
Answer 1
1. Process one is aerobic and the process is called Aerobic Respiration
2. Process two is anaerobic and the process is called Anaerobic Respiration.
3. Aerobic respiration produces more ATP

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can someone please help me



Yo:) Not too sure abt the top but I believe the bottom is

1. Liver cell 2. tissue 3. heart muscle 4. digestive system 5. tiger

What property of
water causes "ice
wedging" during
the weathering of



B. It Expands when it freezes


Ice wedging is a crack in the ground formed by ice expanding as it freezes in the ground


b. it expands when it freezes


When the temperature is warm, water works its way into cracks in rock. When the temperature cools below freezing, the water turns to ice and expands.

you have just eaten a large meal consisting of steak (protein) and a baked potato (carbs) with butter (lipids). follow the food through the digestive system from intake to elimination... ***make sure to mention all organs (and their various regions) passed through (including sphincters) / ***describe all digestive processes involved (use correct terminology) / ***discuss enzymes breaking down each type of macromolecule and where they come from.


The processes of digestion include six activities ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation and enzymes involved are amylase , lipase, protease , lactase and sucrase.

What is digestion?

Large, water-insoluble food molecules must be broken down into smaller, water-soluble food molecules during digestion in order to be absorbed into the watery blood plasma. These tiny chemicals are absorbed through the small intestine and into the blood stream in some species. Based on how food is digested, digestion, a type of catabolism, is sometimes split into mechanical and chemical digestion processes. The process of physically breaking down large food items into smaller ones that may then be accessed by digestive enzymes is referred to as mechanical digestion. Mastication occurs in the mouth during mechanical digestion, and segmentation contractions occur in the small intestine during mechanical digestion.

Food enters the mouth in the human digestive system, where mechanical digestion begins with the action of mastication (chewing), a type of mechanical digestion, and the wetting contact of saliva. The salivary glands secrete a liquid called saliva, which contains the salivary amylase, an enzyme that begins the digestion of starch in food. Saliva also contains mucus, which lubricates the food, hydrogen carbonate, which creates the ideal alkaline pH for amylase to function in, and electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl, HCO3). In the oral mucosa, starch hydrolyzes into disaccharide to the tune of 30%. (mouth). The food will be in the shape of a tiny, globular slurry mass known as a bolus after being chewed and having its starch digested.By means of peristalsis, it will then pass through the esophagus and enter the stomach. Protein digestion is started in the stomach by gastric juice. Pepsin and hydrochloric acid are the major ingredients of gastric juice. Rennin, which helps infants and toddlers digest milk proteins, is also present in gastric juice. The stomach secretes mucus and bicarbonates because the first two chemicals could harm the stomach wall. In addition to assisting lubrication, they offer a slimy coating that serves as a barrier against the harmful effects of chemicals like strong hydrochloric acid. Pepsin has an acidic pH thanks to hydrochloric acid. Proteins are broken down into peptides or proteoses by pepsin, which is then followed by enzymes in the small intestine to produce dipeptides and amino acids.When the pyloric sphincter valve opens, chyme enters the duodenum, where it mixes with bile juice from the liver and pancreatic digestive enzymes. After passing through the small intestine, where digestion continues, it exits. Chyme is taken into the circulation after it has completed its digestion. The small intestine is where 95% of nutrition absorption takes place. In the colon (large intestine), where the pH is somewhat acidic between 5.6 and 6.9, water and minerals are reabsorbed back into the circulation. Some vitamins, like biotin and vitamin K (K2MK7) produced by colonic bacteria, are also taken up by the blood in the colon. In the stomach, alcohol, simple sugars, and water are all absorbed. When one defecates, waste material is expelled from the rectum.

Hence, the processes of digestion include six activities ingestion, propulsion, mechanical or physical digestion, chemical digestion, absorption, and defecation and enzymes involved are amylase , lipase, protease , lactase and sucrase.

To know more about digestion from the given link


Which two items cause disruptions in ecosystem stability and are a result of
human activities?
A. Nutrient cycling
B. Ocean currents
C. Acid rain
D. Bycatch


The number of different species of plants and mammals has decreased as a result of overhunting and natural resource overexploitation from activities such overfishing and mining.

How many different species exist?

Around 8.7 million plant and animal species are thought to exist, according to scientists. However, to far, only about 1.2 million species, the of which are insects, have been recognized and described. This means that millions of additional animals' identities are still a mystery.

