he synthesis of water is described by the
quation 2H₂ + O2
2H₂O. How is the tr
of water related to this
action? Explain, using a chemical equation.



Answer 1


Explanation: E

Related Questions

what atomic or hybrid orbital on the central s atom makes up the sigma bond between this s and an outer f atom in sulfur tetrafluoride, sf4 ?


The center atom of sulfur tetrafluoride is sp3d hybridized.

Six from the sulfur atom and seven each from the four fluorine atoms will make up the molecule's total of 34 valence electrons.

With each fluorine atom, the sulfur atom will create a single bond. Of the 34 valence electrons, 8 will be accounted for by these bonds. To have a full octet, each fluorine atom needs 3 lone pairs of electrons.

24 valence electrons will be used by these lone pairs, increasing the total number of valence electrons used to 32. The sulfur atom will get the final two electrons as a lone pair.

To know more about valence electrons, click the below link



Select the correct answer. What is the noble gas electron configuration of bismuth (bi)? a. [kr] 6s2 6p3 b. [xe] 6s2 6p3 c. [xe] 4f14 5d10 6s2 6p3 d. [kr] 5s2 5d10 5p6 6s2 6d10 6p3 e. [xe] 6s2 5d10 6p3.


the noble gas electron configuration of bismuth (Bi) is [Xe] 4f¹⁴ 5d¹⁰ 6s² 6p³. The correct answer is C.

Bismuth is an element with atomic number 83 and contains 83 electrons. The next noble gas is sign xenon, which contains 54 electrons. Bismuth is an element belonging to group 15 of the periodic table.

Arsenic and bismuth are similar in that they are both metalloids and share more or less the same properties. This is predictable because they belong to the same group of the periodic table and elements in the same group are said to have more or less the same properties.

therefore, The electronic configuration of bismuth for the nearest noble gas is:[Xe] 4f¹⁴ 5d¹⁰ 6s² 6p³. The correct answer is C.

learn more about bismuth at https://brainly.com/question/28669107


- Predicting What is the product of the
synthesis reaction between magnesium
and iodine? Explain your answer.



The reaction of Magnesium metal with Iodine will yield Magnesium Iodide. The reaction would be as follows:

Mg (solid) + I2 (gas) --->  MgI2 (solid)

The two valence electrons of Mg will be distributed to each of the Iodine atoms in I2 gas. In the end, Mg ended up being Oxidized because it lose two electrons and I2 is reduced as it gained electrons.

MgI2 is classified as an ionic salt and it is highly soluble in water.

a sample of gas weighs 3.33 g and occupies a volume of 1.365 l at 95 °c and 790 torr. identify the gas sample.


The identity of the gas, given that 3.33 g occupies a volume of 1.365 L at 95 °C and 790 torr is chlorine gas (Cl₂)

How do I determine the identity of the gas?

First, we shall determine the number of mole of the gas. This is obtained as follow:

Volume (V) = 1.365 L Temperature (T) = 95 °C = 95 + 273 = 368 KPressure (P) = 790 torr = 790 / 760 = 1.039 atmGas constant (R) = 0.0821 atm.L/Kmol Number of mole (n) =?

PV = nRT

1.039 × 1.365 = n × 0.0821 × 368

Divide both sides by (0.0821 × 368)

n = (1.039 × 1.365) / (0.0821 × 368)

n = 0.0469 mole

Finally, we shall determine the identity of the gas as follow:

Mole of gas = 0.0469 mole Mass of gas = 3.33 gMolar mass of gas =?

Molar mass = mass / mole

Molar mass = 3.33 / 0.0469

Molar mass of gas = 71 g/mol

From the above calculation, we can see that the molar mass of the gas is 71 g/mol.

Thus, we can conclude that the identity of gas is chlorine gas (Cl₂) since:

Chlorine atom (Cl) = 35.5 g/molChlorine gas (Cl₂) = 2 × 35.5 = 71 g/mol

Learn more about identity of gas:




how is electronegativity used in determining the ionic and doric relevant character of the bonding between two elements


How polar a link will be depends on how differently electronegative two atoms are from one another. Since there is no variation in electronegativity in a diatomic molecule with two identical atoms, the bond is nonpolar or pure covalent.

