ANSWER: One reason for Pope Gregory IX's creation of the Inquisition was to bring order and legality to dealing with heresy since there had been tendencies by mobs of townspeople to burn alleged heretics without much of a trial.

Nobody ever expects the catholic inquisition


Pope Gregory's genuine intent for the Inquisition was a court of special case to inquire into and glean the trust of those vary from Catholic teaching, and to instruct them in the orthodox doctrine.

Who organized Inquisition ?

Throughout the reign of Pope Innocent III, the Roman Catholic Inquisition became an organized, systematic institution.

Who expanded Inquisition?

Pope Gregory IX expanded the Inquisition. He was The nephew of Innocent III. Throughout the reign of Innocent, the Inquisition had start to be create into a brutal, all-pervading mechanism. It was single port for Gregory to enlarge it to all Catholic countries.

In 1233, Pope Gregory provide two papal bulls the Dominicans and the Franciscans as Inquisitors and giving them authority to search out and destroy separatist Christians wherever they were found. The Dominicans and the Franciscans put up a spy network and oversee the work of the Inquisition.

Learn more about Pope inquisitions here:


Examine Documents A and B. Which of the following statements best explain the racial and social tensions found within the colonial Spanish empire? Choose two correct responses.

The Creoles felt disrespected by the peninsularés (European-born Spanish) because the latter group held most of the political power within Spanish Latin America.

The Spanish viewed the Creoles as second class citizens, often assigning them to labor-intensive jobs like their Native America and African slaves.

Because they were born in the Americas, Creoles had to fight land disputes with Native Americans, while also maintaining their Spanish identity.

The peninsularés were economically independent, but held no political power. During the eighteen hundreds, Creoles controlled most of the judgeships in Latin America.

The Spanish treated all citizens within their empire equally.


The racial and social tensions found within the colonial Spanish Empire were that the creoles felt disrespected by the peninsular because the latter group held most of the political power within Spanish Latin America. The Spanish treated all citizens within their empire equally. Hence, options A and E are appropriate.

What were the racial and social tensions in the Spanish Empire?

The racial and social tensions in the Spanish Empire were great the whole of the Spanish Empire was divided into class systems. The most important thing regarding this division of the class system was based on the fact that the Spanish Empire had been very much differentiated from the powerful at the top to the lowest point of people in the below.

The racial and social tensions were that the Peninsulares, Creoles, Mestizos, Mulattoes, Native Americans, and Africans had the least power and these groups of people were being looked down on by the Spaniards.

Hence, options A and E are correct.

Learn more about the Racial and Social Tensions found within the Colonial Spanish Empire here:


The art of ancient rome shows strong influences from which earlier civilization?.


Ancient Roman art shows a strong influence from the earlier Greek civilization.

Ancient Roman life has had a profound influence on today's modern world.  Even though Roman civilization ended thousands of years ago, we can still see its many traces and legacies in our art, architecture, technology, literature, language, and laws.

From bridges and stadiums to the books and words we hear every day, the ancient Romans have left their mark on our world.

Ancient Roman Art and Architecture

The ancient Romans had a tremendous impact on art and architecture.  Traces of Roman influence in form and structure can be found throughout the development of Western culture.

Although the Romans were greatly influenced by the ancient Greeks, they were able to make improvements to the designs and inventions of those adopted Greeks.  For example, they continued the use of columns, but they became more decorative and less structural in Romanesque buildings.

The ancient Romans created large-scale arches and arches, capable of supporting much more weight than the pillar and beam constructions used by the Greeks.  These arches served as the foundation for the great bridges and aqueducts built by the Romans.

Learn more about greek civilization at


How did the American and French Revolutions affect enslaved people in Haiti?
O Haitians realized that they could win independence without using violence.
O Haitians believed they could defeat the British if the Americans did.
• Haitians were encouraged to declare their right to self-rule.
Haitians saw that Americans were able to get equality for all people.


It’s C because the American and French Revolution inspired them and caused Haiti to become the first slave rebellion
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Now tell me, in the name of Heaven, what sent you riding across the country in this fashion?Which best explains the context clues for and the correct meaning of incoherently? Based on the context clues great Scott, bounced, and stammered, the word incoherently means in an eager manner. Based on the context clues whats the matter, gaped, and bounced, the word incoherently means in an angry manner. Based on the context clues gaped, choking, and now tell me, the word incoherently means in a nervous manner. Based on the context clues stammered, gaped, and in the name of Heaven, the word incoherently means in a confused manner.7.question Read the excerpt from A Century Ride.Im choking with thirst, said Maude. Get me a drink of water, and Ill tell you, and the Doctor bounced in for a dipper, and out to the pump for the required beverage.To update this excerpt to a more modern style, what slang would most likely replace choking with thirst? dying of thirst getting up a thirst athirst somethin fierce cottonmouthed with thirst8.question Read the excerpt from "A Century Ride.When she came forward at Commencement, in a delightful little Greenaway gown of white muslin, peppered over with tiny dots, with the very smile of childhood in her wide blue eyes, and her curly hair clustering round her browsthe learned doctors, imported to adorn the Commencement exercises, blinked their eyes and looked twice, and hesitated, even then, to accept her as an established fact.Which detail most helps the reader infer that women were not commonly expected to become doctors at this time? she came forward at Commencement smile of childhood in her wide blue eyes imported to adorn the Commencement blinked their eyes and looked twice9.question Read the excerpt from A Century Ride.So he foraged, and brought triumphantly forth half a chicken, a couple of slices of melon and some light biscuits, with a generous noggin of milk to wash it all down.What word most indicates that the excerpt was written in the 1800s rather than in modern times? foraged triumphantly forth noggin10.questionRead the excerpt from "A Century Ride.Lizzie Dunlop patted the small ladys shoulder soothingly. "There, there, little iceberg, she said, "let it all be buried! Its forgotten. You shall never be worried about it again. You are here to enjoy every moment of your holiday, and to tell me the news of civilization, and to take rides across the prairie. What a blessing we have a decent road for the velocipedeI beg pardonbicycle! You must have lots of grit to mount that scary machine; andoh! Maude! How can you want to be a surgeon? I should die if I saw a man cut up and mangled; but you are a marvel!Which phrase from the excerpt is most like the modern language used in writing? There, there little iceberg You are here to enjoy every moment You must have lots of grit I should die if I saw a man cut upand now you get 100% When the real dollar figures are known and then these figures are compared to what was budgeted, this process is called.