Help me please please help me

Help Me Please Please Help Me


Answer 1




Answer 2
The answer is calmed.

Related Questions

Read this excerpt from "A Student's Guide to Global Climate Change."

Climate change will lead to more hot days and more heat waves. As a result, people will need to use more air conditioning to stay cool. As people use more air conditioning, electricity shortages and blackouts could increase. Because most electricity is currently produced by burning fossil fuels, using more electricity to run air conditioners will also add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere.

What problem does the excerpt present?

There will be more hot days and heat waves in the future.
People will need air conditioning more often in the future.
Power shortages and blackouts may increase.
Greenhouse gases are being added to the environment.



Power shortages and blackouts may increase.


Reason is as stated in the paragraph, "As people use more air conditioning, electricity shortages and blackouts could increase."

Therefore that needs to be the answer.

The first and second choice is not a strong answer while the last one "Greenhouse gases are being added to the environment." is a strong answer but, as stated in the paragraph, "also add more greenhouse gases to the atmosphere."

its choice c

Answer: I think its b If not c and if both of them are wrong realyyyy sorry


For this assignment, you will be choosing a poem from Unit 1 and exploring a possible Theme from it. Your written essay must be an original document and include:
• (25) First Paragraph:
o Poem title and poet’s name
o Summarizes what the poem is about.
o A Thesis Statement in the last sentence that describes the Theme of the poem—the poet’s message or lesson about life.
• (10) Second Paragraph:
o Describe the first example of the theme in the poem.
o Write the example word-for-word in “quotations.”
• (10) Third Paragraph:
o Describe the second example of the theme in the poem.
o Write the example word-for-word in “quotations.”
• (5) Fourth Paragraph:
o Your Conclusion
o Review the poem’s theme again and provide any last thoughts on the theme or the poem itself.
TOTAL= 50 points

Remember to include:
• 12-point font--Arial or Times New Roman
• 2.0 double space
• Assignment heading: Your first and last name, class, teacher name, and date
• Centered Title: Theme + Poem Title
• Indented paragraphs
• Spelling and grammar check before submission


Answer: Yo I can't really help but for inspirational wording you need to be yourself and think of a good way to write


Help me please please help me





That's the right spelling




hope it helps :)

help me plz

:) have a nice day


astrid -  noun

opened - not a noun

the - not a noun

box - a noun



astrid -  noun

opened - not a noun

the - not a noun

box - a noun


I hope you have a fantastic day!!!

Refer to Inside Out and Back Again for a complete version of this text.

In “Hate It,” the author develops a frustrated tone.

Which example of figurative language from the text most clearly supports this tone?

“A lion’s paw rips up my throat, / still I scream,”
“Hands grip my shoulders. / MiSSSisss WaSShington / is on her knees.”
“I don’t make it inside the house, / but sit / under the willow tree,”
“She says it over and over / like a chant, / slowly.”



"A lion's paw rips up my throat."


The line "a lion's paw rips up my throat," represents how the narrator really feels more than any other part. She feels that no matter what she says, nobody will listen to her.


"A lion's paw rips up my throat. is the correct answer


Help me please please help me






hope this helps




The other ones are not words.

Which writing style is most similar to an oratory?

fictional writing
informational writing
poetic writing
argumentative writing



argumentative writing

i.d.k  how i got this so hope its right tell me if i got right anyways tell me if i got it wrong.




A. Fictional writing Depends on for whom you're doing the oration. BUT! IN GENERAL ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING is called oration.

please help!!
1. Is this statement true or false?
Friendships can change as people explore new interests and become adults.

2.Encouraging a friend to try out for a sports team is an example of __________ peer pressure.
A. negative
B. positive

3. Encouraging someone to cheat on a test is an example of __________ peer pressure.

A. negative
B. positive

4. Josh and Miguel are working together on a project for school. They disagree on how the project should be presented. What is the best way for them to collaborate on the project and work out their differences?

A. They can each choose to do it their own way and not work together.
B. They can complain and criticize the other person's ideas.
C. They can each explain how they feel, listen to each other, brainstorm solutions, and then compromise.


1. True
2. Positive
3. Negative
4. C

Same answer as the smart one below me.

Click on each box to choose the paragraph that matches the description.
uses a topic sentence and supporting details
uses chronological order
uses spatial order
tells a story
paints a picture with words
informs or explains
Choices: Expository, Narrative, Descriptive



expository paragraph=uses a topic sentence and supporting details

narrative paragraph= uses chronological order

descriptive paragraph= uses spatial order

narrative paragraph=tells a story

descriptive paragraph=paints a picture with words

expository paragraph=informs or explains

We can match the paragraphs and the descriptions when it comes to characteristics of expository, narrative, and descriptive paragraphs as follows:

Expository paragraph: uses a topic sentence and supporting details; informs or explains.Narrative paragraph: uses chronological order; tells a story.Descriptive paragraph: uses spatial order; paints a picture with words.