What is polar and non polar?

Polarity is the term used to describe objects that differ at either end. Some molecules also contain positive and negative ends, and when this occurs, we refer to those molecules as being polar. We refer to someone as non-polar if they don't. Polar objects can be drawn to or repelled by one another (opposite charges attract, alike charges repel).

To learn more about polar and non polar

Here: https://brainly.com/question/545359


In which type of chemical reaction do the positive ions switch between two compounds and form two brand new compounds?


In double displacement type of reaction the positive ions switch between two compounds and form two brand new compounds.

A double displacement is defined as a reaction in which the positive and negative ions of two ionic compounds exchange places to form two new compounds.

The double-displacement reaction generally represented in the form of AB + CD → AD + CB where A and C are positively-charged cations, while B and D are negatively-charged anions.

Some of the examples of double displacement reaction are given as,

NaOH + NH₄Cl ⇄ NaCl + NH₄OH

AgNO₃ + NaCl ⇄ AgCl + NaNO₃

Learn more about double displacement reaction from the link given below.



the text describes the first three reactions of a metabolic pathway. complete the sentences. not all the terms will be placed.a. FAD
b. Citrate
c. Isomerization
d. Alpha-ketagluterate
e. Isocitrate
f. Oxaloacetate
g. Succinate
h. NAD+
i. Intermediate
j. Product h. Condensationi. trycarboxylic acid1. In reaction 1 of the Krebs cycle, acetyl-CoA formed in the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction condenses with the four-carbon compound____to form____with the elimination of coenzyme A. 2. Since the product has three carboxyl groups, this pathway is referred to as the____cycle. In reaction 2 of the Krebs cycle, this product then undergoes____to form_____. The enzyme is called aconitase because the compound cis-aconitate is the____of the reaction Reaction 3. eliminates Co, to form the five-carbon dicarboxylic acid____. Oxidation also occurs, with electrons transferred from the substrate to______. Consequently, this reaction is an oxidative decarboxylation.


In the first reaction of Krebs cycle (f)Oxaloacetate, (b)Citrate, (k)Tricarboxylic acid. in the second reaction (c)Isomerization, (e)isocitrate, (i)intermediate. and in the third reaction (d)alpha-ketoglutarate, (h)NAD+ .

In reaction 1 of the Krebs cycle, acetyl-CoA formed in the pyruvate dehydrogenase reaction condenses with the four-carbon compound Oxaloacetate to form citrate the elimination of coenzyme A. Since the product has three carboxyl groups, this pathway is referred to as tricarboxylic acid cycle.  In reaction 2 of the Krebs cycle, this product then undergoes isomerization to form Isocitrate.  The enzyme is called aconitase because the compound cis-aconitate is the intermediate of the reaction Reaction 3. eliminates Co, to form Alpha-ketoglutarate the five-carbon dicarboxylic acid. Oxidation also occurs, with electrons transferred from the substrate to NAD+. Consequently, this reaction is an oxidative decarboxylation.

To learn more about Krebs cycle please visit:



Dawson decided he would be Dawson and play with a flammable gas. He needs to know how many moles of gas it takes to occupy 210 L at a pressure of 5.4 atmospheres and a temperature of 263 K?


According to ideal gas equation, 0.5186 moles of gas are required to occupy 210 L at a pressure of 5.4 atmospheres and a temperature of 263 K.

What is ideal gas equation?

The ideal gas equation is a equation which is applicable in a hypothetical state of an ideal gas.It is a combination of Boyle's law, Charle's law,Avogadro's law and Gay-Lussac's law . It is given as, PV=nRT where R= gas constant whose value is 8.314.The law has several limitations.

Substituting the given values in the given equation, n= 5.4×210/8.314×263=0.5186 moles

Thus there are 0.5186 moles occupying  210 L at a pressure of 5.4 atmospheres and a temperature of 263 K.

