a goat is traveling on a mountain. His starting elevation was at 150 feet above sea level. By the end of his travels, he was at 13 feet above sea level.

Write an expression that represents the change in elevation

What was the change in elevation?


Answer 1

The expression to represent the change in elevation would be 13 - 150.

The change in elevation would be - 137 feet.

How to find the change in elevation?

The change in elevation refers to the difference between the elevation that a person ends up in, from the elevation that they started out at.

The change in elevation for the goat would therefore be:

= Ending elevation - Starting elevation

= 13 - 150

= - 137 feet

In conclusion, the change in elevation of the goat in its travels was - 137 feet.

Find out more on change in elevation at


Related Questions

in larg cities, people often take taxi to get from one place to another. what is the cost per mile of taxi ride how much is 47-mile taxi ride


People in large cities use taxis to get from one location to another; the cost is $25.20 every 36 miles, and a 47-mile taxi ride will cost $32.9.

What is the multiplication and division rule?

Multiplication Rule If events A and B occur in the same sample space, the probability of both A and B occurring is equal to the probability that A occurs multiplied by the probability that B occurs, given that A has occurred.

Returning to the previous example, the first response is correct because it follows the BODMAS principles, which state that division can be done before multiplication and must be done before addition. Multiplication happens before addition.


Cost every 36 miles = 25.20

Cost of one mile = Cost for 36 miles / 36

Cost of one mile = 25.20/36

Cost of one mile = 0.7

Cost of 47 miles = Cost of one mile ×  47

Cost of 47 miles = 0.7 ×  47

Cost of 47 miles = 32.9

47 miles taxi ride will cost 32.9

The complete question is:

In large cities people out and take taxis to get from one place to another the cost is $25.20 every 36 miles how much is a 47 mile taxi ride

To Learn more About factors, refer to:


(Theoretical Probability MC)

Determine P(not yellow) if the spinner is spun once.




Step-by-step explanation:

1. Percent means one out 100%



2. Multiply by the number of spaces that are not yellow!



Answer: 75%

Given the function f(x)= 7lx-4l, calculate the following values:F(0)=F(2)=F(-2)=F(x+1)=F(x^2+2)=


As given by the question

There is given that the function

[tex]f(x)=7\lvert x-4\rvert[/tex]


First find the value of f(0):

Then, put the value of 0 for x into the given function.


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=7\lvert x-4\rvert \\ f(0)=7\lvert0-4\rvert \\ f(0)=7\lvert-4\rvert \\ f(0)=7\cdot4 \\ f(0)=28 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=7\lvert x-4\rvert \\ f(2)=7\lvert2-4\rvert \\ f(2)=7\lvert-2\rvert \\ f(2)=7\cdot2 \\ f(2)=14 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=7\lvert x-4\rvert \\ f(-2)=7\lvert-2-4\rvert \\ f(-2)=7\lvert-6\rvert \\ f(-2)=7\cdot6 \\ f(-2)=42 \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=7\lvert x-4\rvert \\ f(x)=7\lvert x+1-4\rvert \\ f(x)=7\lvert x+1-4\rvert \\ f(x)=7\lvert x-3\rvert \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=7\lvert x-4\rvert \\ f(x^2+2)=7\lvert x^2+2-4\rvert \\ f(x^2+2)=7\lvert x^2-2\rvert \end{gathered}[/tex]

I need some help with math


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{surface area of the triangular prism} \\ =\text{ Base area }\times\text{ length} \\ =\text{ Area of a triangle x length} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]undefined[/tex]

9 minus the quotient of 2 and x



81x because 9x9=81x so 81x is your answer

Which of the following coordinate points have undergone an enlargement and reduction? Select all that apply.Group of answer choices(5, -1) --> (10, 2) --> (20, 4)(1, 1) --> (6, 6) --> (1, 1)(4, 9) --> (20, 34) --> (20/45, 1)(3, 0) --> (9, 0) --> (18, 0)(0, -5) --> (0, 5) --> (0, 30)


By definition, you know that dilations have a scale factor, this is labeled k. To dilate something in the coordinate plane, multiply each coordinate by the scale factor.

If there is a reduction, then 0 < k < 1.

If there is an enlargement, then k > 1.


