give the function f(x)=-2x-5 determine the value of f(-3)


Answer 1

We have the next function


And we must calculate f (-3).

To calculate it we must replace x = -3 in the function.


Finally, we must simplify the answer


So, the answer is


Related Questions

16.2-(3×4) + (14÷2) I have to tell how many terms the expression has.


The expression we have is:


A term in an expression in every part of the said expression, for example, in the expression 10+3, 10 and 3 are terms.

For the case of our expression, each number is a term:

16.2, 3, 4, 14, and 2 are terms.

So in total, we have 5 terms.

Answer: 5 terms

base: 5 ft 5 area: 5-ft?


area of the triangle is


then solve for h:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 5\frac{5}{6}=\frac{1}{2}(5)h \\ \frac{35}{6}=\frac{5}{2}h \\ \frac{35}{6}\times\frac{2}{5}=\frac{5}{2}\times\frac{2}{5}h \\ h=\frac{70}{30}=\frac{7}{3} \\ h=2\frac{1}{3} \end{gathered}[/tex]

answer: h = 2 1/3

Which facts are true for the graph of the function below? Check all that apply.F(x) = log8x



Given the function f(x) = log_8 x.

The facts that apply are:

B. The x-intercept is (1,0)

F. It is increasing.

The international club at school has 125 members, many of whom speak multiple languages, the most commonly spoken languages in the club are English, Spanish and Chinese.55 students speak Spanish30 students speak Chinese89 students speak English15 students speak Spanish and Chinese20 students speak Chinese and English33 students speak Spanish and English8 students speak allCreate a Venn Diagram


8 students speak all, so it is in the intersection of the three

15 speak Spanish and Chinese, but 15-8=7 do not speak English

20 speak Chinese and English, but 20-8=12 do not speak Spanish

33 speak Spanish and English, but 33-8=25 do not speak Chinese

55 speak Spanish, but 55-25-8-7=15, do not speak English or Chinese

30 speas chinese, but 30-12-8-7=3 do not speak English or Spanish

89 speak English, but 89-12-8-25=44 do not speak Spanish or Chinese

To end our diagram, we add


Then 125-114=11 students don't speak English, Spanish or Chinese

You have quarters and dimes that total $2.80 your friend says it is possible that the number of quarters is 8 than the number of dimes. Is your friend correct? Let d represent the number of dimes. An equation that models this situation is ____ = 2.80


If d is the amount of dimes and the number of quarters is 8 times the number of dimes, then, you have 8d number of quarters.

Moreover, due to the total amount of money is $2.80, then, you have the following expression:

d + 8d = 2.80 simplify like terms left side

9d = 2.80

Hence, the equation is 9d = 2.80

To determine if your friend is correct, solve the equation for d by dividing by 9 both sides:

d = 2.80/9 =

Find the improper fraction with a denominator of 8 that is equivalent to 3 and 1/2



he improper fraction with a denominator of 8 that is equivalent to 3 and 1/2.


Find the improper fraction.


[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{ According to question} \\ \frac{x}{8}=3\frac{1}{2} \\ x=8\times3\frac{1}{2} \\ x=8\times\frac{7}{2} \\ x=28 \\ \text{ So, fraction is }\frac{28}{8}. \end{gathered}[/tex]


[tex]\text{ Improper fraction is }\frac{28}{8}.[/tex]

л IX +6 ІІ 2 someone please help




This can be further solved as, by multiplying with 5 on all the terms,


Thus x can be calculated as


What is the value of y in this simplified expression?11-4= 119118


[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{11^{-4}}{11^{-8}}=11^y \\ 11^{-4-(-8)}=11^y \\ 11^{-4+8}=11^y \\ 11^4=11^y \\ y=4 \end{gathered}[/tex]

?In the table below, y is a linear function of x.X-214710y09182736What is the y intercept of the function


y intercept : (0,6)


Use the formula:

. y = mx + b

Find m (the slope), using 2 random points of the graph: (-2,0) and (1,9)

. m = (y-y1) / (x-x1)

m = (0-9) / (-2-1)

m = -9 / -3

m = 3

Replace m in the equation:

. y = 3x + b

Find b by replacing y and x by a random point of the graph: (1,9)

. 9 = 3*1 + b

b = 9 - 3

b = 6

Replace b in the equation:

. y = 3x +6

To find the y-intercept replace x by 0 in the equation:

. y = 3*0 +6

y = 0+6

y = 6

=> y-intercept : (0,6)

Identify the independent and dependent variables for each relation below.1. "The more hours Maribel works at her job, the larger her paycheck becomes."Independent Variable =Dependent Variable =1. "Increasing the price of an itpunt of people willing to buy it."hours workedIndependent Variable =size of paycheckDependent Variable =


First relation.