What is the difference between the types of paragraphs?

An expository paragraph, as the name suggests, aims to explain something, to convey a piece of information in a way readers can understand it. It uses topic sentences and details.

A narrative paragraph narrates a story. To do so, it is important to use chronological order, that is, to tells events in the sequence they happened in time.

Finally, a descriptive paragraph aims to describe something in a way readers can visualize it. It tries to paint a picture with words, and it uses spatial order to help readers locate things in their minds.

Learn more about expository paragraphs here:


brainliest for best answer
PART A: Which of the following best identifies a theme of the poem?
A.Hate and fear are powerful emotions that always lead to violence.
B.Fear of change can cause people to act in ways they normally wouldn’t.
C.Even when change is met with violence, the ideals behind the change persist.
D.The law views everyone as equal, but groups may not.

This is a poem written by J. Patrick Lewis and its called Freedom Summer

Here's the poem: That day in June we stopped in Meridian, I reached in my pocket for the penny I called Hope. The Negro barber nodded, Y’all comeback soon. In Long dale the KKK had burned down Mount Zion Church. We had left the inferno when Sheriff Price ordered us into a cruiser for a shortcut to county jail. With the odor of pee running down my pant leg,Mickey whispered, Don’t expect that one phone call, and he was right. They fed us potatoes, peas, poke salad, and spoon bread.Our last supper. But once the Klan ambush was set up, the sheriff fined me $20, and told us, Git gone for good. Then the whole thin shimmer of our lives evaporated like smoke in a fog. Armed with cone-hat con-viction and long-necked persuaders, the Klan rode in for last rites to the first rights of a gaunt trio. Flames licked the car as it sank under Bogue Chitto Swamp. After single shots to the heart had taken Mickey and Andrew, they’d saved three bullets for me. Freedom Summer is Forlorn Winter at the tag end of living. And just before they pitched our bodies into earthen graves on Old Jolly Farm, I remember that my hand was in my pocket. I could still feel Hope.



C. Even when change is met with violence, the ideals behind change persists.


This poem depicts time just after slaves were freed in America. Clearly, there was still much contention between white folks, especially those in power, and recently freed Black Americans. So much so, that police brutality was common and collusion with the KKK would occur. Black Americans were free, but not safe. However, despite violence, despite death itself, hope persists.

Explain what the diagram shows about how d0ped blood is different from normal blood


there are more red blood cells in the the bloodstream


Blood doping rises the amount of hemoglobin in the bloodstream. Hemoglobin is an oxygen -carrying protein in the blood. So rising hemoglobin allows higher amounts of oxygen to reach and charge an athlete’s muscles. This can develop strength and performance, particularly in long-distance events, such as running and cycling. Whereas a red blood cell count in a normal blood would be around:
Men- 4.0 to 5.9 x 10*12/L
Women- 3.8 to 5.2 x 10*12/L


Blood doping is an illicit method of developing athletic performance by artificially boosting the blood’s ability to bring more oxygen to muscles.
The three vastly used types of blood doping are:
Blood transfusions
Injections of erythropoietin (EPO)
Injections of synthetic oxygen carriers
Blood transfusions: Transfusions are given to patients who undergo from low red blood cell counts caused by anemia, kidney failure, blood loss due to injury or surgery and other conditions or treatments.
EPO injections: EPO is a hormone assembled by the kidney. It regulates the body’s production of RBCs. Athletes using EPO do so to stimulate their bodies to produce higher than normal amounts of RBCs to improve performance.
Synthetic oxygen carriers: These are chemicals that have the capability to carry oxygen. It is used when a patient is in need of  blood transfusion. Athletes use synthetic oxygen carriers to achieve the same performance-improving effects of other types of blood doping; increased oxygen in the blood that helps fuel muscles.
To know more click the link below

who is persephone a lover of? like humans people just not hades and her parents :)



Every Persephone worshipper



Zeus, it is said, advised Pluto, who was in love with ... to carry her off, as her mother, Demeter, was not likely to ... 687 :(   in like manner Sicily was said to have been ... Hades and Persephone in the Underworld  Apulian.She took it up thoughtfully and began to fashion a man.

Explanation: I hope this helps if it dont im rlly srry

Which of the following sentences is a compound-complex sentence?