So, you have

[tex]\begin{gathered} (5,-1)\rightarrow(5\cdot2,-1\cdot-2)=(10,2) \\ \text{ k is not the same for both coordinates of the point} \end{gathered}[/tex]

[tex]\begin{gathered} (1,1)\rightarrow(6\cdot1,6\cdot1)=(6,6) \\ \text{In this case, k = 6 and k > 1 then the coordinate points have an enlargement} \\ (6,6)\rightarrow(\frac{1}{6}\cdot6,\frac{1}{6}\cdot6)=(1,1) \\ \text{In this case, k = 1 and 0< k < 1 then the coordinate points have an reduction} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} (4,9)\rightarrow(4\cdot5,9\cdot\frac{34}{9})=(20,34) \\ \text{ k is not the same for both coordinates of the point} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} (3,0)\rightarrow(3\cdot3,3\cdot0)=(9,0) \\ \text{In this case, k = 3 and k > 1 then the coordinate points have an enlargement} \\ (9,0)\rightarrow(2\cdot9,2\cdot0)=(18,0) \\ \text{In this case, k = 2 and k > 1 then the coordinate points have an enlargement} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} (0,-5)\rightarrow(-1\cdot0,-1\cdot-5)=(0,5) \\ \text{ In this case, k = -1, and by definition k > 0} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct answer is


Find the sum of the interior angles of a 22-sided polygon. 1,980° 2,160° 3,360° 3,600°


The sum of the interior angles of a 22-sided polygon is (d) 3600 degrees

How to determine the sum of the interior angles?

From the question, we have the following parameters that can be used in our computation:

Shape = 22-sided polygon

Parameter to calculate = the sum of the interior angles

The sum of the interior angles is calculated using the following angle formula

The sum of the interior angles = ( n − 2 ) × 180 ∘ where is the number of sides

In this case

n = 22

Substitute the known values in the above equation, so, we have the following representation

The sum of the interior angles = (22 − 2) × 180∘


The sum of the interior angles = 3600∘

Hence, the angle is (d) 3600 degrees

Read more about polygons at


Geometry!! Any help appreciated! Thank you



this was in the other room and the

Step-by-step explanation:

times to go home and amen and keep me

Evaluate 3x + 2y - 22when x = 5, y = 2 and z = 1.



3x + 2y - 2z = 17

when x = 5, y = 2, and z = 1



3x + 2y - 2z

For x = 5, y = 2 and z = 1, we have:

3(5) + 2(2) - 2(1)

= 15 + 4 - 2

= 17

An inlet pipe on a swimming pool can be used to fill the pool in 34 hours. the drain pipe can be used to empty the pool in 35 hours. if the pool is 1/2 filled and then the inlet pipe and drain pipe are opened, how long from that time will it take to fill the pool?


595 hours is time it will take to fill the swimming pool  .

What are fraction ?

A fraction is a mathematical symbol representing any quantity of equal parts, and it also represents a portion of a whole. When employed in conversational English, a fraction—such as one-half, eight-fifths, and three-quarters—indicates the number of components of a particular size.


inlet pipe will fill the pool in 34 hours. Every hour, it fills 1/34 of the pool

Outlet pipe will empty the pool in 35 hours. Every hour, it empties 1/35 of the pool.

In x hours we want 1/2 the pool to fill, since half is already filled.

We want  (x/34) - (x/35) = 1/2

multiply by 1190 both sides, the LCD.

35x-34x=595 (1190/2)

x=595 hours

in that time 595/34-595/35=0.5

learn more about fractions here :


what would the new points be after the transformation:



There's nothing that can be done with the given information

Step-by-step explanation:

A line drawn on the coordinate plane passes through the points (1, 4) and (2, 7). What is the equation of the line?


Thus, the equation of the straight line passing through the point (1,4) and (2,7) is: y=3x+1

A line passing through the coordinate plane also passes through points (1,4) and (2,7)

Let point(1,4) be=P

let point(2,7) be=Q

The formula for the equation of a straight line when two points are given is given as:

y-y1=m X (x-x1) + c

where m=y2-y1/x2-x1

here y= Y axis

x= X axis

m= Slope of the line

c= constant

Here taking P as point 1 and Q as point 2 we get:

x1=1     y1=4


x2=2   y2=7


Now putting values



Thus m=3

now putting values in the equation

(y-4)=3(x-1) +c

y-4=3x- 3+c



Since Line passes through point Q(2,7) it satisfies the equation.

now putting the values of point Q in the equation to get the constant:







Thus, the constant is 0.

Thus, the equation of the straight line passing through the point (1,4) and (2,7) is: y=3x+1

Learn more about a straight line at:

What is this expression in simplified form?
O A. 3√7
OB. 21√7
O C. 27√7
O D. 11√7




Step-by-step explanation:

666789909 +75445899553235653889

I'm sure the

Raj completed his homework in 5/6 hour. His older brother took 1½ times as long as Raj did to
complete his homework.
How long did it take Raj's older brother to complete his homework?




