going to a peaceful arboretum, listening to the birds and getting your mind to calm and relax is an example of


Answer 1

Going to a peaceful arboretum, listening to the birds and getting your mind to calm and relax is an example of Meditation.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is a practice in which someone utilizes a method to train their attention and awareness, reach a cognitively clear and emotionally tranquil and stable state, such as mindfulness or focusing their minds on a certain object, thought, or activity.

Many different religious systems practice meditation. The Upanishads include the oldest descriptions of meditation, and meditation is an important component of Jainism, Buddhism, and Hinduism's contemplative practices. Asian meditative practices have been adopted by various civilizations since the 19th century, where they are now used in fields other than spirituality, such business and health.

Meditation can improve serenity, perception, self-concept, and wellbeing while also considerably reducing stress, anxiety, sadness, and pain.

To know more about Meditation refer:



Related Questions

Why is the election of senators held every six years but the election cycle for representatives is only two years


Unlike members of the House of Representatives, senators represent the entire state, which has a much larger population. Six years gives them more time to work on behalf of the constituents they represent.

The majority party in the House of Representatives has great influence over the creation of chamber rules and the scheduling of bills for discussion and voting. Most of the time, House rules will restrict debate to allow for the passage of significant legislation in a single legislative business day. Although the majority in the Senate has the authority to decide when different bills are brought to the floor for a vote, one Senator can prevent legislation from being brought to the floor for a vote.

The majority and minority must work together to establish the procedures for debate on legislation since the Senate does not adjourn until 60 senators support a cloture resolution approving a measure for consideration. In accordance with this system, the Senate floor can be used to discuss legislation for up to two weeks.

Learn more about Congress here:https://brainly.com/question/14900500


Who believed the exodus showed god's power? responses egyptians egyptians hebrews hebrews both.



It was the Hebrews who believed the Exodus showed God's power. The Egyptians did not read or follow the Bible.


Answer: hebrews

Explanation: i got ✨ 100 percent ✨ on the k12 quiz.

If the son with ald in the third generation survives to have children with a woman without any history of ald in her family, what is the chance that a newborn son of this couple will not develop ald?.


If the son with ALD in the third generation survives to have children with a woman without any history of ald in her family, then  the chance that a newborn son of this couple will not develop ald is 1.

What is ALD?

A hereditary disorder called adrenal leukodystrophy (ALD) affects the myelin sheath, which protects nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord. The myelin serves as insulation for the nerve cells. When this insulating barrier is compromised, nerve signals from the brain cannot adequately travel throughout the body, impairing physiological functions or even resulting in paralysis.

Very long chain fatty acids (VLCFAs), which are unable to be broken down by the body due to ALD, accumulate in the brain, neurological system, and adrenal gland. It is believed that the buildup irritates the body, destroying the myelin sheath.

So, the required answer is 1.

To learn more about ALD:



Question 1 of 10
When he founded the colony of Georgia, James Oglethorpe mainly had
in mind.
O A trade
OB. defense
OC. manufacturing
OD. charity





How do Busta Rhymes and Ta-Nehisi Coates view the word "ghetto" differently?


According to the text "Segregated From Its History, How 'Ghetto' Lost Its Meaning by Camila Domonoske" Busta Rhymes views it as something to be admired,  while Coates views it as a way to categorize people. (Option C)

According to the text, what is Ghetto?

The text defines the word "Ghetto" as a word whose origins is considered a mystery.  It is unclear whether it is from the Hebrew root word that is translated "get" or from the Venetian root word translated foundry.

According to the text, the word was used to describe the space where in Italy Jews were restricted to.

Learn more about Ghetto:

Full Question:

How do Busta Rhymes and Ta-Nehisi Coates view the word "ghetto" differently?

А) Busta Rhymes views it as an insult, while Coates views it as a compliment.

B)  Busta Rhymes views it as unrelated to its origins while Coates views it as historically significant.

C) Busta Rhymes views it at something to be admired,  while Coates views it as a way to categorize people.