How can an animal's species be determined?

Permanent and non-permanent identification are the two main categories. Ear notches, microchips, and tattoos are all forms of permanent identification. In terms of non-permanent identifying, tags, paint, and chalk are used. If done correctly, tattooing is one kind of identifying that is permanent.

To know more about species visit:


the pattern of inheritance would lead a geneicist to suspect that an inherited disorder of the cell metabolism is due to a defective mitochondrial group


A defected mitochondrial group is the cause of an inherited abnormality of cell metabolism, which is always inherited from the mother.

What is a hereditary disorder?

a disease due to genetic or chromosomal changes that are passed from parent to child. The same genetic syndrome, that can be passed down via one or both parents, may affect several individuals within the same immediate family, along with a mother, daughter, and sister.

What leads to an inherited disease?

Inherited diseases are mostly brought about by gene mutations. They include illnesses including cystic fibrosis, Tay-Sachs disease, and sickle cell anemia. Chromosomal abnormalities are caused by missing, extra, or damaged chromosomes or chromosomal fragments.

To know more about inherited disorder visit :


A plant grown from a [round, yellow] seed is crossed with a plant grown from a [wrinkled, yellow] seed. This cross produces four progeny types in the F1:
[round, yellow], [wrinkled, yellow], [round, green], and [wrinkled, green].
Use this information to deduce the genotypes of the parent plants.
Here is what the question looks like if that helps: All it is asking for is the 2 parent genotypes but I'm not sure of the answer... if someone can explain and help me out I would appreciate it!


The question looks like if that helps
Yellow round = RrYy

Yellow wrinkled= rrYy

Phenotypes and Genotypes:

In a diploid organism, two alleles for a particular gene are expressed and interact to produce physical traits. A species' observable characteristics are referred to as its phenotype. The genotype is the genetic composition of an organism, which includes both the alleles that are physically expressed and those that are not. Mendel's hybridization studies show how phenotype and genotype differ from one another. For instance, the diploid genotypes of the plants in the P, F1, and F2 generations are related to the phenotypes that Mendel observed in his crosses between pea plants with different features. We shall utilise seed colour as an example, which was Mendel's second feature of study. Two alleles of a single gene control the colour of seeds.

The green-seed gene is recessive, whereas the yellow-seed allele is dominant. All of the F1 hybrid progeny had yellow seeds when true-breeding plants were crossed, when one parent had yellow seeds and the other had green seeds. In other words, the hybrid progeny shared the same phenotypes as the parent plant that was a true breeder and had yellow seeds. However, because it appeared in some of the F2 offspring, we know that the allele given by the parent who had green seeds was not simply lost. Due to the parent plant's yellow seeds, the F1 plants must have had a distinct genotype.

To learn more about Phenotypes and Genotypes,


When a happened new substances are formed



Chemical change


In a chemical change, the atoms in the reactants rearrange themselves and bond together differently to form one or more new products with different characteristics than the reactants. When a new substance is formed, the change is called a chemical change.

The paramecium is a single-celled freshwater protist that responds to changes in its environment in order to maintain homeostasis. The contractile vacuole actively pumps water out in order to prevent the cell of the paramecium from lysing (bursting) when excess water flows into the cell. A student tests the action of the paramecium underwater levels of varying salinity.
Which hypothesis correctly describes the predicted activity of the contractile vacuole under changing water and solute concentrations?
As the solute concentration of the water increases, the rate of contractions by the vacuole will increase.
As the solute concentration of the water increases, the rate of contractions by the vacuole will decrease.
As the solute concentration of the water decreases, the rate of contractions by the vacuole will decrease.
As the solute concentration of the water decreases, the rate of contractions by the vacuole will remain the same.





I just answered this question and from your choices it would be B! Hope that helps :)


demonstrate your understanding of pancreatic and bile secretion regulation by correctly classifying the terms to the appropriate category.


Cholecystokinin (CCK):

stimulates trypsin, lipase, and amylase from the pancreasstimulates acinar cells using a rise in cytoplasmic calcium as a second messengerstimulated in response to protein and fat content in chymesecretion continues until cyme passes through the duodenum and in the early region of the jejunum


potentiates the effects of acetylcholine on the acinar cells through the action of cyclic AMP as a second messengersecreted in response to a decreased duodenal pH below 4.5stimulates the production and secretion of bicarbonate into the pancreatic juicestimulates the bile duct cells to secrete bicarbonate into the bile

The pancreas is one of the organs in the digestive system, which is responsible for secreting enzymes or intestinal juices so that they can break down food.