Group of answer choices

After Abigail joined us at the restaurant, the dinner became much more enjoyable.

David used to play a lot of tennis, but this year has been a different experience for him.

Since I don't like the food prepared by the team, I'll eat elsewhere, but I won't tell anyone.

The news surprised Francois because he never knew he was in the running for the award.



Since I don't like the food prepared by the team, I'll eat elsewhere, but I won't tell anyone.



the third one


In what ways does Mr. Bedford’s description of the Selenites influence the reader to perceive them as strange and unnatural creatures? Select all that apply. Mr. Bedford focuses on the differences of the Selenites and uses words with negative connotations. Mr. Bedford presents them as cow butchers in order to heighten the reader’s sense of fear. Mr. Bedford emphasizes their monstrous features in his descriptions. Mr. Bedford portrays the Selenites as nocturnal beings, causing the reader to distrust them.



I'm just going to type it in the explanation.


Mr. Bedford presents them as cow butchers in order to heighten the reader’s sense of fear.: It's kinda in the answer itself, "in order to heighten the reader's sense of fear". Mr. Bedford emphasizes their monstrous features in his descriptions. Mr. Bedford emphasizes their monstrous features in his descriptions.: Monstrous mostly links with unnatural. Hope this helps :)


the only wrong one is Mr. Bedford focuses on the differences of the Selenites and uses words with negative connotations.


Running Home and “The Sailor” are written from different points of view. Write an essay analyzing the impact of point of view on events in the passage from Running Home and the impact of point of view on events in the poem, “The Sailor.” Use specific examples from BOTH texts to support your answer.




Running Home and the impact of point of view on events in the poem, “The Sailor.” Use specific examples from BOTH texts to support your answer.









to bad


HELP MEEEEE"The Crisis" was written during the

Revolutionary War
Vietnam War
Civil War


The answer would be the revolutionary war

Answer: Revolutionary War Period.

Explanation: Assiming this is "The Crisis" by Thomas Paine, this would have been written in 1776, which is the revolutionary war time period.

In the book "Things Fall Apart", what meaning or symbolism can you find in the death of Ezeudu’s sixteen-year-old son? If you give an acceptable answer, I will provide Brailiest. (If you haven't read the book, go on SparkNotes to get the basic summary of it)


Answer: symbolic of the death of a culture. He stands for the old ways of the culture he follows their philosophies and holds their belief system. His values of manliness and bravery are the values of the Ibo people.

Explanation: i hope this is an acceptable answer .

You have read the passage from Running Away and the poem “The Journey.” Both texts develop the theme of freedom. Write an essay that compares and contrasts the approaches each text uses to develop the theme of freedom.




a concave lens is exactly the opppostie with outer surfaces  curving inward, so it makes parallel light rays curve outward or diverge. That's why concave lenses are sometimes called diverging lenses. ... The distance from the center of the lens to the focal point is, again, the focal length of the lens.


are we really free? how free are we really? if there’s freedom, why do i not feel free?

did the frogs choose wisely? in the story the frogs asking for a king


Answer:The Frogs were tired of governing themselves. They had so much freedom that it had spoiled them, and they did nothing but sit around croaking So they sent a petition to Jupiter asking for a king.


In what storie again I am lost on the question

Anne believed that deep down everyone was good. Do you agree with her or disagree with her? Why?



This is an opinion question


Just write down what you think and then gather some facts in the book/whatever it is that support if you do or don't

sorry hope this helps (:

I believe Anne that deep down Anne is good because even though she still had made bad decisions she has made up for them.

who does persephone fear? i need this for an assignment lol.



Persephone was scared of Pirithous

Answer:ersephone was scared of Pirithous and stabbed him with a pencil, when she stood up against Hades in the clearing, when she stood up to Hades in the Underworld, when she learned self-defense, when she opened her mind on purpose to Boreas's dreamwalking after Melissa was taken.


If you had 5 wishes, what would they be? (*/ω\*)


I wish that I could live underwater, read people's minds, and fly. ooh, and also, I wish that we could live forever and no one will die( although I know that last one isn't a wish and will actually happen )


PART A: Which of the following best identifies a theme of the poem?
A.Hate and fear are powerful emotions that always lead to violence.
B.Fear of change can cause people to act in ways they normally wouldn’t.
C.Even when change is met with violence, the ideals behind the change persist.
D.The law views everyone as equal, but groups may not.

