Give a force of 44 new and an accelerated of 4 m/s2, what is the object mass?



Answer 1
try 11, i’m not too sure sorry
and don’t ever click the links, they try hack ur computer, stay safe boo xox

Related Questions

Do you attend Hagwon?
Does Hagwon help in improving your grades?


No I don’t attend it but after some research, the school seems pretty bad.
I mean, why beat the students if they don’t have perfect grades? Why not talk it outء?
But that’s just from what I’ve read.

But this is what I got for your answer.
The best resources you will have for finding a great hagwon are the teachers who are currently working there. Be sure to ask for a contact at the school so you can speak directly with someone who has been there.

If you really wanna attend there, gl. Tell me how it goes

No I don't attend it..

They don't really help much in improving grades in my opinion..

here is something which may help you:


Hagwon is the Korean-language word for a for-profit private institute, academy, or cram school prevalent in South Korea. Although most widely known for their role as "cram schools", where children can study to improve test scores, hagwons actually perform several educational functions:

•supplementary education that many children need just to keep up with the regular school curriculum..

•remedial education for the children who fall behind in their work..

•training in areas not covered in schools..

•preparation for students striving to improve test scores and preparing for the high school and university entrance examinations (the university entrance exam is also called suneung (수능))..

Some information on Hagwon..

Hagwons normally operate from around 4-10pm on weekdays and all day on the weekends. Regular school starts around eight in the morning, which means some of these students are sitting in the classroom for as many as fourteen or fifteen hours a day. This is before they go home to complete their homework.

Not many children would be good at coping with this kind of stress. As a hagwon teacher, it is very important to understand the stress your student faces. If your students are messing around, having a hard time focusing or never seem to complete their homework, it’s probably not because they are bad or rebellious students; it’s often simply because they cannot keep up and they’ve focused for as long as they can for one day.

how to know if the source is primary or secondary source



Primary Source is an artifact that was created during the time period under study.  For example, diaries, interviews, speech, fiction.

Secondary Source interprets and analyzes primary sources. It was made after the event.  For example, biographies, textbooks, reviews, encyclopedias


I have notes about it and i copy word for word when my teacher tell us to. I hope this information help you!

A primary source gives you direct access to the subject of your research. Secondary sources provide second-hand information and commentary from other researchers.

Which phrase best describes due process?

1a system used to make laws
2a system used to ensure fair justice
3a system used to conduct fair elections
4a system used to amend the Constitution


3a or 4a welcome my boy:)


its 2a


Due process

Due process is the legal requirement that the state must respect all legal rights that are owed to a person. Due process balances the power of law of the land and protects the individual person from it.

Corruption creates?
A. an unfair society but it is needed in order for government to operate.
B. an unfair society where laws only apply to some of the people
C. A fair society where laws apply to all of the people
D. All of the above



B. An unfair society where laws only apply to some of the people.


Which individual was a key player in the Harlem Renaissance ?
a.ernest Hemingway
b.georgia o keefle
c.gertude stein
d.langston Hughes ​


the answer will be b georia o keefle

What step should you take first when drawing a conclusion?

A. First, you should consider all the facts and anything you know about them.
B. First, you should come to a conclusion about what the facts mean.
C. First, you should write down the facts and details from the text.
D. First, you should research the author to get to know her style.





C! can you put me as the brainliest thank you

How to tell your parents that you want to change religion?

i want to be Christian
but my parents always disagree my opinion
i trust Jesus
i pray to Jesus and those prays is granted!!!
I'm not lying he's granted my wishes
yesterday i want storm, a rainy day, that happened after i pray to Jesus

even though Jesus came into my dreams
my parents could say "that isn't Jesus, that's satan who came into your dream" just believe in Islam

dude i like huh? i want freedom!!

please help me
i can't even be close to Jesus :'(

even now i'm in Islam
but i still believe in Jesus


i’m a Christian and i understand your struggle but Jesus is not a wishing well for wanting something like a storm lol, your prayers will be answered yes, but you asking for a storm and it happening might be a coincidence, but yes God can do crazy things for you. But i’m sorry for what’s going on, maybe try talking to a family member that might be Christian or a friend, your parents might not accept it at first but it’s honestly your decision in the end between you and God. As long as you still respect your parents and their religion.