Independent variable: Hours worked.

Dependent variable: Size of paycheck

Second relation:

Independent variable: Price of an item

Dependent variable: Number of people willing to buy.

Now, this comes from the fact the the independent variable can be change witho

Need help with this math homework has a couple steps just need someone to guide me through itConstruct the line that is perpendicular to the directrix and passes through the focus this line will be the axis of symmetry of the para bola what are the coordinates of the point of intersection A of the access of symmetry and the directrix of the para bola explain how you can locate the vertex V of the para bola with the given focus and directrix write the coordinates of the vertex When done which way were the para bola open and can you find the value of P is it positive or negative write the equation of the parabola in vertex form


Part A)

The equation of the directrix is x=-5+8=3, x=3

Part B)

After using 'Perpendicular line' tool and 'Intersect' tool, we obtain the purple line and point A. A=(3,2)

The vertex V has to be on the axis of symmetry, halfway between points A and F. Vertex is V=(-1,2)

Part 3)

The focus is to the left of the vertex; therefore, the parabola opens to the left.

In general,

[tex]\begin{gathered} Vertex:\left(h,k\right) \\ Focus:\left(h+p,k\right) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Then, in our case,

[tex]\begin{gathered} \Rightarrow\left(h,k\right)=\left(-1,2\right) \\ and \\ \left(h+p,k\right)=\left(-5,2\right) \end{gathered}[/tex]

Thus, p=-4

Finding the equation in vertex form,

[tex]\begin{gathered} x=\frac{1}{4*-4}\left(y-2\right)^2-1 \\ \Rightarrow x=-\frac{1}{16}\left(y-2\right)^2-1 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The answer is x=-(y-2)^2/16-1

____years will be spent on working and ___years will be spent on eating food


In the graph, we can see the following:

We know that a person will devote 28 years working and eating from the word problem. Also, the number of years working will exceed the number of years eating by 20. Then, we have:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Number of years working }+\text{Number of years eating }=28 \\ 24+4=28 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, a person will be spent 24 years working and 4 years eating food.

The following data are the final exams scored on the 13th student in a small calculus class


The following data set for the final exam score in a calculus class

(a) The data set represents a sample data

(b) Range

[tex]\begin{gathered} \text{Range = Highest mark - Lowest mark} \\ \text{Range = 98-60} \\ \text{Range = 38} \end{gathered}[/tex]

(c) Variance

[tex]\text{Variance = }\frac{\sum ^{}_{}(x-\bar{x})^2}{n}=\frac{2796.36}{13}=215.105[/tex]

(d) Standard Deviation

[tex]\begin{gathered} S\mathrm{}D\text{ = }\sqrt[]{variance} \\ S\mathrm{}D\text{ = }\sqrt[]{215.105} \\ S\mathrm{}D\text{ = }14.666 \end{gathered}[/tex]

calculate the difference quotient and use your results to find the slope of the tangent line


Approximate Slope of a Function

We are given the function:

[tex]H(x)=8\ln x+3[/tex]

We will find the approximate value of the slope at (e,11).

It's required to use 3 possible values of the approximation differential h.

Let's use h=0.1 and evaluate the function at x = e + 0.1 = 2.8182818


[tex]H(e+0.1)=8\ln 2.8182818+3=11.2890193[/tex]

Compute the difference quotient:


Now we use h=0.01:

[tex]H(e+0.01)=8\ln 2.728281828+3=11.02937635[/tex]

The difference quotient is:


Finally, use h=0.001:

[tex]H(e+0.001)=8\ln 2.719281828+3=11.00294249[/tex][tex]H^{\prime}=\frac{11.00294249-11}{0.001}=2.9424943[/tex]

The last result is the most accurate, thus the slope of the tangent line is 2.94

Point P is located at (4, 8) on a coordinate plane.  Point Pwill be reflected over the x − axis.  What will be thecoordinates of the image of point P?



Step 1:

In this question, we are given that:

Point P is located at (4, 8) on a coordinate plane.

Point P will be reflected over the x-axis.

What will be the coordinates of the image of point P?

Step 2:

How do you reflect a point over the x-axis?

When you reflect a point across the x-axis, the x-coordinate remains the same, but the y-coordinate is taken to be the additive inverse.

The reflection of point (x, y) across the x-axis is (x, -y).


Point P ( 4, 8 ) reflected over the x-axis is ( 4, -8 ) -- OPTION C

Solve for 3+y/2=-212


You have the following equation:


In order to solve the previous equation for y, proceed as follow:

3 + y/2 = -212 subtract 3 both sides

y/2 = -212 - 3 simplify right side

y/2 = -215 multiply by 2 both sides to cancel the denominator left side

y = -215(2)

y = -430

Hence, the solution for y in the given equation is y = -430

In which quadrant or ok which axis does the point lie ?



