Make Connections: What was Lincoln's prediction for the future of the United States?


Answer 1
Lincoln addressed the Illinois Republican Convention in Springfield and warned that the nation will face a crisis that could destroy the Union.

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How old are you? That isn't real bahahaha! You're so gullible.


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Why did the United States adopt the policy of island hopping? (Select all that apply.)
A. The distance to Japan was large.
B. The US needed to liberate other Japanese territories.
C. The US wanted only to reduce Japan’s territory.
D. It was easier than negotiating diplomatically.



A and B


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foofo go go go gob


gog go go go g

Which of the following was a direct effect of the large national debt shown in 1762?
Choose 1 answer:
A) the elimination of taxes for all British citizens
B) the sale of the Northwest Territory
C) the creation of new taxes on the American colonies
the end of the Navigation Acts



A) the elimination of taxes for all British citizens


The ans is A the elimination of taxes

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In 2018, Barbados was the most dense country in Latin America and the Caribbean, with approximately 667 people per square kilometer. In that same year, Argentina's population density was estimated at approximately 16.2 people per square kilometer.

2. How did the domine theory support the policy of containment of
Communism (discussed on page 217)



the Domino's theory is is that if you count falls to communism the test around them would to so the US tried to step in for that reason.

Which of the following was a major difference in economic development between the Northeast and the South in the first half of the 1800s?



which of the following was a major difference in economic development between the northeast and the south in the first half of the 1800s? The South relied much less on wage labor than the Northeast.

What would a large-scale investment in capital goods have on an

A It will increase the unemployment rate

B It will increase the gross domestic product

C It will increase the average education levels

D It will increase specialization


The answer Is B because the more the scale goes up the product will increase

What was the result of the Great Schism of 1054?

The Emperor Justinian split the Byzantine Empire into two parts.

Muslims split into groups of Sunnis and Shiites.

The Seljuk Turks conquered Constantinople.

he Eastern Orthodox Church split off from the Roman Catholic Church.


[tex]\huge{ \mathcal{ \underline{ Answer} \:  \:  ✓ }}[/tex]

The result of the Great Schism of 1054 also known as The East–West Schism was :

[tex]\hookrightarrow [/tex] The Eastern Orthodox Church split off from the Roman Catholic Church.


[tex]\mathrm{ \#TeeNForeveR}[/tex]


The Eastern Orthodox Church split off from the Roman Catholic Church.



11. What was the goal of the Manhattan Project?
A. American scientists worked to build an atomic bomb.
O B. American scientists worked to get to the moon.
O C. American soldiers worked to protect New York.
D. American soldiers worked to invade Germany.



I Think its A


The correct answer is D

What is the name of the holiest city of Islam?











Mecca is the name of the holiest city of Islam.

Select one of the ways below that have increased human life expectancy
A. new medicines
B. new cars
C. new types of cell phones
D. New types of stores



new medicines i guess due to different kind of medicine in world are making longer life of humans. types of cell phones

Most bills can originate in either the House of Representatives or the Senate; however,
government spending must begin in the House of Representatives.
A. military
B. environmental
D. social
Please select the best answer from the choices provided


Answer: C.appropriation


Hope it helps sry if wrong pls don’t be mad.


C. appropriation


Article 1, Section 7, Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution states that all bills for raising revenue must begin in the House of Representatives, but the Senate may propose amendments.

What were the effects of the Cold War on Congo and its independence. Do an indepth research on their politics, education and economics



In simple words, The Congo Crisis, which consisted of a sequence of civil conflicts was also a Cold War hybrid struggle wherein the Soviet Union as well as the Unified States backed competing forces. The Soviets' intervention splintered the Congolese administration, resulting in a standoff between Lumumba as well as Leader Joseph Kasa-Vubu.

1. Where is China?
2. Why do experts say China will need another planer?
3. What is the main crop of Chinese agriculture? 4. What is the Dragon's Back"?
5. What kind of government does China have? 6. Why did so many Chinese move to the cities? 7. What city is 8 times bigger than New York city?​



country fighting a communist takeover


All of the following statements about thinking at the margin are TRUE except:
It often leads to better decision making.
It is a common form of economic thinking.
It promotes hasty decision making and poor decisions.
It involves adding and subtracting units one at a time to analyze the consequences and costs.

Please select the best answer from the choices provided



The answer is : C

BTW are you Arizona or the school MMES by anychance>

The thinking at the margin often leads to optimization,  which in turn helps in better decision-making and economic rationale. It doesn't promote hasty decision-making and poor decisions.

What is thinking at the margin?

Thinking at the margin is a concept or a process of decision-making where incremental changes are evaluated of a particular choice or opportunity. It revolves around the additional benefits or costs of an opportunity or a choice.

Thinking at the margin helps one analyze the potential outcomes of incremental changes in one's opportunity or choice. It helps assess the additional benefits one would gain by taking one more unit of a particular action or resource, as well as the additional costs associated with that unit.

Thinking at the margin allows nuanced decision-making by recognizing all choices involve trade-offs. It stops one from making hasty decisions, as one becomes aware of the trade-offs of even the small decisions.

Hence, option (C) is correct.

Learn more about thinking at the margin here:


How did Mohandas Gandhi lead India to independence from Great Britain?

by using “blood and iron” against the British

by keeping British ships out of India’s ports

by wearing British clothes to show friendship

by resisting British rule without violence



by resisting British rule without violence


Mahatma Gandhi was the leader of India's non-violent independence movement against British rule and in South Africa who advocated for the civil rights of Indians.