Learn more about ideal gas equation,here:



the amino acids whose carbon skeleton are degraded in to precursors for the formation of glucose are called .


The amino acids whose carbon skeleton are degraded in to precursors for the formation of glucose are called is Glucogenic amino acids.

What is amino acids?

Proteins are made of substances called amino acids. The components of life are amino acids and proteins. Amino acids are what remain after proteins have been digested or broken down. In order to benefit the body: Food should be broken down.

What is glucose ?

The molecular formula of this monosaccharide is C6H12O6. It is also referred to as dextrose. Aldohexose is the name given to it since it has 6 carbon atoms and an aldehyde group. It comes in two varieties: open-chain and ring construction.

Amino acids that cause glucose production. The carbon skeletons are transformed into pyruvate, 2-oxoglutarate, succinyl-CoA, fumarate, and oxaloacetate, which serve as precursors to glucose.

Therefore, the amino acids whose carbon skeleton are degraded in to precursors for the formation of glucose are called is Glucogenic amino acids.

Learn more about amino acid from the given link.



why did the big bang not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium?


The big bang did not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium because the temperatures and densities present in the early universe were not sufficient to support the fusion of heavier elements.

During the first few minute of the big bang, the universe was composed of mostly hydrogen and helium, with very small amounts of lithium and beryllium. As the universe expanded and cooled, the denser regions of the universe collapsed to form the first stars. Inside these stars, the intense pressure and heat generated by nuclear fusion reactions allowed for the production of heavier elements, such as carbon and oxygen. However, elements heavier than helium, such as iron and nickel, require even higher temperatures and densities to be produced, which can only be found in the cores of supernovae. Therefore, the big bang alone did not produce a significant proportion of elements heavier than helium.

to know more about compounds-



Consider a galvanic cell with a beaker of Chromium(III) nitrate Cr(NO3)3 and a beaker of Copper(II) nitrate Cu(NO3)2. The Chromium(III) nitrate beaker contains a strip of chromium, and the Copper(II) nitrate cell contains a strip of copper. A wire runs between the strips. The reaction that occurs is as follows: 2Cr(s) + 3Cu2+(aq) → 2Cr3+(aq) + 3Cu(s) In three to five sentences, list which electrode is the anode and which is the cathode and the half reactions that occur at each electrode.


At the anode, the half reaction that takes place is seen as: 2Cr(s) → 2Cr³+ (aq) + 3e-.

At the cathode, the half reaction that takes place is 3Cu² (aq) + 3e- → 3Cu(s).

The two half reactions that fused to form the total reaction 2Cr(s) + 3Cu² (aq) → 2Cr³+ (aq) + 3Cu(s).

How is a galvanic cell put to use?

Galvanic cells is one that make use of the electrical energy obtained by the transport of electrons during a redox reaction to carry out practical electrical work.

A galvanic cell or voltaic cell is an electrochemical device that transforms the chemical energy of spontaneous redox reactions into electrical energy. electrical cell A voltaic cell is an electrochemical device that produces electricity through chemical processes.

Therefore, note that in the above galvanic cell:

The strip of chromium in the Chromium(III) nitrate beaker - anodeThe strip of copper in the Copper(II) nitrate beaker - cathode.

Learn more about galvanic cell from


How many covalent bonds can phosphorus form?


In the case of phosphorus, 5 covalent bonds are possible - as in PCl5.

A covalent bond is formed when two atoms exchange one or more pairs of electrons. The two atomic nuclei are concurrently drawing these electrons to them. When the difference between the electronegativities of two atoms is too tiny for an electron transfer to take place to create ions, a covalent bond is formed. Bonding electrons are collectively referred to as the electrons that are present between the two nuclei. The "glue" that holds the atoms in molecular units together is the bound pair. The simplest material with a covalent link is the hydrogen molecule.

To know more about covalent bonds, visit;



to prepare a 200.0 ml solution of 5.0 m nacl, how many grams of nacl would be added to the volumetric flask?