During the digestive process, the pancreas functions to make fluids called enzymes. These enzymes are then used to break down sugars, fats, and starches. Not just enzymes, the pancreas also helps the digestive system by making hormones. Hormones work to carry chemical messages through the blood

Bile is a secretion of hepatocytes (liver cells) consisting of air, cholesterol, lecithin (phosphatidylcholine), bile salts, bile pigments, and several ions. The color of bile is described as ranging from olive green, and yellow to brown.

Learn more about pancreatic and bile secretion regulation at


Which set of surface soil conditions on a hillside would result in the most infiltration of rainfall?
a. gentle slope, saturated soil, no vegetation
b. gentle slope, unsaturated soil, vegetation
c. steep slope, saturated soil, vegetation
d. steep slope, unsaturated soil, no vegetation​


Steep slope and unsaturated soil No be gigantic



Answer:Fermentation is beneficial in that it can generate ATP quickly for working muscle cells when oxygen is scarce. Glycolysis Fermentation is glycolysis followed by a process that makes it possible to continue to produce ATP without oxygen. G lycolysis is the first series of reactions that occur during cellular respiration.


FILL IN THE BLANK. The water reuse system on the campus of Georgia Southern University _____ View Available Hint(s) collects runoff water from lawns and parking lots to water lawns and gardens on campus uses water from campus sinks and toilets to water lawns and gardens on campus conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation uses tap water to water lawns and gardens and then catches and reuses any water that runs off of the systems


The water reuse system on the campus of Georgia Southern University conserves water by using treated city wastewater instead of city tap water for irrigation.

What is Irrigation?

Irrigation is the artificial application of water to land in order to help crops grow. It is typically used to supplement natural rainfall in areas that experience either inadequate rainfall or extended periods of drought. Irrigation systems can be used to water crops, gardens, lawns, and other vegetation.

What is Water reuse system?

Water reuse systems, also known as water recycling systems, are designed to capture, treat and reuse wastewater for beneficial purposes such as irrigation, landscaping, toilet flushing, cooling, and industrial processes. These systems are designed to reduce the amount of water discharged to sewers or other water sources. The efficiency of the water reuse system depends on the type of wastewater, the use of the reclaimed water, and the treatment process used.

To know more about Irrigation,


an example of an organism that reproduces with asexual reproduction is a group of answer choices bacterium red blood cell histone salamander


Bacterium are one of the few organisms that reproduce via asexual reproduction. This process involves the bacteria using binary fission to self-replicate, whereby one bacterium splits into two identical daughter cells.

An example of an organism that reproduces with asexual reproduction is a:


Bacterium are some of the simplest organisms that are capable of reproducing asexually. Asexual reproduction in bacteria is accomplished through the process of binary fission, which is when one bacterium splits into two identical daughter cells.

During binary fission, the DNA of the single parent cell is replicated and then the two daughter cells divide, producing two genetically identical bacteria. This process of asexual reproduction allows bacteria to rapidly multiply, allowing them to quickly colonize new environments and respond to new challenges. This is why bacteria are some of the most successful and resilient organisms on the planet.

Learn more about Bacteria:


is receptor mediated endocytosis a form of passive or active transport?


Receptor-mediated endocytosis is a form of active transport. This is because it involves the movement of particles, such as large molecules, parts of cells, and even whole cells, into a cell.

What is Active transport?

Active transport may be defined as a type of transport that significantly occurs against the concentration gradient. This transport is mediated by carrier proteins. Metabolic energy is utilized in order to move ions or molecules against a concentration gradient.

Receptor-mediated endocytosis involves the utilization of receptor proteins on the cell surface are used to capture a specific target molecule. The receptors, which are transmembrane proteins, cluster in regions of the plasma membrane known as coated pits. They require metabolic energy in the entire process.

Therefore, receptor-mediated endocytosis is a form of active transport.

To learn more about Active transport, refer to the link:


You have a culture of bacteria that you suspect is either Staphylococcus aureus or Streptococcus pyogenes. Is there any morphological difference between the two? View Available Hint(s) Yes. S. aureus is a coccus, whereas S. pyogenes is a bacillus (rod). Yes. S. aureus is gram-positive, and S. pyogenes is gram-negative. Yes. Microscopically, S. aureus typically forms gram-positive cocci in clusters, whereas S. pyogenes forms gram-positive cocci in chains. No. There is absolutely no difference in the appearance of the cells.


