glasses of milk and 3 snack bars have a total of 71 carbohydrates (carbs), and 3 glasses of milk and 2 snack bars have a total of 69 carbs. Determine how many carbs are in one glass of milk and in one snack bar.


Answer 1
30 cal is your answer
Answer 2

Answer:So looking at this question, we have two variables (1 - a glass of milk; 2 - a snack bar) and two equations to use to solve for the two variables. Remember that for any number of variables, you need that same number or more equations to solve for the variables.Let's say that a glass of milk is represented by g and a snack bar is represented by s.So we essentially have two equations here:4 glasses of milk + 3 snack bars = 88 carbs, or:4g + 3s = 882 glasses of milk + 4 snack bars = 74 carbs, or:2g + 4s = 74Now that we have this, we can solve for our equations. There are two ways to do this:SUBSTITUTION - solve for one variable, then substitute it inLet's solve for g using the second equation. First, we'll isolate g by subtracting 4s from both sides.2g = 74 - 4sNext, we can divide the whole equation by 2 to solve for g.g = 37 - 2sNow, we can substitute this into the first equation for g and solve for s.4g + 3s = 884(37 - 2s) + 3s = 88148 - 8s + 3s = 88148 - 5s = 88 (now subtract 88 from both sides and add 5s to both sides)60 = 5ss = 12Now we can use this to solve for g in the original equationg = 37 - 2sg = 37 - 2(12) = 37 - 24 = 13ELIMINATION - eliminate one variable to solve for the other, then use that to solve for the firstLet's look at our two equations4g + 3s = 882g + 4s = 74Let's eliminate the variable g first by multiplying the second question by -2.4g + 3s = 88-4g - 8s = -148If we add these two equations together, we get-5s = -60Divide both sides by -5 and we gets = 12Now, we can plug s into either equation to solve for g as we did above.

Related Questions

Morvinia raised $15 each Kilometer she walked while participating in walkathon. Her goal is to raise a maximum of $800 on Saturday and Sunday. On Sunday, she raised $375. What is the least number of kilometers Morvinia has to walk on Sunday to reach her goal?



Step-by-step explanation:hope this will solve your problem


Step-by-step explanation:

A scale drawing of an ant uses a scale of 1 centimeter = 1.5 millimeters. If the actual ant is 5 millimeters long, find the length of the ant on the drawing.



7.5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:

[tex]\frac{\ell}{5}=\frac{1}{1.5} \\ \\ \ell=7.5[/tex]


7.5 cm

Step-by-step explanation:


Given the force field F, find the work required to move an object on the given orientated curve. F(x,y) = (y,x) on the parabola y = 6x^2 from (0,0) to (2,24)


The effort needed to move an object along a curve that is specifically oriented. F(x, y) = (y, x) on the parabola y = 6x² from (0,0) to (2,24) is 48.

What is a parabola?

A bowl-shaped object is defined as having a curve at the surface created by the intersection of a cone and a plane that is perpendicular to a straight line. Another definition of a curve is one created when a moving point moves such that its distance from a fixed point equals its distance from a fixed line. A quadratic function is known in this form as its standard form. A parabola is a U-shaped curve that represents the quadratic function on a graph.

The given parabola is,

y = 6x²

Here consider x=t



The work done by F(x, y) would be:


=[tex]\int\limits^_c[/tex]([tex]y_{i} +x_{j}[/tex])(d[tex]x_{i}[/tex]+d[tex]y_{j}[/tex])

=[tex]\int\limits^_c[/tex]y dx + x dy




Therefore, the effort needed to move an object along a curve that is specifically oriented. F(x, y) = (y, x) on the parabola y = 6x² from (0,0) to (2,24) is 48.

To know more about parabola, visit:


one million photons are detected. what is the expected number of photons in a 1- mmmm -wide interval at xx


The expected number of photons are [tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{3} m^{2}[/tex].

What are photons?

To put it simply, photons are basic subatomic particles that carry the electromagnetic force (and so much more). The photon is also the "quantum," or basic unit, of electromagnetic radiation.

Photons are all around us: Photons make up the light coming from the screen you're looking at, the X-rays doctors use to see bones, the radio in a car that sends out its signal, and the magnets on a refrigerator that support themselves.

Given: Total number of photons = 1 million

The graph represents the probability density of a photon being found (detected) along the horizontal x- axis.