To prepare a 200.0 ml aqueous solution of 5.0M NaCl, grams of nacl is 10g.

(w/v) % = 5

Volume = 200 mL

Hence, mass of NaCl=200×5/100 = 10g

What is an aqueous solution?

An aqueous solution is an answer in which the solvent is water. it's far commonly shown in chemical equations with the aid of appending (aq) to the relevant chemical system. for instance, an answer of desk salt, or sodium chloride (NaCl), in water could be represented as Na+(aq) + Cl−(aq). The word aqueous (which comes from aqua) way concerning, associated with, just like, or dissolved in, water. As water is an first-rate solvent and is also evidently ample, it's miles a ubiquitous solvent in chemistry. Because water is frequently used as the solvent in experiments, the word answer refers to an aqueous solution, unless the solvent is detailed.

To know more about aqueous solutions, click the link given below:



An olympic-size pool is 50. 0 m long and 25. 0 m wide. How many gallons of water (density = 1. 0 g/ml) are needed to fill the pool to an average depth of 4. 8 ft?.


To fill the 50 m long and 25 wide pool to an average depth of 4.8 ft., the needed volume of water is 483,101 gallons

Suppose we have a rectangular prism with length l, width w, and height h, then the volume of the prism is given by:

V = l x w x h

In the problem, the given parameters are:

l = 50 m

w = 25 m

h = 4.8 ft. = 1.463 m

Plug these parameters into the formula:

V = 50 x 25 x 1.463

V = 1,828.75 m³

Next we need to convert m³ to gallons

1 m³ = 264.17 gallons


V = 1,828.75 m³ = 1,828.75 x  264.17 gallons

V = 483,101 gallons

Learn more about volume here:



Which equation violates the Law of Conservation of Matter?
O A. 2 H₂SO3 + 4 H₂Se --> Sе6 + 6 H₂O
B. Al2(SO4)3 + 3 Ca(MnO4)2 → 2 Al(MnO4)3 + 3 CaSO4
5 HI 2 HIO3 --> 3 12 + 3 H₂O



The equation that violates the Law of Conservation of Matter is 5 HI + 2 HIO3 --> 3 12 + 3 H₂O


This equation shows the formation of three molecules of iodine (I2) from two molecules of hydrogen iodate (HIO3) and five molecules of hydrogen iodide (HI), but it does not account for the atoms of iodine that are used to form the three molecules of iodine. According to the Law of Conservation of Matter, the total number of atoms of each element must be the same on both sides of a chemical equation, but in this equation, there are more atoms of iodine on the left-hand side than on the right-hand side. This means that the equation is not balanced, and it violates the Law of Conservation of Matter. The other equations listed are balanced and do not violate this law.

What is the molarity of 40g of NaOH dissolved in 1.25 Litre of water?


0.8 M is the molarity of 40g of NaOH dissolved in 1.25 Litre of water

To find the molarity of solution we will use following expression ;

Molarity (M) = n/V(ml)×1000

Where, n = number of moles of solute

            V = volume of solution in ml.

In the given problem,

NaOH is Solute in solution

Given mass of sodium hydroxide = 40 grams

Molar mass of NaOH = 40 g/mol

Total volume of the solution = 1.25 L

Number of moles of sodium hydroxide(n):-

n = mass of NaOH/molar mass of NaOH            

n = 40g/(40g/mo)l

n = 1 mole of NaOH

Substitute the values of volume and number of moles of solution in the molarity formula,

Molarity (M) = 1mole/1.25 L

              M  = 0.8 M

Hence, The Molarity of NaOH is 0.8 M.

To know more about molarity visit here ; https://brainly.com/question/16587536?referrer=searchResults


What forces are in CH2O?


The formaldehyde CH₂O atom contain the forces of covalent bond.

The carbon atom has 4 valence electron.

It cannot directly gain or loose for electron that is why it shares the electrons with other atoms to form bonds with it.

In the formaldehyde CH₂O atom the carbon present at the center forms Bond with the oxygen and the hydrogen atom.