The morphological difference between Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes is that microscopically, S. aureus typically forms gram-positive cocci in clusters, whereas S. pyogenes forms gram-positive cocci in chains.

What are the features of Staphylococcus genus?

Pathogens of humans and other mammals include bacteria in the genus Staphylococcus. According to their capacity to form blood plasma clots, they were traditionally split into two types (the coagulase reaction). The pathogenic species of S. aureus are staphylococci that are coagulase positive. There are already around 30 more species of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CNS). The CNS are typical skin commensals, yet some species can transmit diseases. It is now clear that the distinction between staphylococci that are coagulase positive and negative is arbitrary and, in some instances, deceptive. There is no concrete proof that coagulase, a marker for S aureus, contributes to virulence. Additionally, the coagulase of some S aureus natural isolates is flawed.

Streptococcus pyogenes and Staphylococcus aureus both induce localized illnesses such abscess formation and purulent discharge, but Staphylococcus aureus causes more of them. Contrarily, Streptococcus pyogenes causes a wide range of illnesses, including erysipelas and necrotizing fasciitis.Disease-causing microorganisms include S. aureus and S. pyogenes. Both varieties are facultative, Gram-positive, cocci-shaped, non-motile, non-spore-forming anaerobes.But microscopically the structure of the organism is well visible

Hence, the morphological difference between Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes is that microscopically, S. aureus typically forms gram-positive cocci in clusters, whereas S. pyogenes forms gram-positive cocci in chains.

To know more about Staphylococcus genus from the given link


FILL IN THE BLANK. Imagine a population of birds in which first-year birds can either (1) find a mate and raise an average of three offspring or (2) stay in their parents' territory and help the parents raise two more offspring than the parents would have been able to raise without any help. Based on the theory of kin selection, we would expect that _____.


Based on the theory of kin selection, we would expect that the behavior of helping at the nest would not evolve in this population.

Kin selection helps explain social interactions as well as altruistic collaboration. In the simplest case, when the interacting individuals are more closely related, they should be more likely to cooperate, displaying more selfish self-control and less aggression

If birds single-handedly raise three chicks in their first year, they share half of their genes with that third chick. If they help raise two more siblings, they share half their genes with the birds. They pass on more genetic material to the next generation by enlarging their own families, so altruistic behavior is unlikely to thrive in this demographic.

Learn more about kin selection at


Which of these needs to be done by a scientific committee before the drug is made available to the general public


The needs which have to be done before the drug is made available to the general public is to ensure it is effective and safe for use by individuals which is therefore denoted as option B.

What is a Drug?

This is also known as medication and it consists of chemical substances which are used to treat different types of sickness or illness and an example is Paracetamol which is used to treat fever etc.

There are different types of researches and findings which are done by scientists when a drug is being formulated. This is done so as to maximize its effect and an example is testing its active ingredient so as to determine its efficacy.

Another activity which needs to be done is to test its safety as this helps to ensure that there are no serious side effects or complications arising from the use of the drugs thereby making it the correct choice.

Read more about Drug here


The options are:

Drying and ColoringSafety and efficacyStorage and packaging

A teacher soaks eggs in vinegar overnight to remove the hard, outer shell. Each student is given two eggs and asked to place one in a cup filled with distilled water and the other in a cup with corn syrup.
What would you expect to happen to the egg in the distilled
1x water?

The egg will stay the same size as the amount of fluid leaving and entering the cell are at equilibrium.
It will shrink as the yolk inside the cell shrinks.
1 x
The egg will regrow its hard, outer shell.
It will grow bigger as water enters the cell

What type of solution is the distilled water?


Answer: The egg will swell and continue to gain mass.


charles darwin wrote that there are three important principles needed for natural selection to be possible. choose them all.


Most attributes are inherited, more offspring are generated than can survive, and offspring with more attractive traits will survive and have more offspring than those with less favourable traits. These three principles result in natural selection, which is an unavoidable process.

what is natural selection?

Natural selection is the process through which specific organisms or phenotypes with advantageous qualities are more likely to survive and reproduce.

Darwin claimed that three factors at work in nature would inevitably lead to natural selection. The majority of an organism's qualities are inherited, or given from parent to child, yet it is unknown how features are inherited. The second problem is that more children are born than can survive. All living things have a higher capability for reproduction than there are resources to support them. In each generation, there is competition for those resources.