Name the hormones released by the ants. (ii) How this hormone is useful for the ants? (iii) Name any two insects other than ants which release this hormone.



i. ecdysone

ii. for molting and metamorphosis

iii. Spider and termite


i.  ecdysone


Hormones control the molting and metamorphosis in ants. The body wall has sensory receptors that trigger production of hormone from neurosecretory cells in the brain. This hormone then act on the prothoracic gland/an endocrine gland in the prothorax. This gland then secretes molting hormone “ecdysone” that act on the epidermis and stimulate growth and cuticle formation.

iii. Spider and termite



Share your sales pitch or brochure with a friend, classmate, or a family member. Ask for some feedback. Tell your reviewer to focus on how well the writing fits the task you were given. It should make a good argument about why a customer would want to visit the region you’ve chosen. Your writing should be engaging. Ask the reviewer to check on how well the writing is suited to the target audience—the customers of the travel agency.

After you get feedback about your pitch, write a short, reflective piece about the feedback, including details from your reviewer. Make note of what was good about your pitch, areas that might need improvement, and how you would rework your pitch based on the feedback.

make it up its due in a day I need help plz


The correct answer to this open question is the following.

Although you do not specify the travel destination you chose for your pitch, we can help you commenting different ideas so you can adapt them to your answer.

This would be the idea of the feedback.

My older brother told me the following things to improve my presentation.

Regarding writing(the brochure), I should use shorter sentences to transmit a more specific idea of the place to visit. He said that I spent too many lines writing about historical fats of the place, instead of fusing on the touristic attractions.

He said these ideas could be translated to my pitch because are similar. First, he told me that I should give a shorter introduction to focus on the tourist attractions. He said that introduction should take a couple of ideas and go directly to the beautiful places that attract tourists.

As my target audience was college students, he said that I should highlight the places that could cause more interest in this segmentation.

The last piece of advice he gave was to add more visuals to make the presentation more attractive. He said that many images could better attract the attention of the audience.  

So what I did to rework my pitch based on the feedback was to rewrite the introduction, share some historic facts of the place, including fun facts, and then going directly to the tourist sites, restaurants, beaches, and nightlife, I discarded archeological sites and museums because that is not really what college students want to visit. I stay with the beaches, waterparks, and adventure sports. I finally add more pictures and a video clip at the end of my presentation.

Im soooo sorry for all the notifications im giving you

what is the meaning of institution​



A society or organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose.


Institution means a society/organization founded for a religious, educational, social, or similar purpose or an established law, practice, or custom.


Hope this helps. Correct me if I am wrong. Have a good one :)

why my girlfirend does not text me back. and she say that she was in detention then why she playing the game and she say that "i cannot play with u" i trying to make sure if she is lying to me):



ok that nices what the question


You have the right to remain silent and refuse to answer questions. Anything you do or say may be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to consult an attorney before speaking to the police and to have an attorney present during questioning now or in the future. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you before any questioning if you wish. If you decide to answer questions now without an attorney present you will still have the right to stop answering at any time until you talk to an attorney.

The rights above are read to those who are arrested. Which Supreme Court decision made this procedure standard?
Olmstead v. United States
Griswold v. Connecticut
Gideon v. Wainwright
Miranda v. Arizona








Those rights are called the Miranda rights if they are not read to you you can sue.

Choose a civilization that you would like to investigate: ancient China or ancient India. Write down the name of the civilization you selected.



Just write down ancient China or ancient India what ever one you want to investigate

What did Winthrop mean by the phrase we shall be as a city upon a hill


Winthrop warned his fellow Puritans that their new community would be "as a city upon a hill, the eyes of all people are upon us", meaning, if the Puritans failed to uphold their covenant with God, then their sins and errors would be exposed for all the world to see: "So that if we shall deal falsely with our God in ..


Your product must include a graphic representation (pyramid for example) of the different levels of the Indian caste system an explanation of each of the groups that make up the Indian caste system an explanation of the ways the groups within the Indian caste system interact or relate to one another at least four sentences with answers to both of the Reflection Questions Reflection Questions: 1. Do you see a social structure in your school, church, or community? Cite examples and evidence that support your theory that a social structure exists in this environment. 2. What are the positives and negatives of having a social structure?



1. Yes, social structures exist in school; for example, in the building itself the principal runs the school which means they must set rules that all students must follow. Below them, there are that administrators follow the principal and make sure those rules are not being broken. Then below them are teachers who teach the students of the rules that they cannot break.

2. The positive is that there is order in society such that if people follow rules then work will go by more simply without risk of something going wrong. The negative side is that people will take their high position too far and abuse their power. Because of this people may feel like they are being controlled.

Hope this helps!!!

The lines of constant pressure shown on the surface pressure diagram are called ___
pressure lines
stationary lines



pressure lines


Isobars are found ONLY on surface charts. They most commonly connect lines of equal pressure in the units of millibars. High pressure isobars generally occurs with isobars above 1010 mb while low pressure isobars occur with lower than 1010 millibars.

