Given the thermochemical equation, calculate the heat evolved when 74. 6 g of sulfur dioxide (molar mass = 64. 07 g/mol) is converted to sulfur dioxide.


Answer 1

The heat evolved for sulfur dioxide to convert to sulfur trioxide is - 115.39 kJ. The answer is C.

See the attachment for the full question. First, we calculate the number of moles of sulfur dioxide (SO₂)

Mass = m = 74.6 g Molar mass = 64.07 g/moln = m ÷ molar mass
n = 74.6 ÷ 64.07
n = 1.164 mol

From the thermochemical equation, we know that to convert 1 mol of sulfur dioxide needs - 99.1 kJ.

The heat that is needed = number of moles × - 99.1 kJ

= 1.164 mol × - 99.1 kJ/mol

= - 115.387 kJ

≈ - 115.39 kJ


Learn more about the thermochemical equation here:


Given The Thermochemical Equation, Calculate The Heat Evolved When 74. 6 G Of Sulfur Dioxide (molar Mass

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four u tubes each have distilled water in the right arm, a solution in the left arm, and a semipermeable membrane between arms.


We are aware that more charged particles should be present in the most concentrated solutions (for KCl, K+, and Cl-). The increased solute concentration draws the water in via osmosis.

As a result, the water level is lowest on the right side of the U-tube (C and D). However, the left side tube (A, B) has a more concentrated solution as compared to the right side tubes (C, D).

The result is that the tube B solution is the highest concentrated.

Describe osmosis.

Osmosis is the naturally occurring net movement of solvent molecules through a selectively permeable membrane in a direction that tends to balance the solute concentrations on the two sides, from a region of high water potential (region of lower solute concentration) to a region of higher water potential.

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We are aware that more charged particles should be present in the most concentrated solutions (for KCl, K+, and Cl-). The increased solute concentration draws the water in via osmosis.

As a result, the water level is lowest on the right side of the U-tube (C and D). However, the left side tube (A, B) has a more concentrated solution as compared to the right side tubes (C, D).

The result is that the tube B solution is the highest concentrated.

Describe osmosis.

Osmosis is the naturally occurring net movement of solvent molecules through a selectively permeable membrane in a direction that tends to balance the solute concentrations on the two sides, from a region of high water potential (region of lower solute concentration) to a region of higher water potential.

xe and kr form compounds with fluorine (xef2 and krf2). no fluorides with he or ne are possible. why? group of answer choices


In large sized noble gas Xenon, the electron attraction to the nucleus is weaker. It reacts with highly electronegative and small sized fluorine. Hence, the valence electron of Xe is attracted by fluorine. This helps in compound formation.

What is noble gas?

The noble gasses (traditionally additionally the inert gasses; on occasion referred to as aerogenes) make up a category of chemical factors with comparable homes; beneath general conditions.The six obviously taking place noble gasses are helium (He), neon (Ne), argon (Ar), krypton (Kr), xenon (Xe), and the radioactive radon (Rn). Oganesson (Og) is a synthetically produced rather radioactive element. Despite the fact that IUPAC has used the time period "noble fuel" interchangeably with "institution 18" and accordingly covered oganesson, it can not be too chemically noble and is anticipated to interrupt the fashion and be reactive, because of relativistic consequences.

To know more about noble gas, click the link given below:


What are six differences between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction?


The difference between the nuclear reaction and the chemical reaction is : the nuclear reaction occur inside the nucleus and the chemical reaction occurs normally outside the nucleus.

The  six differences between nuclear reaction and chemical reaction :

1) The chemical reaction occurs outside the nucleus and the nuclear reaction occurs only in inside the nucleus.

2) the energy during the chemical reaction is low and the energy during the nuclear reaction is high.

3) chemical reaction either be irreversible or reversible. the nuclear reaction are reversible.

4) the chemical reaction affected by the temperature and the pressure factor. the nuclear reaction is not depend on such factor.

5) In the chemical reaction the old bond break and the new formation of bond take place. in the nuclear reaction it does not happen.

To learn more about chemical reaction here


All of the carbon in existence is continually recycled in the carbon cycle?

A. True

B. False


Answer: True





All of the carbon in existence is continually recycled in the carbon cycle

All life on earth's uses Carbon compounds for basic biological processes so the answer is True

which laboratory test examines physical and chemical properties to determine the presence of abnormal elements?


