Hello, Can I get help with question 52 , please ?

Hello, Can I Get Help With Question 52 , Please ?


Answer 1

The correct option is d: sunlight is travelling through less air at noon than at sunset.

-The light from the Sun is really made up of all the colors of the rainbow.Blue light waves are shorter than light waves of any other color. Sunlight is scattered in all directions by the tiny molecules of air in Earth's atmosphere. Blue is scattered more than other colors because it travels as shorter, smaller waves.

-When the Sun is lower in the sky, sunlight goes through more of the atmosphere. The blue light is scattered so much that the reds and yellows pass through to your eyes.

A is not true; dust is present during the day and sunset too. Dust, pollution, and haze in the daytime can make the sky look grayish or even white, and sunsets look less colorful.

B is not true, sun´s heat does not "clean the air".

C is false, at sunset, sunlight goes through more of the air (or atomosphere) not at noon

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Match the characteristics to the domain for which it is most associated.ArchaeaBacteriaEukaryaA.single-celled, lacks a nucleus, found in extreme environments, discovered in the 1970sB.contains unicellular and multicellular organisms, each cell contains a membrane-bound nucleus and other organellesC.single-celled organisms that do not have a nucleus, cell wall made of peptidoglycan.


Of the three domains, Archaea and Bacteria are both prokaryotes, which means they don't have a nucleus. The main difference between them is that Archaea are found in extreme environments, and Bacteria have cell walls made of peptidoglycan.

On the other hand, Eukarya contains both unicellular and multicellular organisms, with cells organized in organelles.

This means the answer would be:

• A - Archaea


• B -Eukarya


• C - Bacteria.

Explain briefly how mRNA is produced during the process of DNA transcription.


The DNA genes serves as a template for complementary base-paring during the process of transcription, the strand of DNA is copied into a new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA). Transcription is carried out by the RNA polymerase and the transcription factors, those factors bind to specific DNA sequences (of the open strand) called enhancer and promoter sequences in order to signal to the RNA polymerase the right site to link in the strand of DNA for the transcription. The union of polymerase to transcription factors form a transcription initiation complex, that begins the mRNA synthesis by matching complementary bases to the original DNA strand. The mRNA is elongated and, once the strand is completely synthesized, transciption is terminated. The mRNA formed will serve as a blueprint for protein synthesis in the trabslation process that will happen in the cytoplasm.

If a mother was homozygous for a dominant X-linked trait, how many of her sons and daughterswould have the trait?


As you can see in the punnet chart. The trait (N) is linked to the mother's two X chromosomes, so the trait will be inherited by all her offspring since they all receive one chromosome from the mother. And because both copies of the trait in the mother are dominant. All her offspring will have the trait.

What is the overall equation for cellular respiration?A1 glucose + 16 carbon dioxide = 6 oxygens + 6 water + energyB1 glucose + 6 carbon dioxide = 16 oxygens + 6 water + energyC6 carbon dioxide + 6 water + light energy = 1 glucose + 6 oxygenD1 glucose + 6 oxygen = 6 carbon dioxide +6 water + energy


The overall equation for cellular respiration is 1 glucose molecule plus diatomic oxygen (6 molecules of O2) and produces energy in form of ATP plus carbon dioxide (6 molecules of CO2), and water (6 molecules of H2O), as stated in the D answer option, 1 glucose + 6 oxygen = 6 carbon dioxide + energy.

This process can be compared with photosynthesis, which it's kinda the counterpart of it since in it, the process begins with 6 CO2 molecules, and 6 H2O molecules and produces the 1 glucose molecule and 6 molecules of O2.

Hi, I was given an assignment where I need to explain the job of the liver cells and Epinephrine response in Fight or Flight.