Step-by-step explanation:

Two planes at started to take off at the same time. Plane One took off from the tarmac going 375 mph at an angle of elevation of 40° and Plane Two took off from the tarmac going 400 mph at an angle of elevation of 35°. Which plane is rising faster? What would you change to make sure both planes rise at the same rate?


a. Since the vertical component of velocity v' = 241.05 mph > v" = 229.43 mph, the first plane is rising faster

b. I would change the angle of elevation of both planes

a. How to find which plane is rising faster?

Two planes at started to take off at the same time. Plane One took off from the tarmac going 375 mph at an angle of elevation of 40° and Plane Two took off from the tarmac going 400 mph at an angle of elevation of 35°, to fidn which plane is rising faster, we compute their vertical component of velocity of the plane .

What is the vertical component of velocity?

The vertical component of velocity is v' = vsinФ where

v = speed and Ф = angle of elevation

For the first plane

v = 375 mph and Ф = 40°

So, v' = vsinФ

= (375 mph)sin40°

= (375 mph) × 0.6428

= 241.05 mph

For the second plane

v = 400 mph and Ф = 35°

So, v" = vsinФ

= (400 mph)sin35°

= (400 mph) × 0.5736

= 229.43 mph

Since v' = 241.05 mph > v" = 229.43 mph

So, the first plane is rising faster

b. What would you change to make sure both planes rise at the same rate?

To make both planes rise at the same rate, I would change the angle of elevation of both planes

Learn more about vertical component of velocity of plane here:


7. A box contains bags of nails. Each
bag has 24 nails. There are 960 nails
in the box. How many bags are in
the box?


40 bags of 24 nails in the box


Step-by-step explanation:

you divide 960 by 24 and you will have 40 so you will have 40 nails. :0

find the area of the shape


We can decompose the shape into two triangles, one with a base of 4 yds and a height of 5 yds, and the other with a base of 4 yds and a height of 13 yds.

The area of a triangle is calculated as follows:


Then, the area of the triangles are:

[tex]\begin{gathered} A_1=4\cdot5\cdot\frac{1}{2} \\ A_1=10yd^2 \\ A_2=4\cdot13\cdot\frac{1}{2} \\ A_2=26yd^2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

And the are of the shape is 10 + 26 = 36 yd²

A babysitting job pays $4 per hourWhich table show the relationship between the number of hours worked and the total amount of money earned babysitting?


Given that the ratio is $4 per hour, we just have to find the table that shows this relation.

Observe that table C shows that the Total Money Earned is 4 times the Hours worked.

Hence, the answer is C.

here is the 3rd one to do


For all three given expression; No, b is not equivalent to a and c.

What is meant by the term equivalent expression?A string of numbers, factors, arithmetic calculations, and possibly exponents constitutes an algebraic expression.Equivalent expressions, as the name implies, are algebraic signifiers that, despite their appearance, turn out to be the same. And because they are the identical, they will produce the same results regardless of the numbers we replace for their variables.

For the given question, the three expressions are-

a: 3(x - 1) + 4

Simplify the expression;

= 3x - 3 + 4

Add the constant

= 3x + 1  .....1

b: 3x - 1 ......2

c: 3(x - 2) + 7

Simplify the expression;

3x - 6 + 7

Add the constant

3x + 4 .....3

The result from eq 1, 2 and 3 are-

a = c ≠ b

Thus, No, expression b is not equivalent to a and c.

To know more about the equivalent expression, here


Use long division or a calculator to write 1/6 as a decimal. Then tell whether the decimal is terminating or repeating


It can be seen that it is a repeating decimal because the division is continuous

what is the slope of a line perpendicular to the line whose equation is x+y=9



perpendicular slope = 1

Step-by-step explanation:

the equation of a line in slope- intercept form is

y = mx + c ( m is the slope and c the y- intercept )


x + y = 9 ( subtract x from both sides )

y = - x + 9 ← in slope- intercept form

with slope m = - 1

given a line with slope m then the slope of a line perpendicular to it is

[tex]m_{perpendicular}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{1}{m}[/tex] = - [tex]\frac{1}{-1}[/tex] = 1

The area of a triangle is 15. Two of the side lengths are 5.5 and 7.5 and the includedangle is acute. Find the measure of the included angle, to the nearest tenth of adegree.


