Halona walks 1. 931. 93 kilometers to a neighbor's house in 2323 minutes. Assuming she walks at a constant speed, write a proportion that represents how many kilometers, yy, halona can walk in xx minutes. Then solve your proportion for yy.


Answer 1

The required proportional ratio is y = 0.08 x. gives Halona 23 minutes to move her 1.93 kilometers to her neighbor's house. As long as you move at a steady pace.

How many kilometers Halona can run in x minutes y expressed as a ratio. Then find y in percentage. The relationship between two or more proportional or inversely proportional sets of values, whether they are directly related or not, is called proportionality.

Here we have

yxxy = kxwhere k is the proportionality constant ofand at x = 23 y = 1.931.93 = 23k4 k = 2 444k = 1.93k = 0.08

Substitute k into the proportional equation.



Related Questions

we roll two six-sided fair dice. list all the outcomes that the sum of the numbers showing face up is at least 9. what is the probability of the event that the sum of the numbers showing face up is at least 9?


the probability of the event that the sum of the numbers showing face up is at least 9 is 1/9.

What is probability?

The chance of an event can be calculated using the probability formula by simply dividing the favourable number of possibilities by the total number of outcomes. The likelihood of an event occurring can be anything between 0 and 1, as the favourable number of outcomes can never exceed the total number of outcomes.

Rolling two dice produces a total of 36 possible results.

One of the following will be necessary to reach the amount of 9: (3,6),(6,3),(4,5), or (5,4). 4 final results out of 36 overall.

Rolling two dice results in a 4/36 or 1/9 chance of having a sum of nine.

Hence the probability of the event that the sum of the numbers showing face up is at least 9 is 1/9.

Learn more about probability, by the following link.



A jar contains 350 marbles of two colors. of all the marbles, 4 out of every 7 marbles are white. enter a number in the box to show the number of marbles of the color white.


The number of marbles of the color white, if A jar contains 350 marbles of two colors of all the marbles, 4 out of every 7 marbles are white, is 200.

What is probability?

Probability is a branch of mathematics that deals with numerical representations of the likelihood of an event occurring or of a proposition being true. The probability of an event is a number between 0 and 1.


A jar contains 350 marbles, n = 350,

4 out of every 7 marbles are white,

Calculate the number of whites balls as shown below,

Number of one white ball in 7 marbles = 4 / 7

Number of white balls in 350 marbles =  4 / 7 × 350

Number of white balls in 350 marbles = 200

To know more about Probability:



A urvey found that 27% of high chool tudent and 94% of teacher and chool employee drive to chool. The ratio of tudent to employee i about 10 to 1 Roger tate that the number of employee who drive to chool explain how Roger tatement could be correct


The information provided indicates that 188 teachers and staff members own vehicles.

What does number mean?

An arithmetic value used to compute and describe a quantity is, in fact, a number. In writing, numerical symbols like "3" are used to represent numbers. Using numerals or symbols to symbolize numbers, a numbering system seems to be a logical approach to convey numbers.


27% of students (s) 94 percent are teachers and workers (t).

The ratio between these two variables is 10:1, which suggests that there is only one employee for every 10 pupils, meaning that students outnumber teachers and other workers by a factor of 10.

Thus, 27% of 10 pupils is equal to 2.7 students, and 94% of 1 employee is equal to 0.94 employees and teachers. Therefore, if there are 2000 pupils, there must be 200 teachers. The number of students who own automobiles is 0.27(2000)=540, whereas 0.94(200)=188 is the number of teachers and staff who own cars.

You can see from this ratio and percentages that more pupils drive themselves to school than do teachers and other staff members. Roger's assertion is accurate for this reason.

To know more about number visit:



y = 3/2x + 3 y determine the slope and y intercept



if you mean y=3/2x + 3 then the slope (m) is 3/2 and the y-intercept (b) is 3

Step-by-step explanation:

What is the equation of the line passing through point 1 2?