Epinephrine (sometimes caled adrenaline) is a critical hormone for the fight/flight response agains threats. When epinephrine is secreted, it reaches many organs, among them the liver. When liver senses epinephrine it release glucose in the bloodstream, which will be criticar for the muscles to act. Wether the response is fight or flight, muscles will need glucose for the intense inminent effort. That is, liver cells provide the necessary fuel (in this case glucose) for the body to move, either to fight, or to flight.

28. What element is essential to life and is the basic building block of organisms?A. carbonB. nitrogenC. phosphorous


The 4 more common elements in living beings are Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, and Nitrogen. Of these 4, carbon is the one present in all organic compounds and the main biomolecules: carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

This means A. Carbon is the right answer.

The answer is


How does DNA used in the synthesis of a protein in a eukaryotic cell


Proteins are synthesized in eukaryotic cells from DNA by the intervention of RNA, which replicates the pair bases present in the deoxyribonucleic acid to eventually, with the participation of ribosomes, build up amino acids, that finally will form proteins.

So the answer is the third option, the information in DNA is transcribed into RNA, which can leave the nucleus to synthesize proteins

Describe the roles of sugars in the bodyIdentify the atoms found in sugarIdentify the class/type of macromolecule to which sugar belongs


Simple sugar is a carbohydrate called a monosaccharide. It is used by organisms as a source of energy. An example of simple sugar utilized by humans to extract energy is glucose. It has a chemical formula, C₆H₁₂O₆. Glucose is broken down through glycolysis to extract the energy splitting it into two pyruvate molecules.

1. Sugars are a source of energy. It is broken down into simpler molecules through glycolysis.

2. The atoms found in simple sugar, glucose, are carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

3. Sugars are an example of the macromolecule, carbohydrate.

what is meant by budding​




Budding is a process of asexual reproduction. Budding is where a piece of the original organism gives birth to another part of it. A very good example of this is plants where they have buds and they grow from these buds.

- Homeostasis

What is homeostasis?

Name at least three examples of homeostasis in our body.


- Photosynthesis and cellular respiration

What happens in each one?

What organelle is in charge of this?

Reactants and products



Homeostasis is a state of balance among all the body systems needed for the body to survive and function correctly.

Three examples would be

thermoregulation, blood glucose regulation, and baroreflex in blood pressure,

During photosynthesis, plants take in carbon dioxide and water from the air and soil. Within the plant cell, the water is oxidized, meaning it loses electrons, while the carbon dioxide is reduced, meaning it gains electrons. This transforms the water into oxygen and the carbon dioxide into glucose.

In cellular respiration, glucose and oxygen react to form ATP. Water and carbon dioxide are released as byproducts.

The organelle in charge of photosynthesis is chloroplast and cellular respiration is the mitocondria.

The connective tissue around (coating) the nerves would be called what?


The name of the outermost connective tissue layer of each nerve is epineurium.

Solid Crystals of lodine were placed in a flask. The top of the flask was covered in tinfoil. The flask was gently heated. Soon the flask was filled with red dish glass. What change of state took place? Explain Your answer.


Solid Crystals of Iodine are a type of molecular crystal that keeps molecules coherent mostly due to Van der Waals attraction, which is weak. When heaten, those Van der Waals forces are broken, releasing gaseous molecules of iodine. Bceause of that, the solid sublimes and a vapor is formed. This process is called sublimation, which means the transition from solid directly to a gas state.

6. Do you have the same DNA as your parents? Explain your answer.t


The answer is no.

There are multiple ways our bodies ensure that we have a unique set of DNA that differs from our parents. For starters, you inherit two copies of each chromosome—one copy from your mom and one copy from your dad. This means that your genome (all of your DNA) is already different because it contains chromosomes from both of your parents. This can also help explain why two siblings appear to have different genetic ancestry, since they may get different chromosomes from their parents.

Identify food sources that supply each of these macromolecules.Compare and contrast the atoms found in simple sugar molecules and amino acids from your appetizer section


Food sources that have:

1) Proteins

Meats: fish, beef, chicken, eggs and dairy products (milk, yoghurt).

