
Answer 1

Answer: False


If you look at the flag its made of red and white triangles not blue and white

Answer 2

it's mostly red and white but there is a small blue space but overall it's false

Related Questions

Ese hotel tiene cien habitaciones. El otro hotel tiene cuarenta habitaciones.
Ese hotel tiene más habitaciones que el otro.
1. La biblioteca tiene ciento cincuenta sillas. El laboratorio de lenguas tiene treinta sillas.
2. Ramón compró tres corbatas. Roberto compró tres corbatas.
3. Yo comí un plato de pasta. Mi hermano comió dos platos de pasta.
4. Anabel durmió ocho horas. Amelia durmió ocho horas.
5. Mi primo toma seis clases. Mi amiga Tere toma ocho clases.
Lección 2 Estructura Activities
O by Vista Higher Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.



model This hotel has one hundred rooms. The other hotel has forty rooms. That hotel has more rooms than the other. 1. The library has one hundred and fifty chairs. The language lab has thirty chairs. 2. Ramón bought three ties. Roberto bought three ties. 3. I ate a plate of pasta. My brother ate two pasta dishes. 4. Anabel slept eight hours. Amelia slept eight hours. 5. My cousin takes six classes. My friend Tere takes eight classes. Lesson 2 Structure

Consideras que cuando sedá una opinión sobre algo se debe respaldar con razones o argumentos?¿por que?


Si, por que tienes que tener fundamentos

Which question correctly completes this conversation?

Juan: ___________
Ana: Peso cincuenta y cinco kilos?


Answer: Cuánto pesas

Explanation: Cuánto pesas is Spanish for how much do you weigh.

How do say the f word​


Answer: Mierda


answer: mierda

Use "ir + a" and the subject in parentheses to discuss what class each person is going to. HELP PLEASE



Vamos a jugar.


(Nosotros) Vamos a jugar.




Choose the best Spanish equivalent to the phrase.

We are fourteen years old.

Somos catorce años viejo.
Estamos catorce años viejo.
Tenemos catorce años.
Hacemos catorce años.


Tenemos catorce años
Answer: Tenemos catorce años

resumen de un crimen​



Summary of a Crime


that's the translation, I don't know what the question is?

I will make you the brainiest



1. No, no e visto a Juan ni a Pablo

2. Si, lo compre en la tarde

3. Si , necesitaba que me ayudaras con la tarea

Ve a hacer tus tareas

Tienes que ir a el colegio todos los dias

Tienes que ser mas responsable con tus tareas


No, no e visto a Juan ni a Pablo2. Si, lo compre en la tarde 3. Si , necesitaba que me ayudaras con la tarea Ve a hacer tus tareas Tienes que ir a el colegio todos los dias Tienes que ser mas responsable con tus tareas 


hope this helps !


10. How does Selena find out that their song "Como la flor" is number one?


It plays on the radio

HELP HELP WILl give BRAINLYST identifica las partes del cuerpo in a complete sentence




soy un hablante de inglés

There are a mouth, a nose,lips, teeth, a back, arms and legs

espera que esto ayude

Who is your favorite character in the movie Coco? Why?





The grandma because she is the best

Answer: MAMA COCO.

Explanation: She is a warm-hearted, kind grandmother.

help ASPP pleaseeee!!


False. It's not a llama



Answer: the first one is true second is false

Explanation: lima is the most populated city in Peru

What is the infinitive for PUDE?






the answer is poder last one

Please help me Complete this assignment


Answer: 1. tengo 2. tienes 3. tiene 4. tiene 5. tienes 6. tenemos 7. queremos 8. queren 9. tiene 10. tienes 11. tengo 12. tienen


Hopefully these are right, I know spanish.

Escoge la respuesta correcta.
¿ Qué destruyó muchos edificios de Antigua en 1773?

-una avalancha
-un terremoto
-un hurracan
-un volcán

No explanation needed! Thank you.



an earthquake


Choose the correct answer.

What destroyed many buildings in Antigua in 1773?

-an avalanche

-an earthquake

-a hurricane

-a volcano

Hope this helps. :))

Ricardo tiene muchos amigos en la escuela. Habla con todas las personas en la clase. Él es muy ___________. Responde a todas las preguntas que hace la profesora y estudia mucho. Saca buenas notas en el examen. Es muy ___________. Viene de Guatemala. Él es ___________. También le gusta jugar deportes y es parte del equipo de fútbol de la escuela. Es ___________. Su profesora de historia es la señora Carmen. Ella sabe mucho sobre la historia de los mayas. Ella está siempre bien ________. Es muy ___________ con sus estudiantes.



