Help, look at the images below, will mark brainliest to whoever gets it right !

Help, Look At The Images Below, Will Mark Brainliest To Whoever Gets It Right !
Help, Look At The Images Below, Will Mark Brainliest To Whoever Gets It Right !


Answer 1


You should search up it on a maps or something it really works

can you give brainliest?


Related Questions

Shani poses as the Statue of Liberty for an art class. She holds a torch above her head with her right hand and a book against her side with her left hand. She holds the pose for ten minutes. At the end of the session, she mentions to her friend that it was a lot of work to pose and that her arms are really tired. Which describes the work Shani did while she posed?(assume the starting work position is when her hand is already raised )


Answer: The work Shani did was simply staying at a position for a long time, which was actually 10minutes and holding a torch and book.


The work Shani did was simply staying at a position for a long time, which was actually 10minutes and holding a torch and book. There is some amount of work that's required when a human is static at a particular location, this is due to the fact that the weight of her body will be much on the legs and the object she is carrying will have it's share of weight on her hands. This is a work on it's own

Answer:The work Shani did was simply staying at a position for a long time, which was actually 10minutes and holding a torch and book.


What is the area of khaptad lake



225 km2


Stretching over the four districts of Bajhang, Bajura, Achham and Doti it covers an area of 225 km2 (87 sq mi) and ranges in elevation from 1,400 m (4,600 ft) to 3,300 m (10,800 ft)



Khaptad lake,located in doti district of western nepal is approximately 225 km^2 in area.

What were the rules of Royal Colony of Georgia?




The Royal Governors let the colonists own land. However, not everybody was allowed to own land. Black people were not allowed to own land. Women were not allowed to own land.


the Royal Governors let the colonists own land. However, not everybody was allowed to own land. Black people were not allowed to own land. Women were not allowed to own land.


What were the goods produced in colonial Georgia?




With the establishment of trade towns such as Savannah, the Georgia Colony was able to use the natural resources and raw materials available to develop trade in crops, such as, tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo, lumber, furs, fish, pottery, sugar and farm products. Mainly these were products of slave plantations


With the establishment of trade towns such as Savannah, the Georgia Colony was able to use the natural resources and raw materials available to develop trade in crops, such as, tobacco, cotton, rice, indigo, lumber, furs, fish, pottery, sugar and farm products. Mainly these were products of slave plantations.

what is containment (help please)



The word containment basically means keeping something harmful or dangerous under control or the other definition of it is  the action of preventing the expansion of a aggressive/hostile country or their influences.  


I hope this helped and have a great day :D

Containment-The action or policy of preventing the expansion of a hostile country or influence.

Use the list to answer the following question.
• Property Tax
• Sales Tax
Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax
Which of the following would be the BEST title for the list?
A Sources of Funding for Local Government
Sources of Funding for National Government
C Sources of Funding for Central Government
D. Sources of Funding for Federal Government





Protestant reformers who believed that all people were equal in God's sight​



God is not real if he was then why is there 100 different gods from different cultures and its impossible for a person to have powers its just a myth that ended up becoming "real" back when he was "alive" we prob could've said something like god was 7 foot tall and they wouldve believed it now its just a myth that people think is real GOD IS NOT REAL

the country of mexico was once a viceroyalty true or false ?


Answer:heiiaaa true


Answer: true


Before calling the sport "Disc Golf", what was the sport almost called


Tin Lid Golf
Origin and early history
They called the game Tin Lid Golf and played on a fairly regular basis. However, after they grew older and went their separate ways, the game came to an end.

According to the selection, all of the following are effects of
global warming EXCEPT
a. winters will become hotter.
b. summers will become hotter.
c. the water level of the ocean will change.
D. ice caps at the North and South poles are slowly melting.



The water level of the ocean will change

A group of people with broad common interests who organize to win elections, control government, and influence government policies is also known as a __________.



Political Party


Political Parties

This can be defined simply as when two or more people who has come together to form a group of individuals, who has a wide range of common interest ( that is this group align themselves with a common interest), set up themselves to win elections and control government thereby influencing government policies and the lives of people. As they are simply group of citizens with similar views on public issues, they therefore put their ideas into effective government actions.

The roles/function of a party includes

1. Nominatiob of candidates and present them to voters.

2. Inform and activate supporters thorough campaigns for their candidates that is selected.

3. Govern

4. Act as a watchdog etc.

They get to control government only if or through the winning of elections and the holding of public office. The major Parties in American politics includes the Republican and the Democratic parties.

What is the difference in cost between Central High and Paul Laurence Dunbar High School?



The difference in cost is $1,100,000


If you are using the term "difference" in math.

$1,500,000 - $400,000 =  $1,100,000

Can you guess what fossil this is?


Salt dough coprolites?

Can someone answer all three ?



1). Republic

2). Recall



I know for sure the first two. The third one is shifty


I'm not sure if this is right but here are my answers:

1 is republic, 2 is ballot, and 3 is Initiative

Legislators from the state legislature (General Assembly) pass laws. The governor of Georgia from the executive branch enforces these laws and provides services to citizens. The trial and appellate courts of the judicial branch ensure justice for Georgia’s citizens. These examples describe the concept of

A.separation of powers
C.checks and balances
D.judicial review





In separation of powers there's no interferences in the works of each of the arms of government.