2) Sugars (Carbohydrates and fibers)

Rice, Broccoli, potato, sweet potato, candy's.

Sugars are Carbohydrates molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

The structure of each macromolecule:

-Sugars are Carbohydrates molecules made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen

What happens in ecosystems with
low levels of nitrogen in the soil?
A. Carnivorous plants grow that capture insects
for their nitrogen.
B. Consumers move to different ecosystems.
C. There is no plant life.


Low levels of nitrogen in the soil cause imbalance in the Ecosystem, causing plants to die. Thus option, C. There is no plant life.

What is ecosystem?

The ecosystem refers to a system where living organisms together with non-living components of their environment interact.

Effect of Nitrogen on the ecosystem

.Small amount of nitrogen makes plants not to survive, which can cause low crop yields.

.Likewise, too much nitrogen can be harmful to plants, and can also be dangerous to our environment.

.Plants that do not have enough nitrogen become yellowish and pale and can only produce smaller flowers and fruits.

. low crop yield leads to food scarcity and hunger for organisms that depend on plants to feed.

.Low levels of nitrogen will affect the plants, causing them to die. Plants are the major source of oxygen for living organisms. They take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen to the environment.

Hence, balance is very important when considering Nitrogen and the ecosystem.

Learn more on Ecosystem from



Which nervous system structure is considered to be responsible for the regulation of
blood pressure, temperature, respiration, and heart rate?
O pons
O hypothalamus
O thalamus
O medulla oblongata


Answer:  Hypothalamus

Explanation: It is a forebrain area below the thalamus that regulates both the autonomic nerve system and pituitary function, governing body temperature, thirst, appetite, and other homeostatic systems, as well as being involved in sleep and emotional activity.

need help with this problem choices: population will increase, population will decrease


Wolf spider population size doubles.

Since beetle larvae are preyed by wolf spiders, if the population of wolf spiders increases, that of beetle larvae will decrease.

The wolf spider population size is cut by 40% because of a virus.

Conversly, if the wolf spider population decreases, the population of beetle larvae will increase.

The sanil and woodlouse population sizes increase.

In this case we can expect and increase of the beetle larva population because there are more resources for them.

The woodlouse population size is wiped out by chemical pesticides.

Snails and woodlouse are displaced by a fire in the ecosystem.

In the above example the aviability of resources for beetle larvae decreases, therefore, we will expect a decline in such population.

In a group of American curl cats, some individuals have curled ears and others have straightears. In this group, the gene for the ear type trait has two alleles. The allele E is for curledears, and the allele e is for straight ears.Cookie, an American curl cat from this group, has straight ears. Cookie has two alleles forstraight ears.Based on this information, what is Cookie's phenotype for the ear type trait?EEEecurled earsstraight ears


Cookie's phenotype for the ear trait is straight ears.

When we say phenotype, it refers to the observable trait or the characteristics that can be seen.

The last point of natural selection states that offspring that are better adapted are more likely to produce offspring. Which option is an example of this point?a.salmon produce offspring through sexual reproductionb.several corn plants in a field are resistant to pests and low water levelsc.rabbits with longer fur survive colder winters and will produce offspringd.a queen bee lays thousands of eggs


We have to consider that, as the question's statement tells us, individuals that are better adapted, are more likely to produce offspring, and this is because they will be more prepared for the environmental pressures, such as predation, hot temperatures, and low levels of humidity, do the traits these organisms bear, will be passed to the future generations, increasing the frequency of those particular traits that enabled them to survive, and overall decreasing the traits that the organisms which didn't survive didn't pass to the next generations.

This leads us to say that the correct answer could be the second one, "several corn plants in a field are resistant to pests and low water levels", but the most accurate statement is the third one because it tells us if that trait of the individuals make them more capable of surviving and reproducing, "C. rabbits with longer fur survive colder winters and will produce offspring".