Answer: isobars . Because I got it write on my lesson

In what way was Greek mythology unique from other early religions?



Explanation: The Greeks believed that the gods had children, and in Christianity, God has a child. Differences: Christians believe that there is one God that controls every aspect of human life. However, in Greek religion, there are multiple gods, each in charge of a certain aspect of human life.


Greek mythology was different from other religions in that the Greeks believed in many gods who all had different purposes or backstories, whereas many people were polytheistic.


Give two beliefs that Sunni muslims have about ashura



For Shi’a Muslims all over the world, this is a special but extremely sad day on which they focus solely on commemorating the death of Husayn in battle.


i hope iy helps

Which of the following would most Americans agree is a fundamental American value?






it's the number one thing stressed in the constitution

Timelines are useful for?
A. calculating dates using the Christian era calendar,
B. deciding when the ancient era becomes the medieval era,
C. dividing history into three periods: ancient, medieval, and modern,
D. charting and comparing the patterns and events of history



C is the answer


The Townshend Acts taxed which of the following goods?


The Townshend Acts, named after Charles Townshend, British chancellor of the Exchequer, imposed duties on British china, glass, lead, paint, paper and tea imported to the colonies.




A. cotton

B. gold

C. tea

The Townshend Acts, named after Charles Townshend, British chancellor of the Exchequer, imposed duties on British china, glass, lead, paint, paper and tea imported to the colonies.

Why was President Jefferson upset when France regained Louisiana from Spain?



France suddenly posed a potential threat to America.



When France had set out to conquer Europe, Spain transferred Louisiana, Jefferson was afraid that they would stop the US expansion.


Hope this helped!

What was a main purpose of the mission system?
A. to convert American Indians to Christianity
B. to convert Spanish colonists to Protestantism
C. to convert Spanish colonists to Catholicism
D. to convert American Indians to Puritanism


Answer: A. to convert American Indians to Christianity


The Mission system was a Spanish endeavor as they attempted to spread Christianity (Catholicism to be precise) to American Indians as they believed it to be their duty as Christians and also because it would make colonialization easier.

They set up many missions in the U.S. and trained American Indians there in the tenets of Christianity as well as practical vocations such as farming.




Three basic ( natural rights ) listed in the Declaration of Independence are:
A) that all men and women are created equal.
B) that all men and women are endowed ( provided) with certain unalienable ( absolute ) rights by their creator.
C) that all men and women are guaranteed life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
D) All of the above





As spelled out in the Declaration of Independence are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These three rights are taken directly from a work of John Locke's titled Two Treatises of Government. There are really only three rights listed in the Declaration of Independence. These are the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

Answer: C

Hope it helps you!

Joseph gets stopped by a police officer. They bring him into the station for questioning. Joseph is afraid what he says may get him into trouble and decides not to answer the question. What amendment allows him to do this?



The Fifth Amendment

The Right to Remain Silent


The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution protects people from being compelled to give testimony that could incriminate them. This is not the same as saying that a person has a right to silence at all times. In some situations, police may use silence itself as incriminating evidence

Please mark branliest

Southern whites used several different arguments to justify slavery. Selec
one of their arguments to explain. Then, write an argument against it. *





In fact there is such general agreement that most people would probably say that 'slavery is wrong just because it's wrong'. Even those who practice slavery don't usually try to defend it - they make excuses or attempt to avoid being caught; which suggests that they know that they are doing wrong. Why is slavery wrong?

Slavery and enslavement are both the state and the condition of being a slave, who is someone forbidden to quit their service for another person, while treated as property. Historically, when people were enslaved, it was often because they were indebted, or broke the law, or suffered a military defeat, and the duration of their enslavement was either for life or for a fixed period of time after which freedom was granted. Individuals, then, usually became slaves involuntarily, due to force or coercion, although there was also voluntary slavery to pay a debt or obtain money for some purpose. In the course of human history, slavery was a typical feature of civilization, and legal in most societies, but it is now outlawed in all countries of the world, except as punishment for crime.

Slavery is good for slaves. This argument teaches that slaves lack the ability to run their own lives and are therefore better-off and happier in a system where their lives are run by others. Modern society is unenthusiastic about such 'paternalistic' arguments.

defended slavery rose to the challenge set forth by the Abolitionists. The defenders of slavery included economics, history, religion, legality, social good, and even humanitarianism, to further their arguments.

The span of one year is equal to...
please Answer this correctly ~




A span is the period of time between two dates or events during which something exists, functions, or happens. ... If something spans a long period of time, it lasts throughout that period of time or relates to that whole period of time. His professional career spanned 16 years.


Depends on answer


There are 365 days in a year.

