Harry wants to change the background of all of his presentation slides. Which slide will enable him to make this change to all the slides at once?
Harry needs to change the ___________ to change the background of all his presentation slides.


Answer 1





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what is the command used to retrieve the java files along with the string existence "Hello world" in it​



java” xargs grep -i "Hello World”

If x2 - y2 = 1, then
(a) yx-1
(C) xy-1
(b) -xy-
(d) - yx​





Given expression is :

[tex]x^2-y^2=1[/tex] ..(1)

We need to find the value of [tex]\dfrac{dy}{dx}[/tex].

Differentiating equation (1) wrt x.

[tex]\dfrac{d}{dx}(x^2-y^2)=1\\\\2x-2y\times \dfrac{dy}{dx}=0\\\\2y\times \dfrac{dy}{dx}=2x\\\\y\times \dfrac{dy}{dx}=x\\\\\dfrac{dy}{dx}=\dfrac{x}{y}[/tex]



Hence, the correct option is (c) "xy-1".

What is true about super computers?



Super Computer are expensive computer that are used to provide very quick results. Super computer are used in calculating complex mathematical calculations. Calculations such as weather forecast and Atomic energy research. Therefore Super Computer perform complex calculations rapidly.

Given A=1101 and B=1001. What is the result of the boolean statement: A



B  (1001)


The AND operator gets you 1's where there are 1's in both inputs. So if you would "overlay" the two binary values, only 1001 remains.

15 points....How do you get money at home by just playing a vidio game.


You could become a creator or make an account on twitch

Streaming or you tube!

I personally am starting to stream within the new few years but creating content and streaming can make you money by getting subs, bits, and more :)

Stroke weight - ____ of the line around a shape or size of the point


Explanation: "A stroke is referred to as an outline, or instead, it describes the edges of a shape or a simple line. The stroke height can be modified by changing the settings in an appropriate panel. ... Flash uses the color panel to determine whether that color is for fills or strokes.

Write a program in QBasic to enter two numbers and print the greater one.​












class one


public static void main ( )


int a = 1,b = 2;

if ( a > b )


System.out.print (" greater number is " + a);


else if ( a < b )


System.out.print (" greater number is " + b);




(python) Given the formula for conversion from Celsius to Fahrenheit
Fahrenheit = 1.8 x Celsius + 32
Write a Python program that takes as input a temperature in degrees Celsius, calculates the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit, and display the result as output.



initial_temp = float(input('Celsius Temperature: '))

final_temp = (initial_temp * 1.8) + 32

print(f'{final_temp} F')

what is a cross-site scripting (XSS) attack?​


An XSS is a common type of online attack targeting web applications and websites, the attack manipulates the web application or website to give the user client-side scripts to install malware, obtain financial information or send the user to more malicious sites.

There are many types of XSS attacks including:

   Reflected XSS    Stored XSS    DOM-based XSS

Select all examples of active listening.
Interrupt if you do not agree
Give the speaker your full attention
Be aware of how your opinions could influence what you hear
Notice the speaker's emotions
Ask questions to clarify



Give the speaker your full attention

Be aware of how your opinions could influence what you hear

Notice the speaker's emotions

Ask questions to clarify

my uh coding teacher would like the class to do little piggy with code.

Write code using def to create functions so that each line is printed in its own function. Turn in a gdb link so I can grade it.

This little pig went to the market.

This little pig stayed home.

This little pig had roast beef.

This little pig had none.

This little pig cried wee wee wee all the way home.

here's a example from him but i don't understand it

import time

def myFunction():

print('In the function called my function')


def yourFunction():

print('In the function called your function')



print ('In the main part of the program')



print ('Back in the main')



print ('Back in the main after your function')

please help if you can



see picture below


I added a parameter to factor out the first bit of each sentence into a global variable. If you change for example 'pig' into 'monkey', all sentences will change.

Which visual aid best matches each description given?

population clusters within a particular country
✔ map

a cross-section of a cell membrane
✔ line drawing

the changes in cell-phone usage from 2000 to the present
✔ graph

an outline of the order of topics given in the speech
✔ handout


The changes in cell-phone usage from 2000 to the present

The options given above are all correct about the visual aid that best matches each description given.

What are Visual aids?

These are known to be any kind of thing or an instrument that is often used to portray an item or  one that helps people to know something or to remember something.

Conclusively, population clusters within a particular country can be depicted on a  map as well as the other options are also correct.

Learn more about visual aid from


How can we make our programs behave differently each time they are run?



By given the right speech as much as the answers must be


By given the right speech as much as the answers must be

what is falg register​



I dont know the answer


I dont know the answer

If you meant “FLAGS register”, it’s the status register in Intel x86 microprocessors. It contains the current state of the processor.

I like the impact that the increasing number of social grants may have on the things mothers​



yes. i do too.