Now, checking the graph, we will find that:

At x = 0.5, the probability of finding a photon is 1.

To get the probability density at 1 mm wide at the given x value, we will simply multiply the probability with the area under curve as follows:

[tex]P(x=0.5)[/tex] × area under curve

= [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]10^{-3} m^{2}[/tex]

Now, we will get the expected number of photons as follows:

N = number of photons × area under curve

[tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{6}[/tex] × [tex]1[/tex] × [tex]10^{-3}[/tex]

[tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{3} m^{2}[/tex]

Hence, the expected number of photons are [tex]N=1[/tex] × [tex]10^{3} m^{2}[/tex].

Learn more about photons from the given link:


What is perimeter of a figure class 6?


The length of the boundary of any closed figure is called its perimeter.

Perimeter is calculated only of 2-dimensional shape, or a 1-dimensional length. This means that shapes like cubes, cones, and cylinders don't have a perimeter.

The perimeter of any shape is calculated by adding up the length of all its sides. A side is referred to as any continuous uninterrupted length of the shape between two points.

A point to be noted is that the perimeter of a circle is calculated by its radius and a mathematical number called pi. This is denoted by π. All other curved sides are calculated in a similar manner as well.

To know more about perimeter visit


I need help please! I’m struggling.



The answer is 44

Step-by-step explanation:

How you find your answer is you add up all of the numbers IN ORDER( you get 352) then you divide by how many numbers are it the parentheses and you get 44 as your answer.

A lock ha a 3-number code made up of 26 number. If none of the number are allowed to repeat, how many different way can you chooe three different number in order for a unique code?


According to the given statement 15600 possible options to a unique code.

With examples, what are numbers?

A digit is a numerical unit of measurement and labeling in mathematics. The real numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, and so on constitute the first instances.


For the first password, we can choose any of the 26 numbers that are able, right? So for the first, we have 26 possible options.

For the second, we have 26 possible options minus 1 option which is already in use in the first password, so we have 26 -1 = 25 possible options here.

For the third, we also have 26 options, but we have to consider 2 unavailable options (1 in the first and 1 in the second), so we have 26 -2 = 24 options.

To finish it, we just have to multiply the possibilities of each lock:

26 * 25 * 24 = 15600 possible options to a unique code.

To know more about number visit:


which is smaller -1.2 or -3




Step-by-step explanation:

negative numbers get larger the closer they are to zero

A baker is making cookies. The recipe calls for 1/2 cups of flour and 2 1/4 cups of sugar. How much flour does the baker need if he used 1 cup of sugar?


2/9 cups of flour is required for baker if he use 1 cup of sugar.

What is Ratio?

A ratio is an ordered pair of numbers a and b, written a / b where b does not equal 0.

Given that the baker is making cookies.

The recipe calls for 1/2 cups of flour and [tex]2\frac{1}{4}[/tex] cups of sugar.

We need to find the flour required to baker for 1 cup of sugar.

Let us form a proportional equation.

x be the flour required for 1 cup of sugar.

[tex]2\frac{1}{4}[/tex] /1/2=1/x

Apply cross multiplication


Divide both sides by 9/4



Hence, 2/9 cups of flour is required for baker if he use 1 cup of sugar.

To learn more on Ratios click:


Answer fast pleasee
Richard and Teo have a combined age of 48. Richard is 15 years older than twice Teo's age. How old are Richard and Teo?


Richard is 35 years old and Teo is 10 years old.

What is the linear function?

The difference between starting and final numbers is the percentage drop. It displays a percentage loss of value compared to the original regardless of the units. The difference between the initial and final amounts is the amount of decline.

We have,

Richard and Teo have a combined age of 48.

Richard is 15 years older than twice Teo's age.

Let the ages of Richard and Teo be R and T years old respectively.

R +T= 48    -----(1)

R= 2T + 15   -----(2)

Substitute (2) into (1):

2T +15 +T= 48

3T +15= 48

3T= 48 -15

3T= 33

T= 33 ÷ 3

T= 10.1

Substitute T= 10.1 into (2):

R= 2(10.1) +15

R= 20.2 +15

R= 35.2

R = 35

Hence, Richard is 35 years old and Teo is 10 years old.

To learn more about the linear function visit,


During the NCAA basketball tournament season, affectionately called March Madness, part of one team's strategy is to foul their opponent if his free-throw shooting percentage is lower than his two-point field goal percentage. Amos's free-throw shooting percentage is lower and is only 52.5%. After being fouled he gets two free-throw shots each worth one point. Calculate the expected value of the number of points Amos makes when he shoots two free-throw shots.