D) Busta Rhymes views it as a way to refer to people while Coates views it as a way to refer to places

6:48 1 LTE < Notes 1. Clinicians (psychologists and psychiatrists) are more likely to make diagnoses that are unreliable when they have: A. been trained as psychologists and not as psychiatrists. B. not paid attention to all the diagnostic criteria in the DSM. C. paid attention to a lot of information about the client D. diagnosed clients showing signs of psychosis and social withdrawal. 2. Jerry believes that the terrorist group Al Qaeda is monitoring his every thought, seeking to divide his personality into units that it can control. Jerry further believes that God has ordered him to go on a secret mission to prevent the terrorists from listening to his or other people's thoughts. For a preliminary hypothesis of how Jerry should be diagnosed, which disorder description BEST fits his symptoms? A. A phobia, because Jerry has delusions that have caused his fear B. Dissociative identity disorder, because Jerry seems to have a split personality C. Schizophrenia, because of Jerry's apparent psychosis and delusions


1) When they have not paid attention to all the diagnostic criteria in the DSM.2)Schizophrenia disorder description BEST fits his symptom, Since  His apparent psychosis and delusions. Correct option is 1(b) & 2(c).

For individuals with myositis and their doctors, getting an appropriate diagnosis may sometimes be a time-consuming and difficult procedure. Myositis diseases are uncommon, complicated, and include signs that might be comparable to those of other illnesses. Their causes are also poorly understood. As a result, there isn't a single antibody test that can quickly identify any of the myositis variants. In such cases, doctors frequently use diagnostic criteria to make a diagnosis. The management of each patient is guided by a specific collection of indications, symptoms, and tests known as diagnostic criteria.

Learn more about Diagnostic criteria here:



Who was the leader in the Cherokee Uprising? please help


Answer: John Ross

Explanation: John Ross became principal chief of the Cherokee Nation in 1827, following the establishment of a government modeled on that of the United States.

Just in case you need it he was born October 3, 1790.


mr. bacelis was in the supermarket and trying to remember which brand of frozen peas he had bought the last time by looking at the different boxes of peas in the store. what kind of task is he engaging in?


Mr. Bacelis is engaged in recognition task in the supermarket as he's trying to remember which brand of frozen peas he had bought the last time.

The ability of autonoetic awareness, which is defined as the capacity to mentally recall a prior event, is disturbed in schizophrenia patients during a recognition memory exercise. Each item is responded to by the participant, who marks whether it is new or old (already seen in the series) (not seen earlier in the series).

The old/new recognition test evaluates the precision of recognition. The test object must elicit an appropriate sense of familiarity for participants to determine whether they have seen it before or not.

To learn more about recognition task refer to:



household partnerships in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples formally defines a(n)


Household partnerships in which an unmarried couple lives together in a committed, sexually intimate relationship and is granted the same rights and benefits as those accorded to married heterosexual couples formally define a Domestic partnership.

An unmarried couple is what form of marriage?

Domestic partnerships are relationships in which an unmarried couple cohabitates in a committed, sexually intimate manner and is given some of the same rights and privileges as married heterosexual couples. Relationships, where both partners are employed, are referred to as dual-earner marriages.

What term does the US Census Bureau use to describe couples who cohabit?

When speaking of people who cohabit, the U.S. Census Bureau interchangeably uses the words cohabiting partner and domestic partner. Children who live with cohabiting couples have more years of formal education than children who live with married parents.

Learn more about dual-earner marriages here:-



Domestic partnerships are formal relationships between unmarried couples who live together and share a common household. Domestic partners are entitled to benefits such as hospital visits and the right to survivorship.

What is Domestic Partnership:

An unrelated, unmarried person who commits to living with an employer in an intimate relationship but is not legally recognized as a spouse by the state where they both reside is referred to as a domestic partner. The partnership consists of two individuals, who may be of the same gender or not.

The term "spousal equivalent" is also used in some state legislation and employer-sponsored health plans to denote a partnership that can offer the same level of emotional, physical, and financial commitment as a legally recognized marriage does. Domestic partnerships must be registered in some places, like California, in order to receive some family law protections.

Domestic partnership: A couple's committed, marriage-like partnership that is recognized legally or personally. Prior to the 20th century, heterosexual couples who opted not to get married but lived in a relationship similar to that of a married couple were typically referred to as domestic partners.

While a domestic partnership is not the same as marriage, it offers some of the same advantages. Although some governments refer to the institution as a "civil union," different cities and states have different definitions of what constitutes a domestic partnership or civil union. The broad overview of domestic partnerships, with a focus on benefits and registration, is provided here.

Learn more about Domestic partnership:



human rights in the middle east and north african region varies a great deal. which country is known for the most restrictive gender laws?


Yes, there is no country in the world that provides or has achieved complete gender equality when we talk about gender laws. Opportunities from all over the world for equal employment opportunities, education, etc. are not open to the idea that gender-based laws in Saudi Arabia are some of the toughest in the world.

Do human rights exist in the Middle East?

