help ASAP ill mark brainliest

Help ASAP Ill Mark Brainliest


Answer 1


Answers B and C are correct (the middle two)


It did accelerate the growth of new territories, and it was financed by the government.

Hope this helps :)


Related Questions

Click to review the online content. Then answer the question(s) below, using complete sentences. Scroll down to view additional questions.
Online Content: Site 1

Based on the passage, how can repetition be used to learn and retain a speech?1



A part of your brain called the thalamus helps you filter these stimuli through a process called selective filtering. If information is repeated, it becomes “implanted” in your brain and becomes part of your long-term memory. For example, your language arts teacher asked you to deliver a speech, the first thing you might do is gather information by reading books and watching videos relevant to this topic. The information you gathered is stored temporarily in your brain. As you write your speech, you retrieve and use what you have read and heard.

what areas came under Roman control in 264 BCE - 146 BCE?



During the second period of expansion, from 264 to 146 B.C.E., Rome and Carthage fought three major wars. Through these wars, Rome gained control of North Africa, much of Spain, and the island of Sicily. Roman armies also conquered Macedonia and Greece.


All of the following were established as law by the Wagner Act of 1935 EXCEPT:
the right to join a union
the right to participate in collective bargaining
the right to go on strike
the right of employers to fire employees for union membership



A. Bargain with a duly elected representative of the employees. ... Refrain from coercing employees to vote "no" in a union election.

All of the following were established as law by the Wagner Act of 1935 EXCEPT: the right to join a union. Thus the correct answer is A.

What is a law?

A collection of rules and regulations obliged an individual, as well as an organization to maintain peace and harmony along with a code of conduct enforceable by the constitution which is considered as law.

It examined the relationships between employers and labor unions in the private sector and formed the National Labor Relations Board. Collective bargaining is open to employees. This indicated that employees had the right to negotiate with their employer about their benefits and wages.

It allows workers to go on strike to force employers to fulfill their demands and provides rights to employers to remove employees who have participated in union membership.

Therefore, option A the right to join a union is appropriate.

Learn more about the Wagner Act of 1935, here:


"After returning from the South Tecumseh tried to rebuild his shattered confederacy. But when the War of 1812 broke out, he withdrew to Michigan where he assisted the British in the capture of Detroit and led pro-British Indians in subsequent actions in southern Michigan (Monguagon) and northern Ohio (Fort Meigs). When William Henry Harrison invaded Upper Canada, Tecumseh reluctantly accompanied the British retreat. He was killed by American forces at the Battle of the Thames on October 5, 1813."

Based on this evidence, who was fighting whom in the War of 1812?
Americans and Canadians were fighting the British.
Americans were fighting the British and pro-British Indians.
Americans and the British were fighting Shawnee Indians.
Americans and Shawnee Indians were fighting the British.


Umm, I guess I’m too lazy for that it’s umm c

in 1863 part of Virginia broke off to be a separate state West Virginia where do the comma go​


In 1863 part of Virginia broke off to be a separate state, West Virginia.




What do you need me to do I will help :)


whats version of earth that has no uplift and no leveling ?


Answer: isostasy

Explain: got it from g o o g l e

Write a list of school staff in order from most to least influential
(have it list more than 3 people)



School Board (powerful people)

Principal (controls you)

Teachers (teach you)

Students (they are just there)

Lunch Ladies (feed you)

Janitors (they just clean)


I'm right.

1. Consider the following:
You are the CEO of a company that sells a line of hair products made with natural and organic ingredients from South America. The product is manufactured in Brazil and is imported to the United States for sale. The
company has been successful in the U.S. market and you are considering expanding to the European market. Greece is the first country to which you would like to export. However, you must do some research on the
socio-cultural factors that will affect your decision.
2. Answer the following questions (you may use the Internet for research purposes):
• What are some of the legal and political factors that you will consider?
• Are there any economic barriers that you might encounter?
• After doing your research, what recommendations would you make regarding the expansion to the European market?
• Are there any cultural differences between the United States and Greece? How will these differences affect the way you do business there?
. Would expanding to Greece be a good business decision? Why or why not?



• What are some of the legal and political factors that you will consider?

If you want to export to Greece, you first need to learn about the legal and political factors that pertain to the European Union, since Greece is a member nation of the European Union, and many of its economic and legal aspects are determined at the European level. After this, you can involve yourself more in depth with specific Greek laws.

Are there any economic barriers that you might encounter?

Most economic policy is determined at the European level, and the European Union generally has an open policy to trade and investment. However, in Greece itself, taxation tends to be high, and taxation is not determined by the European Union.

After doing your research, what recommendations would you make regarding the expansion to the European market?

If you want to invest in Greece, you should make sure that the investment project is likely to give a return. This is mainly because of the high taxation regime in Greece. You should also try to invest in other member nations of the European Union at the same time.