Describe the changes in Emperor Ashoka’s behavior throughout his life (making sure to describe his behavior before and after the change). Why do you think this change occurred?



Via a systematic policy of buddhist teachings that promoted harmony and harmony and implemented public services and social protection, Ashoka was empowered to reign over the large and complex Mauryan kingdom .  He also encouraged the propagation of Buddhism as well as art across the kingdom. Ashok was a warrior before and did a lot of blodd shed while winning several battles of kingdoms. However, meeting with the lord Buddha changed his mindset over the concept of life.


Via a systematic policy of Buddhist teachings that promoted harmony and harmony and implemented public services and social protection, Asoka was empowered to reign over the large and complex Mauryan kingdom .  He also encouraged the propagation of Buddhism as well as art across the kingdom.


hope it helps

Pleaseee help me with this i need this is like my last question TwT



The answers are A, B and D.


I hope I'm not late!

Answer:  the first and second the third maybe (?)

Explanation: Not sure about this one because I had this lesson a while ago and I don't remember much from it.

Which river system is located on the Italian peninsula?

A. Jordan river
B. Indus river
C. Tigris river
D. Tiber river



The Tiber


The Tiber is the third-longest river in Italy and the longest in Central Italy, rising in the Apennine Mountains in Emilia-Romagna and flowing 406 kilometres through Tuscany, Umbria and Lazio, where it is joined by the river Aniene, to the Tyrrhenian Sea, between Ostia and Fiumicino. It drains a basin estimated at 17,375 square kilometres. The river has achieved lasting fame as the main watercourse of the city of Rome, which was founded on its eastern banks.

Answer: Tiber River


Rome's location on the Italian peninsula, and the Tiber River, provided access to trade routes on the Mediterranean Sea. As a result, trade was an important part of life in ancient Rome.

Which pair of numbered statements best completes the chart related to
features of
the chambers of Congress?
House of Representatives
Proposes all tax bills
Approves presidential appointments
O A. (1) Led by the vice president; (2) Led by a speaker
• B. (1) Ratifies treaties with foreign countries; (2) Can impeach public
• C. (1) All states have equal representation; (2) Representation based
on state populations
• D. (1) Affected by gerrymanderidb: (2) Not affected by




I got the question wrong, test reveled the answer and its D

The option that best has to do with the chart about the chambers of congress is that

House of Representatives Senate Affected by gerrymanderingSenate Not affected by gerrymandering

What is gerrymandering?

This is the manipulation of the political boundaries of an area in a way that it is made to favor a particular political party.

The members of the house or representatives are known to be involved in this act in the US.

Read more on gerrymandering here:


Select the correct answer from the each drop down menu the southern states pass set of laws restricting the rights of blocks these laws came to be known as the____ The laws were passed because most white southerners were not willing to______

First blank answers
-Black laws
-slave acts
-black codes

Second blank answers
-Work for black people
-white workers
-accept black people as equals


slave acts… accept black people as equals.

Answer: The Southern states passed a set of laws restricting the rights of blacks. These laws came to be known as the

Black Codes

The laws were passed because most white Southerners were not willing to

accept black people as equals

Explanation: I took the Test and got it right! :)

What happened when Hitler attacked Poland?

Hitler lost power and was replaced by a new government.

The United States declared war on Germany.

Great Britain and France declared war on Germany.

Great Britain and France appeased Germany by doing nothing.



The 3rd one!


Who was the first European to reach India by sailing around africa



Vasco Da Gama

He sailed in 1497 to 1502, he landed in India on May 20, 1498

Vasco da Gama
Vasco da Gama was a Portuguese explorer who followed in the footsteps of Dias and became the first European to sail around the southern tip of Africa and all the way to India.


C Explain; ONE example of transportation technology that led to
growth in interregional trade during the period 1200-1450.



The inter-connectivity of the 1200-1450. The world was about to become a true global network as different regions in the next period (1450-1750) began to interact. However, in this period the afro-erusaian world was already pretty well connected by the Silk Roads, Trans-Saharan Trade Routes, and Indian Ocean Trade Routes.


What were the advantages and disadvantages of joining the Inca empire?


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although there are no options attached we can say the following.

These were the advantages and disadvantages of joining the Inca empire.


You lost just rights as a member of your tribe and surrender yourself to the will of the Inca Emperor.

You had to pay tribute to the Incas.

You depended on the political and economic decisions of the Incas.


You received protection from the common enemies.

You could visit parts of the empire, including Machu Picchu, and benefited from the services of the city.

As part of the powerful Inca Empire, you receive an education.

The Inca had a public education system under the oversight of a government authority.

For the Inca people, education was a priority. And the Inca emperor ordered to have a good education system in the empire. Although in the empire there were social classes, education was for all divided into two: the education designed for the upper classes and the education designed for the Inca people in general.

Which of the following countries would have been a member of NATO?




The answer is the first one France

France because if you look it up it will tell you they were apart of it and the reasons why they joined the group.

In the 15th century, China stopped trading with other areas of the world and became increasingly isolated. Which of these demonstrates that this action was the result of China's fear of cultural change?



China took this action at the demand of Confucian scholars who were tired of barbarian contact.


What demonstrates that the China Isolation resulted from China's fear of cultural change is that "China took this action at the demand of Confucian scholars who were tired of barbarian contact."

The above statement is valid because, during this period, the Confucian scholars who were highly regarded considered the interactions with other people from other regions such as the Middle East and Europe to be savage and barbarians whose integration into their lifestyle or trading activities may corrupt their culture and ways of life.

question in pic! will give brainliest! help asap



Im pretty sure its the first one or all the 2nd just throws me off So most likely the first one.

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