Help omg im timed and I have a few minutes left

Help Omg Im Timed And I Have A Few Minutes Left


Answer 1
The answers would be B

Related Questions

Fill in with the verbs in brackets in Future Continuous, Future perfect and
Future Perfect continuous:-

1. they________their lessons. (learn)



future continues- they will be learning their lessons.

future perfect- they will have learning their lessons.

future perfect continues- they will have been learning their lessons.

Which sentence supports the author's position that “The Pressure Cooker" personality
is not the best type in Passage 2?
A "In these times, you can be extremely focused and shut out the rest of the world in
order to get done what needs to be done." (paragraph 17)
B "You sometimes use your ability to work under pressure as an excuse to
procrastinate.” (paragraph 18)
C "Sure, you can really focus when the deadline is tomorrow, but is it really the best
work you could produce if you had a couple of days of cushion?" (paragraph 18)
D "You'll find that it's actually a lot more enjoyable to not be stressed out when
completing schoolwork." (paragraph 19)


B.) Seems like it would be the correct answer

The sentence which  supports the author's position that The Pressure Cooker personality is not the best type in Passage 2 is option B i.e. You sometimes use your ability to work under pressure as an excuse to  procrastinate.

What is personality?

Personality is the trademark sets of ways of behaving, comprehensions, and enthusiastic examples that develop from organic and natural variables.

While there is no commonly settled upon meaning of personality, most speculations center around inspiration and mental associations with the climate one is encircled by.

An enormous new review distributed in Nature Human Behavior, nonetheless, gives proof to the presence of somewhere around four personality types: normal, saved, egotistical and good example.

For more information about personality, refer the following link:

Help Me ASAP....
Is vote buying still happening? Why?​



Yes!, the main reason is because of money.

Which of these gives the main purpose of the passage?

to be a reference for all poisonous and venomous animals

to entertain the reader with stories about unique animals

to inform the reader about different poisonous and venomous animals

to persuade the reader to protect themselves from dangerous animals



The answer for this one is D

easy on problems facing my school​



me too


weirdly worded though...

Plz help me well mark brainliest!..



a feature of light


Nervous is to uneasy as...
A. anxious is to calm
B. attractive is to ugly
C. popular is to know
D. rich is to wealthy​


a is the answer , they are both the same things just different words

Nervous is too uneasy, as anxious is to calm. Uneasy can also refer to something that makes someone tense or anxious. Hence, option A is correct.

What is nervous and anxious?

A person can feel anxious if they notice someone staring at a person and murmuring, "That's him, that's the one." Mentally distressed by potential bad luck, danger, etc. Focus: Anxiety is frequently more all-encompassing than nervousness, which is a reaction to something specific. Even when you're feeling apprehensive, it's not always clear what's making you feel that way.

Absolutely. Numerous mental and physical signs can indicate anxiety. Some anxious persons may try to hide these symptoms out of embarrassment or shame.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more details about nervous and anxious, click here:


Walter McMillian is convicted and sent back to death row. Why does Stevenson give us the imagery of the too-tight handcuffs and shackles on this trip? A) It shows the callousness of the men transporting him and of the trial overall in which he was falsely convicted. B) It's a metaphor for the constricting guilt that McMillian feels for his involvement in Rhonda Morrison's murder C) It shows the kindness of the men transporting him as they were willing to loosen his handcuffs when he complained about the pressure . D) is meant to give us hope for an appeal trial



McMillian is convicted and sent back to death row. Why does Stevenson give us the imagery of the too-tight handcuffs and shackles on this trip? ... The "old rugged cross" signifies the burdens that Richardson has carried during a difficult life, which has culminated in the horrors of death row and execution.

Plz Help! I’ll give you 100 points and Brainlyes. Plz help if you have read Recruitment: The Resistance Trilogy K a Riley.
If you have read Recruitment: The Resistance Trilogy by K a Riley, could you give me a full summary of the hole book? Thanks sooo much!