Urinalysis  is the laboratory test examines which examines  physical and chemical properties to determine the presence of abnormal elements.

Abnormal elements-Transitional chemical elements in which the filling of the orbitals by electrons occurs with a violation of the experimental series of an increase in the energy of orbitals.

Urinalysis, a portmanteau of the words urine and analysis, is a panel of medical tests that includes physical examination of the urine, chemical evaluation.A urinalysis is a test of your urine. It's used to detect and manage a wide range of disorders, such as urinary tract infections, kidney disease and diabetes. A urinalysis involves checking the appearance, concentration and content of urine.

LEARN MORE ABOUT Abnormal elements HERE


What is the identity of a 100.0 g sample of metal that, upon absorbing 4680 J of heat, increases in temperature by 52.0 °C? Metal Specific Heat Capacity J/(g.°c) Aluminum 0.90 Copper 0.38 Iron 0.45 Magnesium 1.00 Silver 0.23 Tin 0.32 Titanium 0.52 A) Mg B) AI C) Ti D) Fe


The metal is the Aluminium that has the 100.0 g sample of metal that, upon absorbing 4680 J of heat, increases in temperature by 52.0 °C.

We have a mass (m) of 100. g of an unknown steel that, while absorbs 4680 J of warmth (Q) will increase in temperature via way of means of 52.0°C (AT). The unique warmness capability (c) of the steel is the quantity of warmth required to elevate the temperature of the unit mass via way of means of the unit of temperature.

We can calculate it the usage of the subsequent expression.

c = Q/(m*Delta*T) = 4680J 100.g*52.0^ C = 0.900J/g.°CAluminum is the steel whose unique warmness capability is 0.900 J/g. °C.Aluminum is a steel that, in a 100. g pattern soaking up 4680 J of warmth will increase in temperature via way of means of 52.0 °C.

Read more about heat capability here:


A man and his bike are 95 kg. His instantaneous speed at one point is 14m/s. The next time his speed is
checked he is going 28m/s. If the second speed was taken 7 seconds later, what force must the man have given
his bike to change the speed? What was the bicyclist's final momentum?


and his transformation into a bug represents a more gradual transformation into a unique human being.

sodium hydroxide is added to a groundwater containing 10-4 m mg2 and 10-3 m ca2 . (use the solubility constants on canvas) (a) at what ph will mg(oh)2(s) begin to precipitate? (b) will ca(oh)2(s) precipitate at this ph? (c) at what ph will [mg2 ] be reduced to 10-6 m?


To figure out what concentration of hydroxide anions, OH, would cause the solid to precipitate out of solution, one must utilize the solubility product constant for magnesium hydroxide.

(a) The dissociation equilibrium for magnesium hydroxide is represented by the following equation: Mg ( OH ) 2(s) Mg 2 + (aq)+2 OH (aq)

Ksp, the solubility product constant, will be equal to [Mg 2 +]. ⋅ [ OH − ] 2 the quantity of hydroxide anions to determine the pOH of the solution.

[ OH − ] = √ 1.0 ⋅x10 − 11/ 10-4 = 0.00031

pOH = log ( [ OH] ) pOH = log ( 0.00031 ) = 3.5

pOH + pH = 14 to determine the solution's pH

pH = 14 3.5 = 10.5

(b) Ca(OH)2(s) will precipitate at this pH since it is the same as mg2

(c) Given that [mg2] = 10-6m

[OH ] = 1.0 x10 11/ 10-6 = 0.0031

pOH = log ( [ OH] ] =  pOH = log (0.0031 ) = 2.5,

the pH of the solution is pH = 14-2.5 = 11.5

To learn more about magnesium hydroxide click here


HELPPPPPP QUICK!!!!!! the cell below. This cell is best described as a


The cell in the above image is best described as a prokaryotic cell because it has DNA in the cytoplasm and does not contain membrane-bound organelles (option C).

What is a prokaryotic cell?

Prokaryotic cell is a cell having the characteristics of prokaryotes, especially bacteria. A prokaryote is an organism whose cell (or cells) are characterized by the absence of a nucleus or any other membrane-bound organelles.

Prokaryotic cells are single-celled microorganisms known to be the earliest on Earth. Prokaryotes include Bacteria and Archaea. The photosynthetic prokaryotes include cyanobacteria that perform photosynthesis.