The legal and political development of international human rights law following the Second World War and its application to the Middle East have shaped human rights in the Middle East.

In the Middle East, why is there gender inequality?

Due to large disparities in per capita income, Arab countries' gender inequality is highly variable and exacerbated by polygamy and corruption. Policies that would reduce gender inequality, particularly those that would improve women's access to secondary and higher education, can be implemented by Arab nations.

Learn more about human rights law here:



Polls have found that inflation is consistently a top issue for voters across the country. What was the overall u. S. Inflation rate in september, compared with a year before?.


Voters' top concerns in this year's midterm elections are rising prices, which rank above issues like abortion, crime, and upholding democracy.

What was the total inflation rate in the US in September compared to the same month last year?

According to the September consumer price index report, inflation reached 8.2%. The pace of price increases is still at multi-decade highs, hurting many households, and the annual U.S. inflation rate was little altered last month, coming in at 8.2% y/y compared to 8.3% in August.

What did the poll serve to determine?

Finding out how a population feels about a topic or candidate is the goal of a poll. Social scientists and statisticians are frequently used by polling organizations and news organizations to create precise and error-free surveys.

To know more about Inflation rate in september visit:-



Ladies and gentlemen, where one hears such pandemonium, one suspects that something has gone awry.



At a women's rights conference in Akron, Ohio, in 1851; Sojourner Truth begins by requesting permission before introducing the theme of her speech with the phrase "AIN'T I A WOMAN". She was speaking for gender equality.

When the main part of Truth's speech begins by making analogies to males, saying that she is as physically fit and muscular as any guy. In fact, she wonders, "Can any man do more than that?" after listing the several kinds of physical work she has done over her years as a slave. She claims that she can vouch for the truth of all the current rhetoric about gender equality. Woman insists that she can carry and consume just as much as any guy.

To learn more about "AIN'T I A WOMAN", refer



how might family members of an alcoholic who demonstrate an over-involvement with the alcoholic and obsessive attempts to control the alcoholic's behavior be labeled?


How might family members of an alcoholic who demonstrate an over-involvement with the alcoholic and obsessive attempts to control the alcoholic's behavior be labeled as Codependent.

What is a codependent man?

Therefore, manipulation, emotional abuse, verbal intimidation, and violence are common ways for men to exhibit their codependency. Therefore, males and their partners often ignore the underlying psychological condition and instead pay attention to acts that have an aggressive, powerful, or controlling quality.

Codependent behavior: what is it?

Codependent individuals design their entire lives to appease the enabler or other person in their lives. Codependent relationships, in its most basic form, occur when one partner requires the other, who in turn needs to be needed.

To know more about Codependent visit:



A post made to your favorite social media application 5 years ago can add information to your digital footprint. true false


A post made to your favorite social media application 5 years ago can add information to your digital footprint is a True statement.

What the term "digital footprint" means?

Data left behind after users have been online is known as a digital footprint. Passive and active digital footprints are the two different categories. When data is gathered from a user without the person being aware of it, a passive footprint is created.

Your digital footprint cannot be completely removed. There will always be some data that you cannot delete, such as that held by others and kept secret from you.

Therefore, Your digital footprint may contain information from a post you made on your preferred social networking platform five years ago.

Learn more about "digital footprint" from the given link.



how can positive statements help you progress with your goals?




People progress further in their life if they have an optimistic mindset. If they have positive energy with firm determination in them, the goals set by them progress as much as they set.

For more on Positive Mindset and Goals search

brittany rarely initiates any activity on her own, and lacks confidence in her abilities. brittany is displaying characteristics of which personality disorder?responses


If brittany rarely initiates any activity on her own, and lacks confidence in her abilities then this is displaying obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

A pervasive obsession with orderliness, perfectionism, and control (with no room for flexibility) that ultimately slows down or obstructs task completion is a hallmark of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder.

People with OCPD experience emotions like anxiety or frustration that they view as more appropriate. Perfectionism characteristics in OCPD patients typically appear during early adulthood. Due to their rigid standards, the person's perfectionism may hinder their ability to finish tasks.

To learn more about OCPD refer to:



What was Roosevelt's proposed approach to combinations


President Theodore Roosevelt proposed that large corporations (especially monopolies) that were efficient and crucial to American prosperity, particularly those doing instate business should not be broken up but are to be managed by the government.

What is Roosevelt's proposed combination?

President Roosevelt was against banning monopolies but instead proposed that the federal government should assume the right to supervise and regulate them.