Ricardo has many friends at school. Talk to everyone in the class. He is very ___________. He answers all the questions the teacher asks and studies hard. Get good grades on the exam. Is very ___________. It comes from Guatemala. He's ___________. He also likes to play sports and is part of the school soccer team. It is ___________. His history teacher is Mrs. Carmen. She knows a lot about the history of the Mayans. She is always well ________. He is very ___________ with his students.


um this is it in english if this helps even more. there is no words to pick from so... you do you boo. Hope this helps.:)))

Help will give BRAINLYST Que Necesito?di Que necesitas para estas actividades Usa palabras del voucabulario Necesito el jabon
y la toalla


1. Necesito un peine para peinarme el pelo.
2. Necesito un secador para secarme el pelo.
3. Necesito jabón y una ducha con agua
4. Necesito una toalla
5. Necesito champú para lavarme el pelo.
6. Necesito un cepillo de dientes y pasta dental para secarme los dientes

What does Paraguay mean?

water that runs
water coming from water
water that goes to the water



Water that goes to the water

Answer: Paraguay is a country in South America.


Spell the classroom object that you
heard in Spanish



La clase/El aula - Classroom

La pizarra/El pizarrón - Blackboard/Whiteboard

La tiza - Chalk

El marcador - Marker

El borrador - Eraser (for blackboards)

El escritorio/El pupitre - Desk

La silla/El banco - Chair

La mochila/El morral - Backpack

El libro - Book

El cuaderno - Notebook

El papel - Paper

El lápiz - Pencil

Los lápices de colores - Coloring pencils

El sacapuntas - Pencil sharpener

El bolígrafo - Pen

La goma - Eraser (rubber in British English)

La tijera - Scissors

La cola/El pegamento - Glue

La regla - Ruler

La grapadora/engrapadora - Stapler

El estuche/La cartuchera - Pencil case

Classroom activities

So now you know how to name most of the things around you, but you might be wondering about some common learning activities. Here are some common classroom activities in Spanish:

How would you respond to the following question:

¿Quién enseña la clase de español?
Select one:

Clara estudia español.

La Sra. Ortiz enseña la clase de Español.

Yo hablo español.

La clase de Español es a las ocho.



B. La Sra. Ortiz enseña la clase de Español.


Help me will give BRAINLYST identifica las partes del Cuerpo in a complete sentence identify the parts of the body in a complete sentence


3. cabeza

4. diez

5. mejilla

9. oído

10. estómago

11. espalda

Who was Francisco Franco?
A medieval king
A catholic leader sent by Rome
A 20th- century dictator
A Basque separatist


A 20th century dictator

Explanation: He ruled over Spain from 1939 to 1975 as a dictator, assuming the title Caudillo.

Select the correct answer
¿Qué grupo de alimentos es rico en calcio?
O A.
O D.
los granos
las lácteos
los vegetales
las proteinas



Los lácteos (dairy)

A usted jugo de naranja



A usted le gusta el jugo de naranja?


A usted le gusta el jugo de naranja?

Please help me complete this assignment


1. Tienes
2. Tengo
3. Tienes
4. Tiene
5. Tiene (?)
6. Tiene
7. Tiene
8. Tienen
9. Tenemos
10. Tenéis



The answer is true not false

True because the Incas already inhabited Perú

Assignment: On a separate piece of paper, write out the appropriate verb conjugation for each
Example: Nosotros
1) Yo
2) Margarita
3) Carmen y yo
4) Los estudiantes
5) Tú
6) Ud.
7) José y Javier
8) Yo
(escribir)-> Nosotros escribimos
(correr) en el gimnasio todos los días.
(beber) el agua.
(compartir) el helado.
(comprender) la tarea.
(escribir) en la computadora.
(subir) las escaleras para ir a clase.
(vivir) en Perú.
(escribir) la tarea para la clase de inglés.



1. Yo corro

2. Margartia bebe

3. Carmen y yo compartimos

4. Los estudiantes comprenden

5. Tú escribes

6. José y javier viven

10. Yo escribo

Oraciones con la palabra ascético


sentences with the word ascetic

Escoge la respuesta correcta.