Some of the characteristics of prokaryotic cells are as follows:

They lack a nuclear membrane.Mitochondria, Golgi bodies, chloroplast, and lysosomes are absent.The genetic material is present on a single chromosome.The histone proteins, the important constituents of eukaryotic chromosomes, are lacking in them

According to this question, a cell is given in an image and presented to lack a nucleus, instead it possesses a region called nucleoid where it's DNA is located.

This suggests that the cell is prokaryotic because the DNA is not located in a nucleus.

Learn more about prokaryotic cell at:


how can finding that the pepper moth's color is inherited help explain why the population has changed over time? On the chart at the end of this activity, summarize the evidence and record your interpretation


Pepper moth's dark color suits for the dart surroundings of night and it helps them to hide from their predators. The white peppered moth undergone extinction because the industrial revolution, made their white shelters dark.

What was natural selection for pepper moth?

The peppered moth, like many insects, can advantage from blending into its surroundings. This implies that the colors of the bird should complement the trees on which it rests. What would happen then if the trees started to change and the peppered moths lost their ability to fit in?

It could adjust in a variety of ways to these changes. The people might move (to try to find trees that match its color). In addition, the species may have changed over time to adapt to its new environment.

The light moths were blended with light trees. However, the industrial revolution changed the scenarios. It made the tree color dark, where the light moths can be easily catched by their predators. Whereas, the population dark moths increased.

To find more on pepper moths, refer here:


identify the statements that correctly describe the physical properties of organic compounds. multiple select question. organic compounds have lower melting points than ionic compounds. organic compounds have higher boiling points than ionic compounds. the intermolecular forces in organic molecules are much stronger than those found in ionic compounds. organic compounds are composed of covalent bonds.


Physical features of organic compounds substances are those that can be seen and measured. The melting point, boiling point, solubility, odor, and density are a few examples of physical qualities.

Which six physical characteristics do organic compounds possess?

The six physical characteristics of organic molecules that scientists can notice include color, melting point, boiling point, solubility, physical state, or odor.

Which seven physical characteristics do organic compounds possess?

In this lab, the following physical characteristics will be measured: solubility, density, melting point, boiling temperature, and refractive index. These physical characteristics may shed light on a substance's identity. The purity of a certain substance can also be ascertained using these similar characteristics.

To know more about organic compounds visit:-


what symbols are used to represent the charges on atoms in a polar covalent bond? the polarity of the bond?


Symbols used to represent the charges on atoms in a polar covalent bond are delta (δ). For the partial negative charge it is δ− and for partial positive charge it is δ+.

What is an atom?

Each strong, liquid, fuel, and plasma is composed of neutral or ionized atoms. Atoms are extremely small, typically around a hundred picometers throughout. They are so small that accurately predicting their behavior the usage of classical physics, as if they were tennis balls as an example, isn't always possible due to quantum effects. Greater than 99.94% of an atom's mass is inside the nucleus. The protons have an advantageous electric charge, the electrons have a terrible electric powered rate, and the neutrons don't have any electric powered fee. If the number of protons and electrons are identical, then the atom is electrically impartial.

To know more about atoms, click the link given below:


Can bromine and chlorine react?


Bromine and chlorine react to produce a selection of chemicals. Bromine reacts with chlorine to create bromide and also hydrogen chloride. Chlorine responds with bromine to develop chlorides, including chlorite and hypochlorite. These responses are utilized in industrial processes and can likewise occur naturally

Hydrogen, when combined with oxygen in a chemical reaction, forms water. this is an example of which type of chemical reaction?


Hydrogen, when combined with oxygen in a chemical reaction, forms water. this is an example of synthesis reaction.

2 H2(g) + O2(g) → 2 H2O(g)

A chemical reaction known as a synthesis reaction, also known as a direct combination reaction, occurs when two or more simple substances combine to create a more complex product. The product is always a compound, while the reactants can be either elements or other compounds. A synthesis reaction is characterized by the formation of a more complex product from the reactants. When two or more elements come together to form a compound, the synthesis reaction takes one simple form that is easy to recognize. The second kind of synthesis reaction takes place when an element and a compound come together to create a brand-new compound. Basically, find a product that includes all the reactant atoms to identify this reaction. Make sure to count the atoms in the reactants as well as the products.

To know more about   synthesis reaction visit :


What is the total number of elements in group 17 that are gases at room temperature.


Two is the total number of elements in group 17 that are gases at room temperature: fluorine and chlorine.

What elements make up group 17?