24 hours in a day,

60 minutes in an hour,

and 60 seconds in a minute.

Depending on what you need. Use whatever you need is listed below

365*24 = Hours in a year = 8760

365*24*60 = Minutes in a year = 525600

365*24*60^2 = Seconds in a year = 31536000

I don't know what you are looking for as you left your question quite vague, but I hope this helps :)

What would cause an entire shift in the demand curve to the right?
in demand
in demand
O A decrease in demand. For example, a decrease in sales of hot coffee during a heatwave
An increase in demand. For example, an increase in sales of ice in a heatwave
Neither. Change will only occur along the demand curve



Changes in factors like average income and preferences can cause an entire demand curve to shift right or left. This causes a higher or lower quantity to be demanded at a given price.

how did the nazi party begin?


Wha the do you mean pls Brainlyest

Which is NOT a type of crowd?
O Formative
O Casual
O Expressive


FORMATIVE I know because there is no suck thing as FORMATIVE
Other Questions
the product of two consecutive integers is 5 more than three times the larger integer. Find the larger integer. please help! Anna's Savings Dollars Saved 4 8 Dollars Spent 6 12 18 24 Dollars Earned 10 30 40 Anna walks dogs to earn money. She saves $4 for every $10 she earns. Use your knowledge of ratios to determine whether each statement is TRUE for the missing values on the table. Anna saves $10 for every $20 she earns. Anna saves $12 for every $30 she earns. Anna saves $18 for every $40 she earns. The ratio of the amount of money Anna spends (in dollars) to the amount of money she earns is 3 to plz plz plz help i don't know what to do it's due at midnight Which expressions are equivalent to x + 2y + x + 2?Choose all answers that apply:A 2(x+y+1)B 2x + 4y +4C None of the above I NEED HELP NOWWW.! Sexual reproduction influences genetic variation. Which of the following properly describes the influence that sexual reproduction has on genetic variation?A) Crossing over occurs during meiosis, which results in the exchange of alleles between homologous chromosomes. This exchange of genetic material allows for the production of new combinations of alleles in gametes and an increase in genetic variation.B) Crossing over occurs during mitosis, which results in the exchange of alleles between homologous chromosomes. This exchange of genetic material allows for the production of new combinations of alleles in gametes and an increase in genetic variation.C) Crossing over occurs during mitosis, which results in the exchange of alleles between sister chromatid. This exchange of genetic material allows for the production of identical combinations of alleles in gametes and a decrease in genetic variation.D) Crossing over occurs during meiosis, which results in the exchange of alleles between sister chromatid. This exchange of genetic material allows for the production of identical combinations of alleles in gametes and a decrease in genetic variation. PLEASE ANSWER QUICK :) - As a geologist, you come across a landscape with a massive fault zone thatproduces a lot of large earthquakes but has no volcanoes. What type of plateboundary is this? What are the movements of plates there? Where is this typeof boundary found in California? Which substance is a binary acid? hydrochloric acidO phosphoric acid nitrous acidO sulfuric acid Why do scientists think that Greenland's climate was warm and moist 80 million years ago? Charlie, a pharmacy technician, is in charge of the inventory, including ordering the drugs required by the pharmacy, stocking the shelves, and logging all the new drugs. He needs to order several drugs he had never heard of and does not know which conditions to place them in. He also found that a couple of drugs were classified as radioactive. Need help fast with this What is a social graph? Group of answer choices Maps group contacts identifying who knows each other and who works together. Describes the collaborative activity of marking shared online content with keywords or tags as a way to organize it for future navigation, filtering, or search. Represents the interconnection of relationships in a social network. Uses a keyword or phrase to identify a topic and is preceded by a hash or pound sign (#). 10. Square is aa. Rectangleb. Rhombusc. Bothd. None of these Necesito un texto argumentativo sobre el libro El tunel de ernesto sabato, ayuda Find the area of the sector of the circle given the diameter of the circle is 16 cm, and the central angle of the sector is 45 degrees. Round to the nearest tenth. Use 3.14 for pi. im strugling in this question i need help plis FREE BRAIN LIST NEED HELP ASAP Narcotics are highly addictive and affect the driver'sOa) decision makingOb) visionOc) motor skillsOd) all of the above Divide using "keep change flip": *53323 7/93 8/94 1/9 4 2/9HELP! I NEED HELP WORTH THIS there is one more option of 6,6 also Help please!!Is this relation a function? justify your answer. A. No, because two points with the same y-value have different x-values.B. Yes, because the number of x-values is the same as the number of y-values. C. Yes, because every x- and y-values is positive. D. No, because two points with the same x- value have different y-values.