In the Valta, no matter what month you were born, everyone is assigned the same birthday. November 1st. It's the anniversary of the day when the government declared war on the Eastern Order. The day you turn seventeen, the Recruiters come to take you away. And no one ever hears from you again. It’s October 31st. Today, Kress is sixteen years old. Tomorrow, she’ll be taken. The good news? So will her best friend Cardyn, and Brohn, the handsome, enigmatic boy she’s avoided all her life. The bad news? Recruitment isn’t what any of them expected. Weeks of training await. Military and psychological tests, escape rooms, hand-to-hand combat. The Recruits are told they're the key to winning the war. But with each day that passes, things begin to make less sense. If only Kress had been able to bring her trained raven, Render, with her. If only none of them had ever had to come to this place.

Which of the following would be helpful features for hunting food if you were a hawk?
A. excellent eyesight
B. very sharp, curved bill
C. sharp talons on feet
D. all of the above



D) all of the above


Hawks are characterized by using sharp talons, large curved bill and muscular legs. Sharp bill is used for biting and tearing the prey. Hawks have excellent eyesight. They can see eight times better than humans.

What types of information do most dictionary entries include?
A) definition, example sentences, questions about the word

B) definition, related topics and words, suggested sources

C)part of speech, pronunciation, words that mean the opposite

D) part of speech, pronunciation, definition


D) part of speech, pronunciation, definition (brainlist pls if I’m right)

Are elections the best test of democracy?​


Answer: Nope

Our voting system worked well for decades, but now it is broken. There is a better way to give voice to the people.

Brexit is a turning point in the history of western democracy. Never before has such a drastic decision been taken through so primitive a procedure – a one-round referendum based on a simple majority. Never before has the fate of a country – of an entire continent, in fact – been changed by the single swing of such a blunt axe, wielded by disenchanted and poorly informed citizens.

But this is just the latest in a series of worrying blows to the health of democracy. On the surface, everything still seems fine. A few years ago, the World Values Survey, a large-scale international research project, asked more than 73,000 people in 57 countries if they believed democracy was a good way to govern a country – and nearly 92% said yes. But that same survey found that in the past 10 years, around the world, there has been a considerable increase in calls for a strong leader “who does not have to bother with parliament and elections” – and that trust in governments and political parties has reached a historical low. It would appear that people like the idea of democracy but loathe the reality.

Trust in the institutions of democracy is also visibly declining. In the past five years, the European Union’s official research bureau found that less than 30% of Europeans had faith in their national parliaments and governments – some of the lowest figures in years, and an indication that almost three-quarters of people distrust their countries’ most important political institutions. Everywhere in the west, political parties – the key players in our democracies – are among the least trusted institutions in society. Although a certain scepticism is an essential component of citizenship in a free society, we are justified in asking how widespread this distrust might be and at what point healthy scepticism tips over into outright aversion.

Noooo nooooo noooo they not to be honest I dunnno

In at least 150 words, analyze Hemingway’s choice of not giving the male character a name.



The first one is the reason why most of Hemingway's characters do not have a name. The fact that characters remain nameless means that they give the impression that they could be anyone. In this way, Hemingway takes away any familiarity and establishes the character as any random man.

Which of the following is a strength in how men communicate?
They are often direct.
They enjoy a well-told story.
They speak to large audiences.
They share personal experiences.
Please select the best answer from the choices provided



A.) they are often Direct

Romeo and Juliet
Please help me for god please help me i really need help me please help me please

Defining a Shakespearean Tragedy is not as simple as just saying that it is a story that ends sadly or with a death. “A Shakespearean tragedy is defined as a play written by William Shakespeare that tells the story of a seemingly heroic figure whose major character flaw causes the story to end with his tragic downfall.”In a complete MEAL paragraph, explain how Romeo and Juliet can be considered a tragedy. Be sure to identify the tragic flaw (the negative character trait) that Romeo and Juliet have in their characters that leads them to their early downfalls. Include clear reasoning and evidence.


Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy from the beginning, they are trapped. They were never even in love, they were in love with the idea of eachother because to each person the other personified freedom and that’s all they’ve ever wanted. They were young, they didn’t understand love. This is shown during the infamous death scene, where Romeo dies for Juliet despite her not even being dead, he took his own life willingly for her even though they’d practically just meet. This is symbolism, Romeo and Juliet represent eachothers longing for freedom, how they want to escape and found it in eachother as well as how they would do anything to escape. Romeo was willing to die because he didn’t have anything to live for, and Juliet didn’t stop him because she knew that he would never be able to save her.