We are given the following point:


We are required to determine the quadrant, or the axis it lies on a coordinate plane.

We start by plotting the point thus:

Hence, the answer is:


The last option is correct.

Hernando’s salary was $47,500 last year. This year his salary was cut to $38,475. Find the percent decrease


To determine the percentage of decrease that Hernando's salary was cut, we first calculate the total value, then the ratio of this value to the initial one, then we multiplicate by 100, to get it in percent, as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} 47,500-38,475=9,025 \\ \frac{9,025}{47,500}=0.19 \\ 0.19\times100=19\text{ \%} \end{gathered}[/tex]From the solution we developed above, we are able to conclude that the salary of Hernando was cut by 19 %

find the sum of the first 6 terms of the following sequence. round to the nearest hundredth if necessary.35, 14, 28/5,...sum of a finite geometric series:Sn=a1-a1^r^n/1-r




To find the sum of a finite geometric series, use the formula,



[tex]\begin{gathered} a=\text{ first term} \\ r=\text{ common ratio} \\ n=\text{ number of terms} \\ S_n=sumo\text{f the firts n terms} \end{gathered}[/tex]


Step 1

find the common ratio :

To calculate the common ratio in a geometric sequence, divide the n^th term by the (n - 1)^th term,in other words you can just divide each number from the number preceding it in the sequence

[tex]coomin\text{ ratio =}\frac{n\text{ term }}{(n-1)\text{ term}}[/tex]


[tex]common\text{ ratio=}\frac{\frac{28}{5}}{\frac{14}{1}}=\frac{28}{70}=0.4[/tex]

so r= 0.4

Step 2

Now we can use the formula



[tex]\begin{gathered} r=0.4 \\ n=\text{ 6} \\ a=35 \end{gathered}[/tex]

b) finally, replace in the formula

[tex]\begin{gathered} S_n=\frac{a(1-r^n)}{(1-r)} \\ S_n=\frac{35(1-0.4^6)}{(1-0.4)} \\ Sn=35*1.62984 \\ Sn=58.0944\text{ } \\ rounded \\ S_n=58.09 \end{gathered}[/tex]

therefore, the answer is


I hope this helps you

Solve the following Equation:-5k=12


k = -2.4

Explanation:[tex]-5k\text{ = 12}[/tex]

Divide both sides by -5:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{-5k}{-5}=\frac{12}{-5} \\ \end{gathered}[/tex]

Division of same sign gives positive number. Division of opposite signs give negative number.

[tex]\begin{gathered} k\text{ = -12/5} \\ k\text{ = -2.4} \end{gathered}[/tex]

I am going to attach a photo of the question. as you can tell the question has already been answered but my teacher wants me to show how she got the answer.



The ratio of their surface area is;



Given the length of the slant height of the cone as;

[tex]\begin{gathered} l_A=35\text{ in} \\ l_B=21\text{ in} \end{gathered}[/tex]

since the cones are similar, the ratio of their sides is;

[tex]\begin{gathered} A\colon B \\ =35\colon21 \\ l^{}_A\colon l^{}_B=5\colon3 \end{gathered}[/tex]

The ratio of the total surface area is the square of the ratio of the sides.

[tex]\begin{gathered} S_A\colon S_B=l^2_A\colon l^2_B \\ S_A\colon S_B=5^2_{}\colon3^2_{} \\ S_A\colon S_B=25\colon9 \end{gathered}[/tex]

Therefore, the ratio of their surface area is;


Error Analysis .... Your friend knows that <1 and <2 are complementary and that <1and <3 are complementary. He concludes that <2 and <3 must becomplementary. What is his error in reasoning? *


In this case, we'll have to carry out several steps to find the solution.

Step 01:

We must analyze the problem to find the error.


∠1 + ∠2 = 90

∠1 + ∠3 = 90

Step 02:

∠1 = 25

25 + ∠2 = 90

∠2 = 90 - 25

= 65

∠1 = 25

25 + ∠3 = 90

∠3 = 90 - 25

= 65

∠2 + ∠3 = 130

The answer is:

∠2 = ∠3

Angle 2 and angle 3 are equal, but they are not always complementary.

I don't know how to shade for the 2nd one please help


Answer:  Your result (without simplifying) is actually 2/36, so you would shade two boxes out of the 36 shown.

NOTE: For problem #19, you have 6 boxes for shading, so each box represents 3 increments (3x6=18 boxes). For your result of 5/18, you should only shade the first box and 2/3 of the next box (the other four boxes should be unshaded).

Hope this helps!