The equation of the line will be equal to y = -x + 3.

The equation of the line in slope intercept form is expressed as

y = mx + c

where m is the slope of the line, c is the y-intercept and x and y are independent and dependent variables respectively.

We have the equation of the line as y = x + 5 and we need to find equation of line perpendicular to this line. The slope of the line is 1.

If two lines are perpendicular then the relation in their slope is expressed as

m₁ × m₂ = -1 and we have m₁ = 1 and m₂ = m so we get

1 × m = -1

=> m = -1

Now, the equation of the line will be

y = (-1)x + c

Also, the line passes through (1, 2) so on putting these values

2 = -1 + c

=> c = 3

So, the complete equation of line will be

y = -x + 3

Learn more about Slope-intercept form at:



Complete Question:

Write the equation of a line that passes through the point (1, 2) and is perpendicular to the line y = x + 5.

How do you dilate a figure by 2 3?


Dilate any given figure by a scale factor 2/3 represents the new image contracted by scale factor 2/3 or 0.667% times image get contracted.

Explanation :

Dilation represents the type of transformation which changes the size of the given image.To dilate any given figure first find the required scale factor and also center of dilation.In the given scale factor 2/3 the new image get changed by scale factor 2/3 or gets contracted by 0.667%.New image ( 2 / 3 ) times contracted  in comparison of old image or 0.667% get reduced.

Therefore, the dilate a given figure by scale factor 2/3 represents the figure gets contracted by 0.667%.

The complete question is:

How do you dilate a figure by scale factor 2/ 3?

Learn more about dilation here



If one measurement of a golden rectangle is 6. 1 inches, what is the other measurement? a. 4. 482 b. 7. 718 c. 9. 87 d. 1. 618.


The other measurement of the golden rectangle is 9.87 inches. (Option C)

Golden rectangle refers to a rectangle whose sides are in the golden ratio. Golden ratio refers to the ratio between two quantities if their ratio is equal to the ratio of their sum to the larger of the two quantities. In other words, it exists when a line is divided into two parts and the longer part (a) divided by the smaller part (b) is equal to the sum of (a) + (b) divided by (a) which both approximately equal to 1.618.

Hence, if one measurement of the rectangle is 6.1 inches, the other measurement would be = 6.1*1.618 ≈ 9.87 inches

Learn more about Golden rectangle:



Write an expression for "the quotient of z
and 4.”



z/4 or 4/z i think or z divided by 4

Step-by-step explanation:

A hot air balloon exert an 800-lb pull on a tether line at a 60-degree angle with the horizontal. Reolve the vector into horizontal and vertical component


Using Vector Decomposition in vertical and horizontal axis, The Horizontal component is 400-lb and Vertical component is 692.82-lb.

What do you mean by vector?

An item with both magnitude and direction is referred to be a vector. A vector can be visualized geometrically as a directed line segment, with an arrow pointing in the direction and a length equal to the magnitude of the vector. The vector points in a direction from its tail to its head.

What is the formula for vertical and horizontal component of vector?

The required formulas are:

Horizontal Component = [tex]A \cos \alpha[/tex]

Vertical Component = [tex]A \sin \alpha[/tex]

pull(A) = 800 -lb

[tex]\alpha = 60^{o}[/tex]

Horizontal Component = 800 * cos60

= 400-lb

Vertical Component = 800 * sin60

= 692.82-lb

To learn more about vectors visit:



Given the following formula, solve for v.

8 = 1/2 a^2v + c



[tex]v = \frac{16-2c}{a^{2} }[/tex]

Step-by-step explanation:

Original equation

[tex]8 = \frac{1}{2}a^{2} v + c[/tex]

Multiply both sides by 2 to get rid of fraction

[tex]16 = a^{2}v + 2c[/tex]

Get constant on right, [tex]a^{2} v[/tex] on left

[tex]-a^{2}v = 2c - 16[/tex]

Divide both sides by [tex]a^{2}[/tex]

[tex]v = \frac{16 - 2c}{a^{2} }[/tex]

Bella's Pizza Shop charges $4.50 for a small pizza, $7.00 for a medium pizza,and $9.00 for a large pizza. Additional toppings cost extra depending on the size of the pizza ordered. Bruce ordered a large pizza with three toppings that cost a total of $12.60.