You are Suman/Sanjay, living at 152-B, Chitragupta Colony, Gurgon. Write a letter to the

Chairman of the Municipal Board regarding insanitary conditions of the locality you live in.​



Letter writing to the Chairman of a Municipal Board complaining about unsanitary conditions.



The Chairman

Municipal Board of Delhi and NCT

New Delhi

12 May 2021

Subject: Complaint about the unsanitary living conditions.

Dear Sir,

With due respect, I would like to point out the unsanitary conditions of Chitragupta Colony, Gurgaon. It has been so many months that the garbage disposal workers as well as the sanitary workers had been here.

We, the residents, have written numerous times to the authorities but have not got any response. So, it is my request that you look into the matter as it has become a big menace to the residents of this area. Moreover, mosquitoes have also increased, which further led to the residents' problems of having to deal with diseases and infections.

Sir, I am requesting you to kindly look into the issue and help solve it as soon as possible.

Thank you.




Chitragupta Colony


Get Your Zzzs
If you've ever had a sleepless night, you know that a lack of sleep can make you feel sluggish. Yet failing to get a good night's sleep can also have more serious consequences. Sleep plays an important role in the process of learning new information. A lack of sleep reduces a person's ability to pay attention and concentrate, which makes learning more difficult. In addition, sleep is necessary for remembering information. In 2009, researchers discovered that brain patterns called sharp wave–ripple complexes consolidate memories—that is, fix them in the brain—and transfer them to long-term storage. These brain waves happen most often during the deepest phases of sleep. Thus, you may have a hard time remembering what you learned during the day if you don't get enough sleep.
What is the main idea of the passage?



The main idea is the importance of sleep. If you need to provide a quote from the passage, it would most likely be "failing to get a good night's sleep can also have more serious consequences" or "you may have a hard time remembering what you learned during the day if you don't get enough sleep."

Based on the passage, the main idea of the passage will be the importance of sleep.

What is the main idea?

The main idea or central idea is refer to the central thought of any literature piece. It helps in knowing the key highlights of the text which helps readers to understand the whole text and its objective to represent.

This passage highlights sleep and its importance entail that  sleep  helps in learning new information and affects the patterns of the brain.

The passage reflects on consequences that arise due to lack of sleep which appears as a result of lack of attention and concentration in work makes an individual sluggish.

Sleep also plays a crucial role in memory which gets affected by lack of sleep and affects individuals' performance.

Therefore, the passage emphasizes the importance and benefits of sleep.

Learn more about the central  idea, here:


In writing this article, the author hopes to

A. Explain how Freud responded to criticism of his methods.
B. inform readers about Freud's contributions to psychology.
C. share details about Freud's national background.
D. describe Freud's early education and career goals.



inform readers about Freud's contributions to psychology


I got it right on edmentum

Answer: inform readers about Freud's contributions to psychology


took the test

Describe the main character and developed throughout the story(Homesick)


Author: Anne Tyler

The main theme:

The main theme is identity, as Jean and other characters struggle to discover who they are, and what role their country or upbringing plays in that.

Andrea Hull: Andrea Hull, the daughter of another missionary, is Jean's best friend. A few years older and far more sophisticated than Jean, she understands hairstyles, popular dances, fashion, and boys. Jean admires and even envies Andrea's worldliness. The Hulls have an adopted son, David, who longs to discover his real parents.

Nola: Benny's mom, Nola, is tired of living in small-town Missouri, and longs to be back in New Orleans. Benny's dad, Calvin, grew up in Dennis Acres and could never imagine leaving it, and his “collectibles,” behind. In Homesick, the new novel by Kate Klise, these conflicting emotions become too much.

I went to observe it's architecture.(a,an,the)​



that's your only question?


It makes the most sense

what is the Plural nouns for "This class is amazing and deserves rewards," said Mr. Mortan?​





Rewards is the plural form of  'reward', and reward is a noun. Deserves wouldn't be the answer because 'deserve' is a verb.