The chemical elements that make up group 17 of the periodic table are called halogens, which in the Greek language means salt former.

This group is made up of:

Fluorine (F)Chlorine (Cl)Bromine (Br)Iodine (I)Astatus (At)tenesus (Ts)

Halogens in a gaseous state

These elements are shown to have strong binding energy with other atoms but weak interactions with the diatomic fluorine molecule, which means that as one moves down the periodic table the element's reactivity decreases with increasing atom size.

The same happens with intermolecular binding energy, so fluorine and chlorine are the only elements in this group that are stable gases at room temperature.

Iodine is solid at room temperature, like bromine, but as soon as it gets slightly warm it melts and immediately evaporates into a thick, dense vapor, while astatine and tenesus are stable solids at room temperature.

Learn more about group 17 elements at


Which is the BEST question to find out whether an object has the right property for you to carry it in your backpack?
What does the object sound like?
What does the object taste like?
What is the color of the object?
What is the size of the object?


Answer: what is the size of the object

Explanation: then again though, i wouldn't carry something in my backpack that didn't taste good...

sum of the internal energy plus the product of the pressure and volume for a reaction


Enthalpy is a thermodynamic system's internal energy total as well as the volume times pressure ratio.

What do you name a thermodynamic system's total internal energy as well as the volume times pressure ratio?

As stated in the equation: H=U+PV, enthalpy (H) is the result of adding internal energy (U) and the product of pressure and volume (PV). The heat evolved (either emitted or absorbed) during a process that runs at constant pressure is equivalent to the change in enthalpy.

What are the effects of pressure and volume on internal energy?

The energy within remains constant. The ideal gas law states that when a gas is compressed while maintaining a constant pressure, the temperature decreases according to the volume. In this instance, more energy than you input heats the system.

to know more about enthalpy here:


What are three ways you can be exposed to chemicals?


The three ways by which we can be exposed to chemical are inhalation, Ingestion and skin contact.

As we know the Chemicals present in any laboratory can be present in any of the state among solid liquid and gas.

So, there are 3 ways by which we can be exposed to the chemicals.

The first one has by inhalation. When we directly inhales the gaseous Chemicals into our body.

The second is ingestion. When when we unknowingly ingest the Chemicals into our body, it is called ingestion of chemicals.

There are also some chemicals which can contaminate us by contact. This is called the skin contact exposure to chemicals.

Exposure to the chemical we should always use the safety precautions advised in the laboratories.

To know more about exposure to chemicals, visit,


What are the 3 types of covalent bonds and examples?


Depending upon the number of shared electron pairs, the covalent bond can be classified into:

Single Covalent Bond.

Double Covalent Bond.

Triple Covalent Bond.

A covalent bond is formed by the equal sharing of electrons from both participating atoms.

A type of chemical relationship known as a covalent bond entails the sharing of electron pairs between atoms. The electrical attraction of their nuclei for the electrons is what causes the binding. It is in charge of squeezing the atoms together. day  Covalent compounds are substances that display covalent bonding. In organic chemistry, covalent bonds are more frequent than ionic bonds. Another name for them is molecular bonding.

To know more about covalent bond, visit;


which is most likely to form a negative ion? none of the answers stated an element from group 17 an element from group 1 a metal


An element from group 17 is the most likely to form a negative ion.

Define negative ions.

Humans inhale a lot of negative ions, which are invisible, odorless, and tasteless molecules, in some situations.

They can also generate positive ions in other scenarios because they have additional electrons in their valence shell.

However, all of the elements in group 17 have seven electrons in their valence shells, therefore one more electron is needed for them to reach the octet state.

Consequently, they gain electrons to form negative ions.

Therefore, an element from group 17 is most likely to form a negative ion.

To learn more about negative ion from the given link.


How long will it take before twenty percent of our 1000-gram sample of uranium-235 has decayed?.


It will take 226,572,993 years to decay If twenty percent of 1000 gram sample of uranium-235 has decayed.

This is calculated using the Decay equation. Radioactive decay is the process by which an unstable atomic nucleus loses energy by radiation. A material containing unstable nuclei is considered radioactive. Three of the most common types of decay are alpha decay, beta decay, and gamma decay, all of which involve emitting one or more particles The decay equation is,

             A(t) = A0 e k.t      

where t is the time for the decay, and K is the characteristic of the material. Suppose T is the time it takes for half of the unstable material in a sample of a radioactive substance to decay, called its half-life.