This is a poem written by J. Patrick Lewis and its called Freedom Summer
Here's the poem:
That day in June we stopped in Meridian, I reached in my pocket for the penny I called Hope. The Negro barber nodded, Y’all comeback soon. In Long dale the KKK had burned down Mount Zion Church. We had left the inferno when Sheriff Price ordered us into a cruiser for a shortcut to county jail. With the odor of pee running down my pant leg,Mickey whispered, Don’t expect that one phone call, and he was right. They fed us potatoes, peas, poke salad, and spoon bread.Our last supper. But once the Klan ambush was set up, the sheriff fined me $20, and told us, Git gone for good. Then the whole thin shimmer of our lives evaporated like smoke in a fog. Armed with cone-hat con-viction and long-necked persuaders, the Klan rode in for last rites to the first rights of a gaunt trio. Flames licked the car as it sank under Bogue Chitto Swamp. After single shots to the heart had taken Mickey and Andrew, they’d saved three bullets for me. Freedom Summer is Forlorn Winter at the tag end of living. And just before they pitched our bodies into earthen graves on Old Jolly Farm, I remember that my hand was in my pocket. I could still feel Hope.


Answer: I think it’s c!


Evaluating Speakers

You have now read and listened to three speeches. Choose any two of the speeches, and identify and evaluate the specific strategies used to persuade the audience. Be specific and use textual evidence from the speeches as support. Consider elements such as rhetorical devices, tone, emphasis, and pace.

Make sure to use three vocabulary words in your writing.

Your answer should be 2–3 paragraphs long.

Please don't just type in an answer, If your in K12 or PEAK and got a good grade on this (A or B) then copy and paste it and I'll change it up a little so that I don't get caught.


Uhm I can’t evaluate the speeches if I don’t have access to them. I’d gladly help but like I don’t have the speeches
i don’t have k-12 but message me and i will copy and paste the paragraphs

Please help me answer these questions passage is in the picture there are 3 questions 2 in the pic and one right here
1. What claim is the author making?


I’m not sure but I’m positive it’s c

Describe what questions you should ask yourself during the prewriting process in order to learn about the audience for which you are writing. Explain how these questions help you adjust and adapt your writing to match your audience.



does this relate to my audience?


know which audience you are targeting, then think about them as who they are, like if they are kids  you might wanna add things kids like or if it was for teens, add things they can relate to.        ( change it to where its like ur saying this)

A great team
has a good scorer
with a teammate
who’s on point
and ready
to assist.

What does it mean to you 5-6 sentences


To me it means teamwork and someone that will always help. It means good chemistry and good attitudes. You should always assist them when they are messing up. You should get them the ball is they are wide open. You should never bring them down if they mess up. If they are up the floor go ahead and pass them the ball. All it is good chemistry, good attitudes, and hard working people.

hope this helped:)

As a sentence "A great team has a good scorer with a teammate who’s on point and ready to assist." The sentence means to the great team achieved success more quickly was to assist and the ready to the teammates.

What is team?

The term team refers to the collection of people with in a one aim. A team members are achieve goal with help of all members. The team is create mostly in sports and management. The all team members are achieve common goal. There are different types of team such as operational team, virtual team, management team, and event team.

According to the given the sentence was meaning to always help for the teammates. A team was the build as help to each other on the difficult time. A teammate were the always assist them when they are messing up. A teammate were the ready to assist as each other.

As a result, the meaning of the sentence is the achieved success more quickly to assist the teammates.

Learn more about on team, here:


What is an vpn, and how can you use a vpn? Explain.



A virtual private network (VPN) provides privacy, anonymity, and security to users by creating a private network connection across a public network connection. VPNs can be used in combination with proxy servers, and overlay networks.

How to use a VPN in 3 easy steps:

1.    Download your VPN app. Select your plan and download the ExpressVPN app for your computer or mobile device.

2.    Set up your VPN service. ExpressVPN apps are quick and easy to set up.

3.    Connect to a VPN server. Connect to one of 160 locations and enjoy the internet with privacy and security


pls mark brainliest


A VPN is an extension that you can install onto your device to give you an extra layer of protection


The VPN encrypts your data so nobody can see it a spread it to the public. It can also let you access content that is not available in your region. VPNs also mask your IP with a fake one in the location you choose so if people try to dox you, they'll be sent to the wrong address.

What should the title of these two poems be? The best one will get brainliest :)
Please be creative and don't answer if you're doing it for points, or I will report.
1) Cherry blossoms bloom
From the month of March to June
A gift from Japan
2) There once was a man named Larry
His legs were really quite hairy
He fell on some tape
And tried to escape
And now his legs are quite scary



1) A gift from japan

2) Larry's scary hairy legs


1. Japan’s Blossoms

2. Hairy Larry
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