Are there any cultural differences between the United States and Greece? How will these differences affect the way you do business there?

There are many differences. The Greeks tend to enjoy a better work/life balance, while Americans do tend to work more. Greeks also give more importance to family life and tradition, although they are not very religious. Greece is also one of the oldest countries in the world, while America has a lower median age.

Would expanding to Greece be a good business decision? Why or why not?

I would be a good business decision only if the project is likely to succeed according to a previous project analysis.

5. How many days into the journey was the first American Indian discovered?



As early as 1000 BC, they had covered nearly the entire continent. It is not known when the first people arrived in the Americas. Some archaeologists (scientists who study the remains of past human lives) believe it might have been about 12000 BC.


hope it helps <33

When the Mongols invaded China, they allowed them to continue…
Group of answer choices

Practicing their religion and culture

Controlling the economy

Building the Great Wall

Governing the people



Suffrage - Wikipedia › wiki › Suffrage

Suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise is the right to vote in public, political elections In some languages, and occasionally in English, the right to vote is ...

Universal suffrage - Wikipedia › wiki › Universal_suffrage

Universal suffrage gives the right to vote to all adult citizens, regardless of wealth, income, gender, social status, race, ethnicity, or any other restriction, subject ...

Voting systems in the UK - UK Parliament › about › how › elections-and-voting

A voting system determines the rules on how we elect parties and candidates. The House of Commons, Scottish Parliament, National Assembly for Wales, ...

Missing: age ‎| Must include: age

How MPs are elected - UK Parliament › about › members › electing-mps

The candidate who gets the most votes becomes the MP for that area until the next election. General elections. At a general election, all constituencies become ...

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Power, Politics and ... - The National Archives Learning Curve › politics › background

There are 651 constituencies in Britain, of roughly even size. Each constituency sends one MP to Parliament. In an election, voters vote for one person to be their ...

direct democracy | Definition, History, & Facts | Britannica › ... › Politics & Political Systems

Direct democracy, forms of direct participation of citizens in democratic decision making, in contrast to indirect or representative democracy. Direct democracies ...

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Types of election, referendums, and who can vote ... - GOV.UK › Citizenship and living in the UK › Voting

Scottish Parliament. There are 129 Members of the Scottish Parliament ( MSPs ). To vote in Scottish Parliament elections you must: be ...

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Types of election, referendums, and who can vote - GOV.UK › Citizenship and living in the UK › Voting

General election. General elections (elections to the UK Parliament) usually take place every 5 years. To vote in a general election you must:.

Missing: represent ‎| Must include: represent

The Right to Vote › edumat › studyguides › votingrights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights in Article 21 states: Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his/her country, directly or through freely ...

First Past the Post – Electoral Reform Society › types-of-voting-system

Former British colonies tend to use the same voting system as Westminster. Many, including Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Cyprus, Malta and South Africa have ...

Missing: age ‎| Must include: age

What is border encroachment? What are the major causes of it? Write any two of them​



Causes of boundary disputes

General Background.

Cultural factors - a culture of ignorance.

Cultural factors - the lack of a regulatory authority.

Socio-legal aspects.

Cultural factors - Psychological aspects.

Technical factors in boundary disputes.

Cultural factors - Obstacles to dispute resolution.


Hope it helps,

Pls mark me the brainliest

Thank you

Please Help!!!!!!! This question is due today at 10pm
How does Kylie Jenner use leadership?



Jenner demonstrates a people-oriented style of leadership because she has to listen to what her customers think to make new and lucrative products that people will enjoy. She also demonstrates reverent power, the Kylie Jenner Lip Challenge, and charasmatic leadership.



Please me pleaseeeeeee


Hope this helps :)

Examine the chart.

A 4-column table with 8 rows titled Percentage of Married Women Employed Outside the Home. The first column is labeled Ages with entries 14 to 19, 20 to 24, 25 to 34, 35 to 44, 45 to 64, All ages, All ages (whites), and All ages (nonwhites). The second column is labeled 1900 with entries 7.3; 7.3; 6.1; 6.4; 7.7; 5.2; 2.8; and 25.1. The third column is labeled 1920 with entries 12.5; 11.4; 9.7; 9.5; 6.6; 9.0; 6.5; and 31.8. The fourth column is labeled 1930 with entries 12.9; 16.3; 14; 12.1; 7.8; 11.7; 9.6; and 30.3.

What does this chart demonstrate about the change in women’s roles in the early 20th century?