To learn more about Radioactive decay please visit:


a 13.7 g sample of a compound exerts a pressure of 2.01 atm in a 0.750 l flask at 399k. what is the molar mass of the compound


The molar mass of the compound is 298 g/mol.

Define molar mass?

The mass of a sample of a chemical compound divided by the number of moles in the sample, measured in moles, is known as the molar mass of that compound.


Mass of sample = 13.7 g

Pressure P = 2.01 atm

Volume V = 0.750 L

Temperature T = 399 K

From the ideal gas equation,

PV = nRT

n = PV/RT

= 2.01 atm  x 0.750 L  / 0.0821 L-atm/mol-K x 399 K

= 0.04602 mol

It is calculated as,

Molar mass of the compound = mass /moles

= 13.7 g / 0.04602 mol

= 297.7 g/mol

= 298 g/mol

Therefore, the molar mass of the compound is = 298 g/mol.

To learn more about molar mass from the given link.


place the components of the electron‑transport chain to outline the flow of electrons from nadh to o2.


The electron transport chain consists of several protein complexes, which are typically arranged in the following order: NADH dehydrogenase,FADH2 dehydrogenase Complex I, Complex II, Complex III, Complex IV,ATP synthase, Cytochrome c oxidase.

NADH (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) donates its electrons to the first component of the electron transport chain, which is usually an enzyme called NADH dehydrogenase. The electrons are then passed from NADH dehydrogenase to the next component of the electron transport chain, which is typically an enzyme called flavin adenine dinucleotide (FADH2) dehydrogenase. The electrons are then passed from FADH2 dehydrogenase to a series of protein complexes known as the electron transport chain. These complexes, which are embedded in the inner membrane of the mitochondria, are called Complex I, Complex II, Complex III, and Complex IV. As the electrons pass through these complexes, they release energy, which is used to pump protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane. This creates a proton gradient, which is a concentration difference of protons on either side of the membrane. The protons then flow back through a protein called ATP synthase, which uses the energy of the flowing protons to produce ATP, the main source of energy for the cell. Finally, the electrons are passed to the final component of the electron transport chain, which is usually an enzyme called cytochrome c oxidase. This enzyme combines the electrons with oxygen to form water, completing the process of cellular respiration.

to know more about dehydrogenase


What patterns do you notice as you move down the groups on the periodic table?


On the periodic table, as you move down you will notice that the atomic radius is increases and atomic number of elements are rises.

The chemical and physical characteristics of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers, according to the Modern Periodic Law.

The number of shells grows as we advance down the group, increasing the atomic size as a result.

For instance, the group in which Sodium (Na) and Lithium (L), both belong is Group 1.

Lithium is composed of 3 atoms and has the structure 2(K), 1. (L).

Sodium, on the other hand, has 11 atomic numbers and is configured as 2(K), 8(L), and 1. (M).

So, The number of occupied levels and an element's atomic number rises while the effective nuclear charge on the outermost electron stays the same. The atomic radius grows as a result.

To learn more about Periodic table, here :


When the equation NaOH H2SO4 → is completed and balanced one of the products is ___?


When the equation NaOH + H2SO4 → is completed and balanced, one of the products is Sodium sulphate (NaSO4)

Sodium hydroxide reacts with sulphuric acid and has chemical formula is Naoh+h2so4 producing the product of (NaSO4+H2O) Sodium sulphate and water. This is an acid-base reaction and the product obtained is in the form of salt and water. Sodium sulphate is salt(product of neutralisation reaction).

Sodium hydroxide is an inorganic and strong base which is also known as caustic soda. The chemical formula of sodium hydroxide is NaOH and Sulphuric acid is strong acid with chemical formula H2So4.

When Both H2So4 and NaOH combine, the  acid-base reaction will occur. Sodium hydroxide is a base that reacts with an acid, i.e., sulfuric acid to give respective salt and water as the product where Sodium sulphate is salt as a product . The reaction is an example of a neutralisation reaction.

To know more about Neutralisation reaction visit here ;


a radioactive element with two isotopes has been discovered on a planet with different physical laws than earth's. the isotope undergoes fission when bombarded with neutrons. however, one isotope of is far more abundant than the other. to separate it from , is first converted to , which is easily vaporized above room temperature. the mixture of and is then subjected to many stages of effusion. calculate how much more quickly effuses than . give the answer as the ratio of rates of to to four decimal places.