Using commas to separate an introductory clause from the main clause. Directions: Punctuate the following sentences with commas.
1. When she noticed the time, Marie realized she would be late.
2. As I entered the room, I realized that I was late again.
3. While I worked at the restaurant, I learned about food.
4. If she wishes, Gloria can come with us.
5. Before you leave, give us your address and telephone number.
6. Because the game was so one-sided, we left early.
7. After he painted the office blue, he dyed his hair
8. Since I left you, my whole life has changed.
9. Although she loved her job, it did not pay very much.
10.Whenever I go to the beach, I become sunburned. Using commas to separate three or more words, phrases, or clauses in a series. Directions: Punctuate the following sentences with commas.



well but your questions are already given with commas

Change the following sentences according to directions.
(a) every student wants to do well in the examination. (negative)
(b) we must follow the traffic rules. (negative)
(c) rana was too weak to sit on the bed. (negative)
(d) he likes both coffee and tea. (negative) (e) only the brave deserve the fair. (negative) (f) she tries to follow him. (interrogative)
(g) they are not happy. (interrogative)
(h) everybody knows him very well. (interrogative)
(i) i saw him reading in the room. (interrogative)
(j) we should not waste time. (interrogative)

Change the following sentences into indirect narration.
(a) My brother said to me, "I was told to take care of you.
(b) The student said, "I did not finish my lesson".
(c) Rana said to her, "I shall follow you."
(d) She said, "I have done my homework.
(e) They said, "We are making a lot of fun."
(f) The old man said to me, "I do not wart to stay here".
(g) Sami said to me, "I am excited to see you."
(h) My father said to me, "I bought a gift for you yesterday."
(i) She said to me, "I like you for your honesty.
(j) You said to her, "You have broken my mobile".

Complete the following sentences with right forms of the verbs given in the brackets.
(a) It is high time we (learn) English Properly. (b) Yesterday, I (buy) a nice book.
(c) I (meet) you tomorrow.
(d) She always (try) to speak the truth.
(e) I wish I (have) a lot of money.
(f)The moon (give) us light at night.​



a.every student does't want to do well in the examination.

b.we must't follow the traffic rules.

(c) rana wrana was't too weak to sit on the bed.

(d) he does't like both coffee and tea.

(e) only the brave deserve does't fair.

(f) Does she try to follow him?

(g)Are they happy?

(h)Does everybody know him very well?

(i)Did you see him reading in the room?

(j)should we waste time?

a story that ended we were lucky that night​





Question 7 of 20
Which sentence is the best example of an objective summary?
A. The Founding Fathers should have realized that some of the
amendments from the Bill of Rights would be challenged today.
B. The Bill of Rights list the rights all U.S. citizens possess, including
the rights to free speech and due process.
C. Many people around the world look to the Bill of Rights as an
important symbol of American democracy and ideals.
D. The Bill of Rights is very important because it identifies rights the
government cannot take away.



I'm pretty sure it's B


That's only an educated guess

Which of the following statements best illustrates understatement?
• A. I'm sure to attract lots of dates wearing these 3-D glasses all
B. They're showing the movie Don't Turn Out the Lights in a dark

C. think the ushers might question a grocery bag of candy under
your sweater.
D. Most people sit in the back for a better view, but the sound is
better up front.



i think its B)

They're showing the movie Don't Turn Out the Lights in a dark

Based on the details in Passage 1. which
inference can be made about the speaker
of the poem?
The speaker prefers daffodils to other types
of flowers.
The speaker enjoys watching clouds.
The speaker was alone when viewing the
The speaker often walked the route



don't know what poem this is based on?

what is the role of may in the sentence jerry might enter to college next year.
the same question for: he may leave tomorrow and the sentence suzanne may be at home now



The question is unclear please elaborate

What is the definition of tax filing please please help please



It is a statement of your earnings from various sources of income, tax liability thereon, details of tax paid and any refunds that have to be given by the government.

a person who campaings to bring about social political and enviromental change in society



                     Part of being an effective ally is turning our attention toward those responsible for . Structural violence is a way to understand that violence and harm are caused not only by individual actors but by unjust laws, , and other features of the environment—all of which, of course, were created by human beings. To summarize, we feel that attention should be placed on the actors, policies, rules, and structures that harm community members.  

                     Part of being an effective ally is turning our attention toward those responsible for . Structural violence is a way to understand that violence and harm are caused not only by individual actors but by unjust laws, , and other features of the environment—all of which, of course, were created by human beings. To summarize, we feel that attention should be placed on the actors, policies, rules, and structures that harm community members.

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