Thomas Malthus, an economist, examined this theory in respect to human numbers in an essay that had an impact on both Darwin and Wallace. Third, Darwin and Wallace hypothesized that descendants with inherited traits that provide them the best chance of competing for scarce resources will survive and procreate more frequently than those individuals with variants that are less competitive.

Since attributes are inherited, the following generation will more accurately reflect these traits. Through a process Darwin called "descent with modification," this will cause population changes over many generations. Natural selection is the sole mechanism known for adaptive evolution; in the end, it causes population adaption to the local environment to increase.

To learn more about natural selection


the human body has several organ systems. the organs studied during this lab were all part of the system


Our body has made up of 11 organ systems. There are the integumentary system, skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatic system, respiratory system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, and reproductive system.

Integumentary system - skin, hair, nailsSkeletal system - bones, joints.Muscular system - cardiac, smooth, and skeletal muscles.Lymphatic system - red bone marrow, thymus, lymphatic vessels, thoracic duct, spleen, lymph nodesRespiratory system - nasal cavity, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchus, lungDigestive system - oral cavity, esophagus, liver, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, anusNervous system - brain, spinal cord, nervesEndocrine system - pineal gland, pituitary gland, thyroid gland, thymus, adrenal gland, pancreas, ovary, testisCardiovascular system - heart, blood vesselsUrinary system - kidney, ureter, urinary bladder, urethraReproductive system - (female) mammary glands, ovary, uterus, vagina, fallopian tube. (male) the prostate gland, scrotum, and ductus deferens.

Know more about human organ systems here:

The question was incomplete. This is a general answer.


Which of the following is one important difference between a virus and a
bacterial cell?
O A virus always causes more severe disease than a bacterial cell.
O A virus is much larger in size than a bacterial cell.
O A virus can never reproduce on its own, but a bacterial cell can.
O A virus does not contain genetic material, but a bacterial cell does.


Viruses are the collection of non living things or molecules that require a host cell in order to reproduce and continue their life cycle.A virus can never reproduce on its own, but a bacterial cell can. The correct answer is option C.

What structure is present in bacteria but not virus ?

Bacteria have the cell walls and they are having strong protective covering but the viruses do not have the cell wall.

Viruses are the group of non living molecules that are capable of dividing inside the body of the living organisms only but outside the body of the host they are non- living.

Bacteria are the organisms that are able to replicate and they have a property of cell division in which they are able to divide in order to form 2 cells from 1 and so on.

Learn more about viruses at :


when blood glucose levels fall, when blood glucose levels fall, glucagon is released. insulin is released. calcitonin is secreted. peripheral cells take up more glucose. protein synthesis increases.


Glucagon works to raise blood glucose levels back to normal when they are below the usual range. When the pancreas detects low blood sugar levels, it releases glucagon into the circulation. The hormone glucagon encourages the liver to convert glycogen to glucose and release glucose into the circulation.

What causes the release of glucagon?

Your pancreas' alpha cells produce glucagon, which is then released in reaction to a reduction in blood sugar, prolonged fasting, physical activity, and protein-rich meals. Hormones are substances that communicate with your organs, skin, muscles, and other tissues through your blood to coordinate various bodily functions.

What is released when blood glucose levels drop?

The "fight-or-flight" hormone, epinephrine (adrenaline), is released when blood glucose levels are low. The hypoglycemic symptoms, such as racing heart, perspiration, tingling, and anxiety, can be brought on by epinephrine.

To know more about blood glucose visit;


All of the following are part of Darwin’s theory of natural selection EXCEPT
a. Populations tend to overpopulate.
b. Only the best-fit individuals survive and get to pass on their genes.
c. Overpopulation leads to a struggle for existence.
d. Individual organisms change in response to their environment and the needs of their surroundings.



a. Populations tend to overpopulate


The atomic number of an element


According to the research, the correct answer is that the atomic number of an element is usually denoted by the letter Z and represents the stable compound particles of a positive elementary charge.

What is the atomic number ?

It is a total number of the smallest particles that make up the atom with a positive electric charge that is denoted with the letter "Z" that make up the atomic nucleus of a certain chemical element.

In this sense, each chemical element has a different atomic number, although its chemical way of behaving is established by the electrons that orbit around its nucleus.

