Given that events "A" and "B" are independent, P(A) = 0.80, and P(A and B) = 0.24, what is P(B)?


Answer 1




Given two independent events, A and B:

[tex]P(A\cap B)=P(A)\times P(B)[/tex]

Substitute the given values:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 0.24=0.8\times P(B) \\ \text{ Divide both sides by 0.8} \\ \frac{0.24}{0.8}=\frac{0.8\times P(B)}{0.8} \\ P(B)=0.3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The probability of event B is 0.3.

Related Questions

write a cubic function with the three open blue points as roots


Okay, here we have this:

Considering the provided points, we are going to write a cubic function with these points as roots, so we have this:

The factored function will be equal to the multiplication of three binomials, where the first term will be x and the second will be each root with an inverse sign. Then we have:


Now we are going to operate each term to obtain the expanded function:

[tex]\begin{gathered} f(x)=x^2x+x^2\mleft(-6\mright)-4x-4\mleft(-6\mright) \\ f(x)=x^3-6x^2-4x+24 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The last one we write is the function we are looking for and satisfies the requested roots.

Describe how the graph of the function is a transformation of the original function f.y=f(x+16)This results in a Answer shift to the graph Answer units Answer.


When we add a constant to the argument of a function, we are shifting the graph horizontally. If the constant is positive, the graph gets shifted to the left, if it's negative, the graph gets shifted to the right.

With this in mind we can solve the problem. The constant "16" was added to the argument of the function "f(x)". This results in a "horizontal" shift to the graph "16" units "to the left".

A student cafeteria has 24 tables, tables X has 4 seats each, tables Y has 6 seats each, and tables Z has 10 seats each. The total seating capacity of the cafeteria is 148. For a student meeting, half of tables X, 1/4 of tables Y, and 1/3 of tables Z will be used, for a total of 9 tables. Determine X, Y, and Z. ( Answer the final answer in a full sentence. )


Answer: For a meeting, half of x, 1/4 of y, and 1/3 of z will be used for a total of 9 tables:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x+y+z=9 \\ \\ \\ \\ \frac{1}{2}x=\frac{4}{2}=2 \\ \\ \frac{1}{4}y=\frac{6}{4}=\frac{3}{2} \\ \\ \frac{1}{3}z=\frac{10}{3} \\ \\ \text{ Since we have a total of 9 tables therefore we have:} \\ \\ 3x+3y+3z\Rightarrow\text{ Total number of chairs.} \\ \\ 3(2)+3(\frac{3}{2})+3(\frac{10}{3})=6+\frac{9}{2}+10 \\ \\ \\ \text{Therefore:} \\ \\ ------------------------------- \\ \\ x=6 \\ \\ y=\frac{9}{2} \\ \\ z=10 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore the x = 6 and y = 9/2 and z = 10 is the answer.

Which ratio represents the ratio 6 cups to 4 quarts in simplest form? ●3 to 8 ●6 to 16 ●3 to 4 ●3 to 2


Simplift the ratio of 6 cups to 4 quarts.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{6}{4}=\frac{2\times3}{2\times2} \\ =\frac{3}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

So in simplest form ratio is 3 to 2.

Convert the repeated decimal 0.47 into a fraction using infinite geometric series.





Given the repeated decimal 0.4747...

This can be splitted into;

0.47 + 0.0047 + 0.000047 + ...

On rewriting;

47/100 + 47/10000 + 47/1000000 + ...