Two radioactive elements that naturally occur in the crust of the Earth are uranium and thorium. These two substances progressively alter over billions of years, yielding decay byproducts including radon and radium.

What substance is the most radioactive?

Therefore, radium must have extremely high radioactivity. The radioactivity of this material exceeds that of uranium by a million times. It emits a faint blue glow due to its extreme radioactivity.

What makes an element radioactive?

the causes of radioactivity in various elements (unstable). When an element's atoms include excess neutrons or protons, the extra energy produced in the nucleus leads to the unbalance or instability of the atom.

To know more about radioactive visit:-


atp is considered a high-energy molecule. when atp undergoes hydrolysis to adp, how much energy is produced?
A. 7.3 kcal/mole is required
B. 7.3 kcal/mole is released
C. 21.9 kcal/mol is released
D. 14.6 kcal/mole is released


ATP is considered a high-energy molecule. When ATP undergoes hydrolysis to ADP, 7.3 kcal/mol energy is produced.

ATP must continuously undergo replenishment to fuel the ever-working cell. The routine intracellular concentration of ATP is 1 to 10 uM.

What is hydrolysis?

Hydrolysis is a chemical reaction of the interaction of chemicals with water, which leads to the decomposition of both the substance and the water. Hydrolysis reactions are possible with salts, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, etc. Hydrolysis of organic substances in catabolic reactions usually takes place with the participation of enzymes.Proteins are divided into amino acids, fats into glycerol and fatty acids, and polysaccharides into monosaccharides.Hydrolysis disrupts the bond network in silicates and is therefore considered a fundamental step in the dissolution of silicate and aluminosilicate glasses, ceramics and minerals.

To know more about hydrolysis reactions, click the link given below:


(s) how much excess reactant remains after the combustion of 6.53 moles of ethane gas with 10.6 moles of oxygen gas?


The 3.51 mol  of ethane will be excess.

What is combustion?

Burning can also be referred to as combustion. Fuel is heated and interacts with oxygen in a combustion reaction. The three elements of fuel, heat, and oxygen required for combustion are summed up by the fire triangle. A fire extinguishes when one of these items is taken from it.

What is reactant ?

Reactants are the materials that take part in a chemical reaction. The process through which atoms, the fundamental constituents of matter, rearrange themselves to create new combinations is known as a chemical reaction. Raw materials that interact with one another are known as reactants.

6.53 moles of ethane gas

10.6 moles of oxygen gas

The combustion of ethane follows the following reaction

C₂H₆+7/2 0₂ ⇒   2CO₂+3H₂0

so,⊥ mole of the C₂H₆ needed 7/2 or 3.5 mol  0₂

here  0₂ will be limiting reagent

so, the mole of ethane combust completed = mole of 0₂ / 3.5

= 10.6/3.5


≈3.02 mol

mole of excess reagent = 6.53- 3.02

= 3.51 mol g C₂H₆

so,  3.51 mol  of ethane will be excess.

Therefore,  3.51 mol  of ethane will be excess.

Learn more about combustion from the link.


a colorless, odorless gas that is composed of carbon and oxygen. it is absorbed from the air by plants and produced when people and animals breathe out.


Carbon dioxide is a gas composed of carbon and oxygen. This gas is breathed out by people and animals and is absorbed by plants.

In each of the carbon dioxide molecules, one carbon atom is covalently doubly connected to two oxygen atoms. At room temperature, it exists as a gas.  Its chemical formula is written as CO₂.

At atmospheric temperatures and pressures, this gas is colorless, odorless, non-toxic, and inflammable. This is produced as the byproduct of metabolic reactions in animals and people and is breathed out during respiration. But plants use this carbon dioxide to produce glucose and oxygen using photosynthesis.

To know more about carbon dioxide:


a regioselective reaction is one which?question 5 options:a single product is producemultiple products are made in equal amounts.


The option (c) is correct- multiple products are made with one in excess of the others.

What is regioselective reaction  ?

Any mechanism that promotes bond formation at a specific atom over other potential atoms is said to be "regioselective." The term "regiochemistry" refers to the description of a reaction's regioselectivity (or lack thereof).

What is reaction ?

A chemical reaction involves the transformation of one or more chemicals, also known as reactants, into one or more additional substances, also known as products. Substances are composed of chemical components or chemical compounds.

Therefore, the option (c) is correct- multiple products are made with one in excess of the others.

Learn more about regioselective reaction from the given link.


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