You have many drugs that you want to store electronically along with their purchase dates and prices, what kind of software would you use? *






To store a variety of drugs electronically, along with displaying their purchase dates and prices, the kind of software that would be used is database.

What are folders within folders called​


it is called a subfolder????


The folder within folder are also know as subfolder .

What kinds of animations are available for slide objects besides animations for entrances and exists?


Entrance. Entrance animations are used to introduce a slide object within a slide or Emphasis. Emphasis animations are used to animate slide objects that are already present on a slide.

What is the value of: 1 + int(3.5) / 2?
Select one:
a. 2
b. 2.25
C. 2.5
d. 3



C (2.5)


int(3.5) = 3

So, using order of operations, (3/2)+1=2.5

The value of the expression value of: 1 + int(3.5) / 2 is known to be option C, which is (2.5).

What is the expression about?

In maths, an expression is known to be the composition of numbers, functions such as addition, etc.

Note that int(3.5) = 3

Therefore, using the given order of operations, (3/2)+1


Therefore the answer =2.5 is correct.

Learn more about Expression  from



advantage of micro teaching over traditional way of teaching ​


Micro teaching focuses on sharpening and developing specific teaching skills and eliminating errors. It enables understanding of behaviors important in classroom teaching. It increases the confidence of the learner teacher. ... It enables projection of model instructional skills.

true or false with reason :- profit and loss account is a real account​





Account of expenses, losses, gains, and incomes is called the Nominal account. Profit and Loss Account contains all indirect expenses and indirect incomes of the firm. Therefore, Profit and Loss Account is a Nominal Account and not a real account.


Use the drop-down menus to match each description to its corresponding term.

millions of tiny dots on a computer screen
number of pixels that span an image’s width multiplied by its height
pixels mapped onto an X-Y coordinate plane



Your answer is


A monitor's screen is divided up into millions of tiny dots, called ________. Select your answer, then click Done.

You chose pixels, clicked the Done button.

Abby has a research paper to write and doesn't know which sites provide quality information. Which of the following sites is the best site for a research paper? Click the image(s) to select the answer. When you are finished, click Done.

You selected the College Online Library option, clicked the Done button.


millions of tiny dots on a computer screen

✔ pixels

number of pixels that span an image’s width multiplied by its height

✔ image resolution

pixels mapped onto an X-Y coordinate plane

✔ raster graphic

Get it ig

Structural Styles
Go to the Structural Styles section. Within that section create a style rule to set the background color of the browser window to rgb(151, 151, 151).
Create a style rule to set the background color of the page body to rgb(180, 180, 223) and set the body text to the font stack: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif.
Display all h1 and h2 headings with normal weight.
Create a style rule for every hypertext link nested within a navigation list that removes underlining from the text.
Create a style rule for the footer element that sets the text color to white and the background color to rgb(101, 101, 101). Set the font size to 0.8em. Horizontally center the footer text, and set the top/bottom padding space to 1 pixel.


Solution :

For Structural Styles the browser's background color.  

html {

background-color: rgb(151, 151, 151);


For creating style rule for the background color and setting the body text

body {

background-color: rgb(180,180,223);

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;  


For displaying all the h1 as well as h2 headings with the normal weight.

h1, h2 {

font-weight: normal;


For create the style rule for all the hypertext link that is nested within the  navigation list  

nav a {

text-decoration: none;


For creating style rule for footer element which sets the color of the text to color white and the color of the background to as rgb(101, 101, 101). Also setting the font size to 0.8em. Placing the footer text to horizontally center , and setting the top/bottom of the padding space to 1 pixel.

footer {

background-color: rgb(101, 101, 101);

font-size: 0.8em;

text-align: center;

color: white;

padding: 1px 0;


/* Structural Styles At one place*/

html {

background-color: rgb(151, 151, 151);


body {

background-color: rgb(180,180,223);

font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;  


h1, h2 {

font-weight: normal;


nav a {

text-decoration: none;


footer {

background-color: rgb(101, 101, 101);

font-size: 0.8em;

text-align: center;

color: white;

padding: 1px 0;


What are the 3 biggest advancements in computers?



abacus . Mesopotamia or China, possibly several thousand years BCE. ...

binary math . Pingala, India, 3rd century BCE. ...

punched card . Basile Bouchon, France, 1725. ...



A set of object that share a common structure and common behavior in database is called ​


An Object Class. Hopefully this answer is right.