α =46º

1) Let's start by gathering the data:

S = 15 u²

a= 5.5

b= 7.5

Sketcing out:

2) One of the formulas to find out the area of a triangle is:

[tex]S=\frac{ab\cdot\sin (\alpha)}{2}[/tex]

Plugging the given data into the formula we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 15=\frac{5.5\cdot7.5\sin (\alpha)}{2}\text{ }\times2 \\ 30\text{ =41.25}\cdot\sin (\alpha) \\ \frac{30}{41.25}=\frac{\text{41.25}\cdot\sin (\alpha)}{41.25} \\ 0.72=\sin (\alpha) \end{gathered}[/tex]

2.2) Since we want to know the measure of that angle, then let's make use of the arcsine of (0.72)

[tex]\begin{gathered} \alpha=\sin ^{-1}(0.72) \\ \alpha=46.05\approx46 \end{gathered}[/tex]

3) Hence, the missing acute angle is α =46º (rounded off to nearest whole number)

-1/7 divided by-3/14


The answer is 2/3, use a calculator

Carolina needs a total of $6.50 in quarters for a coin-operated car wash. He already has $1.50. Which equation can be used to find g, the
additional quarters Carolina needs in order to have enough money for the car wash?


Answer: 20 quarters

Step-by-step explanation:

As we look at this problem we can convert $6.50 dollars into 26 quarters. Us already knowing that Carolina has $1.50 (6 quarters) we can take the two numbers and minus both of them. 26 quarters ($6.50) - 6 quarters ($1.50) = 20 quarters($5.00)

Step-by-step explanation:

every $ is equivalent to 4 quarters.

every half-$ is equivalent to 2 quarters.

after all, 1 quarter = $0.25.

so, the equation is

4×1.5 + g = 4×6.5

or simplified

6 + g = 26

and from there we get then immediately that

g = 20

Question 14 of 30The histogram below gives the distribution of test scores for a sample ofstudents in a school in Alaska. Which answer choice gives the number ofstudents that scored above 50.57


We need to find the number of students that scored above 50.57.

That number is given by the sum of all heights of the bars after 50.5:

Heights of the bars with scores above 50.5:

• bar labeled 1: ,100

• bar labeled 2: ,250

• bar labeled 3: ,200

• bar labeled 4: approximately ,190

• bar labeled 5: approximately ,60

Then, adding those values, we obtain:


Answer: D. 800

2x+1=2(x-2) solve for x



There is no solution to this equation

Step-by-step explanation:



0x = -5

Answer is no solution

this statement is false



cancel equal terms


Gavin and Jim win some money and share it in the ratio 1:3. Gavin gets £15. How much did Jim get?


Using ratios we can conclude that Jim will get £45.

What are ratios?In mathematics, a ratio shows how frequently one number appears in another. For instance, the ratio of oranges to lemons in a fruit plate would be eight to six if there were eight oranges and six lemons. Oranges make up 8:14 of the total fruit, whereas lemons make up 6:8 of the total fruit.

So, the money Jim gets will be:

The ratio, that they got money in is 1:3.

Gavin:JIM = 1:3Gavin gets £15.

Then Jim will bet:

£15 × 3£45

Therefore, using ratios we can conclude that Jim will get £45.

Know more about ratios here:


Jack paid $46 for 4 pizzas. How much did he pay per pizza?




Step-by-step explanation:


In money have to make it the hundredths, so it's $11.50.

Here's a similar question.



Step-by-step explanation:

$46 ÷ 4 = 11.5

17.09+3.98 estimated​




Step-by-step explanation:

Michaels is very busy with work and her children so she decides to subscribe to. A monthly meal plan services. The company charges a flat monthly cost of $125 per month for their classic meals. Michelle wants to try a few of the family meals so she can have her babysitter over for dinner a few nights this month . One family meal costs $9.99 if Michelle cooks dinner for her babysitter three times this month using the family package and still purchases her classic meal package how much will Michelle pay for her subscription this month


Michelle will pay $154.97 if she cooks dinner for her babysitter three times this month using the family package and still purchases her classic meal package.

What is meant by cost?

A cost function is a mathematical formula that shows how production costs change at different output levels. In other words, it calculates the total cost of production based on the quantity produced. The cost function can be used to calculate the average cost, which is the amount of money it costs to produce one unit on average.

The average cost function is A(x)=C(x)x A (x) = C (x) x A (x) = C (x) x, where x>0. The average cost per unit is calculated by dividing the total cost by the number of units produced.


Monthly cost of $125 per month for their classic meals

and one family meal costs $9.99

if Michelle cooks dinner for her babysitter three times this month using the family package, the the cost of 3 family meal cost will be

3 × $9.99 = $29.97 and still purchases her classic meal package

Hence, the total pay will be $125 + $29.97 = $154.97

To learn more about cost function, refer to


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