The given series is a geometric progression

The sum to infinity of a geometric progression is expressed as;

[tex]S\infty\text{ = }\frac{a}{1-r}[/tex]

a is the first term

r is the common ratio

From the sequence;

a = 47/100

r = (47/10000)/(47/100)

r = 47/10000 * 100/47

r = 1/100


[tex]\begin{gathered} S\infty\text{ = }\frac{\frac{47}{100}}{1-\frac{1}{100}} \\ S\infty\text{ = }\frac{\frac{47}{100}}{\frac{99}{100}} \\ S\infty\text{ = }\frac{47}{100}\cdot\frac{100}{99} \\ S\infty\text{ = }\frac{47}{99} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Henec the repeated fraction to decimal is 47/99

If a1=2 and an+1 =(an)² - 4 then find the value of a4


From the Question given, we are able to write the following relationship:

[tex]\begin{gathered} a_1=2 \\ a_{n+1}=(a_n)²-4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

By substituting the values 1, 2, and 3, we are able to calculate as follows:


Use quadratic formula to find the roots of x^2+2x-7


Okay, here we have this:


We will solve using the general formula, then we obtain:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_{1,2}=\frac{-2\pm\sqrt[]{2^2-4\cdot1\cdot(-7)}}{2\cdot1} \\ =\frac{-2\pm\sqrt[]{4+28}}{2} \\ =\frac{-2\pm\sqrt[]{32}}{2} \\ =\frac{-2\pm4\sqrt[]{2}}{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Let's separate the solutions:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x_1=\frac{-2+4\sqrt[]{2}}{2} \\ =\frac{2(-1+2\sqrt[]{2})}{2} \\ =-1+2\sqrt[]{2} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} x_2_{}=\frac{-2-4\sqrt[]{2}}{2} \\ =\frac{2(-1-2\sqrt[]{2})}{2} \\ =-1-2\sqrt[]{2} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Finally we obtain that the roots are: -1+2√2 and -1-2√2.

which graph represents the inequalities.2x+y>4. i attatched the graphs below.




According to the given question, you are to find the graph that represents the inequality 2x+y>4.

First, we need to find the x and y-intercept of the line.

For x-intercept

x-intercept occurs at the point where y = 0.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2x+y=4 \\ 2x+0=4 \\ 2x=4 \\ x=2 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the x-intercept occur at (2, 0)

For the y-intercept

y-intercept occurs at the point where x = 0

[tex]\begin{gathered} 2(0)+y=4 \\ y=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Hence the y-intercept s at (0, 4)

To get the correct graph, we will look at the line that has an x-intercept at (2, 0) and y-inercept at (0, 4)

2) Joe has a cube of cheese that measures 4 inches on each edge. He cuts out a 1-inch cube of
cheese from each of the eight corners, as shown below. What percentage of the cheese does
Joe cut out from the original cube of cheese? Express your answer as a decimal.


The percentage of the cheese cut off by Joe from the original cube of cheese is 12.5% by application of the formula for finding the volume of a cube.

Volume of a cube

The volume of a cube is defined as the total number of cubic units occupied by the cube. The formula is given as V = a³ where "a" is the length of edge or sides.

Given that the cube of cheese has 4inches of length on its edges, then volume;

V = 4³inches

V = (4×4×4) inches

V = 64inches

the total volume cut off by Joe from the original cube of cheese;

V = 1inch × 8edges of the cube cheese

V = 8inches

Therefore, the percentage of the cube cheese cut off by Joe from the original cheese is derived as;

(8/64) × 100 = 12.5% by simplification.

Learn more about volume of cube here:


At a party, there are 40 prizes, which are either kazoos or whistles. The tape diagram shows the ratio of kazoos to whistles.

kazoos: 3-15
whistles: 5-25
Total Prizes: 8-40

Khan Academy


Using ratios we know that there are 15 kazoos and 25 whistles out of the total 40 gifts.

What are ratios?In mathematics, a ratio shows how frequently one number appears in another. For instance, the ratio of oranges to lemons in a fruit plate would be eight to six if there were eight oranges and six lemons. Oranges make up 8:14 of the total fruit, whereas lemons make up 6:8 of the total fruit.

So, the complete number of prizes—is 40 kazoos or whistles.