Roosevelt views combinations in the industry as the outcome of crucial economic laws that cannot be nullified by political legislation. All attempts to prohibit all combinations have been greatly unsuccessful.

According to him, the best way to handle such combinations is by entirely controlling them in the interest of the public. The right of supervision should be exercised with caution but it should exist, so that it may be invoked if the need arises.

Thus, Roosevelt proposed that large corporations should not be broken up, instead they should be under the government's supervision and regulation.

Find out more about Roosevelt's proposal at brainly.com/question/25608255.


Children are more __________ other people than are adults. In some ways, this helps buffer against negative events because they are protected and supported; in other ways, it leaves children vulnerable to abuse or neglect.


Negative attitudes and ignorance—Negative attitudes regarding children's conduct, whether it is good or poor, and ignorance of child development can all lead to physical abuse of children.

What Children helps buffer against negative events?

Explicit policies and the accompanying action plans are essential and effective tools for preventing child abuse through interventions that help parents raise their children, promote good parenting, and reduce the likelihood of maltreatment.

Therefore, Emotional abuse is defined as “any act by a person having the care of a kid that results in the youngster experiencing any type of serious emotional deprivation or trauma.”

Learn more about Children here:



Dna replication begins at a site called the origin of replication, forming a bubble, which is followed by a __________, where parental strands are unwound by __________.


Dna replication begins at a site called the origin of replication, forming a bubble, which is followed by a replication fork, where parental strands are unwound by helicases.

At precise locations where the DNA double helix is unraveled, known as origins, DNA replication begins. The subsequent synthesis of a short RNA fragment known as a primer serves as the initial step in synthesizing fresh DNA. The DNA polymerase enzyme then replicates the DNA by aligning its bases to those of the original strand.

The structure known as a replication bubble is created when the helicase enzymes divide two DNA strands. The replication bubble forms a two-line fork, or a prong-like, system called the replication fork.

To know more about DNA Replication here



some members of the media often adopt strongly skeptical, even hostile, postures toward the government and elected officials. this is known as what type of journalism?


Some media professionals frequently take positions that are quite hostile toward the government and elected leaders. This kind of journalism is referred to as adversarial.

What does journalism in adversity entail?

A journalist is said to be engaging in hostile journalism when they adopt a combative and aggressive reporting and interviewing style. Aiming to uncover alleged wrongdoings of suspects, adversarial journalism does just that.

What goals do you want your journalism to work toward?

Aiming to expose actors, hostile journalism looks into their alleged wrongdoings. Journalists that are hostile take sides in what they believe to be the truth rather than remaining completely impartial. They purposefully jumble factual information with commentary or opinion in their writing.

To know more about adversarial journalism visit:



How and why would the end products of photosynthesis be changed if a plant had a mutation that eliminated its photosystem ii complex?.


The end products of photosynthesis be changed if a plant had a mutation that eliminated its photosystem ii complex as knocking out photosystem II would eliminate the production of oxygen and ATP during photosynthesis.

The sun produces a great deal of electromagnetic radiation (solar energy in a spectrum from very short gamma rays to very long radio waves). Only a very small portion of this energy, which we refer to as "visible light," can be seen by humans. Waves are used to describe the way solar energy moves. By measuring a wave's wavelength—the space between its successive crest points—scientists can ascertain the energy of a wave (shorter wavelengths are more powerful than longer wavelengths). As a result, a single wave is measured between two positions that are close to one another, such as the crest and trough of the wave.

To know more about wavelength, click here:



in somalia, refugees often sacrificed their own safety in efforts to help others. this behavior refutes a basic premise of which theory of motivation? group of answer choices


In Somalia, refugees often sacrificed their own safety in efforts to help others. This behavior refutes a basic premise of Maslow’s theory of motivation. Correct answer: C.

What does Maslow's theory consist of?

Maslow's theory consists of a hierarchy of needs, which are organized into five levels:


According to Maslow, individuals must satisfy each need in turn, starting with the most basic physiological needs and progressing to the more complex needs at the top of the hierarchy. Once all of the needs in a given level have been satisfied, individuals can move on to satisfy the needs in the next level.

In Somalia, refugees often sacrificed their own safety in efforts to help others. This behavior refutes a basic premise of ________ theory of motivation.

A) The incentive

B) Drive-reduction

C) Maslow’s

D) Cognitive

Learn more about Maslow's theory:



A belief that characterizes people based merely on group membership is __________.


A belief that characterizes people based merely on their group membership is Stereotype.