Therefore, we can conclude that according to the research, the atomic number presents the different amounts of protons in the atoms of different elements.

Learn more about the atomic number here:


Bacteria and eukaryotes have many molecular differences due to life history differencesDescribe the molecular processes of transcription and the control and regulation of transcription for bacteria and eukaryotes. Explain which differences may be due to life history and why



The main differences between bacterial and eukaryotic transcriptions are: In bacteria, transcription and translation are continous process, but in eukaryotes these are two sepearte process. Initiation of transcription is
simple in bacteria

Explanation: hush jus readd.

Which happend first: the igneous pluton D or the earthquake fault lineE


Question: Which happened first the Igneous Pluton(D) or the Earthquake Fault Line(E)

Answer: Igneous Pluton (D) happened first.

____________transmission is considered the most common and efficient mechanism of vector-borne disease transmission.


Biological transmission is considered the most common and efficient mechanism of vector-borne disease transmission.

What is Biological transmission?

The process of biological transmission involves the vector ingesting the disease, typically through a blood meal from an infected animal, developing it, and then regurgitating or injecting it into a vulnerable animal. Mosquitoes, ticks, and fleas are frequently found as biological disease vectors. Direct touch, droplets, a vector like a mosquito, a vehicle like food, or the airborne route are all possible modes of transmission. The mouth or a syringe are just two of the many access points the susceptible host possesses.

Hence, the answer is, Biological transmission is considered the most common and efficient mechanism of vector-borne disease transmission.

To learn more about Biological transmission, follow the link:


Three cells (represented by a circle) are put into different solutions. The dots represent a solute and the white background the universal
solvent, water.

Which cell is submerged in a isotonic solution?

O None of the above.


Cell B is submerged in an isotonic solution.

Which of the following effectively sums up an isotonic solution?

A solution that has the same osmolarity, or solute concentration, as another solution is said to be isotonic. Water will flow equally into and out of either solution if a semipermeable membrane is used to divide the two. When two solutions have the same concentrations of solutes—that is, dissolved materials—they are said to be isotonic because their osmotic pressures are equal. Isotonic solutions, however, are solutions with the same concentration of solute as the cells in the human body and are frequently utilized in the medical sector.

Does an isotonic solution's boiling and freezing point coincide?

Isotonic solutions must share the same density, solute, freezing point depression, or boiling point elevation. Is the boiling point of an isotonic solution the same? Isotonic liquids have the same concentration and osmotic pressure. The collinear qualities are an increase in boiling point and a decrease in freezing point. Since the molar concentration for isotonic solutions is the same, the rise in boiling point and fall in freezing point of those solutions must also be the same.

To know more about Isotonic solutions visit


Cell B is submerged in an isotonic solution.

Which of the following effectively sums up an isotonic solution?

A solution that has the same osmolarity, or solute concentration, as another solution is said to be isotonic. Water will flow equally into and out of either solution if a semipermeable membrane is used to divide the two. When two solutions have the same concentrations of solutes—that is, dissolved materials—they are said to be isotonic because their osmotic pressures are equal. Isotonic solutions, however, are solutions with the same concentration of solute as the cells in the human body and are frequently utilized in the medical sector.

Does an isotonic solution's boiling and freezing point coincide?

Isotonic solutions must share the same density, solute, freezing point depression, or boiling point elevation. Is the boiling point of an isotonic solution the same? Isotonic liquids have the same concentration and osmotic pressure. The collinear qualities are an increase in boiling point and a decrease in freezing point. Since the molar concentration for isotonic solutions is the same, the rise in boiling point and fall in freezing point of those solutions must also be the same.

To know more about Isotonic solutions visit


evolution of horses: how horses originated, how they evolved over time, and when they were or were not present on different continents


According to the researchers, the western Eurasian Steppe, present-day Ukraine, and West Kazakhstan are where horses were first domesticated 6000 years ago. The researchers also claim that during the domestication process, the animals frequently bred with wild horses.

What is evolution?

The term "evolution" can be used to describe any net direction change or cumulative change in an organism's or population's traits over many generations, or "descent with modification." It expressly takes into account both the beginning and the spread of alleles, variations, trait values, or character states.

The Eocene Epoch, which lasted from roughly 56 million to 33.9 million years ago, is when the history of the horse family, Equidae, began. Eohippus fossils, which have been discovered in both North America and Europe, indicate that the first ancestral horse originally existed during the early Eocene.