The ratio of whistles to kazoos is shown in the diagram.The original proportion of kazoos to whistles was therefore 3:5.Using this ratio, the total prize equals 3 + 5 = 8.Assume that there are 3 times as many Kazoos.Whistles = number of times 5

We can state that 3/8 of the total rewards will be kazoos and 5/8 of the total awards will be whistling in this case.

Quantity of kazoos:  3/8 × 40 = 15The quantity of whistling: 5/8 × 40 = 25

Therefore, using ratios we know that there are 15 kazoos and 25 whistles out of the total 40 gifts.

Know more about ratios here:


An employee makes $10.51 per hour but is getting a 3% increase. What is his new wage per hour to the nearest cent?


First, we find 3% of $10.51.


Then, we add this increase to $10.51.

[tex]10.51+0.32=10.83[/tex]Hence, the new wage per hour is $10.83.

9Philip is saving money to buy a new computer. He saves the same amount ofmoney each week.After 2 weeks of saving, Philip still needs $520 to buy the computer.After 6 weeks of saving, Philip still needs $300 to buy the computer.How much does the computer cost?


First let's calculate how much money Philip saves each week.

In 4 weeks, he saved 520 - 300 = $220, so he saved 220/4 = $55 per week.

Then, we have that after 2 weeks of saving, he still needed $520, so before this saving, he needed:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 520+2\cdot55 \\ =520+110 \\ =630 \end{gathered}[/tex]

So the computer costs $630.

A line passes through(1,-5) and (-3,7) write an equation for the line in point-slope form Rewrite the equation in slope-intercept form A. Y-5=1/3(x+1) ; y =1/3x + 16/3 B. Y+5=-3(x-1); y=-3x-2 C. Y-1=1/3(x+5);y=-1/3x+3/8 D. Y-5=3(x-1);y=3x+8


Step 1: Concept

Write the formula for the equation of a line in terms of point-slope form

and in slope-intercept form.

[tex]\begin{gathered} Pi\text{ont slope form is given below} \\ y-y_1=m(x-x_1) \\ \text{Slope}-\text{intercept form} \\ y\text{ = mx + c} \\ m\text{ = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]


m = slope

c = intercept

Step 2: Represent the coordinates

[tex]\begin{gathered} (x_1,y_1\text{ ) = (1, -5)} \\ (x_2,y_2\text{ ) = ( -3, 7)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 3: Find the slope, using slope formula.

[tex]\begin{gathered} m\text{ = slope} \\ \text{m = }\frac{y_2-y_1}{x_2-x_1} \\ m\text{ = }\frac{7\text{ -(-5)}}{-3\text{ -1}} \\ m\text{ = }\frac{7\text{ + 5}}{-4} \\ m\text{ = }\frac{12}{-4} \\ m\text{ = -3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 4: Write an equation for the line in point-slope form.

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{y - y}_1=m(x-x_1) \\ y\text{ -(-5) = -3(x - 1)} \\ \text{y + 5 = -3(x - 1)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Step 5: Simplify the equation in 4 to write the equation in slope-intercept form.

y + 5 = -3(x - 1)

y + 5 = -3x + 3

y = -3x + 3 - 5

y = -3x - 2

Final answer

Option B

y + 5 = -3(x - 1)

y = -3x - 2

f(x) = 3x² +5
g(x) = 4x - 2
h(x) = x²-3x+1
Find f(x) + g(x) - h(x).
O 2x² + 7x + 2
O 2x² + x + 2
O 5x² + 4
O 7x² + x +4





3x²+5+4x+2-x²+3x-1 [opened the brackets and changed the signs]

3x²-x²+4x+3x+5+2-1 [arranged the liked terms]



I don't see my answer in your options but trust me I have learned this and I am pretty sure that my answer is correct!!!!!!!