A stereotype in social psychology is an established, overly generalized opinion about a certain group or class of people. Stereotyping implies that a person possesses a wide range of traits and skills that we presume all members of that group possess. In psychology, a stereotype is a predetermined, simplistic, and frequently prejudiced opinion of a group of individuals. Stereotypes are usually irrational assumptions that lack evidence, and once someone adopts a stereotyped way of thinking, they may be unable to perceive others for who they truly are.

Stereotypes can be used to justify prejudice towards an entire social group. Additionally, stereotypes have a tendency to suggest which social groupings are probably acceptable targets for easing individual anger since they are deeply embedded in society and people absorb preconceptions as as childhood.

Learn more about Social Groups here:



resolve conflicts swiftly and effectively. are less likely to share information with each other. are less sensitive to each other's needs. have an external locus of control. are less motivated to maintain their membership.


Almost every aspect of life occasionally calls for the application of successful conflict resolution techniques.

Conflicts are struggles that can occur when there is a direct difference of opinion or interest, so it's critical to know how to handle and settle them.A peaceful resolution to a dispute between opposing parties that leaves all sides somewhat happy is known as conflict resolution . Sometimes the person who settles a dispute is a third party or mediator, while other times it may be a party to the dispute who uses an objective eye to find a resolution.

LEARN MORE ABOUT conflict resolution HERE:



What does nationalism means can someone explain it to me but please use your own words




Nationalism is an ideology and movement that promotes the interests of a particular nation, especially with the aim of gaining and maintaining the nation's sovereignty over its homeland.

what was one thing corrie learned to fear above all else at scheveningen? how was this fear exhibited by corrie and her fellow prisoners? name at least four behaviors or activities that reflected this fear.


Corrie learned to fear prison boredom about all else at Sceveningen. Four behaviors or activities that reflected this fear are prisoners spend time wording about loved ones and pets, pacing back and forth all night, batting sicker from all the worry, try to distract herself playing card games.

Why was corrie scared ?

Corrie was sick, and also was very nervous about what would happen to her family. Betsie was healthy, and very loyal that God would command what happened. Corrie first felt grief, but then comfort, as her father was freed from the danger and was now with Christ. Corrie want a bible the most. We thought that the bible would create a double sentence because someone could convert a jew into being christian.

Learn more about the Corrie here: https://brainly.com/question/2947946


"But if slaves were allowed to redeem themselves progressively, by purchasing one day of the week after another, as they can in the Spanish colonies, habits of industry would be gradually formed, and enterprise would be stimulated, by their successful efforts to acquire a little property. And if they afterward worked better as free laborers than they now do as slaves, it would surely benefit their masters as well as themselves …

But the slave holders try to stop all the efforts of benevolence, by vociferous complaints about infringing upon their property; and justice is so subordinate to self-interest, that the unrighteous claim is silently allowed, and even openly supported, by those who ought to blush for themselves, as Christians and as republicans."—Lydia Maria Child, from Propositions Defining Slavery and Emancipation, 1833

The arguments in this passage best represent the ideas of
small Southern landowners
antebellum reformers
Jacksonian Democrats


Answer: antebellum reformers


Ruth has been helping a professor with research where they have people perform a boring task and give them either $1 or $20 to lie and tell someone the task is interesting, which recreates earlier research. The participants who were only paid $1 rating the task as more interesting than the participants who were paid much more. What is the experiment ruth is helping with testing?.


In this research where the participants who were only paid $1 rating the task as more interesting than the participants who were paid much more, here, the experiment that Ruth is helping with testing is known as a Cognitive dissonance.

What is the meaning of Cognitive dissonance?

In psychology, a cognitive dissonance refers to the discomfort a person feels when their behavior does not align with their values or beliefs. This kind of discomfort can also occur when a person holds two contradictory beliefs at the same time.

In essence, the cognitive dissonance is not a disease or illness but t is a psychological phenomenon that can happen to anyone.

Read more about cognitive dissonance



Which of the following is the main aim of the WHO?
A. to build a healthy world
B. to help prevent depressions
C. to raise levels of technology
D. to develop and improve the problem of food scarcity ​


Option A is correct.

The main aim of WHO is to improve the health of world by improving the food quality, providing genuine medicines etc.

Julia had to abandon her home because it was destroyed by a hurricane. Would you describe Julia as a refugee?





I don't think she would be considered as one. She might be mistaken for one but she is not. A refugee is forced to leave their country/home to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster. There is natural disaster there but I think the situation varies/depends

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