You have made a smear of a bacterial culture and have performed the Gram stain on it. Looking at the organism under the microscope, you notice that the cells do not seem to be the dark blue-purple of a gram-positive reaction, but instead are light blue. Your staining procedure was performed correctly. What is your best explanation as to why the bacteria have stained this way?A.forgetting to heat fix the smear B.skipping the iodine step C.skipping alcohol steps D.skipping the Safranin step E. skipping the crystal violet step


If we have to think quickly about the function of each component we would say that:

-fixing the semar is for adhesion to slide glass

-lugol will fix the violet crystal dye to bacteria

-alcohol eliminate the violet crystal from gram negative ones

-safranin, will stain the gram negatives which are the ones that are discolored

So if your preparation is clearer than usual I would think in:

Option B skipping the iodine step therefore there would be no intensification in crystal violet (this could be the best explanation).

Option A forgetting to heat fix the smear, this is a previous and fundamental step that makes adhesion to slide glass. If you skip it, probably your preparation could be clearer than usual since the bacteria did not fix correctly to the glass.

Part C 29. Carbon dioxide is known to be a greenhouse gas that contributes to global warming. Due largely to human activity, such as the burning of fossil fuels, the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmo- sphere continues to increase significantly. Dis- cuss how planting more trees could help reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. How might this slow down the rate of global warming? the world are being


As we know plants are a sink of carbon, through the process of photosynthesis carbon dioxide is fixated, now this has been widely discussed if this will actually would help to decrease carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as trees also breed. In the case of young plants, the rate of photosynthesis surpasses the respiration rate however once the growth has slowed both rates are similar, now there are other photosynthetic organisms that could make a bigger difference and those are cyanobacteria and algae. Finally, we can say that more plants can help however the majority of their benefits come from other aspects such as habitat or decreasing urban heat, as carbon sinks there are more efficient organisms, likewise, carbon dioxide is not the only greenhouse gas, there are other gases with greater impact like methane.

Mitosis and meiosis are processes vital to the survival and reproduction of an organism. What process takes place in meiosis but not mitosis?A.DNA condensing into chromosomesB.DNA replicationC.sister chromatids separatingD.crossing over


The process that takes place in meiosis but not mitosis is crossing over.

The separation of homologous chromosomes and recombination between homologous chromosomes occur during meiosis I, which is the main difference between meiosis and mitosis. Only the sister chromatids are separated from homologous chromosomes during mitosis.

The sister chromatids split apart and go to the opposing ends of the dividing cell during mitosis. Two identical cells with 2N chromosomes and 2X DNA each emerge from mitosis.

Meiosis is a unique two-cell division process that results in the production of haploid gametes from diploid germline cells. A diploid cell with 2N chromosomes and 4X DNA content serve as the starting point for this process.

To learn more about Meiosis visit: https://brainly.com/question/6774682


An unhealthy lifestyle is a serious factor in illnessand disease. Describe in detail issues of lifestylethat are particularly important with regard tohealth. What can you do to combat theseculprits? What is the most dangerous unhealthybehaviour of all?


An unhealthy lifestyle is responsible for numerous diseases and complications.

Inadequate food can aggravate serious health problems and not provide the human body with a healthy life.

In addition, not playing sports or physical activities are also to blame for health problems such as high blood pressure, heart problems, and other diseases.

It can also be added that a healthy lifestyle needs to be accompanied by mental health. Therefore, monitoring mental health is important for the body and mind.

To combat these culprits it is necessary for people to think about the importance of a lifestyle that seeks the best. Attitudes such as physical activities, healthy eating, and mental health are important!

The most unhealthy behavior of all is lack of information.

CxHy +O2 --> H2O + CO2
O Single Displacement


Answer:  The correct answer is Combustion


The pattern of "fuel + O2 ->CO2 + H2O" is common to most combustion reactions. Depending on the fuel involved, the coefficients of this balanced equation may change. The specific combustion formula CxHy +O2 --> H2O + CO2 is for butene gas with a ratio of 1 : 6 : 4.