Step-by-step explanation:

To determine how much Bruce's large pizza with three toppings would cost without the additional toppings, you would need to know the base price of a large pizza at Bella's Pizza Shop. Based on the information you provided, a large pizza at Bella's Pizza Shop costs $9.00. To determine the cost of the additional toppings, you would need to know the cost of each topping and the number of toppings ordered. Since this information is not provided, it is not possible to determine the cost of the additional toppings or the total cost of Bruce's order.

The large pizza costs $9.00 without any toppings.

The additional toppings cost $12.60 - $9.00 = $<<12.60-9.00=3.60>>3.60.

Therefore, each topping costs $3.60 / 3 = $<<3.60/3=1.20>>1.20. Answer: {1.20}.



Step-by-step explanation:

Assuming the question is "how much does each topping cost", you could solve it like this:

Total - large pizza price.
12.6 - 9 = 3.6.
Since Bruce got 3 toppings you'll want to do 3.6/3 which will give you 1.2.

If you add it all back up it should give you 12.60 again.

I need help!!! I need to know what the graphed linear equation is???


The graphed linear equation will be [tex]y= 6+ (\frac{-3}{2}x )[/tex].

What is Graphed linear equation?

A linear equation with two variables has a line as its graph, which is why it is referred to as linear. Plotting the points (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) and the line that connects them.


        [tex]Slope \ of\ line= \frac{(y_{2-} y_{1} )}{(x_{2-} x_{1} )} \\\\Slope \ of\ line = \frac{-6} {4} \\\\Slope \ of\ line = \frac{-3}{2}[/tex]

One point on the line is (0,6)

The equation of the line is,

         [tex]y-6= (\frac{-3}{2} )(x-0)\\\\y-6= (\frac{-3}{2} )(x)\\\\y= 6+ (\frac{-3}{2}x )[/tex]

The graphed linear equation will be [tex]y= 6+ (\frac{-3}{2}x )[/tex].

To know more about Graphed linear equation visit,



this is a partially decoupled system. solve for v(t) first by separation of variables. then substitute into the second equation and solve for y(t). if c1 is the constant that is in the general solution for v(t), and c2 is the constant that appears when solving for y(t), what is the value of c2?


For the given partially decoupled system, dv/dt = -v , v(0) = -1 and dy/dt = v , y(0) = 100

The value of the constant that appears when solving for y(t) i.e, c₂ is 99..

We have given that

dv/dt = -v ; v(0) = -1

By separtion of variables ,

dv/v = - dt

=> ₋₁∫ᵛ dv/v = ₀∫ᵗ -1 dt

=> ₋₁[ ln(v) ]ᵛ = ₀[ -t]ᵗ

=> ln(v) - (-ln(-1)) = -t - 0

=> ln(v/-1) = - t

=> -v = e⁻ᵗ

=> v = - e⁻ᵗ

Now, dy/dt = v = - e⁻ᵗ

Integrating both sides y = 0 to 100 and t =0 to t

₀∫ʸ 1dy = ₀∫ᵗ - e⁻ᵗ dt

=> ₀[ y ]ʸ = - ₀[- e⁻ᵗ ]ᵗ

=> y - 100 = e⁻ᵗ - 1/e⁰ (since y(0)= 100) => y - 100 = e⁻ᵗ - 1

=> y = e⁻ᵗ - 1 + 100

=> y = e⁻ᵗ + 99

Which is general solution of dy/dt .

So, the constant that appears when solving for y(t), c₂ is 99.