Hence is the history of evolution of horses

To know more about evolution form given link


DNA contains genetic information to build crocodiles that existed millions of
years ago relatively unchanged. What properties of DNA allow DNA to remain
relatively stable even after millions of years?


Using ancient DNA, you may determine a person's ancestry, their genetic resemblance to people alive at the time and to people alive today, as well as who they are descended from.

What kinds of environmental variables alter DNA?

By altering the way chemicals attach to DNA or the structure of proteins that DNA wraps around, environmental factors such as diet, medications, or exposure to toxins can trigger epigenetic alterations.

What are the three things that can alter DNA?

Mutations are caused by different environmental factors known as mutagens. Types of mutagens include radiation, chemicals, and infectious agents.

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Find the area of a polygon with vertices A(3, 1), B(3, 4), C(7, 1), D(7, 4) to avoid higher fines under us sentencing guidelines, senior management must actively support the company's ethics program. this includes Is more elastic potential energy stored in a spring when the spring is compressed by 1 cm than when it is stretched by the same amount justify your answer? In nature, this method is the only way diversity is truly created. Changes in the genetic material of an organism are passed on to offspring and, although the process is slow, it could eventually result in the creation of a new species. These statements describe the effects of _______ on biodiversity. A. Growth rate b. Genetic drift c. Mutation d. Carrying capacity please select the best answer from the choices provided a b c d. Loretta deposits $350 every quarter into a savings account that earns 4. 5% interest compounded quarterly. What is the balance after 7 years?. the gas in a 250.0 ml piston experiences a change in pressure from 1.00 atm to 3.45 atm. what is the new volume (in ml) assuming the moles of gas and temperature are held constant? What does the bar in a fraction mean? which type of evidence collection methods can be used when litigation might be needed? [choose all that apply] john has just opened a savings account at sugar land united bank with a $250 deposit. he plans to deposit $50 into his savings account twice a month. which equation best represents the problem if y represents the total amount of money in his savings account and x represents the number of months John has been saving money?a. y = 250 + 50xb. y = 50x - 250c. y = 100x + 250d. y = 100x - 25 General agreement among the citizenry on an issue is New Labs just announced that it has received a patent for a product that will eliminate all flu viruses. This news is better than the market expected one month ago. Which one of the following reactions to this announcement indicates the market for New Labs stock is efficient?A. The price of New Labs stock increases rapidly and then settles back to its pre-announcement level.B. The price of New Labs stock remains unchanged.C. All stocks quickly increase in value and then all but New Labs stock fall back to their original values.D. The price of New Labs stock increases rapidly to a higher price and then remains at that price. Bad stress may result ina) anxiety and panic attacks b) decreased risk of heart diseasec) an improved immune systemd) all of these which scriptures describe a biologic law of reproduction for which no exception has ever been documented? Please help- trying to get a good grade fast (: pls Consider the vector field F(x,y,z)=7y,7x,9z. Show that F is a gradient vector field F=V by determining the function V which satisfies V(0,0,0)=0.V(x,y,z)= review the following scenario, then choose the appropriate response describing steps a paid tax preparer must take to demonstrate due diligence. charlie (21) comes in to your office to have his tax return prepared. he states that he is a full-time college student with income from a part-time job, and his parents will not claim him as a dependent. he wants to claim the american opportunity tax credit (aotc). which of the following describes an appropriate question to ask or action to take? ask him if he has ever been convicted of a misdemeanor offense or had his driver's license revoked. inform him that he may be assessed a penalty of $545 if he fails to provide all the information required. inform him he must provide copies of all transcripts before you can prepare his return. request a copy of his form 1098-t, tuition statement, and inquire into when and how his education and other living expenses were paid. which of the following is true of the necessary and proper clause? has expanded the role of the national government relative to the was in the original constitution but was eliminated as a consequence of the twenty-seventh has increased the powers of the state governments relative to the federal is in the text of the tenth has served to limit the expansion of national authority. Choose the best spanish equivalent to the phrase. i got a new pair of shoes for christmas last year. recibo un nuevo par de zapatos para navidad el ao pasado. reciba un nuevo par de zapatos para navidad el ao pasado. recib un nuevo par de zapatos para navidad el ao pasado. recibe un nuevo par de zapatos para navidad el ao pasado. i am clueless to this and am looking for some help please The olfactory receptor gene repertoire in primates and mouse