Read the procedure. What is the purpose of the bicarbonate that is dissolved in the water?



Through this experiment we study the process of photosynthesis.

• In the begining the leaf disks's tissue has oxygen, this allows them to float.

• Then, in the experiment we infiltrate the leaf disks with a solution that has bicarbonate, and as a result their density changes (it increases) and so the leaf disks sink.

• Once the disks are on the bottom and we direct the light to them the process of photosynthesis starts, being the bicarbonate the source of carbon for the process.

• As we know a product of the photosynthesis proces is oxygen, so when it is released into the leaf disks the overall density changes again and the disks rise.

So as we can see, in this experiment the purpose of the bicarbonate is being the source of carbon for the process of photosynthesis that occurs in the leaf disks.

49. Meiosis is the process thatA. consists of only one set of division phases and produces two identicaldiploid daughter cells.B. consists of two sets of divisions and produces four haploid daughter cellsthat are not identical.C. involves the selection of certain traits to be passed to the futuregeneration.



Meiosis consists of two nuclear divisions (meiosis I and meiosis II) that reduce the number of chromosomes to the haploid number in preparation for sexual reproduction. Although the nucleus divides twice during meiosis, DNA replicates once. The products of meiosis are different from each other as well as from the parent cell. In particular, the functions of meiosis are:

1. Reduce the number of chromosomes from a diploid number to a haploid number.

2. Ensuring that each of the haploid products has one set of chromosomes.

3. Promote genetic diversity in its products. This is because the differences between haploid nuclei result from crossing over during prophase I and random segregation of homologous chromosomes during anaphase I.

The result of meiosis is 4 haploid nuclei (cells).

We can conclude that the correct answer is:


B. consists of two sets of divisions and produces four haploid daughter cells that are not identical.

A phenotypic ratio of 9:4:3 is indicative of __________.A. Multiple allelesB. Polygenic inheritanceC. CodominanceD. Epistasis


A phenotypic ratio of 9:4:3 is indicative of epistasis. It is referred to as recessive epistasis. It is a phenomena where one gene pair expression deoends on the other gene pair.

Multiple alleles influence the same trait which are considered as the alternative of similar gene. Polygenic inheritance is about a trait of more than one gene. Codominance happens when two alleles of similar gene are being expressed separately to produce various traits in an individual.

Answer - D. Epistasis

Identify the type of cell division used if and when the opganism reproduces sexually. Illustrate and labelthe steps of this process.


Meiosis is the cell division type that occurs in sexual cells. This process consists of eight steps Prophase I, Metaphase I, Anaphase I, Telophase I, Prophase II, Metaphase II, Anaphase II and Telophase II. During the first four stages chromatids exchange DNA among themselves, creating recombinant chromosomes (chromosomes that have a fragment of a different origin). During the last two phases, chromosomes are separated in chromatids, and each cell produced after Telophase II is haploid, that is, it has one chromosome set.

What are the other molecules produced in photosynthesis and during which phase?


The products of photosynthesis are glucose and oxygen.

The process of photosynthesis involves two stages: the light reaction and the dark reaction.

During the light reaction, ATP and NADPH are formed. Light reaction gives rise to the formation of oxygen.

During the dark reaction(Calvin cycle) there is utilization of carbon dioxide along with ATP and NADPH formed during light reaction to form glucose.

Hi, can I have help with number 45? Thank you


Hemoglobin is the protein pigment present in red blood cell responsible for carrying almost all oxygen in the blood. Each molecule of hemoglobin binds with 4 oxygen molecules and the reaction is reversible. WBC is the one responsible for carrying oxygen to all organs of the body. Platelet is responsible for clotting blood. Lymph nodes play as a filtering agent present in the lymphatic fluid that are responsible for fighting infection.

Answer - b. hemoglobin in red blood cells

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