To learn more about Separation of variables method, refer:



Complete question:

dy/dt =v, y(0) = 100 ; dv/dt = -v , v(0) = - 1 ..This is a partially decoupled system. Solve for v(t) first by separation of variables. Then substitute into the second equation and solve for y(t). If C1 is the constant that is in the general solution for v(t), and C2 is the constant that appears when solving for y(t), what is the value of C2?

a professional basketball player made 51.6% of field goals in one season. if 110 field goals are randomly selected from the season, what is the probability that more than 52 were made?


By using probability, it can be calculated that -

Probability that more than 52 were made = 0.792

What is probability?

At first it is important to know about probability of an event.

Probability gives us the information about how likely an event is going to occur

Probability is calculated by Number of favourable outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes.

Probability of any event is greater than or equal to zero and less than or equal to 1.

Probability of sure event is 1 and probability of unsure event is 0.

A professional basketball player made 51.6% of field goals in one season

n = 110

p = 0.516

q = 1 - 0.516 = 0.484


Mean = 110 [tex]\times[/tex] 0.516 = 56.76

Standard Deviation = [tex]\sqrt{(110\times0.516\times0.484)}[/tex] = 5.24



z = [tex]\frac{52.5 - 56.76}{5.24}[/tex]

z = -0.8128

P(z<-0.8128) = 0.208

P(X>52) = 1 - 0.208

P(X>52) = 0.792

Probability that more than 52 were made = 0.792

To learn more about probability, refer to the link-



Scarlet must build a rectangular pen for her peacock, Paulie. Scarlet has P feet of fencing.
Scarlet decides that the width of Paulie's pen will be a third of the length of his pen.
(a) Write an equation describing the relationship between P and the width of the pen, w.
(b) Solve the equation for w


The equation describing the relationship between P and the width of the pen, w is P = 1/3L².

Tbe equation for w is; w = 1/3(√3P)

What is the width of the rectangular pen?

Area of the pen = P square feetLength of the rectangular pen = LWidth of the rectangular pen = 1/3L

Area of a rectangular pen = Length × width

P = L × 1/3L

P = 1/3L²

L² = P ÷ 1/3

multiply by the reciprocal of 1/3

L² = P × 3/1

L² = 3P

Find the square root of both sides

L = √3P

To solve the equation for w

Width of the rectangular pen = 1/3L

w = 1/3(√3P)

In conclusion, the relationship between P and the width of the pen, w is P = 1/3L².

Read more on rectangular pen:




Margaret identified the different transformations of graphs. She made at least one mistake. For each transformation, identify whether she made a mistake and, if so, correct her error.




Step-by-step explanation:

Which equations are correct?

Select each correct answer.


6 b to the power of 4 end power left parenthesis negative 3 b to the power of 4 right parenthesis equals negative 18 b to the power of 8

5 x to the power of 4 end power left parenthesis 4 x squared right parenthesis equals 20 x to the power of 6

3 z to the power of 7 end power left parenthesis 4 z squared right parenthesis equals 12 z to the power of 9




Correct - A, B, C,Incorrect - D.


Verify the equations:

A) 6b⁴(-3b⁴) = (6*(- 3))b⁴⁺⁴ = - 18b⁸ - correctB) 5x⁴(4x²) = (5*4) x⁴⁺² = 20x⁶ - correctC) 3z⁷(4z²) = (3*4)z⁷⁺² = 12z⁹ - correctD) 6a⁵(6a⁵) = (6*6)a⁵⁺⁵ = 36a¹⁰ ≠ 36a²⁵ - incorrect

HELP PLS Determine the type of correlation represented in the scatter plot below



this is a positive correlation

Step-by-step explanation:

it is going up so its positive

use tables to find log


The logarithm of (789.5) elevated to the power 1/8 is given as follows:

log(789.5)^(1/8) = 0.36216901679.

How to obtain the logarithm?

The logarithm in this problem is defined as follows:


It has a power, hence the power can be moved to the front of the logarithm expression applying the power rule, as follows:

log(789.5)^(1/8) = 1/8 x log(789.5).