Please help me with #1Please help me on my hw


The given expression is,


According to the law of exponents,

[tex]\begin{gathered} (xy)^m=x^my^m\text{ ---(a)} \\ (x^m)^n=x^{mn}\text{ ---(b)} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Applying the law of exponents to the given expression,

[tex]\begin{gathered} (2x^2)^3=2^3(x^2)^3\text{ (using law (a))} \\ =8x^{2\times3}\text{ (using law (b))} \\ =8x^6 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the correct expression is


Use the Remainder Theorem to explain whether or not (x − 2) is a factor of F(x) = x4 − 2x3 + 3x2 − ax+ 3



The remainder theorem states that when a polynomial P(x) is divided by (x - a), for some number a, the remainder r is equal to P(a). Also states that when P(a) = 0, then (x - a) is a factor of P(x).

Then, let us see the result of evaluating the given polynomial when x = 2.

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=2 \\ F\lparen x)=x^4−2x^3+3x^2−ax+3 \\ F(2)=2^4−2(2)^3+3(2)^2−a(2)+3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

2. Microsoft Corp. has made an offer to acquire 1.5 million shares of Apple$374 per share. They offered Apple 10 million shares of Microsoft worth $25 pershare, but they need to make up the difference with other shares. They have othershares worth $28 per share. How many of the $28 shares (to the nearest share) dothey also have to offer to make an even swap? Explain your work using words,numbers, and/or pictures


[tex]\begin{gathered} 1.5\text{ million shares=1,500,000} \\ cost=\text{ \$374} \\ Total=(\text{\$}374)(1,500,000) \\ Total=\text{\$}561,000,000 \\ 10\text{ million shares=10,000,000} \\ cost=\text{ \$25} \\ Total=(\text{\$25})(10,000,000) \\ Total=\text{ \$}250,000,000 \\ Difference=\text{ \$561,000,000-\$250,000,000} \\ Difference=\text{ \$311,000,000} \\ \text{ \$}28\text{ per share} \\ Total\text{ of shares=}\frac{\text{\$311,000,000}}{\text{ \$}28\text{ per share}} \\ Total\text{ of shares=11,107,143} \\ They\text{ have to offer 11,107,143 shares} \end{gathered}[/tex]

4(3y-7)=-3(-2y) - 4
What is the y




Step-by-step explanation:

first we have to distribute






Hopes this helps please mark brainliest

Suppose that the demand and supply for artificial Christmas trees is given by the functions below where p is the price of a tree in dollars and q is the quantity of trees that are demanded/supplied in hundreds. Find the price that gives the market equilibrium price and the number of trees that will be sold/bought at this price.p=109.70−0.10q (demand function)p=0.01q2+5.91 (supply function)


The equilibrium price is the price at which the demand function is equal to the supply function.

Hence it is given by:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 109.70-0.10q=0.01q^2+5.91 \\ 0.01q^2+0.10q-103.79=0 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Solve the quadratic equation to get:


Now the quantity cannot be negative hence the value of q=97. Hence 97 hundred trees is the demand.

The equilibrium price is given by:

[tex]p=109.70-0.10q=100\text{ dollars}[/tex]

Hence Option A is correct and the boxes to be filled is given by the statement given below:

The equilibrium price of $100 gives a demand that is equal to a supply of 97 hundred trees.

x^2- 20x = -2x – 80In (x+a)^2=b form please hurry


Completing Squares

It's given the following equation:


We are required to express the equation in the form:


The first step is sending all the variables to the left side of the equation.

Adding 2x:

[tex]\begin{gathered} x^2-20x+2x=-80 \\ \\ \text{Simplifying:} \\ x^2-18x=-80 \end{gathered}[/tex]

To complete squares, we need to recall the following identity:


The expression on the left side is missing the third term to be a perfect square. Note that comparing


2pq = -18x

This means that

q = -18x/2p

q = -18x/2x

q = -9

Now we know the value of the second term, we need to add q^2=81:


The left side of the equation is the square of x-9, and the right side can be calculated:


Now we have the required expression, where a=-9 and b = 1


Mr. Abraham, a married man, works a 40 hour work week, 48 wooks each yoor, His hourly rate of pay is $36.60 por hour. Aftor tax deductions for his two exemptions, his bl-wookly taxablo wagos were 12,410.77. How much is deducted from each paycheck for fodoral income tax? Noto: Porcontage mothod for calculation: For taxablo bi-wooklywages over 5066, but not over $2,698 - 366,40, plus 18% of excess over $068.$200,00$278.56$283.32$294.70None of these choices are correct.