Carlos se sentó en__________(la aduana,la puerta,el asiento, el avión)
de pasillo.



I would have to see other questions to answer but here's the question in english.

I hope this helps. :)))


Choose the correct answer.

Carlos sat in__________(the customs, the door, the seat, the plane)


Other Questions
a company is conducting marketing research to determine whether or not its advertising message could be clearly understood by its customers. this relates to which component of the communication process? It takes approximately 4.65 quarts of milk to make a pound of cheese. Express this amount as a mixed number in simplest form. what are the points that are on the graph of the line 2x + 4y = 20 You spin the spinner twice.678What is the probability of landing on an odd number and then landing on a 6?Simplify your answer and write it as a fraction or whole number. PLEASE HELP ANSWER THESE 3 VERY IMPORTANT QUESTIONS!!! 1. The average high temperatures in degrees for a city are listed.58, 61, 71, 77, 91, 100, 105, 102, 95, 82, 66, 57If a value of 98 is added to the data, how does the mean change?2. The average high temperatures in degrees for a city are listed.58, 61, 71, 77, 91, 100, 105, 102, 95, 82, 66, 57If a value of 48 is added to the data, how does the median change?3. The average high temperatures in degrees for a city are listed.58, 61, 71, 77, 91, 100, 105, 102, 95, 82, 66, 57If a value of 80.8 is added to the data, how does the range change? How did Don Alejandro O'Reilly impact the colony of Louisiana during his time as governor?A.His policies regarding slavery led to a breakdown in Spanish authority in Louisiana.B.He brought stability to the colony by quickly establishing Spains authority to govern Louisiana.C.He put rules in place forbidding any display or practice of French culture with the threat of expulsion from the colonD.He slowed Immigration into the colony as Spanish control took effect, which led to an overall population decline. Though DNA is responsible for the instructions for the assembly process, it is __?__ that synthesizes (assembles) the process. 9) Determine the molecular formula for ibuprofen, a common headache remedy.Ibuprofen contains a percent composition of 75.7% C, 8.80% H and 15.5% Oand has a molar mass of 206g/mole. At a bowling alley, the cost of shoe rental is $2.55 and the cost per game is $3.75. If f (n) represents the total cost of shoe rental and n games, what is the recursive equation for f (n)? f (n) = (2.55 + 3.75)n, n > 0 f (n) = 2.55 + 3.75n, n > 0 f (n) = 2.55 + 3.75 + f (n 1), f (0) = 2.55 f (n) = 3.75 + f (n 1), f (0) = 2.55 Is AABC - ADEF? Explain your reasoning. B E 6 units US Enter your altswer and explanation. 1 polie A batting average of 0.250 in baseball means a player, on average gets 25 hits in 100 times at bat. How many hits would he expect to get in 360 times at bat Fill in the table with the volume of each sample. Use the periodic table to find the molar mass of each molecule. Then calculate the mass of the gas in each balloon.Periodic TableFirst, compare the two oxygen samples. Consider how volume relates to the number of moles. Now compare the two gases with the same volume. Is there a relationship between volume and mass? In the diagram below, ALMK - APMN. Based on the relationship between the triangles, which of the following proportions is true? KA d. y (-3 - 8x) how can i expand this expression with a variable? Questlon 7 of 10 Which two factors affect the amount of thermal energy an object has? O A. The directions in which the particles of the object are moving [ B. The amount of space between the particles of the object C. The mass of the object O D. The average kinetic energy of the particles of the object SUBM A box weighing 100 newtons is pushed up an inclined plane that is 5 meters long. It takes a force of 75 newtons to push it to the top, which has a height of 3 meters. Work Output? Work Input? Efficiency? What percent is 12 of 407 Use the Left and Right Riemann Sums with 100 rectangles to estimate the (signed) area under the curve of y=8x+2 on the interval [0,50]. Write your answer using the sigma notation. Estimate the local minimum of y = 5x 3x + 9.-OA. (1.5,-10.25)OB. (-3,0)C. there is no local minimumOD. (-0.33,9.48)Reset Selection Kiran read for x minutes, and Andre read 5/8 more than that. Write an equation that relates the number of minutes Kiran read with Y ,the number of minutes Andre read. "Use decimals in the equation.DO NOT ROUND"