Then a calculator is used to obtain the logarithm of 789.5, which is the number that is elevated to the base 10 to obtain 789.5, hence:

log(789.5) = 2.89735213434.

Thus the numeric value of the logarithmic expression in this problem is calculated as follows:

log(789.5)^(1/8) = 1/8 x log(789.5) = 1/8 x 2.89735213434 = 0.36216901679.

More can be learned about logarithmic expressions at https://brainly.com/question/237323


Reduce to simplest form.
Divide the numerator and denominator by the
greatest common factor, 3.
15 27
Enter the number that belongs in the numerator.


Answer: 5/9

Step-by-step explanation: 15/27 divided by 3. 15 divided by 3 is 5 and 27 divided by 3 is 9.

Two triangles are shown on the coordinate grid.


The first one reflect across the x axis and 2 units up

Andy rapidly pedaled his bike to reach a certain speed, then continued at that speed. He rapidly pedaled again, then quickly pressed on his brakes to come to a stop.
Which graph best represents Andy’s bike ride?


The 1st graph best represents Andy’s bike ride

How to determine which graph best represents Andy’s bike ride?

(Consider the image I attached)

Andy's speed and time were initially at point 1 (starting point). That is he is not moving

If he rapidly pedaled his bike to reach a certain speed. That is, he moved from point 1 to point 2. This implies the speed increase with an increase in time.

Then continued at that speed.  That is, he moved from point 2 to point 3.   This implies the speed remains the same with an increase in time

He rapidly pedaled again. That is, he moved from point 3 to point 4. The speed increase with an increase in time again.

Then quickly pressed on his brakes to come to a stop. That is, he moved from point 4 to point 5.

Learn more about speed-time graph on:



Graph g(x) = −4x + 8 and identify its x-intercept.

(0, 2)

(0, 8)

(2, 0)

(8, 0)


The x-intercept is (2,0). And the correct option is C: (2,0).

What are intercepts?

The points where a line crosses an axis are known as the x-intercept and the y-intercept, respectively.

We have the standard form of the slope-intercept form:

y = mx + b,

where m is the slope and b is the intercept.

In order to find the x-intercept,

substitute y=0 to the equation.

And solve for x.

Given equation is;

g(x); y = -4x+8

       y = -4x+8

The slope of the equation is -4.

To find the x-intercept,

Now, -4x + 8 = 0

              -4x = -8

                 x = 2

And the graph is given in the image.

Where (2,0) is the x-intercept.

The point (2,0), where a line crosses x-axis, is known as the x-intercept.

Therefore, the x-intercept is (2,0).

To learn more about the intercepts;



Answer: (2, 0)

Step-by-step explanation: I took the test and got it right.

I promise it is right!  

Just make sure it is the same problem!!

Good luck!!!!! ;)

At 0845 hours, a lorry leaves Town A for Town B at an average speed of 52 km/h. It arrives at Town S at 1230 hours. On the return journey, the lorry leaves Town B at 1455 hours and arrives at Town A at 1815 hours. Find the average speed of the lorry on the return journey.​


The average speed of the lorry on the return journey is 58.5 km. If At 0845 hours, a lorry leaves Town A for Town B at an average speed of 52 km/h. It arrives at Town S at 1230 hours. On the return journey, the lorry leaves Town B at 1455 hours and arrives at Town A at 1815 hours.

Define speed.

The speed of an object can be determined by calculating the distance it covers in a given length of time. For instance, if a car goes 70 miles in an hour, it is doing so at a pace of 70 miles per hour (miles per hour).


At 0845 hours, a lorry leaves Town A for Town B at an average speed of 52 km/h. It arrives at Town S at 1230 hours.

On the return journey, the lorry leaves Town B at 1455 hours and arrives at Town A at 1815 hours.

distance = speed × time

Average speed from town A to town B is 52 km/h at 3 3/4 hrs.