The hydrogen atom requires one electron each while the oxygen item requires to electrons for a stable electronic configuration.

When these of hydrogen and oxygen shares electrons with the central carbon atom they experience is a force created due to the covalent bonds.

To know more about covalent bond, visit








Sparking can be caused by defective cooktop elements, loose connectors, a wire with frayed insulation or a broken wire arcing over to the appliance metal frame, says Appliance Repair. If the cause of the sparking is a broken wire or a wire with frayed insulation, do not attempt to splice the wire; you must replace it. Repair Clinic suggests checking the spark ignition switches, as they might be defective and in need of replacing.


  A. If you got chemicals in your eye ...


You want to know the use of the safety equipment shown.

Eye wash

The picture shows a eye-wash station. Its purpose is to flood your face and eyes with water in the event that you accidentally contaminate your eyes with foreign matter. You would use this equipment ...

  If you got chemicals in your eye when a test tube broke.

α and β rays consist of particles, whereas γ rays are high-energy radiation and contain no particles and thus they have no mass. given that the penetrating power decreases with mass, rank the rays according to their penetrating power.a. alpha raysb. gamma raysc. beta rays1. strongest2. weakest


The rays are ranked from strongest to weakest in terms of how deeply they can penetrate an object.

Which among the alpha, beta, and gamma radiations is the strongest?

Of all the radiations, gamma rays are the most invasive. As penetration depends on particle size, larger particles have a lower penetration power, hence particles are bigger for, followed by, and then. Rays are also extremely powerful waves with a greater frequency.

Which radioactive particle can fly the farthest in air?

The electrons that are released from a radioactive atom's nucleus are known as beta particles. They travel farther in the air, up to several yards, and are lighter than alpha particles.

To know more about penetrating power visit:-  



consider the following reaction at equilibrium. what effect will increasing the volume of the reaction mixture have on the system? 2 h2s(g) 3 o2(g) 2 h2o(g) 2 so2(g) a) the reaction will shift to the right in the direction of products. b) no effect will be observed. c) the reaction will shift to the left in the direction of reactants. d) the equilibrium constant will decrease. e) the equilibrium constant will increase.


Option (a) is correct. If a reaction is at equilibrium and we will increase the volume of the reaction then the Reaction will shift to the right in the direction of product.

The Reaction is,

2H2S(g) + 3O2(g) ----> 2H2O(g) + 2SO2(g) a)

According to Le Chatelier's principle, if a dynamic equilibrium is disturbed by changing the conditions the position of equilibrium shifts to counteract the change to reestablish an equilibrium. If a chemical reaction is at equilibrium and experiences a change in pressure, temperature or concentration of products or reactants, the equilibrium shifts in the opposite direction to offset the change. A change in one of the variables that describe a system at equilibrium produces a shift in the position of the equilibrium that counteracts the effect of this change.

We are increasing pressure here. Reaction will try to decrease the pressure. Hence it will move in a direction which have lesser gaseous molecules. Here product has less gaseous molecule. So equilibrium will move to right. Equilibrium moves to product side.

To learn more about Le chatelier's principle please visit:





How many more neutrons are in an isotope of carbon-14 than in a standard carbon atom?



Carbon-12 has 6 neutrons and carbon-14 has 8 neutrons.


Because of the number of neutron they have, they have different physical properties. Carbon-14 is considered an unstable isotope. It decays and emits radioactivity in the form of beta rays.

hope this helped:)

brainliest for the brains:)






Answer: D


Assuming this is a diagram to show how different substances react with each other, each number is representing a different substance.

Therefore, for example, substance 2 reacts with substance 1 to create a new substance. Or substance 4 reacts with substance 3 to create a new substance.

You can think about it like this:

Orange + water --> orange juice


Apple + orange --> a rather depressing fruit salad

However, what do you get when you add water + water?

Water + water --> surprise... WATER!!!

Therefore between the same substances, there will no reaction.