Step-by-step explanation:

−6x−y=9−2x+10y=−28 please help me


We have to solve the linear system:

-6x - y = 9

-2x + 10y = -28

Multiply both sides of the first equation by 10:

-60x - 10y = 90

-2x + 10y = -28

Now sum both equations, we get:

-60x - 2x -10y + 10y = 90 - 28

-62x + 0 = 62

-62x = 62

x = 62 / -62

x = -1

Now lets find y. I'm going to use the first equation since it is easier to do the math:

-6x - y = 9

-6(-1) - y = 9

6 - y = 9

-y = 9 - 6

-y = 3

y = -3

So the solution of the linear system is x = -1, y = -3 or simply (-1, -3).

Answer: x = -1 ; y = -3

14. The measure of one side of an equilateral triangle is (s+6) inches long. Write 2 different, equivalent
expressions to represent the perimeter of the triangle.



Perimeter of the equilateral triangle = 3(s + 6) inches

Perimeter of the equilateral triangle = 3s + 18 inches



One of the sides of an equilateral triangle = (s + 6)

To find:

2 different equivalent expressions that represent the perimeter of the triangle

To determine the expression, we need to apply the formula for the perimeter of an equilateral triangle

[tex]\begin{gathered} Perimeter\text{ of equilateral triangle = sum of all 3 sides} \\ since\text{ all sides of an equilateral triangle are equal,} \\ Perimeter\text{ = 3}\times\text{ one of the side} \end{gathered}[/tex][tex]\begin{gathered} one\text{ of the side = s + 6} \\ \\ Perimter\text{ = 3 }\times(s\text{ + 6\rparen} \\ Perimeter\text{ of the equilateral triangle = 3\lparen s + 6\rparen inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Another expression for the perimeter:

[tex]\begin{gathered} Perimeter\text{ = 3\lparen s + 6\rparen} \\ Expanding\text{ the parenthesis using distributive property:} \\ Perimeter\text{ = 3\lparen s\rparen + 3\lparen6\rparen} \\ Perimeter\text{ of the equilateral triangle = 3s + 18 inches} \end{gathered}[/tex]

Find the quotient. Write your answer in standard form. 3+ O A. + COLO O B.-1 O C. 1-1 OD. llo 011


Option A is correct.

The given complex number is


Multiply the numerator and denominator by 3+i and solve as follows:

[tex]\begin{gathered} \frac{3+i}{3-1}\times\frac{3+i}{3-i}=\frac{(3+i)^2}{3^2-i^2} \\ =\frac{3^2+i^2+6i}{9+1} \\ =\frac{9-1+6i}{10} \\ =\frac{8+6i}{10} \\ =\frac{8}{10}+\frac{6}{10}i \\ =\frac{4}{5}+\frac{3}{5}i \end{gathered}[/tex]

1) What is the greatest common factor (GCF) of 9 and 27? 1 3 9 27



GCF = 9


To find the Greatest Common Factors of 9 and 27:

Step 1: Find the factors of 9 and 27

Factors of 9 = 1, 3, 9

Factors of 27 = 1, 3, 9, 27

Step 2: Find the Common Factors of 9 and 27

That is, the factors that are common to both 9 and 27

Common Factors of 9 and 27 = 1, 3, 9

Step 3: Find the Greatest Common Factor

The Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the greatest of all the common factors in step 2

Greatest Common Factor = 9

Hello can you help me with this. 4/10 = 1/X. it for a Recipe for Salt


We solve it as follows:

[tex]\frac{4}{10}=\frac{1}{x}\Rightarrow x=\frac{1\cdot10}{4}\Rightarrow x=\frac{5}{2}[/tex]

So, the value of x is 5/2.

The domain of a quadratic function is all real numbers. The range of the quadratic function is determined by the vertex of the parabola. If the parabola has a minimum value than the range will be all outputs (less than or greater than) that maximum value. If the parabola has a maximum value then the range will be all outputs (equal to or less than) that maximum value.



If the parabola has a minimum value, the range will be all outputs greater than the maximum value. If the parabola has a maximum value then the range will be all outputs less than that maximum value.


The range of a function is the set of values that the y-variable can take. If the parabola has a minimum value, the y-variable can take values greater than or equal to the minimum.

In the same way, if the parabola has a maximum value, the y-variable can take values less than the maximum.

Therefore, the answers are:

If the parabola has a minimum value, the range will be all outputs greater than the maximum value. If the parabola has a maximum value then the range will be all outputs less than that maximum value.

Help me please . And have a good day :D


Correct option is A, 0 to 0.25

and E, 15 to 20.


a data of f(x) and g(x) corresponding to the values of x is given.


we have to find the interval in ehich g(x) grows faster than f(x).


from the given data, it is clear that g(x) growing faster than f(

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