Distance = 52 km/h × 3 3/4 hrs ...eq1

Let speed in return journey = r

Then distance = r × 3 1/3 hrs ...eq2

From eq1 & eq2

52 ×3 3/4 = r × 3 1/3

52 ×15/4 = r × 10/3

r = (52×15×3)/(4×10) km

r = (13×3×3)/2 km

r = 117/2 km

r = 58.5 km

The average speed of the lorry on the return journey is 58.5 km.

To learn more about speed, visit:



A bed of roses consists of m roses. The ratio of pink roses to white roses is 2: 3.
Find the number of pink roses expressed in terms of m.


The number of pink roses with given ratio is 0.4m.

What is the ratio?

The ratio is defined as the comparison of two quantities of the same units that indicates how much of one quantity is present in the other quantity.

Given that, the ratio of pink roses to white roses is 2:3.

A bed of roses consists of m roses.

Here, 2+3=5

So, the number of pink roses

= 2/5 ×m

= 0.4m

Therefore, the number pink roses are 0.4m.

To learn more about the ratio visit:



Heyy I need help please ^^. Could you also show me how to work this out as well? Thanks! (Both of those equations are supposed to be in 1 curly bracket btw.)

Which ordered pairs are solutions to this system of inequalities?



The ordered pair which is solution to this system of inequalities is (1.75, -0.0625).

The system of inequalities are 5x−4y≥9 and 6x+8y≤10.

What are inequalities?

Inequalities are the mathematical expressions in which both sides are not equal. In inequality, unlike in equations, we compare two values. The equal sign in between is replaced by less than (or less than or equal to), greater than (or greater than or equal to), or not equal to sign.

The intersection consists of the elements that are contained in all of the intervals.

Here, 5x−4y≥9 -------(I) and 6x+8y≤10 -------(I)

Now, y ≤ 5/4 x+(-9/4); y ≤ -3/4 x+5/4

⇒ 5/4 x+(-9/4) ≤ -3/4 x+5/4

⇒ 5/4 x+3/4 x ≤ 5/4+9/4

⇒ 2x≤ 3.5

⇒ x≤ 1.75

Substitute x=1.75 in y ≤ 5/4 x+(-9/4), we get

y ≤ 1.25(1.75)-2.25

y ≤ 2.1875-2.25

y ≤ -0.0625

Two inequalities are intersect at (1.75, -0.0625)

Therefore, the ordered pair which is solution to this system of inequalities is (1.75, -0.0625).

To learn more about the inequalities visit:



if each of 20 people generated a random sample of shole numbers and constructed a 95% confidence interval for the proportion that are odd, how many intervlas are expected to contain the true proportion


The control limits that include 95% of the sample means be,

(19.9671 , 20.0329).

Given, each of 20 people generated a random sample of whole numbers and constructed a 95% confidence interval for the proportion that are odd.

we have to find the confidence interval under confidence of 95%.

Subtract 1 from your sample size. 25 – 1 = 24. This gives you degrees of freedom.

Subtract the confidence level from 1, then divide by two.

(1 – 0.95) / 2 = 0.05

For 24 degrees of freedom (df) and α = 0.05, the result is 1.645.

Divide your sample standard deviation by the square root of your sample size.

0.1 / √(20) = 0.02

Now, 0.02 × 1.645 = 0.0329

The lower end of the range

20 – 0.0329 = 19.9671

The upper end of the range

20 + 0.0329 = 20.0329

Hence, the confidence interval be, (19.9671 , 20.0329)

Learn more about Confidence Interval here https://brainly.com/question/26658887


Find the value of x.
x = [?]°


The value of x from the expression 2x + 6 = 38 is 16.

What is an expression?

An expression is a way of writing a statement with more than two variables or numbers with operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

Example: 2 + 3x + 4y = 7 is an expression.

We have,

2x + 6 = 38

Subtracting 6 on both sides.