Women’s employment rose fastest among those younger than 20.
The changes affected single women’s employment more than married women’s employment.
White women’s employment increased by a greater proportion than nonwhite women’s employment.
The changes to women’s employment for all ages and all races were greatest from 1920–1930.








edge 2021

plz give me brainilest

Help me pls! Ill mark brainliest if correct! Tysm <3



A. That opposing sides would resort to violence

B. That compromises would not solve the debate


In Kansas, Border Ruffians was the name applied to pro-slavery settlers from the slave state of Missouri, who from 1854 to 1860 crossed the state border into Kansas Territory to force the acceptance of slavery there. Armed Ruffians interfered in territorial elections, and attacked Free-State settlements.

What conclusions have historians drawn about early civilization in the indus river valley, and why don't they know more?


Historians have not been able to read the Harappan language, so they do not know much about the Harappan civilization.

Give me the correct answers please and thanks (I need help from Plato users check my 3 recent I need help for that because school is confusing)


Well I’m confusing too ;-; sorey not sorry






Read the sentence from an argumentative essay on the Columbian Exchange.

"I believe this was the crummiest part of it all because native people didn't get a say in whether they wanted to work for the mean Europeans."

How should the sentence be revised to include a formal tone?

One negative impact was that native peoples were forced to work for Europeans against their will.
One truly horrible impact that is disturbing is that Europeans brutally forced native peoples to work.
The worst part of it all is that native peoples didn't get a say in whether they wanted to work for the mean Europeans.
We really think it is terrible and heartbreaking that native peoples didn't get any say in whether they wanted to work for Europeans.





It limited the types of goods that could be sold.




creds to the other person

What landscape region is located at 44 degrees north and 74 degrees west



Adirondack mountains is the answer

what impact did the great migration have on the jazz age brought jazz music to the North caused new dances to be made up to jazz music encouraged jazz and blues to join into one type of music disgraced families as more young people began this type of music​



The correct answer is A. The Great Migration brought jazz music to the North.


Jazz is a musical style originating from the southern United States, mainly the city of New Orleans, Louisiana, where the African-American communities residing there developed this musical style as an expression of their community and their culture.

Thus, the Great African American Migration that took place in the decades that elapsed between the end of Reconstruction and the beginning of the Great Depression (that is, between the 1880s and the 1930s), in which millions of African Americans from the south of the country began to move towards northern cities, such as New York, Chicago or Detroit in search of greater freedoms and job opportunities, it in turn served as a catalyst for the expansion of jazz as a musical genre, which went from being a simply African-American and southern expression, to becoming in a genre with national popularity without distinction of race or social group.

What is the main reason for the rapid expansion of slavery in the South in the early nineteenth century?



The slaves provided labour in plantations.


Due to the fact that large expanses of land was available for farming and cultivation in the south, slaves were used as the fuel to grow crops like tobacco, cotton and sugar cane. Due to the fact that these plantations were making wealth, more labour was needed. So these plantations owners invested in more enslaved labourers since these labourers made them wealthy. These enslaved people provided more cheap labour.

you have been asked to give advice to your friends on how to overcome stereotypes.

write down three ideas that you will share with them​


The advice on how to overcome stereotypes would be:

Realize the negative effect of stereotypes.Make yourself accountable.Develop a healthy self esteem.

What are stereotypes?

These are the generalized beliefs or the views that certain people may have about some other group of persons.

Stereotypes are bad because they may lead to discrimination. It could also lead to treating people unfairly.

Read more on stereotypes here:

5 things that were shared through cultural diffusion from China and Korea to Japan that became part of Japanese culture?



Religion, Arts, Architecture, Government, and Foods


In some countries it is common to pay officials bribes to avoid obeying laws?
True or False





Some countries can be very corrupt  and bribes occur in nations like Brazil,Venezuela,Nicaragua,Honduras, North Korea (Varying sucess) and many other nations.


Yes, unfortunately this is true in many corrupted countries.


Where is Mali in Morocco


the answer to your question is West Africa located in the southeast of Algeria.
It’s a landlocked country in west Africa southwest of Algeria

What is resilience explain in short terms​



Resilience is the ability to recover, or bounce back from  misfortune or change.Like the ability a soldier has to get wounded , recieve minimal treatment and then continue on with the fight.He's RESILIANT.

I don't

know if this is the type of answer you are looking for but this answer is fairly common knowelege ;)

7. A student thinks that the human body only works properly when cells are getting molecules from food and molecules from air. Is the student correct?



Yes, the body only works when cells get molecules from food and molecules from air


The Body works in different ways and it entirely dependant on the physiological or psychological functions of body systems. The body carries out its cells' functions. Food is very vital to the body as it gives energy that is needed for body growth and development. The air and its particle we breath is needed also to ensure the growth and devel. The food contains essential nutrients that is needed by the body to function properly.

What was a Patriot? A a colonist opposed to British rule.B a British soldier opposed to British rule over the colonies. C a colonist who agreed with British rule.D a British soldier who agreed with British rule over the colonies

hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllpppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp plz


the character answer would be A
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