We know that the biweekly tax is equal to $65.40 plus 15% of excess over $958. In this case the excess is:


Then for this excess the tax is:


Hence the total tax is:


Therefore the answer is the third option.

How do I solve the role of zero?f(x) = (x - 2)^5 (x + 4)^3



2 and -4


We are given the function:

f(x) = (x - 2)^5 (x + 4)^3

We simply need to find the zeros of the function and to do that, we need to find the values of x such that the function will be 0.

The function has already been factorised and so, we simply need to identify the zeros.

There are two zeros for the function and they are 2 and -4.

This is because when x is either 2 or -4, the function resolves to 0.

When x = 2:

[tex](2-2)^5(2+4)^3=0(6)^3\text{ = 0}[/tex]

and when x = -4:

[tex](-4-2)^5(-4+4)^3=(-6)^50\text{ = 0}[/tex]

And so, the zeros of the function are 2 and -4.

Supposed that the mean systolic blood pressure for women I’ve age seventy is 131mmHg ( millimeters of mercury), with a standard deviation of 9 mmHg. Supposed that the blood pressure are normally distributed. Complete the following statements ( choose correct answers 68%,75%,95%,99.7%)


To answer the question, having a z-table with you will help. We can also use the 68-95-99.7 rule.

The rule states that 68.27% of a normally distributed data set is within one standard deviation of the mean, 95.45% is within two standard deviations, and 99.73% is with three standard deviations.

Given that the mean is 131 mmHg and the standard deviation is 9 mmHg, we can calculate the boundaries which are 3 standard deviations away from the mean by adding and subtracting three times the standard deviation.

[tex]\begin{gathered} 131-(3\times9)=104 \\ \\ 131+(3\times9)=158 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, approximately 99.7% of women over seventy have blood pressures between 104 mmHg and 158 mmHg.

Now let's find out how many standard deviations away 122 mmHg and 140 mmHg are from the mean.

[tex]\begin{gathered} z=\frac{122-131}{9}=-1 \\ \\ z=\frac{140-131}{9}=1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

122 and 140 mmHg are within 1 standard deviation of the mean. Using the 68-95-99.7 rule, we know that approximately 68.27% of women over seventy have blood pressures between 122 mmHg and 140 mmHg.

On a school trip, there are 9 boys, 10 girls and 4 adults. Write each as a ratio.Girls to Boys10:9Boys and Girls to Adults9:10:4Adults to Boys and Girls4:9:10



Boys = 9

Girls = 10

Adults = 4




girls to boys

as girls are 10 and boys are 9 ,

so the ratio =


boys and girls to adults

boys and girls = 9 + 10 = 19

so the ratio =


adults to boys and girls


Final Answer

a) 10:9

b) 19:4

c) 4:19

The graph of a function is shown on the coordinate plane below. Which relationship represents a function with the same slope as the function graphed?


If (x_1, y_1) and (x_2, y_2) are points of a line, its slope is given by:


From the graph of the function, we see that the line passes through the points:

• (x_1, y_1) = (-1, 6),


• (x_2, y_2) = (0, 1).

The slope of the line is:


A) Using the points:

• (x_1, y_1) = (-2, 0),


• (x_2, y_2) = (2, 10).

We find that the slope of this line is:


This function has not the same slope as the line of the graph.