A group of statisticians at a local college has asked you to create a set of functions that compute the median and mode of a set of numbers. Define these functions, median and mode, in a module named stats.py. Also include a function named mean, which computes the average of a set of numbers. Each function should expect a list of numbers as an argument and return a single number. Each function should return 0 if the list is empty. Include a main function that tests the three statistical functions using the following list defined in main:
List: [3, 1, 7, 1, 4, 10]
Mode: 1
Median: 3.5
Mean: 4.33333333333
#Here is the code I am using:
def median(list):
if len(list) == 0:
return 0
midIndex = len(list) / 2
if len(list) % 2 == 1:
return list[midIndex]
return (list[midIndex] + list[midIndex - 1]) / 2
def mean(list):
if len(list) == 0:
return 0
total = 0
for number in list:
total += number
return total / len(list)
def mode(list):
numberDictionary = {}
for digit in list:
number = numberDictionary.get(digit, None)
if number == None:
numberDictionary[digit] = 1
numberDictionary[digit] = number + 1
maxValue = max(numberDictionary.values())
modeList = []
for key in numberDictionary:
if numberDictionary[key] == maxValue:
return modeList
def main():
print ("Mean of [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10]: "), mean(range(1, 11))
print ("Mode of [1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4]:"), mode([1, 1, 1, 1, 4, 4])
print ("Median of [1, 2, 3, 4]:"), median([1, 2, 3, 4])
The Error that I am getting is on Line 14: AttributeError: 'range'object has no attribute 'sort'.
Also on Line 36:
Line36: 10]: "), mean(range1, 11)).



In Python:

def median(mylist):


   if len(mylist) % 2 == 1:

       midIndex = int((len(mylist) +1)/ 2)

       print("Median: "+str(mylist[midIndex-1]))


       midIndex = int((len(mylist))/ 2)

       Mid = (mylist[midIndex] + mylist[midIndex-1] )/2

       print("Median: "+str(Mid))

def mean(mylist):

   isum = 0

   for i in range(len(mylist)):

       isum += mylist[i]

   ave = isum/len(mylist)

   print("Mean: "+str(ave))


def mode(mylist):

   print("Mode: "+str(max(set(mylist), key=mylist.count)))


Your program is a bit difficult to read and trace. So, I rewrite the program.

This defines the median function

def median(mylist):

This sorts the list


This checks if the list count is odd

   if len(mylist) % 2 == 1:

If yes, it calculates the mid index

       midIndex = int((len(mylist) +1)/ 2)

And prints the median

       print("Median: "+str(mylist[midIndex-1]))


If otherwise, it calculates the mid indices

       midIndex = int((len(mylist))/ 2)

       Mid = (mylist[midIndex] + mylist[midIndex-1] )/2

And prints the median

       print("Median: "+str(Mid))

This defines the mean function

def mean(mylist):

This initializes sum to 0

   isum = 0

This iterates through the list

   for i in range(len(mylist)):

This calculates the sum of items in the list

       isum += mylist[i]

This calculates the mean

   ave = isum/len(mylist)

This prints the mean

   print("Mean: "+str(ave))


This defines the mode

def mode(mylist):

This calculates and prints the mode using the max function

   print("Mode: "+str(max(set(mylist), key=mylist.count)))

As in previous prelabs, you can enter all the necessary Java code fragments into the DrJava Interactions pane. If you get an error, enter the corrected code. If you get really mixed up, you can reset the interactions pane and try again. Write a while loop that computes the sum of the first 10 positive integers. Write a for loop that computes the sum the first 10 positive integers. For each loop, you should use two variables. One that runs through the first 10 positive integers, and one that stores the result of the computation. To test your code, what is the sum of the first 10 positive integers



public class Main{

public static void main(String[] args) {

 //The While Loop

 int i = 1;

 int sum = 0;

 while(i <=10){


     i++;  }

 System.out.println("Sum: "+sum);

 //The for Loop

 int summ = 0;

 for(int j = 1;j<=10;j++){

     summ+=j;  }

 System.out.println("Sum: "+summ); } }


The while loop begins here

 //The While Loop

This initializes the count variable i to 1

 int i = 1;

This initializes sum to 0

 int sum = 0;

This while iteration is repeated until the count variable i reaches 10

 while(i <=10){

This calculates the sum


This increments the count variable i by 1

     i++;  }

This prints the calculated sum

 System.out.println("Sum: "+sum);

The for loop begins here

 //The for Loop

This initializes sum to 0

 int summ = 0;

This iterates 1 through 10

 for(int j = 1;j<=10;j++){

This calculates the sum

     summ+=j;  }

This prints the calculated sum

 System.out.println("Sum: "+summ); }

How do I create a flowchart to output numbers from n...1? We were doing loops during the classes.


I use GOxxOGLE FORMS or WxxORDS and their good to make flow charts

How can you determine if the story is told in the third person



They use pronouns like They, Them, He, She, It.

"We can't a computer use source code




There are two main reasons why you can't access the source code from applications on your computer: It isn't present on your computer. The source code isn't really needed to run the application, the executable is (.exe) The executable is just a bunch of machine code stuff that isn't human readable.

I this is .exe hope it helps
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