I’m not entirely sure but i believe it’s 1.05

1. An amusement park charges a $10 entry fee and $2.50 a ride.
determine the slope and y-intercept of line that represents the linear relationship



Slope: 2.5, Y-Intercept: 10

Step-by-step explanation:

We can set up an equation, with

y = 2.5x + 10

The slope is 2.5, and the y-intercept is 10.

twice a number increased by 13 is 21


Answer: 2x + 13 = 21

Twice a number would be 2 times unknown, so that would be 2x then increased would be addition so 2x + 13 = 21

help pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee


By using the slope intercept form of equation of line, it can be calculated that-

a) Equation of the graph

[tex]y = -\frac{5}{3}x +10[/tex]

b) Slope = [tex]-\frac{5}{3}[/tex]

It represents the ounces of ice cream reducing per minute when Katie has been eating the ice cream

c) y - intercept is 10.

It means Katie started eating with 10 ounces of ice cream

d) When y = 0, x = 6

It means Katie finished eating the ice cream in 6 minutes.

What is equation of line in slope intercept form?

The most general form of equation of line in slope intercept form is given by y = mx + c

Where m is the slope of the line and c is the y intercept of the line.

Slope of a line is the tangent of the angle that the line makes with the positive direction of x axis.

If [tex]\theta[/tex]  is the angle that the line makes with the positive direction of x axis, then slope (m) is given by

m = [tex]tan\theta[/tex]

The distance from the origin to the point where the line cuts the x axis is the x intercept of the line.

The distance from the origin to the point where the line cuts the y axis is the y intercept of the line.

a) From the figure, it is clear that the graph passes through (6, 0) and (0, 10)

Slope = [tex]-\frac{10}{6}[/tex]

Slope = [tex]-\frac{5}{3}[/tex]

Equation of the graph

[tex]y - 0 = -\frac{5}{3}(x - 6)\\\\y = -\frac{5}{3}(x - 6)\\\\y = -\frac{5}{3}x +10[/tex]

b) Slope = [tex]-\frac{5}{3}[/tex]

It represents the ounces of ice cream reducing per minute when Katie has been eating the ice cream

c) y - intercept is 10.

It means Katie started eating with 10 ounces of ice cream

d) When y = 0, x = 6

It means Katie finished eating the ice cream in 6 minutes.

To learn more about equation of line in slope intercept form, refer to the link:


What is the result when the number 20 is increased by 20%?



When the number 20 is increased by 20%, the result is 24. To find this, first multiply 20 by 20%, which is 0.20. Then, add this result to the original number 20 to find the final result, which is 20 + 0.20 = 24.

Step-by-step explanation:

Jacqui has 162 trading cards. She buys 25 more trading cards. Then, she puts her trading cards into a binder. Each page of the binder holds 9 cards. After filling as many pages as she can, Jacqui gives the rest of the trading cards to her brother.


Answer:  She can fill up 21 packs or sets of 9

Step-by-step explanation: She has 162 then she adds 25 so that's 197 cards then we do 9 times 21 which is 189. So she has 8 left over to give to her brother.

What is the rate of return when 20 shares of Stock
A, purchased for $15/share, are sold for $340? The
commission on the sale is $6.
Rate of Return = [?] %
Give your answer as a percent rounded to the
nearest tenth.


The rate of return of the Stock A, purchased for $15 per share and sold for $340, with a commission of the sale of $6, is given as follows:


How to calculate the Rate of Return?

The Rate of Return is calculated as the different between the current value of the stock and the initial value of the stock, divided by the initial value of the stock.

20 shares were purchased at a value of $15 per share, hence the initial value of the stock in this problem is given as follows:

Initial value = 20 x 15 = $300.

The stock was then sold for $340, with a commission of $6, hence the current value of the stock is of:

Current value = 340 - 6 = $334.

Then the rate of return is calculated as follows:

Rate of return = 34/300 = 0.113.

As a percentage, the rate is given as follows:

0.113 x 100% = 11.3%.

More can be learned about the rate of return at


c. The discount price of a l
a hat is $38. What is the regular price? Today, everything at the store is on sale. The store offers a 20% discount.



the hat is $47.50.