2x = 38 - 6

2x = 32

Divide both sides by 2.

x = 16


The value of x is 16.

Learn more about expressions here:



A car salesperson is paid a base salary of $17,000 a year plus 15% commission on all car sales. ​What are the sales needed to ensure an annual income greater than $60,000? ​



The salesperson would need to sell a minimum of $286,666,.67 to meet his income goal.

Step-by-step explanation:

y = total income

x = car sales

y = .15x + 17000

60000 = .15x + 17000    Solve for x.  Subtract both sides by 17000

43000 = .15x  Divide both sides by .15

286,666.67  Rounded to the nearest penny.


find the slope of the line that passes through the given two points:
(1,-4) and (-4,-6)




Step-by-step explanation:

(y1-y2)/(x1-x2) is the formula

(-4+6)/(1+4) Set up

2/5 Simplify

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which statement describes how pain experienced by postoperative patients increases the risk for development of pneumonia? analysis is a systematic evaluation of current and potential suppliers that focuses on many dimensions including price, product quality, delivery service, product dependability, and overall company reliability. a. strategic b. value c. vendor d. cost e. buying center according to porter's model, which of the following is not one of the competitive forces that business organizations typically face? Solve for the other leg and for the hypotenuse of the 45-45-90 triangle What goal of imperialism is at work in this document? In your own words, explain evidence from the document that supports this goal. At least two sentences A nurse is caring for a client who decides not to have surgery despite significant blockages in his coronary arteries. The nurse understands that this clients choice is an example of what principles?A. FidelityB. AutonomyC. JusticeD. Nonmalificience pascal, inc. is planning to sell 900,000 units for $1.50 per unit. the contribution margin ratio is 20%. if pascal will break even at this level of sales, what are the fixed costs? group of answer choices $270,000. $630,000. $900,000. $1,020,000. miguel is a wealthy person who focuses on investing in new ventures. he is looking to invest money directly into a new consulting business in return for equity in the company. miguel is an example of a(n) . Identify whether the given items are examples of imports, exports, or neither. assume the united states is considered the domestic country. Heath lives in the United States and purchases a video game produced in Japan: _________ X Which answer choice best matches the following description: "Has thespecial power to approve treaties."HouseONeitherO BothO Senate the margin of error of a confidence interval is the error from biased sampling methods. True or False Matching: The Bill of RightsSome Amendments have multiple answers.We covered all of these during your live class connect session and in your study guide. Question 2 options:It prevents the quartering of troops without the consent of the ownerThe right to keep and bear armsThe right to a speedy trialFreedom of PressThe right against self-incriminationCannot be imprisoned without due process of the lawFreedom of SpeechProperty cannot be taken without just compensationPrevents being tried for the same crime twice (Double Jeopardy)Bans the government from unreasonable search and seizure of an individual or their propertyThe right to petition the Government for Redress of GrievancesRight to Peaceably AssembleThe right to a lawyer, for your defense, and if you cannot afford one, one will be provided to you.Must be informed of the charges against you1. First Amendment2. Second Amendment3. Third Amendment4. Fourth Amendment5. Fifth Amendment6. Sixth Amendment in the 1800s, what city was the most industrial in the south and was also the nation's tobacco center? atlanta new orleans charleston richmond a group spends $277.50 to rent 15 tubes for a float down the ichetucknee river. how many of each type of tube does the group rent? Find the zeros of the function. State the multiplicity of multiple zeros.y = 7x - 7x arrange the primary brain vesicles in the correct anterior to posterior order. a: rhombencephalon b: mesencephalon c: prosencephalon A snack food company advertises that they have increased the size of their standard tortilla chips bag to 16.8 ounces, which is 20% more than the original size.What is the original size of the bag?A tortilla chip bag labeled x ounces. A tortilla chip bag that has 20 percent more is labeled 16.8 ounces. Find KL in the image below under the team awards type of group incentive, cost savings is excluded as a performance measure. group startstrue or false Complete the following terms.