its about The Rainforest Foundation

HELP ITS OVER DUE. Pleaseits About The Rainforest Foundation


Answer 1


Explanation: The Rainforest Foundation US is a non-profit NGO working in Central and South America. It is one of the first international organizations to support the indigenous peoples of the world's rainforests in their efforts to protect their environment and fulfill their rights to land, life, and livelihood. The Rainforest Foundation helps protect the incredibly rich biological diversity of the rainforest and the cultural integrity of the peoples whose lives and livelihoods are inextricably linked to those forests.

Answer 2

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do you thing this is a good essay if not tell me what i should change and also i put the rubrick so if i followed it can you tell me and if i didn't tell me why


What grade is this for? Because depending on the grade, then I can see what needs to be fixed.

First of all you need to change the title (if that tile is not mandatory) to why college should be free and not why should college be free

second there is a typo in your first paragraph and some wording issues

i would change it with An immense amount of students could not and cannot afford to pay tuition for their education

make sure to include in all three of your body paragraphs information supporting you main ideas make sure to tell where you got the information and make sure to quote, for instance in your 3rd body paragraph you could find an article on average cost a student spends on textbooks and stuff like that be carful while doing this and QUOTE AND TELL WHERE YOU GOT IT FROM SO YOU DO NOT PLAGERIZE

good job on your transitions

and so far you are doing good on your essay

once you fix this stuff up it will match the rubric

                      - kay                                                


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Ummmmm what does this mean I am lost!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What is the question?
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