Step-by-step explanation:

To determine the regular price of the hat, you can use the formula for calculating the sale price of an item, which is:

regular price * (1 - discount percentage) = sale price

In this case, we can set up the equation as follows:

regular price * (1 - 0.20) = $38

Solving for the regular price, we get:

regular price = $38 / (1 - 0.20)

regular price = $38 / 0.80

regular price = $47.50

Therefore, the regular price of the hat is $47.50.

f(x) = -(x)² over the x-axis 3 A) y=-x² how do u solve it on a graph


The graph is attached.

What is a quadratic equation?

An equation with the highest power of the variable, 2, is considered to be a quadratic equation.

Given is a quadratic equation, y = -x²

Plotting the equation on graph,

When x = 1

y = -1²

y = -1

When x = 2

y = -2²

y = -4

When x = 3

y = -3²

y = -9

The points are;

(1,-1), (2, -4), (3, -9)

For more references on quadratic equation, click;


The isosceles triangle has a base that measures 14 units. A triangle has a base length of 14. The other 2 sides have a length of y. The value of y, the length of each leg, must be.


For an isosceles triangle has a base that measures 14 units, the length of each leg i.e y must be greater than or equal to 7 .

We have given that

let ABC is an isosceles triangle with base BC and AB = AC

The length of base of isosceles triangle, BC

= 14 units

Let "y" be the length of other side of triangle AB or AC

we have to find the possible length of y for each leg .

Using the Triangle inequality Theorem,

which states that the addition of any two sides of a triangle is greater than or equal to the third side; In symbols form , a + b ≥ c.

We have an isosceles triangle with base 14 cm

so, y + y ≥ 14

=> 2y ≥ 14

=> y ≥ 7

thus, the length of each leg of isosceles triangle must be greater than or equal to 7 units.

To learn more about Triangle inequality, refer:


Solve the following
expression when y = 3.
y² - 2y




Step-by-step explanation:

plug in 3 wherever y appears




Hopes this helps


y² - 2y = 3

Step-by-step explanation:

Given information,

→ y² - 2y

→ y = 3

Now the value of expression is,

→ y² - 2y

→ (3)² - (2 × 3)

→ 3² - 6

→ 9 - 6 = 3

Hence, value of expression is 3.

the probability of winning at a certain gambling game is 0.1. find the probability of you win for the first time on the third trial ?


the probability of you win for the first time on the third trial is 8.1%

What is probability?

By simply dividing the favorable number of possibilities by the entire number of possible outcomes, the probability of an occurrence can be determined using the probability formula. Because the favorable number of outcomes can never exceed the entire number of outcomes, the chance of an event occurring might range from 0 to 1.

the probability of winning at a certain gambling game is 0.1.


p(x) = (1-p)² *p

= 0.81*0.1

= 0.081

Hence the probability of you win for the first time on the third trial is 8.1%

Learn more about probability, by the following link.


What is the 1st square number answer?


The 1st square number answer is one.

A square number is an integer that is the square of another integer. It is also referred to as a perfect square. It is the result of multiplying the number by itself. The square number is an integer with the form n×n or n², where n is any positive integer.

The square number can only end with 0, 1, 4, 6, 9, or 25.  The first ten square numbers are

1×1 = 1,

2×2 = 4,

3×3 = 9,

4×4 = 16,

5×5 = 25,

6×6 = 36,

7×7 = 49,

8×8 = 64,

9×9 = 81,

10×10 = 100.

The first square number from the above sequence is 1. Then, the answer is 1.

To know more about square numbers:


y=3(x+7)-15 in standard form



Step-by-step explanation:

ect the best answer for the question. 3. Rewrite the equation x + y + 3 = –2x + 4y + 18 into standard form (ax + by = c). A. 3x –3y = 5 B. x – y = 5 C. x – y = 15 D. x + y = 5

will this help?

A housing contractor has subdivided a farm into 100 building lots. She has designed two types of homes for these lots: colonial and ranch style. A colonial requires $30,000 of capital and produces a profit of $4000 when sold. A ranch style house requires $40,000 of capital and provides an $8000 profit. If the contractor has $3.6 million of capital on hand, how many houses of each type should she build for maximum profit? Will any of the lots be vacant?