Hoped this helped! :)

in which type of compound are ionic bonds most commonly seen? in which type of compound are ionic bonds most commonly seen? organic inorganic


An ionic compound's two distinct ions separate from one another when it is dissolved in water.

Organic chemicals are typically not ionic. The vast majority of organic compounds have covalent connections. Covalent molecules are not made with ions. They are one molecule when there are no net charges (although may have charge separation).

Compounds of carbon and hydrogen that may or may not also contain other elements are referred to as organic substances. There are also some ionized organic compounds. Cyclopropenyl chloride, as an example. Ionic compounds conduct electricity due to the presence of ions in their aqueous state. The majority of organic materials, however, do not dissolve in water. But other compounds do dissolve easily, such as ethyl alcohol. As one can see, the terms "ionic" and "organic" are not equivalent or even mutually exclusive. In terms of organic and inorganic, respectively, ionic and covalent are equivalent notions. Both organic and inorganic compounds can be in ionic or covalent states. There would only be a broad distinction between organic and ionic if covalent and inorganic were assumed for organic and ionic for inorganic, respectively. Therefore, the decision would be between ionic and covalent molecules.

To learn more about molecules, tap here:



determine the wavelength of the light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from n


The wavelength of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from n is 486 nm.

What is wavelength?

Forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, light waves, and infrared (thermal) waves, create unique patterns as they travel through space. Each wave has a specific shape and length. The distance between peaks (high points) is called the wavelength.

Therefore, The wavelength of light emitted when the electron in a hydrogen atom undergoes a transition from n is 486 nm. Forms of electromagnetic radiation, such as radio waves, light waves, and infrared (thermal) waves, create unique patterns as they travel through space. Each wave has a specific shape and length.

To learn more about wavelength refer the given link:-



Fructose‑2,6‑bisphosphate is a regulator of both glycolysis and gluconeogenesis for the phosphofructokinase reaction of glycolysis and the fructose‑1,6‑bisphosphatase reaction of gluconeogenesis. in turn, the concentration of fructose‑2,6‑bisphosphate is regulated by many hormones, second messengers, and enzymes. classify each condition according to its effect on glycolysis and gluconeogenesis. How do the following affect glycolysis and gluconeogenesis?


A high concentration of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate stimulates glycolysis, whereas a low quantity of fructose-2,6-bisphosphate stimulates gluconeogenesis.

What's a short way to explain glycolysis?

the partial breakdown of glucose (sugar) by cells via oxygen-free enzyme reactions. Glycolysis is one method that tissues use to produce energy. Glucose is transformed into pyruvate molecules that are each containing three carbons, through a series of processes known as glycolysis.

Where does glycolysis take place within the cell?

The two stages of glycolysis that breaks the 6-carbon glucose molecule takes place in the cytoplasm. During the initial phase, a series of processes result in the division of glucose into two 3-carbon phosphorylated molecules.

To learn more about glycolysis visit:



A graduated cylinder is filled to
25.0 mL with water and a piece of a
red mineral is placed in the cylinder,
displacing the level to 35.0 mL.
What is the volume of the red
mineral piece in milliliters?
volume = [?] mL


The volume of the red mineral piece in millilitres is 10 millilitres.

How to calculate volume?

Volume in chemistry is a measure of the amount of space that matter occupies.

Matter is defined as a physical substance that occupies space and has a mass. In physical sciences like chemistry, the standard unit of volume is cubic metres (m³). From this unit, other units are derived including litre (L) and millilitre (mL).

According to this question, a graduated cylinder is filled to 25.0 mL with water and a piece of a red mineral is placed in the cylinder, displacing the level to 35.0 mL.

This suggests that the volume of the red mineral placed in the cylinder can be calculated as follows:

Volume of red mineral = 35.0mL - 25.0mL = 10.0mL

Therefore, 10mL is the volume of the piece of red mineral.

Learn more about volume at: https://brainly.com/question/17035745


you found that you needed 27.50 ml of kmno4to titrate 10.0 ml 0f 0.095 m fe2 solution. what is the concentration of your potassium permanganate


The moles contained are 15 x 10⁻² M.