Question: Explain how events such as the Vietnam War and Watergate affected the American public’s opinion of the U.S government.
Read the question above and write down what you think the question is asking in your own words.
Part 2:
Use an Internet search engine to find sources that would help you answer the question. Try to use the advanced search option to limit the number of results.
You must choose four sources to complete this portion of the assignment.
Two on Watergate
Two on the Vietnam War
You must have at least two different types of sources. Your sources could include a news or magazine article, a topic website, an online encyclopedia, or video.
Submit the following information:
What search engine did you use?
What words did you type into the search engine to get your results?
What sources did you choose? Provide the web address and title of each source.
Example: Title: Richard Nixon Biography
Part 3:
Choose one Vietnam War and one Watergate source from Part 2 and complete the following:
Write two or three sentences to summarize each source.
Write what you think the purpose of the source is and who the original audience would have been.
Write at least one sentence explaining how the source helps you explain the way the event affected the American public’s opinion of the government.
Choose a quote from the source that you would use as evidence to support your answer to the question.



First create a biography you can make on at

Find four sources.

create an essay use quotes .


Your roommate has just confided in you that a friend of hers has tested HIV . Knowing that you are taking a health psychology course, she's asking for advice on a couple matters: (1) she would like to have any information that might be helpful in understanding how to help her friend cope, (2) she would like to know what to expect in terms of her friend's medical condition (e.g., symptoms, disease progression), and (3) she would like to know about outside factors that can impact the course of her friends illness (e.g., psychosocial factors). What advice would you give her



I would tell my friend what information I know about HIV. I would also recommend that she and her find support groups to help them cope with the diagnosis and know that they are not alone. And help her find information from the CDC and agencies that study and have reliable information on the disease. lastly let her know that I will be there for her if she needs a friend to lean on

ok i need help asapp pls and thxs



1 Flowers

2 fruit

3 xylem

4 phloem

5 perennials

6 annuals


I believe this the correct order

Whose "Ain't I a Woman?" speech made the case for African American and women's suffrage?
OA. Ida B. Wells
OB. Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Oc. Sojourner Truth
OD Lucrieta Mott



Oc. Sojourner Truth


At the 1851 Women's Rights Convention held in Akron, Ohio, Sojourner Truth delivered what is now recognized as one of the most famous abolitionist and women's rights speeches in American history, “Ain't I a Woman?” She continued to speak out for the rights of African Americans and women during and after the Civil War.




Helppppppp ASAP will give brainliest!!!





entrepreneurship- barber, steve jobs, creator of a comic book

capital, money, soldier




entrepreneurship- barber, steve jobs, creator of a comic book

capital, money, soldier


Which historical document is described by the information below: no power to tax no president states had major powers no federal courts


Answer: The Articles of Confederation





I'm so füçkin' depressed....



just pray that everything goes right and they can celebrate the Eid in peaceful environment

Wow grape this is a strong message, no one will have carrot

In which case would you be entitled to a tax refund?

a. You used less government services than expected throughout the year.
b. You did not earn an income during the year.
c. Too much tax was withheld from your income by your employer throughout the year.
d. Your performance of volunteer work throughout the year allowed you not to file a tax return.



C too much tax was withheld from your income by your employer througout the year



C too much tax was withheld from your income by your employer throughout the year


Your Uber driver just showed up to pick you up and when you open the car door, you notice that the human is in the passenger seat and no one is sitting in the driver’s seat. You realize this is a self-driving car. You are pretty excited to experience this new technology, but also have reservations. Based on what you have researched, which of the following might be one of your reservations? a. Self-driving cars rely too much on GPS and turn on closed roads. b. Self-driving cars contribute to accidents caused by distracted driving. c. Self-driving cars are often ticketed for speeding. d. Self-driving cars are known for running red lights.





rely too much on GPS and turn on closed roads

The following which might be one of the reservations is Self-driving cars rely too much on GPS and turn on closed roads Option(a) is correct.

What are Self driven cars?

A self-driving car, otherwise called an independent car, driver-less car, or mechanical car is a car integrating vehicular robotization, or at least, a ground vehicle that is fit for detecting its current circumstance.

The US distributed US$650 million of every 1991 for research on the National Automated Highway System, which exhibited computerized driving through a mix of computerization implanted in the expressway with mechanized innovation in vehicles, and helpful systems administration between the vehicles and with the thruway framework.

The program finished up with an effective exhibition in 1997 however without clear heading or subsidizing to execute the framework for a bigger scope There is no such thing as right now, completely independent vehicles, and however a few automakers and innovation organizations are getting increasingly close to emerging with completely independent vehicles, they're many years away.

Therefore Option(a) is correct.

Learn more about cars here:


Explain the disagreement that led to the great compromise



The Great Compromise was forged in a heated dispute during the 1787 Constitutional Convention: States with larger populations wanted congressional representation based on population, while smaller states demanded equal representation.


how did the founding fathers plan to limit the power of the new government that was being created by the constitution?



They established a check and balance system.


They put a system in place where they could keep everyone in line from getting too much power.

what are the main aims and objectives of the west indian federation?​



the West Indies Federation comprised the ten territories of: Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Grenada, Jamaica, Montserrat, the then St Kitts-Nevis-Anguilla, Saint Lucia, St Vincent and Trinidad and Tobago.



Establishing political union


The Great Britain Caribbean Unification Act of 1956 created the Constitution with the aim of creating a democratic union amongst the representatives.

The Union's stated goal was to form a constitutional unit which would become free from Britain as just a nation country, equivalent to the Dominion Of Canada or the Africa Union; but, the Federal state failed before anything could happen.







yeah um you good lol?

Why aren't Amish workers allowed to buy or use the R.V.'s they make?



Amish dont use technology, that includes gas cars line R.V's


unless you are talking about some other sort of R.V.

"Human trafficking is a big crime" give opinion


I do believe it is a big crime, mainly because you steal these people and sell them into prostitution/ other wants. It’s inhuman and cruel. I don’t think time in prison is enough because the people who are trafficked endure abuse & torture, not only physical but mental as well. These people didn’t ask for this they were kidnapped and put for sale and most of the the time these victims dont make it out alive they die in pain. In conclusion human trafficking is a big crime.
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