B) The general equation of a line is:

[tex]y=m\cdot x+b\text{.}[/tex]

Where m is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Comparing the general equation with the equation:


we see that the slope of the line of this equation is m = -5.

This function has the same slope as the line of the graph.

C) Using the points:

• (x_1, y_1) = (-4, 8),


• (x_2, y_2) = (0, 5).

We find that the slope of this line is:


This function has not the same slope as the line of the graph.

D) Comparing the general equation with the equation:


we see that the slope of the line of this equation is m = -5/4.

This function has not the same slope as the line of the graph.


B. y = -5x + 3

Find F-1(x), the inverse of F(x), for 3 and 4


Solving for number 3:

Step 1. Define the function.

The original function we have is:


Step 2. To find the inverse function, the first thing we need to do is to change F(x) for y:


Step 3. Now, we are going to interchange the letters x and y (swap x and y):


Step 4. Finally, the last step is to solve for y:


change y for F-1(x), and the inverse function is:





Solving for number 3:

Step 1. Define the function.

The original function we have is:

Step 2. To find the inverse function, the first thing we need to do is to change F(x) for y:

Step 3. Now, we are going to interchange the letters x and y (swap x and y):

Step 4. Finally, the last step is to solve for y:

Change y for F-1(x), and the inverse function is:


Step-by-step explanation:

A sun is a distant of galaxy what is the distance


We would divide the mass of the sun by the mass of the earth. From the information given,

mass of earth = 5.972 x 10^24

mass of sun = 1.61244 x 10^31

Number of earths = 1.61244 x 10^31/5.972 x 10^24 = 2.7 x 10^6

It will take 2.7 x 10^6 to equal the mass of the sun

A​ self-tanning lotion advertises that a ​4-oz bottle will provide six applications. Jen found a great deal on a 19​-oz bottle of the​ self-tanning lotion she had been using. Based on the advertising​ claims, how many applications of the​ self-tanner should Jen​ expect?


The number of applications of the self-tanner that Jen should expect would be= 28.5 applications

What is self-tanning lotion?

A self-tanning lotion is defined as the type of lotion that can be used to artificially tan the skin and it is applied topically.

The number of applications for 4oz of the lotion= 6

The number of applications for 19oz of the lotion= X

Make X the subject of formula;

X = 19×6/4

X = 114/4

X= 28.5 applications

Therefore, based on the advertisement claims of a 19 Oz bottle of self-tanning lotion, the number of applications Jen should expect is 28.5.

Learn more about multiplication here:


Two fifths of the instruments in the marching band are brass


A 4/15 fraction of the band's instruments are woodwinds.

What is a fraction?

It describes how many parts of a certain there are. The foundations of fractions explain the top and bottom numbers in a fraction. It represents a numerical value that expresses a part of a whole. The whole can be any specific value or a particular number. A fraction has two parts. The figure above the line is known as the numerator and the number below the line is termed the denominator.

Given, two-fifths of the marching band is brass. And one-third of them are percussion.

Multiply 2/5 by 3 we get, 6/15

And multiply 1/3 by 5 we get, 5/15

Given, that the rest are woodwind instruments,

Then, 1-(6/15)-(5/15)=4/15

4/15 fraction of the band's instruments are woodwinds

To know more about fractions, visit:


The complete question is:

"Two-fifths of the instruments in the marching band are brass, one-third are percussion, and the rest are woodwinds. What fraction of the band is woodwinds?"

jon: 1 ptgiven by f(x) = |x| – 4. Find each of the indicated function values.(b) f(4)(c) f(a + 4)(Simplify your answer.)