What is molarity ?

A chemical entity's concentration in some kind of a solution, specifically the quantity of a solute per unit volume of solution, has been measured by its molar concentration.

The equilibrium constant of a reaction determined by "The molarity of products is divided by the molarity of reactants".

moles of potassium dichromate = 0.095 x .027 = 25 x 10⁻⁵ moles

1 mole of potassium dichromate reacts with 6 moles of Fe⁺²

25 x 10⁻⁵ moles of potassium dichromate will react with

6 x 25 x 10⁻⁵ moles of Fe⁺²

= 1500 x 10⁻⁵ moles

150 x 10⁻⁵ moles are contained in 10 mL of solution

molarity of solution = 150 x 10⁻⁵ / 10 x 10⁻³

= 15 x 10⁻² M  .

Therefore, moles contained are 15 x 10⁻² M

To know more about mole, refer: https://brainly.com/question/26416088


what is the concentration (m) of 39.88 ml of an unknown naoh solution if it required of to neutralize? question 34 options: a) 1211 b) 2788 c) 0.7617 d) 1.313 e) 1.211


The concentration (m) of 39.88 ml of an unknown naoh solution if it required of to neutralize Option C: 0.7617

The amount is stated. 59 .88 ml No, the HcL capacity is 46.8 ml. The modularity of HcL is set to zero point 65 and 92. Therefore, we must determine the modularity of Noh in order to be certain that the nuclearization formula, which is the polarity of anyways multiplied by the volume of anyhow, will equal the majority of Hcl multiplied by the volume of HcL.

From this point on, it equals modernity of HcL multiplied by volume of HcL divided by volume of any wage. We will now enter the values over here, which are 46.08 multiplied by 0.6592 divided by 39.88, and seconds zero 7617 Mueller. Hcl required of to neutralize 0.7617 that translates to among the options offered. The appropriate response will be option C.

To learn more about concentration Please click on the given link:



This is incomplete question complete question is :

What is the concentration (M) of 39 88 mL of an unknown NaOH solution if it required 46 08 mL of 0.6592 M HCI to neutralize?

A sample of gas weighs 4.84 g and occupies a volume of 0.918 l at 35 °c and 850 torr. identify the gas sample.
a. NH3 (molar = Mass 17,03 B/moll
b. CHCI3 (molar mass 119 4 B/mol)
c. SO2 (molar mass 64.07 g/mol)
d. Cl2 (molar mass 70.90 5 g/mol)
e. N2O (molar mass 44.02 g/moll)


The gas sample is CHCl₃ having molar mass of 119.135 g/mol.

Calculate the molar mass of the gas, by using the equation given by Ideal gas equation,

PV = nRT

PV = w/M RT


P = Pressure of the gas = 850 torr

V = Volume of the gas = 0.918 L

w = Weight of the gas = 4.84 g

M = Molar mass of gas = ?

R = Gas constant = 62.36 L

T = Temperature of the gas = [35 + 273] K = 308 K

Substituting the values we get,

850 torr × 0.918 L = 4.84 g/ M × 62.36 L × 308 K

⇒ M = (4.84 g× 62.36 L × 308 K) / (850 torr × 0.918 L)

⇒ M = 119.135 g/mol

Hence, the gas sample is CHCl₃ having molar mass of 119.135 g/mol.

Learn more about molar mass from the link given below.



What type of reaction is CH o2 co2 H2O?


The reaction CH₄ + O₂→ CO₂ + H₂O is a combustion reaction.

The balanced chemical equation of the reaction of Methane with Oxygen gas to produce carbon dioxide and water as a product is,

CH₄ + O₂→ CO₂ + H₂O

As you can see from the above reaction Methane is getting combusted because of the presence of the Oxygen gas. Methane is producing carbon dioxide as a product along with water.

So, we can conclude here that the above reaction is a combustion reaction. Also, it can be noted that it is also a kind of combination reaction because new products are forming because of the combination of two different reactants.

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