If the contractor builds only colonial homes, she can build 120 homes with the $3.6 million of capital on hand. If the contractor builds only ranch style homes, she can build 90 homes with the $3.6 million of capital on hand. To maximize profit, the contractor should build 90 ranch style homes and 30 colonial homes, for a total of 120 homes. This will produce a profit of $1,080,000 ($90,000 from the 30 colonial homes and $990,000 from the 90 ranch style homes). This leaves 10 lots vacant.

Line c has an equation of y=-3/4x-3 Line d, which is parallel to line c, includes the point
(-2,-2). What is the equation of line d?
Write the equation in slope-intercept form. Write the numbers in the equation as simplified
proper fractions, improper fractions, or integers.
Work it out
Not feeling ready yet? These can help:
You ha



Step-by-step explanation:

If the slope is parallel then it will be the same for the new equation.  All you need to find is the y intercept.

y-(-2) = -3/4(x-(-2))

so y = -3/4x -7/2

What happens to a figure when you dilate by a scale factor less than 1 but greater than 0?


When you dilate the figure by a scale factor less than 1 but greater than 0, then the size of the figure decreases

The dilation is the one form of the transformation of the figure, the change the size of the figure

The scale factor is the ratio between the original size of the figure and the new size of the figure.

When the dilate the figure by a scale factor greater than one then the size of the figure increases, but when  the scale factor is between 0 and 1 then the size of the figure decreases

Therefore, the size of the figure decreases after dilation

Learn more about scale factor here


A jewelry artist is selling necklaces at an art fair. It costs $135 to rent a booth at the fair. The cost of materials for each necklace is $4. 50. The artist is selling the necklaces at $12 each. The inequality 12n>135+4. 50n represents the situation in which the artist makes a profit. Will the artist make a profit if she sells 15 necklaces? show how you know. Write an inequality to show the number of necklaces, n, the artist must sell to make a profit. Show your reasoning. Enter your answers and your explanation in the space provided. You may also use the drawing tool to help explain or support your answer.


The jewelry artist does not make a profit if she sells 15 necklaces at an art fair .

An inequality to show the number of necklaces, n, the artist must sell to make a profit is

12n - 135 > 4.50n , n > 15 .

We have given that

A jewelry artist is selling necklaces at an art fair.

Cost of rent a booth at the fair = $135

Cost of materials of each necklace= $4.50

Selling price of each necklace = $12

The inequality for the artist's profit is


where n --> number of necklaces

We have to check that if number of necklaces sold by artist are 15 then she make a profit or not .

For this we plug n = 15 and check the inequality is statisfied or not ,

12×15 > 135 + 4.50×15

=> 180 > 220 , which is not true.

So, the artist does not make a profit if she sells 15 necklaces.

She has profit when selling price is greater than cost price of necklaces.

If we take total number of necklaces are "n".

then, Total cost price of 15 necklaces= $4.50× n

= $4.50n

Total cost payed by artist = $4.50n+$135

Total selling price of 15 necklaces = $12n

Profit if S.P >C.P or $12n > $4.50n+$135

=> 12n - 135 > 4.50n , n > 15

Hence, the required inequality is that

12n - 135 > 4.50n , n > 15 .

To learn more about Inequality, refer


select a first-year college student at random and ask how many hours during a typical week did they spend studying or doing homework during their last year in high school? probabilities for the outcomes are time less than one hour 1 to 5 hours 6 to 10 hours more than 10 hours probability 0.1 0.5 0.2 0.2 to simulate the responses of randomly chosen first-year college students, how would you assign digits to represent the four possible outcomes listed?


The required probability for the students in given interval of time is answered below.

How we find probability by us probability distribution table?

It lets you know probability  for a specific score. To utilize one, initial transform your information into an ordinary dispersion. Then, at that point, find the matching z-score to one side of the table and adjust it to the z-score at the highest point of the table. The outcome gives you the probability.

According to question:

By using table,

Probability study more than 10 hours = 1 - (.01+0.5+0.2)

⇒ 0.2

According to probability distribution table, if the sample of 10 students randomly,

1 student that less than  one hour, 5 students whose study 1 to 5 hours, 2 students that study 6 to 10 hours, and 2 students that study more than 10 hours.

To know more about probability distribution visit:


Louis divides a 0.45-mile path into 5 equal sections for volunteers cleaning the path. He uses 0.45 divided by 5 to find the length of each section of the path.



That's correct! Dividing the 0.45-mile path into 5 equal sections means that each section will be 0.45/5 = 0.09 miles long.

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