we have

f(x) = |x| – 4

Part b



For x=4

substitute in the expression above

f(4) = |4| – 4



Part c



For x=(a+4)


f(a+4) = |(a+4)| – 4



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The average price of a new home in a neighborhood in thousands of dollars (f(x)) is related to the number of years since the neighborhood was built (x) in the function: Use the graph of the function to describe its domain.A. The domain is the average price of homes in a new neighborhood, which is represented by all real numbers from 0 to 100B. The domain is the average price of homes in a new neighborhood, which is represented by all real numbers from 0 to infinity C. The domain is the number of years since the neighborhood was built, which is represented by all real numbers from zero to infinityD. The domain is the number of years since the neighborhood was built, which is represented by all real numbers from 0 to 100l Which of the following is a factor of x + 343?x-7x - 14x + 49x + 7x +49x+7 Lionfish are considered an invasive species, with an annual growth rate of 69%. A scientist estimates there are 9,000 lionfish in a certain bay after the first year. A bag contains 6 green balls and 4 yellow balls. What is the probability that two balls picked randomly are both of the same color? identify the term in experimentation -2X write the expanded form of the expression : 7(2x + y) Explain how both nucleic acids and proteins are polymers. be sure to describe the monomers that make up the polymers. CAN YOU HELP?I was asked by my teacher to do a project where I ask two people to do a five sentence paragraph about something they're passionate about. Instructions are down below. /Write one paragraph (minimum five sentences) about something you really feel strongly about. What is something in your life you feel passionate about? It can be a hobby, an idea, or anything else that you feel drives you! A graph shows three linear relationships but different y y-intercepts the following slopes line1: 1 / 5 line 2: 3/5 line 3: 6 / 5 write an equation for each line type your answers in the boxes below Producing all postage stamps, currency, and coinageManaging government accounts and the United States public debtEnforcing Federal finance and tax lawsAll of these are duties of what Executive Department of the U.S. Government?.A StateB commerceCommerceC JusticeD Treasury Reread this section from Act I, Scene III of Macbeth to determine a possible theme in the play, as revealed by foreshadowing. Then answer the follow-up questions.Part AWhich of the following statements best identifies an event foreshadowed in the passage and a possible theme it suggests?A) Banquos son will kill Macbeths; fate will eventually have its way.B) Banquo will not be king but will be better off than Macbeth, who will; power can have a destructive effect.C) Macbeth and Banquo will fight over the crown; friendship is often forgotten in the struggle for power.D) Macbeth and Banquo have gone mad; war and conflict can lead to mental as well as physical damage.Part BWhich of the following lines from the passage best supports your answer in Part A?A) FIRST WITCH: Lesser than Macbeth, and greater.B) THIRD WITCH: Thou shalt get kings, though thou be noneC) BANQUO: Were such things here as we do speak about? Or have we eaten on the insane root That takes the reason prisoner?D) BANQUO: You shall be king. Why did Sir Syed Ahmad Khan think that education was very important for Muslims? Nora needs help to manage her time better. What would you suggest? A. She should delegate all her work. B. She should stop attending staff meetings. C. She should keep her work area organized. D. She should put in more hours at the workplace. Lists the groups of the periodic table in order from left to right. Find the sum of the first three terms of the geometric series represented by the formula an = (825)(52)(n - 1). what would happen to your nervous system of the neurotransmitters in your body were suddenly blocked from passing into the synaptic spaces Write an equation of a parabola that opens upward, has a vertex at the origin, and a focus at (0, 1). Without dividing how can you decide whether the quotient of 7.16 4 will be less than or greater than 2 E. O-8.237 kg m/s4. An object of mass 0.2 kg falling vertically downwardhits the ground with a speed of 13 m/s and bouncesback vertically upward with a speed 4 m/s. If the object was incontact with the ground for 0.5 seconds, calculate theaverage force exerted by the ground on the object. (1 point)A. 06.8 NB. 10.563 NC. 09.048 ND. 12.856 NE. 03.149 N5. An object was acted upon by a force of 24 for 0.8seconds. Calculate the change in its momentum. (1 point) An iron railroad railis 750 ft long when the temperature is 34C. What is its length (in ft) when the temperature is -18C? (Round your answer to at least 3 decimal placeFt